Muazzez Çelik Karakaya - (original) (raw)
Papers by Muazzez Çelik Karakaya
Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 1995
Türkiye jeoloji bülteni, 1999
Ore Geology Reviews, Feb 1, 2006
Selçuk Üniversitesi Mühendislik, Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi, Mar 1, 2007
ÖZET: Çalışma alanı Sivrihisar (Eskişehir, İç Anadolu)'ın güneydoğusunda yer alır. İnceleme alanı... more ÖZET: Çalışma alanı Sivrihisar (Eskişehir, İç Anadolu)'ın güneydoğusunda yer alır. İnceleme alanında yüzeyleyen Neojen yaşlı birimler İlyaspaşa formasyonu (Alt-Orta Miyosen) ve Sakarya formasyonu (Üst Miyosen-Pliyosen) olmak üzere iki litostratigrafik birime ayrılır. Sakarya formasyonu Jips, Alt Kireçtaşı, Killi Dolomit ve Üst Kireçtaşı olmak üzere dört üyeye ayrılmaktadır. Jipsler arazide diskoidal, mercek şekilli, jips gülü ve kırlangıçkuyruğu gibi çeşitli kristal şekilleri sergilemektedir. Jips kristalleri inceleme alanında masiv seviyeler, tabakalı, dolomit içerisinde çatlak dolgusu ve serbest büyümeli olarak gözlenir. Dolomit ile ardalanmalı olan masiv ve tabakalı jipsler, yalnızca mercek şekilli ve diskoidal şekilli jipslerden oluşmuştur. Bunlar beyaz renkli ve küçük kristaller halinde (kil-kum boyu) bulunur. Diğer jips kristalleri ise mavimsi gri ve açık kahverengi gibi değişik renkler sergilerler. X-ışınları verilerine göre tüm kesitler; başlıca dolomit, jips, kalsit, yerel olarak sepiyolit ve nadir olarak ta paligorskit, simektit, illit ve kaolinit içerir. İri diskoidal, kırlangıç kuyruğu ve gül biçimli jips kristallerini içeren örneklerde, kil mineral içeriğinin kil-kum boyu jipslerden daha yüksek olduğu belirlenmiştir. Çalışma alanında tatlı su, zayıf alkalin ve alkalin koşulların etkili olduğu belirlenmiştir. Kil kum boyu jips oluşumlarının SO 3 2içerikleri diğer jips oluşumlarından daha düşük bulunmuştur.
Clays and Clay Minerals, Jun 1, 2011
The Middle—Upper Miocene—Pliocene sediments near Polatlı contain commercial sepiolitic clay depos... more The Middle—Upper Miocene—Pliocene sediments near Polatlı contain commercial sepiolitic clay deposits. The sepiolite-rich Polatlı basin sediments were studied to describe the sepiolitic clay deposits of the area and to assess the environments of formation using X-ray diffraction, optical and scanning electron microscopy, and chemical analysis. The Polatlı basin is an elongated, rift-related graben trending NE—SW in central Turkey, filled with continental Late Miocene to Early Pliocene sediments. The sediments which comprise claystone, marl and limestone, dolostone, and evaporites are characteristic deposits of low-salinity, playa-lake depositional environments. These sepiolite-rich deposits include sepiolite, dolomite, and calcite, with minor amounts of palygorskite, quartz, moganite, amorphous silica (opal-CT), and feldspar.The sepiolite shows all the characteristic X-ray diffraction reflections of that mineral, whereas amorphous silica containing sepiolite shows some of the characteristic reflections of sepiolite, but with somewhat broader and less intense basal reflections. In the siliceous deposits, the long, fibrous, and filamentous aggregates of the sepiolite were converted to thick, short fibers, low in Mg, and showing transition to amorphous silica.Major and trace elements (e.g. Si, Al, Fe, Mg, Sr, Ba, etc.) were found almost exclusively in Mg-rich smectitic claystone and detrital silicate-rich rocks, whereas Mg, Ca, and some Si were concentrated in the neoformed minerals in the basin. The rare-earth elements (REE) and some of the high-field strength elements (HFSE), large ion lithophile elements (LILE), and transition elements (TRE) patterns were similar for detrital silicate-rich rocks and formed from neoformed mineral lithologies. The REE, TRE, LILE, and some of the HFSE contents of limestone, dolostone, and sepiolitic claystone were similar while those of detrital silicate-rich rocks and Mg-rich smectitic claystones were similar to each other. PAAS-normalized REE and other trace-element patterns were typically subparallel and depleted in neoformed minerals. All sample groups had positive Eu* anomalies, except Mg-rich smectite (0.80). Limestone, dolostone, and amorphous silica compounds showed slightly negative Ce* anomalies, whereas sepiolitic claystones, Mg-rich smectitic claystones, and detrital silicate-rich rocks had a slightly positive Ce* anomaly.
International Geology Review, Mar 27, 2009
This paper reports trace-element, rare-earth element (REE) and boron isotopic compositions of tou... more This paper reports trace-element, rare-earth element (REE) and boron isotopic compositions of tourmaline in the Asarcık granitoid and quartz veins at Şebinkarahisar. Abundant tourmaline occurs in the vein-type Pb-Zn-Cu^U deposit, within the northeastern Pontide Metallogenic Belt, both within the Late Cretaceous Asarcık granitoid and in associated quartz-tourmaline veins. Tourmaline in the granitoid forms as rosettes up to 1.5 cm in diameter, whereas in quartz-tourmaline veins a few centimetres to a few metres wide, it occurs as black needles and masses that cut the pluton. We present a systematic geochemical study of these tourmalines-all of the schorl-dravite series. Tourmalines from the quartz veins contain high concentrations of ore metals such as Ag, Bi and Zn and have higher Sr, Cr and Sn contents than tourmalines in the Asarcık granitoid. Tourmalines from intensively altered parts of the pluton are characterized by higher concentrations of trace elements such as Ba, Rb, V, Sc, Th and Zr compared with occurrences in the quartz veins and in the fresh and less-altered granitoid. Chondritenormalized patterns of REEs in tourmalines from the Asarcık granitoid are generally similar to those of tourmalines in the quartz veins. All vein tourmalines, however, are characterized by heavy REE enrichments, in sharp contrast to those in the granitoid. Boron isotopic compositions of tourmalines range from 214.0 to 22.2‰ and fall within the d 11 B range of this mineral in granite-related settings. Tourmaline rosettes from the Asarcık granitoid show relatively lighter d 11 B values (214.0 to 212.2‰) in comparison with those in the quartz veins (210.4 to 22.2‰).
Applied Clay Science, Nov 1, 2011
... of which are of economic interest, are located within the alteration haloes around the massiv... more ... of which are of economic interest, are located within the alteration haloes around the massive sulfide deposits in different parts of the province (eg, [Arslan and Abdioğlu, 2005] , [Çelik et al ... This ratio falls within the classification of mixed bentonites (Table 2) (Günay et al., 2001). ...
Selcuk University Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, Mar 4, 2007
ÖZET: Doğu Karadeniz provensi boyunca volkanojenik masif ve damar tip sülfit yatakları ile ilişki... more ÖZET: Doğu Karadeniz provensi boyunca volkanojenik masif ve damar tip sülfit yatakları ile ilişkili durumda yaygın ve yoğun hidrotermal alterasyon gözlenmektedir. İnceleme alanından derlenen numuneler üzerinde tüm kaya ve kil numunelerinin X-ışınları difraksiyonu (XRD), taramalı elektron mikroskop (SEM) ve enerji dispersiv spektrometre (EDS) çalışmaları ve kimyasal analizler yapılmıştır. Kil mineral toplulukları Geç Kretase volkanik kayaçları (bazaltik, andezitik, dasitik, riyodasitik ve riyolitik lavlar ve piroklastikler) içerisinde gözlenmiştir ve özellikle de Geç Kretase-Paleosen intrüzyonları ile ilişkilidir. Geç Kretase volkanizması den oluşmuştur. Volkanik kayaçların hidrotermal alterasyonu; propillitik, fillitik (serisitik) alterasyonlar, hematitleşme, silisleşme ve alunitleşme şeklinde gelişmiştir. Alunit, kaolinit, jips ve nabit sülfür yüksek sülfitleşme zonlarında, kaolinit ve silis polimorfları killeşme zonlarında ve serisit (illit) ise fillitik zonda gözlenmiştir. Bazı kaolinit oluşumları silis polimorfları ve kısmen illit içerirken, bazıları kaolinitler saf olup 5-30 cm lik bantlar halinde, beyazaçık yeşil renklidirler. İllit genellikle 2M politipinde olup kristalinitesi iyidir. İllitlerin oksijen izotop değerleri ‰ 6-8 (V-SMOW) arasında olup, deniz suyundan yüksek sıcaklıklarda (200-300 o C) oluştuğunu göstermektedir. Volkanik kayaçları içinde gözlenen, bindirme fayına paralel olarak gelişmiş 1-2 m genişlikteki bir zonda gözlenen hidrotermal, beyazımsı-çık yeşil renkli kaolinitin oksijen izotop değerleri ‰ 16-17 arasındadır ve bu değerlere göre muhtemelen deniz suyunun benzer değerleri ile denge halindeki 75-100 o C arasındaki sıcaklıklarda oluşmuştur. Alterasyon zonlarında genellikle Ca-montmorillonitten oluşan iki tür bentonit oluşumu belirlenmiştir. Yeşilimsi-sarımsı yeşil renkli olan birinci tür bentonit oluşumu hemen hemen saf montmorillonitten oluşurken, ikinci tür beyazımsı-pembe renkli olanlar az miktarda (%5-10) silis polimorfları içerir. Her iki tür bentonit oluşumunun oksijen izotop değerleri (‰ 23-29), bu bentonitlerin halmrolizle oluştuğunu gösterir. Ca-montmorillonit türü simektitlerde tabaka aralarında Na veya K bulunmasında bölgeler arasında bir farklılık gözlenmemiştir.
Fen ve mühendislik bilimleri dergisi, Oct 27, 2022
Türkiye'de satılan talk pudralarından 40 adeti, insan sağlığı için tehlikeli krizotil ve tremolit... more Türkiye'de satılan talk pudralarından 40 adeti, insan sağlığı için tehlikeli krizotil ve tremolit gibi mineralleri içerip içermediğini araştırmak amacıyla incelenmiştir. Pudralarının mineralojik ve yarı nicel kimyasal analizleri yapılmıştır. Pudralar talk yanında çoğunlukla kalsit, kaolinit, manyezit, simektit/klorit, dolomit, kuvars ve nadiren krizotil (?) ve tremolit belirlenmiştir. Kalsit içeriğinin bazı numunelerde talka yakın olduğu belirlenmiştir. Talk, tremolit ve krizotil kristalleri kısmen yassı kısmen de sivri, kıymık şeklindedir. Ayrıca iğnemsi, bükülmüş, ipliksi morfolojide kristaller de belirlenmiştir. Liflerde yığın görünümlü bazen çubuksu, borumsu, levhamsı şekillerde de gözlenmiştir. Çubuksu kristallerin boyu krizotil için literatürde verilenlerden büyüktür (≥5 m). Yapılan yarı nicel kimyasal bileşim analizinde silikat minerallerinin yapısında bulunan özellikle Si ve Mg yanında birçok kristalde Fe, Ca ve Al içeriği de tespit edilmiştir. Çubuksu/ipliksi morfolojideki krizotilin yapısal formülündeki Mg:Si=3:2 oranıyla aynı oran belirlenmiştir. Genelde Si içeriği Mg'dan çok daha yüksek iken, birkaç analizde bu elementlerin içeriği eşite yakın bulunmuştur. Bazı kristallerde Fe veya Al içeriği de belirlenmiş olup Fe içeriği dikkate alınmalıdır. Zira Fe, asbest minerallerinde biyolojik sistemde dokularda kanser oluşturma riskine neden olabilir. Ayrıca mikron boyutlardaki kuvars silikozis oluşturma riski taşıyabilir.
Tuzgölü Basin located at the Central Anatolia is an inner enclosed basin and is bounded by Ankara... more Tuzgölü Basin located at the Central Anatolia is an inner enclosed basin and is bounded by Ankara uplift in the north, the Kırşehir massif from in the east and the Sivrihisar-Bozdağ massif from the west. The Salt Lake is bordered by Tuzgölü, Akşehir and Niğde fault zones in NE-GW direction. Typical mechanical and sedimentary structures in the evaporitic sediments are observed in especially gypsum and anhydrite, partially glauberite and halite deposits. The most prominent structures observed in the investigated cores are usually sequential sedimentation or stratification, other primary structures are slump structures, sub-strata traces, mud cracks and flat conglomeratic gravel sediments. Stratification in the evaporites showed changes in the mineralogical and textural properties from the bed to the bed. There are also settlement/load structures, ripple cross lamination and cross stratification were determined. As a result of sedimentation, sedimentation-grade bedding and intercalation of clay or carbonate mud and salted mineral mud have been observed. The lacustrine sediments in the inner zones of the basin consist of Ca-Na-sulphate, Mg-sulphate sediments, claystone, carbonate alternation and partly laminated. Repeating the evaporitic sediments in mm and cm thickness provides a seasonal sedimentation view.
Clay Minerals, Jun 1, 2015
Radioactivity concentrations and dose assessment 235 was found to be too low in all samples. The ... more Radioactivity concentrations and dose assessment 235 was found to be too low in all samples. The average activity concentrations in Bq/kg were found to be: 40.1±1.6 for 238 U and 372.6±11.9 for 40 K in X-site, 38.3±1.9 for 238 U and 486.4±15.0 for 40 K in Y-site, and 45.4±1.3 for 238 U and 313.3±11.1 for 40 K in Z-site. Our findings are within the worldwide average values (UNSCEAR, 2000). The absorbed dose rates were calculated and found to be in the range of 20.86-47.62 nGy/h with an overall average value of 34.66 nGy/h. The average outdoor annual effective dose equivalent was estimated to be 41.13 ± 11.64 μSv y-1 which is below the world average of 70 μSv y-1 .
Geomaterials, 2016
The thermal properties such as specific heat capacity and heat dissipation of peloids play an imp... more The thermal properties such as specific heat capacity and heat dissipation of peloids play an important role in therapeutic applications. Therefore, these properties were determined on the peloids samples taken from spas where peloid applications are used in Turkey. In addition, some pure clay minerals were investigated to determine their suitability as possible constituents of therapeutic peloids and to make recommendations for preparing the most usable peloids for thermal therapy. For this aim, the mineralogical and thermal properties of samples were investigated using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC). The mineralogical compositions of the peloid samples are not homogenous, and their clay mineral content is approximately 60%, and the most abundant clay mineral is calcium montmorillonite. The cooling time of peloids are between 20 and 25 minutes, which is suitable for therapy and thus these peloids are suitable for using in health problems requiring heat treatment. The samples have favorable heat dissipation capacity and partially cooling kinetics. Specific heat capacity of the peloid samples is partially appropriate for heat therapy and these values range from 0.60 to 1.41 J/g•˚C, and partially high in peloids with high smectite content. The pure sepiolite samples have higher heat dissipation properties than those of other clay minerals especially illites and kaolinites. Ca-montmorillonite and kaolinite have the lowest specific heat values while sepiolite samples have higher values. Sepiolite and partly Na-Ca-montmorillonite are more appropriate than the other studied clay minerals as a peloid constituent especially for therapy of musculoskeletal pain.
Applied Water Science, May 10, 2023
The consumption of pharmaceuticals has rapidly increased on a global scale due to the serious inc... more The consumption of pharmaceuticals has rapidly increased on a global scale due to the serious increase in Covid-19, influenza and respiratuar sinsityal virus, which is called "triple epidemic" in the world. The use of non-prescription analgesic and antiinflammatory drugs (AAIDs), especially paracetamol, is higher compared to pre-pandemic. This increased the AAIDs load discharged to the aqueous media through sewerage treatment plant (STP). Therefore, simple and effective treatment options for removing AAIDs from STP effluents are needed. The aim of the study was to remove AAIDs (paracetamol, acetylsalicylic acid, codeine, diclofenac, ibuprofen, indomethacin, ketoprofen, mefenamic acid, naproxen, and phenylbutazone) from STP effluents by nearly pure natural clay Na-montmorillonite. The Na-montmorillonite taken from the Ordu region in the northern part of Turkey. Surface area of the Na-montmorillonite is 99.58 m 2 /g and CEC is 92.40 meq/100 g. The removal efficiencies of AAIDs using Na-montmorillonite were between 82 ± 5% (ibuprofen) and 94 ± 4% (naproxen). Paracetamol was used as a model compound in kinetic and isotherm model studies. Freundlich isotherm model and the pseudo second order kinetic model were the best-fit using the obtained experimental data. Film diffusion governed its rate mechanism. The paracetamol adsorption capacity was acquired as 244 mg/g at 120 min contact time at pH 6.5 at 25 °C. With this study, it could be shown that montmorillonite can be used effectively to eliminate paracetamol from STP effluent. Natural clay can be used as a simple, inexpensive and effective adsorbent for removing AAIDs from STP effluents.
Minerals, Jan 25, 2023
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 2009
Computers & Geosciences, Feb 1, 2014
ABSTRACT A Microsoft Visual Basic program, WinTcac, has been developed to calculate structural fo... more ABSTRACT A Microsoft Visual Basic program, WinTcac, has been developed to calculate structural formulae of tourmaline analyses based on the Subcommittee on Tourmaline Nomenclature (STN) of the International Mineralogical Association's Commission on New Minerals, Nomenclature and Classification (IMA-CNMCN) scheme. WinTcac calculates and classifies tourmaline-supergroup minerals based on 31 O atoms for complete tourmaline analyses. For electron-microprobe-derived tourmaline analyses site occupancy can be estimated by using the stoichiometric H2O (wt%) and B2O3 (wt%) contents. This program also allows the user to process tourmaline analyses using 15 cations and 6 silicons normalization schemes. WinTcac provides the user to display tourmaline analyses in a various classification, environmental, substitution, and miscellaneous plots by using the Golden Software's Grapher program. The program is developed to predict cation site-allocations at the different structural positions, including the T, Z, Y, and X sites, as well as to estimate the OH1−, F1−, Cl1−, and O2− contents. WinTcac provides editing and loading Microsoft Excel files to calculate multiple tourmaline analyses. This software generates and stores all the calculated results in the output of Microsoft Excel file, which can be displayed and processed by any other software for verification, general data manipulation, and graphing purposes. The compiled program code is distributed as a self-extracting setup file, including a help file, test data files and graphic files, which are designed to produce a high-quality printout of the related plotting software.
Clay Minerals, Jun 1, 2017
This study focused on the mineralogical and physico-chemical properties of heulandite/clinoptilol... more This study focused on the mineralogical and physico-chemical properties of heulandite/clinoptilolite (Heu/Cpt)-rich zeolitic tuffs SE of Ankara (Turkey) and evaluated their potential for use as adsorbents. The main Heu/Cpt minerals correspond to the intermediate type and the Cpt-type of the heulandite series. Minor chabazite, erionite and rarely analcime and accessory feldspars, mica, smectite, and quartz were also detected. Three types of Heu were recognized according to their thermal behaviour. Cpt (type-III Heu) was thermally stable at 600°C, whereas type-I Heu collapsed and type-II Heu partially collapsed. The Si/Al ratios of the Hul/Cpt ranged from 3.54 to 5.03, the Γ parameter (Γ = Ca/Al + 0.115*Al) varied between 0.78 and 1.85 and Al + Fe3+varied between 6.27 and 8.00. The Na, K and Ca contents of Heu/Cpt varied widely and the Heu had an intermediate composition between types II and III. The Mg + Ca content is greater than the Na + K content in Heu-type II and smaller in Heu-type III zeolites. The BET surface area and the pore-size of the samples varied between 10.15 and 194.27 m2/g, and between 1.41 and 12.42 nm, respectively. The N2adsorption and desorption isotherms were comparable, but the adsorption/desorption capacity is greater in type III than in type II Heu zeolites. The cation exchange capacities of the Heu/Cpt-rich samples ranged from 185 to 280 meq/100 g.
The ulutas medical journal, 2016
Introduction: In the therapeutic use of spas, it is important to ensure the effectiveness of remo... more Introduction: In the therapeutic use of spas, it is important to ensure the effectiveness of removal of coliform pollution in peloids and water. It is aimed that a study on microbiological characterization in the thermal habitats located in Turkey. Method: The study was conducted on water and mud samples taken from spas in different parts of our country. The Most Probable Number (MPN) values obtained as a result of analyses of 100 ml and 300 ml water and peloid samples taken from each station for determination of the types of iron and acidophilic bacteria. Furthermore, IC50 values were calculated from the graph drawn between the concentrations water and mud concentrations and % activity values. IC45, IC50 and IC90 values indicating toxicity for granulated and anaerobic mud cultures were identified. Results: For human health, the infection dosage of the bacteria in an individual must be about 50 IC50%. In water and mud samples, mostly iron bacteria such as Siderocapsa sp, Thiobaccillus ferrooxidans and acidophilic varieties such as Thiobaccillus acidophilus and Leptosprillum sp were identified. According to the results of the study, except for the water samples taken from stations TW-5, 6 and 15, pH value was in the range of 6-7, which indicated that it was slightly acidic. Moreover, their chemical contents and physical properties and at the same time their hygienic and microbiological characteristics were tested repeatedly through analyses. Conclusion: We intended to make suggestions about the usability of the mud by identifying the properties of the spa muds and waters through analyses and /or make the existing mud compounds more useful by making additions/improvements to it, and thus initiating preliminary studies to set a standard.
Clays and Clay Minerals, Apr 1, 2015
The pyroclastic sediments studied here contained varied amounts of zeolite and were formed in the... more The pyroclastic sediments studied here contained varied amounts of zeolite and were formed in the saline alkaline Tuzgölü Basin following the alteration of dacitic volcanic materials during the Early to Late Miocene. The present study focused on the geological-geochemical properties of the zeolites and describes their formation. Mineralogical and chemical compositions were determined by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, optical microscopy, and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Results indicated that the zeolitic tuffs consisted mainly of heulandite/clinoptilolite (Hul/Cpt), chabazite, erionite, and analcime associated with smectite. Smectite, calcite, and dolomite are abundant in the clay and carbonate layers which alternate with the zeolitic tuffs. K-feldspar, gypsum, and hexahydrite (MgSO4·6H2O) were also found in some altered tuffs and clay-marl layers as accessory minerals. The zeolite and other authigenic minerals showed weak stratigraphic zonation. Some vitric tuff layers contained no zeolite minerals and others were found to consist of almost pure Hul/Cpt and chabazite layers with economic potential. The rare earth elements (REE), large ion lithophile elements (LILE), and high-field strength elements (HFSE) in the Hul/Cpt-rich tuffs and vitric tuffs were enriched or depleted relative to the precursor rock, while many major elements were slightly or significantly depleted in all zeolitic tuffs. The amounts of REE in the chabazite- and erionite-rich tuffs were generally smaller than those in the precursor rock. The middle and heavy REE (MREE and HREE, respectively) were abundant in the Hul/Cpt-rich tuffs, tuffs, and smectitic bentonites. Chondrite-normalized REE values of the sample groups are characterized by sub-parallel patterns with enrichment in LREE relative to HREE. The mineral assemblages and geological setting indicated that zeolite diagenesis occurred in a saline-alkaline basin. The δ18O and δD compositions of the Hul/Cpt, chabazite, and smectite indicated that the minerals formed at low to moderate temperatures and that some of the zeolitization occurred due to diagenetic alteration under closed-system conditions that varied according to the nature of the basin and with the composition and physical properties of the volcanic materials.
Türkiye jeoloji bülteni, 2001
Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 1995
Türkiye jeoloji bülteni, 1999
Ore Geology Reviews, Feb 1, 2006
Selçuk Üniversitesi Mühendislik, Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi, Mar 1, 2007
ÖZET: Çalışma alanı Sivrihisar (Eskişehir, İç Anadolu)'ın güneydoğusunda yer alır. İnceleme alanı... more ÖZET: Çalışma alanı Sivrihisar (Eskişehir, İç Anadolu)'ın güneydoğusunda yer alır. İnceleme alanında yüzeyleyen Neojen yaşlı birimler İlyaspaşa formasyonu (Alt-Orta Miyosen) ve Sakarya formasyonu (Üst Miyosen-Pliyosen) olmak üzere iki litostratigrafik birime ayrılır. Sakarya formasyonu Jips, Alt Kireçtaşı, Killi Dolomit ve Üst Kireçtaşı olmak üzere dört üyeye ayrılmaktadır. Jipsler arazide diskoidal, mercek şekilli, jips gülü ve kırlangıçkuyruğu gibi çeşitli kristal şekilleri sergilemektedir. Jips kristalleri inceleme alanında masiv seviyeler, tabakalı, dolomit içerisinde çatlak dolgusu ve serbest büyümeli olarak gözlenir. Dolomit ile ardalanmalı olan masiv ve tabakalı jipsler, yalnızca mercek şekilli ve diskoidal şekilli jipslerden oluşmuştur. Bunlar beyaz renkli ve küçük kristaller halinde (kil-kum boyu) bulunur. Diğer jips kristalleri ise mavimsi gri ve açık kahverengi gibi değişik renkler sergilerler. X-ışınları verilerine göre tüm kesitler; başlıca dolomit, jips, kalsit, yerel olarak sepiyolit ve nadir olarak ta paligorskit, simektit, illit ve kaolinit içerir. İri diskoidal, kırlangıç kuyruğu ve gül biçimli jips kristallerini içeren örneklerde, kil mineral içeriğinin kil-kum boyu jipslerden daha yüksek olduğu belirlenmiştir. Çalışma alanında tatlı su, zayıf alkalin ve alkalin koşulların etkili olduğu belirlenmiştir. Kil kum boyu jips oluşumlarının SO 3 2içerikleri diğer jips oluşumlarından daha düşük bulunmuştur.
Clays and Clay Minerals, Jun 1, 2011
The Middle—Upper Miocene—Pliocene sediments near Polatlı contain commercial sepiolitic clay depos... more The Middle—Upper Miocene—Pliocene sediments near Polatlı contain commercial sepiolitic clay deposits. The sepiolite-rich Polatlı basin sediments were studied to describe the sepiolitic clay deposits of the area and to assess the environments of formation using X-ray diffraction, optical and scanning electron microscopy, and chemical analysis. The Polatlı basin is an elongated, rift-related graben trending NE—SW in central Turkey, filled with continental Late Miocene to Early Pliocene sediments. The sediments which comprise claystone, marl and limestone, dolostone, and evaporites are characteristic deposits of low-salinity, playa-lake depositional environments. These sepiolite-rich deposits include sepiolite, dolomite, and calcite, with minor amounts of palygorskite, quartz, moganite, amorphous silica (opal-CT), and feldspar.The sepiolite shows all the characteristic X-ray diffraction reflections of that mineral, whereas amorphous silica containing sepiolite shows some of the characteristic reflections of sepiolite, but with somewhat broader and less intense basal reflections. In the siliceous deposits, the long, fibrous, and filamentous aggregates of the sepiolite were converted to thick, short fibers, low in Mg, and showing transition to amorphous silica.Major and trace elements (e.g. Si, Al, Fe, Mg, Sr, Ba, etc.) were found almost exclusively in Mg-rich smectitic claystone and detrital silicate-rich rocks, whereas Mg, Ca, and some Si were concentrated in the neoformed minerals in the basin. The rare-earth elements (REE) and some of the high-field strength elements (HFSE), large ion lithophile elements (LILE), and transition elements (TRE) patterns were similar for detrital silicate-rich rocks and formed from neoformed mineral lithologies. The REE, TRE, LILE, and some of the HFSE contents of limestone, dolostone, and sepiolitic claystone were similar while those of detrital silicate-rich rocks and Mg-rich smectitic claystones were similar to each other. PAAS-normalized REE and other trace-element patterns were typically subparallel and depleted in neoformed minerals. All sample groups had positive Eu* anomalies, except Mg-rich smectite (0.80). Limestone, dolostone, and amorphous silica compounds showed slightly negative Ce* anomalies, whereas sepiolitic claystones, Mg-rich smectitic claystones, and detrital silicate-rich rocks had a slightly positive Ce* anomaly.
International Geology Review, Mar 27, 2009
This paper reports trace-element, rare-earth element (REE) and boron isotopic compositions of tou... more This paper reports trace-element, rare-earth element (REE) and boron isotopic compositions of tourmaline in the Asarcık granitoid and quartz veins at Şebinkarahisar. Abundant tourmaline occurs in the vein-type Pb-Zn-Cu^U deposit, within the northeastern Pontide Metallogenic Belt, both within the Late Cretaceous Asarcık granitoid and in associated quartz-tourmaline veins. Tourmaline in the granitoid forms as rosettes up to 1.5 cm in diameter, whereas in quartz-tourmaline veins a few centimetres to a few metres wide, it occurs as black needles and masses that cut the pluton. We present a systematic geochemical study of these tourmalines-all of the schorl-dravite series. Tourmalines from the quartz veins contain high concentrations of ore metals such as Ag, Bi and Zn and have higher Sr, Cr and Sn contents than tourmalines in the Asarcık granitoid. Tourmalines from intensively altered parts of the pluton are characterized by higher concentrations of trace elements such as Ba, Rb, V, Sc, Th and Zr compared with occurrences in the quartz veins and in the fresh and less-altered granitoid. Chondritenormalized patterns of REEs in tourmalines from the Asarcık granitoid are generally similar to those of tourmalines in the quartz veins. All vein tourmalines, however, are characterized by heavy REE enrichments, in sharp contrast to those in the granitoid. Boron isotopic compositions of tourmalines range from 214.0 to 22.2‰ and fall within the d 11 B range of this mineral in granite-related settings. Tourmaline rosettes from the Asarcık granitoid show relatively lighter d 11 B values (214.0 to 212.2‰) in comparison with those in the quartz veins (210.4 to 22.2‰).
Applied Clay Science, Nov 1, 2011
... of which are of economic interest, are located within the alteration haloes around the massiv... more ... of which are of economic interest, are located within the alteration haloes around the massive sulfide deposits in different parts of the province (eg, [Arslan and Abdioğlu, 2005] , [Çelik et al ... This ratio falls within the classification of mixed bentonites (Table 2) (Günay et al., 2001). ...
Selcuk University Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, Mar 4, 2007
ÖZET: Doğu Karadeniz provensi boyunca volkanojenik masif ve damar tip sülfit yatakları ile ilişki... more ÖZET: Doğu Karadeniz provensi boyunca volkanojenik masif ve damar tip sülfit yatakları ile ilişkili durumda yaygın ve yoğun hidrotermal alterasyon gözlenmektedir. İnceleme alanından derlenen numuneler üzerinde tüm kaya ve kil numunelerinin X-ışınları difraksiyonu (XRD), taramalı elektron mikroskop (SEM) ve enerji dispersiv spektrometre (EDS) çalışmaları ve kimyasal analizler yapılmıştır. Kil mineral toplulukları Geç Kretase volkanik kayaçları (bazaltik, andezitik, dasitik, riyodasitik ve riyolitik lavlar ve piroklastikler) içerisinde gözlenmiştir ve özellikle de Geç Kretase-Paleosen intrüzyonları ile ilişkilidir. Geç Kretase volkanizması den oluşmuştur. Volkanik kayaçların hidrotermal alterasyonu; propillitik, fillitik (serisitik) alterasyonlar, hematitleşme, silisleşme ve alunitleşme şeklinde gelişmiştir. Alunit, kaolinit, jips ve nabit sülfür yüksek sülfitleşme zonlarında, kaolinit ve silis polimorfları killeşme zonlarında ve serisit (illit) ise fillitik zonda gözlenmiştir. Bazı kaolinit oluşumları silis polimorfları ve kısmen illit içerirken, bazıları kaolinitler saf olup 5-30 cm lik bantlar halinde, beyazaçık yeşil renklidirler. İllit genellikle 2M politipinde olup kristalinitesi iyidir. İllitlerin oksijen izotop değerleri ‰ 6-8 (V-SMOW) arasında olup, deniz suyundan yüksek sıcaklıklarda (200-300 o C) oluştuğunu göstermektedir. Volkanik kayaçları içinde gözlenen, bindirme fayına paralel olarak gelişmiş 1-2 m genişlikteki bir zonda gözlenen hidrotermal, beyazımsı-çık yeşil renkli kaolinitin oksijen izotop değerleri ‰ 16-17 arasındadır ve bu değerlere göre muhtemelen deniz suyunun benzer değerleri ile denge halindeki 75-100 o C arasındaki sıcaklıklarda oluşmuştur. Alterasyon zonlarında genellikle Ca-montmorillonitten oluşan iki tür bentonit oluşumu belirlenmiştir. Yeşilimsi-sarımsı yeşil renkli olan birinci tür bentonit oluşumu hemen hemen saf montmorillonitten oluşurken, ikinci tür beyazımsı-pembe renkli olanlar az miktarda (%5-10) silis polimorfları içerir. Her iki tür bentonit oluşumunun oksijen izotop değerleri (‰ 23-29), bu bentonitlerin halmrolizle oluştuğunu gösterir. Ca-montmorillonit türü simektitlerde tabaka aralarında Na veya K bulunmasında bölgeler arasında bir farklılık gözlenmemiştir.
Fen ve mühendislik bilimleri dergisi, Oct 27, 2022
Türkiye'de satılan talk pudralarından 40 adeti, insan sağlığı için tehlikeli krizotil ve tremolit... more Türkiye'de satılan talk pudralarından 40 adeti, insan sağlığı için tehlikeli krizotil ve tremolit gibi mineralleri içerip içermediğini araştırmak amacıyla incelenmiştir. Pudralarının mineralojik ve yarı nicel kimyasal analizleri yapılmıştır. Pudralar talk yanında çoğunlukla kalsit, kaolinit, manyezit, simektit/klorit, dolomit, kuvars ve nadiren krizotil (?) ve tremolit belirlenmiştir. Kalsit içeriğinin bazı numunelerde talka yakın olduğu belirlenmiştir. Talk, tremolit ve krizotil kristalleri kısmen yassı kısmen de sivri, kıymık şeklindedir. Ayrıca iğnemsi, bükülmüş, ipliksi morfolojide kristaller de belirlenmiştir. Liflerde yığın görünümlü bazen çubuksu, borumsu, levhamsı şekillerde de gözlenmiştir. Çubuksu kristallerin boyu krizotil için literatürde verilenlerden büyüktür (≥5 m). Yapılan yarı nicel kimyasal bileşim analizinde silikat minerallerinin yapısında bulunan özellikle Si ve Mg yanında birçok kristalde Fe, Ca ve Al içeriği de tespit edilmiştir. Çubuksu/ipliksi morfolojideki krizotilin yapısal formülündeki Mg:Si=3:2 oranıyla aynı oran belirlenmiştir. Genelde Si içeriği Mg'dan çok daha yüksek iken, birkaç analizde bu elementlerin içeriği eşite yakın bulunmuştur. Bazı kristallerde Fe veya Al içeriği de belirlenmiş olup Fe içeriği dikkate alınmalıdır. Zira Fe, asbest minerallerinde biyolojik sistemde dokularda kanser oluşturma riskine neden olabilir. Ayrıca mikron boyutlardaki kuvars silikozis oluşturma riski taşıyabilir.
Tuzgölü Basin located at the Central Anatolia is an inner enclosed basin and is bounded by Ankara... more Tuzgölü Basin located at the Central Anatolia is an inner enclosed basin and is bounded by Ankara uplift in the north, the Kırşehir massif from in the east and the Sivrihisar-Bozdağ massif from the west. The Salt Lake is bordered by Tuzgölü, Akşehir and Niğde fault zones in NE-GW direction. Typical mechanical and sedimentary structures in the evaporitic sediments are observed in especially gypsum and anhydrite, partially glauberite and halite deposits. The most prominent structures observed in the investigated cores are usually sequential sedimentation or stratification, other primary structures are slump structures, sub-strata traces, mud cracks and flat conglomeratic gravel sediments. Stratification in the evaporites showed changes in the mineralogical and textural properties from the bed to the bed. There are also settlement/load structures, ripple cross lamination and cross stratification were determined. As a result of sedimentation, sedimentation-grade bedding and intercalation of clay or carbonate mud and salted mineral mud have been observed. The lacustrine sediments in the inner zones of the basin consist of Ca-Na-sulphate, Mg-sulphate sediments, claystone, carbonate alternation and partly laminated. Repeating the evaporitic sediments in mm and cm thickness provides a seasonal sedimentation view.
Clay Minerals, Jun 1, 2015
Radioactivity concentrations and dose assessment 235 was found to be too low in all samples. The ... more Radioactivity concentrations and dose assessment 235 was found to be too low in all samples. The average activity concentrations in Bq/kg were found to be: 40.1±1.6 for 238 U and 372.6±11.9 for 40 K in X-site, 38.3±1.9 for 238 U and 486.4±15.0 for 40 K in Y-site, and 45.4±1.3 for 238 U and 313.3±11.1 for 40 K in Z-site. Our findings are within the worldwide average values (UNSCEAR, 2000). The absorbed dose rates were calculated and found to be in the range of 20.86-47.62 nGy/h with an overall average value of 34.66 nGy/h. The average outdoor annual effective dose equivalent was estimated to be 41.13 ± 11.64 μSv y-1 which is below the world average of 70 μSv y-1 .
Geomaterials, 2016
The thermal properties such as specific heat capacity and heat dissipation of peloids play an imp... more The thermal properties such as specific heat capacity and heat dissipation of peloids play an important role in therapeutic applications. Therefore, these properties were determined on the peloids samples taken from spas where peloid applications are used in Turkey. In addition, some pure clay minerals were investigated to determine their suitability as possible constituents of therapeutic peloids and to make recommendations for preparing the most usable peloids for thermal therapy. For this aim, the mineralogical and thermal properties of samples were investigated using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC). The mineralogical compositions of the peloid samples are not homogenous, and their clay mineral content is approximately 60%, and the most abundant clay mineral is calcium montmorillonite. The cooling time of peloids are between 20 and 25 minutes, which is suitable for therapy and thus these peloids are suitable for using in health problems requiring heat treatment. The samples have favorable heat dissipation capacity and partially cooling kinetics. Specific heat capacity of the peloid samples is partially appropriate for heat therapy and these values range from 0.60 to 1.41 J/g•˚C, and partially high in peloids with high smectite content. The pure sepiolite samples have higher heat dissipation properties than those of other clay minerals especially illites and kaolinites. Ca-montmorillonite and kaolinite have the lowest specific heat values while sepiolite samples have higher values. Sepiolite and partly Na-Ca-montmorillonite are more appropriate than the other studied clay minerals as a peloid constituent especially for therapy of musculoskeletal pain.
Applied Water Science, May 10, 2023
The consumption of pharmaceuticals has rapidly increased on a global scale due to the serious inc... more The consumption of pharmaceuticals has rapidly increased on a global scale due to the serious increase in Covid-19, influenza and respiratuar sinsityal virus, which is called "triple epidemic" in the world. The use of non-prescription analgesic and antiinflammatory drugs (AAIDs), especially paracetamol, is higher compared to pre-pandemic. This increased the AAIDs load discharged to the aqueous media through sewerage treatment plant (STP). Therefore, simple and effective treatment options for removing AAIDs from STP effluents are needed. The aim of the study was to remove AAIDs (paracetamol, acetylsalicylic acid, codeine, diclofenac, ibuprofen, indomethacin, ketoprofen, mefenamic acid, naproxen, and phenylbutazone) from STP effluents by nearly pure natural clay Na-montmorillonite. The Na-montmorillonite taken from the Ordu region in the northern part of Turkey. Surface area of the Na-montmorillonite is 99.58 m 2 /g and CEC is 92.40 meq/100 g. The removal efficiencies of AAIDs using Na-montmorillonite were between 82 ± 5% (ibuprofen) and 94 ± 4% (naproxen). Paracetamol was used as a model compound in kinetic and isotherm model studies. Freundlich isotherm model and the pseudo second order kinetic model were the best-fit using the obtained experimental data. Film diffusion governed its rate mechanism. The paracetamol adsorption capacity was acquired as 244 mg/g at 120 min contact time at pH 6.5 at 25 °C. With this study, it could be shown that montmorillonite can be used effectively to eliminate paracetamol from STP effluent. Natural clay can be used as a simple, inexpensive and effective adsorbent for removing AAIDs from STP effluents.
Minerals, Jan 25, 2023
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 2009
Computers & Geosciences, Feb 1, 2014
ABSTRACT A Microsoft Visual Basic program, WinTcac, has been developed to calculate structural fo... more ABSTRACT A Microsoft Visual Basic program, WinTcac, has been developed to calculate structural formulae of tourmaline analyses based on the Subcommittee on Tourmaline Nomenclature (STN) of the International Mineralogical Association's Commission on New Minerals, Nomenclature and Classification (IMA-CNMCN) scheme. WinTcac calculates and classifies tourmaline-supergroup minerals based on 31 O atoms for complete tourmaline analyses. For electron-microprobe-derived tourmaline analyses site occupancy can be estimated by using the stoichiometric H2O (wt%) and B2O3 (wt%) contents. This program also allows the user to process tourmaline analyses using 15 cations and 6 silicons normalization schemes. WinTcac provides the user to display tourmaline analyses in a various classification, environmental, substitution, and miscellaneous plots by using the Golden Software's Grapher program. The program is developed to predict cation site-allocations at the different structural positions, including the T, Z, Y, and X sites, as well as to estimate the OH1−, F1−, Cl1−, and O2− contents. WinTcac provides editing and loading Microsoft Excel files to calculate multiple tourmaline analyses. This software generates and stores all the calculated results in the output of Microsoft Excel file, which can be displayed and processed by any other software for verification, general data manipulation, and graphing purposes. The compiled program code is distributed as a self-extracting setup file, including a help file, test data files and graphic files, which are designed to produce a high-quality printout of the related plotting software.
Clay Minerals, Jun 1, 2017
This study focused on the mineralogical and physico-chemical properties of heulandite/clinoptilol... more This study focused on the mineralogical and physico-chemical properties of heulandite/clinoptilolite (Heu/Cpt)-rich zeolitic tuffs SE of Ankara (Turkey) and evaluated their potential for use as adsorbents. The main Heu/Cpt minerals correspond to the intermediate type and the Cpt-type of the heulandite series. Minor chabazite, erionite and rarely analcime and accessory feldspars, mica, smectite, and quartz were also detected. Three types of Heu were recognized according to their thermal behaviour. Cpt (type-III Heu) was thermally stable at 600°C, whereas type-I Heu collapsed and type-II Heu partially collapsed. The Si/Al ratios of the Hul/Cpt ranged from 3.54 to 5.03, the Γ parameter (Γ = Ca/Al + 0.115*Al) varied between 0.78 and 1.85 and Al + Fe3+varied between 6.27 and 8.00. The Na, K and Ca contents of Heu/Cpt varied widely and the Heu had an intermediate composition between types II and III. The Mg + Ca content is greater than the Na + K content in Heu-type II and smaller in Heu-type III zeolites. The BET surface area and the pore-size of the samples varied between 10.15 and 194.27 m2/g, and between 1.41 and 12.42 nm, respectively. The N2adsorption and desorption isotherms were comparable, but the adsorption/desorption capacity is greater in type III than in type II Heu zeolites. The cation exchange capacities of the Heu/Cpt-rich samples ranged from 185 to 280 meq/100 g.
The ulutas medical journal, 2016
Introduction: In the therapeutic use of spas, it is important to ensure the effectiveness of remo... more Introduction: In the therapeutic use of spas, it is important to ensure the effectiveness of removal of coliform pollution in peloids and water. It is aimed that a study on microbiological characterization in the thermal habitats located in Turkey. Method: The study was conducted on water and mud samples taken from spas in different parts of our country. The Most Probable Number (MPN) values obtained as a result of analyses of 100 ml and 300 ml water and peloid samples taken from each station for determination of the types of iron and acidophilic bacteria. Furthermore, IC50 values were calculated from the graph drawn between the concentrations water and mud concentrations and % activity values. IC45, IC50 and IC90 values indicating toxicity for granulated and anaerobic mud cultures were identified. Results: For human health, the infection dosage of the bacteria in an individual must be about 50 IC50%. In water and mud samples, mostly iron bacteria such as Siderocapsa sp, Thiobaccillus ferrooxidans and acidophilic varieties such as Thiobaccillus acidophilus and Leptosprillum sp were identified. According to the results of the study, except for the water samples taken from stations TW-5, 6 and 15, pH value was in the range of 6-7, which indicated that it was slightly acidic. Moreover, their chemical contents and physical properties and at the same time their hygienic and microbiological characteristics were tested repeatedly through analyses. Conclusion: We intended to make suggestions about the usability of the mud by identifying the properties of the spa muds and waters through analyses and /or make the existing mud compounds more useful by making additions/improvements to it, and thus initiating preliminary studies to set a standard.
Clays and Clay Minerals, Apr 1, 2015
The pyroclastic sediments studied here contained varied amounts of zeolite and were formed in the... more The pyroclastic sediments studied here contained varied amounts of zeolite and were formed in the saline alkaline Tuzgölü Basin following the alteration of dacitic volcanic materials during the Early to Late Miocene. The present study focused on the geological-geochemical properties of the zeolites and describes their formation. Mineralogical and chemical compositions were determined by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, optical microscopy, and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Results indicated that the zeolitic tuffs consisted mainly of heulandite/clinoptilolite (Hul/Cpt), chabazite, erionite, and analcime associated with smectite. Smectite, calcite, and dolomite are abundant in the clay and carbonate layers which alternate with the zeolitic tuffs. K-feldspar, gypsum, and hexahydrite (MgSO4·6H2O) were also found in some altered tuffs and clay-marl layers as accessory minerals. The zeolite and other authigenic minerals showed weak stratigraphic zonation. Some vitric tuff layers contained no zeolite minerals and others were found to consist of almost pure Hul/Cpt and chabazite layers with economic potential. The rare earth elements (REE), large ion lithophile elements (LILE), and high-field strength elements (HFSE) in the Hul/Cpt-rich tuffs and vitric tuffs were enriched or depleted relative to the precursor rock, while many major elements were slightly or significantly depleted in all zeolitic tuffs. The amounts of REE in the chabazite- and erionite-rich tuffs were generally smaller than those in the precursor rock. The middle and heavy REE (MREE and HREE, respectively) were abundant in the Hul/Cpt-rich tuffs, tuffs, and smectitic bentonites. Chondrite-normalized REE values of the sample groups are characterized by sub-parallel patterns with enrichment in LREE relative to HREE. The mineral assemblages and geological setting indicated that zeolite diagenesis occurred in a saline-alkaline basin. The δ18O and δD compositions of the Hul/Cpt, chabazite, and smectite indicated that the minerals formed at low to moderate temperatures and that some of the zeolitization occurred due to diagenetic alteration under closed-system conditions that varied according to the nature of the basin and with the composition and physical properties of the volcanic materials.
Türkiye jeoloji bülteni, 2001