Muhammad Nur Iskandar - (original) (raw)

Papers by Muhammad Nur Iskandar

Research paper thumbnail of Validation of In-Shoe Force Sensors during Loaded Walking in Military Personnel


The loadsol® wireless in-shoe force sensors can be useful for in-field measurements. However, its... more The loadsol® wireless in-shoe force sensors can be useful for in-field measurements. However, its accuracy is unknown in the military context, whereby soldiers have to carry heavy loads and walk in military boots. The purpose of this study was to establish the validity of the loadsol® sensors in military personnel during loaded walking on flat, inclined and declined surfaces. Full-time Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) personnel (n = 8) walked on an instrumented treadmill on flat, 10° inclined, and 10° declined gradients while carrying heavy loads (25 kg and 35 kg). Normal ground reaction forces (GRF), perpendicular to the contact surface, were simultaneously measured using both the loadsol® sensors inserted in the military boots and the Bertec instrumented treadmill as the gold standard. A total of eight variables of interest were compared between loadsol® and treadmill, including four kinetic (impact peak force, active peak force, impulse, loading rate) and four spatiotemporal (stance ...

Research paper thumbnail of Tagyīr Al-Kalimāt Al-‘Arabiyyah Al-Muqtaridhoh Fī Mu’jam Al-Kabīr Al-Lughah Al-Indunisiyah wa Tadmīnuhā Fī Tarjamah Al-Lugah Al-‘Arabiyyah

Tadris Al-'Arabiyyah: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kata serapan bahasa Arab dalam Kamus Besar Bahasa Indon... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kata serapan bahasa Arab dalam Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI); mengetahui bentuk (kelas kata) perubahan kata serapan bahasa Arab dalam Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI); mengetahui perubahan semantik pada kata serapan bahasa Arab dalam Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI); dan mengetahui penggunaan kata serapan bahasa Arab dalam terjemahan bahasa Arab. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode analisis morfologis dan semantik, dimana penelitian ini diarahkan untuk menganalisis perubahan bentuk dan makna kata, Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti mengumpulkan kata-kata pinjaman dan kemudian menganalisis dan menjelaskan dengan bantuan kamus, buku morfologi, semantik dan terjemahan. Adapun pendekatan yang dipilih dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif. Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan 1.137 kata serapan yang ditemukan peneliti dalam Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI), dan pada kata serapan bahasa Arab terdapat perubaha...

Research paper thumbnail of Foot Morphology and Running Gait Pattern between the Left and Right Limbs in Recreational Runners

Physical Activity and Health

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Bakat Dan Minat Dengan Manajemen Peserta Didik

Kharisma: Jurnal Administrasi dan Manajemen Pendidikan

This research was carried out at the Public Senior High School 2 Mojokerto. The type of research ... more This research was carried out at the Public Senior High School 2 Mojokerto. The type of research used by researchers is qualitative descriptive research. The subjects of this study include the following: the principal, the student body, and the students. Researchers performed data clumping using observation methods, interviews, and documentation studies. The data analysis used is to use the triangulation method. Researchers aim to find out how the management of talent and interest development at The State High School 2 Mojokerto includes planning, implementing, and evaluating carried out in the development of talents and interests of students. The results of this study are the planning in the development of students’ talents and interests, namely by conducting joint deliberations to determine policies and meet the needs of students' needs. The implementation of the development of students’ talents and interests focuses on coaching and services provided to students. An evaluation...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Karakteristik Sosial Dan Ekonomi Pedagang DI Pasar Ploso Desa Losari Kecamatan Ploso Kabupaten Jombang

Abstrak Menurut data Unit Pelaksana Teknis Daerah (UPTD) Pasar Ploso dari komposisi pedagang di p... more Abstrak Menurut data Unit Pelaksana Teknis Daerah (UPTD) Pasar Ploso dari komposisi pedagang di pasar Ploso lebih banyak pedagang dari luar kecamatan Ploso dari pada yang berasal dari kecamatan Ploso. Pedagang los (Tanpa atap) kebanyakan adalah asal kecamatan Ploso, sedangkan jenis kios dan toko kebanyakan adalah luar kecamatan. Tercatat dari 454 pedagang 165 pedagang berasal dari kecamatan Ploso dan 289 pedagang berasal dari luar kecamatan Ploso, hal ini dikarenakan disamping dari segi sosial yakni perbedaan daerah asal pedagang yang mempengaruhi hubungan sesama anggota pedagang, pelanggan dan klien juga dikarenakan perbedaan dari segi ekonomi atau hubungan pedagang dengan tersedianya pasokan-pasokan barang dan uang yakni modal dan pendapatan antar pedagang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat sosial dan ekonomi pedagang yang berasal dari kecamatan Ploso dan luar kecamatan Ploso, menganalisis motif pedagang asal kecamatan Ploso dan luar kecamatan Ploso berdagang di ...

Research paper thumbnail of Peran Public Relations Dalam Mengelola Publikasi Melalui Media Online di PT. Syncore Indonesia

ABSTRAKKehadiran media online membuat kerja praktisi Public Relations masa kini mengalami perubah... more ABSTRAKKehadiran media online membuat kerja praktisi Public Relations masa kini mengalami perubahan yang sangat luar biasa. Pada akhirnya seorang Public Relations juga harus menyesuaikan terhadap arus perubahan dan memanfaatkannya untuk mendukung aktivitasnya. Hal ini dilakukan agar dapat mendukung pekerjaan mereka, terlebih dalam hal penyebaran informasi terbaru perusahaan demi membangun maupun menjaga eksistensi perusahaan.Tugas pokok praktisi Public Relations adalah menciptakan citra positif di mata publiknya. Citra yang positif dapat terbentuk bila publiknya memiliki persepsi yang positif mengenai perusahaan/organisasi tersebut. Penggunaan media baru informasi yang dikomunikasikan ke khalayak dengan menggunakan media internet seperti web,blog dan sosial media sangat membantu seorang public relations dalam melakukan kegiatan publikasi.PT. Syncore Indonesia adalah perusahaan teknologi akuntansi yang memberikan layanan dibidang keuangan dengan mengedepankan teknologi...

Research paper thumbnail of Peningkatan Kinerja Keuangan Institusi Wakaf di Indonesia: Landasan Hukum, Pengawasan Hukum, Pengelolaan Nadzir, Manajemen Resiko, Kepatuhan Syariah

Coopetition : Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen, 2020

This article analyzes the effectiveness and efficiency of the financial performance of waqf insti... more This article analyzes the effectiveness and efficiency of the financial performance of waqf institutions in Indonesia in relation to legal foundations, supervision, nadzir governance, risk management and shari'ah compliance. This research was conducted in waqf institutions with a population and samples were obtained from 102 waqf institutions, each of which had 3 (three) nazirs who filled out the questionnaire for this study. The data were analyzed using descriptive and verification analysis as well as partial least square structural equation modeling. In general, the results of this study indicate that the effectiveness and efficiency of the financial performance of waqf institutions in Indonesia is influenced by legal foundations, supervision, nadzir governance, risk management and shari'ah compliance.

Research paper thumbnail of The pulse duration effect to ADS-B via satellite reception: Comparison analysis of Iridium and Globalstar

2016 22nd Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC), 2016

Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast (ADS-B) reception via satellite is surveillance techni... more Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast (ADS-B) reception via satellite is surveillance technique that used to provide information from aircraft. Reception via satellite is intended to expand the coverage of ADS-B terrestrial. Thus, Iridium and Globalstar with the altitudes of 800 km and 1400 km respectively is utilized for comparisons. Altitude of the satellite affect the radius that is used to calculate the density of the aircraft that the satellite can coverage. The simulation result show that the footprint radius of Iridium satellite and Globalstar is 836.6 NM (Nautical Miles) and 1083 NM respectively which means the higher the altitude, the coverage also increase. On the other hand the optimum pulse duration of the ADS-B signal is 50 μs for Globalstar satellite and 120 μs for Iridium satellite. Consequently shorter pulse duration of ADS-B signal results in less message that can be transmitted.

Research paper thumbnail of Aplikasi Pedometer Untuk Android Pada Android Versi 2.2 Froyo

Penulisan Ilmiah Jenjang Setara Sarjana Muda Teknologi Industri, Jul 25, 2011

Pedometer Adalah sebuah alat penghitung langkah yang dibutuhkan untuk beberapa kegiatan olahraga,... more Pedometer Adalah sebuah alat penghitung langkah yang dibutuhkan untuk beberapa kegiatan olahraga, dengan menginstal sebuah aplikasi pedometer pada ponsel sendiri tentunya lebih mudah dari pada harus membeli sebuah Pedometer yang pada dasarnya memiliki kegunaan sama, karena sebagian ponsel android memiliki perangkat keras pendukung yang dapat digunakan sebagai Pedometer, pedometer yang terinstal di dalam ponsel juga lebih praktis dari pada kita harus membawa pedometer yang sesungguhnya. Dalam penulisan ilmiah ini penulis membuat sebuah aplikasi Pedometer untuk Android pada Android versi 2.2 Froyo. Penulis menggunakan Android sebagai platform media aplikasi ini karena android berbasis open source. Aplikasi ini menggunakan Java Android sebagai bahasa pemrograman. Pembuatan aplikasi ini dilakukan pada Eclipse IDE yang merupakan workspace atau tempat membangun aplikasi Android. pedometer untuk Android ini dibuat karena penulis melihat dalam beberapa ponsel android memiliki perangkat yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk membuat pedometer dan juga sesungguhnya aplikasi pedometer ini memberi keuntungan dapat membantu dalam menghitung langkah sekaligus menghitung kalori yang telah dibakar selama melangkah, juga membantu seseorang dalam menjalani gaya hidup sehat. Harapan dari aplikasi ini adalah pengguna dapat terbantu dengan segala fitur-fitur yang ada dan juga dapat mengurangi pengeluaran untuk membeli pedometer yang sesungguhnya karena untuk mempunyai sebuah pedometer yang harus dilakukan adalah hanya dengan menginstal aplikasi ini di dalam ponsel androidnya.

Research paper thumbnail of Perancangan Dan Penerapan Teknologi Multi Protocol Label Switching Pada Jaringan Telekomunikasi Indosat Oleh Pt. Anugrah Sentosa Informatika Indonesia

Research paper thumbnail of Pengeringan Cabai Memakai Pemanas Listrik Buatan Lokal Dengan Laju Aliran Udara Dan Waktu Yang Berbeda

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of Inhibitors on Asphaltene Precipitation

Research paper thumbnail of Hubungan APBD dengan Tingkat Kesejahteraan Masyarakat di Kota Medan

Proverty is a condition under line assess standard requirement of minimum, good to food and non f... more Proverty is a condition under line assess standard requirement of minimum, good to food and non food. Impecunious household generally have the amount of larger ones household member means compared to impecunious exclusive of household member. This situation is followed lowly mean him mount education and also labour which generally work informal sector. Some of governmental efforts to isn’t it the people of is readyly facilities and basic facilities for the group of impecunious society. This matter is build infrastucture like health medium and education medium. To support the effort local government, government compile Regional Budgetary for Expenditure and Depelopment (APBD). APBD is represent the image of from policy of local government in managing accomplishment of requirement of and society of operasionalisasi structure supporting him. Formula problem of this research is 1) How picture prosperity of society in Medan Town Field, 2) What is there relation between APBD with storey;level prosperity of society in Medan Field Town. Intention of this research is to 1) Identifyimg the image of properity of and society of APBD Medan Town Field 2) Analysing relation between acceptance of APBD with prosperity of society in Medan Town Field. Measured Indicator poorness in this research is persentage of impecunious resident, later, then prosperity variable which consist of education, labour, health, expenditure, environment and housing and also area expense revenue plan. Technics of data processing which used in this research is analysis to data, document, description or interview supported by field data and accurate information. Information and obtained data of informan an field compiled systimatically and isn’t it is here in after analysed. This research result indicate that acceptance of APBD have relation with prosperity of society. Mount prosperity of society in Medan Towm Field still not yet flattened, with existence of enough development difference strike between area of is core of marginal area and town of town seen from contruction and development of social of is non economic is which consist of education storey;level, mount service of health, sufficiency of requirement of housing. Policy recommendation of this research is needed by efforts him to improve acceptance of area expense revenue plan, strive in the from of socialization to important of resident him have knowledge read to write, efforts to be ready of work field which isn’t it at sectors capable to permeate formal sector labour, needed by the efforts government through counsellings concernimg important of awareness him of health. Beside the efforts the persuasif needed also role of government for the agenda of improping health of resident optimally health facilities and basic facilities. Keyword : Poverty, Prosperity of Society, and Social Welfare Universitas Sumatera Utara

Research paper thumbnail of Development Media of CD Interactive Use Macromedia Flash in Majors Technique Computer Network ( TKJ) Class of X SMK

Abstract of Undergraduate Faculty of Education Bung Hatta University, Aug 28, 2014

Education is an effort to prepare human resources who have the appropriate expertise and skill de... more Education is an effort to prepare human resources who have the appropriate expertise and skill demands nation-building, in which the quality of a nation is strongly influenced by the educational factor. The purpose of this study was to produce an interactive learning media in the form of an interactive CD valid and equipped with LKS. This research is a research & development. by using a procedure that consists of research: product analysis, develop initial products, and product testing.The test product was composed of two stages: expert validation is done to see if the media that are made are valid or not through a validation sheet, then performed a small-scale test to determine students' response to media interactive learning using student questionnaire responses. The subjects in this study were 28 students of class X SMK N 2 Padang. After a small-scale test, then the results showed that students' response to interactive instructional media such as interactive CD valid and equipped with LKS is positive at 91.65%. It can be concluded that the media operate interactive learning material for operating system and application software is valid. The author suggests that teachers of TKJ SMK can use media interactive learning for material that has been developed. Keyword : Interactive media, Research & development, Valid

Research paper thumbnail of MEASUREMENT AND ANALYSIS OF TRAFFIC IN GSM NETWORK PT. XL Axiata, Tbk Jakarta

Faculty of Industrial Technology, Apr 12, 2011

MEASUREMENT AND ANALYSIS OF TRAFFIC IN GSM NETWORK PT. XL Axiata, Tbk Jakarta. Muhammad Arie Iska... more MEASUREMENT AND ANALYSIS OF TRAFFIC IN GSM NETWORK PT. XL Axiata, Tbk Jakarta. Muhammad Arie Iskandar Undergraduate Pro- gram. Faculty of Industrial Technology. 2010 Gunadarma University Key words: Mea- surement of Trac, Trac Analysis (Xi + 38 + Appendix) ABSTRACT In Telecommunications Technology, trac analysis is essential in order to know the quality of service from the existing GSM network. Process monitoring and analysis needs to be done in a sustainable, given the level of demand for telecommunications are growing by day. Without a system analysis process, it will face numerous problems, such as poor speech quality, diculty in obtaining access to customer calls and high drop call rate; this can be overcome by determining the transmission power of BTS antennas. Thus the high level of drop call or break the connection and the interference signal with a pattern can continue to "handover" The radio signal moves from one cell to another. In planning the coverage area of BTS in each cell are many factors that a ect, among others, is the geographical factor, the factor base stations, signal interference, transmit power, frequency and route density factor.

Research paper thumbnail of 5-Fluorouracil cardiotoxicity: reversible left ventricular systolic dysfunction with early detection

Case Reports, 2015

The increasing prevalence of malignancies in the current population sees increasing usage of chem... more The increasing prevalence of malignancies in the current population sees increasing usage of chemotherapy agents, which in itself carries various side effect profiles. We report a case of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) cardiotoxicity in a young gentleman with no pre-existing cardiac history who was given his first ever dose of 5-FU. Mechanisms of 5-FU cardiotoxicity are varied, but most commonly involves an element of intense coronary vasospasm with accompanying transient global left ventricular systolic dysfunction (LVSD). Apart from cessation of 5-FU, treatment is mainly conservative and outcomes are good with potential reversibility of LVSD.

Research paper thumbnail of Inferior Vena Cava Dilatation Predicts Mortality and Worsening Renal Function in Patients With Chronic Heart Failure

Journal of Cardiac Failure, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Acute spinal cord compression: a rare complication of dual antiplatelet therapy: Figure 1

Research paper thumbnail of Artificial neural network based gait patterns identification using neuromuscular signals and soft tissue deformation analysis of lower limbs muscles

2014 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of Numerical Investigation on Airfoil and Flat Louvers on the Air Duct Intake

Procedia Engineering, 2012

Louver's design are play important role in designing an air intake system. On a gas turbine power... more Louver's design are play important role in designing an air intake system. On a gas turbine power plant application, this louver will redirect the air flow path into the compressor and for the system's internal cooling. However, the shape and design of the louvers will influence the performance of a gas turbine. Disturbed airflow across the louvers may cause pressure drop of the intake air, which leads to reduction of the turbine work output. In this research, the effect of varying the angle of attack on the airfoil and flat shape louvers are investigated. Airfoil louvers were based on the symmetrical 4-digit NACA airfoil shape, with its maximum thickness of 10mm. CFD analysis was conducted by using the built-in Solidworks Flow Simulation to visualize the air flow behavior across the louvers at the angles of attack of 25 o , 35 o and 45 o. The results revealed that the pressure drop is more prevalent in flat louvers as compared to airfoil louvers. Furthermore, the pressure of the airflow reduced more with higher angle of attack due to vortex formation.

Research paper thumbnail of Validation of In-Shoe Force Sensors during Loaded Walking in Military Personnel


The loadsol® wireless in-shoe force sensors can be useful for in-field measurements. However, its... more The loadsol® wireless in-shoe force sensors can be useful for in-field measurements. However, its accuracy is unknown in the military context, whereby soldiers have to carry heavy loads and walk in military boots. The purpose of this study was to establish the validity of the loadsol® sensors in military personnel during loaded walking on flat, inclined and declined surfaces. Full-time Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) personnel (n = 8) walked on an instrumented treadmill on flat, 10° inclined, and 10° declined gradients while carrying heavy loads (25 kg and 35 kg). Normal ground reaction forces (GRF), perpendicular to the contact surface, were simultaneously measured using both the loadsol® sensors inserted in the military boots and the Bertec instrumented treadmill as the gold standard. A total of eight variables of interest were compared between loadsol® and treadmill, including four kinetic (impact peak force, active peak force, impulse, loading rate) and four spatiotemporal (stance ...

Research paper thumbnail of Tagyīr Al-Kalimāt Al-‘Arabiyyah Al-Muqtaridhoh Fī Mu’jam Al-Kabīr Al-Lughah Al-Indunisiyah wa Tadmīnuhā Fī Tarjamah Al-Lugah Al-‘Arabiyyah

Tadris Al-'Arabiyyah: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kata serapan bahasa Arab dalam Kamus Besar Bahasa Indon... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kata serapan bahasa Arab dalam Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI); mengetahui bentuk (kelas kata) perubahan kata serapan bahasa Arab dalam Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI); mengetahui perubahan semantik pada kata serapan bahasa Arab dalam Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI); dan mengetahui penggunaan kata serapan bahasa Arab dalam terjemahan bahasa Arab. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode analisis morfologis dan semantik, dimana penelitian ini diarahkan untuk menganalisis perubahan bentuk dan makna kata, Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti mengumpulkan kata-kata pinjaman dan kemudian menganalisis dan menjelaskan dengan bantuan kamus, buku morfologi, semantik dan terjemahan. Adapun pendekatan yang dipilih dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif. Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan 1.137 kata serapan yang ditemukan peneliti dalam Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI), dan pada kata serapan bahasa Arab terdapat perubaha...

Research paper thumbnail of Foot Morphology and Running Gait Pattern between the Left and Right Limbs in Recreational Runners

Physical Activity and Health

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Bakat Dan Minat Dengan Manajemen Peserta Didik

Kharisma: Jurnal Administrasi dan Manajemen Pendidikan

This research was carried out at the Public Senior High School 2 Mojokerto. The type of research ... more This research was carried out at the Public Senior High School 2 Mojokerto. The type of research used by researchers is qualitative descriptive research. The subjects of this study include the following: the principal, the student body, and the students. Researchers performed data clumping using observation methods, interviews, and documentation studies. The data analysis used is to use the triangulation method. Researchers aim to find out how the management of talent and interest development at The State High School 2 Mojokerto includes planning, implementing, and evaluating carried out in the development of talents and interests of students. The results of this study are the planning in the development of students’ talents and interests, namely by conducting joint deliberations to determine policies and meet the needs of students' needs. The implementation of the development of students’ talents and interests focuses on coaching and services provided to students. An evaluation...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Karakteristik Sosial Dan Ekonomi Pedagang DI Pasar Ploso Desa Losari Kecamatan Ploso Kabupaten Jombang

Abstrak Menurut data Unit Pelaksana Teknis Daerah (UPTD) Pasar Ploso dari komposisi pedagang di p... more Abstrak Menurut data Unit Pelaksana Teknis Daerah (UPTD) Pasar Ploso dari komposisi pedagang di pasar Ploso lebih banyak pedagang dari luar kecamatan Ploso dari pada yang berasal dari kecamatan Ploso. Pedagang los (Tanpa atap) kebanyakan adalah asal kecamatan Ploso, sedangkan jenis kios dan toko kebanyakan adalah luar kecamatan. Tercatat dari 454 pedagang 165 pedagang berasal dari kecamatan Ploso dan 289 pedagang berasal dari luar kecamatan Ploso, hal ini dikarenakan disamping dari segi sosial yakni perbedaan daerah asal pedagang yang mempengaruhi hubungan sesama anggota pedagang, pelanggan dan klien juga dikarenakan perbedaan dari segi ekonomi atau hubungan pedagang dengan tersedianya pasokan-pasokan barang dan uang yakni modal dan pendapatan antar pedagang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat sosial dan ekonomi pedagang yang berasal dari kecamatan Ploso dan luar kecamatan Ploso, menganalisis motif pedagang asal kecamatan Ploso dan luar kecamatan Ploso berdagang di ...

Research paper thumbnail of Peran Public Relations Dalam Mengelola Publikasi Melalui Media Online di PT. Syncore Indonesia

ABSTRAKKehadiran media online membuat kerja praktisi Public Relations masa kini mengalami perubah... more ABSTRAKKehadiran media online membuat kerja praktisi Public Relations masa kini mengalami perubahan yang sangat luar biasa. Pada akhirnya seorang Public Relations juga harus menyesuaikan terhadap arus perubahan dan memanfaatkannya untuk mendukung aktivitasnya. Hal ini dilakukan agar dapat mendukung pekerjaan mereka, terlebih dalam hal penyebaran informasi terbaru perusahaan demi membangun maupun menjaga eksistensi perusahaan.Tugas pokok praktisi Public Relations adalah menciptakan citra positif di mata publiknya. Citra yang positif dapat terbentuk bila publiknya memiliki persepsi yang positif mengenai perusahaan/organisasi tersebut. Penggunaan media baru informasi yang dikomunikasikan ke khalayak dengan menggunakan media internet seperti web,blog dan sosial media sangat membantu seorang public relations dalam melakukan kegiatan publikasi.PT. Syncore Indonesia adalah perusahaan teknologi akuntansi yang memberikan layanan dibidang keuangan dengan mengedepankan teknologi...

Research paper thumbnail of Peningkatan Kinerja Keuangan Institusi Wakaf di Indonesia: Landasan Hukum, Pengawasan Hukum, Pengelolaan Nadzir, Manajemen Resiko, Kepatuhan Syariah

Coopetition : Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen, 2020

This article analyzes the effectiveness and efficiency of the financial performance of waqf insti... more This article analyzes the effectiveness and efficiency of the financial performance of waqf institutions in Indonesia in relation to legal foundations, supervision, nadzir governance, risk management and shari'ah compliance. This research was conducted in waqf institutions with a population and samples were obtained from 102 waqf institutions, each of which had 3 (three) nazirs who filled out the questionnaire for this study. The data were analyzed using descriptive and verification analysis as well as partial least square structural equation modeling. In general, the results of this study indicate that the effectiveness and efficiency of the financial performance of waqf institutions in Indonesia is influenced by legal foundations, supervision, nadzir governance, risk management and shari'ah compliance.

Research paper thumbnail of The pulse duration effect to ADS-B via satellite reception: Comparison analysis of Iridium and Globalstar

2016 22nd Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC), 2016

Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast (ADS-B) reception via satellite is surveillance techni... more Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast (ADS-B) reception via satellite is surveillance technique that used to provide information from aircraft. Reception via satellite is intended to expand the coverage of ADS-B terrestrial. Thus, Iridium and Globalstar with the altitudes of 800 km and 1400 km respectively is utilized for comparisons. Altitude of the satellite affect the radius that is used to calculate the density of the aircraft that the satellite can coverage. The simulation result show that the footprint radius of Iridium satellite and Globalstar is 836.6 NM (Nautical Miles) and 1083 NM respectively which means the higher the altitude, the coverage also increase. On the other hand the optimum pulse duration of the ADS-B signal is 50 μs for Globalstar satellite and 120 μs for Iridium satellite. Consequently shorter pulse duration of ADS-B signal results in less message that can be transmitted.

Research paper thumbnail of Aplikasi Pedometer Untuk Android Pada Android Versi 2.2 Froyo

Penulisan Ilmiah Jenjang Setara Sarjana Muda Teknologi Industri, Jul 25, 2011

Pedometer Adalah sebuah alat penghitung langkah yang dibutuhkan untuk beberapa kegiatan olahraga,... more Pedometer Adalah sebuah alat penghitung langkah yang dibutuhkan untuk beberapa kegiatan olahraga, dengan menginstal sebuah aplikasi pedometer pada ponsel sendiri tentunya lebih mudah dari pada harus membeli sebuah Pedometer yang pada dasarnya memiliki kegunaan sama, karena sebagian ponsel android memiliki perangkat keras pendukung yang dapat digunakan sebagai Pedometer, pedometer yang terinstal di dalam ponsel juga lebih praktis dari pada kita harus membawa pedometer yang sesungguhnya. Dalam penulisan ilmiah ini penulis membuat sebuah aplikasi Pedometer untuk Android pada Android versi 2.2 Froyo. Penulis menggunakan Android sebagai platform media aplikasi ini karena android berbasis open source. Aplikasi ini menggunakan Java Android sebagai bahasa pemrograman. Pembuatan aplikasi ini dilakukan pada Eclipse IDE yang merupakan workspace atau tempat membangun aplikasi Android. pedometer untuk Android ini dibuat karena penulis melihat dalam beberapa ponsel android memiliki perangkat yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk membuat pedometer dan juga sesungguhnya aplikasi pedometer ini memberi keuntungan dapat membantu dalam menghitung langkah sekaligus menghitung kalori yang telah dibakar selama melangkah, juga membantu seseorang dalam menjalani gaya hidup sehat. Harapan dari aplikasi ini adalah pengguna dapat terbantu dengan segala fitur-fitur yang ada dan juga dapat mengurangi pengeluaran untuk membeli pedometer yang sesungguhnya karena untuk mempunyai sebuah pedometer yang harus dilakukan adalah hanya dengan menginstal aplikasi ini di dalam ponsel androidnya.

Research paper thumbnail of Perancangan Dan Penerapan Teknologi Multi Protocol Label Switching Pada Jaringan Telekomunikasi Indosat Oleh Pt. Anugrah Sentosa Informatika Indonesia

Research paper thumbnail of Pengeringan Cabai Memakai Pemanas Listrik Buatan Lokal Dengan Laju Aliran Udara Dan Waktu Yang Berbeda

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of Inhibitors on Asphaltene Precipitation

Research paper thumbnail of Hubungan APBD dengan Tingkat Kesejahteraan Masyarakat di Kota Medan

Proverty is a condition under line assess standard requirement of minimum, good to food and non f... more Proverty is a condition under line assess standard requirement of minimum, good to food and non food. Impecunious household generally have the amount of larger ones household member means compared to impecunious exclusive of household member. This situation is followed lowly mean him mount education and also labour which generally work informal sector. Some of governmental efforts to isn’t it the people of is readyly facilities and basic facilities for the group of impecunious society. This matter is build infrastucture like health medium and education medium. To support the effort local government, government compile Regional Budgetary for Expenditure and Depelopment (APBD). APBD is represent the image of from policy of local government in managing accomplishment of requirement of and society of operasionalisasi structure supporting him. Formula problem of this research is 1) How picture prosperity of society in Medan Town Field, 2) What is there relation between APBD with storey;level prosperity of society in Medan Field Town. Intention of this research is to 1) Identifyimg the image of properity of and society of APBD Medan Town Field 2) Analysing relation between acceptance of APBD with prosperity of society in Medan Town Field. Measured Indicator poorness in this research is persentage of impecunious resident, later, then prosperity variable which consist of education, labour, health, expenditure, environment and housing and also area expense revenue plan. Technics of data processing which used in this research is analysis to data, document, description or interview supported by field data and accurate information. Information and obtained data of informan an field compiled systimatically and isn’t it is here in after analysed. This research result indicate that acceptance of APBD have relation with prosperity of society. Mount prosperity of society in Medan Towm Field still not yet flattened, with existence of enough development difference strike between area of is core of marginal area and town of town seen from contruction and development of social of is non economic is which consist of education storey;level, mount service of health, sufficiency of requirement of housing. Policy recommendation of this research is needed by efforts him to improve acceptance of area expense revenue plan, strive in the from of socialization to important of resident him have knowledge read to write, efforts to be ready of work field which isn’t it at sectors capable to permeate formal sector labour, needed by the efforts government through counsellings concernimg important of awareness him of health. Beside the efforts the persuasif needed also role of government for the agenda of improping health of resident optimally health facilities and basic facilities. Keyword : Poverty, Prosperity of Society, and Social Welfare Universitas Sumatera Utara

Research paper thumbnail of Development Media of CD Interactive Use Macromedia Flash in Majors Technique Computer Network ( TKJ) Class of X SMK

Abstract of Undergraduate Faculty of Education Bung Hatta University, Aug 28, 2014

Education is an effort to prepare human resources who have the appropriate expertise and skill de... more Education is an effort to prepare human resources who have the appropriate expertise and skill demands nation-building, in which the quality of a nation is strongly influenced by the educational factor. The purpose of this study was to produce an interactive learning media in the form of an interactive CD valid and equipped with LKS. This research is a research & development. by using a procedure that consists of research: product analysis, develop initial products, and product testing.The test product was composed of two stages: expert validation is done to see if the media that are made are valid or not through a validation sheet, then performed a small-scale test to determine students' response to media interactive learning using student questionnaire responses. The subjects in this study were 28 students of class X SMK N 2 Padang. After a small-scale test, then the results showed that students' response to interactive instructional media such as interactive CD valid and equipped with LKS is positive at 91.65%. It can be concluded that the media operate interactive learning material for operating system and application software is valid. The author suggests that teachers of TKJ SMK can use media interactive learning for material that has been developed. Keyword : Interactive media, Research & development, Valid

Research paper thumbnail of MEASUREMENT AND ANALYSIS OF TRAFFIC IN GSM NETWORK PT. XL Axiata, Tbk Jakarta

Faculty of Industrial Technology, Apr 12, 2011

MEASUREMENT AND ANALYSIS OF TRAFFIC IN GSM NETWORK PT. XL Axiata, Tbk Jakarta. Muhammad Arie Iska... more MEASUREMENT AND ANALYSIS OF TRAFFIC IN GSM NETWORK PT. XL Axiata, Tbk Jakarta. Muhammad Arie Iskandar Undergraduate Pro- gram. Faculty of Industrial Technology. 2010 Gunadarma University Key words: Mea- surement of Trac, Trac Analysis (Xi + 38 + Appendix) ABSTRACT In Telecommunications Technology, trac analysis is essential in order to know the quality of service from the existing GSM network. Process monitoring and analysis needs to be done in a sustainable, given the level of demand for telecommunications are growing by day. Without a system analysis process, it will face numerous problems, such as poor speech quality, diculty in obtaining access to customer calls and high drop call rate; this can be overcome by determining the transmission power of BTS antennas. Thus the high level of drop call or break the connection and the interference signal with a pattern can continue to "handover" The radio signal moves from one cell to another. In planning the coverage area of BTS in each cell are many factors that a ect, among others, is the geographical factor, the factor base stations, signal interference, transmit power, frequency and route density factor.

Research paper thumbnail of 5-Fluorouracil cardiotoxicity: reversible left ventricular systolic dysfunction with early detection

Case Reports, 2015

The increasing prevalence of malignancies in the current population sees increasing usage of chem... more The increasing prevalence of malignancies in the current population sees increasing usage of chemotherapy agents, which in itself carries various side effect profiles. We report a case of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) cardiotoxicity in a young gentleman with no pre-existing cardiac history who was given his first ever dose of 5-FU. Mechanisms of 5-FU cardiotoxicity are varied, but most commonly involves an element of intense coronary vasospasm with accompanying transient global left ventricular systolic dysfunction (LVSD). Apart from cessation of 5-FU, treatment is mainly conservative and outcomes are good with potential reversibility of LVSD.

Research paper thumbnail of Inferior Vena Cava Dilatation Predicts Mortality and Worsening Renal Function in Patients With Chronic Heart Failure

Journal of Cardiac Failure, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Acute spinal cord compression: a rare complication of dual antiplatelet therapy: Figure 1

Research paper thumbnail of Artificial neural network based gait patterns identification using neuromuscular signals and soft tissue deformation analysis of lower limbs muscles

2014 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of Numerical Investigation on Airfoil and Flat Louvers on the Air Duct Intake

Procedia Engineering, 2012

Louver's design are play important role in designing an air intake system. On a gas turbine power... more Louver's design are play important role in designing an air intake system. On a gas turbine power plant application, this louver will redirect the air flow path into the compressor and for the system's internal cooling. However, the shape and design of the louvers will influence the performance of a gas turbine. Disturbed airflow across the louvers may cause pressure drop of the intake air, which leads to reduction of the turbine work output. In this research, the effect of varying the angle of attack on the airfoil and flat shape louvers are investigated. Airfoil louvers were based on the symmetrical 4-digit NACA airfoil shape, with its maximum thickness of 10mm. CFD analysis was conducted by using the built-in Solidworks Flow Simulation to visualize the air flow behavior across the louvers at the angles of attack of 25 o , 35 o and 45 o. The results revealed that the pressure drop is more prevalent in flat louvers as compared to airfoil louvers. Furthermore, the pressure of the airflow reduced more with higher angle of attack due to vortex formation.