Mariana Moreira Neto - (original) (raw)

Papers by Mariana Moreira Neto

Research paper thumbnail of Management of low-grade gliomas

Background: Gliomas are the most aggressive and prevalent primary malignant tumors of the central... more Background: Gliomas are the most aggressive and prevalent primary malignant tumors of the central nervous system. For better mapping, they are subclassified into degrees in proportion to their malignancy. Although low-grade patients have a better prognosis, they are extremely heterogeneous. Since the high variability in the outcomes of the condition, it is essential to investigate the current therapeutic strategies available. Objective: Analyze the management of low-grade gliomas. Methods: In April 2021, a literature review was conducted on MEDLINE using the descriptors: “Glioma”, “Low Grade”; “Treatment”; as well as their variations obtained in MeSH. Controlled and randomized clinical trials carried out on humans in the last five years were included. Results: 63 articles were found and 10 of them were analyzed in this review. The research has shown that total tumor resection is the therapeutic modality that causes the greatest drop in the mortality rates. Furthermore, the greater the extraction, the greater the progression-free survival. In this way, for greater safety of large-scale surgeries, several intraoperative techniques have been developed. An example is the waking approach, which presents favorable long-term functional results and low failure rates. However, the isolated surgery is often not sufficiently curative. Therefore, it is necessary to complement radiotherapy and chemotherapy with temozolomide, associated with a 5 to 10 year survival rate when combined. Conclusions: Studies have shown that total resection of the tumor is the best way to manage low-grade gliomas, but it is often combined with temozolamide chemotherapy and radiotherapy for a better prognosis.

Research paper thumbnail of Vaginismo - Aspectos Clínicos e Impacto Na Vida Da Mulher

Editora Pasteur eBooks, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Estratégias para recuperação de xilooligossacarídeos do licor de resíduos de eucalipto para avaliação do seu efeito estimulante em Staphylococcus xylosus

Revista do Instituto Adolfo Lutz, May 26, 2023

Xilooligossacarídeos (XOS) são reconhecidos pelo seu potencial prebiótico relevante para diversos... more Xilooligossacarídeos (XOS) são reconhecidos pelo seu potencial prebiótico relevante para diversos setores industriais e foram obtidos após o pré-tratamento hidrotérmico da biomassa lignocelulósica residual de galhos de eucalipto. Subprodutos inibitórios são gerados durante o processo de solubilização dos oligossacarídeos e acabam comprometendo a utilização do licor em microrganismos. Neste trabalho, o processo de destoxificação, hidrólise enzimática e atividade estimulantes de crescimento da bactéria Staphylococcus xylosus foram estabelecidos. Os resultados mostraram que a adsorção com carvão ativado em pó removeu cerca de 55% do ácido acético e mais de 90% do ácido fórmico, compostos fenólicos, lignina solúvel, furfural e 5-hidroximetilfurfural, e que a soma dos oligossacarídeos xilobiose (X2) e xilotriose (X3) foram maximizadas de 0,57 g/L para 1,21 g/L com 110 U/g XOS da enzima endoxilanase e 6,3% do licor destoxificado na hidrólise enzimática. O consumo de cerca de 63% de X2 e de 46% de X3 pela bactéria em meio basal deficiente em fontes de carbono, mas acrescido com os oligômeros, proporcionou maior crescimento celular em relação aos meios basais com alta composição de carbono, com e sem XOS, revelando seu potencial prebiótico pelo efeito estimulante de crescimento.

Research paper thumbnail of A influência da escolaridade dos pacientes na aplicação de questionários clínicos em osteoartrite

Objetivo: Avaliar a consistencia dos Questionarios (WOMAC, LEQUESNE, EVA, SF-36 PCS e SF 36- MCS)... more Objetivo: Avaliar a consistencia dos Questionarios (WOMAC, LEQUESNE, EVA, SF-36 PCS e SF 36- MCS) quando aplicados nos pacientes portadores de osteoartrite dos joelhos (OAJ) verificando se a escolaridade e a idade interferem no preenchimento dos questionarios. Metodo: Cento e dois pacientes com diagnostico de OAJ responderam os questionarios de WOMAC, LESQUESNE, EVA e SF-36 e os dados correlacionados com idade e escolaridade. Foi verificada a consistencia interna do questionario de WOMAC com uso do alpha de Cronbach, e as correlacoes de Pearson entre as escalas avaliadas, a idade e a escolaridade. Resultados: A idade media foi de 65 anos, escolaridade de media 7,94 anos. WOMAC 47,95; EVA 63,57; Lequesne 12,29; PCS 31,91 e MCS 43,68. Alfa de Crombach para WOMAC de 0,9. Aleatoriedade do WOMAC segundo escolaridade (correlacao – 0,182 / p= 0,067) e baixa correlacao relacao das escalas EVA (r =-0,264/p=0,007), Lequesne (r =-0,277/ p= 0,005), PCS (r = 0,309/p = 0,002) e MCS (r= 0,021/ p= 0,835) com a escolaridade dos pacientes. A idade apresentou correlacao direta significativa apenas com PCS (r= 0,205/ p =0,039). Conclusao: O grau de escolaridade nao interfere no preenchimento do WOMAC, mas podem interferir no preenchimento do EVA, Lequesne e componente fisico do SF-36. NIVEL DE EVIDENCIA E TIPO DE TRABALHO: II retrospectivo DESCRITORES: Osteoartrite, Questionarios, Articulacao do Joelho.

Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of Meditation on the Cognitive Functions of Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease

Introduction: Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia, which has no cure and... more Introduction: Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia, which has no cure and, also, effective therapies to prevent or slow the progression of AD remain elusive. Thus, it is necessary to find another way to treat this disease Objective: Investigate the impact of meditation on the cognitive function of patients with AD. Methods: In April 2021, a systematic review was carried out on MEDLINE using the descriptors: “Meditation” and “Alzheimer Disease” and their variations. Studies published in the last 10 years and in English were included. Results: Of the 40 articles found, four are part of this review. It was showed that meditation generates improvements in memory as it increases cerebral blood flow, stabilizes synapses and elevates important neurotransmitters. Aligned, it can improve sleep quality and retrospective memory function. Furthermore, daily practices help in neuropsychological conditions and generate beneficial changes in brain structure and function. Finally, it provokes changes in the brain network, such as the increased power of the theta band, involved in memory processes. Conclusion: The results imply a positive effect of meditation on patients with AD. However, further research is needed to confirm the validity of the results.

Research paper thumbnail of Biodigestor: Uma Alternativa Sustentável

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Aug 1, 2012

Este trabalho tem por finalidade descobrir a importância de alternativas sustentaveis para uma me... more Este trabalho tem por finalidade descobrir a importância de alternativas sustentaveis para uma melhor qualidade de vida. Material e Metodo: Os alunos explicam a importância de alternativas sustentaveis, principalmente sobre o biodigestor, cujo um exemplar foi confeccionado por eles que passaram a monitorar a liberacao do gas durante o periodo de maio ate os dias atuais. Relatam sobre os creditos de carbono Resultados e Discussao: os alunos divulgaram o trabalho na escola, para os professores, nas escolas municipais e no Rotary Club.

Research paper thumbnail of The Experience of Adult Children Caregivers of Oncology Patients in Palliative Care

Psicologia, saúde & doenças, Nov 1, 2022

Resumo: Frente ao contexto de oncologia e cuidados paliativos, a atenção ao paciente deve ser est... more Resumo: Frente ao contexto de oncologia e cuidados paliativos, a atenção ao paciente deve ser estendida aos familiares, visto que estes também sofrem os impactos da doença, ainda mais quando assumem o papel de cuidadores. Este trabalho trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, de caráter descritivo e exploratório, que teve por objetivo compreender a experiência de filhos cuidadores de pacientes com câncer, acompanhados pelo Programa Gerenciado de Cuidados Paliativos de um hospital oncológico adulto de Porto Alegre-RS. As participantes foram oito filhas de pacientes internados, selecionadas por conveniência. A coleta de dados ocorreu por meio de um questionário de dados sócio-demográficos e uma entrevista semi-estruturada, sendo os materiais avaliados através do método de análise de conteúdo. Os resultados obtidos evidenciaram os impactos na vida das famílias, ressaltando as repercussões emocionais do adoecimento, as reverberações do papel de cuidadora, as mudanças na rotina, bem como nos planos e projetos frente à iminência da perda. Todas as participantes manifestaram o desejo de exercer o cuidado diante dos sentimentos de gratidão e carinho para com o seu genitor. Contudo, também demonstraram sobrecarga com esta função, além de sintomas ansiosos e depressivos. A vivência dos filhos convoca a reflexões e intervenções específicas direcionadas a esta população, atentando para a importância de estudos sobre essa temática.

Research paper thumbnail of Estratégias de Enfrentamento de Familiares de Pacientes em UTI

A unidade de terapia intensiva caracteriza-se como um ambiente voltado ao atendimento a pacientes... more A unidade de terapia intensiva caracteriza-se como um ambiente voltado ao atendimento a pacientes graves. Para a família, a internação em UTI tende a ser vivida como período de angústia e, para tanto, os membros da família utilizam-se de estratégias de enfrentamento. Objetivo: identificar as estratégias de enfrentamento utilizadas pelos familiares de pacientes hospitalizados em unidades de terapia intensiva através de uma revisão sistemática da literatura. Metodologia: foram selecionadas publicações da Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, Pubmed e Scielo, nos idiomas inglês, português e espanhol, publicados no período de janeiro de 2008 a junho de 2020 com os descritores "Family", "Intensive Care Units" e "Coping". Resultados: Destes estudos, onze artigos foram incluídos na revisão. Os resultados mostram que as estratégias de enfrentamento focadas no problema são as mais utilizadas pelos familiares. As estratégias focadas na emoção, a religião e o suporte social apareceram como meios que os familiares encontram para minimizar o sofrimento e lidar com a internação. O coping evitativo está ligado ao desenvolvimento de transtorno de estresse pós-traumático. Conclusão: no contexto hospitalar é necessário que os profissionais de saúde estejam atentos aos estilos de coping para que sejam realizadas intervenções focais visando maior adaptação dos familiares. Palavras-chave: enfrentamento; família; unidades de terapia intensiva.

Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of Kindergarten Outdoor Policies and Physical Environments on Children’s Affordances to Play

Sakarya Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi dergisi, Jun 30, 2021

The existence of specific quality indicators of kindergarten outdoor physical environments and pe... more The existence of specific quality indicators of kindergarten outdoor physical environments and pedagogical policies seems to promote different affordances to play, which has impacts on children's play behavior, and on their motor and socio-emotional development. This article presents a methodology to be used in a PhD project, which aims to analyze the quality of the outdoor physical environments and pedagogical policies of 19 kindergartens in Gondomar (Portugal), to determine their impact on preschool children's play affordances. A comprehensive mixed methodology will be applied in two stages. At the first stage, an in-loco observation scale, and surveys completed by the kindergarten's directors and educators will be used to assess the quality of outdoor physical environment and pedagogical policies. In the second stage, 2 kindergartens will be selected (one with high scores and one with low scores on the quality assessment). In each of them; the play yard choices, types of play and interaction with the peers will be analysed through RFDI sensors, participant and systematic observation, and video records. Children's motor and socio-emotional competence will be assessed through standardized assessment batteries. Children's perception of the kindergarten outdoor space will also be analyzed through drawings and interviews. Surveys will be completed by educators and parents to assess their perceptions of outdoor play. This study aims to contribute to the increase in the amount of scientific knowledge about the quality indicators regarding the outdoors physical environment and pedagogical practices of kindergartens, assessing their impact on children's play behavior. This issue has particular importance after a long period of lockdown caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, in which outdoor play behaviors and movement were more restricted and have inevitably changed (

Research paper thumbnail of A systematic structural comparison of all solved small proteins (4-6 kDa) reveals the weight of disulfide bonds in proteins’ foldability

bioRxiv (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory), Mar 30, 2021

Defensins are small proteins, usually ranging from 4 to 6 kDa, amphipathic, disulfiderich, and wi... more Defensins are small proteins, usually ranging from 4 to 6 kDa, amphipathic, disulfiderich, and with a small or even absent hydrophobic core. Since a hydrophobic core is generally found in globular proteins that fold in an aqueous solvent, the peculiar fold of defensins can challenge tertiary protein structure predictors. We performed a PDB-wide survey of small proteins (4-6 kDa) to understand the similarities of defensins with other small disulfide-rich proteins. We found no differences when we compared defensins with non-defensins regarding the proportion and exposition to the solvent of apolar, polar, and charged residues. Then we divided all small proteins (4-6 kDa) deposited in PDB into two groups, one group with at least one disulfide bond (bonded, defensins included) and another group without any disulfide bond (unbonded). The group of bonded proteins presented apolar residues more exposed to the solvent than the unbonded group. The ab initio algorithm for tertiary protein structure prediction Robetta was more accurate to predict unbonded than bonded proteins. Our work highlights one more layer of complexity for the tertiary protein prediction structure: small disulfide-rich proteins' ability to fold even with a poor hydrophobic core. Abbreviations Protein Data Bank (PDB), root-mean-square deviation (RMSD).

Research paper thumbnail of The distribution, conservation and correlation with translational efficiency of the first five codons in Escherichia coli genes

bioRxiv (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory), Jul 11, 2019

Translation initiation is a critical step in the regulation of protein synthesis, and it is subje... more Translation initiation is a critical step in the regulation of protein synthesis, and it is subjected to different control mechanisms, such as 5' UTR secondary structure and initiation codon context, that can influence the rates at which initiation and consequentially translation occur. For some genes, translation elongation also affects the rate of protein synthesis. With a GFP library containing nearly all possible combinations of nucleotides from the 3 rd to the 5 th codon positions in the protein coding region of the mRNA, it was previously demonstrated that some nucleotide combinations increased GFP expression up to four orders of magnitude. While it is clear that the codon region from positions 3 to 5 can influence protein expression levels of artificial constructs, its impact on endogenous proteins is still unknown. Through bioinformatics analysis, we identified the nucleotide combinations of the GFP library in Escherichia coli genes and examined the correlation between the expected levels of translation according to the GFP data with the experimental measures of protein expression. We observed that E. coli genes were enriched with the nucleotide compositions that enhanced protein expression in the GFP library, but surprisingly, it seemed to affect the translation efficiency only marginally. Nevertheless, our data indicate that different enterobacteria present similar nucleotide composition enrichment as E. coli, suggesting an evolutionary pressure towards the conservation of short translational enhancer sequences.

Research paper thumbnail of Endogenous polybasic polypeptides cause slower movement of ribosomes but are not targets of the ribosome quality control (RQC) complex

bioRxiv (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory), Nov 21, 2019

Highly positively charged protein segments are known to result in poor translation efficiency. Th... more Highly positively charged protein segments are known to result in poor translation efficiency. This effect is explained by ribosome stalling caused by electrostatic interactions between the nascent peptide and the negatively charged ribosome exit tunnel, leading to translation termination followed by protein degradation mediated by the RQC complex. These polybasic sequences are mainly studied in the context of artificial reporter systems. Examples of endogenous yeast proteins targeted by the RQC complex are Rqc1, a protein essential for RQC function, and Sdd1. Both contain polybasic sequences that are thought to activate the RQC, leading to protein down-regulation. Here, we investigated whether the RQC complex regulates other endogenous proteins with polybasic sequences. We show by bioinformatics, ribosome profiling data analysis, and western blot that endogenous proteins containing polybasic sequences similar to, or even more positively charged than those of Rqc1 and Sdd1, are not targeted by the RQC complex suggesting that endogenous polybasic sequences are not sufficient to induce this type of regulation. Finally, our results also suggest that Rqc1 is regulated post-translationally by the E3 component of the RQC complex Ltn1, in a manner independent of the RQC complex.

Research paper thumbnail of From reporters to endogenous genes: the impact of the first five codons on translation efficiency in Escherichia coli

Translation initiation is a critical step in the regulation of protein synthesis, and it is subje... more Translation initiation is a critical step in the regulation of protein synthesis, and it is subjected to different control mechanisms, such as 5' UTR secondary structure and initiation codon context, that can influence the rates at which initiation and consequentially translation occur. For some genes, translation elongation also affects the rate of protein synthesis. With a GFP library containing nearly all possible combinations of nucleotides from the 3 rd to the 5 th codon positions in the protein coding region of the mRNA, it was previously demonstrated that some nucleotide combinations increased GFP expression up to four orders of magnitude. While it is clear that the codon region from positions 3 to 5 can influence protein expression levels of artificial constructs, its impact on endogenous proteins is still unknown. Through bioinformatics analysis, we identified the nucleotide combinations of the GFP library in Escherichia coli genes and examined the correlation between the expected levels of translation according to the GFP data with the experimental measures of protein expression. We observed that E. coli genes were enriched with the nucleotide compositions that enhanced protein expression in the GFP library, but surprisingly, it seemed to affect the translation efficiency only marginally. Nevertheless, our data indicate that different enterobacteria present similar nucleotide composition enrichment as E. coli, suggesting an evolutionary pressure towards the conservation of short translational enhancer sequences.

Research paper thumbnail of A systematic structural comparison of all solved small proteins deposited in PDB. The effect of disulfide bonds in protein fold

Computational and structural biotechnology journal, 2021

Graphical abstract

Research paper thumbnail of Vivências da prematuridade: a aceitação do filho real pressupõe a desconstrução do bebê imaginário?

Revista Psicologia e Saúde, Jun 23, 2015

Vivências da prematuridade: a aceitação do filho real pressupõe a desconstrução do bebê imaginári... more Vivências da prematuridade: a aceitação do filho real pressupõe a desconstrução do bebê imaginário? Experiences of prematurity: has the acceptance of the real child assumed the deconstruction of the imaginary baby? Vivencias de la pre-maturidad: la aceptación del hijo real presupone la destrucción del niño imaginario?

Research paper thumbnail of Schooling of the patients and clinical application of questionnaires in osteoarthitis

Acta Ortopedica Brasileira, Oct 1, 2014

Objective: To evaluate the consistency of the questionnaires (WOMAC, Lequesne, VAS, SF 36-PCS and... more Objective: To evaluate the consistency of the questionnaires (WOMAC, Lequesne, VAS, SF 36-PCS and SF 36-MCS) when applied in patients with osteoarthritis of the knees (KOA) verifying if age and level of education interfere with the completion of the questionnaires. Method: One hundred and two patients with KOA answered WOMAC, LESQUESNE, VAS and SF-36 questionnaires and provided data correlated with age and education. The internal consistency of the WOMAC questionnaire was verified with Cronbach's alpha. Pearson's correlations between the questionnaires, age and educational level was performed. Results: Mean age was 65 years old. Schooling averaged 7.94 years; WOMAC 47.95;

Research paper thumbnail of Rqc1 and other yeast proteins containing highly positively charged sequences are not targets of the RQC complex

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2021

Previous work has suggested that highly positively charged protein segments coded by rare codons ... more Previous work has suggested that highly positively charged protein segments coded by rare codons or poly (A) stretches induce ribosome stalling and translational arrest through electrostatic interactions with the negatively charged ribosome exit tunnel, leading to inefficient elongation. This arrest leads to the activation of the Ribosome Quality Control (RQC) pathway and results in low expression of these reporter proteins. However, the only endogenous yeast proteins known to activate the RQC are Rqc1, a protein essential for RQC function, and Sdd1, a protein with unknown function, both of which contain polybasic sequences. To explore the generality of this phenomenon, we investigated whether the RQC complex controls the expression of other proteins with polybasic sequences. We showed by ribosome profiling data analysis and western blot that proteins containing polybasic sequences similar to, or even more positively charged than those of Rqc1 and Sdd1, were not targeted by the RQC complex. We also observed that the previously reported Ltn1-dependent regulation of Rqc1 is posttranslational, independent of the RQC activity. Taken together, our results suggest that RQC should not be regarded as a general regulatory pathway for the expression of highly positively charged proteins in yeast.

Research paper thumbnail of Metodologias ativas no ensino remoto: uma autoetnografia

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Apr 30, 2021

Como construir outro país, outra educação, outra universidade, se os mestres e doutores que forma... more Como construir outro país, outra educação, outra universidade, se os mestres e doutores que formamos cursam inúmeras disciplinas que desperdiçam suas curiosidades e interesses? A educação universitária ainda é, muitas vezes, medieval. Tanto nos métodos quanto nas relações interpessoais. Diversas disciplinas de Mestrado e Doutorado ainda são baseadas na ideia da 'transmissão' de conhecimentos: uma educação bancária, como já alertava Paulo Freire. Este livro é fruto de uma aventura coletiva que teve início na disciplina de Pós-Graduação Escuta, curiosidade e amor, lecionada a partir da UFRJ, e aberta a estudantes de todo o Brasil, sendo totalmente remota e baseada em métodos ativos. Buscamos colocar o interesse e a dedicação dos estudantes no centro do processo educacional e a disciplina foi "mão na massa". Cada estudante produziu diversas atividades e, desde o início, começou a construir um trabalho de tema livre, articulando ensino e pesquisa, ligado aos seus interesses e curiosidades. Houve vídeos, performances, poemas, cartas, slides, minidocumentários, bem como textos acadêmicos 'tradicionais'. Depois da disciplina, algumas pessoas quiseram usar seus trabalhos como matéria-prima para a construção de textos para serem compartilhados no formato de um livro. Um livro-ferramenta. Os métodos educacionais nunca foram, não são e nunca serão, sozinhos, a solução mágica para todos os problemas da educação. Entretanto, quando são combinados métodos ativos, ensino remoto síncrono, ao vivo, com atividades baseadas nos interesses e desejos dos estudantes, a formação em mestrados e doutorados, pode, com algum otimismo, estimular os sonhos dos próprios estudantes e contribuir com outra educação e outra sociedade. Isso dá muito mais trabalho para todos, mas traz sentido, energia, compromisso social e, principalmente, alegria. Muitas vezes nos sentimos sozinhos. Nem sempre temos apoio institucional ou dos próprios colegas. Mas não estamos sozinhos. Precisamos nos conhecer, nos ouvir, nos ler, trocar experiências e construir mudanças em nossos cotidianos. Por menores que sejam, na direção dos mundos que façam nossos olhos brilhar e que nos encham de alegria e tesão. Os textos que compõem este livro são prova viva de que isso é possível.

Research paper thumbnail of Alicante IVS Analysis Center

<p align="left"><span lang="en-US">Very Long Base... more <p align="left"><span lang="en-US">Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) is a highly accurate method, used since the 1970s in astrophysics as well as in geodesy. It contributes significantly to the global international terrestrial reference frame (ITRF) and is the only space geodetic technique able to realize the international celestial reference frame (ICRF) as well as to observe the full set of Earth orientation parameters (EOP: polar motion, universal time, precession / nutation). The IVS (International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry) analysis center in Alicante UAVAC (University of Alicante VLBI) was established as an associate AC in 2018 at the department of Applied Mathematics at the University of Alicante, within the research group of space geodesy and space dynamics. </span><span lang="en-US">Further, we have a close partnership with the IGN (In</span><span lang="en-US">s</span><span lang="en-US">tituto Geográfico Nacional) and RAEGE </span><span lang="en-US">(</span><strong><span lang="en-US">R</span></strong><span lang="en-US">ed </span><strong><span lang="en-US">A</span></strong><span lang="en-US">tlántica de </span><strong><span lang="en-US">E</span></strong><span lang="en-US">staciones </span><strong><span lang="en-US">G</span></strong><span lang="en-US">eodinámicas y </span><strong><span lang="en-US">E</span></strong><span lang="en-US">spaciales / </span><strong><span lang="en-US">R</span></strong><span lang="en-US">ede </span><strong><span lang="en-US">A</span></strong><span lang="en-US">tlântica de </span><strong><span lang="en-US">E</span></strong><span lang="en-US">stações </span><strong><span lang="en-US">G</span></strong><span lang="en-US">eodinâmicas e </span><strong><span lang="en-US">E</span></strong><span lang="en-US">spaciais).</span><span lang="en-US"> In the first quarter of 2022 we started with the first steps to become an operational AC, with the final goal to be a full contributor to future ICRF and ITRF realizations, as well as operational products like the IVS combined EOP products. In this report we introduce the community to our group, our technical setups in terms of hard- and soft-ware, as well as our preliminary products. We present the first results based on our reanalysis of the IVS-archives (1979-</span><span lang="en-US">12.</span><span lang="en-US">202</span><span lang="en-US">2</span><span lang="en-US">) using VieVS 3.2 (one of several software we plan on using), and show the main geodetic products, i.e. EOP, CRF and TRF. </span></p> <p align="left"> </p>

Research paper thumbnail of VLBI-based assessment of the consistency of the conventional EOP series and the reference frames (terrestrial and celestial)

The Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG) env... more The Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG) envisages stringent goals for the International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF) realization in terms of accuracy (1 mm) and precision (0.1 mm/year). These requirements entail that the Earth Orientation Parameters (EOP) should be estimated with similar accuracy. The conventional International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF) is based on the combination of solutions from four space geodetic techniques, including observations until the end of 2020, incorporating updated data and models. On the other hand, the Celestial Reference Frame (CRF) is a VLBI-only solution based on data until 2015, provided by one sole VLBI-analysis centre. Additionally, the current conventional EOP series, IERS 14 C04, is also produced in a separate process following a different analysis and combination strategy. It is based on a combination of monthly EOP estimates obtained by the combination centres of each space geodetic technique. These disparate approaches might cause a slow degradation of the consistency among EOP and the reference frames or a misalignment of the current conventional EOP series. The recent release of the ITRF2020 brings an exciting opportunity to investigate this topic. In this work, we empirically assess the consistency among the conventional terrestrial reference frame (TRF) and celestial reference frame (CRF), and EOP through the analysis of Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) historical data, taking different TRFs as alternative settings in the analysis: ITRF2020, VTRF2020, ITRF2014, and the terrestrial frame consistent with the newest Celestial Reference Frame (i.e., ICRF3). Additionally, Helmert transformations are computed to evaluate to which extent the behaviour that may be found in the previous point can be attributed to orientation differences of the TRFs themselves. Finally, different CRF realizations (ICRF2 and ICRF3) are tested to study their impact on the EOP, especially in the long term, paying attention to the appearance of biases and trends among the EOP series. This study allows evaluation if the selection of the TRFs and/or the CRFs has a significant impact on the consistency of the estimated EOP and assesses its agreement with the conventional EOP series.

Research paper thumbnail of Management of low-grade gliomas

Background: Gliomas are the most aggressive and prevalent primary malignant tumors of the central... more Background: Gliomas are the most aggressive and prevalent primary malignant tumors of the central nervous system. For better mapping, they are subclassified into degrees in proportion to their malignancy. Although low-grade patients have a better prognosis, they are extremely heterogeneous. Since the high variability in the outcomes of the condition, it is essential to investigate the current therapeutic strategies available. Objective: Analyze the management of low-grade gliomas. Methods: In April 2021, a literature review was conducted on MEDLINE using the descriptors: “Glioma”, “Low Grade”; “Treatment”; as well as their variations obtained in MeSH. Controlled and randomized clinical trials carried out on humans in the last five years were included. Results: 63 articles were found and 10 of them were analyzed in this review. The research has shown that total tumor resection is the therapeutic modality that causes the greatest drop in the mortality rates. Furthermore, the greater the extraction, the greater the progression-free survival. In this way, for greater safety of large-scale surgeries, several intraoperative techniques have been developed. An example is the waking approach, which presents favorable long-term functional results and low failure rates. However, the isolated surgery is often not sufficiently curative. Therefore, it is necessary to complement radiotherapy and chemotherapy with temozolomide, associated with a 5 to 10 year survival rate when combined. Conclusions: Studies have shown that total resection of the tumor is the best way to manage low-grade gliomas, but it is often combined with temozolamide chemotherapy and radiotherapy for a better prognosis.

Research paper thumbnail of Vaginismo - Aspectos Clínicos e Impacto Na Vida Da Mulher

Editora Pasteur eBooks, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Estratégias para recuperação de xilooligossacarídeos do licor de resíduos de eucalipto para avaliação do seu efeito estimulante em Staphylococcus xylosus

Revista do Instituto Adolfo Lutz, May 26, 2023

Xilooligossacarídeos (XOS) são reconhecidos pelo seu potencial prebiótico relevante para diversos... more Xilooligossacarídeos (XOS) são reconhecidos pelo seu potencial prebiótico relevante para diversos setores industriais e foram obtidos após o pré-tratamento hidrotérmico da biomassa lignocelulósica residual de galhos de eucalipto. Subprodutos inibitórios são gerados durante o processo de solubilização dos oligossacarídeos e acabam comprometendo a utilização do licor em microrganismos. Neste trabalho, o processo de destoxificação, hidrólise enzimática e atividade estimulantes de crescimento da bactéria Staphylococcus xylosus foram estabelecidos. Os resultados mostraram que a adsorção com carvão ativado em pó removeu cerca de 55% do ácido acético e mais de 90% do ácido fórmico, compostos fenólicos, lignina solúvel, furfural e 5-hidroximetilfurfural, e que a soma dos oligossacarídeos xilobiose (X2) e xilotriose (X3) foram maximizadas de 0,57 g/L para 1,21 g/L com 110 U/g XOS da enzima endoxilanase e 6,3% do licor destoxificado na hidrólise enzimática. O consumo de cerca de 63% de X2 e de 46% de X3 pela bactéria em meio basal deficiente em fontes de carbono, mas acrescido com os oligômeros, proporcionou maior crescimento celular em relação aos meios basais com alta composição de carbono, com e sem XOS, revelando seu potencial prebiótico pelo efeito estimulante de crescimento.

Research paper thumbnail of A influência da escolaridade dos pacientes na aplicação de questionários clínicos em osteoartrite

Objetivo: Avaliar a consistencia dos Questionarios (WOMAC, LEQUESNE, EVA, SF-36 PCS e SF 36- MCS)... more Objetivo: Avaliar a consistencia dos Questionarios (WOMAC, LEQUESNE, EVA, SF-36 PCS e SF 36- MCS) quando aplicados nos pacientes portadores de osteoartrite dos joelhos (OAJ) verificando se a escolaridade e a idade interferem no preenchimento dos questionarios. Metodo: Cento e dois pacientes com diagnostico de OAJ responderam os questionarios de WOMAC, LESQUESNE, EVA e SF-36 e os dados correlacionados com idade e escolaridade. Foi verificada a consistencia interna do questionario de WOMAC com uso do alpha de Cronbach, e as correlacoes de Pearson entre as escalas avaliadas, a idade e a escolaridade. Resultados: A idade media foi de 65 anos, escolaridade de media 7,94 anos. WOMAC 47,95; EVA 63,57; Lequesne 12,29; PCS 31,91 e MCS 43,68. Alfa de Crombach para WOMAC de 0,9. Aleatoriedade do WOMAC segundo escolaridade (correlacao – 0,182 / p= 0,067) e baixa correlacao relacao das escalas EVA (r =-0,264/p=0,007), Lequesne (r =-0,277/ p= 0,005), PCS (r = 0,309/p = 0,002) e MCS (r= 0,021/ p= 0,835) com a escolaridade dos pacientes. A idade apresentou correlacao direta significativa apenas com PCS (r= 0,205/ p =0,039). Conclusao: O grau de escolaridade nao interfere no preenchimento do WOMAC, mas podem interferir no preenchimento do EVA, Lequesne e componente fisico do SF-36. NIVEL DE EVIDENCIA E TIPO DE TRABALHO: II retrospectivo DESCRITORES: Osteoartrite, Questionarios, Articulacao do Joelho.

Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of Meditation on the Cognitive Functions of Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease

Introduction: Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia, which has no cure and... more Introduction: Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia, which has no cure and, also, effective therapies to prevent or slow the progression of AD remain elusive. Thus, it is necessary to find another way to treat this disease Objective: Investigate the impact of meditation on the cognitive function of patients with AD. Methods: In April 2021, a systematic review was carried out on MEDLINE using the descriptors: “Meditation” and “Alzheimer Disease” and their variations. Studies published in the last 10 years and in English were included. Results: Of the 40 articles found, four are part of this review. It was showed that meditation generates improvements in memory as it increases cerebral blood flow, stabilizes synapses and elevates important neurotransmitters. Aligned, it can improve sleep quality and retrospective memory function. Furthermore, daily practices help in neuropsychological conditions and generate beneficial changes in brain structure and function. Finally, it provokes changes in the brain network, such as the increased power of the theta band, involved in memory processes. Conclusion: The results imply a positive effect of meditation on patients with AD. However, further research is needed to confirm the validity of the results.

Research paper thumbnail of Biodigestor: Uma Alternativa Sustentável

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Aug 1, 2012

Este trabalho tem por finalidade descobrir a importância de alternativas sustentaveis para uma me... more Este trabalho tem por finalidade descobrir a importância de alternativas sustentaveis para uma melhor qualidade de vida. Material e Metodo: Os alunos explicam a importância de alternativas sustentaveis, principalmente sobre o biodigestor, cujo um exemplar foi confeccionado por eles que passaram a monitorar a liberacao do gas durante o periodo de maio ate os dias atuais. Relatam sobre os creditos de carbono Resultados e Discussao: os alunos divulgaram o trabalho na escola, para os professores, nas escolas municipais e no Rotary Club.

Research paper thumbnail of The Experience of Adult Children Caregivers of Oncology Patients in Palliative Care

Psicologia, saúde & doenças, Nov 1, 2022

Resumo: Frente ao contexto de oncologia e cuidados paliativos, a atenção ao paciente deve ser est... more Resumo: Frente ao contexto de oncologia e cuidados paliativos, a atenção ao paciente deve ser estendida aos familiares, visto que estes também sofrem os impactos da doença, ainda mais quando assumem o papel de cuidadores. Este trabalho trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, de caráter descritivo e exploratório, que teve por objetivo compreender a experiência de filhos cuidadores de pacientes com câncer, acompanhados pelo Programa Gerenciado de Cuidados Paliativos de um hospital oncológico adulto de Porto Alegre-RS. As participantes foram oito filhas de pacientes internados, selecionadas por conveniência. A coleta de dados ocorreu por meio de um questionário de dados sócio-demográficos e uma entrevista semi-estruturada, sendo os materiais avaliados através do método de análise de conteúdo. Os resultados obtidos evidenciaram os impactos na vida das famílias, ressaltando as repercussões emocionais do adoecimento, as reverberações do papel de cuidadora, as mudanças na rotina, bem como nos planos e projetos frente à iminência da perda. Todas as participantes manifestaram o desejo de exercer o cuidado diante dos sentimentos de gratidão e carinho para com o seu genitor. Contudo, também demonstraram sobrecarga com esta função, além de sintomas ansiosos e depressivos. A vivência dos filhos convoca a reflexões e intervenções específicas direcionadas a esta população, atentando para a importância de estudos sobre essa temática.

Research paper thumbnail of Estratégias de Enfrentamento de Familiares de Pacientes em UTI

A unidade de terapia intensiva caracteriza-se como um ambiente voltado ao atendimento a pacientes... more A unidade de terapia intensiva caracteriza-se como um ambiente voltado ao atendimento a pacientes graves. Para a família, a internação em UTI tende a ser vivida como período de angústia e, para tanto, os membros da família utilizam-se de estratégias de enfrentamento. Objetivo: identificar as estratégias de enfrentamento utilizadas pelos familiares de pacientes hospitalizados em unidades de terapia intensiva através de uma revisão sistemática da literatura. Metodologia: foram selecionadas publicações da Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, Pubmed e Scielo, nos idiomas inglês, português e espanhol, publicados no período de janeiro de 2008 a junho de 2020 com os descritores "Family", "Intensive Care Units" e "Coping". Resultados: Destes estudos, onze artigos foram incluídos na revisão. Os resultados mostram que as estratégias de enfrentamento focadas no problema são as mais utilizadas pelos familiares. As estratégias focadas na emoção, a religião e o suporte social apareceram como meios que os familiares encontram para minimizar o sofrimento e lidar com a internação. O coping evitativo está ligado ao desenvolvimento de transtorno de estresse pós-traumático. Conclusão: no contexto hospitalar é necessário que os profissionais de saúde estejam atentos aos estilos de coping para que sejam realizadas intervenções focais visando maior adaptação dos familiares. Palavras-chave: enfrentamento; família; unidades de terapia intensiva.

Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of Kindergarten Outdoor Policies and Physical Environments on Children’s Affordances to Play

Sakarya Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi dergisi, Jun 30, 2021

The existence of specific quality indicators of kindergarten outdoor physical environments and pe... more The existence of specific quality indicators of kindergarten outdoor physical environments and pedagogical policies seems to promote different affordances to play, which has impacts on children's play behavior, and on their motor and socio-emotional development. This article presents a methodology to be used in a PhD project, which aims to analyze the quality of the outdoor physical environments and pedagogical policies of 19 kindergartens in Gondomar (Portugal), to determine their impact on preschool children's play affordances. A comprehensive mixed methodology will be applied in two stages. At the first stage, an in-loco observation scale, and surveys completed by the kindergarten's directors and educators will be used to assess the quality of outdoor physical environment and pedagogical policies. In the second stage, 2 kindergartens will be selected (one with high scores and one with low scores on the quality assessment). In each of them; the play yard choices, types of play and interaction with the peers will be analysed through RFDI sensors, participant and systematic observation, and video records. Children's motor and socio-emotional competence will be assessed through standardized assessment batteries. Children's perception of the kindergarten outdoor space will also be analyzed through drawings and interviews. Surveys will be completed by educators and parents to assess their perceptions of outdoor play. This study aims to contribute to the increase in the amount of scientific knowledge about the quality indicators regarding the outdoors physical environment and pedagogical practices of kindergartens, assessing their impact on children's play behavior. This issue has particular importance after a long period of lockdown caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, in which outdoor play behaviors and movement were more restricted and have inevitably changed (

Research paper thumbnail of A systematic structural comparison of all solved small proteins (4-6 kDa) reveals the weight of disulfide bonds in proteins’ foldability

bioRxiv (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory), Mar 30, 2021

Defensins are small proteins, usually ranging from 4 to 6 kDa, amphipathic, disulfiderich, and wi... more Defensins are small proteins, usually ranging from 4 to 6 kDa, amphipathic, disulfiderich, and with a small or even absent hydrophobic core. Since a hydrophobic core is generally found in globular proteins that fold in an aqueous solvent, the peculiar fold of defensins can challenge tertiary protein structure predictors. We performed a PDB-wide survey of small proteins (4-6 kDa) to understand the similarities of defensins with other small disulfide-rich proteins. We found no differences when we compared defensins with non-defensins regarding the proportion and exposition to the solvent of apolar, polar, and charged residues. Then we divided all small proteins (4-6 kDa) deposited in PDB into two groups, one group with at least one disulfide bond (bonded, defensins included) and another group without any disulfide bond (unbonded). The group of bonded proteins presented apolar residues more exposed to the solvent than the unbonded group. The ab initio algorithm for tertiary protein structure prediction Robetta was more accurate to predict unbonded than bonded proteins. Our work highlights one more layer of complexity for the tertiary protein prediction structure: small disulfide-rich proteins' ability to fold even with a poor hydrophobic core. Abbreviations Protein Data Bank (PDB), root-mean-square deviation (RMSD).

Research paper thumbnail of The distribution, conservation and correlation with translational efficiency of the first five codons in Escherichia coli genes

bioRxiv (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory), Jul 11, 2019

Translation initiation is a critical step in the regulation of protein synthesis, and it is subje... more Translation initiation is a critical step in the regulation of protein synthesis, and it is subjected to different control mechanisms, such as 5' UTR secondary structure and initiation codon context, that can influence the rates at which initiation and consequentially translation occur. For some genes, translation elongation also affects the rate of protein synthesis. With a GFP library containing nearly all possible combinations of nucleotides from the 3 rd to the 5 th codon positions in the protein coding region of the mRNA, it was previously demonstrated that some nucleotide combinations increased GFP expression up to four orders of magnitude. While it is clear that the codon region from positions 3 to 5 can influence protein expression levels of artificial constructs, its impact on endogenous proteins is still unknown. Through bioinformatics analysis, we identified the nucleotide combinations of the GFP library in Escherichia coli genes and examined the correlation between the expected levels of translation according to the GFP data with the experimental measures of protein expression. We observed that E. coli genes were enriched with the nucleotide compositions that enhanced protein expression in the GFP library, but surprisingly, it seemed to affect the translation efficiency only marginally. Nevertheless, our data indicate that different enterobacteria present similar nucleotide composition enrichment as E. coli, suggesting an evolutionary pressure towards the conservation of short translational enhancer sequences.

Research paper thumbnail of Endogenous polybasic polypeptides cause slower movement of ribosomes but are not targets of the ribosome quality control (RQC) complex

bioRxiv (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory), Nov 21, 2019

Highly positively charged protein segments are known to result in poor translation efficiency. Th... more Highly positively charged protein segments are known to result in poor translation efficiency. This effect is explained by ribosome stalling caused by electrostatic interactions between the nascent peptide and the negatively charged ribosome exit tunnel, leading to translation termination followed by protein degradation mediated by the RQC complex. These polybasic sequences are mainly studied in the context of artificial reporter systems. Examples of endogenous yeast proteins targeted by the RQC complex are Rqc1, a protein essential for RQC function, and Sdd1. Both contain polybasic sequences that are thought to activate the RQC, leading to protein down-regulation. Here, we investigated whether the RQC complex regulates other endogenous proteins with polybasic sequences. We show by bioinformatics, ribosome profiling data analysis, and western blot that endogenous proteins containing polybasic sequences similar to, or even more positively charged than those of Rqc1 and Sdd1, are not targeted by the RQC complex suggesting that endogenous polybasic sequences are not sufficient to induce this type of regulation. Finally, our results also suggest that Rqc1 is regulated post-translationally by the E3 component of the RQC complex Ltn1, in a manner independent of the RQC complex.

Research paper thumbnail of From reporters to endogenous genes: the impact of the first five codons on translation efficiency in Escherichia coli

Translation initiation is a critical step in the regulation of protein synthesis, and it is subje... more Translation initiation is a critical step in the regulation of protein synthesis, and it is subjected to different control mechanisms, such as 5' UTR secondary structure and initiation codon context, that can influence the rates at which initiation and consequentially translation occur. For some genes, translation elongation also affects the rate of protein synthesis. With a GFP library containing nearly all possible combinations of nucleotides from the 3 rd to the 5 th codon positions in the protein coding region of the mRNA, it was previously demonstrated that some nucleotide combinations increased GFP expression up to four orders of magnitude. While it is clear that the codon region from positions 3 to 5 can influence protein expression levels of artificial constructs, its impact on endogenous proteins is still unknown. Through bioinformatics analysis, we identified the nucleotide combinations of the GFP library in Escherichia coli genes and examined the correlation between the expected levels of translation according to the GFP data with the experimental measures of protein expression. We observed that E. coli genes were enriched with the nucleotide compositions that enhanced protein expression in the GFP library, but surprisingly, it seemed to affect the translation efficiency only marginally. Nevertheless, our data indicate that different enterobacteria present similar nucleotide composition enrichment as E. coli, suggesting an evolutionary pressure towards the conservation of short translational enhancer sequences.

Research paper thumbnail of A systematic structural comparison of all solved small proteins deposited in PDB. The effect of disulfide bonds in protein fold

Computational and structural biotechnology journal, 2021

Graphical abstract

Research paper thumbnail of Vivências da prematuridade: a aceitação do filho real pressupõe a desconstrução do bebê imaginário?

Revista Psicologia e Saúde, Jun 23, 2015

Vivências da prematuridade: a aceitação do filho real pressupõe a desconstrução do bebê imaginári... more Vivências da prematuridade: a aceitação do filho real pressupõe a desconstrução do bebê imaginário? Experiences of prematurity: has the acceptance of the real child assumed the deconstruction of the imaginary baby? Vivencias de la pre-maturidad: la aceptación del hijo real presupone la destrucción del niño imaginario?

Research paper thumbnail of Schooling of the patients and clinical application of questionnaires in osteoarthitis

Acta Ortopedica Brasileira, Oct 1, 2014

Objective: To evaluate the consistency of the questionnaires (WOMAC, Lequesne, VAS, SF 36-PCS and... more Objective: To evaluate the consistency of the questionnaires (WOMAC, Lequesne, VAS, SF 36-PCS and SF 36-MCS) when applied in patients with osteoarthritis of the knees (KOA) verifying if age and level of education interfere with the completion of the questionnaires. Method: One hundred and two patients with KOA answered WOMAC, LESQUESNE, VAS and SF-36 questionnaires and provided data correlated with age and education. The internal consistency of the WOMAC questionnaire was verified with Cronbach's alpha. Pearson's correlations between the questionnaires, age and educational level was performed. Results: Mean age was 65 years old. Schooling averaged 7.94 years; WOMAC 47.95;

Research paper thumbnail of Rqc1 and other yeast proteins containing highly positively charged sequences are not targets of the RQC complex

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2021

Previous work has suggested that highly positively charged protein segments coded by rare codons ... more Previous work has suggested that highly positively charged protein segments coded by rare codons or poly (A) stretches induce ribosome stalling and translational arrest through electrostatic interactions with the negatively charged ribosome exit tunnel, leading to inefficient elongation. This arrest leads to the activation of the Ribosome Quality Control (RQC) pathway and results in low expression of these reporter proteins. However, the only endogenous yeast proteins known to activate the RQC are Rqc1, a protein essential for RQC function, and Sdd1, a protein with unknown function, both of which contain polybasic sequences. To explore the generality of this phenomenon, we investigated whether the RQC complex controls the expression of other proteins with polybasic sequences. We showed by ribosome profiling data analysis and western blot that proteins containing polybasic sequences similar to, or even more positively charged than those of Rqc1 and Sdd1, were not targeted by the RQC complex. We also observed that the previously reported Ltn1-dependent regulation of Rqc1 is posttranslational, independent of the RQC activity. Taken together, our results suggest that RQC should not be regarded as a general regulatory pathway for the expression of highly positively charged proteins in yeast.

Research paper thumbnail of Metodologias ativas no ensino remoto: uma autoetnografia

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Apr 30, 2021

Como construir outro país, outra educação, outra universidade, se os mestres e doutores que forma... more Como construir outro país, outra educação, outra universidade, se os mestres e doutores que formamos cursam inúmeras disciplinas que desperdiçam suas curiosidades e interesses? A educação universitária ainda é, muitas vezes, medieval. Tanto nos métodos quanto nas relações interpessoais. Diversas disciplinas de Mestrado e Doutorado ainda são baseadas na ideia da 'transmissão' de conhecimentos: uma educação bancária, como já alertava Paulo Freire. Este livro é fruto de uma aventura coletiva que teve início na disciplina de Pós-Graduação Escuta, curiosidade e amor, lecionada a partir da UFRJ, e aberta a estudantes de todo o Brasil, sendo totalmente remota e baseada em métodos ativos. Buscamos colocar o interesse e a dedicação dos estudantes no centro do processo educacional e a disciplina foi "mão na massa". Cada estudante produziu diversas atividades e, desde o início, começou a construir um trabalho de tema livre, articulando ensino e pesquisa, ligado aos seus interesses e curiosidades. Houve vídeos, performances, poemas, cartas, slides, minidocumentários, bem como textos acadêmicos 'tradicionais'. Depois da disciplina, algumas pessoas quiseram usar seus trabalhos como matéria-prima para a construção de textos para serem compartilhados no formato de um livro. Um livro-ferramenta. Os métodos educacionais nunca foram, não são e nunca serão, sozinhos, a solução mágica para todos os problemas da educação. Entretanto, quando são combinados métodos ativos, ensino remoto síncrono, ao vivo, com atividades baseadas nos interesses e desejos dos estudantes, a formação em mestrados e doutorados, pode, com algum otimismo, estimular os sonhos dos próprios estudantes e contribuir com outra educação e outra sociedade. Isso dá muito mais trabalho para todos, mas traz sentido, energia, compromisso social e, principalmente, alegria. Muitas vezes nos sentimos sozinhos. Nem sempre temos apoio institucional ou dos próprios colegas. Mas não estamos sozinhos. Precisamos nos conhecer, nos ouvir, nos ler, trocar experiências e construir mudanças em nossos cotidianos. Por menores que sejam, na direção dos mundos que façam nossos olhos brilhar e que nos encham de alegria e tesão. Os textos que compõem este livro são prova viva de que isso é possível.

Research paper thumbnail of Alicante IVS Analysis Center

<p align="left"><span lang="en-US">Very Long Base... more <p align="left"><span lang="en-US">Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) is a highly accurate method, used since the 1970s in astrophysics as well as in geodesy. It contributes significantly to the global international terrestrial reference frame (ITRF) and is the only space geodetic technique able to realize the international celestial reference frame (ICRF) as well as to observe the full set of Earth orientation parameters (EOP: polar motion, universal time, precession / nutation). The IVS (International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry) analysis center in Alicante UAVAC (University of Alicante VLBI) was established as an associate AC in 2018 at the department of Applied Mathematics at the University of Alicante, within the research group of space geodesy and space dynamics. </span><span lang="en-US">Further, we have a close partnership with the IGN (In</span><span lang="en-US">s</span><span lang="en-US">tituto Geográfico Nacional) and RAEGE </span><span lang="en-US">(</span><strong><span lang="en-US">R</span></strong><span lang="en-US">ed </span><strong><span lang="en-US">A</span></strong><span lang="en-US">tlántica de </span><strong><span lang="en-US">E</span></strong><span lang="en-US">staciones </span><strong><span lang="en-US">G</span></strong><span lang="en-US">eodinámicas y </span><strong><span lang="en-US">E</span></strong><span lang="en-US">spaciales / </span><strong><span lang="en-US">R</span></strong><span lang="en-US">ede </span><strong><span lang="en-US">A</span></strong><span lang="en-US">tlântica de </span><strong><span lang="en-US">E</span></strong><span lang="en-US">stações </span><strong><span lang="en-US">G</span></strong><span lang="en-US">eodinâmicas e </span><strong><span lang="en-US">E</span></strong><span lang="en-US">spaciais).</span><span lang="en-US"> In the first quarter of 2022 we started with the first steps to become an operational AC, with the final goal to be a full contributor to future ICRF and ITRF realizations, as well as operational products like the IVS combined EOP products. In this report we introduce the community to our group, our technical setups in terms of hard- and soft-ware, as well as our preliminary products. We present the first results based on our reanalysis of the IVS-archives (1979-</span><span lang="en-US">12.</span><span lang="en-US">202</span><span lang="en-US">2</span><span lang="en-US">) using VieVS 3.2 (one of several software we plan on using), and show the main geodetic products, i.e. EOP, CRF and TRF. </span></p> <p align="left"> </p>

Research paper thumbnail of VLBI-based assessment of the consistency of the conventional EOP series and the reference frames (terrestrial and celestial)

The Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG) env... more The Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG) envisages stringent goals for the International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF) realization in terms of accuracy (1 mm) and precision (0.1 mm/year). These requirements entail that the Earth Orientation Parameters (EOP) should be estimated with similar accuracy. The conventional International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF) is based on the combination of solutions from four space geodetic techniques, including observations until the end of 2020, incorporating updated data and models. On the other hand, the Celestial Reference Frame (CRF) is a VLBI-only solution based on data until 2015, provided by one sole VLBI-analysis centre. Additionally, the current conventional EOP series, IERS 14 C04, is also produced in a separate process following a different analysis and combination strategy. It is based on a combination of monthly EOP estimates obtained by the combination centres of each space geodetic technique. These disparate approaches might cause a slow degradation of the consistency among EOP and the reference frames or a misalignment of the current conventional EOP series. The recent release of the ITRF2020 brings an exciting opportunity to investigate this topic. In this work, we empirically assess the consistency among the conventional terrestrial reference frame (TRF) and celestial reference frame (CRF), and EOP through the analysis of Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) historical data, taking different TRFs as alternative settings in the analysis: ITRF2020, VTRF2020, ITRF2014, and the terrestrial frame consistent with the newest Celestial Reference Frame (i.e., ICRF3). Additionally, Helmert transformations are computed to evaluate to which extent the behaviour that may be found in the previous point can be attributed to orientation differences of the TRFs themselves. Finally, different CRF realizations (ICRF2 and ICRF3) are tested to study their impact on the EOP, especially in the long term, paying attention to the appearance of biases and trends among the EOP series. This study allows evaluation if the selection of the TRFs and/or the CRFs has a significant impact on the consistency of the estimated EOP and assesses its agreement with the conventional EOP series.