Muhammad Rois - (original) (raw)
Papers by Muhammad Rois
TENCON 2021 - 2021 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON)
Currently, much medical personnel died because of being infected by COVID-19 and because of low p... more Currently, much medical personnel died because of being infected by COVID-19 and because of low personal protective facilities and the duties of medical personnel that must carry out to deliver the logistics to patients and make many contacts between the medical personnel and patients of COVID-19. Mobile robots are considered the right solution to complete this problem. With mobile robots, hospitals or the place of isolation can minimize contact between medical personnel and patients of COVID-19 by carrying out the logistic delivery task. To deliver the logistic, a mobile robot must have low-level control, and the mechanism to carry out the workpiece also have the mechanism to open the door. The mechanism to carry out the workpiece is a system to pick up and place the rack of logistics from one place to another. In this study, the low-level control was applied using a PID control with the parameter's value boldsymbolkboldsymbolp=500,boldsymboltboldsymboli=0.001\boldsymbol{k}_{\boldsymbol{p}}=500,\boldsymbol{t}_{\boldsymbol{i}}=0.001boldsymbolkboldsymbolp=500,boldsymboltboldsymboli=0.001, and boldsymboltboldsymbold=0.001\boldsymbol{t}_{\boldsymbol{d}}=0.001boldsymboltboldsymbold=0.001 and teleoperation to control the mobile robot manually, so the mobile robot was able to move and carry out the load with the maximum value is 13 kg also open the door. Based on the results of the tests that have been carried out, the mobile robot with the proposed low-level control and the object management system can do the delivery task to reduce contact between medical personnel and patients of COVID-19, also the mobile robot can be controlled manually.
Prosiding Seminar Hasil Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat, Jul 9, 2021
Prosiding Seminar Hasil Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat, Jul 5, 2021
memberikan motivasi agar warga semangat untuk merealisasikan urban farming dilingkungannya dan me... more memberikan motivasi agar warga semangat untuk merealisasikan urban farming dilingkungannya dan menggali potensipengabdian masyarakat berikutnya yang dibutuhkan warga. Kata kunci: pengabdian, optimalisasi, pekarangan, limbah plastik ABSTRACT Community Service Activities have been carried out to provide solutions to problems experienced by partners through several methods. The problems experienced by partners and their problem solving are that farmer groups do not yet have the expertise to empower plastic waste as a planting medium, the skills of caretakers and members of farmer groups are still limited and very simple, and the difficulties in developing urban agricultural activities. The solution implemented to solve the problem is by assisting the empowerment of plastic waste as a planting medium in the RT 07 RW 01 farmer group as a planting medium in narrow land plots. economic value added and the benefits of narrow land plots. This activity was carried out on Tuesday, August 9, 2019 with 3 stages of the session. The first session was delivered by Mr. Sumanto, S.H., M.H. as the leader of the community service team. the second session was delivered by Mr. Haris Cahyo as a speaker on turban farming and at the latest sharing about the use of narrow land guided by Mr. Teguh Budi
KEUNIS, 2022
The era of digitalization is underway in Indonesia. One of the influential aspects is the busines... more The era of digitalization is underway in Indonesia. One of the influential aspects is the business environment. In the business world, economic transaction are vital in developing a cashless society. The purposed of the study to assess the socio demographic variables (gender, marital status, education level, occupation dan income) correlate of the payments preferences. The sampling method was purposive sampling. An online survey of 100 participants was conducted among a sample of people who aged 20 years and over and have used e-money for three months. The survey included two parts: first, socio demographic characteristics and second the preferency of payments. Cross tabulation and Chi Squared test were used. The results showed that the majority participans was under 40 years old and have more one instruments of e-money. E-money used for on line shopping, transportation and to pay the bills. The conclution of the study there was no significant correlation between the preference of...
Penyelamatan korban-korban pasca bencana selalu bertarung terhadap waktu. Banyaknya korbanyang ti... more Penyelamatan korban-korban pasca bencana selalu bertarung terhadap waktu. Banyaknya korbanyang tidak tertolong berkaitan dengan terlambatnya regu penolong untuk menemukan korban-korbankarena medan yang sulit diprediksi, dijangkau, kurangnya teknologi, dan luasnya area bencana.Teknologi terbaru dalam bidang kebencanaan sangat dibutuhkan. Melalui Program KreativitasMahasiswa Karsa Cipta ini dikembangkan sebuah robot terbang yang mampu mendeteksi korban danmengirimkan obat diberi nama ARTERY, kemampuan dari robot ARTERY dalam mendeteksikeberadaan korban yaitu dengan memanfaatkan algoritma deteksi baru yang canggih disebut denganalgoritma Deep Learning, dimana akan mempelajari fitur fitur dan bentuk dari korban pasca bencana,fitur lain dari robot ARTERY adalah mampu mengirimkan bantuan logistik berupa obat-obatan, agarsecara cepat memberikan pertolongan pada korban pasca bencana. Secara keseluruhan robot terbangARTERY dilengkapi dengan sebuah smartphone yang bertugas melakukan komputasi...
INOVTEK Polbeng - Seri Informatika, 2021
Currently, many health workers have died because of being infected by COVID-19. This happens as a... more Currently, many health workers have died because of being infected by COVID-19. This happens as a result of one of the duties of health workers, namely, to carry out logistics deliveries to patients so that contact between health workers and COVID-19 patients often occurs. Mobile robots are considered as the right solution to overcome these problems. With mobile robots, hospitals or places for isolation can minimize contact between infected patients and health workers by carrying out logistics delivery tasks. In order to carry out its tasks, mobile robots must interact with the environment. If it must interact with its environment, it must be able to navigate. The navigation system is a system that guides the mobile robot from one place to another. In this study, a navigation system was applied using a position driver and obstacle avoidance with a fuzzy controller so that the mobile robot was able to move to avoid obstacles when it reached its target. Fuzzy controller is used for obstacle avoidance because it is an algorithm for decision making that has linguistic variables that are easily understood by humans. Based on the results of the tests that have been carried out, the mobile robot with the proposed navigation system can perform logistics delivery tasks to reduce contact between COVID-19 patients and health workers.
Jurnal Aktual Akuntansi Keuangan Bisnis Terapan (AKUNBISNIS), 2019
The purpose of research is to analyse the effects of investment knowledge, capital market trainin... more The purpose of research is to analyse the effects of investment knowledge, capital market training, minimum investment capital and risk perception on student investment interest in capital market (study at PT Phintraco Sekuritas Branch Office Semarang). The design of this study is a causally applied quantitative research. The data used are primary data and secondary data. Method of collecting data used questioner. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling, and the amount of the sample are 98 respondents. The test of the instruments was analysed by using validity test and realibility test. Data analysis method used is Multiple Linear Regression Analysis. The result of t test showed that investment knowledge and risk perception had no effect toward student investment interest. Capital market training and minimum investment capital had an effect toward student investment interest. Investment knowledge, capital market training, minimum investment capital and risk perception sim...
Jurnal Hilirisasi Technology kepada Masyarakat (SITECHMAS), 2021
Pemberdayaan UMKM saat i ni mendapat perhatian khusus oleh pemerintah, termasuk pemeritah Kota Se... more Pemberdayaan UMKM saat i ni mendapat perhatian khusus oleh pemerintah, termasuk pemeritah Kota Semarang. Peni ngkatan i ndustri mikro ditempuh dengan peni ngkatan progam pemberdayaan ekonomi keluarga melalui peni ngkatan industri rumah tangga dari kelurahan. Di Kampung Dempel Kelurahan Mukti harjo Kidul Kecamatan Pedurungan terdapat industri rumah tangga yang memproduksi dan memasarkan bandeng presto, dengan merk dagang Bandeng Presto 27 Semarang. Usaha ini masih tergolong baru karena mulai beroperasi pada tanggal 23 Nopember 2018 yang dirintis ibu Budi Handayani (bu Yani) bersama suami. Usaha ini berpotensi untuk dikembangkan. Di samping produknya merupakan salah satu produk unggulan di kota Semarang, j uga karena penjualannya semaki n meni ngkat. Penjualan yang semula hanya dititipkan di warung sekitar saat ini sering menerima pesanan memenuhi kebutuhan orang yang punya hajatan. Jumlah produksi semula hanya 15 kg per mi nggu saat i ni rata-rata menjadi 25 kg per mi nggu. Dari kond...
Planta Daninha, 2018
ABSTRACT: The repetitive use of herbicides with the same mechanism of action causes the selection... more ABSTRACT: The repetitive use of herbicides with the same mechanism of action causes the selection of resistant weeds, such as ryegrass. Considering the occurrence of ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) in eucalyptus, a crop on which glyphosate is used, it is necessary to study its interference. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of densities (0, 10, 20, 30 and 50 plants m-2) of two ryegrass biotypes (resistant and susceptible to glyphosate) on seedlings of two eucalyptus clones (I-144 and 1407). The used experimental design was in randomized blocks with four replications, following a 2 x 5 factorial arrangement for each clone. The height and diameter of the clones were evaluated at 0, 14, 28, 42, 56 and 70 days after transplantation (DAT), and at 70 DAT, the leaf area and dry biomass of eucalyptus and ryegrass were also evaluated. There was no interaction between the biotype and densities factors for the clones, but all characteristics were affected by the factors sepa...
Pest management science, Jan 18, 2017
Weeds reduce crop yields, and among the methods used to control these plants, chemical use is pre... more Weeds reduce crop yields, and among the methods used to control these plants, chemical use is preferred. However, the repeated application of herbicides with the same mechanism of action selects for resistant populations. The aim of this study was to evaluate glyphosate resistance in Lolium multiflorum (Lam.) and relate the resistance to protein expression in the absence and presence of the herbicide using a metabolic-proteomic approach. Glyphosate resistance was confirmed, with a sevenfold difference in resistance between susceptible and resistant genotypes. Among the possible mechanisms affecting resistance, mutations in the enzyme 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase (EPSPS), herbicide differential translocation and overexpression of EPSPS are suggested. Susceptible plants had higher growth than did resistant plants in the absence of the herbicide, in addition to greater expression of protein groups related to photosynthesis and to tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses....
Planta Daninha, 2017
This research was carried out to evaluate the interference periods and phytosociological indexes ... more This research was carried out to evaluate the interference periods and phytosociological indexes of the weed community on sweet sorghum, hybrid CVSW 80007, cultivated for two seasons in a year. The treatments were based on an increased duration of weed presence and weed absence after sowing (0, 4, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 56 and 68 days after crop emergence for the summer season and 0, 4, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63 and 100 days for the fall season). The weed community was evaluated based on the number of weeds and the dry mass of each weed population in each period of weed control in the summer season and each period of no weed control and weed control in the autumn season. These data were used to determine the relative indexes of density, dominance and importance, and the weed community indexes of diversity and equitability. The main weeds comprising the community were Cyperus rotundus, Alternanthera tenella, Indigofera hirsuta, Amaranthus sp., Digitaria nuda, and Portulaca ol...
Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B, 2015
To gain a better understanding of the physiology of the herbicide aminocyclopyrachlor in young pl... more To gain a better understanding of the physiology of the herbicide aminocyclopyrachlor in young plants of trumpet flower, the uptake and translocation were evaluated after the application of herbicide. This was determined by treating individual leaves with formulated herbicides plus (14)C-aminocyclopyrachlor after the application of the formulated herbicide. This experiment used a randomized experimental design with three replications. In addition, field studies were conducted to assess the effectiveness of foliar applications of aminocyclopyrachlor in association with metsulfuton-methyl. The plant absorbed 20% of the herbicide applied. The translocation percentage did not surpass 5% of the total amount applied. Only 1% of the herbicide applied was translocated to the roots. Rate of 40 + 13 g a.i. 100 L(-1) of aminocyclopyrachlor+metsulfuron-methyl was effective to control T. stans.
Revista Brasileira de Herbicidas, 2014
Os benefícios resultantes da tecnologia Roundup Ready são expressivos, e a aceitação desta tecnol... more Os benefícios resultantes da tecnologia Roundup Ready são expressivos, e a aceitação desta tecnologia pelos produtores rurais é inegável, dando suporte para o rápido crescimento das áreas de milho RR2. Ao mesmo tempo resultados de pesquisas recentes indicam que o glyphosate aplicado em pós-emergência, em milho RR2, pode, em algumas situações, causar danos ao desenvolvimento das plantas. Porém, persistem muitas especulações e dúvidas que precisam ser melhores elucidadas, no âmbito científico e técnico. Em virtude deste fato, faz-se necessária a busca de informações que permitam diagnosticar as reais consequências do uso do glyphosate nesta cultura. E assim, fomentar o posicionamento mais seguro e sustentável desta nova tecnologia, proporcionando aos agricultores benefícios relacionados ao manejo adequado de plantas daninhas nos diversos agroecossistemas.
Planta Daninha, 2014
Recent studies indicate that glyphosate applied in post-emergence in RR soybean can eventually ca... more Recent studies indicate that glyphosate applied in post-emergence in RR soybean can eventually cause phytotoxic effects. However, there are many questions that need to be clarified in the scientific and technical contexts, involving the issue of RR soybeans regarding the use of glyphosate. This study has assessed the impact of the application of different doses and formulations of glyphosate in the reproductive period of RR soybean (R1 stage). For that purpose, an experiment in the field was conducted in two harvests (2011/12 and 2012/13), in which a 2 x 5 factorial design was used (formulations versus doses) totaling 10 treatments. In these two experiments the variables related to agronomic performance were: phytotoxicity (7, 14, 21 and 28 days after application), plant height, number of pods per plant, yield and weight of 100 grains (end of soy cycle). The results obtained allowed characterizing phytotoxicity and damages to the height and yield in RR soybean, with increasing rates...
Planta Daninha, 2014
O glyphosate é um herbicida não seletivo que inibe a produção de aminoácidos aromáticos essenciai... more O glyphosate é um herbicida não seletivo que inibe a produção de aminoácidos aromáticos essenciais à sobrevivência de plantas. Esse herbicida é disponibilizado no mercado em distintas formulações que podem apresentar diferenças no controle de espécies. A mistura de herbicidas é uma ferramenta importante no controle de plantas daninhas resistentes, sendo uma opção à mistura de inibidores da ACCase ao herbicida glyphosate. Este trabalho contou com a aplicação de diferentes misturas de quatro graminicidas e três formulações de glyphosate em dois estádios vegetativos de plantas de capim-amargoso resistente a esse herbicida. O controle químico foi avaliado por notas visuais de controle, aos 7, 14 e 28 dias após a aplicação, e pela medida de biomassa fresca das plantas, aos 28 dias depois da aplicação. As misturas foram avaliadas como antagonísticas, sinergísticas ou aditivas, segundo o modelo proposto por Colby. Dos tratamentos utilizados, conclui-se que todos são efetivos no manejo da r...
Revista Ciência Agronômica, 2010
Controle químico de biótipos de buva (Conyza canadensis e Conyza bonariensis) resistentes ao glyp... more Controle químico de biótipos de buva (Conyza canadensis e Conyza bonariensis) resistentes ao glyphosate 1 Chemical Control of glyphosate-resistant horseweed (Conyza Canadensis) and hairy fleabane (Conyza bonariensis) biotypes
TENCON 2021 - 2021 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON)
Currently, much medical personnel died because of being infected by COVID-19 and because of low p... more Currently, much medical personnel died because of being infected by COVID-19 and because of low personal protective facilities and the duties of medical personnel that must carry out to deliver the logistics to patients and make many contacts between the medical personnel and patients of COVID-19. Mobile robots are considered the right solution to complete this problem. With mobile robots, hospitals or the place of isolation can minimize contact between medical personnel and patients of COVID-19 by carrying out the logistic delivery task. To deliver the logistic, a mobile robot must have low-level control, and the mechanism to carry out the workpiece also have the mechanism to open the door. The mechanism to carry out the workpiece is a system to pick up and place the rack of logistics from one place to another. In this study, the low-level control was applied using a PID control with the parameter's value boldsymbolkboldsymbolp=500,boldsymboltboldsymboli=0.001\boldsymbol{k}_{\boldsymbol{p}}=500,\boldsymbol{t}_{\boldsymbol{i}}=0.001boldsymbolkboldsymbolp=500,boldsymboltboldsymboli=0.001, and boldsymboltboldsymbold=0.001\boldsymbol{t}_{\boldsymbol{d}}=0.001boldsymboltboldsymbold=0.001 and teleoperation to control the mobile robot manually, so the mobile robot was able to move and carry out the load with the maximum value is 13 kg also open the door. Based on the results of the tests that have been carried out, the mobile robot with the proposed low-level control and the object management system can do the delivery task to reduce contact between medical personnel and patients of COVID-19, also the mobile robot can be controlled manually.
Prosiding Seminar Hasil Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat, Jul 9, 2021
Prosiding Seminar Hasil Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat, Jul 5, 2021
memberikan motivasi agar warga semangat untuk merealisasikan urban farming dilingkungannya dan me... more memberikan motivasi agar warga semangat untuk merealisasikan urban farming dilingkungannya dan menggali potensipengabdian masyarakat berikutnya yang dibutuhkan warga. Kata kunci: pengabdian, optimalisasi, pekarangan, limbah plastik ABSTRACT Community Service Activities have been carried out to provide solutions to problems experienced by partners through several methods. The problems experienced by partners and their problem solving are that farmer groups do not yet have the expertise to empower plastic waste as a planting medium, the skills of caretakers and members of farmer groups are still limited and very simple, and the difficulties in developing urban agricultural activities. The solution implemented to solve the problem is by assisting the empowerment of plastic waste as a planting medium in the RT 07 RW 01 farmer group as a planting medium in narrow land plots. economic value added and the benefits of narrow land plots. This activity was carried out on Tuesday, August 9, 2019 with 3 stages of the session. The first session was delivered by Mr. Sumanto, S.H., M.H. as the leader of the community service team. the second session was delivered by Mr. Haris Cahyo as a speaker on turban farming and at the latest sharing about the use of narrow land guided by Mr. Teguh Budi
KEUNIS, 2022
The era of digitalization is underway in Indonesia. One of the influential aspects is the busines... more The era of digitalization is underway in Indonesia. One of the influential aspects is the business environment. In the business world, economic transaction are vital in developing a cashless society. The purposed of the study to assess the socio demographic variables (gender, marital status, education level, occupation dan income) correlate of the payments preferences. The sampling method was purposive sampling. An online survey of 100 participants was conducted among a sample of people who aged 20 years and over and have used e-money for three months. The survey included two parts: first, socio demographic characteristics and second the preferency of payments. Cross tabulation and Chi Squared test were used. The results showed that the majority participans was under 40 years old and have more one instruments of e-money. E-money used for on line shopping, transportation and to pay the bills. The conclution of the study there was no significant correlation between the preference of...
Penyelamatan korban-korban pasca bencana selalu bertarung terhadap waktu. Banyaknya korbanyang ti... more Penyelamatan korban-korban pasca bencana selalu bertarung terhadap waktu. Banyaknya korbanyang tidak tertolong berkaitan dengan terlambatnya regu penolong untuk menemukan korban-korbankarena medan yang sulit diprediksi, dijangkau, kurangnya teknologi, dan luasnya area bencana.Teknologi terbaru dalam bidang kebencanaan sangat dibutuhkan. Melalui Program KreativitasMahasiswa Karsa Cipta ini dikembangkan sebuah robot terbang yang mampu mendeteksi korban danmengirimkan obat diberi nama ARTERY, kemampuan dari robot ARTERY dalam mendeteksikeberadaan korban yaitu dengan memanfaatkan algoritma deteksi baru yang canggih disebut denganalgoritma Deep Learning, dimana akan mempelajari fitur fitur dan bentuk dari korban pasca bencana,fitur lain dari robot ARTERY adalah mampu mengirimkan bantuan logistik berupa obat-obatan, agarsecara cepat memberikan pertolongan pada korban pasca bencana. Secara keseluruhan robot terbangARTERY dilengkapi dengan sebuah smartphone yang bertugas melakukan komputasi...
INOVTEK Polbeng - Seri Informatika, 2021
Currently, many health workers have died because of being infected by COVID-19. This happens as a... more Currently, many health workers have died because of being infected by COVID-19. This happens as a result of one of the duties of health workers, namely, to carry out logistics deliveries to patients so that contact between health workers and COVID-19 patients often occurs. Mobile robots are considered as the right solution to overcome these problems. With mobile robots, hospitals or places for isolation can minimize contact between infected patients and health workers by carrying out logistics delivery tasks. In order to carry out its tasks, mobile robots must interact with the environment. If it must interact with its environment, it must be able to navigate. The navigation system is a system that guides the mobile robot from one place to another. In this study, a navigation system was applied using a position driver and obstacle avoidance with a fuzzy controller so that the mobile robot was able to move to avoid obstacles when it reached its target. Fuzzy controller is used for obstacle avoidance because it is an algorithm for decision making that has linguistic variables that are easily understood by humans. Based on the results of the tests that have been carried out, the mobile robot with the proposed navigation system can perform logistics delivery tasks to reduce contact between COVID-19 patients and health workers.
Jurnal Aktual Akuntansi Keuangan Bisnis Terapan (AKUNBISNIS), 2019
The purpose of research is to analyse the effects of investment knowledge, capital market trainin... more The purpose of research is to analyse the effects of investment knowledge, capital market training, minimum investment capital and risk perception on student investment interest in capital market (study at PT Phintraco Sekuritas Branch Office Semarang). The design of this study is a causally applied quantitative research. The data used are primary data and secondary data. Method of collecting data used questioner. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling, and the amount of the sample are 98 respondents. The test of the instruments was analysed by using validity test and realibility test. Data analysis method used is Multiple Linear Regression Analysis. The result of t test showed that investment knowledge and risk perception had no effect toward student investment interest. Capital market training and minimum investment capital had an effect toward student investment interest. Investment knowledge, capital market training, minimum investment capital and risk perception sim...
Jurnal Hilirisasi Technology kepada Masyarakat (SITECHMAS), 2021
Pemberdayaan UMKM saat i ni mendapat perhatian khusus oleh pemerintah, termasuk pemeritah Kota Se... more Pemberdayaan UMKM saat i ni mendapat perhatian khusus oleh pemerintah, termasuk pemeritah Kota Semarang. Peni ngkatan i ndustri mikro ditempuh dengan peni ngkatan progam pemberdayaan ekonomi keluarga melalui peni ngkatan industri rumah tangga dari kelurahan. Di Kampung Dempel Kelurahan Mukti harjo Kidul Kecamatan Pedurungan terdapat industri rumah tangga yang memproduksi dan memasarkan bandeng presto, dengan merk dagang Bandeng Presto 27 Semarang. Usaha ini masih tergolong baru karena mulai beroperasi pada tanggal 23 Nopember 2018 yang dirintis ibu Budi Handayani (bu Yani) bersama suami. Usaha ini berpotensi untuk dikembangkan. Di samping produknya merupakan salah satu produk unggulan di kota Semarang, j uga karena penjualannya semaki n meni ngkat. Penjualan yang semula hanya dititipkan di warung sekitar saat ini sering menerima pesanan memenuhi kebutuhan orang yang punya hajatan. Jumlah produksi semula hanya 15 kg per mi nggu saat i ni rata-rata menjadi 25 kg per mi nggu. Dari kond...
Planta Daninha, 2018
ABSTRACT: The repetitive use of herbicides with the same mechanism of action causes the selection... more ABSTRACT: The repetitive use of herbicides with the same mechanism of action causes the selection of resistant weeds, such as ryegrass. Considering the occurrence of ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) in eucalyptus, a crop on which glyphosate is used, it is necessary to study its interference. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of densities (0, 10, 20, 30 and 50 plants m-2) of two ryegrass biotypes (resistant and susceptible to glyphosate) on seedlings of two eucalyptus clones (I-144 and 1407). The used experimental design was in randomized blocks with four replications, following a 2 x 5 factorial arrangement for each clone. The height and diameter of the clones were evaluated at 0, 14, 28, 42, 56 and 70 days after transplantation (DAT), and at 70 DAT, the leaf area and dry biomass of eucalyptus and ryegrass were also evaluated. There was no interaction between the biotype and densities factors for the clones, but all characteristics were affected by the factors sepa...
Pest management science, Jan 18, 2017
Weeds reduce crop yields, and among the methods used to control these plants, chemical use is pre... more Weeds reduce crop yields, and among the methods used to control these plants, chemical use is preferred. However, the repeated application of herbicides with the same mechanism of action selects for resistant populations. The aim of this study was to evaluate glyphosate resistance in Lolium multiflorum (Lam.) and relate the resistance to protein expression in the absence and presence of the herbicide using a metabolic-proteomic approach. Glyphosate resistance was confirmed, with a sevenfold difference in resistance between susceptible and resistant genotypes. Among the possible mechanisms affecting resistance, mutations in the enzyme 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase (EPSPS), herbicide differential translocation and overexpression of EPSPS are suggested. Susceptible plants had higher growth than did resistant plants in the absence of the herbicide, in addition to greater expression of protein groups related to photosynthesis and to tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses....
Planta Daninha, 2017
This research was carried out to evaluate the interference periods and phytosociological indexes ... more This research was carried out to evaluate the interference periods and phytosociological indexes of the weed community on sweet sorghum, hybrid CVSW 80007, cultivated for two seasons in a year. The treatments were based on an increased duration of weed presence and weed absence after sowing (0, 4, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 56 and 68 days after crop emergence for the summer season and 0, 4, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63 and 100 days for the fall season). The weed community was evaluated based on the number of weeds and the dry mass of each weed population in each period of weed control in the summer season and each period of no weed control and weed control in the autumn season. These data were used to determine the relative indexes of density, dominance and importance, and the weed community indexes of diversity and equitability. The main weeds comprising the community were Cyperus rotundus, Alternanthera tenella, Indigofera hirsuta, Amaranthus sp., Digitaria nuda, and Portulaca ol...
Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B, 2015
To gain a better understanding of the physiology of the herbicide aminocyclopyrachlor in young pl... more To gain a better understanding of the physiology of the herbicide aminocyclopyrachlor in young plants of trumpet flower, the uptake and translocation were evaluated after the application of herbicide. This was determined by treating individual leaves with formulated herbicides plus (14)C-aminocyclopyrachlor after the application of the formulated herbicide. This experiment used a randomized experimental design with three replications. In addition, field studies were conducted to assess the effectiveness of foliar applications of aminocyclopyrachlor in association with metsulfuton-methyl. The plant absorbed 20% of the herbicide applied. The translocation percentage did not surpass 5% of the total amount applied. Only 1% of the herbicide applied was translocated to the roots. Rate of 40 + 13 g a.i. 100 L(-1) of aminocyclopyrachlor+metsulfuron-methyl was effective to control T. stans.
Revista Brasileira de Herbicidas, 2014
Os benefícios resultantes da tecnologia Roundup Ready são expressivos, e a aceitação desta tecnol... more Os benefícios resultantes da tecnologia Roundup Ready são expressivos, e a aceitação desta tecnologia pelos produtores rurais é inegável, dando suporte para o rápido crescimento das áreas de milho RR2. Ao mesmo tempo resultados de pesquisas recentes indicam que o glyphosate aplicado em pós-emergência, em milho RR2, pode, em algumas situações, causar danos ao desenvolvimento das plantas. Porém, persistem muitas especulações e dúvidas que precisam ser melhores elucidadas, no âmbito científico e técnico. Em virtude deste fato, faz-se necessária a busca de informações que permitam diagnosticar as reais consequências do uso do glyphosate nesta cultura. E assim, fomentar o posicionamento mais seguro e sustentável desta nova tecnologia, proporcionando aos agricultores benefícios relacionados ao manejo adequado de plantas daninhas nos diversos agroecossistemas.
Planta Daninha, 2014
Recent studies indicate that glyphosate applied in post-emergence in RR soybean can eventually ca... more Recent studies indicate that glyphosate applied in post-emergence in RR soybean can eventually cause phytotoxic effects. However, there are many questions that need to be clarified in the scientific and technical contexts, involving the issue of RR soybeans regarding the use of glyphosate. This study has assessed the impact of the application of different doses and formulations of glyphosate in the reproductive period of RR soybean (R1 stage). For that purpose, an experiment in the field was conducted in two harvests (2011/12 and 2012/13), in which a 2 x 5 factorial design was used (formulations versus doses) totaling 10 treatments. In these two experiments the variables related to agronomic performance were: phytotoxicity (7, 14, 21 and 28 days after application), plant height, number of pods per plant, yield and weight of 100 grains (end of soy cycle). The results obtained allowed characterizing phytotoxicity and damages to the height and yield in RR soybean, with increasing rates...
Planta Daninha, 2014
O glyphosate é um herbicida não seletivo que inibe a produção de aminoácidos aromáticos essenciai... more O glyphosate é um herbicida não seletivo que inibe a produção de aminoácidos aromáticos essenciais à sobrevivência de plantas. Esse herbicida é disponibilizado no mercado em distintas formulações que podem apresentar diferenças no controle de espécies. A mistura de herbicidas é uma ferramenta importante no controle de plantas daninhas resistentes, sendo uma opção à mistura de inibidores da ACCase ao herbicida glyphosate. Este trabalho contou com a aplicação de diferentes misturas de quatro graminicidas e três formulações de glyphosate em dois estádios vegetativos de plantas de capim-amargoso resistente a esse herbicida. O controle químico foi avaliado por notas visuais de controle, aos 7, 14 e 28 dias após a aplicação, e pela medida de biomassa fresca das plantas, aos 28 dias depois da aplicação. As misturas foram avaliadas como antagonísticas, sinergísticas ou aditivas, segundo o modelo proposto por Colby. Dos tratamentos utilizados, conclui-se que todos são efetivos no manejo da r...
Revista Ciência Agronômica, 2010
Controle químico de biótipos de buva (Conyza canadensis e Conyza bonariensis) resistentes ao glyp... more Controle químico de biótipos de buva (Conyza canadensis e Conyza bonariensis) resistentes ao glyphosate 1 Chemical Control of glyphosate-resistant horseweed (Conyza Canadensis) and hairy fleabane (Conyza bonariensis) biotypes