Mudrik Alaydrus - (original) (raw)
Papers by Mudrik Alaydrus
2022 Seventh International Conference on Informatics and Computing (ICIC)
Journal of Integrated and Advanced Engineering (JIAE), 2021
The necessity for mobile communication devices is increased rapidly. Users expect to get very fas... more The necessity for mobile communication devices is increased rapidly. Users expect to get very fast information access and data access without delay. The fifth-generation (5G) development in wireless mobile telecommunication technology promises capacity enhancement, ease connectivity, high efficiency, and high data rate transmission. The appropriate device should support this improvement of the technology. The antenna is one of the main devices to support the high data rate transmission. This paper proposed designing a dual-band rectangular patch antenna in 29 GHz and 38 GHz that supports 5G technology. This microstrip antenna is composed of 4 patch array elements to obtain higher gain. The material used for this microstrip antenna is RT Duroid 5880 with a dielectric constant of 2.2 and a thickness of 1.575 mm. Both measurement and simulation are confirmed that the 2×2 array microstrip antenna in 29 GHz and 38 GHz frequency have a return loss value of -12.5 dB and -16 dB, respectivel...
Jurnal Telekomunikasi dan Komputer, 2020
Teknologi milimeterwave (mmWave) merupakan salah satu teknologi pendukung yang dalam mewujudkan t... more Teknologi milimeterwave (mmWave) merupakan salah satu teknologi pendukung yang dalam mewujudkan teknologi 5G. Teknologi ini memanfaatkan frekuensi di panjang gelombang antara 10 sampai dengan 1 milimeter. Dalam penerapan teknologi ini dibutuhkan antena yang dapat memenuhi kualifikasi tersebut dan dapat bekerja pada frekuensi 30-300GHz. Salah satu antena yang bisa memenuhi spesifikasi tersebut yaitu Antena Mikrostrip. Namun antena mikrostrip masih memiliki banyak kekurangan, diantaranya bandwidth yang sempit dan gain yang rendah. Oleh karena itu, pada penelitian ini, dirancanglah sebuah antena Reflectarray 13x13 Elemen, dibuat dengan menggunakan PCB Roger RT4003C yang bekerja pada frekuensi 38 GHz dengan ketebalan 0.51mm dan nilai kontanta dielektrik sebesar 3,55 dan bersifat high gain. Proses perancangan antena ini menggunakan Software Ansoft High Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS) v.15.0. Namun, sebelum merancang antena 13x13 elemen, terlebih dahulu hanya merancang dengan satu ...
Journal of ICT Research and Applications, 2015
Transmission lines are utilized in many applications to convey energy as well as information. Non... more Transmission lines are utilized in many applications to convey energy as well as information. Nonuniform transmission lines (NTLs) are obtained through variation of the characteristic quantities along the axial direction. Such NTLs can be used to design network elements, like matching circuits, delay equalizers, filters, VLSI interconnections, etc. In this work, NTLs were analyzed with a numerical method based on the implementation of method of moment. In order to approximate the voltage and current distribution along the transmission line, a sum of basis functions with unknown amplitudes was introduced. As basis function, a constant function was used. In this work, we observed several cases such as lossless and lossy uniform transmission lines with matching and arbitrary load. These cases verified the algorithm developed in this work. The second example consists of nonuniform transmission lines in the form of abruptly changing transmission lines. This structure was used to design a...
2016 1st International Conference on Biomedical Engineering (IBIOMED), 2016
The need of pathologist to analyze tissue samples from remote, constrained by the high initial co... more The need of pathologist to analyze tissue samples from remote, constrained by the high initial cost of the initial investment both hardware and software. Therefore researchers are trying to analysis the cost-benefit and QoS of the dynamic Telecytology system in Indonesia. The researchers have built the Telecytology systems with hardware and software, that are as an initial cost of the system. The observer needs an internet connection to connect to the dynamic Telecytology system. This telecommunication cost is as operational cost. There is 3 (three) dynamic Telecytology system to be implemented and compared, first, using the Raspberry Pi, second, using Android smartphones and third, using the iPhone. Then, the systems were compared with the commercial product, such as Skype System. This study tries to prove that the systems are quite affordable in terms of cost-benefit and try to analyze QoS of the systems. The researcher analyzes Internal of Rate Return (IRR) and Net Present Value ...
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control), 2018
Good performance and compact size are the paramaters which are vital when desiging a filter. One ... more Good performance and compact size are the paramaters which are vital when desiging a filter. One of the creteria of good performance is selectivity. This research, conducted by Hilbert Curve Ring and Siepinski Carpet, is used as defected ground structure to overcome filter selectivity. By using three cascadeds Hilbert Curve Ring defected ground structure cells and three steps Sierpinski carpet, a lowpass filter is designed and fabricated. The measurement result for lowpass filterwith Hilbert Curve Ring defected ground structure has sharper selectivity with the cut off frequency at 2.173 GHz and the insertion loss value is 2.135 dB. While the measurement result for three steps Sierpinski carpet has the cut off frequency at 1.728 GHz and the insertion loss value is 0.682 dB.
Jurnal Teknologi Elektro, 2013
Waveguide adalah struktur yang membimbing gelombang, seperti gelombang elektromagnetik atau gelom... more Waveguide adalah struktur yang membimbing gelombang, seperti gelombang elektromagnetik atau gelombang suara. Ada berbagai jenis Waveguide untuk setiap jenis gelombang. Yang asli dan paling umum, artinya adalah pipa logam kosong digunakan untuk tujuan ini. Waveguides berbeda dalam geometri yang dapat membatasi energi dalam satu dimensi seperti di lempengan waveguides atau dua dimensi seperti dalam serat atau saluran waveguides. Selain itu, waveguides berbeda diperlukan untuk memandu frekuensi yang berbeda: membimbing serat optik laser (frekuensi tinggi) tidak akan memandu gelombang mikro (yang memiliki frekuensi yang jauh lebih rendah).Kata kunci: Waveguide, transisi koaxial, serat optik laser
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control), 2019
Unwanted hole in metal sheet that use for vehicle body or structure is proved dangerous situation... more Unwanted hole in metal sheet that use for vehicle body or structure is proved dangerous situation. To prevent disaster this hole needs to be found before its installation, or other wise it will be time and money consuming once its found when already finished installation. Therefore, an inspection using sensor for metal sheet is recommended to prevent this problem. In this paper, we proposed a new sensor using radio wave propagation to detect holes in metal sheet. We propose to use RSSI methods to detect hole based on electromagnetic wave propagation signal strength. Using this method we success to detect 8 mm hole diameter in metal sheet with 1mm thickness. Using this method, we transmit electromagnetic wave energy at about 20 dBm, and we receive with average-27.53 dBm for iron sheet and-23.13 dBm for aluminum sheet.
Materials Science Forum, 2019
In order to enhance a new microwave absorbing capabilities in the X-band frequency range, polycry... more In order to enhance a new microwave absorbing capabilities in the X-band frequency range, polycrystalline magnetic materials of BaFe12O19 barium hexaferrite were fabricated through conventional ceramic method and the Fe3O4 powder from iron sand were prepared through magnetic separation after milling process by using planetary ball mill. Microwave absorbing capabilities of multilayer absorbers, composed of BaFe12O19 barium hexaferrite and the Fe3O4 powder, with a total thickness of 10 mm, were investigated by a vector network analyzer (VNA) in the range of 8.2 –12.4 GHz. According to transmission line theory, reflection of microwave radiations from multilayer magnetic materials is calculated. The reflection loss (RL) strongly depends on thickness of multilayer absorbers and showed an optimal RL. Keywords : BaFe12O19, Fe3O4 powder, reflection loss, multilayer absorbers.
Materials Science Forum, 2018
Microwave absorption characteristics of double layer of barium hexaferrite attached on the silica... more Microwave absorption characteristics of double layer of barium hexaferrite attached on the silica to from a composite on the basis of wave propagation theory have been investigated. Barium hexaferrite, BaFe12O19, was synthesized through ceramic method from stoichiometric mixtures of BaCO3 and Fe2O3 as precursors. The mixture was pelletized under the pressure of 10 MPa and sintered at 1100 °C for 5 hours. Silica in the forms of powder was purified by using HCl. The crystal structure of the samples was characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD), microstructure was examined using scanning electron microscope (SEM), hysteresis curves recorded by PERMAGRAPH techniques, whereas the microwave absorbing properties for X-band was recorded using a vector network analyzer (VNA). Relative complex permeability and permittivity, and reflection loss values were calculated at given thickness according to transmittance line theory within the range 8.2–12.4 GHz. Based on this study, the layer dimens...
Jurnal Telekomunikasi dan Komputer, 2017
Filter memainkan peranan yang penting dalam pemrosesan data. Didalam teknik telekomunikasi, filte... more Filter memainkan peranan yang penting dalam pemrosesan data. Didalam teknik telekomunikasi, filter memilih sinyal terima/pancar yangdiinginkan dengan membuang sinyal lainnya. Filter lolos bawahmemiliki karakteristik membuang sinyal yang berfrekuensi lebih tinggidari frekuensi cut-off-nya. Salah satu aplikasi penting dari filter lolosbawah ini adalah sebagai filter lanjutan dari sebuah filter bandpass,sehingga harmonis yang dihasilkan oleh filter bandpass ini bisa dibuang.Di penelitian ini dirancang filter lolos bawah dalam teknologi mikrostripdengan metoda step-impedansi, yaitu dengan memadukan mikrostripberimpedansi tinggi dan mikrostrip yang berimpedansi rendah dengansuatu panjang tertentu. Di sini juga diperhatikan proses kompensasipanjang mikrostrip yang diakibatkan oleh keberadaan efek komponen disekitarnya, sehingga dengan kompensasi ini, frekuensi cut-off yangditetapkan pada saat pemberikan spesifikasi bisa dicapai lebih akurat.Dalam simulasi filter ordo N=3 dengan aproksimas...
Jurnal Telekomunikasi dan Komputer, 2017
Filter memainkan peranan yang penting dalam pemprosesan data. Di dalam teknik telekomunikasi, fil... more Filter memainkan peranan yang penting dalam pemprosesan data. Di dalam teknik telekomunikasi, filter memilih sinyal terima/pancar yang diinginkan dengan membuang sinyal lainnya. Filter digunakan untuk memisahkan sinyal-sinyal yang memiliki frekuensi yang berbeda. Filter digunakan untuk memilih atau membatasi sinyal frekuensi radio atau gelombang mikro ini dalam batas spektral yang telah disepakati. Aplikasi-aplikasi telekomunikasi yang muncul memberikan batasan-batasan yang sangat kritis, sehingga spesifikasi filter yang diberikan memiliki kinerja yang sangat tinggi, seperti performansi yang lebih tinggi, fungsionalitas yang lebih, kemampuan untuk bisa di-tuning, bisa direkonfigurasi, ukuran yang mini, bobot yang ringan serta bisa diproduksi dengan biaya yang rendah. Pendekatan Butterworth dan Chebychev dalam mendapatkan spesifikasi filter adalah cara awal yang diperkenalkan melalui teknik penggandengan langsung antar resonator, baik dalam teknologi koaxial, waveguide ataupun mikros...
Jurnal Telekomunikasi dan Komputer, 2017
Riset bandpass filter telah mengalami perjalanan panjang, seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi w... more Riset bandpass filter telah mengalami perjalanan panjang, seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi wireless dan aplikasi sensor serta radar. Sampai dengan pertengahan 2015 ditemukan sangat banyak riset tentang bandpass filter di pelbagai publikasi yang ada. Dasar perancangan bandpass filter didominasi dengan metoda insertion loss yang menggunakan aproksimasi Butterworth, Chebyshev dan Elliptis. Realisasi dari elemen yang muncul dari aproksimasi di atas diimplementasikan dalam bentuk penggandengan beberapa resonator. Resonator yang tergandeng ujung (end-coupled) dan tergandeng parallel (parallel-coupled) memberikan realisasi fisik dari penggandengan langsung, sedangkan untuk penggandengan silang digunakan open-loop resonator. Modifikasi filter dengan open-loop resonator digunakan untuk merancang dual bandpass filter dengan mengorbankan hilangnya transmission zeros.
Jurnal Telekomunikasi dan Komputer, 2017
Riset antenna telah mengalami perjalanan panjang, seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi wireless ... more Riset antenna telah mengalami perjalanan panjang, seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi wireless dan aplikasi sensor serta radar. Secara garis besar, jenis antenna bisa dikategorikan menjadi antenna kawat (dipole, yagi), antenna waveguide (aperture, horn, slot), antenna reflector dan antenna mikrostrip. Dalam perancangan antenna para insiyur selalu merujuk pada katalog antenna yang telah ada dan melakukan modifikasi (menambahkan atau mengurangi sesuatu, atau memvariasikan parameter) untuk memenuhi spesifikasi yang diminta. Tulisan ini memberikan ulasan riset terkini antenna, dengan lebih menekankan pada lima bidang: metoda komputasi elektromagnetika, modifikasi antenna, material penyusun, aplikasi yang baru dan pengukuran antenna. Sampai dengan awal 2015 ditemukan sangat banyak riset tentang antenna di pelbagai publikasi yang ada.
Jurnal Telekomunikasi dan Komputer, 2017
Tuntutan komunikasi nirkabel yang handal dan kapasitas sistim yangtinggi tidak terlepas dari kete... more Tuntutan komunikasi nirkabel yang handal dan kapasitas sistim yangtinggi tidak terlepas dari ketersediaan resource berupa spectrumfrekuensi yang cukup. Pemanfaatan spectrum secara efisien yangsemaksimal mungkin dengan interferensi yang bisa ditoleransi adalahtujuan penting sistim radio kognitif. Ada tiga langkah penting dalamradio kognitif, observasi kondisi lapangan, mengambil keputusanmelalui suatu proses optimasi dan men-setting parameter pemancar. Halkunci dalam sistim radio kognitif adalah managemen spectrum yangdinamis, suatu interval frekuensi yang bebas digunakan oleh pengguna,di kala pengguna utamanya (primary user) sedang tidak menggunakan.Penggunaannya tidak terikat pada suatu teknologi tertentu.
Jurnal Telekomunikasi dan Komputer, 2017
Filter merupakan bagian penting pada proses penerimaan dan pengiriman informasi baik itu berupa d... more Filter merupakan bagian penting pada proses penerimaan dan pengiriman informasi baik itu berupa data, suara ataupun gambar. Filter berfungsi untuk menyeleksi frekuensi mana saja yang ingin dilewatkan atau dibuang sehingga penamaan suatu filter, berdasarkan atas fungsi dari filter itu sendiri, salah satunya adalah dualband bandpass filter yang berfungsi untuk melewatkan frekuensi antara f1 sampai f2 dan f3 sampai f4 dan membuang frekuensi di bawah f1, frekuensi antara f2 sampai f3 dan di atas f4. Pada dasarnya dualband bandpass filter merupakan sebuah filter yang memiliki dua buah bandpass filter. Dualband pass filter ini bisa diaplikasikan pada frekuensi uplink dan downlink ataupun pada dua aplikasi frekuensi yang berbeda, misalkan pada GSM 900 dan LTE. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan realisasi suatu filter berbahan mikrostrip pada aplikasi LTE yaitu di frekuensi 1800 MHz dan 2600 MHz. Pada 4G LTE 1800 MHz memiliki frekuensi 1710-1785 MHz untuk uplink dan 1805-1880 MHz untuk downlink,...
In this paper, a compact parallel coupled microstrip band-pass filter (BPF) is used to design a w... more In this paper, a compact parallel coupled microstrip band-pass filter (BPF) is used to design a wideband third order of the Tschebyshev elements for an unlicensed WiMAX technology. Some techniques based on the parametrical study are proposed to obtain the desired 10 % operating bandwidth filter response. The new filter is implemented on Arlon AR 1000 substrate having a relative permittivity of 10 and substrate thickness 1.1938 mm respectively. The results based on the transmission line theory approach and the commercial electromagnetic Agilent ADS and CST-MS simulators show a good agreement.
In this paper, a detailed study of a new proposed rectangular dielectric u-shaped tri-band antenn... more In this paper, a detailed study of a new proposed rectangular dielectric u-shaped tri-band antenna is presented. A meticulous study considering the high permittivity material effect is introduced and discussed.All the design procedures are performed by using CSTMS software. Moreover, by introducing a slot on the rectangular radiated patch, the modified shaped patch antennaoffers improved bandwidth and allows an important miniaturization in size. Note that the proposed antenna can be used for several wireless technologies, especially for the GSM, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, WLAN, WiMAX, all bands GPS frequencies, ISM band and ultra wide band applications. Detailed design steps, parametric studies and the simulation results for the proposed antenna are investigated under specific scenarios. Finally some concluding remarks will be drawn.
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
The capability to form the main beam of antennas improves the energy efficiency of wireless syste... more The capability to form the main beam of antennas improves the energy efficiency of wireless systems and enhances radar systems' effectiveness in detecting and tracking objects. The time-modulated array can generate multibeam with arbitrary directions in different spectral parts. This work synthesizes several linear arrays to achieve particular main beams and additional restrictions. We modify the pulse durations and the switch-on instants of the switches in each antenna element in an optimization procedure. The parameters are varied through the simulated annealing by minimizing certain cost functions. We designed three linear arrays: model 1 consists of six elements and has two beams. Model 2 is the improved version of model 1 by rejecting the sidelobes of other spectral contributions at the main beam under consideration. Model 3 consists of sixteen elements and has three different beams. The analytical results were verified by modeling the arrays in the form of microstrip array...
International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics, 2022
Transmitarray is a high gain antenna suitable for various applications such as satellite communic... more Transmitarray is a high gain antenna suitable for various applications such as satellite communications, automotive radars, and future cellular communication systems. In order to attain a high gain, the diverging rays are focused by compensating the phase of the rays. The unit cell elements in the transmitarray are responsible for passing the electromagnetic energy appropriately to compensate for the phase excesses. A transmitarray antenna with 7×7 elements was designed and realized at a frequency of 9.8 GHz. The unit cell element consists of two coupled open rectangular resonator loops to sharpen the transmission stop region, broadening the phase range compared to a single open rectangular resonator loop. The fabrication process uses the Rogers Duroid 4003C substrate. A gap of 4 mm separates the substrate layers. The antenna has a gain of 18.5 dBi and an aperture efficiency of 31.7%.
2022 Seventh International Conference on Informatics and Computing (ICIC)
Journal of Integrated and Advanced Engineering (JIAE), 2021
The necessity for mobile communication devices is increased rapidly. Users expect to get very fas... more The necessity for mobile communication devices is increased rapidly. Users expect to get very fast information access and data access without delay. The fifth-generation (5G) development in wireless mobile telecommunication technology promises capacity enhancement, ease connectivity, high efficiency, and high data rate transmission. The appropriate device should support this improvement of the technology. The antenna is one of the main devices to support the high data rate transmission. This paper proposed designing a dual-band rectangular patch antenna in 29 GHz and 38 GHz that supports 5G technology. This microstrip antenna is composed of 4 patch array elements to obtain higher gain. The material used for this microstrip antenna is RT Duroid 5880 with a dielectric constant of 2.2 and a thickness of 1.575 mm. Both measurement and simulation are confirmed that the 2×2 array microstrip antenna in 29 GHz and 38 GHz frequency have a return loss value of -12.5 dB and -16 dB, respectivel...
Jurnal Telekomunikasi dan Komputer, 2020
Teknologi milimeterwave (mmWave) merupakan salah satu teknologi pendukung yang dalam mewujudkan t... more Teknologi milimeterwave (mmWave) merupakan salah satu teknologi pendukung yang dalam mewujudkan teknologi 5G. Teknologi ini memanfaatkan frekuensi di panjang gelombang antara 10 sampai dengan 1 milimeter. Dalam penerapan teknologi ini dibutuhkan antena yang dapat memenuhi kualifikasi tersebut dan dapat bekerja pada frekuensi 30-300GHz. Salah satu antena yang bisa memenuhi spesifikasi tersebut yaitu Antena Mikrostrip. Namun antena mikrostrip masih memiliki banyak kekurangan, diantaranya bandwidth yang sempit dan gain yang rendah. Oleh karena itu, pada penelitian ini, dirancanglah sebuah antena Reflectarray 13x13 Elemen, dibuat dengan menggunakan PCB Roger RT4003C yang bekerja pada frekuensi 38 GHz dengan ketebalan 0.51mm dan nilai kontanta dielektrik sebesar 3,55 dan bersifat high gain. Proses perancangan antena ini menggunakan Software Ansoft High Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS) v.15.0. Namun, sebelum merancang antena 13x13 elemen, terlebih dahulu hanya merancang dengan satu ...
Journal of ICT Research and Applications, 2015
Transmission lines are utilized in many applications to convey energy as well as information. Non... more Transmission lines are utilized in many applications to convey energy as well as information. Nonuniform transmission lines (NTLs) are obtained through variation of the characteristic quantities along the axial direction. Such NTLs can be used to design network elements, like matching circuits, delay equalizers, filters, VLSI interconnections, etc. In this work, NTLs were analyzed with a numerical method based on the implementation of method of moment. In order to approximate the voltage and current distribution along the transmission line, a sum of basis functions with unknown amplitudes was introduced. As basis function, a constant function was used. In this work, we observed several cases such as lossless and lossy uniform transmission lines with matching and arbitrary load. These cases verified the algorithm developed in this work. The second example consists of nonuniform transmission lines in the form of abruptly changing transmission lines. This structure was used to design a...
2016 1st International Conference on Biomedical Engineering (IBIOMED), 2016
The need of pathologist to analyze tissue samples from remote, constrained by the high initial co... more The need of pathologist to analyze tissue samples from remote, constrained by the high initial cost of the initial investment both hardware and software. Therefore researchers are trying to analysis the cost-benefit and QoS of the dynamic Telecytology system in Indonesia. The researchers have built the Telecytology systems with hardware and software, that are as an initial cost of the system. The observer needs an internet connection to connect to the dynamic Telecytology system. This telecommunication cost is as operational cost. There is 3 (three) dynamic Telecytology system to be implemented and compared, first, using the Raspberry Pi, second, using Android smartphones and third, using the iPhone. Then, the systems were compared with the commercial product, such as Skype System. This study tries to prove that the systems are quite affordable in terms of cost-benefit and try to analyze QoS of the systems. The researcher analyzes Internal of Rate Return (IRR) and Net Present Value ...
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control), 2018
Good performance and compact size are the paramaters which are vital when desiging a filter. One ... more Good performance and compact size are the paramaters which are vital when desiging a filter. One of the creteria of good performance is selectivity. This research, conducted by Hilbert Curve Ring and Siepinski Carpet, is used as defected ground structure to overcome filter selectivity. By using three cascadeds Hilbert Curve Ring defected ground structure cells and three steps Sierpinski carpet, a lowpass filter is designed and fabricated. The measurement result for lowpass filterwith Hilbert Curve Ring defected ground structure has sharper selectivity with the cut off frequency at 2.173 GHz and the insertion loss value is 2.135 dB. While the measurement result for three steps Sierpinski carpet has the cut off frequency at 1.728 GHz and the insertion loss value is 0.682 dB.
Jurnal Teknologi Elektro, 2013
Waveguide adalah struktur yang membimbing gelombang, seperti gelombang elektromagnetik atau gelom... more Waveguide adalah struktur yang membimbing gelombang, seperti gelombang elektromagnetik atau gelombang suara. Ada berbagai jenis Waveguide untuk setiap jenis gelombang. Yang asli dan paling umum, artinya adalah pipa logam kosong digunakan untuk tujuan ini. Waveguides berbeda dalam geometri yang dapat membatasi energi dalam satu dimensi seperti di lempengan waveguides atau dua dimensi seperti dalam serat atau saluran waveguides. Selain itu, waveguides berbeda diperlukan untuk memandu frekuensi yang berbeda: membimbing serat optik laser (frekuensi tinggi) tidak akan memandu gelombang mikro (yang memiliki frekuensi yang jauh lebih rendah).Kata kunci: Waveguide, transisi koaxial, serat optik laser
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control), 2019
Unwanted hole in metal sheet that use for vehicle body or structure is proved dangerous situation... more Unwanted hole in metal sheet that use for vehicle body or structure is proved dangerous situation. To prevent disaster this hole needs to be found before its installation, or other wise it will be time and money consuming once its found when already finished installation. Therefore, an inspection using sensor for metal sheet is recommended to prevent this problem. In this paper, we proposed a new sensor using radio wave propagation to detect holes in metal sheet. We propose to use RSSI methods to detect hole based on electromagnetic wave propagation signal strength. Using this method we success to detect 8 mm hole diameter in metal sheet with 1mm thickness. Using this method, we transmit electromagnetic wave energy at about 20 dBm, and we receive with average-27.53 dBm for iron sheet and-23.13 dBm for aluminum sheet.
Materials Science Forum, 2019
In order to enhance a new microwave absorbing capabilities in the X-band frequency range, polycry... more In order to enhance a new microwave absorbing capabilities in the X-band frequency range, polycrystalline magnetic materials of BaFe12O19 barium hexaferrite were fabricated through conventional ceramic method and the Fe3O4 powder from iron sand were prepared through magnetic separation after milling process by using planetary ball mill. Microwave absorbing capabilities of multilayer absorbers, composed of BaFe12O19 barium hexaferrite and the Fe3O4 powder, with a total thickness of 10 mm, were investigated by a vector network analyzer (VNA) in the range of 8.2 –12.4 GHz. According to transmission line theory, reflection of microwave radiations from multilayer magnetic materials is calculated. The reflection loss (RL) strongly depends on thickness of multilayer absorbers and showed an optimal RL. Keywords : BaFe12O19, Fe3O4 powder, reflection loss, multilayer absorbers.
Materials Science Forum, 2018
Microwave absorption characteristics of double layer of barium hexaferrite attached on the silica... more Microwave absorption characteristics of double layer of barium hexaferrite attached on the silica to from a composite on the basis of wave propagation theory have been investigated. Barium hexaferrite, BaFe12O19, was synthesized through ceramic method from stoichiometric mixtures of BaCO3 and Fe2O3 as precursors. The mixture was pelletized under the pressure of 10 MPa and sintered at 1100 °C for 5 hours. Silica in the forms of powder was purified by using HCl. The crystal structure of the samples was characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD), microstructure was examined using scanning electron microscope (SEM), hysteresis curves recorded by PERMAGRAPH techniques, whereas the microwave absorbing properties for X-band was recorded using a vector network analyzer (VNA). Relative complex permeability and permittivity, and reflection loss values were calculated at given thickness according to transmittance line theory within the range 8.2–12.4 GHz. Based on this study, the layer dimens...
Jurnal Telekomunikasi dan Komputer, 2017
Filter memainkan peranan yang penting dalam pemrosesan data. Didalam teknik telekomunikasi, filte... more Filter memainkan peranan yang penting dalam pemrosesan data. Didalam teknik telekomunikasi, filter memilih sinyal terima/pancar yangdiinginkan dengan membuang sinyal lainnya. Filter lolos bawahmemiliki karakteristik membuang sinyal yang berfrekuensi lebih tinggidari frekuensi cut-off-nya. Salah satu aplikasi penting dari filter lolosbawah ini adalah sebagai filter lanjutan dari sebuah filter bandpass,sehingga harmonis yang dihasilkan oleh filter bandpass ini bisa dibuang.Di penelitian ini dirancang filter lolos bawah dalam teknologi mikrostripdengan metoda step-impedansi, yaitu dengan memadukan mikrostripberimpedansi tinggi dan mikrostrip yang berimpedansi rendah dengansuatu panjang tertentu. Di sini juga diperhatikan proses kompensasipanjang mikrostrip yang diakibatkan oleh keberadaan efek komponen disekitarnya, sehingga dengan kompensasi ini, frekuensi cut-off yangditetapkan pada saat pemberikan spesifikasi bisa dicapai lebih akurat.Dalam simulasi filter ordo N=3 dengan aproksimas...
Jurnal Telekomunikasi dan Komputer, 2017
Filter memainkan peranan yang penting dalam pemprosesan data. Di dalam teknik telekomunikasi, fil... more Filter memainkan peranan yang penting dalam pemprosesan data. Di dalam teknik telekomunikasi, filter memilih sinyal terima/pancar yang diinginkan dengan membuang sinyal lainnya. Filter digunakan untuk memisahkan sinyal-sinyal yang memiliki frekuensi yang berbeda. Filter digunakan untuk memilih atau membatasi sinyal frekuensi radio atau gelombang mikro ini dalam batas spektral yang telah disepakati. Aplikasi-aplikasi telekomunikasi yang muncul memberikan batasan-batasan yang sangat kritis, sehingga spesifikasi filter yang diberikan memiliki kinerja yang sangat tinggi, seperti performansi yang lebih tinggi, fungsionalitas yang lebih, kemampuan untuk bisa di-tuning, bisa direkonfigurasi, ukuran yang mini, bobot yang ringan serta bisa diproduksi dengan biaya yang rendah. Pendekatan Butterworth dan Chebychev dalam mendapatkan spesifikasi filter adalah cara awal yang diperkenalkan melalui teknik penggandengan langsung antar resonator, baik dalam teknologi koaxial, waveguide ataupun mikros...
Jurnal Telekomunikasi dan Komputer, 2017
Riset bandpass filter telah mengalami perjalanan panjang, seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi w... more Riset bandpass filter telah mengalami perjalanan panjang, seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi wireless dan aplikasi sensor serta radar. Sampai dengan pertengahan 2015 ditemukan sangat banyak riset tentang bandpass filter di pelbagai publikasi yang ada. Dasar perancangan bandpass filter didominasi dengan metoda insertion loss yang menggunakan aproksimasi Butterworth, Chebyshev dan Elliptis. Realisasi dari elemen yang muncul dari aproksimasi di atas diimplementasikan dalam bentuk penggandengan beberapa resonator. Resonator yang tergandeng ujung (end-coupled) dan tergandeng parallel (parallel-coupled) memberikan realisasi fisik dari penggandengan langsung, sedangkan untuk penggandengan silang digunakan open-loop resonator. Modifikasi filter dengan open-loop resonator digunakan untuk merancang dual bandpass filter dengan mengorbankan hilangnya transmission zeros.
Jurnal Telekomunikasi dan Komputer, 2017
Riset antenna telah mengalami perjalanan panjang, seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi wireless ... more Riset antenna telah mengalami perjalanan panjang, seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi wireless dan aplikasi sensor serta radar. Secara garis besar, jenis antenna bisa dikategorikan menjadi antenna kawat (dipole, yagi), antenna waveguide (aperture, horn, slot), antenna reflector dan antenna mikrostrip. Dalam perancangan antenna para insiyur selalu merujuk pada katalog antenna yang telah ada dan melakukan modifikasi (menambahkan atau mengurangi sesuatu, atau memvariasikan parameter) untuk memenuhi spesifikasi yang diminta. Tulisan ini memberikan ulasan riset terkini antenna, dengan lebih menekankan pada lima bidang: metoda komputasi elektromagnetika, modifikasi antenna, material penyusun, aplikasi yang baru dan pengukuran antenna. Sampai dengan awal 2015 ditemukan sangat banyak riset tentang antenna di pelbagai publikasi yang ada.
Jurnal Telekomunikasi dan Komputer, 2017
Tuntutan komunikasi nirkabel yang handal dan kapasitas sistim yangtinggi tidak terlepas dari kete... more Tuntutan komunikasi nirkabel yang handal dan kapasitas sistim yangtinggi tidak terlepas dari ketersediaan resource berupa spectrumfrekuensi yang cukup. Pemanfaatan spectrum secara efisien yangsemaksimal mungkin dengan interferensi yang bisa ditoleransi adalahtujuan penting sistim radio kognitif. Ada tiga langkah penting dalamradio kognitif, observasi kondisi lapangan, mengambil keputusanmelalui suatu proses optimasi dan men-setting parameter pemancar. Halkunci dalam sistim radio kognitif adalah managemen spectrum yangdinamis, suatu interval frekuensi yang bebas digunakan oleh pengguna,di kala pengguna utamanya (primary user) sedang tidak menggunakan.Penggunaannya tidak terikat pada suatu teknologi tertentu.
Jurnal Telekomunikasi dan Komputer, 2017
Filter merupakan bagian penting pada proses penerimaan dan pengiriman informasi baik itu berupa d... more Filter merupakan bagian penting pada proses penerimaan dan pengiriman informasi baik itu berupa data, suara ataupun gambar. Filter berfungsi untuk menyeleksi frekuensi mana saja yang ingin dilewatkan atau dibuang sehingga penamaan suatu filter, berdasarkan atas fungsi dari filter itu sendiri, salah satunya adalah dualband bandpass filter yang berfungsi untuk melewatkan frekuensi antara f1 sampai f2 dan f3 sampai f4 dan membuang frekuensi di bawah f1, frekuensi antara f2 sampai f3 dan di atas f4. Pada dasarnya dualband bandpass filter merupakan sebuah filter yang memiliki dua buah bandpass filter. Dualband pass filter ini bisa diaplikasikan pada frekuensi uplink dan downlink ataupun pada dua aplikasi frekuensi yang berbeda, misalkan pada GSM 900 dan LTE. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan realisasi suatu filter berbahan mikrostrip pada aplikasi LTE yaitu di frekuensi 1800 MHz dan 2600 MHz. Pada 4G LTE 1800 MHz memiliki frekuensi 1710-1785 MHz untuk uplink dan 1805-1880 MHz untuk downlink,...
In this paper, a compact parallel coupled microstrip band-pass filter (BPF) is used to design a w... more In this paper, a compact parallel coupled microstrip band-pass filter (BPF) is used to design a wideband third order of the Tschebyshev elements for an unlicensed WiMAX technology. Some techniques based on the parametrical study are proposed to obtain the desired 10 % operating bandwidth filter response. The new filter is implemented on Arlon AR 1000 substrate having a relative permittivity of 10 and substrate thickness 1.1938 mm respectively. The results based on the transmission line theory approach and the commercial electromagnetic Agilent ADS and CST-MS simulators show a good agreement.
In this paper, a detailed study of a new proposed rectangular dielectric u-shaped tri-band antenn... more In this paper, a detailed study of a new proposed rectangular dielectric u-shaped tri-band antenna is presented. A meticulous study considering the high permittivity material effect is introduced and discussed.All the design procedures are performed by using CSTMS software. Moreover, by introducing a slot on the rectangular radiated patch, the modified shaped patch antennaoffers improved bandwidth and allows an important miniaturization in size. Note that the proposed antenna can be used for several wireless technologies, especially for the GSM, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, WLAN, WiMAX, all bands GPS frequencies, ISM band and ultra wide band applications. Detailed design steps, parametric studies and the simulation results for the proposed antenna are investigated under specific scenarios. Finally some concluding remarks will be drawn.
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
The capability to form the main beam of antennas improves the energy efficiency of wireless syste... more The capability to form the main beam of antennas improves the energy efficiency of wireless systems and enhances radar systems' effectiveness in detecting and tracking objects. The time-modulated array can generate multibeam with arbitrary directions in different spectral parts. This work synthesizes several linear arrays to achieve particular main beams and additional restrictions. We modify the pulse durations and the switch-on instants of the switches in each antenna element in an optimization procedure. The parameters are varied through the simulated annealing by minimizing certain cost functions. We designed three linear arrays: model 1 consists of six elements and has two beams. Model 2 is the improved version of model 1 by rejecting the sidelobes of other spectral contributions at the main beam under consideration. Model 3 consists of sixteen elements and has three different beams. The analytical results were verified by modeling the arrays in the form of microstrip array...
International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics, 2022
Transmitarray is a high gain antenna suitable for various applications such as satellite communic... more Transmitarray is a high gain antenna suitable for various applications such as satellite communications, automotive radars, and future cellular communication systems. In order to attain a high gain, the diverging rays are focused by compensating the phase of the rays. The unit cell elements in the transmitarray are responsible for passing the electromagnetic energy appropriately to compensate for the phase excesses. A transmitarray antenna with 7×7 elements was designed and realized at a frequency of 9.8 GHz. The unit cell element consists of two coupled open rectangular resonator loops to sharpen the transmission stop region, broadening the phase range compared to a single open rectangular resonator loop. The fabrication process uses the Rogers Duroid 4003C substrate. A gap of 4 mm separates the substrate layers. The antenna has a gain of 18.5 dBi and an aperture efficiency of 31.7%.