Muhammad Saiful Muslim - (original) (raw)
Papers by Muhammad Saiful Muslim
Abstrak: Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan modul praktikum elektronika dasar ... more Abstrak: Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan modul praktikum elektronika dasar berbasis proyek yang dapat meningkatkan pemahaman konsep mahasiswa Pendidikan Fisika FKIP Unsri. Metoda yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah Research dan Development (R&D) yang mengacu pada penelitian pengembangan yang merujuk pada Thiagarjan dengan langkah-langkah sebagai berikut: (a) Tahap Pendefinisian (define), (b) Tahap Perencanaan (Design), (c) Tahap Pengembangan (Develop) dan (d) Tahap Diseminasi (Disseminate). Pada tahap pengembangan (Develop) dilakukan evaluasi yang merujuk pada evaluasi Tesmer yang terdiri dari penilaian sendiri (self evaluation), validasi ahli (expert review ), uji orang perorangan (one to one evaluation), uji kelompok kecil (small group evaluation) dan pengujian lapangan (field test). Dari hasil penelitian berupa produk modul praktikum elektronika dasar berbasis proyek diperoleh tingkat kevalidan sebesar 82,07% dengan kategori valid, sedangkan tingkat kepra...
Muhammad Saiful Muslim , 2022
The Covid-19 disaster, which was labeled by the WHO (World Health Organization), is far from cove... more The Covid-19 disaster, which was labeled by the WHO (World Health Organization), is far from covering all aspects that are not only a health problem but also a debilitating economic situation. By the way, China, the second largest economy in the world, is the epicenter of the epicenter where the virus first spread, and of course it has a huge impact on the pace of the world economy. Several credible research institutes around the world predict the devastating impact of the outbreak on the global economy. Finance Minister Sri Muryani, including Indonesia, predicts the worst economic impact could reach minus 0.4%. In Indonesia, the expansion of social distancing itself is an extension of physical distance that is more mandatory and is one of the efforts needed and carried out by the World to contain the spread of this epidemic. Unfortunately, this movement has an impact on the decline in overall economic activity. This effort, on the other hand, makes for better, but due to restrictions on activity and only at home, it causes a decline in aggregate supply or aggregate supply and aggregate demand for aggregate demand, which continues. decrease in the number of people. Production amount. Therefore, the Covid-19 virus pandemic has made it very large, especially in Indonesia, which can maximize its potential role for economic development. Nowadays people are certainly very interested in health, one of which is the consumption and purchase of products that are guaranteed to be clean. Therefore, halal products occupy a market position in the new normal economic era. The purpose of this paper is to find out what the role of the Halal industry is in rebuilding the economy in this new normal era. The method used is a descriptive qualitative approach which is an attempt to understand the various concepts found in the research process, using content analysis and library research methods. The results show the prediction of the halal industry in the new normal era. This is possible depending on the conditions, opportunities, and government efforts in economic development in the new normal era. In this new customs era, the government, businessmen, and the public can adapt to new economic patterns and advance the economy into a new normal era.
Komik merupakan salah satu dari banyaknya media hiburan yang cukup populer dikalangan anak-anak h... more Komik merupakan salah satu dari banyaknya media hiburan yang cukup populer dikalangan anak-anak hingga remaja, misalnya komik Detektif Conan, Samurai X, Naruto, dan lain-lainnya. Komik adalah media yang merupakan perpaduan dari kata berupa informasi dan gambar menarik yang mampu menampilkan suatu cerita menarik sehingga tidaklah heran jika kalangan remaja merupakan penggemar media yang berupa komik. Dari latar belakang seperti di atas dapat di rumuskan masalah sebagai berikut: Bagaimana merancang komik donor darah untuk remaja yang menarik dan edukatif sehingga dapat meningkatkan atau menumbuhkan jiwa sosial seperti yang terkandung didalam komik ”Memaknai Persahabatan dengan Donor Darah” sehingga dapat meningkatkan rasa kepedulian dan saling menolong terhadap sesama manusia? Perancangan ini akan menghasilkan komik untuk remaja tentang kegiatan donor darah yang didalamnya terdapat berbagai penjelasan tentang donor darah dan fungsi donor darah itu sendiri. Di dalamnya juga berisi ceri...
Journal of International Relations, 2018
This research aims to explain the efforts of the Government of India in implementing TRIPS so as ... more This research aims to explain the efforts of the Government of India in implementing TRIPS so as to produce generic ARV drugs under the TRIPS regime. The idea of regulating patent protection on the health aspects of TRIPS has fueled cynical responses from developing countries that view TRIPS as a form of knowledge commodification and feudalization of information. This research is based on concerns about developing countries access to Antiretroviral (ARV) due to price increases as a consequence of TRIPS. In response to this problem, India as the world's largest generic ARV producer has become the most massive state opposing patent regulation on health aspects. This research sees India's efforts in implementing TRIPS in order to achieve its interests through the pattern of health diplomacy with the principle that health is the aspect that is interpreted as common goods. Periodically, India is advocating the importance of generic ARV accessibility that is used as an antidote to...
Abstrak: Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan modul praktikum elektronika dasar ... more Abstrak: Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan modul praktikum elektronika dasar berbasis proyek yang dapat meningkatkan pemahaman konsep mahasiswa Pendidikan Fisika FKIP Unsri. Metoda yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah Research dan Development (R&D) yang mengacu pada penelitian pengembangan yang merujuk pada Thiagarjan dengan langkah-langkah sebagai berikut: (a) Tahap Pendefinisian (define), (b) Tahap Perencanaan (Design), (c) Tahap Pengembangan (Develop) dan (d) Tahap Diseminasi (Disseminate). Pada tahap pengembangan (Develop) dilakukan evaluasi yang merujuk pada evaluasi Tesmer yang terdiri dari penilaian sendiri (self evaluation), validasi ahli (expert review ), uji orang perorangan (one to one evaluation), uji kelompok kecil (small group evaluation) dan pengujian lapangan (field test). Dari hasil penelitian berupa produk modul praktikum elektronika dasar berbasis proyek diperoleh tingkat kevalidan sebesar 82,07% dengan kategori valid, sedangkan tingkat kepra...
Muhammad Saiful Muslim , 2022
The Covid-19 disaster, which was labeled by the WHO (World Health Organization), is far from cove... more The Covid-19 disaster, which was labeled by the WHO (World Health Organization), is far from covering all aspects that are not only a health problem but also a debilitating economic situation. By the way, China, the second largest economy in the world, is the epicenter of the epicenter where the virus first spread, and of course it has a huge impact on the pace of the world economy. Several credible research institutes around the world predict the devastating impact of the outbreak on the global economy. Finance Minister Sri Muryani, including Indonesia, predicts the worst economic impact could reach minus 0.4%. In Indonesia, the expansion of social distancing itself is an extension of physical distance that is more mandatory and is one of the efforts needed and carried out by the World to contain the spread of this epidemic. Unfortunately, this movement has an impact on the decline in overall economic activity. This effort, on the other hand, makes for better, but due to restrictions on activity and only at home, it causes a decline in aggregate supply or aggregate supply and aggregate demand for aggregate demand, which continues. decrease in the number of people. Production amount. Therefore, the Covid-19 virus pandemic has made it very large, especially in Indonesia, which can maximize its potential role for economic development. Nowadays people are certainly very interested in health, one of which is the consumption and purchase of products that are guaranteed to be clean. Therefore, halal products occupy a market position in the new normal economic era. The purpose of this paper is to find out what the role of the Halal industry is in rebuilding the economy in this new normal era. The method used is a descriptive qualitative approach which is an attempt to understand the various concepts found in the research process, using content analysis and library research methods. The results show the prediction of the halal industry in the new normal era. This is possible depending on the conditions, opportunities, and government efforts in economic development in the new normal era. In this new customs era, the government, businessmen, and the public can adapt to new economic patterns and advance the economy into a new normal era.
Komik merupakan salah satu dari banyaknya media hiburan yang cukup populer dikalangan anak-anak h... more Komik merupakan salah satu dari banyaknya media hiburan yang cukup populer dikalangan anak-anak hingga remaja, misalnya komik Detektif Conan, Samurai X, Naruto, dan lain-lainnya. Komik adalah media yang merupakan perpaduan dari kata berupa informasi dan gambar menarik yang mampu menampilkan suatu cerita menarik sehingga tidaklah heran jika kalangan remaja merupakan penggemar media yang berupa komik. Dari latar belakang seperti di atas dapat di rumuskan masalah sebagai berikut: Bagaimana merancang komik donor darah untuk remaja yang menarik dan edukatif sehingga dapat meningkatkan atau menumbuhkan jiwa sosial seperti yang terkandung didalam komik ”Memaknai Persahabatan dengan Donor Darah” sehingga dapat meningkatkan rasa kepedulian dan saling menolong terhadap sesama manusia? Perancangan ini akan menghasilkan komik untuk remaja tentang kegiatan donor darah yang didalamnya terdapat berbagai penjelasan tentang donor darah dan fungsi donor darah itu sendiri. Di dalamnya juga berisi ceri...
Journal of International Relations, 2018
This research aims to explain the efforts of the Government of India in implementing TRIPS so as ... more This research aims to explain the efforts of the Government of India in implementing TRIPS so as to produce generic ARV drugs under the TRIPS regime. The idea of regulating patent protection on the health aspects of TRIPS has fueled cynical responses from developing countries that view TRIPS as a form of knowledge commodification and feudalization of information. This research is based on concerns about developing countries access to Antiretroviral (ARV) due to price increases as a consequence of TRIPS. In response to this problem, India as the world's largest generic ARV producer has become the most massive state opposing patent regulation on health aspects. This research sees India's efforts in implementing TRIPS in order to achieve its interests through the pattern of health diplomacy with the principle that health is the aspect that is interpreted as common goods. Periodically, India is advocating the importance of generic ARV accessibility that is used as an antidote to...