Muhamad Nijar Saputra - (original) (raw)

Papers by Muhamad Nijar Saputra

Research paper thumbnail of The Quenching and Sonication Effect on the Mechanical Strength of Silver Nanowires Synthesized Using the Polyol Method

Molecules, 2021

This study aims to determine the effect of fast cooling (quenching) on thermal properties, mechan... more This study aims to determine the effect of fast cooling (quenching) on thermal properties, mechanical strength, morphology and size of the AgNWs. The synthesis of AgNWs was carried out at three different quenching-medium temperatures as follows: at 27 °C (ambient temperature), 0 °C (on ice), and −80 °C (in dry ice) using the polyol method at 130 °C. Furthermore, the AgNWs were sonified for 45 min to determine their mechanical strength. Scanning electron microscopy analysis showed that the quenched AgNWs had decreased significantly; at 27 °C, the AgNWs experienced a change in length from (40 ± 10) to (21 ± 6) µm, at 0 °C from (37 ± 8) to (24 ± 8) µm, and at −80 °C from (34 ± 9) to (29 ± 1) µm. The opposite occurred for their diameter with an increased quenching temperature: at 27 °C from (200 ± 10) to (210 ± 10) nm, at 0 °C from (224 ± 4) to (239 ± 8) nm, and at −80 °C from (253 ± 6) to (270 ± 10) nm. The lower the temperature of the quenching medium, the shorter the length and the h...

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Research paper thumbnail of Aplikasi Pembelajaran Listrik Statis Hukum Columb Dan Medan Listrik Untuk Siswa Sma Berbasis Flash

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Research paper thumbnail of Perancangan Akses Operator Berdasarkan Prinsip Ergonomi Pada Unit Modular Lighting Tower DI Pt. Xyz

Abstrak --Voice of customer tentang perawatan komponen di dalam kabin terhambat dan pengoperasian... more Abstrak --Voice of customer tentang perawatan komponen di dalam kabin terhambat dan pengoperasian panel kontrol kurang nyaman karena desain Lighting Tower yang kurang ergonomi. Akses untuk melakukan perawatan terhalang oleh dinding dan pintu kabin kemudian letak panel kontrol yang menghalangi deep stick bahkan letak panel kontrol membuat operator perlu membungkuk saat pengoperasian Lighting Tower. Voice of customer yang ada di analisis dengan metode why why analysis untuk mengetahui akar masalah yang terjadi. Kemudian dilakukan perbaikan berupa perancangan desain akses operator berdasarkan prinsip ergonomi pada unit Modular Lighting Tower terkait masalah akses perawatan yang ada di dalam kabin dan akses pengoperasian panel kontrol. Hasil dari perbaikan tersebut adalah perawatan dan pengoperasian yang ergonomis dengan kegiatan perawatan tidak terhambat oleh dinding atau pintu kabin dan pengoperasian panel kontrol operator tidak perlu membungkuk. Kata Kunci : Kabin, Lighting Tower, Pe...

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Research paper thumbnail of Distilling Knowledge From a Deep Pose Regressor Network

2019 IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Sand Blasting on Shear Stress of Fiberglass – Shorea spp. Composite

International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Technologies and Applications, 2020

A coating is widely applied to protect base material during contact with surrounding. One importa... more A coating is widely applied to protect base material during contact with surrounding. One important application in engineering is to protect a boat hull. The coating is applied to boat hull to prevent a decrease of mechanical properties of base materials particularly with corrosive seawater. Composite coating is applied since the composite coating provides better protection compared to paint coating. Additionally, sandblasting prior to composite coating is worked out to improve the mechanical properties of the coating. This work investigated the influence of the projection angle of the sandblasting process on the shear strength of the coated surface. The projection angle of sandblasting was varied from 30 to 90 °. The result shows that a higher projection angle decreases the strain strength of the coating surface. The experiment work showed that the shear strength of 30°, 45 °, 60 °, and 90°projection angle are 1.02, 0.66, 0.38, and 0.24 MPa, respectively.

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Research paper thumbnail of Game Addiction and Its Effects on Teenagers’ Mental Health

Ta'dib, 2020

The aim of this study is to describe the game addiction behavior and its effect on mental health ... more The aim of this study is to describe the game addiction behavior and its effect on mental health of teenagers. This study used qualitative method. The data collection was carried out in three ways: interview, observation, and documentation. The data were analyzed by using Miles and Huberman’s theories. In order to maintain the validity, the researcher did triangulation techniques. The results of the study showed that online game addiction had an effect on several domains, namely a sense of dependency that was marked by disability to withdraw from the desire to play games. Accordingly, the gamers frequently declared that their life without online gaming was empty. They were intolerance to the use of time, as they said that the time needed to play online games was uncertain, and their disability to control their emotions due to defeat during the games.

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Research paper thumbnail of Efek Pendinginan Cepat (Quenching) Terhadap Sifat Fisis Kawat Nano Perak Yang Disintesis Menggunakan Metode Polyol

Jurnal Fisika Indonesia, 2020

Penelitian tentang pengaruh quenching terhadap sifat fisis AgNWs telah dilakukan. AgNWs disintesi... more Penelitian tentang pengaruh quenching terhadap sifat fisis AgNWs telah dilakukan. AgNWs disintesis menggunakan metode polyol pada suhu 130˚C selama 2 jam. Sintesis AgNWs dilakukan dengan memvariasikan suhu medium quenching pada suhu 27˚C, 0˚C, dan -80˚C. Kemudian AgNWs diuji getar selama 45 menit untuk mengetahui kekuatan mekaniknya. Hasil uji Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) menunjukkan bahwa AgNWs yang di-quenching pada suhu 27˚C mengalami perubahan panjang dari (40 ± 10) µm ke (21 ± 6) µm, pada suhu 0˚C dari (37 ± 8) µm ke (24 ± 8) µm, dan pada suhu -80˚C dari (34 ± 9) µm ke (29 ± 10) µm. Diameter AgNWs yang diquenching pada suhu 27˚C sebelum dan setelah digetar memiliki ukuran (200 ± 10) nm menjadi (210 ± 10) nm, pada suhu 0˚C memiliki diameter (224± 4) nm menjadi (239 ± 8) nm, dan pada suhu -80˚C memiliki diameter (253 ± 6) nm menjadi (270 ± 10) nm. Semakin rendah suhu medium quenching menurunkan ukuran panjang dan meningkatkan kekuatan mekanik AgNWs. Spektrum Uv-Vis AgNWs me...

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Research paper thumbnail of Identifikasi Mutu Pelayanan Perawatan Dan Tingkat Kepuasan Pasien Di Puskesmas Kecamatan Lamongan

Jurnal Surya, 2020

Background: Pembangunan nasional dibidang kesehatan diarahkan untuk meningkatkan derajat kesehata... more Background: Pembangunan nasional dibidang kesehatan diarahkan untuk meningkatkan derajat kesehatan serta mutu kehidupan melalui pemerataan pelayanan kesehatan untuk menjangkau seluruh lapisan masyarakat.Objective: Banyaknya pasien yang belum puas dengan pelayanan yang diberikan Puskesmas Lamongan. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui gambaran mutu pelayanan perawatan dan tingkat kepuasan pasien.Design: Desain penelitian ini adalah Deskriptif, sebagai populasi adalah seluruh pasien yang berobat ke Puskesmas Lamongan tanggal 04 sampai dengan 30 Desember 2019. Pengambilan sampel dengan tehnik non probability sampling yakni Consecutive Sampling dengan sampel yang diambil 46 responden.Data Sources: Data diambil menggunakan kuesioner, data terkumpul dilakukan penyuntingan data dan koding selanjutnya dikonfirmasikan dalam bentuk prosentase dan narasi.Result: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 87,0% atau hampir seluruh responden puas dengan pelayanan petugas, sarana prasarana serta prosedur dan 73...

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Research paper thumbnail of Contoh Sitasi dan Daftar Pustaka

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Research paper thumbnail of Educational Affect About Triage Against Nurses Ability In Implementing Triage In Emergency Room Palembang Hospital

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Research paper thumbnail of Hubungan Pola Makan dengan Kejadian Gastritis pada Pasien di Puskesmas Pembina Palembang

Gastritis is a common disease in our society, as the middle and upper strata and sectors of theen... more Gastritis is a common disease in our society, as the middle and upper strata and sectors of theenvironment. Gastritis can strike anyone regardless of age restrictions. Healthy eating habitsare very useful for the health and disease prevention, while the diet is not the case, such asovereating or eating foods that are less than balanced very bad for us. It is not yet knownrelationship with Gastritis diet Genesis in patients in Pembina Clinic Palembang. The study ofquantitative research conducted by 10 May-5 June 2011 with cross-sectional descriptivedesign Analytical approach to the methods for probabilistic sampling with random samplingand sampling with a sample size of 52 respondents. The results of the univariate analysisshowed that patients with a healthy diet (61,5 %) and the unhealthy diet (38,5%). Patientswho have experienced events gastritis (42,3%) had no gastritis (57,7%). Bivariado analysis ofthe results that had a significant relationship between the diet and the incidence...

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Research paper thumbnail of The Analysis of Nurse Compliance in Documenting of Nursing Care in Islamic Hospital Palembang

Nurses’ obedience in implementing the nursing care documentation is still a phenomenon that occur... more Nurses’ obedience in implementing the nursing care documentation is still a phenomenon that occurs in several hospitals in Indonesia. This study attempts to analyze the nurses’ obedience in documenting the nursing care. This quantitative study used a correlation method with a cross-sectional approach, samples from 63 implementing nurses and 63 of the nursing care documentation obtained by using proportionate random sampling technique. The results showed the highest proportion were age <35 years (73.02%), women (93.65%) with vocational education (95.24%), Length of employment ≥2 years (96.83%) with permanent employee status (95.24%) and most of the nurse disobedience in documenting the nursing care (98.41%). There was no correlation among Age (p-value = 0.270), Gender, Education, Length of employment, Staffing Status (p-value = 1.000). The researcher suggested that the Palembang Islamic Hospital to conduct a review of the nursing care format form and SPO the nursing care documenta...

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Research paper thumbnail of Head Room Supervision to Completeness of Note Nursing Care Documentation

Nurse's disobedience in documenting the nursing care is still a problem in various hospitals ... more Nurse's disobedience in documenting the nursing care is still a problem in various hospitals in Indonesia including Palembang, which impacting on quality of nursing services provided. This research aims to know relationship the role of supervising and mentoring head room with nurses in carrying out compliance documentation of nursing care in Islamic Hospital Palembang. This research used the approach of cross sectional with 63 samples of nurses with their nursing care documentation. Proportionate sample retrieval technique of random sampling. Analysis of univariate data using independent variable mean further categorized. The dependent variable was analyzed using standard 80%. Analysis bivariate test using chi square. The results showed no relationship with compliance supervised the head nurse in the documentation of the completeness of the records document of nursing care. Expected role of mentoring the head room can be optimized with the head of the room gives the opportunity ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Kualitas Pelayanan DI PPMKP Ciawi Bogor the Analysis of Service Quality at PPMKP Ciawi Bogor


The research aim is to know service quality at Pusat Pelatihan Manajemen Dan Kepemimpinan Perta... more The research aim is to know service quality at Pusat Pelatihan Manajemen Dan Kepemimpinan Pertanian (PPMKP) Ciawi Bogor, whether has been achieved optimally or not. Research methode used is descriptive method, while literture study, observation, and questionnaire are used as tools to collect data. Based on analysis result reveal that overall score of service quality delivered by PPMKP is classified as “good”, overall score based on employee’s perception is 3,58 (in scale of 5) while based on participant (trainee) overall score is 3,61. It is worth note that detailed score of each dimension of serive quality (tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and emphaty) is also quite similar in terms of Weight Mean Score among those respondents (employee and trainee. Based on analysis result, important point to be considered as recommendation to Pusat Pelatihan Manajemen Dan Kepemimpinan Pertanian (PPMKP) Ciawi Bogor are : increasing the comp...

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Research paper thumbnail of Hubungan Pendapatan Pengasuh Dengan Kualitas Interaksi Pengasuh Dan Anak Stunting Usia 6-23 Bulan

Jurnal 'Aisyiyah Medika, 2020

Latar belakang: Perkembangan kesehatan anak sangat dipengaruhi oleh interaksi orang tua-anak dan ... more Latar belakang: Perkembangan kesehatan anak sangat dipengaruhi oleh interaksi orang tua-anak dan keterikatan orang tua-anak. Usia 0-24 bulan merupakan periode yang menentukan kualitas kehidupan sehingga disebut dengan golden period. Faktor yang mempengaruhi kualitas interaksi pengasuh (Caregiver) dengan anak dapat berasal dari pengasuh maupun anak, salah satunya adalah pendapatan pengasuh. Tujuan: Mengetahui hubungan pendapatan pengasuh dengan kualitas interaksi pengasuh dan anak stunting usia 6-23 bulan. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan rancangan cross sectional. Subjek penelitian adalah pengasuh dengan anak stunting usia 6-23 bulan. Subjek penelitian direkrut dengan menggunakan tekhnik Consecutive sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan yaitu lembar observasi Parenting Interaction with Children: Checklist of Observation Linked to Outcome (PICCOLO). Analisis data dilakukan dengan uji Chi square. Hasil: Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara pendapatan pengasuh (0,001) dengan kualitas in...

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Research paper thumbnail of DeepTIO: A Deep Thermal-Inertial Odometry With Visual Hallucination

IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Pola Konsumsi Pangan Non Karbohidrat pada Provinsi Tahan dan Rawan Pangan (Provinsi Kalimantan Timur dan Nusa Tenggara Timur) Tahun 2017

AGRARIS: Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development Research, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Faktor Idiosyncratic Raul Castro Dalam Perubahan Hubungan Luar Negeri Kuba-Amerika Serikat

Global Political Studies Journal, 2018

The purpose and goal of this research is to know what the response taken by the US government to ... more The purpose and goal of this research is to know what the response taken by the US government to Raul Castro, the changes in the foreign relations of both countries, presence idiosyncratic factors of Raul Castro to the foreign relations of both countries. The method used is descriptive analysis techniques. Most of the data collected through literature and website searches. These results indicate that the factor of idiosyncratic Raul Castro in changes in foreign relations between Cuba and the United States. The conclusion from this study is the change that occurs in the foreign relations between the two countries, the changes occurring in the country of Cuba after Raul became president of Cuba, as well as the response taken by the US government against the government of Raul Castro well with the reopening of diplomatic relations between both countries, and issued a foreign policy that is intended to drive the Cuban economy, the type of personality that is owned by Raul Castro based o...

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Research paper thumbnail of Consumption Patterns of Carbohydrate Sources in Food Secure and Insecure Provinces of Indonesia in 2017

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, 2019

The availability and affordability in obtaining sufficient quantity of food is an important indic... more The availability and affordability in obtaining sufficient quantity of food is an important indicator of food security. Food is one of the problem in agricultural sector. Every province in Indonesia mostly still depends on rice consumption. This shows that consumption patterns of carbohydrate sources are still not diverse. One effective strategy to achieve food security is to develop food diversification. This study aimed to analyze consumption patterns and the level of diversification of carbohydrate as food sources and analyze the difference of income and food price in affecting carbohydrate diversification as food sources on food secure and insecure provinces. This study utilized SUSENAS data and analyzed them using index of Berry and Linier Approximation Almost Ideal Demand System (LA AIDS). This study found that the level of income and the level of food diversification in food-secure province is higher than in food-insecure province. In addition, price change in carbohydrate so...

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Research paper thumbnail of Unjuk Kerja Mesin Pemotong Padi Tipe GLX 328-RH Pada Beberapa RPM DI Lahan Kering

Jurnal Teknik Pertanian Lampung (Journal of Agricultural Engineering), 2018

Perkembangan alat mesin pertanian sangat pesat, mulai dari alat tradisional ani-ani yang hanya d... more Perkembangan alat mesin pertanian sangat pesat, mulai dari alat tradisional ani-ani yang hanya dapat memotong malai padi hingga combine harvester yang dapat memotong, merontokan, hingga pengarungan gabah. Kondisi keuangan dan lahan yang berbeda menyebabkan petani harus memilih mesin tepat guna. Salah satu alternatif mesin yang dapat digunakan untuk lahan yang tidak terlalu luas yaitu mesin pemotong padi (paddy mower) tipe GLX 328-RH. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kapasitas kerja, kehilangan gabah (losses), dan konsumsi bahan bakar serta analisis ekonomi penggunaan mesin pemotong padi tipe GLX 328-RH untuk pemanenan. Penelitian ini terdiri dari tiga tahapan utama, yaitu persiapan mesin dan lahan, pengujian performansi mesin dan analisis data. Parameter yang diamati adalah kapasitas kerja mesin, persentase kehilangan gabah, dan konsumsi bahan bakar. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kapasitas kerja mesin pemotong padi dengan RPM 3863 0,019 ha/jam dan RPM 5000 0,022 ha/...

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Research paper thumbnail of The Quenching and Sonication Effect on the Mechanical Strength of Silver Nanowires Synthesized Using the Polyol Method

Molecules, 2021

This study aims to determine the effect of fast cooling (quenching) on thermal properties, mechan... more This study aims to determine the effect of fast cooling (quenching) on thermal properties, mechanical strength, morphology and size of the AgNWs. The synthesis of AgNWs was carried out at three different quenching-medium temperatures as follows: at 27 °C (ambient temperature), 0 °C (on ice), and −80 °C (in dry ice) using the polyol method at 130 °C. Furthermore, the AgNWs were sonified for 45 min to determine their mechanical strength. Scanning electron microscopy analysis showed that the quenched AgNWs had decreased significantly; at 27 °C, the AgNWs experienced a change in length from (40 ± 10) to (21 ± 6) µm, at 0 °C from (37 ± 8) to (24 ± 8) µm, and at −80 °C from (34 ± 9) to (29 ± 1) µm. The opposite occurred for their diameter with an increased quenching temperature: at 27 °C from (200 ± 10) to (210 ± 10) nm, at 0 °C from (224 ± 4) to (239 ± 8) nm, and at −80 °C from (253 ± 6) to (270 ± 10) nm. The lower the temperature of the quenching medium, the shorter the length and the h...

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Research paper thumbnail of Aplikasi Pembelajaran Listrik Statis Hukum Columb Dan Medan Listrik Untuk Siswa Sma Berbasis Flash

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Research paper thumbnail of Perancangan Akses Operator Berdasarkan Prinsip Ergonomi Pada Unit Modular Lighting Tower DI Pt. Xyz

Abstrak --Voice of customer tentang perawatan komponen di dalam kabin terhambat dan pengoperasian... more Abstrak --Voice of customer tentang perawatan komponen di dalam kabin terhambat dan pengoperasian panel kontrol kurang nyaman karena desain Lighting Tower yang kurang ergonomi. Akses untuk melakukan perawatan terhalang oleh dinding dan pintu kabin kemudian letak panel kontrol yang menghalangi deep stick bahkan letak panel kontrol membuat operator perlu membungkuk saat pengoperasian Lighting Tower. Voice of customer yang ada di analisis dengan metode why why analysis untuk mengetahui akar masalah yang terjadi. Kemudian dilakukan perbaikan berupa perancangan desain akses operator berdasarkan prinsip ergonomi pada unit Modular Lighting Tower terkait masalah akses perawatan yang ada di dalam kabin dan akses pengoperasian panel kontrol. Hasil dari perbaikan tersebut adalah perawatan dan pengoperasian yang ergonomis dengan kegiatan perawatan tidak terhambat oleh dinding atau pintu kabin dan pengoperasian panel kontrol operator tidak perlu membungkuk. Kata Kunci : Kabin, Lighting Tower, Pe...

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Research paper thumbnail of Distilling Knowledge From a Deep Pose Regressor Network

2019 IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Sand Blasting on Shear Stress of Fiberglass – Shorea spp. Composite

International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Technologies and Applications, 2020

A coating is widely applied to protect base material during contact with surrounding. One importa... more A coating is widely applied to protect base material during contact with surrounding. One important application in engineering is to protect a boat hull. The coating is applied to boat hull to prevent a decrease of mechanical properties of base materials particularly with corrosive seawater. Composite coating is applied since the composite coating provides better protection compared to paint coating. Additionally, sandblasting prior to composite coating is worked out to improve the mechanical properties of the coating. This work investigated the influence of the projection angle of the sandblasting process on the shear strength of the coated surface. The projection angle of sandblasting was varied from 30 to 90 °. The result shows that a higher projection angle decreases the strain strength of the coating surface. The experiment work showed that the shear strength of 30°, 45 °, 60 °, and 90°projection angle are 1.02, 0.66, 0.38, and 0.24 MPa, respectively.

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Research paper thumbnail of Game Addiction and Its Effects on Teenagers’ Mental Health

Ta'dib, 2020

The aim of this study is to describe the game addiction behavior and its effect on mental health ... more The aim of this study is to describe the game addiction behavior and its effect on mental health of teenagers. This study used qualitative method. The data collection was carried out in three ways: interview, observation, and documentation. The data were analyzed by using Miles and Huberman’s theories. In order to maintain the validity, the researcher did triangulation techniques. The results of the study showed that online game addiction had an effect on several domains, namely a sense of dependency that was marked by disability to withdraw from the desire to play games. Accordingly, the gamers frequently declared that their life without online gaming was empty. They were intolerance to the use of time, as they said that the time needed to play online games was uncertain, and their disability to control their emotions due to defeat during the games.

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Research paper thumbnail of Efek Pendinginan Cepat (Quenching) Terhadap Sifat Fisis Kawat Nano Perak Yang Disintesis Menggunakan Metode Polyol

Jurnal Fisika Indonesia, 2020

Penelitian tentang pengaruh quenching terhadap sifat fisis AgNWs telah dilakukan. AgNWs disintesi... more Penelitian tentang pengaruh quenching terhadap sifat fisis AgNWs telah dilakukan. AgNWs disintesis menggunakan metode polyol pada suhu 130˚C selama 2 jam. Sintesis AgNWs dilakukan dengan memvariasikan suhu medium quenching pada suhu 27˚C, 0˚C, dan -80˚C. Kemudian AgNWs diuji getar selama 45 menit untuk mengetahui kekuatan mekaniknya. Hasil uji Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) menunjukkan bahwa AgNWs yang di-quenching pada suhu 27˚C mengalami perubahan panjang dari (40 ± 10) µm ke (21 ± 6) µm, pada suhu 0˚C dari (37 ± 8) µm ke (24 ± 8) µm, dan pada suhu -80˚C dari (34 ± 9) µm ke (29 ± 10) µm. Diameter AgNWs yang diquenching pada suhu 27˚C sebelum dan setelah digetar memiliki ukuran (200 ± 10) nm menjadi (210 ± 10) nm, pada suhu 0˚C memiliki diameter (224± 4) nm menjadi (239 ± 8) nm, dan pada suhu -80˚C memiliki diameter (253 ± 6) nm menjadi (270 ± 10) nm. Semakin rendah suhu medium quenching menurunkan ukuran panjang dan meningkatkan kekuatan mekanik AgNWs. Spektrum Uv-Vis AgNWs me...

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Research paper thumbnail of Identifikasi Mutu Pelayanan Perawatan Dan Tingkat Kepuasan Pasien Di Puskesmas Kecamatan Lamongan

Jurnal Surya, 2020

Background: Pembangunan nasional dibidang kesehatan diarahkan untuk meningkatkan derajat kesehata... more Background: Pembangunan nasional dibidang kesehatan diarahkan untuk meningkatkan derajat kesehatan serta mutu kehidupan melalui pemerataan pelayanan kesehatan untuk menjangkau seluruh lapisan masyarakat.Objective: Banyaknya pasien yang belum puas dengan pelayanan yang diberikan Puskesmas Lamongan. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui gambaran mutu pelayanan perawatan dan tingkat kepuasan pasien.Design: Desain penelitian ini adalah Deskriptif, sebagai populasi adalah seluruh pasien yang berobat ke Puskesmas Lamongan tanggal 04 sampai dengan 30 Desember 2019. Pengambilan sampel dengan tehnik non probability sampling yakni Consecutive Sampling dengan sampel yang diambil 46 responden.Data Sources: Data diambil menggunakan kuesioner, data terkumpul dilakukan penyuntingan data dan koding selanjutnya dikonfirmasikan dalam bentuk prosentase dan narasi.Result: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 87,0% atau hampir seluruh responden puas dengan pelayanan petugas, sarana prasarana serta prosedur dan 73...

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Research paper thumbnail of Contoh Sitasi dan Daftar Pustaka

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Research paper thumbnail of Educational Affect About Triage Against Nurses Ability In Implementing Triage In Emergency Room Palembang Hospital

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Research paper thumbnail of Hubungan Pola Makan dengan Kejadian Gastritis pada Pasien di Puskesmas Pembina Palembang

Gastritis is a common disease in our society, as the middle and upper strata and sectors of theen... more Gastritis is a common disease in our society, as the middle and upper strata and sectors of theenvironment. Gastritis can strike anyone regardless of age restrictions. Healthy eating habitsare very useful for the health and disease prevention, while the diet is not the case, such asovereating or eating foods that are less than balanced very bad for us. It is not yet knownrelationship with Gastritis diet Genesis in patients in Pembina Clinic Palembang. The study ofquantitative research conducted by 10 May-5 June 2011 with cross-sectional descriptivedesign Analytical approach to the methods for probabilistic sampling with random samplingand sampling with a sample size of 52 respondents. The results of the univariate analysisshowed that patients with a healthy diet (61,5 %) and the unhealthy diet (38,5%). Patientswho have experienced events gastritis (42,3%) had no gastritis (57,7%). Bivariado analysis ofthe results that had a significant relationship between the diet and the incidence...

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Research paper thumbnail of The Analysis of Nurse Compliance in Documenting of Nursing Care in Islamic Hospital Palembang

Nurses’ obedience in implementing the nursing care documentation is still a phenomenon that occur... more Nurses’ obedience in implementing the nursing care documentation is still a phenomenon that occurs in several hospitals in Indonesia. This study attempts to analyze the nurses’ obedience in documenting the nursing care. This quantitative study used a correlation method with a cross-sectional approach, samples from 63 implementing nurses and 63 of the nursing care documentation obtained by using proportionate random sampling technique. The results showed the highest proportion were age <35 years (73.02%), women (93.65%) with vocational education (95.24%), Length of employment ≥2 years (96.83%) with permanent employee status (95.24%) and most of the nurse disobedience in documenting the nursing care (98.41%). There was no correlation among Age (p-value = 0.270), Gender, Education, Length of employment, Staffing Status (p-value = 1.000). The researcher suggested that the Palembang Islamic Hospital to conduct a review of the nursing care format form and SPO the nursing care documenta...

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Research paper thumbnail of Head Room Supervision to Completeness of Note Nursing Care Documentation

Nurse's disobedience in documenting the nursing care is still a problem in various hospitals ... more Nurse's disobedience in documenting the nursing care is still a problem in various hospitals in Indonesia including Palembang, which impacting on quality of nursing services provided. This research aims to know relationship the role of supervising and mentoring head room with nurses in carrying out compliance documentation of nursing care in Islamic Hospital Palembang. This research used the approach of cross sectional with 63 samples of nurses with their nursing care documentation. Proportionate sample retrieval technique of random sampling. Analysis of univariate data using independent variable mean further categorized. The dependent variable was analyzed using standard 80%. Analysis bivariate test using chi square. The results showed no relationship with compliance supervised the head nurse in the documentation of the completeness of the records document of nursing care. Expected role of mentoring the head room can be optimized with the head of the room gives the opportunity ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Kualitas Pelayanan DI PPMKP Ciawi Bogor the Analysis of Service Quality at PPMKP Ciawi Bogor


The research aim is to know service quality at Pusat Pelatihan Manajemen Dan Kepemimpinan Perta... more The research aim is to know service quality at Pusat Pelatihan Manajemen Dan Kepemimpinan Pertanian (PPMKP) Ciawi Bogor, whether has been achieved optimally or not. Research methode used is descriptive method, while literture study, observation, and questionnaire are used as tools to collect data. Based on analysis result reveal that overall score of service quality delivered by PPMKP is classified as “good”, overall score based on employee’s perception is 3,58 (in scale of 5) while based on participant (trainee) overall score is 3,61. It is worth note that detailed score of each dimension of serive quality (tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and emphaty) is also quite similar in terms of Weight Mean Score among those respondents (employee and trainee. Based on analysis result, important point to be considered as recommendation to Pusat Pelatihan Manajemen Dan Kepemimpinan Pertanian (PPMKP) Ciawi Bogor are : increasing the comp...

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Research paper thumbnail of Hubungan Pendapatan Pengasuh Dengan Kualitas Interaksi Pengasuh Dan Anak Stunting Usia 6-23 Bulan

Jurnal 'Aisyiyah Medika, 2020

Latar belakang: Perkembangan kesehatan anak sangat dipengaruhi oleh interaksi orang tua-anak dan ... more Latar belakang: Perkembangan kesehatan anak sangat dipengaruhi oleh interaksi orang tua-anak dan keterikatan orang tua-anak. Usia 0-24 bulan merupakan periode yang menentukan kualitas kehidupan sehingga disebut dengan golden period. Faktor yang mempengaruhi kualitas interaksi pengasuh (Caregiver) dengan anak dapat berasal dari pengasuh maupun anak, salah satunya adalah pendapatan pengasuh. Tujuan: Mengetahui hubungan pendapatan pengasuh dengan kualitas interaksi pengasuh dan anak stunting usia 6-23 bulan. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan rancangan cross sectional. Subjek penelitian adalah pengasuh dengan anak stunting usia 6-23 bulan. Subjek penelitian direkrut dengan menggunakan tekhnik Consecutive sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan yaitu lembar observasi Parenting Interaction with Children: Checklist of Observation Linked to Outcome (PICCOLO). Analisis data dilakukan dengan uji Chi square. Hasil: Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara pendapatan pengasuh (0,001) dengan kualitas in...

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Research paper thumbnail of DeepTIO: A Deep Thermal-Inertial Odometry With Visual Hallucination

IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Pola Konsumsi Pangan Non Karbohidrat pada Provinsi Tahan dan Rawan Pangan (Provinsi Kalimantan Timur dan Nusa Tenggara Timur) Tahun 2017

AGRARIS: Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development Research, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Faktor Idiosyncratic Raul Castro Dalam Perubahan Hubungan Luar Negeri Kuba-Amerika Serikat

Global Political Studies Journal, 2018

The purpose and goal of this research is to know what the response taken by the US government to ... more The purpose and goal of this research is to know what the response taken by the US government to Raul Castro, the changes in the foreign relations of both countries, presence idiosyncratic factors of Raul Castro to the foreign relations of both countries. The method used is descriptive analysis techniques. Most of the data collected through literature and website searches. These results indicate that the factor of idiosyncratic Raul Castro in changes in foreign relations between Cuba and the United States. The conclusion from this study is the change that occurs in the foreign relations between the two countries, the changes occurring in the country of Cuba after Raul became president of Cuba, as well as the response taken by the US government against the government of Raul Castro well with the reopening of diplomatic relations between both countries, and issued a foreign policy that is intended to drive the Cuban economy, the type of personality that is owned by Raul Castro based o...

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Research paper thumbnail of Consumption Patterns of Carbohydrate Sources in Food Secure and Insecure Provinces of Indonesia in 2017

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, 2019

The availability and affordability in obtaining sufficient quantity of food is an important indic... more The availability and affordability in obtaining sufficient quantity of food is an important indicator of food security. Food is one of the problem in agricultural sector. Every province in Indonesia mostly still depends on rice consumption. This shows that consumption patterns of carbohydrate sources are still not diverse. One effective strategy to achieve food security is to develop food diversification. This study aimed to analyze consumption patterns and the level of diversification of carbohydrate as food sources and analyze the difference of income and food price in affecting carbohydrate diversification as food sources on food secure and insecure provinces. This study utilized SUSENAS data and analyzed them using index of Berry and Linier Approximation Almost Ideal Demand System (LA AIDS). This study found that the level of income and the level of food diversification in food-secure province is higher than in food-insecure province. In addition, price change in carbohydrate so...

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Research paper thumbnail of Unjuk Kerja Mesin Pemotong Padi Tipe GLX 328-RH Pada Beberapa RPM DI Lahan Kering

Jurnal Teknik Pertanian Lampung (Journal of Agricultural Engineering), 2018

Perkembangan alat mesin pertanian sangat pesat, mulai dari alat tradisional ani-ani yang hanya d... more Perkembangan alat mesin pertanian sangat pesat, mulai dari alat tradisional ani-ani yang hanya dapat memotong malai padi hingga combine harvester yang dapat memotong, merontokan, hingga pengarungan gabah. Kondisi keuangan dan lahan yang berbeda menyebabkan petani harus memilih mesin tepat guna. Salah satu alternatif mesin yang dapat digunakan untuk lahan yang tidak terlalu luas yaitu mesin pemotong padi (paddy mower) tipe GLX 328-RH. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kapasitas kerja, kehilangan gabah (losses), dan konsumsi bahan bakar serta analisis ekonomi penggunaan mesin pemotong padi tipe GLX 328-RH untuk pemanenan. Penelitian ini terdiri dari tiga tahapan utama, yaitu persiapan mesin dan lahan, pengujian performansi mesin dan analisis data. Parameter yang diamati adalah kapasitas kerja mesin, persentase kehilangan gabah, dan konsumsi bahan bakar. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kapasitas kerja mesin pemotong padi dengan RPM 3863 0,019 ha/jam dan RPM 5000 0,022 ha/...

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