Moonika Teppo - (original) (raw)
Papers by Moonika Teppo
Journal of Baltic Science Education, 2021
Student perceptions of science teaching could be expected to differ in grade 6 compared with teac... more Student perceptions of science teaching could be expected to differ in grade 6 compared with teaching in grade 9, as could student interest in science learning. To compare Estonian grades 6 and 9, lower secondary school student and science teacher perceptions of teaching/learning approaches as well as student perceived interests/enjoyment on science learning, an instrument was developed taken into account 18 different teaching approaches that could take place in science lessons. An analytical, exploratory structural equation modelling (ESEM) approach supported 4-factor models differentiating between teacher-centred and constructivist approaches for both teachers and students, each having acceptable model fits. Based on outcomes, a regression model was developed associating student interest to learn science with the frequency of teaching and learning approaches explored. Results indicated that approaches associated with teacher-centred approaches were those most frequently undertaken...
Eesti Haridusteaduste Ajakiri. Estonian Journal of Education, 2017
Viimaste aastate uuringute tulemused näitavad, et õpilased hindavad üha enam loodusainete õppimis... more Viimaste aastate uuringute tulemused näitavad, et õpilased hindavad üha enam loodusainete õppimise vajalikkust, kuid endiselt on teemavaldkondi, mille õppimise vastu nad huvi ei tunne, kuna need on vähe seotud nende igapäevaelu või sotsiaalse keskkonnaga. Vähe on aga uuritud seda, kuidas loodusteaduslike õppeainete sisu esitamine eri kontekstis mõjutab õpilaste huvi õppekavaga kindlaks määratud teemade õppimise vastu. Artikli põhieesmärk on välja selgitada, millises kontekstis esitatud loodusteaduslike teemade õppimisest on 9. klassi õpilased (N = 848) huvitatud ning milline on õpilaste motivatsioon õppida loodusteaduslikke õppeaineid. Andmeid koguti katsetatud ja valideeritud kompleksinstrumendiga. Andmete analüüsimiseks kasutati nii peakomponentide kui ka klasteranalüüsi meetodeid. Leitud dimensioonid kirjeldavad õpilaste huvide kontekstuaalset iseloomu. K-keskmiste klasteranalüüsi tulemusena eristus nelja loodusaine sees kolm (kokku 12) õpilaste motivatsiooniprofiili, mis võimald...
Visible and invisible light (infrared and ultraviolet), colours, rainbow, optical instruments.
Revista De Educacion En Ciencias, 2006
Journal of Baltic Science Education, 2003
Education Sciences
Research findings indicate a decline in students’ motivation towards science learning through gra... more Research findings indicate a decline in students’ motivation towards science learning through grade levels. However, there is a lack of studies investigating students’ motivation comparing learning between science subjects and at different school levels. Using self-determination theory as a framework, this study compares perceived changes in intrinsic motivation and student opinions on the relevance of learning science themes among students in grades 6 and 9 (the end of compulsory schooling). To explore such learning, a multidimensional validated instrument is developed and used to collect empirical data from 2673 grade 6 students and 848 grade 9 students. Results from this research indicate statistically significant subject differences regarding sub-components of intrinsic motivation and a declining trend in students’ opinions on the sub-scales of relevance for learning science themes with age. The results further indicate that grade 6 students report significantly higher science-r...
Journal of Baltic Science Education, 2021
Student perceptions of science teaching could be expected to differ in grade 6 compared with teac... more Student perceptions of science teaching could be expected to differ in grade 6 compared with teaching in grade 9, as could student interest in science learning. To compare Estonian grades 6 and 9, lower secondary school student and science teacher perceptions of teaching/learning approaches as well as student perceived interests/enjoyment on science learning, an instrument was developed taken into account 18 different teaching approaches that could take place in science lessons. An analytical, exploratory structural equation modelling (ESEM) approach supported 4-factor models differentiating between teacher-centred and constructivist approaches for both teachers and students, each having acceptable model fits. Based on outcomes, a regression model was developed associating student interest to learn science with the frequency of teaching and learning approaches explored. Results indicated that approaches associated with teacher-centred approaches were those most frequently undertaken...
Eesti Haridusteaduste Ajakiri. Estonian Journal of Education, 2017
Viimaste aastate uuringute tulemused näitavad, et õpilased hindavad üha enam loodusainete õppimis... more Viimaste aastate uuringute tulemused näitavad, et õpilased hindavad üha enam loodusainete õppimise vajalikkust, kuid endiselt on teemavaldkondi, mille õppimise vastu nad huvi ei tunne, kuna need on vähe seotud nende igapäevaelu või sotsiaalse keskkonnaga. Vähe on aga uuritud seda, kuidas loodusteaduslike õppeainete sisu esitamine eri kontekstis mõjutab õpilaste huvi õppekavaga kindlaks määratud teemade õppimise vastu. Artikli põhieesmärk on välja selgitada, millises kontekstis esitatud loodusteaduslike teemade õppimisest on 9. klassi õpilased (N = 848) huvitatud ning milline on õpilaste motivatsioon õppida loodusteaduslikke õppeaineid. Andmeid koguti katsetatud ja valideeritud kompleksinstrumendiga. Andmete analüüsimiseks kasutati nii peakomponentide kui ka klasteranalüüsi meetodeid. Leitud dimensioonid kirjeldavad õpilaste huvide kontekstuaalset iseloomu. K-keskmiste klasteranalüüsi tulemusena eristus nelja loodusaine sees kolm (kokku 12) õpilaste motivatsiooniprofiili, mis võimald...
Visible and invisible light (infrared and ultraviolet), colours, rainbow, optical instruments.
Revista De Educacion En Ciencias, 2006
Journal of Baltic Science Education, 2003
Education Sciences
Research findings indicate a decline in students’ motivation towards science learning through gra... more Research findings indicate a decline in students’ motivation towards science learning through grade levels. However, there is a lack of studies investigating students’ motivation comparing learning between science subjects and at different school levels. Using self-determination theory as a framework, this study compares perceived changes in intrinsic motivation and student opinions on the relevance of learning science themes among students in grades 6 and 9 (the end of compulsory schooling). To explore such learning, a multidimensional validated instrument is developed and used to collect empirical data from 2673 grade 6 students and 848 grade 9 students. Results from this research indicate statistically significant subject differences regarding sub-components of intrinsic motivation and a declining trend in students’ opinions on the sub-scales of relevance for learning science themes with age. The results further indicate that grade 6 students report significantly higher science-r...