Mukaddes Örs - (original) (raw)
Papers by Mukaddes Örs
Frontiers in public health, Apr 5, 2024
Healthy lifestyle behaviors have been recognized as a key strategy to achieve a policy of health ... more Healthy lifestyle behaviors have been recognized as a key strategy to achieve a policy of health for all. The aim of this study was to determine the levels of health promotion lifestyle behavior among teachers working in public primary schools. The present study also investigated the e ects of selected socio-demographic characteristics on these behaviors. The research was designed using the survey model, one of the quantitative research methods. The sample of the research consisted of public primary school teachers (n =). Research data were collected using the Health-Promotion Lifestyle Profile-II (HPLP-II) scale. As a result of the research, it was put forward that there were statistically significant di erences in levels of health promotion lifestyle behaviors based on taking courses on health promotion, and following programs and articles about healthy living (p < .). It was revealed that primary teachers' taking courses on health promotion, and following programs and articles a ected their healthy lifestyle behaviors. Public primary school teachers' health promotion lifestyle behaviors were found to be moderate. It was found that the primary teachers obtained the highest mean score for the spiritual growth subscale of the health promotion lifestyle behaviors scale; however, the primary school teachers had the lowest mean score for the physical activity subscale, which indicates that they need support in improving their healthy lifestyle. Male teachers had higher mean scores in the physical activity subscale, whereas females had higher mean scores in all other subscales. Training programs to protect and improve the health of teachers should be organized.
Ozet Amac: Bu arastirma, Antalya Ili Manavgat Ilcesinde cevre sagligi bakimindan kamu ilkogretim ... more Ozet Amac: Bu arastirma, Antalya Ili Manavgat Ilcesinde cevre sagligi bakimindan kamu ilkogretim okullarinin durumunu ve velilerin bu konudaki ogrenme gereksinmelerini saptamayi amaclamaktadir. Metod: Tarama modelinde olan bu arastirmanin evreni Manavgat ilcesinde bulunan kamu ilkogretim okullarindan gorev yapan okul yoneticilerinden olusmaktadir. Veriler 10 ilkogretim okulu yoneticisinden toplanmistir. Kamu ilkogretim okullarinda gorev yapan okul yoneticilerinin okullarinda fiziksel cevre sagligini degerlendirmeye iliskin maddelere vermis olduklari yanitlarin, sayi ve yuzdeleri hesaplanmistir. Bulgular: Arastirma bulgularina gore , okullarin 6’sinin 3 katli ve 4’unun 4 ve daha fazla katli oldugu gorulmektedir. Okullarin % 90’ninda 2. ve daha yukari katlarinda pencerelerde korkuluk olmadigi belirlenmistir. Arastirma kapsamina alinan okullarin 2/3’unden fazlasinin ogretim sekli ikili ogretimdir. Manavgat ilcesinde derslik basina dusen ortalama ogrenci sayisinin 41 oldugu belirlendi. On ilkogretim okulundan 7’sinde revir olmadigi tespit edilmistir. On ilkogretim okulunun 8’inde okullarda ilk yardim dolabi bulunmaktadir. Arastirma kapsamindaki on ilkogretim okulunun 9’unda hemsire bulunmadigi belirlenmistir. Arastirma kapsamindaki on okul binasinin 7’sinde duvarlarinin nem, ses ve isiya karsi yalitimin saglanmadigi gorulmektedir. Incelenen okullardan yalnizca ucunde ogrenci basina dusen bahce alaninin yeterli oldugu belirlenmistir. Yoneticilerin verdigi bilgiler ve arastirmacinin gozlemleri dogrultusunda, arastirmaya alinan okullarin tamaminda okul bahce zeminin cocuklarin oyun oynamasina uygun olmayan materyallerle kapli oldugu, ancak okullarin tamaminda okul bahcesinde cocuklarin cesitli oyunlari oynamasina olanak tanindigi gorulmektedir. On ilkogretim okulunun tamaminda okul bahcelerinde cop kutularinin mevcut oldugu, ancak okullarin 2’sinde okul coplerinin biriktirildigi coplugun, oyun alanindan uzak olmadigi belirlenmistir. Ilkogretim okullarinin tamamina yakininda kiz ve erkek ogrenci tuvaletlerindeki kabin sayisinin ve lavabo sayisinin yeterli olmadigi gorulmektedir. Okullarin yarisinin her teneffus sonrasi tuvaletlerinin temizlendigi soylenebilir. Okullarin yalnizca yarisinin her gun kimyasal temizleyicilerle paspaslanmakta oldugu gorulmektedir. Okullarin % 90’inin ogle yemegi vermedigini belirtmektedir. On okuldan yedisinde simit, pogaca ve borek gibi acik yiyecekler, besin degeri dusuk ve sagliga zararli urunler satildigi belirlendi. Sonuc: Arastirma bulgularina gore, fiziksel cevre sagligi acisindan okullarin hemen tamaminin okul cevre sagligi kriterlerine uygun olmadigi saptanmis; velilerin fiziksel okul cevresinin hangi ozellikleri tasimasi gerektigi konusunda ogrenme gereksinmeleri oldugu anlasilmistir.
Sustainability, Sep 2, 2022
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Hacettepe Sağlık İdaresi Dergisi, 2003
Turkish Studies-Educational Sciences, 2019
çoğunluğu tarafından görüş belirtilmiştir. Katılımcıların çoğunluğu katıldıkları kursun sonunda d... more çoğunluğu tarafından görüş belirtilmiştir. Katılımcıların çoğunluğu katıldıkları kursun sonunda değerlendirme yapılmasını uygun buldukları yönünde görüş bildirmiştir. Bu sonuçlar ışığında hizmet içi eğitimi gerekli kılan nedenlerin planlamada göz önünde bulundurulması, öğretmenlerin hizmetiçi eğitim içeriğinin belirlenmesi sürecine katılmalarının sağlanması, hizmet içi eğitim faaliyetlerinin katılımcılara hizmet puanı verilmesi gibi teşviklerle cazip hale getirilmesi, hizmet içi eğitimde görevli olan personelin yetişkin eğitimi yeterliliğinin bulunmasına dikkat edilmesi ve fiziksel ortamının yetişkinlerin öğrenmesine uygun hale getirilmesi önerilebilir.
Marmara Üniversitesi Atatürk Eğitim Fakültesi Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 2014
Bu arastirma, Antalya ili Manavgat ilcesinde bilgisel sosyal destek bakimindan kamu ilkogretim ok... more Bu arastirma, Antalya ili Manavgat ilcesinde bilgisel sosyal destek bakimindan kamu ilkogretim okullarinin durumunu ve velilerin bu konudaki ogrenme gereksinmelerini saptamayi amaclamaktadir. Tarama modelinde olan bu arastirmanin evreni Manavgat ilcesinde bulunan kamu ilkogretim okullarinda ogrencisi bulunan velilerden olusmaktadir. Veriler tabakali ornekleme yoluyla secilen veli ornekleminden toplanmistir. Verilerin cozumlenmesinde frekans, yuzde ve ki kare tekniklerinden yararlanilmistir. Velilerin neredeyse tamamina yakininin cocuklarina bilgisel destek konusunda olumlu davranislar icerisinde oldugu belirlenmistir. Ancak azimsanmayacak olcude yeterli destegi saglamayan veli bulundugu ve bunlarin sosyal destek konusunda ogrenme gereksiniminin oldugu anlasilmistir. Anahtar kelimeler: Sosyal saglik, sosyal destek, bilgisel destek, ogrenci basarisi, yetiskin egitimi
Environmental literate citizenship is a lifelong learning process that aims to develop citizens w... more Environmental literate citizenship is a lifelong learning process that aims to develop citizens who have the knowledge, skills, and commitment to make responsible decisions that will affect the quality of the environment. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the environmental literacy levels of nursing students in terms of sustainable environmental by considering the dimensions of environmental literacy. It was also aimed at understanding the correlation among dimensions of environmental literacy and revealing the factors affecting the dimensions of environmental literacy. This research was designed as a descriptive study in the survey model. A total of 278 nursing students participated in this research. It was revealed that students obtained a high score for use and concern from the dimensions of environmental literacy, their attitudes towards the environment were moderate; however, nursing students took the lowest points for the environmental knowledge component, which...
Marmara Üniversitesi Atatürk Eğitim Fakültesi Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, Jan 6, 2015
Journal of Education and Practice, 2013
This research aims to determine the public primary schools' conditions in terms of emotional soci... more This research aims to determine the public primary schools' conditions in terms of emotional social support and parents' learning needs regarding this subject in the Manavgat County of Antalya City. The universe of this model which was conducted through scanning model was consisted of parents who have children attending to the public primary schools in the Manavgat County. The data was collected from the sampling set that was consisted of 384 parents. In interpretation of the collected data, frequency, percentage and chi-square methods were utilized. It was determined that almost all of the parents were in positive attitude regarding emotional support for their children. However, it was also understood that there were some parents who cannot provide sufficient support which cannot be ignored in number and they were in need in terms of emotional social support.
Bu araştırma, Antalya ili Manavgat ilçesinde bilgisel sosyal destek bakımından kamu ilköğretim ok... more Bu araştırma, Antalya ili Manavgat ilçesinde bilgisel sosyal destek bakımından kamu ilköğretim okullarının durumunu ve velilerin bu konudaki öğrenme gereksinmelerini saptamayı amaçlamaktadır. Tarama modelinde olan bu araştırmanın evreni Manavgat ilçesinde bulunan kamu ilköğretim okullarında öğrencisi bulunan velilerden oluşmaktadır. Veriler tabakalı örnekleme yoluyla seçilen veli örnekleminden toplanmıştır. Verilerin çözümlenmesinde frekans, yüzde ve ki kare tekniklerinden yararlanılmıştır. Velilerin neredeyse tamamına yakınının çocuklarına bilgisel destek konusunda olumlu davranışlar içerisinde olduğu belirlenmiştir. Ancak azımsanmayacak ölçüde yeterli desteği sağlamayan veli bulunduğu ve bunların sosyal destek konusunda öğrenme gereksiniminin olduğu anlaşılmıştır. Anahtar kelimeler: Sosyal sağlık, sosyal destek, bilgisel destek, öğrenci başarısı, yetişkin eğitimi Condition of primary schools in terms of informational social support and parents' needs for informational assistance
New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Advances in Pure and Applied Sciences, 2016
The Purpose of the Study: This research was planned and carried out for evaluation of the effect ... more The Purpose of the Study: This research was planned and carried out for evaluation of the effect of nutrition education, given to the male prisoners who are in Amasya E Type Closed Prison , on nutrition attitudes and behaviors and we wanted to investigate the effectiveness of training for giving right eating habits to the prisoners. Method: Research has developed around 600 prisoners of Amasya E Type Closed Prison. The prisoners and convicted, who participated in the study, were divided into four groups as training + brochures, brochures and control. The pre-prepared survey was conducted on the prisoners and convicted and the test, which had been prepared for determining the impact of nutrition behaviour and manner, was repeated in the beginning of the study (pre-test), at the end of the training (post-test) and one month later in order to evaluate the sustainability of nutrition training (monitoring test). Oral and visual training was given by the researcher. The survey form, which...
In this study, it was aimed to determine the effect of a non-formal nutrition education program d... more In this study, it was aimed to determine the effect of a non-formal nutrition education program developed on the nutritional knowledge of teachers working in primary schools by taking into consideration the learning characteristics of adults and to examine the participants’ opinions about this nutrition education program. The research was modeled according to the multiple / mixed research design including quantitative and qualitative techniques. In the quantitative research, pre and post test pattern with experimental control group was used. Qualitative research method was used to determine the opinions of the teachers in the experimental group. The study group of the research consisted of teachers (N = 372) working in various branches in 15 public schools in Amasya. Data was collected using two instruments: (a) Questionnaire (before and after the experiment) and (b) semi-structured interview form (after the experiment). A questionnaire was used to as pretest and post test. Chi-Squa...
International Online Journal of Education and Teaching Issn 2148 225x, Apr 1, 2015
This research aims to find out the condition of public primary schools in Manavgat, Antalya in te... more This research aims to find out the condition of public primary schools in Manavgat, Antalya in terms of social health care and the learning needs of parents about this issue. The universe of this research that is in screen model comprisespublic primary schools in Manavgat. In data analysis, frequency, percentage and chi square techniqueswere used. The majority of parents who did not take any education about the health education which affect student success are willing to take an education like that. Nearly half of these parents prefer to takethis education at the weekends in the daytime and one third of them prefer this education on weekdays in the daytime.
International Online Journal of Education and Teaching, 2015
This research aims to find out the condition of public primary schools in Manavgat, Antalya in te... more This research aims to find out the condition of public primary schools in Manavgat, Antalya in terms of social health care and the learning needs of parents about this issue. The universe of this research that is in screen model comprisespublic primary schools in Manavgat. In data analysis, frequency, percentage and chi square techniqueswere used. The majority of parents who did not take any education about the health education which affect student success are willing to take an education like that. Nearly half of these parents prefer to takethis education at the weekends in the daytime and one third of them prefer this education on weekdays in the daytime. Key words: Health Education, Health Literacy, Student Success, Parent Education
Bu arastirma, Antalya Ili Manavgat Ilcesinde aracsal sosyal destek bakimindan kamu ilkogretim oku... more Bu arastirma, Antalya Ili Manavgat Ilcesinde aracsal sosyal destek bakimindan kamu ilkogretim okullarinin durumunu ve velilerin bu konudaki ogrenme gereksinmelerini saptamayi amaclamaktadir. Tarama modelinde olan bu arastirmanin evreni Manavgat ilcesinde bulunan kamu ilkogretim okullarinda ogrencisi bulunan velilerden olusmaktadir. Arastirma 2010- 2012 egitim-ogretim yilinda Antalya ili Manavgat ilcesi merkez kamu ilkogretim okullarinda ogrencisi bulunan 384 ogrenci velisi ile gerceklestirilmistir. Veriler 10 ilkogretim okulunda ogrencisi bulunan velilerden tabakali ornekleme yoluyla secilen veli ornekleminden toplanmistir. Verilerin cozumlenmesinde frekans, yuzde ve ki kare tekniklerinden yararlanilmistir. Velilerin neredeyse tamamina yakininin cocuklarina aracsal sosyal destek konusunda olumlu davranislar icersinde oldugu belirlenmistir. Ancak azimsanmayacak olcude yeterli destegi saglamayan veli bulundugu ve bunlarin aracsal sosyal destek konusunda ogrenme gereksinmesinin oldugu ...
This research aims to find out the condition of public primary schools in Manavgat, Antalya in te... more This research aims to find out the condition of public primary schools in Manavgat, Antalya in terms of social health care and the learning needs of parents about this issue. The universe of this research that is in screen model comprises public primary schools in Manavgat. Data was collected from administrators of 10 primary schools and parent sample selected through stratified sampling. In data analysis, frequency, percentage and chi square techniques were used. According to research findings, it is detected that almost every school is not suited for school environment health criteria in term of physical environment health and it is understood that parents need to learn about the features of physical environment of schools. It is identified that almost all of the parents have has positive support for informing their children, more than half of them give instrumental support and the majority of them give emotional support to their children. However, it is understood that the number...
The objective of the present study is to find out whether there is a significant difference betwe... more The objective of the present study is to find out whether there is a significant difference between the frequencies with which the midwives and nurses working in hospitals are exposed to mobbing depending on various variables. The sample of the study comprised 270 midwives (n=76) and nurses (n=194) working in a University Hospital. In the study, the “Scale for Determining the Mobbing Behaviors” in the form of a Likert scale was used. In order to determine the reliability of the scale, its Cronbach Alpha value was calculated. The internal consistency value was found to be 94.22. It was determined that the scores concerning the scale for the level of mobbing differed depending on whether the person is a midwife or a nurse (p .05). It was found out that the level the midwives were subjected to mobbing was higher than that the nurses were subjected to. In analyzing this data, the frequency distribution, t-test and ANOVA analyses were performed.
Frontiers in public health, Apr 5, 2024
Healthy lifestyle behaviors have been recognized as a key strategy to achieve a policy of health ... more Healthy lifestyle behaviors have been recognized as a key strategy to achieve a policy of health for all. The aim of this study was to determine the levels of health promotion lifestyle behavior among teachers working in public primary schools. The present study also investigated the e ects of selected socio-demographic characteristics on these behaviors. The research was designed using the survey model, one of the quantitative research methods. The sample of the research consisted of public primary school teachers (n =). Research data were collected using the Health-Promotion Lifestyle Profile-II (HPLP-II) scale. As a result of the research, it was put forward that there were statistically significant di erences in levels of health promotion lifestyle behaviors based on taking courses on health promotion, and following programs and articles about healthy living (p < .). It was revealed that primary teachers' taking courses on health promotion, and following programs and articles a ected their healthy lifestyle behaviors. Public primary school teachers' health promotion lifestyle behaviors were found to be moderate. It was found that the primary teachers obtained the highest mean score for the spiritual growth subscale of the health promotion lifestyle behaviors scale; however, the primary school teachers had the lowest mean score for the physical activity subscale, which indicates that they need support in improving their healthy lifestyle. Male teachers had higher mean scores in the physical activity subscale, whereas females had higher mean scores in all other subscales. Training programs to protect and improve the health of teachers should be organized.
Ozet Amac: Bu arastirma, Antalya Ili Manavgat Ilcesinde cevre sagligi bakimindan kamu ilkogretim ... more Ozet Amac: Bu arastirma, Antalya Ili Manavgat Ilcesinde cevre sagligi bakimindan kamu ilkogretim okullarinin durumunu ve velilerin bu konudaki ogrenme gereksinmelerini saptamayi amaclamaktadir. Metod: Tarama modelinde olan bu arastirmanin evreni Manavgat ilcesinde bulunan kamu ilkogretim okullarindan gorev yapan okul yoneticilerinden olusmaktadir. Veriler 10 ilkogretim okulu yoneticisinden toplanmistir. Kamu ilkogretim okullarinda gorev yapan okul yoneticilerinin okullarinda fiziksel cevre sagligini degerlendirmeye iliskin maddelere vermis olduklari yanitlarin, sayi ve yuzdeleri hesaplanmistir. Bulgular: Arastirma bulgularina gore , okullarin 6’sinin 3 katli ve 4’unun 4 ve daha fazla katli oldugu gorulmektedir. Okullarin % 90’ninda 2. ve daha yukari katlarinda pencerelerde korkuluk olmadigi belirlenmistir. Arastirma kapsamina alinan okullarin 2/3’unden fazlasinin ogretim sekli ikili ogretimdir. Manavgat ilcesinde derslik basina dusen ortalama ogrenci sayisinin 41 oldugu belirlendi. On ilkogretim okulundan 7’sinde revir olmadigi tespit edilmistir. On ilkogretim okulunun 8’inde okullarda ilk yardim dolabi bulunmaktadir. Arastirma kapsamindaki on ilkogretim okulunun 9’unda hemsire bulunmadigi belirlenmistir. Arastirma kapsamindaki on okul binasinin 7’sinde duvarlarinin nem, ses ve isiya karsi yalitimin saglanmadigi gorulmektedir. Incelenen okullardan yalnizca ucunde ogrenci basina dusen bahce alaninin yeterli oldugu belirlenmistir. Yoneticilerin verdigi bilgiler ve arastirmacinin gozlemleri dogrultusunda, arastirmaya alinan okullarin tamaminda okul bahce zeminin cocuklarin oyun oynamasina uygun olmayan materyallerle kapli oldugu, ancak okullarin tamaminda okul bahcesinde cocuklarin cesitli oyunlari oynamasina olanak tanindigi gorulmektedir. On ilkogretim okulunun tamaminda okul bahcelerinde cop kutularinin mevcut oldugu, ancak okullarin 2’sinde okul coplerinin biriktirildigi coplugun, oyun alanindan uzak olmadigi belirlenmistir. Ilkogretim okullarinin tamamina yakininda kiz ve erkek ogrenci tuvaletlerindeki kabin sayisinin ve lavabo sayisinin yeterli olmadigi gorulmektedir. Okullarin yarisinin her teneffus sonrasi tuvaletlerinin temizlendigi soylenebilir. Okullarin yalnizca yarisinin her gun kimyasal temizleyicilerle paspaslanmakta oldugu gorulmektedir. Okullarin % 90’inin ogle yemegi vermedigini belirtmektedir. On okuldan yedisinde simit, pogaca ve borek gibi acik yiyecekler, besin degeri dusuk ve sagliga zararli urunler satildigi belirlendi. Sonuc: Arastirma bulgularina gore, fiziksel cevre sagligi acisindan okullarin hemen tamaminin okul cevre sagligi kriterlerine uygun olmadigi saptanmis; velilerin fiziksel okul cevresinin hangi ozellikleri tasimasi gerektigi konusunda ogrenme gereksinmeleri oldugu anlasilmistir.
Sustainability, Sep 2, 2022
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Hacettepe Sağlık İdaresi Dergisi, 2003
Turkish Studies-Educational Sciences, 2019
çoğunluğu tarafından görüş belirtilmiştir. Katılımcıların çoğunluğu katıldıkları kursun sonunda d... more çoğunluğu tarafından görüş belirtilmiştir. Katılımcıların çoğunluğu katıldıkları kursun sonunda değerlendirme yapılmasını uygun buldukları yönünde görüş bildirmiştir. Bu sonuçlar ışığında hizmet içi eğitimi gerekli kılan nedenlerin planlamada göz önünde bulundurulması, öğretmenlerin hizmetiçi eğitim içeriğinin belirlenmesi sürecine katılmalarının sağlanması, hizmet içi eğitim faaliyetlerinin katılımcılara hizmet puanı verilmesi gibi teşviklerle cazip hale getirilmesi, hizmet içi eğitimde görevli olan personelin yetişkin eğitimi yeterliliğinin bulunmasına dikkat edilmesi ve fiziksel ortamının yetişkinlerin öğrenmesine uygun hale getirilmesi önerilebilir.
Marmara Üniversitesi Atatürk Eğitim Fakültesi Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 2014
Bu arastirma, Antalya ili Manavgat ilcesinde bilgisel sosyal destek bakimindan kamu ilkogretim ok... more Bu arastirma, Antalya ili Manavgat ilcesinde bilgisel sosyal destek bakimindan kamu ilkogretim okullarinin durumunu ve velilerin bu konudaki ogrenme gereksinmelerini saptamayi amaclamaktadir. Tarama modelinde olan bu arastirmanin evreni Manavgat ilcesinde bulunan kamu ilkogretim okullarinda ogrencisi bulunan velilerden olusmaktadir. Veriler tabakali ornekleme yoluyla secilen veli ornekleminden toplanmistir. Verilerin cozumlenmesinde frekans, yuzde ve ki kare tekniklerinden yararlanilmistir. Velilerin neredeyse tamamina yakininin cocuklarina bilgisel destek konusunda olumlu davranislar icerisinde oldugu belirlenmistir. Ancak azimsanmayacak olcude yeterli destegi saglamayan veli bulundugu ve bunlarin sosyal destek konusunda ogrenme gereksiniminin oldugu anlasilmistir. Anahtar kelimeler: Sosyal saglik, sosyal destek, bilgisel destek, ogrenci basarisi, yetiskin egitimi
Environmental literate citizenship is a lifelong learning process that aims to develop citizens w... more Environmental literate citizenship is a lifelong learning process that aims to develop citizens who have the knowledge, skills, and commitment to make responsible decisions that will affect the quality of the environment. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the environmental literacy levels of nursing students in terms of sustainable environmental by considering the dimensions of environmental literacy. It was also aimed at understanding the correlation among dimensions of environmental literacy and revealing the factors affecting the dimensions of environmental literacy. This research was designed as a descriptive study in the survey model. A total of 278 nursing students participated in this research. It was revealed that students obtained a high score for use and concern from the dimensions of environmental literacy, their attitudes towards the environment were moderate; however, nursing students took the lowest points for the environmental knowledge component, which...
Marmara Üniversitesi Atatürk Eğitim Fakültesi Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, Jan 6, 2015
Journal of Education and Practice, 2013
This research aims to determine the public primary schools' conditions in terms of emotional soci... more This research aims to determine the public primary schools' conditions in terms of emotional social support and parents' learning needs regarding this subject in the Manavgat County of Antalya City. The universe of this model which was conducted through scanning model was consisted of parents who have children attending to the public primary schools in the Manavgat County. The data was collected from the sampling set that was consisted of 384 parents. In interpretation of the collected data, frequency, percentage and chi-square methods were utilized. It was determined that almost all of the parents were in positive attitude regarding emotional support for their children. However, it was also understood that there were some parents who cannot provide sufficient support which cannot be ignored in number and they were in need in terms of emotional social support.
Bu araştırma, Antalya ili Manavgat ilçesinde bilgisel sosyal destek bakımından kamu ilköğretim ok... more Bu araştırma, Antalya ili Manavgat ilçesinde bilgisel sosyal destek bakımından kamu ilköğretim okullarının durumunu ve velilerin bu konudaki öğrenme gereksinmelerini saptamayı amaçlamaktadır. Tarama modelinde olan bu araştırmanın evreni Manavgat ilçesinde bulunan kamu ilköğretim okullarında öğrencisi bulunan velilerden oluşmaktadır. Veriler tabakalı örnekleme yoluyla seçilen veli örnekleminden toplanmıştır. Verilerin çözümlenmesinde frekans, yüzde ve ki kare tekniklerinden yararlanılmıştır. Velilerin neredeyse tamamına yakınının çocuklarına bilgisel destek konusunda olumlu davranışlar içerisinde olduğu belirlenmiştir. Ancak azımsanmayacak ölçüde yeterli desteği sağlamayan veli bulunduğu ve bunların sosyal destek konusunda öğrenme gereksiniminin olduğu anlaşılmıştır. Anahtar kelimeler: Sosyal sağlık, sosyal destek, bilgisel destek, öğrenci başarısı, yetişkin eğitimi Condition of primary schools in terms of informational social support and parents' needs for informational assistance
New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Advances in Pure and Applied Sciences, 2016
The Purpose of the Study: This research was planned and carried out for evaluation of the effect ... more The Purpose of the Study: This research was planned and carried out for evaluation of the effect of nutrition education, given to the male prisoners who are in Amasya E Type Closed Prison , on nutrition attitudes and behaviors and we wanted to investigate the effectiveness of training for giving right eating habits to the prisoners. Method: Research has developed around 600 prisoners of Amasya E Type Closed Prison. The prisoners and convicted, who participated in the study, were divided into four groups as training + brochures, brochures and control. The pre-prepared survey was conducted on the prisoners and convicted and the test, which had been prepared for determining the impact of nutrition behaviour and manner, was repeated in the beginning of the study (pre-test), at the end of the training (post-test) and one month later in order to evaluate the sustainability of nutrition training (monitoring test). Oral and visual training was given by the researcher. The survey form, which...
In this study, it was aimed to determine the effect of a non-formal nutrition education program d... more In this study, it was aimed to determine the effect of a non-formal nutrition education program developed on the nutritional knowledge of teachers working in primary schools by taking into consideration the learning characteristics of adults and to examine the participants’ opinions about this nutrition education program. The research was modeled according to the multiple / mixed research design including quantitative and qualitative techniques. In the quantitative research, pre and post test pattern with experimental control group was used. Qualitative research method was used to determine the opinions of the teachers in the experimental group. The study group of the research consisted of teachers (N = 372) working in various branches in 15 public schools in Amasya. Data was collected using two instruments: (a) Questionnaire (before and after the experiment) and (b) semi-structured interview form (after the experiment). A questionnaire was used to as pretest and post test. Chi-Squa...
International Online Journal of Education and Teaching Issn 2148 225x, Apr 1, 2015
This research aims to find out the condition of public primary schools in Manavgat, Antalya in te... more This research aims to find out the condition of public primary schools in Manavgat, Antalya in terms of social health care and the learning needs of parents about this issue. The universe of this research that is in screen model comprisespublic primary schools in Manavgat. In data analysis, frequency, percentage and chi square techniqueswere used. The majority of parents who did not take any education about the health education which affect student success are willing to take an education like that. Nearly half of these parents prefer to takethis education at the weekends in the daytime and one third of them prefer this education on weekdays in the daytime.
International Online Journal of Education and Teaching, 2015
This research aims to find out the condition of public primary schools in Manavgat, Antalya in te... more This research aims to find out the condition of public primary schools in Manavgat, Antalya in terms of social health care and the learning needs of parents about this issue. The universe of this research that is in screen model comprisespublic primary schools in Manavgat. In data analysis, frequency, percentage and chi square techniqueswere used. The majority of parents who did not take any education about the health education which affect student success are willing to take an education like that. Nearly half of these parents prefer to takethis education at the weekends in the daytime and one third of them prefer this education on weekdays in the daytime. Key words: Health Education, Health Literacy, Student Success, Parent Education
Bu arastirma, Antalya Ili Manavgat Ilcesinde aracsal sosyal destek bakimindan kamu ilkogretim oku... more Bu arastirma, Antalya Ili Manavgat Ilcesinde aracsal sosyal destek bakimindan kamu ilkogretim okullarinin durumunu ve velilerin bu konudaki ogrenme gereksinmelerini saptamayi amaclamaktadir. Tarama modelinde olan bu arastirmanin evreni Manavgat ilcesinde bulunan kamu ilkogretim okullarinda ogrencisi bulunan velilerden olusmaktadir. Arastirma 2010- 2012 egitim-ogretim yilinda Antalya ili Manavgat ilcesi merkez kamu ilkogretim okullarinda ogrencisi bulunan 384 ogrenci velisi ile gerceklestirilmistir. Veriler 10 ilkogretim okulunda ogrencisi bulunan velilerden tabakali ornekleme yoluyla secilen veli ornekleminden toplanmistir. Verilerin cozumlenmesinde frekans, yuzde ve ki kare tekniklerinden yararlanilmistir. Velilerin neredeyse tamamina yakininin cocuklarina aracsal sosyal destek konusunda olumlu davranislar icersinde oldugu belirlenmistir. Ancak azimsanmayacak olcude yeterli destegi saglamayan veli bulundugu ve bunlarin aracsal sosyal destek konusunda ogrenme gereksinmesinin oldugu ...
This research aims to find out the condition of public primary schools in Manavgat, Antalya in te... more This research aims to find out the condition of public primary schools in Manavgat, Antalya in terms of social health care and the learning needs of parents about this issue. The universe of this research that is in screen model comprises public primary schools in Manavgat. Data was collected from administrators of 10 primary schools and parent sample selected through stratified sampling. In data analysis, frequency, percentage and chi square techniques were used. According to research findings, it is detected that almost every school is not suited for school environment health criteria in term of physical environment health and it is understood that parents need to learn about the features of physical environment of schools. It is identified that almost all of the parents have has positive support for informing their children, more than half of them give instrumental support and the majority of them give emotional support to their children. However, it is understood that the number...
The objective of the present study is to find out whether there is a significant difference betwe... more The objective of the present study is to find out whether there is a significant difference between the frequencies with which the midwives and nurses working in hospitals are exposed to mobbing depending on various variables. The sample of the study comprised 270 midwives (n=76) and nurses (n=194) working in a University Hospital. In the study, the “Scale for Determining the Mobbing Behaviors” in the form of a Likert scale was used. In order to determine the reliability of the scale, its Cronbach Alpha value was calculated. The internal consistency value was found to be 94.22. It was determined that the scores concerning the scale for the level of mobbing differed depending on whether the person is a midwife or a nurse (p .05). It was found out that the level the midwives were subjected to mobbing was higher than that the nurses were subjected to. In analyzing this data, the frequency distribution, t-test and ANOVA analyses were performed.