Muhammad Kudhori - (original) (raw)
Papers by Muhammad Kudhori
Jurnal Ushuluddin, 2021
QS. al-Baqarah: 62 by some Muslim scholars is used to justify that adherents of all religions in ... more QS. al-Baqarah: 62 by some Muslim scholars is used to justify that adherents of all religions in this world will get salvation and go to paradise. Salvation in the hereafter, according to them, is not required to believe in the Prophet Muhammad. This article aimed to re-examine that interpretation that is contrary to the belief of the majority of Muslims, in which one aspect of faith that will save people is a belief in the messengers, including a belief in the Prophet Muhammad. The reinterpretation of QS. al-Baqarah: 62 in this study employed the interpretation method of Yûsuf al-Qaraḍâwî in his book entitled Kayfa Nata‘âmal Ma‘ al-Qur’ân al-‘Az}îm. This article is a library based-study by using content analysis and descriptive-analytic. The result revealed that QS. al-Baqarah: 62 actually deals with the earlier peoples before the Prophet Muhammad. Those who believe in Allah and the Last Day and do good deeds are promised a reward from Allah SWT
The method which is used by theologian in hadi> th codification has a trend that change from t... more The method which is used by theologian in hadi> th codification has a trend that change from time to time. After third century of hijriyah, some theologians arrange hadi> th's book using the method that has already taught to them before, but others have a different method.
Al-Ihkam: Jurnal Hukum & Pranata Sosial
Kasus perjodohan oleh orang tua terhadap anak perempuannya masih dijumpai di dalam masyarakat mus... more Kasus perjodohan oleh orang tua terhadap anak perempuannya masih dijumpai di dalam masyarakat muslim Indonesia. Tak jarang, praktek nikah paksa yang dilakukan oleh oknum orang tua justru berakhir dengan penyiksaan dhahir maupun batin kepada anak perempuan. Tulisan ini membahas apakah memilih calon suami merupakan hak perempuan secara mutlak ataukah ada campur tangan dari orang tua? Kebebasan memilih pasangan hidup bagi seorang perempuan sebenarnya telah dijamin oleh Syara". Para pelaku praktek nikah paksa biasanya menggunakan hadis: "Perawan, bapaknya yang menikahkannya." sebagai upaya untuk membenarkan tindakannya. Namun ternyata hadis tersebut termasuk dalam kategori hadis syâdz yang tertolak, karena bertentangan dengan riwayat-riwayat sahih yang memberikan kebebasan mutlak bagi perempuan untuk memilih suaminya. Seorang perempuan yang tidak mematuhi perintah orang tuanya untuk dinikahkan dengan laki-laki yang tidak dicintainya sama sekali bukan perempuan yang durhaka, karena pada dasarnya bakti kepada orang tua didasari dengan cinta dan kasih sayang, bukan keterpaksaan.
At-Tahdzib, 2018
Abstrak: Diskursus tentang kritik pemikiran di kalangan ulama, baik yang bersifat us}u>l maupu... more Abstrak: Diskursus tentang kritik pemikiran di kalangan ulama, baik yang bersifat us}u>l maupun furu>' belum pernah selesai. Perbedaan pemahaman atas teks-teks agama sering kali menimbulkan gesekan di antara mereka. Ibn al-Jawzi> merupakan salah satu ulama yang sangat gencar dalam melakukan kritik terhadap ulama yang dianggap "menyimpang". Tidak main-main, para ulama dari berbagai disiplin ilmu mendapatkan kritik tajam darinya. Ulama tasawuf adalah ulama yang menjadi bulan-bulanan Ibn al-Jawzi> dalam kitabnya Talbi>s Ibli>s. Efek dari kritik yang dilontarkan oleh Ibn al-Jawzi> terhadap ulama tasawuf masih dapat dirasakan sampai sekarang. Kelompok-kelompok yang anti terhadap tasawuf seringkali menggunakan argumentasi Ibn al-Jawzi> untuk menyerang tasawuf tanpa melihat esensi dasar kritiknya terhadap tasawuf. Kritik Ibn al-Jawzi> terhadap para ulama sebenarnya bukan pada esensi keilmuannya. Melainkan lebih kepada penyimpangan yang dilakukan ole...
Penilaian kualitas hadis merupakan ijtihad yang dilakukan oleh ahli hadis. Terbukti, meskipun par... more Penilaian kualitas hadis merupakan ijtihad yang dilakukan oleh ahli hadis. Terbukti, meskipun para ahli hadis telah sepakat dalam menentukan kriteria kesahihan hadis, dalam beberapa kasus, mereka berbeda pendapat dalam menilai kualitas hadis. Perbedaan penilaian ini tentunya akan berdampak pada penggalian hukum dari hadis tersebut. Al-Tirmidhi dalam kitabnya al-Jami‘ menilai hadis adhan untuk bayi yang baru lahir sebagai hadis hasan sahih. Penilaian al-Tirmidhi ini mendapat kritik tajam dari Nasiruddin al-Albani, dimana dalam kitabnya Silsilah al-Ahadith al-Da‘ifah ia menilai bahwa hadis adhan untuk bayi yang baru lahir adalah da‘if dan tidak layak diamalkan, karena sanadnya lemah. Bahkan dalam beberapa riwayatnya teridentifikasi sebagai hadis yang palsu. Pro kontra pun kemudian muncul terkait dengan pengamalan hadis ini. Untuk mengurai perbedaan penilaian al-Tirmidhi dan al-Albani tentunya harus diketahui terlebih dahulu konsep kualitas hadis menurut keduanya. Dari konsep yang tela...
Method of assessing the soundness of hadith (Prophetic tradition) is not only limited to the rule... more Method of assessing the soundness of hadith (Prophetic tradition) is not only limited to the rule that hadith's experts formulate and employ. Sufi (Muslim mystical practioner) circles utilize hadith assessment method called kashf (mystical disclosure). This term literally means disclosing or uncovering a hijab (cover). Terminologcally speaking, it means the disclosure of unseen meanings and truth behind textual appearances. In hadith assessment context, kashf is a method used by Sufis since they do not follow hadith assessment principles and method constructed by hadith experts. The tradition of hadith assessment using kashf method is a new method that emerged after long time ago after Prophet's hadiths were collected. This method emerged between the sixth century until the seventh century of Hijra. The first figure who applied this method is Ibn Arabi (558-638 H). Through kashf assessment method, hadith is considered sahih when it does not contradict shar'ah rules. In adition, the hadith assessment using kashf needs to look at the position and quality of scholars who claim to obtain kashf. In turn, this method makes the role of sanad (chain of hadith transmission) smaller in terms of hadith determining the reliability of hadith. In kashf, sanad is directly linked to the Prophet SAW, even without having a person narrating a hadith. Moreover, the time interval between a Sufi who obtains kashf and the Prophet is long period of time. Furthermore, kasfh can make Jarh wa Ta'dil (examining reliability of hadith narrators) trivial. The method of kashf is rejected by most of hadith's experts, because it does not hold solid epistemology. The rules are relative, subjective and cannot be objectively defended.
Al-Manahij: Jurnal Kajian Hukum Islam
The spreading of Syafi’ite school of law in Indonesia until now has a long history in the process... more The spreading of Syafi’ite school of law in Indonesia until now has a long history in the process of Islamic transmission in the country. Islam entered into Indonesian archipelago through the merchants in the seventh century. However, the dispersion of Islam could not run smoothly before Wali Songo emerged in Indonesian society at the fifteenth century. In this era, Islam could be received and absorbed widely by the Indonesians. The Islamic school of law that is brought by Wali Songo is Syafi’ite. Even most of Muslims in Indonesia follow Syafi’ite school of law, in the real life including in their daily prayers and trade activities, they are not use this school entirely. One of the reasons why this school is not practiced by Muslims fully is difficult to practice. The existence of Qaul al-Mukhtār of al-Nawawī can be an alternative way for the followers of this school of law that is difficult in practicing one of his opinions. Besides its strong arguments, Qaul al-Mukhtar of al- Na...
Assessment the quality of h} adīs| is an ijtihād tradition which is carried out by experts of h} ... more Assessment the quality of h} adīs| is an ijtihād tradition which is carried out by experts of h} adīs|. Evidently, despite the experts of h} adīs| have agreed to determine the validity of h} adīs| , in some cases, they divided in assessingthequality of h} adīs|. The valuation differences will impact the mining law of thish} adīs|. At the level of practice, the experts of h} adīs| also have adifferent argument in the ability to use d} a'īf h} adīs|. Al-Albānī is one of acontemporary theologian of h} adīs| who reject the practice ofd} a'īf h} adīs| absolutely. The reason is d} a'īf h} adīs| only provide virtue and al-marjūh} (alleged weak), so he thought that set an action withd} a'īf h} adīs| is a tashrī', while tashrī' cannot use d} a'īf h} adīs|. He also claimed that the ban to practice d} a'īf h} adīs| is the opinion of the experts of h} adīs| such as al-Bukhārī, Muslim, Ibn Ma'īn, Ibn H} azm and Ibn al-'Arabī. But in reality, based on the data that has been presented, the experts are actually practicing d} a'īf h} adīs| to fad} ā'il al-a'māl and its kind in their books. These facts, of course, dismissed the claims made by al-Albānī saying that they refuse to practice d} a'īf h} adīs| absolutely. It became evident that the stronger opinion is the opinion of the majority of experts who were allowed, even encourage the practice of d} a'īf h} adīs| to fada'ilal-a'mal and its kind with the conditions that have been set.
Al-Manahij: Jurnal Kajian Hukum Islam
When Muslim women had their menstrual cycle or period, they often deal with problems, especially ... more When Muslim women had their menstrual cycle or period, they often deal with problems, especially those which related to mosque activities. Because in the mainstream Jurisprudence studied in Islamic boarding schools which is influenced by the Shafi'i madhhab, menstruating women are prohibited from doing activities in the mosque, including holding and reading the Qur’an. This argument will limit their activities in the mosque. Therefore, there have to be some solution to solve this problem. In the classic fiqh discourse, some of ulamas said that they are allowed to do some activities in the mosque, touching/holding and reading the Qur’an. Unfortunately, it is not common for boarding school to use this rule and considered as a weak argumentation, and become rarely applied. Moreover, this argumentation is out of four madhhab. If we research it deeper, this argumentation comes from the credible classic ulamas, which have a strong legal foundation and giving more positive effect for m...
Ijtihad : Jurnal Wacana Hukum Islam dan Kemanusiaan
The debate of wearing veil happened since Sahabah having different opinion in translating the mea... more The debate of wearing veil happened since Sahabah having different opinion in translating the meaning of hijab (ayah that contains of commandeering women to cover their body) itself. This difference about wearing veil makes us to discuss more from fiqh perspective. It is about covering women’s body from other man (ajnabi>). The great religion teacher (ulama) said that the rule of using veil is divided into three parts. They are Must (wajib), Sunnah (sunah), Mubah. Some of them said that veil (cadar) only for fashion or habitual. There is no relation between wearing veil with sharia. Another opinion, such as the Great Religion Teacher of NU (Nahdatul Ulama) said that women should wear veil. In conclusion, the wearing of veil is a khilafiyah problem among the Great Religion Teacher. The wise step to face it that receiving many kinds of opinions about wearing veil. The pro side should not feel the best among others. the cons side also should not blame the pro side. Each of them migh...
Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Ushuluddin
The method which is used by theologian in hadi> th codification has a trend that change from time... more The method which is used by theologian in hadi> th codification has a trend that change from time to time. After third century of hijriyah, some theologians arrange hadi> th's book using the method that has already taught to them before, but others have a different method. One of the method which is dissimilar from others is hadi> th codification method or it is called Mu'jam. Mu'jam is a hadi> th codification typology that is based on the friend of the Prophet's musnad or the writer's teacher that is arranged based on alphabet. In some sample, it is seemed that Mu'jam's book also shows some friends of the Prophet's biography before showing the history of them. Mu'jam's book is classified into two groups. They are Mu'jam al-Shuyu> kh (based on teacher's names) and Mu'jam al-S{ ah} a> bah (based on friends of the Prophet's names). Commonly, there are some quality of hadi> th s in Mu'jam's books. There are s} ah} i> h} , h} asan, d} a'i> f even mawd} u> ' (false). One of the benefit in Ma'ajim's book is as the main reference of Prophet's musnad hadi> th. It means continued until the Prophet himself and containing lots of hadi> th that is not found in al-Kutu> b al-Sittah. Moreover, Mu'jam's book is one of the main references to know the biography of S{ ah} abat (friend's Prophet), nasab (offspring), and their virtue.
Al-Manahij: Jurnal Kajian Hukum Islam, Nov 28, 2019
Banyaknya aktivitas perempuan muslimah di masjid dapat memunculkan permasalahan saat mereka megal... more Banyaknya aktivitas perempuan muslimah di masjid dapat memunculkan permasalahan saat mereka megalami haid. Pasalnya dalam fikih mainstream yang dikaji di pesantrenpesantren yang notabenenya bermazhab Syafii menyatakan bahwa perempuan haid dilarang beraktivitas di dalam masjid, memegang dan membaca Alquran. Pendapat ini tentu akan membatasi ruang gerak aktivitas muslimah yang mengajarkan Alquran dan banyak melakukan kegiatan di masjid. Oleh karena itu harus ada solusi untuk mengatasinya. Dalam diskursus fikih klasik, sebenarnya sebagian ulama berpendapat bahwa perempuan haid diperbolehkan beraktivitas di masjid, memegang dan membaca Alquran. Hanya saja di kalangan pesantren, pendapat ini kurang masyhur dan dianggap sebagai pendapat yang lemah, sehingga jarang diamalkan. Apalagi beberapa pendapat ini berada di luar mazhab empat. Padahal jika ditelaah lebih dalam, pendapat ini disampaikan oleh ulama-ulama klasik yang kredibel, mempunyai landasan hukum yang kuat dan lebih memberikan maslahat bagi perempuan haid. Pendapat ini tentu dapat menjadi solusi atas permasalahan di atas, sehingga perempuan haid dapat tetap menjalankan aktivitasnya di masjid dan mengajarkan Alquran tanpa adanya kekhawatiran merasa berdosa, karena melanggar hukum syara'. Dalam kajian fikih dan ushul fikih, pendapat yang dianggap asing dan lemah pada waktu dan tempat tertentu dapat menjadi pendapat yang kuat pada waktu dan tempat yang lain, karena beberapa alasan dan maslahat.
One of privilege of Islam brought by the Prophet Muhammad SAW is the existence of news linker to ... more One of privilege of Islam brought by the Prophet Muhammad SAW is the existence of news linker to the followers. The news linker (riwayah) is sanad. The sanad condition in Islam gets serious attention from hadith experts. In the sanad hadith field, there is one kind of sanad that is prioritized than the others. It is happened when they face a contradictive condition between two contradictive hadith. The sanad is al-sanad al-'Ālī namely a sanad hadith that consists of minimum linkers (riwayah). The importance of this sanad is for the importance of the sanad heigth and supporting factor to make easier in checking the linkers (riwayah). From al-sanad al-'Āli type, there is sanad form that the linkers (riwayah) are only three people known as thulāthiyyāt terms. Some Hadith that have sanad 'ālī or hadith thulāthiyyāt do not always have valid (sahih) quality, since the validity analysis of hadith depends only on five validity (sahih) requirements that have been set by hadith experts. Hadith thulāthiyyāt will have high value when it is supported by valid (sahih) hadith quality. Abstrak Satu diantara keistimewaan agama Islam yang dibawa oleh Nabi Muhammad Saw. adalah keberadaan mata rantai pembawa berita kepada umat pemeluk agama itu. Mata rantai dimaksud adalah sanad. Kondisi sanad dalam khazanah Islam memperoleh perhatian serius di kalangan ahli hadith. Dalam bidang sanad hadith, terdapat suatu jenis sanad yang diprioritaskan dengan mengalahkan jenis sanad lainnya. Hal ini terjadi ketika mereka dihadapkan pada suatu kondisi kontradiktif antara dua dalil yang saling berseberangan. Jenis sanad dimaksud adalah al-sanad al-'Ālī, yaitu sebuah sanad hadith yang terdiri dari para periwayat yang minim jumlahnya. Urgensi jenis sanad demikian untuk kepentingan ketinggian sanad dan faktor penunjang demi kemudahan dalam mengecek para periwayat hadith tersebut. Dari jenis al-sanad al-'Āli ini terdapat bentuk sanad yang mata rantai informannya hanya berjumlah tiga orang yang dikenal dengan istilah thulāthiyyāt. Hadith-hadith yang mempunyai sanad 'ālī atau dalam hal ini adalah hadith-hadith thulāthiyyāt tidak selamanya berkualitas sahih, karena penilaian kesahihan hadith hanya bergantung pada lima syarat sahih yang telah ditetapkan oleh para ahli hadith. Hadith-hadith thulāthiyyāt akan mempunyai nilai tinggi manakala didukung dengan kualitas hadithnya yang sahih.
Abstrak: Kasus perjodohan oleh orang tua terhadap anak perempuannya masih dijumpai di dalam masya... more Abstrak: Kasus perjodohan oleh orang tua terhadap anak perempuannya masih dijumpai di dalam masyarakat muslim Indonesia. Tak jarang, praktek nikah paksa yang dilakukan oleh oknum orang tua justru berakhir dengan penyiksaan dhahir maupun batin kepada anak perempuan. Tulisan ini membahas apakah memilih calon suami merupakan hak perempuan secara mutlak ataukah ada campur tangan dari orang tua? Kebebasan memilih pasangan hidup bagi seorang perempuan sebenarnya telah dijamin oleh Syara ". Para pelaku praktek nikah paksa biasanya menggunakan hadis: " Perawan, bapaknya yang menikahkannya. " sebagai upaya untuk membenarkan tindakannya. Namun ternyata hadis tersebut termasuk dalam kategori hadis syâdz yang tertolak, karena bertentangan dengan riwayat-riwayat sahih yang memberikan kebebasan mutlak bagi perempuan untuk memilih suaminya. Seorang perempuan yang tidak mematuhi perintah orang tuanya untuk dinikahkan dengan laki-laki yang tidak dicintainya sama sekali bukan perempuan yang durhaka, karena pada dasarnya bakti kepada orang tua didasari dengan cinta dan kasih sayang, bukan keterpaksaan. Abstract: The cases of matchmaking by parents to their daughters are still found in Indonesian Muslim societies. Frequently, the practice of forced marriages committed by unscrupulous parents ended up in physical and psychological tortures experienced by women. This paper discusses whether choosing a spouse is the absolute right of women or there should be any interferences by parents. The freedom of choosing a spouse for a woman has actually been guaranteed by Syaria. The perpetrators of forced marriage practice usually use the
Jurnal Ushuluddin, 2021
QS. al-Baqarah: 62 by some Muslim scholars is used to justify that adherents of all religions in ... more QS. al-Baqarah: 62 by some Muslim scholars is used to justify that adherents of all religions in this world will get salvation and go to paradise. Salvation in the hereafter, according to them, is not required to believe in the Prophet Muhammad. This article aimed to re-examine that interpretation that is contrary to the belief of the majority of Muslims, in which one aspect of faith that will save people is a belief in the messengers, including a belief in the Prophet Muhammad. The reinterpretation of QS. al-Baqarah: 62 in this study employed the interpretation method of Yûsuf al-Qaraḍâwî in his book entitled Kayfa Nata‘âmal Ma‘ al-Qur’ân al-‘Az}îm. This article is a library based-study by using content analysis and descriptive-analytic. The result revealed that QS. al-Baqarah: 62 actually deals with the earlier peoples before the Prophet Muhammad. Those who believe in Allah and the Last Day and do good deeds are promised a reward from Allah SWT
The method which is used by theologian in hadi> th codification has a trend that change from t... more The method which is used by theologian in hadi> th codification has a trend that change from time to time. After third century of hijriyah, some theologians arrange hadi> th's book using the method that has already taught to them before, but others have a different method.
Al-Ihkam: Jurnal Hukum & Pranata Sosial
Kasus perjodohan oleh orang tua terhadap anak perempuannya masih dijumpai di dalam masyarakat mus... more Kasus perjodohan oleh orang tua terhadap anak perempuannya masih dijumpai di dalam masyarakat muslim Indonesia. Tak jarang, praktek nikah paksa yang dilakukan oleh oknum orang tua justru berakhir dengan penyiksaan dhahir maupun batin kepada anak perempuan. Tulisan ini membahas apakah memilih calon suami merupakan hak perempuan secara mutlak ataukah ada campur tangan dari orang tua? Kebebasan memilih pasangan hidup bagi seorang perempuan sebenarnya telah dijamin oleh Syara". Para pelaku praktek nikah paksa biasanya menggunakan hadis: "Perawan, bapaknya yang menikahkannya." sebagai upaya untuk membenarkan tindakannya. Namun ternyata hadis tersebut termasuk dalam kategori hadis syâdz yang tertolak, karena bertentangan dengan riwayat-riwayat sahih yang memberikan kebebasan mutlak bagi perempuan untuk memilih suaminya. Seorang perempuan yang tidak mematuhi perintah orang tuanya untuk dinikahkan dengan laki-laki yang tidak dicintainya sama sekali bukan perempuan yang durhaka, karena pada dasarnya bakti kepada orang tua didasari dengan cinta dan kasih sayang, bukan keterpaksaan.
At-Tahdzib, 2018
Abstrak: Diskursus tentang kritik pemikiran di kalangan ulama, baik yang bersifat us}u>l maupu... more Abstrak: Diskursus tentang kritik pemikiran di kalangan ulama, baik yang bersifat us}u>l maupun furu>' belum pernah selesai. Perbedaan pemahaman atas teks-teks agama sering kali menimbulkan gesekan di antara mereka. Ibn al-Jawzi> merupakan salah satu ulama yang sangat gencar dalam melakukan kritik terhadap ulama yang dianggap "menyimpang". Tidak main-main, para ulama dari berbagai disiplin ilmu mendapatkan kritik tajam darinya. Ulama tasawuf adalah ulama yang menjadi bulan-bulanan Ibn al-Jawzi> dalam kitabnya Talbi>s Ibli>s. Efek dari kritik yang dilontarkan oleh Ibn al-Jawzi> terhadap ulama tasawuf masih dapat dirasakan sampai sekarang. Kelompok-kelompok yang anti terhadap tasawuf seringkali menggunakan argumentasi Ibn al-Jawzi> untuk menyerang tasawuf tanpa melihat esensi dasar kritiknya terhadap tasawuf. Kritik Ibn al-Jawzi> terhadap para ulama sebenarnya bukan pada esensi keilmuannya. Melainkan lebih kepada penyimpangan yang dilakukan ole...
Penilaian kualitas hadis merupakan ijtihad yang dilakukan oleh ahli hadis. Terbukti, meskipun par... more Penilaian kualitas hadis merupakan ijtihad yang dilakukan oleh ahli hadis. Terbukti, meskipun para ahli hadis telah sepakat dalam menentukan kriteria kesahihan hadis, dalam beberapa kasus, mereka berbeda pendapat dalam menilai kualitas hadis. Perbedaan penilaian ini tentunya akan berdampak pada penggalian hukum dari hadis tersebut. Al-Tirmidhi dalam kitabnya al-Jami‘ menilai hadis adhan untuk bayi yang baru lahir sebagai hadis hasan sahih. Penilaian al-Tirmidhi ini mendapat kritik tajam dari Nasiruddin al-Albani, dimana dalam kitabnya Silsilah al-Ahadith al-Da‘ifah ia menilai bahwa hadis adhan untuk bayi yang baru lahir adalah da‘if dan tidak layak diamalkan, karena sanadnya lemah. Bahkan dalam beberapa riwayatnya teridentifikasi sebagai hadis yang palsu. Pro kontra pun kemudian muncul terkait dengan pengamalan hadis ini. Untuk mengurai perbedaan penilaian al-Tirmidhi dan al-Albani tentunya harus diketahui terlebih dahulu konsep kualitas hadis menurut keduanya. Dari konsep yang tela...
Method of assessing the soundness of hadith (Prophetic tradition) is not only limited to the rule... more Method of assessing the soundness of hadith (Prophetic tradition) is not only limited to the rule that hadith's experts formulate and employ. Sufi (Muslim mystical practioner) circles utilize hadith assessment method called kashf (mystical disclosure). This term literally means disclosing or uncovering a hijab (cover). Terminologcally speaking, it means the disclosure of unseen meanings and truth behind textual appearances. In hadith assessment context, kashf is a method used by Sufis since they do not follow hadith assessment principles and method constructed by hadith experts. The tradition of hadith assessment using kashf method is a new method that emerged after long time ago after Prophet's hadiths were collected. This method emerged between the sixth century until the seventh century of Hijra. The first figure who applied this method is Ibn Arabi (558-638 H). Through kashf assessment method, hadith is considered sahih when it does not contradict shar'ah rules. In adition, the hadith assessment using kashf needs to look at the position and quality of scholars who claim to obtain kashf. In turn, this method makes the role of sanad (chain of hadith transmission) smaller in terms of hadith determining the reliability of hadith. In kashf, sanad is directly linked to the Prophet SAW, even without having a person narrating a hadith. Moreover, the time interval between a Sufi who obtains kashf and the Prophet is long period of time. Furthermore, kasfh can make Jarh wa Ta'dil (examining reliability of hadith narrators) trivial. The method of kashf is rejected by most of hadith's experts, because it does not hold solid epistemology. The rules are relative, subjective and cannot be objectively defended.
Al-Manahij: Jurnal Kajian Hukum Islam
The spreading of Syafi’ite school of law in Indonesia until now has a long history in the process... more The spreading of Syafi’ite school of law in Indonesia until now has a long history in the process of Islamic transmission in the country. Islam entered into Indonesian archipelago through the merchants in the seventh century. However, the dispersion of Islam could not run smoothly before Wali Songo emerged in Indonesian society at the fifteenth century. In this era, Islam could be received and absorbed widely by the Indonesians. The Islamic school of law that is brought by Wali Songo is Syafi’ite. Even most of Muslims in Indonesia follow Syafi’ite school of law, in the real life including in their daily prayers and trade activities, they are not use this school entirely. One of the reasons why this school is not practiced by Muslims fully is difficult to practice. The existence of Qaul al-Mukhtār of al-Nawawī can be an alternative way for the followers of this school of law that is difficult in practicing one of his opinions. Besides its strong arguments, Qaul al-Mukhtar of al- Na...
Assessment the quality of h} adīs| is an ijtihād tradition which is carried out by experts of h} ... more Assessment the quality of h} adīs| is an ijtihād tradition which is carried out by experts of h} adīs|. Evidently, despite the experts of h} adīs| have agreed to determine the validity of h} adīs| , in some cases, they divided in assessingthequality of h} adīs|. The valuation differences will impact the mining law of thish} adīs|. At the level of practice, the experts of h} adīs| also have adifferent argument in the ability to use d} a'īf h} adīs|. Al-Albānī is one of acontemporary theologian of h} adīs| who reject the practice ofd} a'īf h} adīs| absolutely. The reason is d} a'īf h} adīs| only provide virtue and al-marjūh} (alleged weak), so he thought that set an action withd} a'īf h} adīs| is a tashrī', while tashrī' cannot use d} a'īf h} adīs|. He also claimed that the ban to practice d} a'īf h} adīs| is the opinion of the experts of h} adīs| such as al-Bukhārī, Muslim, Ibn Ma'īn, Ibn H} azm and Ibn al-'Arabī. But in reality, based on the data that has been presented, the experts are actually practicing d} a'īf h} adīs| to fad} ā'il al-a'māl and its kind in their books. These facts, of course, dismissed the claims made by al-Albānī saying that they refuse to practice d} a'īf h} adīs| absolutely. It became evident that the stronger opinion is the opinion of the majority of experts who were allowed, even encourage the practice of d} a'īf h} adīs| to fada'ilal-a'mal and its kind with the conditions that have been set.
Al-Manahij: Jurnal Kajian Hukum Islam
When Muslim women had their menstrual cycle or period, they often deal with problems, especially ... more When Muslim women had their menstrual cycle or period, they often deal with problems, especially those which related to mosque activities. Because in the mainstream Jurisprudence studied in Islamic boarding schools which is influenced by the Shafi'i madhhab, menstruating women are prohibited from doing activities in the mosque, including holding and reading the Qur’an. This argument will limit their activities in the mosque. Therefore, there have to be some solution to solve this problem. In the classic fiqh discourse, some of ulamas said that they are allowed to do some activities in the mosque, touching/holding and reading the Qur’an. Unfortunately, it is not common for boarding school to use this rule and considered as a weak argumentation, and become rarely applied. Moreover, this argumentation is out of four madhhab. If we research it deeper, this argumentation comes from the credible classic ulamas, which have a strong legal foundation and giving more positive effect for m...
Ijtihad : Jurnal Wacana Hukum Islam dan Kemanusiaan
The debate of wearing veil happened since Sahabah having different opinion in translating the mea... more The debate of wearing veil happened since Sahabah having different opinion in translating the meaning of hijab (ayah that contains of commandeering women to cover their body) itself. This difference about wearing veil makes us to discuss more from fiqh perspective. It is about covering women’s body from other man (ajnabi>). The great religion teacher (ulama) said that the rule of using veil is divided into three parts. They are Must (wajib), Sunnah (sunah), Mubah. Some of them said that veil (cadar) only for fashion or habitual. There is no relation between wearing veil with sharia. Another opinion, such as the Great Religion Teacher of NU (Nahdatul Ulama) said that women should wear veil. In conclusion, the wearing of veil is a khilafiyah problem among the Great Religion Teacher. The wise step to face it that receiving many kinds of opinions about wearing veil. The pro side should not feel the best among others. the cons side also should not blame the pro side. Each of them migh...
Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Ushuluddin
The method which is used by theologian in hadi> th codification has a trend that change from time... more The method which is used by theologian in hadi> th codification has a trend that change from time to time. After third century of hijriyah, some theologians arrange hadi> th's book using the method that has already taught to them before, but others have a different method. One of the method which is dissimilar from others is hadi> th codification method or it is called Mu'jam. Mu'jam is a hadi> th codification typology that is based on the friend of the Prophet's musnad or the writer's teacher that is arranged based on alphabet. In some sample, it is seemed that Mu'jam's book also shows some friends of the Prophet's biography before showing the history of them. Mu'jam's book is classified into two groups. They are Mu'jam al-Shuyu> kh (based on teacher's names) and Mu'jam al-S{ ah} a> bah (based on friends of the Prophet's names). Commonly, there are some quality of hadi> th s in Mu'jam's books. There are s} ah} i> h} , h} asan, d} a'i> f even mawd} u> ' (false). One of the benefit in Ma'ajim's book is as the main reference of Prophet's musnad hadi> th. It means continued until the Prophet himself and containing lots of hadi> th that is not found in al-Kutu> b al-Sittah. Moreover, Mu'jam's book is one of the main references to know the biography of S{ ah} abat (friend's Prophet), nasab (offspring), and their virtue.
Al-Manahij: Jurnal Kajian Hukum Islam, Nov 28, 2019
Banyaknya aktivitas perempuan muslimah di masjid dapat memunculkan permasalahan saat mereka megal... more Banyaknya aktivitas perempuan muslimah di masjid dapat memunculkan permasalahan saat mereka megalami haid. Pasalnya dalam fikih mainstream yang dikaji di pesantrenpesantren yang notabenenya bermazhab Syafii menyatakan bahwa perempuan haid dilarang beraktivitas di dalam masjid, memegang dan membaca Alquran. Pendapat ini tentu akan membatasi ruang gerak aktivitas muslimah yang mengajarkan Alquran dan banyak melakukan kegiatan di masjid. Oleh karena itu harus ada solusi untuk mengatasinya. Dalam diskursus fikih klasik, sebenarnya sebagian ulama berpendapat bahwa perempuan haid diperbolehkan beraktivitas di masjid, memegang dan membaca Alquran. Hanya saja di kalangan pesantren, pendapat ini kurang masyhur dan dianggap sebagai pendapat yang lemah, sehingga jarang diamalkan. Apalagi beberapa pendapat ini berada di luar mazhab empat. Padahal jika ditelaah lebih dalam, pendapat ini disampaikan oleh ulama-ulama klasik yang kredibel, mempunyai landasan hukum yang kuat dan lebih memberikan maslahat bagi perempuan haid. Pendapat ini tentu dapat menjadi solusi atas permasalahan di atas, sehingga perempuan haid dapat tetap menjalankan aktivitasnya di masjid dan mengajarkan Alquran tanpa adanya kekhawatiran merasa berdosa, karena melanggar hukum syara'. Dalam kajian fikih dan ushul fikih, pendapat yang dianggap asing dan lemah pada waktu dan tempat tertentu dapat menjadi pendapat yang kuat pada waktu dan tempat yang lain, karena beberapa alasan dan maslahat.
One of privilege of Islam brought by the Prophet Muhammad SAW is the existence of news linker to ... more One of privilege of Islam brought by the Prophet Muhammad SAW is the existence of news linker to the followers. The news linker (riwayah) is sanad. The sanad condition in Islam gets serious attention from hadith experts. In the sanad hadith field, there is one kind of sanad that is prioritized than the others. It is happened when they face a contradictive condition between two contradictive hadith. The sanad is al-sanad al-'Ālī namely a sanad hadith that consists of minimum linkers (riwayah). The importance of this sanad is for the importance of the sanad heigth and supporting factor to make easier in checking the linkers (riwayah). From al-sanad al-'Āli type, there is sanad form that the linkers (riwayah) are only three people known as thulāthiyyāt terms. Some Hadith that have sanad 'ālī or hadith thulāthiyyāt do not always have valid (sahih) quality, since the validity analysis of hadith depends only on five validity (sahih) requirements that have been set by hadith experts. Hadith thulāthiyyāt will have high value when it is supported by valid (sahih) hadith quality. Abstrak Satu diantara keistimewaan agama Islam yang dibawa oleh Nabi Muhammad Saw. adalah keberadaan mata rantai pembawa berita kepada umat pemeluk agama itu. Mata rantai dimaksud adalah sanad. Kondisi sanad dalam khazanah Islam memperoleh perhatian serius di kalangan ahli hadith. Dalam bidang sanad hadith, terdapat suatu jenis sanad yang diprioritaskan dengan mengalahkan jenis sanad lainnya. Hal ini terjadi ketika mereka dihadapkan pada suatu kondisi kontradiktif antara dua dalil yang saling berseberangan. Jenis sanad dimaksud adalah al-sanad al-'Ālī, yaitu sebuah sanad hadith yang terdiri dari para periwayat yang minim jumlahnya. Urgensi jenis sanad demikian untuk kepentingan ketinggian sanad dan faktor penunjang demi kemudahan dalam mengecek para periwayat hadith tersebut. Dari jenis al-sanad al-'Āli ini terdapat bentuk sanad yang mata rantai informannya hanya berjumlah tiga orang yang dikenal dengan istilah thulāthiyyāt. Hadith-hadith yang mempunyai sanad 'ālī atau dalam hal ini adalah hadith-hadith thulāthiyyāt tidak selamanya berkualitas sahih, karena penilaian kesahihan hadith hanya bergantung pada lima syarat sahih yang telah ditetapkan oleh para ahli hadith. Hadith-hadith thulāthiyyāt akan mempunyai nilai tinggi manakala didukung dengan kualitas hadithnya yang sahih.
Abstrak: Kasus perjodohan oleh orang tua terhadap anak perempuannya masih dijumpai di dalam masya... more Abstrak: Kasus perjodohan oleh orang tua terhadap anak perempuannya masih dijumpai di dalam masyarakat muslim Indonesia. Tak jarang, praktek nikah paksa yang dilakukan oleh oknum orang tua justru berakhir dengan penyiksaan dhahir maupun batin kepada anak perempuan. Tulisan ini membahas apakah memilih calon suami merupakan hak perempuan secara mutlak ataukah ada campur tangan dari orang tua? Kebebasan memilih pasangan hidup bagi seorang perempuan sebenarnya telah dijamin oleh Syara ". Para pelaku praktek nikah paksa biasanya menggunakan hadis: " Perawan, bapaknya yang menikahkannya. " sebagai upaya untuk membenarkan tindakannya. Namun ternyata hadis tersebut termasuk dalam kategori hadis syâdz yang tertolak, karena bertentangan dengan riwayat-riwayat sahih yang memberikan kebebasan mutlak bagi perempuan untuk memilih suaminya. Seorang perempuan yang tidak mematuhi perintah orang tuanya untuk dinikahkan dengan laki-laki yang tidak dicintainya sama sekali bukan perempuan yang durhaka, karena pada dasarnya bakti kepada orang tua didasari dengan cinta dan kasih sayang, bukan keterpaksaan. Abstract: The cases of matchmaking by parents to their daughters are still found in Indonesian Muslim societies. Frequently, the practice of forced marriages committed by unscrupulous parents ended up in physical and psychological tortures experienced by women. This paper discusses whether choosing a spouse is the absolute right of women or there should be any interferences by parents. The freedom of choosing a spouse for a woman has actually been guaranteed by Syaria. The perpetrators of forced marriage practice usually use the