Muhajir Muhajir - (original) (raw)

Papers by Muhajir Muhajir

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Hukum Islam Terhadap Praktik Akad Sewa Menyewa

Research paper thumbnail of Bagi Hasil Usaha Pembibitan Tanaman Sistim Mertelu Dalam Perspektif Hukum Islam

An-Nawa : Jurnal Studi Islam

The plant nursery business has become one of the livelihoods for the farming community in Sendang... more The plant nursery business has become one of the livelihoods for the farming community in Sendangsari Village, Benar District, Purworejo Regency. The practice of muamalah with a profit-sharing cooperation model that has been running for decades has bright prospects due to the high market demand from year to year, which makes plant nursery activities grow rapidly. From that, various collaborations in plant nursery activities emerged, one of which was in the form of profit sharing. This study intends to describe the practice of profit-sharing cooperation between plant nursery farmers and landowners used to develop a nursery business. In addition, to find out how the contract that occurs in the profit-sharing cooperation in the perspective of Islamic law. This type of research is a field research (field research) with an analytical descriptive approach. The theory used to dissect this problem is profit sharing in the syirkah system with the conclusion that the practice of sharing the r...

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Qicblat Direction at Jami Al Iman Mosque Sunan Geseng Loano Purworejo

Jurnal Ilmiah Al-Syir'ah

This research is motivated by the questions from the community around the mosque about the Qibla ... more This research is motivated by the questions from the community around the mosque about the Qibla direction's accuracy and the early history of purchasing the Qibla direction. This study examines the historical and astronomical aspects so that the community can accept the calculation of the Qibla direction. Does this research focus on how before shopping towards the Qibla of the Jami' Al-Iman Sunan Geseng Loano Mosque? How accurate? This empirical research uses historical and astronomical or astronomical approaches. The research subjects were mosque takmir and community leaders in Loano Purworejo. Data were collected through observation, interviews, and documentation and analyzed through astronomy and normative. The results of this study indicate that the Jami' Al-Iman Sunan Geseng Loano Mosque was founded by Sunan Geseng in 1443 AD, using the supernatural through the media of the priest's hole to determine the Qibla direction.

Research paper thumbnail of Konsep Kafä€â€™ah Dan Nafkah Dalam Hukum Keluarga DI Syria

Jurnal Ilmiah Ahwal Syakhshiyyah (JAS)

Undang-undang hukum keluarga di dunia muslim telah beranjak dari fikih klasik dengan tujuan untuk... more Undang-undang hukum keluarga di dunia muslim telah beranjak dari fikih klasik dengan tujuan untuk membuat hukum yang diajarkan Islam agar selaras dengan kebutuhan masyarakat kontemporer dan  mencoba untuk memberikan hak-haknya terhadap perempuan dalam perkawinannya agar dapat diakui. penerapan hukum keluarga di Syria mengikuti aturan hukum Turki berupa “The Ottoman Law of Family Rights.” Ketentuan kafā’ah bukan menjadi syarat sah tetapi dijadikan sebagai syarat lazim dalam pernikahan. Kesetaraan yang dijadikan pedoman bukan hanya soal agama ataupun nasab, melainkan stara sosial, dan dalam hal nafkah kedudukan istri mendapatkan hak yang lebih besar, tidak hanya sekedar sandang, pangan maupun tempat tinggal, akan tetapi ada penambahan dari biaya kesehatan yang menjadi kebutuhan pokok di zaman sekarang.

Research paper thumbnail of Telaah Pengaturan Efektif Pemanfaatan Ziswa Untuk Bantuan Sertifikasi Halal Bagi Umkm


Pemanfaatan zakat, infaq, shadaqah, dan wakaf (ZISWA) selama ini ditujukan untuk memastikan kaum ... more Pemanfaatan zakat, infaq, shadaqah, dan wakaf (ZISWA) selama ini ditujukan untuk memastikan kaum mustahik terpenuhi kebutuhan dasarnya. Pemikiran bahwa kaum mustahik dimaksud juga perlu diberdayakan secara produktif sehingga lingkaran kemiskinan bisa diputus dengan memberikan sumber pendapatan yang jelas dan terukur, mengembangkan pemikiran pemanfaatan ZISWA untuk sektor produktif namun tetap sasarannya adalah mustahik yang telah melakukan usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah (UMKM) yang masih terbatas pada aspek bantuan manajemen bisnisnya. Tulisan ini bermaksud mengkaji potensi ZISWA untuk dimanfaatkan bagi bantuan pembiayaan sertifikasi halal bagi UMKM. Pertimbangan utamanya adalah halal merupakan syarat Syariah untuk konsumsi ummat muslim yang tidak bisa ditawar karena merupakan kewajiban yang ditetapkan dalam Al Qur’an. Menggunakan metode penelitian normatif yuridis didukung oleh kuesioner kepada UMKM, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ZISWA dimungkinkan untuk dimanfaatkan untuk b...

Research paper thumbnail of The role of buzz and viral marketing strategic on purchase intention and supply chain performance

Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 2022

The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of viral marketing and purchase intention, the... more The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of viral marketing and purchase intention, the influence between viral marketing and supply chain performance, the influence buzz marketing and purchase intention, the positive buzz marketing and supply chain performance, and the influence between purchase intention and supply chain performance. This study uses quantitative methods and data analysis techniques Structural Equation Modeling Equation Modeling using SmartPLS 3.0 software. The sample selection method used the snowball sampling method. Online questionnaires were sent to respondents as many as 120 Freight Forwarders in DKI Jakarta. Based on data analysis, it was found that there is a positive influence between viral marketing and purchase intention, there is a positive influence between viral marketing and supply chain performance, there is a positive influence between buzz marketing and purchase intention. There is a positive influence between marketing buzz and supply ch...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Hukum Islam Tentang Praktik Sewa Menyewa Lapak Pedagang Kaki Lima DI Kelurahan Sindurjan Purworejo

Al-Mustashfa: Jurnal Penelitian Hukum Ekonomi Syariah, 2021

Traders get stalls to trade by renting stalls between traders and managers (Urban Devices). For t... more Traders get stalls to trade by renting stalls between traders and managers (Urban Devices). For the stall manager, this is done in order to get additional income for the village treasury. In this lease agreement, it is carried out between the tenant and the manager, namely the street vendor pays an amount of Rp. 1,000,000 with a period of forever (no specified period). After paying RP. 1.000.000,-there will be no more money withdrawals, both for cleanliness, user fees and so on. This study uses the perspective of Islamic law that puts forward the principle of the benefit of mankind. The approach used in this research is a normative approach. In addition, to simplify legal justification or discovery of issues raised with benchmarks for adjusting texts and legal provisions in Islamic law. As a final conclusion, the analysis of the review of Islamic law on the practice of leasing the stalls of street vendors in the Sindurjan Village is valid.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Dana Pihak Ketiga (DPK), Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Non Perfoning Financing (NPF) dan Return On Asset (ROA) Terhadap Pembiayaan Murābaḥah

HAKAM: Jurnal Kajian Hukum Islam dan Hukum Ekonomi Islam

This research discusses the effect of third party funds (DPK), capital adequacy ratio (CAR), non-... more This research discusses the effect of third party funds (DPK), capital adequacy ratio (CAR), non-preponing financing (NPF) and returns on assets (ROA) on Murābaḥah financing in banking, given the important role of banking in the wheels of the economy, one of which is as an institution. intermediation whose task is to collect funds from the public and channel them back in the form of credit. This study aims to determine the factors that affect the distribution of Murābaḥah Financing at Bank Syariah Mandiri and to determine the extent of the relationship between Third Party Funds (DPK), Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Non-Performing Finance (NPF), and Return On Assets (ROA) towards Murābaḥah Financing at Bank Syariah Mandiri in 2016-2019. The sample used in this study was the 2016-2019 Bank Syariah Mandiri Quarterly Financial Report using the purposive sampling method. The type of data used is secondary data obtained from published financial reports and downloaded through the official w...

Research paper thumbnail of Realisasi Pemberian Upah Terhadap Petugas Ili-Ili Desa Tanjungsari Dalam Perspektif Hukum Syariah

Farmer are one of the livelihoods of residents in the village of Tanjungsari, Kutowinangun sub-di... more Farmer are one of the livelihoods of residents in the village of Tanjungsari, Kutowinangun sub-district, kebumen district to make ends meet. To irrigate their agricultural land, apart from relying on rainfall, they also rely on irrigation water supplied by ili-ili officers. Ili-ili officers get wages from farmers with the provision of 10 kg of unhullud rice for 100 rice fields, the payment is deferred after the harvest arrives. But in reality the farmers do not pay according to the provisions. This resulted in ili-ili officers experiencing losses. Based on the description above, the problem can be formulatedhow the practice of giving wages to ili-ili officials in a legal perspective. In this study using the type of field research, in data collection by means of direct interviews with farmers and ili-ili officers. The nature of this research is a descriptive analysis approach. From the research that has been done, it can be concluded that the wages of ili-ili officers are in accordan...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Pemikiran Saadoe’ddin Djambek Tentang Waktu Shalat Di Daerah Abnormal (Kutub)

Five-day prayer is a service that must be done in any condition and situation. Worship required b... more Five-day prayer is a service that must be done in any condition and situation. Worship required by Allah SWT on the people of the Prophet Muhammad, one of which is prayer worship. The law of prayer is obligatory in the sense that is addressed to every person who is subject to the burden of law (mukallaf) and does not escape the obligation of someone to pray except if he has done it himself according to his provisions and cannot be represented, because what God wants in that action itself as a sign of obedience to God. Prayer is an obligation for Muslims, therefore we must know when the time of entry and passing of prayer times must be known carefully and well, not until the time of entering prayer has done it, consequently the prayer will be in vain without merit can even be done illegally. Because one of the requirements for the validity of prayer is to perform the prayer at the appointed time. Saadoe'ddin Djambek is one of the birth experts born in Bukittinggi (29 Rabi'ul ...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Hukum Islam Terhadap Pembulatan Tarif Layanan Jasa Transportasi KOPADA TAKSI Di Purworejo

This research aims to answer the problem, How is the Analysis of Islamic Law on the Minimum Dista... more This research aims to answer the problem, How is the Analysis of Islamic Law on the Minimum Distance Limitation of the Tariff for Kopada Taxi Purworejo Transportation Services. This type of research is field research (field research) using a qualitative descriptive approach, which describes conditions, situations, or phenomena about the data obtained, namely about the rounding of taxi fares in Purworejo. Then it is analyzed using an inductive thinking pattern, namely by first explaining the facts that occur in the field after which it is connected to the contract theory and the theory of ijarah. Dimna Kopda taxis in Purworejo made an agreement with drivers / drivers that drivers / drivers are prohibited from asking for more than passengers. However, in practice there are drivers / drivers who still ask to pay more than the tariff to the pemunpang. The results of the study concluded that, the practice of rounding up the taxi Kopda fare in Purworejo has met the pillars and requirement...



Riwayat hidup Ismail Raji al-Faruqi tidak bisa dilepaskan dari konteks perkembangan sosio-politik... more Riwayat hidup Ismail Raji al-Faruqi tidak bisa dilepaskan dari konteks perkembangan sosio-politik dan sejarah panjang bangsa dan negara Palestina, sebagai tempat kelahiran al-Faruqi. Sebab di daerah tersebut hampir separuh usia al-Faruqi dihabiskan di Palestina, sebelum akhirnya hijrah ke Amerika. Penjelasan secara detail tentang sejarah panjang Palestina perlu dikemukakan, karena pemikiran Ismail Raji al-Faruqi sangat dipengaruhi oleh kondidi sosio-politis yang terjadi di negara tersebut, dan sikap keras al-Faruqi terhadap gerakan Zionisme Israel dan al-Faruqi termasuk dalam kelompok garis keras penentang Israel. Dalam perspektif sejarah, pergolakan antara Palestina dan Israel merupakan sebuah kontinuitas sejarah yang telah dimulai selama berabad-abad lalu, jauh sebelum terbentuknya negara Zionis Israel pada tahun 1948. Hal ini disebabkan secara geografis Palestina berada di kawasan Timur Tengah yang sangat strategis yakni berada di daerah yang sangat dikeramatkan dan disucikan oleh tiga agama besar sekaligus, yaitu Islam, Yahudi, dan Kristen. Di Palestina, terdapat sebuah kota suci Yerussalem (Dar al-Salam), didalam kota itu terdapat beberapa tempat yaitu Bait al-Lahmi (Betlehem) di Nazaret, dan Masjidil al-Aqsa, serta kuil Salomon. Yerussalem adalah kota yang sarat beban sejarah. Berbagai kekuatan besar masa lalu seperti Mesopotamia, Assyiria, Romawi (Kristen), Arab, Turki (Daulah Utsmaniyah) dan Inggris, telah hadir dan meninggalkan bekas tersendiri yang cukup dalam sejarah kota suci tersebut. Kota Yerussalem tidak bisa dilepaskan sama sekali dengan tiga agama monotheistik yang paling berpengaruh saat ini. Karenanya, setiap hari Yerusalem dikunjungi para peziarah dari seluruh dunia untuk "datang lebih dekat" kepada Tuhannya. Tiga tempat suci yang dijadikan magnet oleh tiga agama besar itu terdapat di Yerusalem, yaitu "Dinding Ratapan", yang diyakini sebagai bekas "Candi Sulaiman", di mana

Research paper thumbnail of GEOMETRI WAKTU SHALAT

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Hukum Islam Terhadap Praktik Akad Sewa Menyewa

Research paper thumbnail of Bagi Hasil Usaha Pembibitan Tanaman Sistim Mertelu Dalam Perspektif Hukum Islam

An-Nawa : Jurnal Studi Islam

The plant nursery business has become one of the livelihoods for the farming community in Sendang... more The plant nursery business has become one of the livelihoods for the farming community in Sendangsari Village, Benar District, Purworejo Regency. The practice of muamalah with a profit-sharing cooperation model that has been running for decades has bright prospects due to the high market demand from year to year, which makes plant nursery activities grow rapidly. From that, various collaborations in plant nursery activities emerged, one of which was in the form of profit sharing. This study intends to describe the practice of profit-sharing cooperation between plant nursery farmers and landowners used to develop a nursery business. In addition, to find out how the contract that occurs in the profit-sharing cooperation in the perspective of Islamic law. This type of research is a field research (field research) with an analytical descriptive approach. The theory used to dissect this problem is profit sharing in the syirkah system with the conclusion that the practice of sharing the r...

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Qicblat Direction at Jami Al Iman Mosque Sunan Geseng Loano Purworejo

Jurnal Ilmiah Al-Syir'ah

This research is motivated by the questions from the community around the mosque about the Qibla ... more This research is motivated by the questions from the community around the mosque about the Qibla direction's accuracy and the early history of purchasing the Qibla direction. This study examines the historical and astronomical aspects so that the community can accept the calculation of the Qibla direction. Does this research focus on how before shopping towards the Qibla of the Jami' Al-Iman Sunan Geseng Loano Mosque? How accurate? This empirical research uses historical and astronomical or astronomical approaches. The research subjects were mosque takmir and community leaders in Loano Purworejo. Data were collected through observation, interviews, and documentation and analyzed through astronomy and normative. The results of this study indicate that the Jami' Al-Iman Sunan Geseng Loano Mosque was founded by Sunan Geseng in 1443 AD, using the supernatural through the media of the priest's hole to determine the Qibla direction.

Research paper thumbnail of Konsep Kafä€â€™ah Dan Nafkah Dalam Hukum Keluarga DI Syria

Jurnal Ilmiah Ahwal Syakhshiyyah (JAS)

Undang-undang hukum keluarga di dunia muslim telah beranjak dari fikih klasik dengan tujuan untuk... more Undang-undang hukum keluarga di dunia muslim telah beranjak dari fikih klasik dengan tujuan untuk membuat hukum yang diajarkan Islam agar selaras dengan kebutuhan masyarakat kontemporer dan  mencoba untuk memberikan hak-haknya terhadap perempuan dalam perkawinannya agar dapat diakui. penerapan hukum keluarga di Syria mengikuti aturan hukum Turki berupa “The Ottoman Law of Family Rights.” Ketentuan kafā’ah bukan menjadi syarat sah tetapi dijadikan sebagai syarat lazim dalam pernikahan. Kesetaraan yang dijadikan pedoman bukan hanya soal agama ataupun nasab, melainkan stara sosial, dan dalam hal nafkah kedudukan istri mendapatkan hak yang lebih besar, tidak hanya sekedar sandang, pangan maupun tempat tinggal, akan tetapi ada penambahan dari biaya kesehatan yang menjadi kebutuhan pokok di zaman sekarang.

Research paper thumbnail of Telaah Pengaturan Efektif Pemanfaatan Ziswa Untuk Bantuan Sertifikasi Halal Bagi Umkm


Pemanfaatan zakat, infaq, shadaqah, dan wakaf (ZISWA) selama ini ditujukan untuk memastikan kaum ... more Pemanfaatan zakat, infaq, shadaqah, dan wakaf (ZISWA) selama ini ditujukan untuk memastikan kaum mustahik terpenuhi kebutuhan dasarnya. Pemikiran bahwa kaum mustahik dimaksud juga perlu diberdayakan secara produktif sehingga lingkaran kemiskinan bisa diputus dengan memberikan sumber pendapatan yang jelas dan terukur, mengembangkan pemikiran pemanfaatan ZISWA untuk sektor produktif namun tetap sasarannya adalah mustahik yang telah melakukan usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah (UMKM) yang masih terbatas pada aspek bantuan manajemen bisnisnya. Tulisan ini bermaksud mengkaji potensi ZISWA untuk dimanfaatkan bagi bantuan pembiayaan sertifikasi halal bagi UMKM. Pertimbangan utamanya adalah halal merupakan syarat Syariah untuk konsumsi ummat muslim yang tidak bisa ditawar karena merupakan kewajiban yang ditetapkan dalam Al Qur’an. Menggunakan metode penelitian normatif yuridis didukung oleh kuesioner kepada UMKM, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ZISWA dimungkinkan untuk dimanfaatkan untuk b...

Research paper thumbnail of The role of buzz and viral marketing strategic on purchase intention and supply chain performance

Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 2022

The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of viral marketing and purchase intention, the... more The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of viral marketing and purchase intention, the influence between viral marketing and supply chain performance, the influence buzz marketing and purchase intention, the positive buzz marketing and supply chain performance, and the influence between purchase intention and supply chain performance. This study uses quantitative methods and data analysis techniques Structural Equation Modeling Equation Modeling using SmartPLS 3.0 software. The sample selection method used the snowball sampling method. Online questionnaires were sent to respondents as many as 120 Freight Forwarders in DKI Jakarta. Based on data analysis, it was found that there is a positive influence between viral marketing and purchase intention, there is a positive influence between viral marketing and supply chain performance, there is a positive influence between buzz marketing and purchase intention. There is a positive influence between marketing buzz and supply ch...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Hukum Islam Tentang Praktik Sewa Menyewa Lapak Pedagang Kaki Lima DI Kelurahan Sindurjan Purworejo

Al-Mustashfa: Jurnal Penelitian Hukum Ekonomi Syariah, 2021

Traders get stalls to trade by renting stalls between traders and managers (Urban Devices). For t... more Traders get stalls to trade by renting stalls between traders and managers (Urban Devices). For the stall manager, this is done in order to get additional income for the village treasury. In this lease agreement, it is carried out between the tenant and the manager, namely the street vendor pays an amount of Rp. 1,000,000 with a period of forever (no specified period). After paying RP. 1.000.000,-there will be no more money withdrawals, both for cleanliness, user fees and so on. This study uses the perspective of Islamic law that puts forward the principle of the benefit of mankind. The approach used in this research is a normative approach. In addition, to simplify legal justification or discovery of issues raised with benchmarks for adjusting texts and legal provisions in Islamic law. As a final conclusion, the analysis of the review of Islamic law on the practice of leasing the stalls of street vendors in the Sindurjan Village is valid.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Dana Pihak Ketiga (DPK), Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Non Perfoning Financing (NPF) dan Return On Asset (ROA) Terhadap Pembiayaan Murābaḥah

HAKAM: Jurnal Kajian Hukum Islam dan Hukum Ekonomi Islam

This research discusses the effect of third party funds (DPK), capital adequacy ratio (CAR), non-... more This research discusses the effect of third party funds (DPK), capital adequacy ratio (CAR), non-preponing financing (NPF) and returns on assets (ROA) on Murābaḥah financing in banking, given the important role of banking in the wheels of the economy, one of which is as an institution. intermediation whose task is to collect funds from the public and channel them back in the form of credit. This study aims to determine the factors that affect the distribution of Murābaḥah Financing at Bank Syariah Mandiri and to determine the extent of the relationship between Third Party Funds (DPK), Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Non-Performing Finance (NPF), and Return On Assets (ROA) towards Murābaḥah Financing at Bank Syariah Mandiri in 2016-2019. The sample used in this study was the 2016-2019 Bank Syariah Mandiri Quarterly Financial Report using the purposive sampling method. The type of data used is secondary data obtained from published financial reports and downloaded through the official w...

Research paper thumbnail of Realisasi Pemberian Upah Terhadap Petugas Ili-Ili Desa Tanjungsari Dalam Perspektif Hukum Syariah

Farmer are one of the livelihoods of residents in the village of Tanjungsari, Kutowinangun sub-di... more Farmer are one of the livelihoods of residents in the village of Tanjungsari, Kutowinangun sub-district, kebumen district to make ends meet. To irrigate their agricultural land, apart from relying on rainfall, they also rely on irrigation water supplied by ili-ili officers. Ili-ili officers get wages from farmers with the provision of 10 kg of unhullud rice for 100 rice fields, the payment is deferred after the harvest arrives. But in reality the farmers do not pay according to the provisions. This resulted in ili-ili officers experiencing losses. Based on the description above, the problem can be formulatedhow the practice of giving wages to ili-ili officials in a legal perspective. In this study using the type of field research, in data collection by means of direct interviews with farmers and ili-ili officers. The nature of this research is a descriptive analysis approach. From the research that has been done, it can be concluded that the wages of ili-ili officers are in accordan...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Pemikiran Saadoe’ddin Djambek Tentang Waktu Shalat Di Daerah Abnormal (Kutub)

Five-day prayer is a service that must be done in any condition and situation. Worship required b... more Five-day prayer is a service that must be done in any condition and situation. Worship required by Allah SWT on the people of the Prophet Muhammad, one of which is prayer worship. The law of prayer is obligatory in the sense that is addressed to every person who is subject to the burden of law (mukallaf) and does not escape the obligation of someone to pray except if he has done it himself according to his provisions and cannot be represented, because what God wants in that action itself as a sign of obedience to God. Prayer is an obligation for Muslims, therefore we must know when the time of entry and passing of prayer times must be known carefully and well, not until the time of entering prayer has done it, consequently the prayer will be in vain without merit can even be done illegally. Because one of the requirements for the validity of prayer is to perform the prayer at the appointed time. Saadoe'ddin Djambek is one of the birth experts born in Bukittinggi (29 Rabi'ul ...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Hukum Islam Terhadap Pembulatan Tarif Layanan Jasa Transportasi KOPADA TAKSI Di Purworejo

This research aims to answer the problem, How is the Analysis of Islamic Law on the Minimum Dista... more This research aims to answer the problem, How is the Analysis of Islamic Law on the Minimum Distance Limitation of the Tariff for Kopada Taxi Purworejo Transportation Services. This type of research is field research (field research) using a qualitative descriptive approach, which describes conditions, situations, or phenomena about the data obtained, namely about the rounding of taxi fares in Purworejo. Then it is analyzed using an inductive thinking pattern, namely by first explaining the facts that occur in the field after which it is connected to the contract theory and the theory of ijarah. Dimna Kopda taxis in Purworejo made an agreement with drivers / drivers that drivers / drivers are prohibited from asking for more than passengers. However, in practice there are drivers / drivers who still ask to pay more than the tariff to the pemunpang. The results of the study concluded that, the practice of rounding up the taxi Kopda fare in Purworejo has met the pillars and requirement...



Riwayat hidup Ismail Raji al-Faruqi tidak bisa dilepaskan dari konteks perkembangan sosio-politik... more Riwayat hidup Ismail Raji al-Faruqi tidak bisa dilepaskan dari konteks perkembangan sosio-politik dan sejarah panjang bangsa dan negara Palestina, sebagai tempat kelahiran al-Faruqi. Sebab di daerah tersebut hampir separuh usia al-Faruqi dihabiskan di Palestina, sebelum akhirnya hijrah ke Amerika. Penjelasan secara detail tentang sejarah panjang Palestina perlu dikemukakan, karena pemikiran Ismail Raji al-Faruqi sangat dipengaruhi oleh kondidi sosio-politis yang terjadi di negara tersebut, dan sikap keras al-Faruqi terhadap gerakan Zionisme Israel dan al-Faruqi termasuk dalam kelompok garis keras penentang Israel. Dalam perspektif sejarah, pergolakan antara Palestina dan Israel merupakan sebuah kontinuitas sejarah yang telah dimulai selama berabad-abad lalu, jauh sebelum terbentuknya negara Zionis Israel pada tahun 1948. Hal ini disebabkan secara geografis Palestina berada di kawasan Timur Tengah yang sangat strategis yakni berada di daerah yang sangat dikeramatkan dan disucikan oleh tiga agama besar sekaligus, yaitu Islam, Yahudi, dan Kristen. Di Palestina, terdapat sebuah kota suci Yerussalem (Dar al-Salam), didalam kota itu terdapat beberapa tempat yaitu Bait al-Lahmi (Betlehem) di Nazaret, dan Masjidil al-Aqsa, serta kuil Salomon. Yerussalem adalah kota yang sarat beban sejarah. Berbagai kekuatan besar masa lalu seperti Mesopotamia, Assyiria, Romawi (Kristen), Arab, Turki (Daulah Utsmaniyah) dan Inggris, telah hadir dan meninggalkan bekas tersendiri yang cukup dalam sejarah kota suci tersebut. Kota Yerussalem tidak bisa dilepaskan sama sekali dengan tiga agama monotheistik yang paling berpengaruh saat ini. Karenanya, setiap hari Yerusalem dikunjungi para peziarah dari seluruh dunia untuk "datang lebih dekat" kepada Tuhannya. Tiga tempat suci yang dijadikan magnet oleh tiga agama besar itu terdapat di Yerusalem, yaitu "Dinding Ratapan", yang diyakini sebagai bekas "Candi Sulaiman", di mana

Research paper thumbnail of GEOMETRI WAKTU SHALAT