Mu'man Nuryana - (original) (raw)
Papers by Mu'man Nuryana
Sosio Informa, 2016
Selama tiga dekade yang lalu, berkembang suatu pandangan bahwa kebhinekaan masyarakat menghambat ... more Selama tiga dekade yang lalu, berkembang suatu pandangan bahwa kebhinekaan masyarakat menghambat pembangunan. Pandangan ini dipengaruhi pendapat beberapa ahli ekonomi pembangunan sebelumnya yang menemukan bukti bahwa diversitas menghambat pembangunan. Pandangan negatif tersebut didukung oleh hasil penelitian tahun 1960-andan 1970-an, dengan sebaran negara sample yang sangat terbatas dan menggunakan cross-section analysis.Namun hasil survey komprehensif terakhir terhadap sejumlah negara berkembang pada tahun 1990-an dengan menggunakan data longitudinal, menunjukkan sebaliknya bahwa diversitas budaya ternyata tidak ada korelasinya dengan pembangunan. Oleh karena itu, tidak perlu ada kekhawatiran bagi kita untuk melaksanakan pembangunan dalam kondisi masyarakat Indonesia yang multikutur. Dalam banyak hal, multikulturalisme dapat memberikan kontribusi positif bagi pembangunan.
Sosio Informa, 2007
Kasus Sunan Kuning Semarang ( Social Impacts from the Closing of Official ProstitutionComplexes: ... more Kasus Sunan Kuning Semarang ( Social Impacts from the Closing of Official ProstitutionComplexes: Case Study in Sunan Kuning Semarang).Indonesian ambiguous policy on prostitution issue has been affirmed by the creation of'Lokalisasi' (official prostitution complexes). Lokalisasi has been used as a model by local governments to alleviate the impact of harms from prostitution. It is very important then, to look how this social experiment has failed to alleviate the harms of prostitution by going down the legalization track. However, this policy emerged in response to the growing demand from local community to stop Lokalisasi. These harms have increased and significant new harms have joined them such as the traffic in young women in Indonesia. This research has found some valuable results that Lokalisasi should not be considered as a silver bullet to alleviate prostitution problems, but it is assumed to be a solution of minimizing its impacts to society. Such a Lokalisasi should...
Sosio Informa, 2005
Sebuah Kerangka Kerja bagi Action Research dalam Pengembangan Komunitas dan Pendidikan Populer - ... more Sebuah Kerangka Kerja bagi Action Research dalam Pengembangan Komunitas dan Pendidikan Populer - This paper helps to elaborate about how researchers, teachers and educational advisors balance their different roles in participatory action research teams. Through explaining the Participatory Action Research (PAR) as a way of building bridges and making connections between people, this method of doing research depicted a process that seeks to develop a practical knowledge and understanding of social, political, environmental, or economical conditions. By using PAR on of research and development, we can recognize our social relationships and the value of our real experiences and personal thoughts and feelings. Moreover, PAR seeks to link the research process to the process of social change; it recognizes the change process as a researchable topic; it brings the research process full circle with people's interests in finding practical solutions for common problems and issues of conce...
Sosio Informa, 2014
It has been ten years Bolsa Familiais the key that helped Brazil to cut absolute poverty by half ... more It has been ten years Bolsa Familiais the key that helped Brazil to cut absolute poverty by half from 9,7% to 4,3% of the population. And even more impressive and different from other countries, income inequality decreased significantly where the Gini coefficient becomes 0 527, a 15% decrease. BF now reaching 14 million households or 50 million people, or about one-quarter of the population of Brazil, and is widely seen as a global success story, a point of reference for social policy across the globe.Hovever, building a progressive social policies that can lift the roots of poverty and promoting the distribution of welfare remains a challenge for policy-makers. The New Model of Social Policy in Brazil, which relied on 'targeting and social safety net', needs to be seen as a vehicle for the reconciliation of growth with equity, offering an alternative to a more progressive, traditional, institutionalised welfare service delivery mechanisms. Despite some promising initial evi...
Sosio Informa, 2005
The core business of corporation, community and community organizations is to achieve some form o... more The core business of corporation, community and community organizations is to achieve some form of social, community or environmental benefit. Financial sustainability or profitability is essential to achieving that benefit, but subsidiary to it. The stakeholder and all the people associated with it or affected by it, need to know if it is achieving its objectives, if it is living upto its values and if those objectives and values are relevant and appropriate. That is what the social accounting process aims to facilitate. Social accounting and audit is a framework which allows a corporation to build on existing documentation and reporting and develop a process whereby it can account for its social performance, report on that performance and draw up an action plan to improve on that performance, and through which it can understand its impact on the community and be accountable to its key .stakeholders. Thus, the essence of this article is therefore: explaining social account and audi...
Sosio Informa, 2007
Community Policing Development Through the Collaboration of Police and Community: A Model for Imp... more Community Policing Development Through the Collaboration of Police and Community: A Model for Improving Social Resilience in Indonesia. The idea to changing police paradigm from an emphasis on traditional law enforcement practices toward community-oriented policingan approach that depends on officer-initiated efforts to reduce criminal and public disorder should be launched in Indonesia. Community policing is a philosophy of policing that needs police officers to act with increased levels of autonomy and professional discretion to solve problems and to develop partnerships with the community. This article discussing a conceptual framework of how community policing can be implemented through providing an overview of the context in which community policing has been socialized in the developed countries.Kata Kunci: Community policing, police officer, domestic violence, catalyst, normative sponsorship theory
Sosio Informa, 2016
Artikel ini mendeskripsikan peran dan pentingnya social capital sebagai piranti sosial pada level... more Artikel ini mendeskripsikan peran dan pentingnya social capital sebagai piranti sosial pada level komunitas, dan sekaligus menjawab pertanyaan apakah social capitalmasih eksis di Indonesia. Secara kritis, social capital dipandang sebagai suatu landasan bagi asumsi pembangunan sosial pada level komunitas. Analisis terhadap peranan social capital sangat mendesak mengingat policymakers membutuhkan masukan untuk mendukung kebijakan pembangunan sosial yang bertumpu pada kemampuan masyarakat. Diharapkan, social capital sebagai piranti sosial yang berakar pada komunitas, dapat berfungsi secara maksimal tetapi dinamik dalam mengatasi masalah sosial. Bahasan ini diharapkan dapat menambah keyakinan kita bahwa social capital dapat direkayasa ulang, asal dilakukan oleh dan untuk anggota komunitas. Dengan demikian, tugas scholars, policymakers, practitioners adalah memfasilitasi komunitas agar mereka menyadari bahwa ada piranti sosial yang dapat didayagunakan untuk berbagai tantangan yang dihada...
Sosio Informa, 2020
Sektor kesehatan dan kesejahteraan menghadapi tantangan menarik. Pertama, pesatnya penuaan pendud... more Sektor kesehatan dan kesejahteraan menghadapi tantangan menarik. Pertama, pesatnya penuaan penduduk diiringi penurunan jumlah pengasuh yang berimplikasi pada pengasuhan lanjut usia. Kedua, munculnya kesadaran baru pada terapi hewan yang berpotensi risiko penularan zonosis, isu etika dan moral, perspektif budaya dan agama, sejarah dan keraguan. Ketiga, pesatnya perkembangan teknologi robotik dan kecerdasan buatan dalam menyikapi isu pengasuhan. Kondisi ini membawa implikasi pada alokasi sumber daya manusia dan dampaknya terhadap stabilitas pengiriman pengasuhan. Tinjauan pustaka ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui manfaat sosial, psikologis, fisiologis, dan klinis dari Paro, robot bantuan-sosial paling populer di dunia, dalam pengasuhan lanjut usia. Paro membentuk perilaku hewani dan menanggapi cahaya, suhu, suara, sentuhan dan postur sejalan dengan perputaran waktu. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan di negara-negara maju menunjukkan bahwa Paro mendorong lanjut usia yang mengalami demensia ...
Sosio Informa, 2017
Perusahaan sosial telah diakui di indonesia karena keunggulannya dalam mencapai pertumbuhan yang ... more Perusahaan sosial telah diakui di indonesia karena keunggulannya dalam mencapai pertumbuhan yang inklusif dan berkelanjutan sekaligus membantu masyarakata miskin untuk memperbaiki kesejahteraan ekonomi dan sosial mereka. Perbedaan utama dengan usaha mikro, kecil dan menengah tradisional adalah bahwa perusahaan kolektif memiliki karakteristik hibrida dimana mereka mengadopsi solusi bisnis untuk mengatasi masalah sosial. Lingkungan sosial dan budaya kondusif bagi kewirausahaan sosial karenan negeri ini memiliki perhatian besar terhadap isu kesejahteraan masyarakat dan sekarang bergerak menuju partisipasi masyarakat yang lebih luas dari organisasi masyarakat sipil dan sektor swasta dalam masalah sosial. Perusahaan sosial yang telah berkembang di negeri ini adalah salah satu bentuk social enterprise. Dalam perkembangannya, perusahaan sosial ini melibatkan banyak rumah tangga miskin di tingkat komunitas sehingga dapat dipandang sebagai perusahaan sosial berbasis masyarakat. Namun, lingkungan kebijakan masih belum sepenuhnya responsif terhadap pertumbuhan dan perkembangan perusahaan sosial. Perusahaan sosial masih dipandang sebagai usaha mikro, kecil dan menengah tradisional. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan dukungan tambahan bagi perusahaan sosial dengan memberikan insentif untuk pembiayaan campuran, memperbaiki lingkungan berkelanjutan untuk hibah, modal ventura dan bantuan eksternal, dan menyadari masa inkubasi yang lebih lama untuk perusahaan sosial. Untuk itu, koordinasi antara sektor sosial yang melahirkan lahirnya usaha sosial dengan sektor ekonomi sebagai induk asuh lebih lanjut perlu ditingkatkan.
Sosio Informa, 2016
Kebijakan publik mengenai desentralisasi sesuai dengan aturan dan semangat Undang - Undang Nomor ... more Kebijakan publik mengenai desentralisasi sesuai dengan aturan dan semangat Undang - Undang Nomor 22 Tahun 1999, membawa implikasi luas terhadap implementasi kebijakan kesejahteraan sosial di Indonesia. Untuk mencapai keberhasilan dalam mendesentralisasikan kesejahteraan sosial, antara lain dibutuhkan sebuah strategi yang baik. Demikian pula agar desentralisasi kesejahteraan sosial sesuai dengan komitmen pemerintah terhadap kepentingan nasional tetapi rekognisi terhadap kepentingan daerah juga tetap diperhatikan, maka artikel ini menjadi sebuah materi pemikiran praktikal yang kontributif bagi pihak - pihak yang terkait dalam implementasi kebijakan kesejahteraan sosial.
Sosio Informa
Rural employment creation policies should be an influential for rural economic development where ... more Rural employment creation policies should be an influential for rural economic development where more than 65% of the Indonesia's population reside in rural areas. However, since rural areas are economically divided into three categories-integrated, intermediate, remote areas-the idea of differentiating employment creation policies could be relevant choices. The basic ideas of employment creation policies are direct aid, indirect aid, human resources, and infrastructure. Which one of those four policies appropriate for certain rural area, it depends on the type of rural area. This article demonstrates how differentiated rural employment policies and different type of rural areas should be in the context of national economy in the era of local autonomy in Indonesia.
Sosio Informa
Children Sexual Abuse Prevention Policy: An Input for Practitioners.Many literatures show that th... more Children Sexual Abuse Prevention Policy: An Input for Practitioners.Many literatures show that there are no differences of background in term of socioeconomic of victims and perpetrators of sexual abuse in family and community. It's also give information that victim of sexual abuse is categorized as a "silent disease" because of difficulty on obtaining epidemiological data and research on sexual abuse issue is still neglected. However, the literatures showed that sexual abuse causing heavy post-traumatic syndrome and generating problems of social pathology, psychology, emotional, bouncing, physical, and educational in the long term to all victims of in school environment, family, social relation, and participation in community. Therefore, it's a growing need to plan and develop a policy for training and workshop for teachers and social workers to increase their awareness of the possibility of sexual abuse in the school and environment.
Sosio Informa
In-Home Service for the Aged in Japan : Lessons Learned for Indonesia.This article examines the s... more In-Home Service for the Aged in Japan : Lessons Learned for Indonesia.This article examines the social and economic forces that led Japan to create the Gold Plan a comprehensive national plan for formalized in-home services for the aged. Under this national policy, Japan has changed their paradigm on delivery of social services for the aged which the following: shifts from institutional to in-home service workers. Local community and societal at large were encouraged to take part in this regard where new nonprofit organization called Resident-Participation Type (RPT) are growing significantly. PRTs are self-help organizationsto augment the delivery of in-home services to the aged. The current status of these new models for the aged are examined by using secondary data from the surveys conducted by the Japanese National Council of Social Welfare in 1992 and 1993. The future issues regarding RTPs and inhome services for the aged in Japan are discussed in this article with the aim at s...
Child Indicators Research
Sosio Informa, 2016
Selama tiga dekade yang lalu, berkembang suatu pandangan bahwa kebhinekaan masyarakat menghambat ... more Selama tiga dekade yang lalu, berkembang suatu pandangan bahwa kebhinekaan masyarakat menghambat pembangunan. Pandangan ini dipengaruhi pendapat beberapa ahli ekonomi pembangunan sebelumnya yang menemukan bukti bahwa diversitas menghambat pembangunan. Pandangan negatif tersebut didukung oleh hasil penelitian tahun 1960-andan 1970-an, dengan sebaran negara sample yang sangat terbatas dan menggunakan cross-section analysis.Namun hasil survey komprehensif terakhir terhadap sejumlah negara berkembang pada tahun 1990-an dengan menggunakan data longitudinal, menunjukkan sebaliknya bahwa diversitas budaya ternyata tidak ada korelasinya dengan pembangunan. Oleh karena itu, tidak perlu ada kekhawatiran bagi kita untuk melaksanakan pembangunan dalam kondisi masyarakat Indonesia yang multikutur. Dalam banyak hal, multikulturalisme dapat memberikan kontribusi positif bagi pembangunan.
Sosio Informa, 2007
Kasus Sunan Kuning Semarang ( Social Impacts from the Closing of Official ProstitutionComplexes: ... more Kasus Sunan Kuning Semarang ( Social Impacts from the Closing of Official ProstitutionComplexes: Case Study in Sunan Kuning Semarang).Indonesian ambiguous policy on prostitution issue has been affirmed by the creation of'Lokalisasi' (official prostitution complexes). Lokalisasi has been used as a model by local governments to alleviate the impact of harms from prostitution. It is very important then, to look how this social experiment has failed to alleviate the harms of prostitution by going down the legalization track. However, this policy emerged in response to the growing demand from local community to stop Lokalisasi. These harms have increased and significant new harms have joined them such as the traffic in young women in Indonesia. This research has found some valuable results that Lokalisasi should not be considered as a silver bullet to alleviate prostitution problems, but it is assumed to be a solution of minimizing its impacts to society. Such a Lokalisasi should...
Sosio Informa, 2005
Sebuah Kerangka Kerja bagi Action Research dalam Pengembangan Komunitas dan Pendidikan Populer - ... more Sebuah Kerangka Kerja bagi Action Research dalam Pengembangan Komunitas dan Pendidikan Populer - This paper helps to elaborate about how researchers, teachers and educational advisors balance their different roles in participatory action research teams. Through explaining the Participatory Action Research (PAR) as a way of building bridges and making connections between people, this method of doing research depicted a process that seeks to develop a practical knowledge and understanding of social, political, environmental, or economical conditions. By using PAR on of research and development, we can recognize our social relationships and the value of our real experiences and personal thoughts and feelings. Moreover, PAR seeks to link the research process to the process of social change; it recognizes the change process as a researchable topic; it brings the research process full circle with people's interests in finding practical solutions for common problems and issues of conce...
Sosio Informa, 2014
It has been ten years Bolsa Familiais the key that helped Brazil to cut absolute poverty by half ... more It has been ten years Bolsa Familiais the key that helped Brazil to cut absolute poverty by half from 9,7% to 4,3% of the population. And even more impressive and different from other countries, income inequality decreased significantly where the Gini coefficient becomes 0 527, a 15% decrease. BF now reaching 14 million households or 50 million people, or about one-quarter of the population of Brazil, and is widely seen as a global success story, a point of reference for social policy across the globe.Hovever, building a progressive social policies that can lift the roots of poverty and promoting the distribution of welfare remains a challenge for policy-makers. The New Model of Social Policy in Brazil, which relied on 'targeting and social safety net', needs to be seen as a vehicle for the reconciliation of growth with equity, offering an alternative to a more progressive, traditional, institutionalised welfare service delivery mechanisms. Despite some promising initial evi...
Sosio Informa, 2005
The core business of corporation, community and community organizations is to achieve some form o... more The core business of corporation, community and community organizations is to achieve some form of social, community or environmental benefit. Financial sustainability or profitability is essential to achieving that benefit, but subsidiary to it. The stakeholder and all the people associated with it or affected by it, need to know if it is achieving its objectives, if it is living upto its values and if those objectives and values are relevant and appropriate. That is what the social accounting process aims to facilitate. Social accounting and audit is a framework which allows a corporation to build on existing documentation and reporting and develop a process whereby it can account for its social performance, report on that performance and draw up an action plan to improve on that performance, and through which it can understand its impact on the community and be accountable to its key .stakeholders. Thus, the essence of this article is therefore: explaining social account and audi...
Sosio Informa, 2007
Community Policing Development Through the Collaboration of Police and Community: A Model for Imp... more Community Policing Development Through the Collaboration of Police and Community: A Model for Improving Social Resilience in Indonesia. The idea to changing police paradigm from an emphasis on traditional law enforcement practices toward community-oriented policingan approach that depends on officer-initiated efforts to reduce criminal and public disorder should be launched in Indonesia. Community policing is a philosophy of policing that needs police officers to act with increased levels of autonomy and professional discretion to solve problems and to develop partnerships with the community. This article discussing a conceptual framework of how community policing can be implemented through providing an overview of the context in which community policing has been socialized in the developed countries.Kata Kunci: Community policing, police officer, domestic violence, catalyst, normative sponsorship theory
Sosio Informa, 2016
Artikel ini mendeskripsikan peran dan pentingnya social capital sebagai piranti sosial pada level... more Artikel ini mendeskripsikan peran dan pentingnya social capital sebagai piranti sosial pada level komunitas, dan sekaligus menjawab pertanyaan apakah social capitalmasih eksis di Indonesia. Secara kritis, social capital dipandang sebagai suatu landasan bagi asumsi pembangunan sosial pada level komunitas. Analisis terhadap peranan social capital sangat mendesak mengingat policymakers membutuhkan masukan untuk mendukung kebijakan pembangunan sosial yang bertumpu pada kemampuan masyarakat. Diharapkan, social capital sebagai piranti sosial yang berakar pada komunitas, dapat berfungsi secara maksimal tetapi dinamik dalam mengatasi masalah sosial. Bahasan ini diharapkan dapat menambah keyakinan kita bahwa social capital dapat direkayasa ulang, asal dilakukan oleh dan untuk anggota komunitas. Dengan demikian, tugas scholars, policymakers, practitioners adalah memfasilitasi komunitas agar mereka menyadari bahwa ada piranti sosial yang dapat didayagunakan untuk berbagai tantangan yang dihada...
Sosio Informa, 2020
Sektor kesehatan dan kesejahteraan menghadapi tantangan menarik. Pertama, pesatnya penuaan pendud... more Sektor kesehatan dan kesejahteraan menghadapi tantangan menarik. Pertama, pesatnya penuaan penduduk diiringi penurunan jumlah pengasuh yang berimplikasi pada pengasuhan lanjut usia. Kedua, munculnya kesadaran baru pada terapi hewan yang berpotensi risiko penularan zonosis, isu etika dan moral, perspektif budaya dan agama, sejarah dan keraguan. Ketiga, pesatnya perkembangan teknologi robotik dan kecerdasan buatan dalam menyikapi isu pengasuhan. Kondisi ini membawa implikasi pada alokasi sumber daya manusia dan dampaknya terhadap stabilitas pengiriman pengasuhan. Tinjauan pustaka ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui manfaat sosial, psikologis, fisiologis, dan klinis dari Paro, robot bantuan-sosial paling populer di dunia, dalam pengasuhan lanjut usia. Paro membentuk perilaku hewani dan menanggapi cahaya, suhu, suara, sentuhan dan postur sejalan dengan perputaran waktu. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan di negara-negara maju menunjukkan bahwa Paro mendorong lanjut usia yang mengalami demensia ...
Sosio Informa, 2017
Perusahaan sosial telah diakui di indonesia karena keunggulannya dalam mencapai pertumbuhan yang ... more Perusahaan sosial telah diakui di indonesia karena keunggulannya dalam mencapai pertumbuhan yang inklusif dan berkelanjutan sekaligus membantu masyarakata miskin untuk memperbaiki kesejahteraan ekonomi dan sosial mereka. Perbedaan utama dengan usaha mikro, kecil dan menengah tradisional adalah bahwa perusahaan kolektif memiliki karakteristik hibrida dimana mereka mengadopsi solusi bisnis untuk mengatasi masalah sosial. Lingkungan sosial dan budaya kondusif bagi kewirausahaan sosial karenan negeri ini memiliki perhatian besar terhadap isu kesejahteraan masyarakat dan sekarang bergerak menuju partisipasi masyarakat yang lebih luas dari organisasi masyarakat sipil dan sektor swasta dalam masalah sosial. Perusahaan sosial yang telah berkembang di negeri ini adalah salah satu bentuk social enterprise. Dalam perkembangannya, perusahaan sosial ini melibatkan banyak rumah tangga miskin di tingkat komunitas sehingga dapat dipandang sebagai perusahaan sosial berbasis masyarakat. Namun, lingkungan kebijakan masih belum sepenuhnya responsif terhadap pertumbuhan dan perkembangan perusahaan sosial. Perusahaan sosial masih dipandang sebagai usaha mikro, kecil dan menengah tradisional. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan dukungan tambahan bagi perusahaan sosial dengan memberikan insentif untuk pembiayaan campuran, memperbaiki lingkungan berkelanjutan untuk hibah, modal ventura dan bantuan eksternal, dan menyadari masa inkubasi yang lebih lama untuk perusahaan sosial. Untuk itu, koordinasi antara sektor sosial yang melahirkan lahirnya usaha sosial dengan sektor ekonomi sebagai induk asuh lebih lanjut perlu ditingkatkan.
Sosio Informa, 2016
Kebijakan publik mengenai desentralisasi sesuai dengan aturan dan semangat Undang - Undang Nomor ... more Kebijakan publik mengenai desentralisasi sesuai dengan aturan dan semangat Undang - Undang Nomor 22 Tahun 1999, membawa implikasi luas terhadap implementasi kebijakan kesejahteraan sosial di Indonesia. Untuk mencapai keberhasilan dalam mendesentralisasikan kesejahteraan sosial, antara lain dibutuhkan sebuah strategi yang baik. Demikian pula agar desentralisasi kesejahteraan sosial sesuai dengan komitmen pemerintah terhadap kepentingan nasional tetapi rekognisi terhadap kepentingan daerah juga tetap diperhatikan, maka artikel ini menjadi sebuah materi pemikiran praktikal yang kontributif bagi pihak - pihak yang terkait dalam implementasi kebijakan kesejahteraan sosial.
Sosio Informa
Rural employment creation policies should be an influential for rural economic development where ... more Rural employment creation policies should be an influential for rural economic development where more than 65% of the Indonesia's population reside in rural areas. However, since rural areas are economically divided into three categories-integrated, intermediate, remote areas-the idea of differentiating employment creation policies could be relevant choices. The basic ideas of employment creation policies are direct aid, indirect aid, human resources, and infrastructure. Which one of those four policies appropriate for certain rural area, it depends on the type of rural area. This article demonstrates how differentiated rural employment policies and different type of rural areas should be in the context of national economy in the era of local autonomy in Indonesia.
Sosio Informa
Children Sexual Abuse Prevention Policy: An Input for Practitioners.Many literatures show that th... more Children Sexual Abuse Prevention Policy: An Input for Practitioners.Many literatures show that there are no differences of background in term of socioeconomic of victims and perpetrators of sexual abuse in family and community. It's also give information that victim of sexual abuse is categorized as a "silent disease" because of difficulty on obtaining epidemiological data and research on sexual abuse issue is still neglected. However, the literatures showed that sexual abuse causing heavy post-traumatic syndrome and generating problems of social pathology, psychology, emotional, bouncing, physical, and educational in the long term to all victims of in school environment, family, social relation, and participation in community. Therefore, it's a growing need to plan and develop a policy for training and workshop for teachers and social workers to increase their awareness of the possibility of sexual abuse in the school and environment.
Sosio Informa
In-Home Service for the Aged in Japan : Lessons Learned for Indonesia.This article examines the s... more In-Home Service for the Aged in Japan : Lessons Learned for Indonesia.This article examines the social and economic forces that led Japan to create the Gold Plan a comprehensive national plan for formalized in-home services for the aged. Under this national policy, Japan has changed their paradigm on delivery of social services for the aged which the following: shifts from institutional to in-home service workers. Local community and societal at large were encouraged to take part in this regard where new nonprofit organization called Resident-Participation Type (RPT) are growing significantly. PRTs are self-help organizationsto augment the delivery of in-home services to the aged. The current status of these new models for the aged are examined by using secondary data from the surveys conducted by the Japanese National Council of Social Welfare in 1992 and 1993. The future issues regarding RTPs and inhome services for the aged in Japan are discussed in this article with the aim at s...
Child Indicators Research