Musfialdy Musfialdy - (original) (raw)

Papers by Musfialdy Musfialdy

Research paper thumbnail of Pendampingan Penggunaan Aplikasi Siak Terintegrasi Bumdes Berkah Bersama

Journal of Community Engagement Research for Sustainability, Nov 1, 2023

Badan usaha milik desa (Bumdes) memiliki peran yang sangat penting dalam pengembangan dan pemberd... more Badan usaha milik desa (Bumdes) memiliki peran yang sangat penting dalam pengembangan dan pemberdayaan masyarakat di tingkat desa. Bumdes memiliki peran penting dalam membangun ekonomi lokal yang kuat, meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat desa, dan menciptakan lingkungan yang berkelanjutan dan inklusif. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian melakukan pendampingan dalam menggunakan aplikasi mobile aplikasi SIAK terintegrasi bumdes berkah bersama di bumdes berkah bersama di Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu sehingga dapat meningkat pendapatan asli desa, menguatkan ekonomi desa dan kesejahteraan masyarakat desa. Pelaksanaan pengabdian ini menggunakan teknik pendampingan penerapan sistem pengelolaan unit bisnis bumdes secara web. Tingkat ketercapaian sasaran program diukur melalui berbagai metode evaluasi, seperti survei, wawancara, analisis data, observasi langsung. pendampingan pelaporan keuangan bumdes berbasis web, program ini berkontribusi pada peningkatan pendapatan desa, juga pada peningkatan tata kelola keuangan yang lebih baik dan pemberdayaan masyarakat desa. Dengan cara ini, program tersebut dapat dianggap sebagai bentuk nyata dari pengabdian kepada masyarakat untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan dan pembangunan berkelanjutan di tingkat desa.

Research paper thumbnail of The Mechanism of Newsroom and TV Journalist Work Routines during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Kajian jurnalisme, Jan 31, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Perceptions of Television Journalists on the COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia

Indonesian Journal of Economics, Social, and Humanities, Sep 30, 2022

The current COVID-19 pandemic is not the first disease to spread in Indonesia. In the book "Resil... more The current COVID-19 pandemic is not the first disease to spread in Indonesia. In the book "Resiliensi Mengahadapi COVID-19" published in 2020, Indonesian National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) explained that according to Portuguese and Spanish historical records, in 1558, there was a spread of Smallpox in the Maluku region which infected hundreds of people and caused dozens of people to die (BNPB, 2020). The outbreak then spread in Java through Batavia in 1781. Between 1625 and 1630, there was the spread of Tuberculosis (TB) in Central Java. According to the Dutch historical report, Graaf, this TB disease can infect humans and cause death in just a matter of hours. Hundreds of people died from this TB disease (BNPB, 2020). The Influenza outbreak then became a pandemic in Indonesia, which occurred at the beginning of the 20th century. According to the article "De Epidemic" in the daily Bataviaasch Nieuwsblad on July 18, 1918, Influenza outbreak has infected millions of people in Indonesia, the data said 4.5 million people died as a result. The outbreak initially attacked the people of Sumatra, especially East Sumatra. To overcome this influenza pandemic, on November 16, 1918, the Dutch colonial government formed a countermeasures commission called the Influenza Commissie (BNPB, 2020). The world's first flu pandemic known as the Spanish Flu which occurred in 1918, was caused by a bird virus that had transferred to pigs and humans. This pandemic swept across the globe during World War I in 1918, infecting 500 million people worldwide, killing about 50 million people or 2.7 percent of the global population (Marcola &Cumming, 2021). In 1976, Swine Flu infected 230 soldiers in Fort Dix, New Jersey and causing one death. In 2009, the new Swine Flu (H1N1) killed 90,000 Americans and 2 million were hospitalized (Marcola & Cumming, 2021).

Research paper thumbnail of Transformation of Media Journalism During Covid 19 in Indonesia

Indonesian Journal of Economics, Social, and Humanities, Jan 19, 2024

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many media outlets have faced disruption. These disruptions are not... more During the COVID-19 pandemic, many media outlets have faced disruption. These disruptions are not only related to health but also to public life and the media industry as a whole. During the COVID-19 pandemic, people made the media the main source of information. The purpose of this research is to find out the transformation of media journalism during COVID-19 in Indonesia. This research uses social information processing theory, which describes how a person develops computer-mediated interpersonal and group communication (online) without non-verbal cues, as well as making it easier and more convenient. The research method uses qualitative methodology with a case study approach. In the atmosphere of the COVID-19 pandemic, where people are traumatized by the rapid and ubiquitous transmission of COVID-19 and social restrictions, communication using computers and smartphones mediated online is one of the right solutions. COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the convergence of control over not only technology but other skills in the news process. The conclusion of this research is that the production process of television journalism has changed.

Research paper thumbnail of Integrasi Sumber Daya Strategis, Orientasi Kewirausahaan Sebagai Basis Strategi Bersaing Serta Pengaruhnya Terhadap Kinerja Usaha DI Provinsi Riau

Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pembangunan, Nov 6, 2014

SMEs in Indonesia also have a strategic role in developing the national economy through the expor... more SMEs in Indonesia also have a strategic role in developing the national economy through the export of non-oil activity, particularly in the manufacturing sector.. Although it has a central role in the national economy, SMEs are still not provide significant added value to economic development in Indonesians, and said to be the main cause of slow economic recovery Indonesian compared to other Asian countries. to develop a research model based RBV of the Firm that integrates internal and external aspects as a base strategy for improving business performance in the context of SMEs. Based on the analysis and discussion that has been done in this study, it can be concluded as follows : Mastery of strategic resources are less able to increase the accuracy of the application of competitive strategy. Improved implementation of proven entrepreneurial orientation can improve with proper application of competitive strategy. Improved implementation of organizational communication are less able to increase the application of competitive strategy appropriately.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Pengaruh Good Corporate Governance, Corporate Social Responsibility dan Ukuran Perusahaan Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan (Studi Pada Perusahaan Perbankan Di Bursa Efek Indonesia)

PEKBIS ( Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi Dan Bisnis ), Apr 25, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Relationship Corporate Social Responsibility, Strategy on Marketing Performance: Value Creation as Mediation

Indonesian Journal of Economics, Social, and Humanities, 2020

Social investment by the company will build synergy for people, organizations, and individual whi... more Social investment by the company will build synergy for people, organizations, and individual which then build the company’s existence. Social investment using social capital also demands to support the company’s success in finding sustainable profits. This study aims to analyze the effect Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategy on marketing performance and value creation as mediation The samples were 115 business media company in Indonesia. The data were collected by interviews and questionnaires. The data were analyzed by path analysis. The results show that CSR strategy has affected on value creation. CSR strategy affects marketing performance. Value creation has effects on marketing performance.

Research paper thumbnail of The influence of Corporate Governance Mechanism Towards Company Performance

Indonesian Journal of Economics, Social, and Humanities, 2019

Corporate Governance explains the relation between many participants in the company that determi... more Corporate Governance explains the relation between many participants in the company that determines the direction of company performance. The purpose of this study is to analyze whether the mechanism of Corporate Governance affects company performance. the results of the study, it can be concluded that institutional ownership, managerial ownership, and audit committees do not have a significant effect on company performance. Independent commissioners have a significant effect on Company Performance.

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Environmental Performance, Foreign Ownership and Leverage to Disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility (Study on Manufacturing Companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange)

Global Journal of Business & Social Science Review (GJBSSR), Apr 26, 2015

Global Journal of Business and Social Science Review (GJBSSR) best practices in finance and accou... more Global Journal of Business and Social Science Review (GJBSSR) best practices in finance and accounts diversity, research, academia and social sciences. It is directly beneficial for research scholar, academicians, trainers, policy makers and finance professionals. The journal publishes high-quality research papers in business, social science and their interface. All empirical methods are included but not limited to, qualitative, quantitative, experimental, and combination methods. GJBSSR provides a forum for the exchange of knowledge among academicians and researchers for advancement of research in financial management. We prefer empirically oriented papers, but do not exclude review articles or theoretical contributions provided that they are of high quality and relevant to the journal's aims. Among empirical papers, we prefer those that are relevant to a broad international audience, i.e., papers covering a range of countries or analyzing topics that are clearly relevant outside a single country. The purpose of GJBSSR is to improve communications between, and within, the academic and other research communities and policymakers. Operational decision makers at financial institutions-private and public, national and international, and their regulators. GJBSSR accepts submission of mainly four types: original articles, short communications, reviews, and proposals for special issues. Objectives GJBSSR aims to persuade Malaysian academic journal publishers to publish their journals on the web and to enhance access to the contents of their journals to the worldwide community, in addition to develop the visibility of contents, consequently, hopeful convention moreover generating credentials to articles published.

Research paper thumbnail of Relationship Between Investment Decisions, Environmental Concerns and Environmental Performance on Corporate Social Responsibility


Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is an approach that integrates social care into a company's... more Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is an approach that integrates social care into a company's business operations and its interactions with stakeholders. The approach is based on voluntary and partnership principles. CSR awareness is needed as a form of concern for the interests of stakeholders. CSR is not only volunteerism, but also it has become a demand for companies if they want to survive and develop. This study aims to analyze the influence of investment decisions, environmental concerns and environmental performance on CSR. The population were all mining companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2013-2016. A total of nine companies met the selection criteria. Results usinglinear regression indicate thatinvestment decisions,environmental, performance concerns positively and significantly affect the extent of CSR.Further research can extend the period of observation. The samples in other sectors on the Indonesian Stock Exchange.

Research paper thumbnail of Independensi Media: Pro-Kontra Objektivitas Dan Netralitas Pemberitaan Media

Jurnal Riset Komunikasi, 2019

Sejak dahulu sampai sekarang media massa selalu menjadi sorotan masyarakat, terutama adanya peris... more Sejak dahulu sampai sekarang media massa selalu menjadi sorotan masyarakat, terutama adanya peristiwa-peristiwa tertentu. Idealismenya berita yang di bangun oleh suatu media, adalah perwujudan dari realitas yang ada pada peristiwa tersebut. Kenyataannya berita tidak hanya menampilkan realitas yang ada. Isi media yang disampaikan kepada khalayak tidak datang dari ”ruang hampa” yang netral, bebas kepentingan, dan disalurkan oleh medium yang bebas distorsi. Berita merupakan hasil pengaruh kebijakan internal organisasi media dan pengaruh eksternal media itu sendiri. Sering kali media senantiasa memilih isu, informasi atau bentuk konten yang lain berdasar standar para pengelolanya. Hal inilah yang menjadikan pemberitaan yang ditampilkan terkadang dianggap berat sebelah dan merugikan sebagian kalangan. Tujuan tulisan ini menganalisa independensi media terutama objektivitas dan netralitas pemberitaan media. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan sebuah berita sebagai isi media adalah hasil konst...

Research paper thumbnail of Manajemen Redaktur Dalam Penetapan Opini DI Surat Kabar Harian Haluan Riau

Harian Haluan Riau adalah salah satu surat kabar yang layak menjadi pilihan karena memiliki data ... more Harian Haluan Riau adalah salah satu surat kabar yang layak menjadi pilihan karena memiliki data riset yang presentatif sesuai dengan segmen pembaca. Keberhasilan Harian Haluan Riau dalam ranah media membuat banyak masyarakat yang setiap harinya mengirim tulisan untuk dimuat disurat kabar tersebut. Hal inilah yang membuat penulis tertarik untuk melakukan suatu penelitian dengan rumusan permasalahan bagaimana strategi redaktur dalam penetapan opini disurat kabar Harian Haluan Riau. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui strategi redaktur dalam penetapan opini disurat kabar Harian Haluan Riau. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Jenis data pada penelitian ini yakni data primer dan data sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data yang penulis gunakan yaitu observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Pada penelitian ini terdapat beberapa tahap yang dilakukan untuk menetapkan strategi redaktur dalam penetapan opini disurat Kabar Harian Haluan Riau, yakni planning, organizing , ac...

Research paper thumbnail of Perencanaan Komunikasi Pt. Suka Fajar Pekanbaru Dalam Meningkatkan Brand Image Mitsubishi

Persaingan dunia bisnis otomotif semakin berkembang pesat. Perencanaan Komunikasi digunakan untuk... more Persaingan dunia bisnis otomotif semakin berkembang pesat. Perencanaan Komunikasi digunakan untuk mencoba mengatasi rintangan-rintangan kecil yang dihadapi pada saat ini maupun masa yang akan datang demi terus meningkatkan brand image dari sebuah perusahaan. Perencanaan komunikasi diperlukan untuk mengimplementasikan program-program yang ingin dicapai, apakah itu pencitraan atau pemasaran produk. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perencanaan komunikasi PT. Suka Fajar Pekanbaru dalam meningkatkan brand image Mitsubishi. Adapun metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Perencanaan Komunikasi Cultip dan Center. Teknik pengumpulan data didapat dari observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Validasi data menggunakan Triangulasi sumber. Hasil penelitian yang di dapat dalam penelitian ini yaitu : 1. Tahap Penemuan Fakta yang ditemukan melalui website PT. Suka fajar Pekanbaru dan pemantauan melalui media online . 2....

Research paper thumbnail of Pemberitaan Pasca Pemungutan Suara Pemilihan Presiden 17 April 2019 DI Media Online TEMPO.CO

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana kecenderungan framing Berita Pasca Pemungutan... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana kecenderungan framing Berita Pasca Pemungutan Suara Pemilihan Presiden di Media Online pada 17 April 2019. Teori yang penulis gunakan pada penelitian ini adalah teori analisis framing yang dikemukakan oleh Robert Entman yang memiliki empat perangkat yaitu, Define Problem, Diagnose Causes, Make Moral Judgement dan Treatment Recommendation . Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif, sedangkan metode penelitian yang dipakai adalah analisis framing , Teknik pengumpulan data yang penulis gunakan adalah dokumentasi, dan teknik analisa data yang digunakan adalah analisis framing berdasarkan model Robert Entman. Hasil penelitian ini adalah bahwasanya berita mengenai Pemilihan Presiden yang disajikan ditinjau dari Define Problem , ialah Persaingan antar kedua kubu untuk menjadi pemenang pada Pilpres periode 2019-2024. Dari Diagnose Causes, yaitu Prabowo tidak menerima hasil dari lembaga survey yang di...

Research paper thumbnail of The Construction of the Meaning of Cafe for Millennials (Phenomenology in the Construction of the Meaning of Hanging Out for Millennials-Café User around Campus)

Cafes are places where people drink coffee or other drinks that don't contain alkhohol. The p... more Cafes are places where people drink coffee or other drinks that don't contain alkhohol. The purpose of this study is about cafe users on students born between 1981-1999 (y generation or millennial generation). Analyzing the meaning of cafes symbols on the millennial around campus. The theory used is theoretical phenomenon, where reality is constructed according to the perspective of the individual who is research informant. Another theory is the theory of social construction of reality that social processes through action and interaction, the individual creates a continuous, subjective, shared reality. The study is using qualitative methodologies with a phenomenological method. The study informants were students of the communication program study s-2 class 2019 postgraduate programs, Faculty of Communication Sciences, Padjadjaran University. Data gathering techniques through observation, interviews, secondary data sources. Research facility around the unpad campus, Jatinangor, W...

Research paper thumbnail of Mekanisme Pengawasan Pemilu Di Indonesia

Election is the embodiment of popular sovereignty which is the absolute will of the Indonesian pe... more Election is the embodiment of popular sovereignty which is the absolute will of the Indonesian people after setting himself as a democratic country. Therefore as part of democratic nations, Indonesia has recognized the sovereignty of the people who affirmed in the Constitution of 1945. To create a healthy degree of competition, participatory, and has a degree higher representation, and have a clear accountability mechanism, then the general election should be implemented in higher quality over time. Implementation of the efforts made in improving quality is to establish and carry out oversight functions election.

Research paper thumbnail of Peran Media Massa Saat Pemilihan Umum Mengawasi atau Diawasi

Pemilihan Umum merupakan perwujudan dari kedaulatan rakyat yang merupakan kehendak mutlak bangsa ... more Pemilihan Umum merupakan perwujudan dari kedaulatan rakyat yang merupakan kehendak mutlak bangsa Indonesia setelah menetapkan dirinya sebagai negara demokrasi . Nilai demokrasi pada pemilu antara lain setiap tahapan penyelengaraan pemilu sesuai mengandung kepastian hukum . Agar tercipta derajat kompetisi yang sehat, partisipatif, dan mempunyai derajat keterwakilan yang lebih tinggi, serta memiliki mekanisme pertanggungjawaban yang jelas, maka penyelenggaraan pemilihan umum harus dilaksanakan secara lebih berkualitas dari waktu ke waktu. Implementasi dari upaya yang dilakukan dalam meningkatkan kualitas adalah membentuk dan melaksanakan fungsi pengawasan pemilu. Penataan agenda (Agenda Setting) mengacu kepada kemampuan media massa untuk mengarahkan perhatian khalayak terhadap isu-isu tertentu yang diagendakan media massa.. Media massa memiliki kekuatan untu mempengaruhi agenda media kepada agenda publik. K ecenderungan jurnalisme menjadi alat propaganda terutama di musim kompetisi pe...

Research paper thumbnail of Integritas Wartawan Riau Pos Dalam Menerapkan Kode Etik Jurnalistik Pada Penulisan Berita Online

Latar belakang masalah yang diambil adalah mengenai pemberitaan asusila berupa pencabulan, terkai... more Latar belakang masalah yang diambil adalah mengenai pemberitaan asusila berupa pencabulan, terkait dengan hal itu, penulis ingin melakukan penelitian mengenai integritas wartawan riau pos dalam menerapkan Kode Etik Jurnalistik pada penulisan berita online. Dan penulis membatasi hanya mengambil unsur ke 4 (Wartawan Indonesia tidak membuat berita bohong, fitnah, sadis, dan cabul) dan 5 (Wartawan Indonesia tidak menyebutkan dan menyiarkan identitas korban kejahatan susila dan tidak menyebutkan identitas anak yang menjadi pelaku kejahatan. Karena ke dua pasal tersebut sangat cocok dengan berita yang menjadi objek penelitian, yaitu 15 berita kriminal mengenai pencabulan) dari ke 11 unsur Kode Etik Jurnalistik, karena point tersebut sesuai dengan apa yang penulis teliti. Dan yang menjadi objek penelitian adalah 15 berita online edisi September hingga Desember 2019, mengenai berita asusila, Berdasarkan teori dijelaskan bahwa seorang wartawan dikatakan memiliki integritas apabila...


Micro-businesses have an important role in economic development, because the intensity of labor i... more Micro-businesses have an important role in economic development, because the intensity of labor is relatively higher and a smaller investment, so that micro-businesses are more flexible in the face and adapt to market changes. This study aims to determine the role of Islamic values in promoting entrepreneurship and its impact on the performance of micro-enterprises. This research was conducted in the city of Pekanbaru in Riau Province with a sample size of 100 respondents. Data used include primary data and secondary data. To ascertain whether the instruments used in this research is accurately and reliably, there is validity and reliability test. After that normality test aims to test whether the data regression model has a normal distribution. Technical analysis of this study using SPSS software with path analysis. Micro-businesses, which is one type of business that is more involved in the community Riau province, especially in the city of Pekanbaru and become the foundation of m...

Research paper thumbnail of Organisasi dan Komunikasi Organisasi

Komunikasi di dalam organisasi tidak terlepas dari perkembangan manajeman dan birokrasi. Komunika... more Komunikasi di dalam organisasi tidak terlepas dari perkembangan manajeman dan birokrasi. Komunikasi merupakan kegiatan yang paling sering dilakukan dalam organisasi yaitu 75%-95% dari seluruh kegiatan organisasi. tujuan dari dibuatnya teori komunikasi untuk menjembatani jurang pemisah dalam organisasi, sehingga proses dapat berjalan secara baik dan mencapai tujuan organisasi

Research paper thumbnail of Pendampingan Penggunaan Aplikasi Siak Terintegrasi Bumdes Berkah Bersama

Journal of Community Engagement Research for Sustainability, Nov 1, 2023

Badan usaha milik desa (Bumdes) memiliki peran yang sangat penting dalam pengembangan dan pemberd... more Badan usaha milik desa (Bumdes) memiliki peran yang sangat penting dalam pengembangan dan pemberdayaan masyarakat di tingkat desa. Bumdes memiliki peran penting dalam membangun ekonomi lokal yang kuat, meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat desa, dan menciptakan lingkungan yang berkelanjutan dan inklusif. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian melakukan pendampingan dalam menggunakan aplikasi mobile aplikasi SIAK terintegrasi bumdes berkah bersama di bumdes berkah bersama di Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu sehingga dapat meningkat pendapatan asli desa, menguatkan ekonomi desa dan kesejahteraan masyarakat desa. Pelaksanaan pengabdian ini menggunakan teknik pendampingan penerapan sistem pengelolaan unit bisnis bumdes secara web. Tingkat ketercapaian sasaran program diukur melalui berbagai metode evaluasi, seperti survei, wawancara, analisis data, observasi langsung. pendampingan pelaporan keuangan bumdes berbasis web, program ini berkontribusi pada peningkatan pendapatan desa, juga pada peningkatan tata kelola keuangan yang lebih baik dan pemberdayaan masyarakat desa. Dengan cara ini, program tersebut dapat dianggap sebagai bentuk nyata dari pengabdian kepada masyarakat untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan dan pembangunan berkelanjutan di tingkat desa.

Research paper thumbnail of The Mechanism of Newsroom and TV Journalist Work Routines during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Kajian jurnalisme, Jan 31, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Perceptions of Television Journalists on the COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia

Indonesian Journal of Economics, Social, and Humanities, Sep 30, 2022

The current COVID-19 pandemic is not the first disease to spread in Indonesia. In the book "Resil... more The current COVID-19 pandemic is not the first disease to spread in Indonesia. In the book "Resiliensi Mengahadapi COVID-19" published in 2020, Indonesian National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) explained that according to Portuguese and Spanish historical records, in 1558, there was a spread of Smallpox in the Maluku region which infected hundreds of people and caused dozens of people to die (BNPB, 2020). The outbreak then spread in Java through Batavia in 1781. Between 1625 and 1630, there was the spread of Tuberculosis (TB) in Central Java. According to the Dutch historical report, Graaf, this TB disease can infect humans and cause death in just a matter of hours. Hundreds of people died from this TB disease (BNPB, 2020). The Influenza outbreak then became a pandemic in Indonesia, which occurred at the beginning of the 20th century. According to the article "De Epidemic" in the daily Bataviaasch Nieuwsblad on July 18, 1918, Influenza outbreak has infected millions of people in Indonesia, the data said 4.5 million people died as a result. The outbreak initially attacked the people of Sumatra, especially East Sumatra. To overcome this influenza pandemic, on November 16, 1918, the Dutch colonial government formed a countermeasures commission called the Influenza Commissie (BNPB, 2020). The world's first flu pandemic known as the Spanish Flu which occurred in 1918, was caused by a bird virus that had transferred to pigs and humans. This pandemic swept across the globe during World War I in 1918, infecting 500 million people worldwide, killing about 50 million people or 2.7 percent of the global population (Marcola &Cumming, 2021). In 1976, Swine Flu infected 230 soldiers in Fort Dix, New Jersey and causing one death. In 2009, the new Swine Flu (H1N1) killed 90,000 Americans and 2 million were hospitalized (Marcola & Cumming, 2021).

Research paper thumbnail of Transformation of Media Journalism During Covid 19 in Indonesia

Indonesian Journal of Economics, Social, and Humanities, Jan 19, 2024

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many media outlets have faced disruption. These disruptions are not... more During the COVID-19 pandemic, many media outlets have faced disruption. These disruptions are not only related to health but also to public life and the media industry as a whole. During the COVID-19 pandemic, people made the media the main source of information. The purpose of this research is to find out the transformation of media journalism during COVID-19 in Indonesia. This research uses social information processing theory, which describes how a person develops computer-mediated interpersonal and group communication (online) without non-verbal cues, as well as making it easier and more convenient. The research method uses qualitative methodology with a case study approach. In the atmosphere of the COVID-19 pandemic, where people are traumatized by the rapid and ubiquitous transmission of COVID-19 and social restrictions, communication using computers and smartphones mediated online is one of the right solutions. COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the convergence of control over not only technology but other skills in the news process. The conclusion of this research is that the production process of television journalism has changed.

Research paper thumbnail of Integrasi Sumber Daya Strategis, Orientasi Kewirausahaan Sebagai Basis Strategi Bersaing Serta Pengaruhnya Terhadap Kinerja Usaha DI Provinsi Riau

Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pembangunan, Nov 6, 2014

SMEs in Indonesia also have a strategic role in developing the national economy through the expor... more SMEs in Indonesia also have a strategic role in developing the national economy through the export of non-oil activity, particularly in the manufacturing sector.. Although it has a central role in the national economy, SMEs are still not provide significant added value to economic development in Indonesians, and said to be the main cause of slow economic recovery Indonesian compared to other Asian countries. to develop a research model based RBV of the Firm that integrates internal and external aspects as a base strategy for improving business performance in the context of SMEs. Based on the analysis and discussion that has been done in this study, it can be concluded as follows : Mastery of strategic resources are less able to increase the accuracy of the application of competitive strategy. Improved implementation of proven entrepreneurial orientation can improve with proper application of competitive strategy. Improved implementation of organizational communication are less able to increase the application of competitive strategy appropriately.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Pengaruh Good Corporate Governance, Corporate Social Responsibility dan Ukuran Perusahaan Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan (Studi Pada Perusahaan Perbankan Di Bursa Efek Indonesia)

PEKBIS ( Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi Dan Bisnis ), Apr 25, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Relationship Corporate Social Responsibility, Strategy on Marketing Performance: Value Creation as Mediation

Indonesian Journal of Economics, Social, and Humanities, 2020

Social investment by the company will build synergy for people, organizations, and individual whi... more Social investment by the company will build synergy for people, organizations, and individual which then build the company’s existence. Social investment using social capital also demands to support the company’s success in finding sustainable profits. This study aims to analyze the effect Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategy on marketing performance and value creation as mediation The samples were 115 business media company in Indonesia. The data were collected by interviews and questionnaires. The data were analyzed by path analysis. The results show that CSR strategy has affected on value creation. CSR strategy affects marketing performance. Value creation has effects on marketing performance.

Research paper thumbnail of The influence of Corporate Governance Mechanism Towards Company Performance

Indonesian Journal of Economics, Social, and Humanities, 2019

Corporate Governance explains the relation between many participants in the company that determi... more Corporate Governance explains the relation between many participants in the company that determines the direction of company performance. The purpose of this study is to analyze whether the mechanism of Corporate Governance affects company performance. the results of the study, it can be concluded that institutional ownership, managerial ownership, and audit committees do not have a significant effect on company performance. Independent commissioners have a significant effect on Company Performance.

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Environmental Performance, Foreign Ownership and Leverage to Disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility (Study on Manufacturing Companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange)

Global Journal of Business & Social Science Review (GJBSSR), Apr 26, 2015

Global Journal of Business and Social Science Review (GJBSSR) best practices in finance and accou... more Global Journal of Business and Social Science Review (GJBSSR) best practices in finance and accounts diversity, research, academia and social sciences. It is directly beneficial for research scholar, academicians, trainers, policy makers and finance professionals. The journal publishes high-quality research papers in business, social science and their interface. All empirical methods are included but not limited to, qualitative, quantitative, experimental, and combination methods. GJBSSR provides a forum for the exchange of knowledge among academicians and researchers for advancement of research in financial management. We prefer empirically oriented papers, but do not exclude review articles or theoretical contributions provided that they are of high quality and relevant to the journal's aims. Among empirical papers, we prefer those that are relevant to a broad international audience, i.e., papers covering a range of countries or analyzing topics that are clearly relevant outside a single country. The purpose of GJBSSR is to improve communications between, and within, the academic and other research communities and policymakers. Operational decision makers at financial institutions-private and public, national and international, and their regulators. GJBSSR accepts submission of mainly four types: original articles, short communications, reviews, and proposals for special issues. Objectives GJBSSR aims to persuade Malaysian academic journal publishers to publish their journals on the web and to enhance access to the contents of their journals to the worldwide community, in addition to develop the visibility of contents, consequently, hopeful convention moreover generating credentials to articles published.

Research paper thumbnail of Relationship Between Investment Decisions, Environmental Concerns and Environmental Performance on Corporate Social Responsibility


Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is an approach that integrates social care into a company's... more Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is an approach that integrates social care into a company's business operations and its interactions with stakeholders. The approach is based on voluntary and partnership principles. CSR awareness is needed as a form of concern for the interests of stakeholders. CSR is not only volunteerism, but also it has become a demand for companies if they want to survive and develop. This study aims to analyze the influence of investment decisions, environmental concerns and environmental performance on CSR. The population were all mining companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2013-2016. A total of nine companies met the selection criteria. Results usinglinear regression indicate thatinvestment decisions,environmental, performance concerns positively and significantly affect the extent of CSR.Further research can extend the period of observation. The samples in other sectors on the Indonesian Stock Exchange.

Research paper thumbnail of Independensi Media: Pro-Kontra Objektivitas Dan Netralitas Pemberitaan Media

Jurnal Riset Komunikasi, 2019

Sejak dahulu sampai sekarang media massa selalu menjadi sorotan masyarakat, terutama adanya peris... more Sejak dahulu sampai sekarang media massa selalu menjadi sorotan masyarakat, terutama adanya peristiwa-peristiwa tertentu. Idealismenya berita yang di bangun oleh suatu media, adalah perwujudan dari realitas yang ada pada peristiwa tersebut. Kenyataannya berita tidak hanya menampilkan realitas yang ada. Isi media yang disampaikan kepada khalayak tidak datang dari ”ruang hampa” yang netral, bebas kepentingan, dan disalurkan oleh medium yang bebas distorsi. Berita merupakan hasil pengaruh kebijakan internal organisasi media dan pengaruh eksternal media itu sendiri. Sering kali media senantiasa memilih isu, informasi atau bentuk konten yang lain berdasar standar para pengelolanya. Hal inilah yang menjadikan pemberitaan yang ditampilkan terkadang dianggap berat sebelah dan merugikan sebagian kalangan. Tujuan tulisan ini menganalisa independensi media terutama objektivitas dan netralitas pemberitaan media. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan sebuah berita sebagai isi media adalah hasil konst...

Research paper thumbnail of Manajemen Redaktur Dalam Penetapan Opini DI Surat Kabar Harian Haluan Riau

Harian Haluan Riau adalah salah satu surat kabar yang layak menjadi pilihan karena memiliki data ... more Harian Haluan Riau adalah salah satu surat kabar yang layak menjadi pilihan karena memiliki data riset yang presentatif sesuai dengan segmen pembaca. Keberhasilan Harian Haluan Riau dalam ranah media membuat banyak masyarakat yang setiap harinya mengirim tulisan untuk dimuat disurat kabar tersebut. Hal inilah yang membuat penulis tertarik untuk melakukan suatu penelitian dengan rumusan permasalahan bagaimana strategi redaktur dalam penetapan opini disurat kabar Harian Haluan Riau. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui strategi redaktur dalam penetapan opini disurat kabar Harian Haluan Riau. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Jenis data pada penelitian ini yakni data primer dan data sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data yang penulis gunakan yaitu observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Pada penelitian ini terdapat beberapa tahap yang dilakukan untuk menetapkan strategi redaktur dalam penetapan opini disurat Kabar Harian Haluan Riau, yakni planning, organizing , ac...

Research paper thumbnail of Perencanaan Komunikasi Pt. Suka Fajar Pekanbaru Dalam Meningkatkan Brand Image Mitsubishi

Persaingan dunia bisnis otomotif semakin berkembang pesat. Perencanaan Komunikasi digunakan untuk... more Persaingan dunia bisnis otomotif semakin berkembang pesat. Perencanaan Komunikasi digunakan untuk mencoba mengatasi rintangan-rintangan kecil yang dihadapi pada saat ini maupun masa yang akan datang demi terus meningkatkan brand image dari sebuah perusahaan. Perencanaan komunikasi diperlukan untuk mengimplementasikan program-program yang ingin dicapai, apakah itu pencitraan atau pemasaran produk. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perencanaan komunikasi PT. Suka Fajar Pekanbaru dalam meningkatkan brand image Mitsubishi. Adapun metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Perencanaan Komunikasi Cultip dan Center. Teknik pengumpulan data didapat dari observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Validasi data menggunakan Triangulasi sumber. Hasil penelitian yang di dapat dalam penelitian ini yaitu : 1. Tahap Penemuan Fakta yang ditemukan melalui website PT. Suka fajar Pekanbaru dan pemantauan melalui media online . 2....

Research paper thumbnail of Pemberitaan Pasca Pemungutan Suara Pemilihan Presiden 17 April 2019 DI Media Online TEMPO.CO

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana kecenderungan framing Berita Pasca Pemungutan... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana kecenderungan framing Berita Pasca Pemungutan Suara Pemilihan Presiden di Media Online pada 17 April 2019. Teori yang penulis gunakan pada penelitian ini adalah teori analisis framing yang dikemukakan oleh Robert Entman yang memiliki empat perangkat yaitu, Define Problem, Diagnose Causes, Make Moral Judgement dan Treatment Recommendation . Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif, sedangkan metode penelitian yang dipakai adalah analisis framing , Teknik pengumpulan data yang penulis gunakan adalah dokumentasi, dan teknik analisa data yang digunakan adalah analisis framing berdasarkan model Robert Entman. Hasil penelitian ini adalah bahwasanya berita mengenai Pemilihan Presiden yang disajikan ditinjau dari Define Problem , ialah Persaingan antar kedua kubu untuk menjadi pemenang pada Pilpres periode 2019-2024. Dari Diagnose Causes, yaitu Prabowo tidak menerima hasil dari lembaga survey yang di...

Research paper thumbnail of The Construction of the Meaning of Cafe for Millennials (Phenomenology in the Construction of the Meaning of Hanging Out for Millennials-Café User around Campus)

Cafes are places where people drink coffee or other drinks that don't contain alkhohol. The p... more Cafes are places where people drink coffee or other drinks that don't contain alkhohol. The purpose of this study is about cafe users on students born between 1981-1999 (y generation or millennial generation). Analyzing the meaning of cafes symbols on the millennial around campus. The theory used is theoretical phenomenon, where reality is constructed according to the perspective of the individual who is research informant. Another theory is the theory of social construction of reality that social processes through action and interaction, the individual creates a continuous, subjective, shared reality. The study is using qualitative methodologies with a phenomenological method. The study informants were students of the communication program study s-2 class 2019 postgraduate programs, Faculty of Communication Sciences, Padjadjaran University. Data gathering techniques through observation, interviews, secondary data sources. Research facility around the unpad campus, Jatinangor, W...

Research paper thumbnail of Mekanisme Pengawasan Pemilu Di Indonesia

Election is the embodiment of popular sovereignty which is the absolute will of the Indonesian pe... more Election is the embodiment of popular sovereignty which is the absolute will of the Indonesian people after setting himself as a democratic country. Therefore as part of democratic nations, Indonesia has recognized the sovereignty of the people who affirmed in the Constitution of 1945. To create a healthy degree of competition, participatory, and has a degree higher representation, and have a clear accountability mechanism, then the general election should be implemented in higher quality over time. Implementation of the efforts made in improving quality is to establish and carry out oversight functions election.

Research paper thumbnail of Peran Media Massa Saat Pemilihan Umum Mengawasi atau Diawasi

Pemilihan Umum merupakan perwujudan dari kedaulatan rakyat yang merupakan kehendak mutlak bangsa ... more Pemilihan Umum merupakan perwujudan dari kedaulatan rakyat yang merupakan kehendak mutlak bangsa Indonesia setelah menetapkan dirinya sebagai negara demokrasi . Nilai demokrasi pada pemilu antara lain setiap tahapan penyelengaraan pemilu sesuai mengandung kepastian hukum . Agar tercipta derajat kompetisi yang sehat, partisipatif, dan mempunyai derajat keterwakilan yang lebih tinggi, serta memiliki mekanisme pertanggungjawaban yang jelas, maka penyelenggaraan pemilihan umum harus dilaksanakan secara lebih berkualitas dari waktu ke waktu. Implementasi dari upaya yang dilakukan dalam meningkatkan kualitas adalah membentuk dan melaksanakan fungsi pengawasan pemilu. Penataan agenda (Agenda Setting) mengacu kepada kemampuan media massa untuk mengarahkan perhatian khalayak terhadap isu-isu tertentu yang diagendakan media massa.. Media massa memiliki kekuatan untu mempengaruhi agenda media kepada agenda publik. K ecenderungan jurnalisme menjadi alat propaganda terutama di musim kompetisi pe...

Research paper thumbnail of Integritas Wartawan Riau Pos Dalam Menerapkan Kode Etik Jurnalistik Pada Penulisan Berita Online

Latar belakang masalah yang diambil adalah mengenai pemberitaan asusila berupa pencabulan, terkai... more Latar belakang masalah yang diambil adalah mengenai pemberitaan asusila berupa pencabulan, terkait dengan hal itu, penulis ingin melakukan penelitian mengenai integritas wartawan riau pos dalam menerapkan Kode Etik Jurnalistik pada penulisan berita online. Dan penulis membatasi hanya mengambil unsur ke 4 (Wartawan Indonesia tidak membuat berita bohong, fitnah, sadis, dan cabul) dan 5 (Wartawan Indonesia tidak menyebutkan dan menyiarkan identitas korban kejahatan susila dan tidak menyebutkan identitas anak yang menjadi pelaku kejahatan. Karena ke dua pasal tersebut sangat cocok dengan berita yang menjadi objek penelitian, yaitu 15 berita kriminal mengenai pencabulan) dari ke 11 unsur Kode Etik Jurnalistik, karena point tersebut sesuai dengan apa yang penulis teliti. Dan yang menjadi objek penelitian adalah 15 berita online edisi September hingga Desember 2019, mengenai berita asusila, Berdasarkan teori dijelaskan bahwa seorang wartawan dikatakan memiliki integritas apabila...


Micro-businesses have an important role in economic development, because the intensity of labor i... more Micro-businesses have an important role in economic development, because the intensity of labor is relatively higher and a smaller investment, so that micro-businesses are more flexible in the face and adapt to market changes. This study aims to determine the role of Islamic values in promoting entrepreneurship and its impact on the performance of micro-enterprises. This research was conducted in the city of Pekanbaru in Riau Province with a sample size of 100 respondents. Data used include primary data and secondary data. To ascertain whether the instruments used in this research is accurately and reliably, there is validity and reliability test. After that normality test aims to test whether the data regression model has a normal distribution. Technical analysis of this study using SPSS software with path analysis. Micro-businesses, which is one type of business that is more involved in the community Riau province, especially in the city of Pekanbaru and become the foundation of m...

Research paper thumbnail of Organisasi dan Komunikasi Organisasi

Komunikasi di dalam organisasi tidak terlepas dari perkembangan manajeman dan birokrasi. Komunika... more Komunikasi di dalam organisasi tidak terlepas dari perkembangan manajeman dan birokrasi. Komunikasi merupakan kegiatan yang paling sering dilakukan dalam organisasi yaitu 75%-95% dari seluruh kegiatan organisasi. tujuan dari dibuatnya teori komunikasi untuk menjembatani jurang pemisah dalam organisasi, sehingga proses dapat berjalan secara baik dan mencapai tujuan organisasi