Mounir Zouiten - (original) (raw)
Papers by Mounir Zouiten
Morocco has undergone a population explosion growing by nearly 150% in the space of 34 years begi... more Morocco has undergone a population explosion growing by nearly 150% in the space of 34 years beginning in 1960. This growth has been accompanied by a socioeconomic evolution characterized by three major trends outlined by the population explosion felt primarily in the urban setting with 52% of the total population the high rate of illiteracy and finally the low per capita income. The trends have led to visible destructive consequences for the environment particularly the lack of balance in natural ecosystems the decreased productivity in pastoral agricultural and forest resources and the pollution affecting the outskirts of all cities. The rapid urbanization tied to the population explosion was fed to a large extent by the rural exodus whose evolution quickly became more pronounced. This process leads to the development of large sectors of unsanitary housing clumped together into shantytowns. The share of these shantytowns in urban housing increases from one year to the next in spit...
Confronté à une pression urbanistique soutenue, et à une gouvernance urbaine ou le jeu d'acteurs ... more Confronté à une pression urbanistique soutenue, et à une gouvernance urbaine ou le jeu d'acteurs est loin d'être clarifié, le système de planification urbaine s'est montré incapable de contenir les déficiences urbaines de nos villes. Voulu comme un dispositif transitoire pour contourner la rigidité de la planification urbaine normative, le système dérogatoire au Maroc s'est inscrit dans la durée au point de parler d'un détournement de l'urbanisme règlementaire. Continuer à produire la ville par dérogation urbaine revient à hypothéquer les opportunités de faire de la ville un espace productif, durable et inclusif. Si la dérogation a apporté une souplesse dans l'instruction des autorisations de construire et a débloqué certains projets, il convient toutefois de souligner que plusieurs zones d'ombre persistent quant à l'impact de cette pratique dérogatoire sur le devenir de nos villes. D'abord, en termes d'impact sur les réserves foncières, sur la desserte en équipements et services urbains, et d'atteinte à l'environnement naturel et paysager. Ensuite, en termes de faible valorisation des projets dérogés, d'une contrepartie non encadrée, et de la primauté des projets immobiliers sur les projets à haute valeur économique (industrie et tourisme). A l'aune de la réforme du système de planification urbaine, la présente contribution revisite le système dérogatoire pour s'arrêter sur ses limites, d'esquisser les ruptures nécessaires et de proposer les pistes de réflexions pour un système de planification urbaine productif, durable et inclusif.
According to the most recent population census Moroccos population has grown from slightly less t... more According to the most recent population census Moroccos population has grown from slightly less than 11 million inhabitants in 1960 to 26 million in 1994. This growth has been most apparent in urban areas now home to 52% Moroccos total population compared to almost 35% in 1960. 75% of the population over 15 years old was illiterate in 1960 compared to 55% in 1994 while per capita income in Morocco remains low according to international classifications. Population growth urbanization illiteracy and poverty have marked Moroccos population and socioeconomic development over the past 40 years. Working synergistically these four phenomena have had a destructive impact upon the environment. Moreover legislation and regulations on environmental protection and urban historical heritage are lacking. Regulations and laws regarding such matters even when existent are rarely applied because of inadequate means with which to enforce them. A long cycle of drought over the past two decades also we...
This article highlights the primary means of social integration of rural migrants into the urban ... more This article highlights the primary means of social integration of rural migrants into the urban Moroccan setting. The migratory path is a special situation in which different social networks are constructed. The notion of network whether limited or expanded appears definitively as the most adequate instrument for understanding the phenomenon of migration and urban integration of rural migrants. The analysis of this situation in terms of networks has the advantage of clarifying understanding of the migratory process and allows the identification of exchanges of all natures which occur between players in the context of sister cities; the exchange relationships being themselves a factor of urban social integration. They allow the discovery of dynamics conditioned by reciprocal needs. In the context of migration various types of networks have been distinguished specifically parentage neighborhoods friends even work colleagues. The professional and residential trajectories of immigrants...
CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research - Zenodo, Nov 17, 2022
International Journal of Financial Accountability, Economics, Management, and Auditing (IJFAEMA), 2021
In this article, our target is to handle macroeconomic data of quarterly growth by branch of acti... more In this article, our target is to handle macroeconomic data of quarterly growth by branch of activity with microeconomic data from the World Bank Business Survey to deduce the profile of the businesses largely affected by the outbreak of COVID-19 crisis in Morocco. Our findings show that the companies and businesses that suffered the most are those which employ more people, and those, which generate less turnover.
19 data files, 25 documentary filesCreated by the EU-funded research project GREASE (http://greas...[ more ](;)19 data files, 25 documentary filesCreated by the EU-funded research project GREASE (, the GREASE Indicators are intended as an instrument to help scholars, policymakers and other stakeholders identify trends and monitor developments in state-religion relations, secularism, governance of religious diversity and violent radicalisation. These Indicators (metrics) can be applied using the GREASE Toolkit, which can be used to produce 23 country assessments. The GREASE Indicators Toolkit is a practical instrument designed for use by experts in producing country-level assessments. The aim is to enable policymakers, scholars and civil society to monitor developments and trends
L'objet de notre article consiste à analyser le secteur informel au Maroc, afin de comprendre... more L'objet de notre article consiste à analyser le secteur informel au Maroc, afin de comprendre s'il s'agit d'un secteur dynamique ou d'un secteur de subsistance. Pour cela, nous avons réalisé une enquête représentative dans la région de Fès Boulemane au Maroc sur le secteur de l'artisanat. En effet ce dernier a progressivement pris une place dans l'organisation économique globale pour devenir, aujourd'hui, un élément d'équilibre et un facteur de stabilité sociale, la base d'une dynamique territoriale car à l'échelle nationale, ce secteur représente 19% du PIB, et contribue d'une façon directe à l'emploi de plus de 2 millions d'artisans, et d'une façon indirecte, il assure la survie à plus du 1/5 de la population nationale, c'est donc un secteur fondamental de l'économie. Le principal objectif de cet article est d'apporter, à travers divers essais et analyses théoriques et empiriques, des éléments de réponses quan...
The aim is to calculate the program's counterfactual via the Difference in Differences Method on ... more The aim is to calculate the program's counterfactual via the Difference in Differences Method on a panel of 1228 rural communes combining beneficiary and non-beneficiary communes of the program. A comparative and critical analysis will take place in the light of the econometric results as well as the structural problems facing the rural areas.
Routledge Handbook on the Governance of Religious Diversity, 2020
The study attempts to in ompass the elements which made possible the technical orientation for co... more The study attempts to in ompass the elements which made possible the technical orientation for controling the water destined for agriculture use in morocco. After being part of an ecosystem during the pre colonial period, water a resource naturel, was placed under state control, in view of increasing agricultural production for export. In fact, the extension, under the aegis of the successive governments of the protectorate and the period of post-independance in morocco, and by the means of a judicial code which granted the great water-works and the great perimeters of irrigation, has had negative consequences economically, socially and ecologically. A strategy for development needs to be worked out. It must be based on the relevant sectors of the small and medium water-works installations and oriented towards the participation of the farmer.
The aim of this article is not to bring new concepts and new empirical data, but to articulate an... more The aim of this article is not to bring new concepts and new empirical data, but to articulate an abounding aspect. Our problem is as follows: knowing and contrary to widespread belief that the craft and the craftsman are not immutable economic and historical categories, how can we in terms of economic theory consider that the artisan as an entrepreneur today? What are the criteria in general to define the entrepreneur? Entrepreneurship? Innovation? The challenge? Personal enrichment? In an attempt to provide a clear answer to this complex question, we proceed in two stages. A quick overview of the economy of the contractor, which leads us, in fact, to show that the contractor is not embodied by a particular individual however, the entrepreneur embodies a dynamic economy, the change and the innovation that characterize capitalism. Therefore, the scope of this paper is built on two fundamental aspects: firstly, we will identify the foundations of economic theory of entrepreneurship through a survey, and in a secondly, we will start from standard criteria on which the economists consensus to define the entrepreneur, we present the applicability of the theory of artisan contractor. .
Cultural heritage is a major showcase for the attractiveness of the territories. As such, the tou... more Cultural heritage is a major showcase for the attractiveness of the territories. As such, the tourist vector plays an important role. Cultural heritage is a resource that has an unmissable tourist potential and plays a major role in the socio-economic and sustainable development of the territories. Culture and tourism are two closely related sectors that contribute significantly to the economic development of countries. Culture and cultural heritage are key elements of a tourist destination’s image, as cultural and heritage assets exert an influence on the tourist frequentation of the territories. Tourists are often motivated and attracted to cultural heritage during their visits abroad. The valorization of heritage strengthens in many countries their tourism sector. The daily dynamics of the economic activities of tourists are associated, directly or indirectly, with other major economic activities, such as transport, hotels, foreign exchange receipts, etc. Moreover, tourism attrac...
The territory, the territorial-intelligence, the governance, the sustainable development, so many... more The territory, the territorial-intelligence, the governance, the sustainable development, so many notions which arouse these last decades, the interest of the researchers and the practitioners to apprehend the territorial problems. This particular attention is due to the willingness of researchers to explore another paradigm based on a new logic, resulting in particular from the processes of accelerated globalization on the one hand, and the development of ICTs on the other. Thus has made territorial dynamics at the center of new models of development. These models are based fundamentally on the valorization of the territorial resource, as the cultural heritage resource, according to an endogenous logic. This communication aims to highlight this valorization in the urban area of Rabat with by analyzing the process of cultural heritage making, in the perspective of territorial development. It also highlights the contribution of territorial-intelligence as an efficient tool in this de...
Revue De Gestion Et D Economie, 2014
L'urbanisation au Maroc est de plus en plus le fait d'une importante migration des campag... more L'urbanisation au Maroc est de plus en plus le fait d'une importante migration des campagnes vers les villes. Les difficultes socioeconomiques que les immigrants rencontrent dans les centres urbains d'accueil incitent a un approfondissement de nos connaissances sur le processus de leur insertion urbaine. L'examen de ce processus a partir des villes, et sous l'angle des strategies deployees par les immigrants a travers leurs reseaux parentaux et sociaux en vue de leur insertion, apparait comme l'un des aspects les plus significatifs de la problematique du phenomene migratoire. Le but est de devoiler les mediations urbaines qui refletent les dimensions importantes de ce processus d'insertion des immigrants ruraux en ville. Trois dimensions nous ont particulierement interesse. Elles determinent dans une grande mesure les composantes essentielles du processus d'insertion urbaine et constituent les instruments de la mediation urbaine qui paraissent les plu...
This article aims to assess and analyze the role of Vocational Education and Training (VET), in t... more This article aims to assess and analyze the role of Vocational Education and Training (VET), in the formation of wages and wage inequality in Morocco. For this, the data from the National Survey on Household Consumption Expenses of 2014 (ENCDM-2014) were used. The descriptive statistics essentially show that the average wage of individuals who have completed a VET cycle is systematically higher than that of those without VET for all levels of education, that of "without educational level" being the lowest. The wage gap between the two categories is considerably remarkable for individuals with a secondary education level. They also show that the wages in the agricultural sector are the lowest and the wages in the public service the highest. Wage inequality, measured by dispersion, is higher among individuals with VET compared to individuals who benefited from general education, for all levels of education and for all industries. Finally, the inequalities of opportunity due ...
Le cooperativisme constitue une veritable opportunite pour lutter contre la pauvrete et promouvoi... more Le cooperativisme constitue une veritable opportunite pour lutter contre la pauvrete et promouvoir un developpement local durable et de qualite. La portee et l’ampleur d’un tel secteur au Maroc a plus d’importance vu les inegalites sociales et spatiales dont souffrent une grande franche de population notamment les femmes et dans le monde rural. Faisant partie integrante de l’economie sociale et solidaire exigeant une myriade de principes et pratiques, ce secteur au Maroc ne donne pas aux specificites socioculturelles des territoires et groupes sociaux l’attention requise. Ceci etant, le present article essayera d’approcher socio-culturellement le tissu cooperatif au Maroc et ce en mettant en relief l’importance des dimensions socioculturelles dans la conception, l’operationnalisation des activites cooperatives ainsi que leur impact sur l’efficacite de l’organisation economique. Dans le meme sillage, il insiste sur la necessite imperieuse de recadrer la perception ainsi que la concep...
Morocco has undergone a population explosion growing by nearly 150% in the space of 34 years begi... more Morocco has undergone a population explosion growing by nearly 150% in the space of 34 years beginning in 1960. This growth has been accompanied by a socioeconomic evolution characterized by three major trends outlined by the population explosion felt primarily in the urban setting with 52% of the total population the high rate of illiteracy and finally the low per capita income. The trends have led to visible destructive consequences for the environment particularly the lack of balance in natural ecosystems the decreased productivity in pastoral agricultural and forest resources and the pollution affecting the outskirts of all cities. The rapid urbanization tied to the population explosion was fed to a large extent by the rural exodus whose evolution quickly became more pronounced. This process leads to the development of large sectors of unsanitary housing clumped together into shantytowns. The share of these shantytowns in urban housing increases from one year to the next in spit...
Confronté à une pression urbanistique soutenue, et à une gouvernance urbaine ou le jeu d'acteurs ... more Confronté à une pression urbanistique soutenue, et à une gouvernance urbaine ou le jeu d'acteurs est loin d'être clarifié, le système de planification urbaine s'est montré incapable de contenir les déficiences urbaines de nos villes. Voulu comme un dispositif transitoire pour contourner la rigidité de la planification urbaine normative, le système dérogatoire au Maroc s'est inscrit dans la durée au point de parler d'un détournement de l'urbanisme règlementaire. Continuer à produire la ville par dérogation urbaine revient à hypothéquer les opportunités de faire de la ville un espace productif, durable et inclusif. Si la dérogation a apporté une souplesse dans l'instruction des autorisations de construire et a débloqué certains projets, il convient toutefois de souligner que plusieurs zones d'ombre persistent quant à l'impact de cette pratique dérogatoire sur le devenir de nos villes. D'abord, en termes d'impact sur les réserves foncières, sur la desserte en équipements et services urbains, et d'atteinte à l'environnement naturel et paysager. Ensuite, en termes de faible valorisation des projets dérogés, d'une contrepartie non encadrée, et de la primauté des projets immobiliers sur les projets à haute valeur économique (industrie et tourisme). A l'aune de la réforme du système de planification urbaine, la présente contribution revisite le système dérogatoire pour s'arrêter sur ses limites, d'esquisser les ruptures nécessaires et de proposer les pistes de réflexions pour un système de planification urbaine productif, durable et inclusif.
According to the most recent population census Moroccos population has grown from slightly less t... more According to the most recent population census Moroccos population has grown from slightly less than 11 million inhabitants in 1960 to 26 million in 1994. This growth has been most apparent in urban areas now home to 52% Moroccos total population compared to almost 35% in 1960. 75% of the population over 15 years old was illiterate in 1960 compared to 55% in 1994 while per capita income in Morocco remains low according to international classifications. Population growth urbanization illiteracy and poverty have marked Moroccos population and socioeconomic development over the past 40 years. Working synergistically these four phenomena have had a destructive impact upon the environment. Moreover legislation and regulations on environmental protection and urban historical heritage are lacking. Regulations and laws regarding such matters even when existent are rarely applied because of inadequate means with which to enforce them. A long cycle of drought over the past two decades also we...
This article highlights the primary means of social integration of rural migrants into the urban ... more This article highlights the primary means of social integration of rural migrants into the urban Moroccan setting. The migratory path is a special situation in which different social networks are constructed. The notion of network whether limited or expanded appears definitively as the most adequate instrument for understanding the phenomenon of migration and urban integration of rural migrants. The analysis of this situation in terms of networks has the advantage of clarifying understanding of the migratory process and allows the identification of exchanges of all natures which occur between players in the context of sister cities; the exchange relationships being themselves a factor of urban social integration. They allow the discovery of dynamics conditioned by reciprocal needs. In the context of migration various types of networks have been distinguished specifically parentage neighborhoods friends even work colleagues. The professional and residential trajectories of immigrants...
CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research - Zenodo, Nov 17, 2022
International Journal of Financial Accountability, Economics, Management, and Auditing (IJFAEMA), 2021
In this article, our target is to handle macroeconomic data of quarterly growth by branch of acti... more In this article, our target is to handle macroeconomic data of quarterly growth by branch of activity with microeconomic data from the World Bank Business Survey to deduce the profile of the businesses largely affected by the outbreak of COVID-19 crisis in Morocco. Our findings show that the companies and businesses that suffered the most are those which employ more people, and those, which generate less turnover.
19 data files, 25 documentary filesCreated by the EU-funded research project GREASE (http://greas...[ more ](;)19 data files, 25 documentary filesCreated by the EU-funded research project GREASE (, the GREASE Indicators are intended as an instrument to help scholars, policymakers and other stakeholders identify trends and monitor developments in state-religion relations, secularism, governance of religious diversity and violent radicalisation. These Indicators (metrics) can be applied using the GREASE Toolkit, which can be used to produce 23 country assessments. The GREASE Indicators Toolkit is a practical instrument designed for use by experts in producing country-level assessments. The aim is to enable policymakers, scholars and civil society to monitor developments and trends
L'objet de notre article consiste à analyser le secteur informel au Maroc, afin de comprendre... more L'objet de notre article consiste à analyser le secteur informel au Maroc, afin de comprendre s'il s'agit d'un secteur dynamique ou d'un secteur de subsistance. Pour cela, nous avons réalisé une enquête représentative dans la région de Fès Boulemane au Maroc sur le secteur de l'artisanat. En effet ce dernier a progressivement pris une place dans l'organisation économique globale pour devenir, aujourd'hui, un élément d'équilibre et un facteur de stabilité sociale, la base d'une dynamique territoriale car à l'échelle nationale, ce secteur représente 19% du PIB, et contribue d'une façon directe à l'emploi de plus de 2 millions d'artisans, et d'une façon indirecte, il assure la survie à plus du 1/5 de la population nationale, c'est donc un secteur fondamental de l'économie. Le principal objectif de cet article est d'apporter, à travers divers essais et analyses théoriques et empiriques, des éléments de réponses quan...
The aim is to calculate the program's counterfactual via the Difference in Differences Method on ... more The aim is to calculate the program's counterfactual via the Difference in Differences Method on a panel of 1228 rural communes combining beneficiary and non-beneficiary communes of the program. A comparative and critical analysis will take place in the light of the econometric results as well as the structural problems facing the rural areas.
Routledge Handbook on the Governance of Religious Diversity, 2020
The study attempts to in ompass the elements which made possible the technical orientation for co... more The study attempts to in ompass the elements which made possible the technical orientation for controling the water destined for agriculture use in morocco. After being part of an ecosystem during the pre colonial period, water a resource naturel, was placed under state control, in view of increasing agricultural production for export. In fact, the extension, under the aegis of the successive governments of the protectorate and the period of post-independance in morocco, and by the means of a judicial code which granted the great water-works and the great perimeters of irrigation, has had negative consequences economically, socially and ecologically. A strategy for development needs to be worked out. It must be based on the relevant sectors of the small and medium water-works installations and oriented towards the participation of the farmer.
The aim of this article is not to bring new concepts and new empirical data, but to articulate an... more The aim of this article is not to bring new concepts and new empirical data, but to articulate an abounding aspect. Our problem is as follows: knowing and contrary to widespread belief that the craft and the craftsman are not immutable economic and historical categories, how can we in terms of economic theory consider that the artisan as an entrepreneur today? What are the criteria in general to define the entrepreneur? Entrepreneurship? Innovation? The challenge? Personal enrichment? In an attempt to provide a clear answer to this complex question, we proceed in two stages. A quick overview of the economy of the contractor, which leads us, in fact, to show that the contractor is not embodied by a particular individual however, the entrepreneur embodies a dynamic economy, the change and the innovation that characterize capitalism. Therefore, the scope of this paper is built on two fundamental aspects: firstly, we will identify the foundations of economic theory of entrepreneurship through a survey, and in a secondly, we will start from standard criteria on which the economists consensus to define the entrepreneur, we present the applicability of the theory of artisan contractor. .
Cultural heritage is a major showcase for the attractiveness of the territories. As such, the tou... more Cultural heritage is a major showcase for the attractiveness of the territories. As such, the tourist vector plays an important role. Cultural heritage is a resource that has an unmissable tourist potential and plays a major role in the socio-economic and sustainable development of the territories. Culture and tourism are two closely related sectors that contribute significantly to the economic development of countries. Culture and cultural heritage are key elements of a tourist destination’s image, as cultural and heritage assets exert an influence on the tourist frequentation of the territories. Tourists are often motivated and attracted to cultural heritage during their visits abroad. The valorization of heritage strengthens in many countries their tourism sector. The daily dynamics of the economic activities of tourists are associated, directly or indirectly, with other major economic activities, such as transport, hotels, foreign exchange receipts, etc. Moreover, tourism attrac...
The territory, the territorial-intelligence, the governance, the sustainable development, so many... more The territory, the territorial-intelligence, the governance, the sustainable development, so many notions which arouse these last decades, the interest of the researchers and the practitioners to apprehend the territorial problems. This particular attention is due to the willingness of researchers to explore another paradigm based on a new logic, resulting in particular from the processes of accelerated globalization on the one hand, and the development of ICTs on the other. Thus has made territorial dynamics at the center of new models of development. These models are based fundamentally on the valorization of the territorial resource, as the cultural heritage resource, according to an endogenous logic. This communication aims to highlight this valorization in the urban area of Rabat with by analyzing the process of cultural heritage making, in the perspective of territorial development. It also highlights the contribution of territorial-intelligence as an efficient tool in this de...
Revue De Gestion Et D Economie, 2014
L'urbanisation au Maroc est de plus en plus le fait d'une importante migration des campag... more L'urbanisation au Maroc est de plus en plus le fait d'une importante migration des campagnes vers les villes. Les difficultes socioeconomiques que les immigrants rencontrent dans les centres urbains d'accueil incitent a un approfondissement de nos connaissances sur le processus de leur insertion urbaine. L'examen de ce processus a partir des villes, et sous l'angle des strategies deployees par les immigrants a travers leurs reseaux parentaux et sociaux en vue de leur insertion, apparait comme l'un des aspects les plus significatifs de la problematique du phenomene migratoire. Le but est de devoiler les mediations urbaines qui refletent les dimensions importantes de ce processus d'insertion des immigrants ruraux en ville. Trois dimensions nous ont particulierement interesse. Elles determinent dans une grande mesure les composantes essentielles du processus d'insertion urbaine et constituent les instruments de la mediation urbaine qui paraissent les plu...
This article aims to assess and analyze the role of Vocational Education and Training (VET), in t... more This article aims to assess and analyze the role of Vocational Education and Training (VET), in the formation of wages and wage inequality in Morocco. For this, the data from the National Survey on Household Consumption Expenses of 2014 (ENCDM-2014) were used. The descriptive statistics essentially show that the average wage of individuals who have completed a VET cycle is systematically higher than that of those without VET for all levels of education, that of "without educational level" being the lowest. The wage gap between the two categories is considerably remarkable for individuals with a secondary education level. They also show that the wages in the agricultural sector are the lowest and the wages in the public service the highest. Wage inequality, measured by dispersion, is higher among individuals with VET compared to individuals who benefited from general education, for all levels of education and for all industries. Finally, the inequalities of opportunity due ...
Le cooperativisme constitue une veritable opportunite pour lutter contre la pauvrete et promouvoi... more Le cooperativisme constitue une veritable opportunite pour lutter contre la pauvrete et promouvoir un developpement local durable et de qualite. La portee et l’ampleur d’un tel secteur au Maroc a plus d’importance vu les inegalites sociales et spatiales dont souffrent une grande franche de population notamment les femmes et dans le monde rural. Faisant partie integrante de l’economie sociale et solidaire exigeant une myriade de principes et pratiques, ce secteur au Maroc ne donne pas aux specificites socioculturelles des territoires et groupes sociaux l’attention requise. Ceci etant, le present article essayera d’approcher socio-culturellement le tissu cooperatif au Maroc et ce en mettant en relief l’importance des dimensions socioculturelles dans la conception, l’operationnalisation des activites cooperatives ainsi que leur impact sur l’efficacite de l’organisation economique. Dans le meme sillage, il insiste sur la necessite imperieuse de recadrer la perception ainsi que la concep...