Asnawi Muslem - (original) (raw)
Papers by Asnawi Muslem
Academy of Strategic Management Journal, 2019
The strategic performance of the principal determines the success of a school because his leaders... more The strategic performance of the principal determines the success of a school because his leadership can determine the quality of the graduates produced by the school. This research was conducted to gain the strategic management of performance improvement using School-Based Management (SBM) at high schools of Aceh, Indonesia. It used a qualitative descriptive method. The data were collected through interviews, classroom observations and study of documents. The subjects of the study consisted of a head of Educational Office of Pidie Jaya District, three principals of senior high schools, and three supervisors of the schools. The collected data were analyzed by using descriptive qualitative in nature. The results showed that the principals together with the teachers and other stakeholders prepared yearly and five-yearly plans and programs to provide focus for the teaching-learning process and for other school activities. In the implementation of SBM for better performance in the school, the principals found three factors which greatly affected the successful performances of the school; the performance of the teachers, the physical conditions in the school and public participation in the management of education at the school. In addition, the difficulties which the principals face in implementing SBM are conditions in their schools that are related to the availability of funding for school improvement and for rewarding teachers. SBM practices can improve the performance of the principals, the teachers and the quality of school facilities so that students can learn better and gain more satisfactory results.
Journal of language and education, Sep 30, 2020
Learning via teaching has been accepted as one of the best ways to achieve a deep understanding o... more Learning via teaching has been accepted as one of the best ways to achieve a deep understanding of a topic. This research was aimed at seeking scientific evidence to support this claim by comparing the scores the university-level EFL students obtained through the learning by teaching technique and those obtained by students who were taught traditionally using a teacher-centered approach. The experimental group consisted of 22 students who were taught pedagogical content knowledge, i.e. English Language Testing, traditionally for half of the semester and then teaching students at another university afterward. The control group consisted of 24 students who were taught language testing traditionally by the same instructor for the whole semester. Both groups were given a test to measure their content knowledge achievement; one test at the beginning of the semester and one at the end of the semester. Two-way ANOVA was used to compare the two groups' scores, and find out how the differences in the scores was affected by the type of instruction. The results showed that there was significant evidence that the students' scores improved significantly in both groups. However, the difference in test scores between pre-test and post-test did not depend on the type of instruction. Because the experimental group could achieve the same performance as those of the control group regardless of the shorter instruction period, it can be concluded that learning by teaching has potential as an effective method for teaching pedagogical content knowledge. Suggestions for possible modifications of this technique are discussed in this paper.
European journal of educational research, Jul 15, 2022
Learning by teaching is a technique where students teach an actual class to facilitate active lea... more Learning by teaching is a technique where students teach an actual class to facilitate active learning. This paper reports ongoing research involving undergraduate students at an established university in Indonesia. The objective of this quantitative study was to find out the effect of this teaching technique in improving students' 21st century skills. The sample was selected using a cluster sampling technique, where 25 students who were English as a Foreign Language pre-service teachers were assigned to an experimental group, and the other 23 students were treated as a control group. The students in the experimental group were asked to conduct a workshop in groups to students from the same department at a different university. Each group selected one of the topics in their course syllabus. A pre-test measuring the students' soft skills was conducted before the course started and after it finished. The results show that soft skills, which include accountability, communication, innovation, problem-solving, teamwork, professional working, and networking skills, improved significantly among students in the experimental group, but the improvement was not evident in the control group. Therefore, learning by teaching should be embraced as an alternative teaching technique when soft-skill development becomes a target of instruction.
Studies in English language and education, May 31, 2023
The objectives of this study were to describe how teachers design the Computer-Based Madrasah Exa... more The objectives of this study were to describe how teachers design the Computer-Based Madrasah Exam (CBME) questions for English subjects, to investigate learning strategies students use, and to explore the obstacles the students face in this exam. Questionnaires and interviews were used as the instruments to collect data for this study. A number of 95 ninth-grade students and two English teachers of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri No. 1 (MTsN 1; this school level is equivalent to junior high schools) in South Aceh, Indonesia, participated in this study. The data were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively using thematic analysis. The results revealed that in designing the assessment of CBME, the teachers used four strategies which were preparing for the change in the final exam model, selecting sources in designing the exam questions, preparing students to face the exam in the new model, and resolving obstacles in developing the exam questions. Meanwhile, the students used five strategies in facing the exam, they are managing time, motivating themselves, creating study groups, practicing, and strengthening basic abilities. Furthermore, the obstacles that the students faced in the exam are a lack of skill in using a
Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimanakah mengatasi ketergantungan anak melalui pe... more Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimanakah mengatasi ketergantungan anak melalui pendekatan humanistik pada PAUD Bunga Melati. Tujuan yang ingi dicapai melalui penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui cara mengatasi ketergantungan anak melalui pendekatan humanistik pada PAUD Bunga Melati. Pendekatan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas. Lokasi penelitian direncanakan akan dilaksanakan di PAUD Bunga Melati. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah adalah seluruh anak PAUD Bunga Melati yang berjumlah 25 anak. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh anak PAUD Bunga Melati yang berjumlah 25 anak dengan teknik Total Sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan teknik observasi, dokumentasi. Data-data yang diperoleh akan dianalisis dengan menggunakan rumus persentase. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa pendekatan humanistik dapat membantu mengatasi ketergantungan anak pada guru dan kawan sebaya di PAUD Bunga Melati.
English Education Journal, Mar 2, 2017
This study aims at investigating empirical data on the role of the English teachers in guiding th... more This study aims at investigating empirical data on the role of the English teachers in guiding the students to win the English competition in the form of qualitative study. The study was carried out at SMPN 19 Percontohan Banda Aceh in February 2016. The objective of this study was to identify the roles the English teachers. The roles of the teacher were adapted from Harden and Crosby those roles include information provider, model, facilitator, assessor, planner, and resource material creator. The sources of the data were from informants and classroom observation and the data were collected through observation and interview. In analysing the data, the writer used interactive model analysis including reducing the data, presenting the data, and drawing conclusion. The results of this study indicate that the roles of the English teacher of Percontohan Junior High School play a big contribution on students’ success in winning the English contest competition. Besides, this school provided extracurricular clubs which help students to improve and increase their skill.
JPI (Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia)
E-Learning also known as online learning became fully established during previous school year. Th... more E-Learning also known as online learning became fully established during previous school year. This study aims to analyses students' perceptions of the usefulness of the E Belajar platform as a medium in the English online classroom, as well as the presences of English teachers. The method use is qualitative, consisting of a questionnaire and an interview. In a questionnaire, 56 students from one schools were asked to rate 20 statements on a five-point Likert scale. This school was chosen through purposive sampling because it used the E-belajar platform designed by ministry of education. In interview, there are five respondents through purposive sampling method to explore in depth usefulness of E-belajar and teachers presences. For the analysis, questionnaire data were analyzed using SPSS IBM Version 22, while the interview data were analyzed using thematic analysis. The result show that students preferred offline classes because the explanation of the learning materials was mor...
Name : Putri Rizki Student No. : 1206102020109 Study Program : English Education Title : Teaching... more Name : Putri Rizki Student No. : 1206102020109 Study Program : English Education Title : Teaching Students’ Writing Skill through Stay and Stray Technique (An Experimental Study at SMPN 13 Banda Aceh) Key words : Stay and stray technique, writing skill, recount text. The objective of this research was to investigate whether the use of stay and stray technique improved students writing skill in recount text. This study was conducted at State Junior High School 13 (SMPN 13) Banda Aceh. The study used pre-experimental of one group pre-test – post-test design. The sample of this study was class VIII-5with 21 students, which consists of 13 male and 8 female. The research instrument used in this study was the written test. For pre-test, the students were asked to write a recount text with the topic “memorable day” which consists of 70 words. For the post-test, they were asked to write a recount text with the topic “holiday” which consists of 70 words. The data was collected from the pre-t...
New Educational Review, Mar 31, 2018
The objective of this study was to investigate whether the use of the Jigsaw model in teaching-le... more The objective of this study was to investigate whether the use of the Jigsaw model in teaching-learning Economics could improve the results of Senior High School Students in Banda Aceh, Indonesia. A quasi-experimental design was used in this study, which used 60 randomly sampled second year (Grade 11) High School students for the sample, divided into two classes of 30; one the experimental group (EG) and the other the control group (CG). The two groups were homogenous in terms of their initial ability. The instrument used in this study was an essay test. T-test was used to analyse the data collected. The results from the post-test showed that there was then a significant positive difference between the two groups in terms of the students' achievements in economics; after the EG had been taught-learnt using the Jigsaw model for three months, they got significantly higher results in their economics essays than the CG students, who had been taught economics using the standard model and had not used Jigsaw. The implications of this study show that the use of the Jigsaw model in teaching-learning economics can be a model for improving students' achievement.
English Education Journal, 2020
International Journal of Instruction, Jan 3, 2019
Students of social and natural sciences are expected to achieve different learning outcomes becau... more Students of social and natural sciences are expected to achieve different learning outcomes because they employ different language learning strategies and are exposed to different vocabulary. This research was aimed at finding evidence from empirical data to determine whether the differences in learning outcomes are statistically significant. The data for this research were collected by administering the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) to 179 students from four state universities in Aceh, the northernmost province of Indonesia. The results of the test were analysed based on the components in each subtest. There are three parts in the listening comprehension section, 14 aspects in the structure and written expression section, and six skills in the reading comprehension section. The results show that significant differences were only found in part A (the short talk section) of the listening comprehension part and in the main idea skill section in the reading comprehension part. Students of natural sciences performed better when listening to a short academic talk, while social science students had a better general comprehension of non-discipline specific academic texts.
VELES (Voices of English Language Education Society), Apr 26, 2023
Integrative and instrumental motivation both play crucial roles in language learning, so teachers... more Integrative and instrumental motivation both play crucial roles in language learning, so teachers must determine which students' motivations are predominant in a classroom. The motivation of first-year students to learn English was examined in this study. It involved 77 first-year students from the Department of English Education at Universitas Syiah Kuala in Banda Aceh, 56 of whom were females and 21 of whom were males. The research tool utilized to gather the data was a questionnaire. The Attitude/Motivation Test Battery served as its model. The acquired data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Science version 23. The results demonstrated that instrumental motivation's mean score (M=44.18) is higher than integrative motivation's (M=43.38). However, there was little difference (at 0.92 percent). Therefore, it can be said that both integrative and instrumental motivations drove these students. Both of these motivations are closely related and function as learning objectives with a lot of value. This means that students' integrative and instrumental motivations were essential and employed. By achieving more skill and success in the target language, both integrative and instrumental motivations benefit as a result of the student's learning.
English Education Journal, Feb 28, 2022
This qualitative research aims to find out the strategies used by students in giving and receivin... more This qualitative research aims to find out the strategies used by students in giving and receiving compliments. The research participants were graduate students of English language education at Syiah Kuala University. In collecting the data, the researcher used the Discourse Completion Task (Henceforth called DCT) framework of Xiang (2013). The researcher carried out an interview adapted from Fattah (2020) to elicit participants' understanding in conveying their compliments based on the topic complimented. The findings of DCT revealed that there were three of four types of compliment topics identified: topic appearance, topic ability/performance, and topic possession. The interview result showed that they knew how to utter compliments to each case. The responses strategies tend to use appreciation tokens consisting of 65 answers. The return consists of 11 responses, the question consists of 10 responses, the scale down consists of 8 responses, and comment history consists of 3 responses. While, praise upgrade, request, and qualification consist of 1 response, respectively. The questionnaire and DCT results were equal, which means the participants favored using appreciation tokens in giving and receiving compliments. It occurred due to their habit of daily conversation.
English Education Journal, Feb 28, 2022
The objectives of this study were to analyze the policy regarding the language used and to know s... more The objectives of this study were to analyze the policy regarding the language used and to know students' perceptions about the use of English language for daily communication. This study used a mixed method and the researcher combined questionnaire, document analysis, and interview to gain the data needed. The subject of this study were 20 students of the sixth grade, and the leader of Dayah or Islamic boarding school. The research finding showed that the Dayah Modern Darul 'Ulum arranged the regulations regarding English language implementation and developed some programs to increase and motivate students to use the English language. In addition, from the questionnaire, in terms of the students' perceptions, the finding of this research showed that 72,5% students perceive using English as daily language plays a good role in their speaking skill development, 93,3% students expected daily language program that can help them improve their English speaking skill, and 70% students perceive English language speaking implementation was good enough.
English Education Journal, Mar 21, 2022
The Corona Virus (Covid-19) pandemic has spread rapidly worldwide and influenced almost all secto... more The Corona Virus (Covid-19) pandemic has spread rapidly worldwide and influenced almost all sectors, including the education sector. The policy to study from home during the Covid-19 outbreak has caused a new problem in the teaching and learning. The objective of the research was to find out the problems faced by the English teachers in teaching English online during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research was approached qualitatively, and subjects are three English teachers teaching at one of senior high schools in Aceh, Indonesia. The data was gathered through observation and interviews with the three English teachers. The results show that some of the problems emerged during online learning, i.e. internet access, lack of familiarity with technology, difficulty in explaining the materials, problems in controlling and managing students' activities, indiscipline students, time-consuming process, low students' motivation, students absence in online class, and lack of parent support. The findings also show that there were two solutions to overcome the problems adopted by teachers, namely, using online chat with WhatsApp and keeping in touch with the students' parents to support the student activities and explain the lesson plans for online learning process.
English Education Journal, Oct 30, 2021
During the Covid-19 pandemic, many teachers and students were doing the teaching and learning pro... more During the Covid-19 pandemic, many teachers and students were doing the teaching and learning process from home. They experienced many problems during the remote instruction. Therefore, the objectives of this research were to investigate the teachers' perceptions and obstacles in the process of teaching and learning English by using online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. The method used in this research was mixed method, combining quantitative and qualitative methods. The instruments used were a set of questionnaire and interview. The data collected from the questionnaire was analyzed using descriptive statistic. In addition, the interview result was analyzed qualitatively to describe the obstacles. The result in the questionnaire indicated that most of the teachers were against the implementation of online learning, i.e. 55.45% and 44.54% teachers were in favor of this method of instruction. The problems can be categorized into technical and situational problems. These problems can be resolved depending on teachers' teaching experience, condition, and situation. Teachers can give the learning module to the students, and the teachers must be creative in delivering the teaching material. In addition, parents' support is very crucial for maintaining students' motivation, enthusiasm, and expression during online learning.
English Education Journal, Feb 23, 2021
The research is intended to analyze the use of past tense auxiliarybe in 10 grade students’ writi... more The research is intended to analyze the use of past tense auxiliarybe in 10 grade students’ writing in one of the high schools in Banda Aceh. The objectives of this study were: (1) to investigate the students’ errors in using was and werein their essays through AntConc software quantitatively, (2) to find out the students’ obstacles in using past tense auxiliarybein their essays qualitatively. The results of AntConc corpus software showed that the most errors in the essays were the use of patternswas and werewithsubject+was/were+noun. This denotes that even for the simple past tense, the students still struggled to produce correct grammar in writing. To understand the students’ obstacles, we interviewed 10 students. They revealed some reasons on why they faced difficulty in learning these tenses and English in general, they are: the system of grammar in Indonesian is very different from English, lack of vocabulary to write good sentences, lack of motivation (e.g. less support from family members, discrimination from the teachers in class, and being occupied with extracurricular activities after school), and the teachers’ lack of proficiency.
Academy of Strategic Management Journal, 2019
The strategic performance of the principal determines the success of a school because his leaders... more The strategic performance of the principal determines the success of a school because his leadership can determine the quality of the graduates produced by the school. This research was conducted to gain the strategic management of performance improvement using School-Based Management (SBM) at high schools of Aceh, Indonesia. It used a qualitative descriptive method. The data were collected through interviews, classroom observations and study of documents. The subjects of the study consisted of a head of Educational Office of Pidie Jaya District, three principals of senior high schools, and three supervisors of the schools. The collected data were analyzed by using descriptive qualitative in nature. The results showed that the principals together with the teachers and other stakeholders prepared yearly and five-yearly plans and programs to provide focus for the teaching-learning process and for other school activities. In the implementation of SBM for better performance in the school, the principals found three factors which greatly affected the successful performances of the school; the performance of the teachers, the physical conditions in the school and public participation in the management of education at the school. In addition, the difficulties which the principals face in implementing SBM are conditions in their schools that are related to the availability of funding for school improvement and for rewarding teachers. SBM practices can improve the performance of the principals, the teachers and the quality of school facilities so that students can learn better and gain more satisfactory results.
Journal of language and education, Sep 30, 2020
Learning via teaching has been accepted as one of the best ways to achieve a deep understanding o... more Learning via teaching has been accepted as one of the best ways to achieve a deep understanding of a topic. This research was aimed at seeking scientific evidence to support this claim by comparing the scores the university-level EFL students obtained through the learning by teaching technique and those obtained by students who were taught traditionally using a teacher-centered approach. The experimental group consisted of 22 students who were taught pedagogical content knowledge, i.e. English Language Testing, traditionally for half of the semester and then teaching students at another university afterward. The control group consisted of 24 students who were taught language testing traditionally by the same instructor for the whole semester. Both groups were given a test to measure their content knowledge achievement; one test at the beginning of the semester and one at the end of the semester. Two-way ANOVA was used to compare the two groups' scores, and find out how the differences in the scores was affected by the type of instruction. The results showed that there was significant evidence that the students' scores improved significantly in both groups. However, the difference in test scores between pre-test and post-test did not depend on the type of instruction. Because the experimental group could achieve the same performance as those of the control group regardless of the shorter instruction period, it can be concluded that learning by teaching has potential as an effective method for teaching pedagogical content knowledge. Suggestions for possible modifications of this technique are discussed in this paper.
European journal of educational research, Jul 15, 2022
Learning by teaching is a technique where students teach an actual class to facilitate active lea... more Learning by teaching is a technique where students teach an actual class to facilitate active learning. This paper reports ongoing research involving undergraduate students at an established university in Indonesia. The objective of this quantitative study was to find out the effect of this teaching technique in improving students' 21st century skills. The sample was selected using a cluster sampling technique, where 25 students who were English as a Foreign Language pre-service teachers were assigned to an experimental group, and the other 23 students were treated as a control group. The students in the experimental group were asked to conduct a workshop in groups to students from the same department at a different university. Each group selected one of the topics in their course syllabus. A pre-test measuring the students' soft skills was conducted before the course started and after it finished. The results show that soft skills, which include accountability, communication, innovation, problem-solving, teamwork, professional working, and networking skills, improved significantly among students in the experimental group, but the improvement was not evident in the control group. Therefore, learning by teaching should be embraced as an alternative teaching technique when soft-skill development becomes a target of instruction.
Studies in English language and education, May 31, 2023
The objectives of this study were to describe how teachers design the Computer-Based Madrasah Exa... more The objectives of this study were to describe how teachers design the Computer-Based Madrasah Exam (CBME) questions for English subjects, to investigate learning strategies students use, and to explore the obstacles the students face in this exam. Questionnaires and interviews were used as the instruments to collect data for this study. A number of 95 ninth-grade students and two English teachers of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri No. 1 (MTsN 1; this school level is equivalent to junior high schools) in South Aceh, Indonesia, participated in this study. The data were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively using thematic analysis. The results revealed that in designing the assessment of CBME, the teachers used four strategies which were preparing for the change in the final exam model, selecting sources in designing the exam questions, preparing students to face the exam in the new model, and resolving obstacles in developing the exam questions. Meanwhile, the students used five strategies in facing the exam, they are managing time, motivating themselves, creating study groups, practicing, and strengthening basic abilities. Furthermore, the obstacles that the students faced in the exam are a lack of skill in using a
Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimanakah mengatasi ketergantungan anak melalui pe... more Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimanakah mengatasi ketergantungan anak melalui pendekatan humanistik pada PAUD Bunga Melati. Tujuan yang ingi dicapai melalui penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui cara mengatasi ketergantungan anak melalui pendekatan humanistik pada PAUD Bunga Melati. Pendekatan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas. Lokasi penelitian direncanakan akan dilaksanakan di PAUD Bunga Melati. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah adalah seluruh anak PAUD Bunga Melati yang berjumlah 25 anak. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh anak PAUD Bunga Melati yang berjumlah 25 anak dengan teknik Total Sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan teknik observasi, dokumentasi. Data-data yang diperoleh akan dianalisis dengan menggunakan rumus persentase. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa pendekatan humanistik dapat membantu mengatasi ketergantungan anak pada guru dan kawan sebaya di PAUD Bunga Melati.
English Education Journal, Mar 2, 2017
This study aims at investigating empirical data on the role of the English teachers in guiding th... more This study aims at investigating empirical data on the role of the English teachers in guiding the students to win the English competition in the form of qualitative study. The study was carried out at SMPN 19 Percontohan Banda Aceh in February 2016. The objective of this study was to identify the roles the English teachers. The roles of the teacher were adapted from Harden and Crosby those roles include information provider, model, facilitator, assessor, planner, and resource material creator. The sources of the data were from informants and classroom observation and the data were collected through observation and interview. In analysing the data, the writer used interactive model analysis including reducing the data, presenting the data, and drawing conclusion. The results of this study indicate that the roles of the English teacher of Percontohan Junior High School play a big contribution on students’ success in winning the English contest competition. Besides, this school provided extracurricular clubs which help students to improve and increase their skill.
JPI (Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia)
E-Learning also known as online learning became fully established during previous school year. Th... more E-Learning also known as online learning became fully established during previous school year. This study aims to analyses students' perceptions of the usefulness of the E Belajar platform as a medium in the English online classroom, as well as the presences of English teachers. The method use is qualitative, consisting of a questionnaire and an interview. In a questionnaire, 56 students from one schools were asked to rate 20 statements on a five-point Likert scale. This school was chosen through purposive sampling because it used the E-belajar platform designed by ministry of education. In interview, there are five respondents through purposive sampling method to explore in depth usefulness of E-belajar and teachers presences. For the analysis, questionnaire data were analyzed using SPSS IBM Version 22, while the interview data were analyzed using thematic analysis. The result show that students preferred offline classes because the explanation of the learning materials was mor...
Name : Putri Rizki Student No. : 1206102020109 Study Program : English Education Title : Teaching... more Name : Putri Rizki Student No. : 1206102020109 Study Program : English Education Title : Teaching Students’ Writing Skill through Stay and Stray Technique (An Experimental Study at SMPN 13 Banda Aceh) Key words : Stay and stray technique, writing skill, recount text. The objective of this research was to investigate whether the use of stay and stray technique improved students writing skill in recount text. This study was conducted at State Junior High School 13 (SMPN 13) Banda Aceh. The study used pre-experimental of one group pre-test – post-test design. The sample of this study was class VIII-5with 21 students, which consists of 13 male and 8 female. The research instrument used in this study was the written test. For pre-test, the students were asked to write a recount text with the topic “memorable day” which consists of 70 words. For the post-test, they were asked to write a recount text with the topic “holiday” which consists of 70 words. The data was collected from the pre-t...
New Educational Review, Mar 31, 2018
The objective of this study was to investigate whether the use of the Jigsaw model in teaching-le... more The objective of this study was to investigate whether the use of the Jigsaw model in teaching-learning Economics could improve the results of Senior High School Students in Banda Aceh, Indonesia. A quasi-experimental design was used in this study, which used 60 randomly sampled second year (Grade 11) High School students for the sample, divided into two classes of 30; one the experimental group (EG) and the other the control group (CG). The two groups were homogenous in terms of their initial ability. The instrument used in this study was an essay test. T-test was used to analyse the data collected. The results from the post-test showed that there was then a significant positive difference between the two groups in terms of the students' achievements in economics; after the EG had been taught-learnt using the Jigsaw model for three months, they got significantly higher results in their economics essays than the CG students, who had been taught economics using the standard model and had not used Jigsaw. The implications of this study show that the use of the Jigsaw model in teaching-learning economics can be a model for improving students' achievement.
English Education Journal, 2020
International Journal of Instruction, Jan 3, 2019
Students of social and natural sciences are expected to achieve different learning outcomes becau... more Students of social and natural sciences are expected to achieve different learning outcomes because they employ different language learning strategies and are exposed to different vocabulary. This research was aimed at finding evidence from empirical data to determine whether the differences in learning outcomes are statistically significant. The data for this research were collected by administering the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) to 179 students from four state universities in Aceh, the northernmost province of Indonesia. The results of the test were analysed based on the components in each subtest. There are three parts in the listening comprehension section, 14 aspects in the structure and written expression section, and six skills in the reading comprehension section. The results show that significant differences were only found in part A (the short talk section) of the listening comprehension part and in the main idea skill section in the reading comprehension part. Students of natural sciences performed better when listening to a short academic talk, while social science students had a better general comprehension of non-discipline specific academic texts.
VELES (Voices of English Language Education Society), Apr 26, 2023
Integrative and instrumental motivation both play crucial roles in language learning, so teachers... more Integrative and instrumental motivation both play crucial roles in language learning, so teachers must determine which students' motivations are predominant in a classroom. The motivation of first-year students to learn English was examined in this study. It involved 77 first-year students from the Department of English Education at Universitas Syiah Kuala in Banda Aceh, 56 of whom were females and 21 of whom were males. The research tool utilized to gather the data was a questionnaire. The Attitude/Motivation Test Battery served as its model. The acquired data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Science version 23. The results demonstrated that instrumental motivation's mean score (M=44.18) is higher than integrative motivation's (M=43.38). However, there was little difference (at 0.92 percent). Therefore, it can be said that both integrative and instrumental motivations drove these students. Both of these motivations are closely related and function as learning objectives with a lot of value. This means that students' integrative and instrumental motivations were essential and employed. By achieving more skill and success in the target language, both integrative and instrumental motivations benefit as a result of the student's learning.
English Education Journal, Feb 28, 2022
This qualitative research aims to find out the strategies used by students in giving and receivin... more This qualitative research aims to find out the strategies used by students in giving and receiving compliments. The research participants were graduate students of English language education at Syiah Kuala University. In collecting the data, the researcher used the Discourse Completion Task (Henceforth called DCT) framework of Xiang (2013). The researcher carried out an interview adapted from Fattah (2020) to elicit participants' understanding in conveying their compliments based on the topic complimented. The findings of DCT revealed that there were three of four types of compliment topics identified: topic appearance, topic ability/performance, and topic possession. The interview result showed that they knew how to utter compliments to each case. The responses strategies tend to use appreciation tokens consisting of 65 answers. The return consists of 11 responses, the question consists of 10 responses, the scale down consists of 8 responses, and comment history consists of 3 responses. While, praise upgrade, request, and qualification consist of 1 response, respectively. The questionnaire and DCT results were equal, which means the participants favored using appreciation tokens in giving and receiving compliments. It occurred due to their habit of daily conversation.
English Education Journal, Feb 28, 2022
The objectives of this study were to analyze the policy regarding the language used and to know s... more The objectives of this study were to analyze the policy regarding the language used and to know students' perceptions about the use of English language for daily communication. This study used a mixed method and the researcher combined questionnaire, document analysis, and interview to gain the data needed. The subject of this study were 20 students of the sixth grade, and the leader of Dayah or Islamic boarding school. The research finding showed that the Dayah Modern Darul 'Ulum arranged the regulations regarding English language implementation and developed some programs to increase and motivate students to use the English language. In addition, from the questionnaire, in terms of the students' perceptions, the finding of this research showed that 72,5% students perceive using English as daily language plays a good role in their speaking skill development, 93,3% students expected daily language program that can help them improve their English speaking skill, and 70% students perceive English language speaking implementation was good enough.
English Education Journal, Mar 21, 2022
The Corona Virus (Covid-19) pandemic has spread rapidly worldwide and influenced almost all secto... more The Corona Virus (Covid-19) pandemic has spread rapidly worldwide and influenced almost all sectors, including the education sector. The policy to study from home during the Covid-19 outbreak has caused a new problem in the teaching and learning. The objective of the research was to find out the problems faced by the English teachers in teaching English online during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research was approached qualitatively, and subjects are three English teachers teaching at one of senior high schools in Aceh, Indonesia. The data was gathered through observation and interviews with the three English teachers. The results show that some of the problems emerged during online learning, i.e. internet access, lack of familiarity with technology, difficulty in explaining the materials, problems in controlling and managing students' activities, indiscipline students, time-consuming process, low students' motivation, students absence in online class, and lack of parent support. The findings also show that there were two solutions to overcome the problems adopted by teachers, namely, using online chat with WhatsApp and keeping in touch with the students' parents to support the student activities and explain the lesson plans for online learning process.
English Education Journal, Oct 30, 2021
During the Covid-19 pandemic, many teachers and students were doing the teaching and learning pro... more During the Covid-19 pandemic, many teachers and students were doing the teaching and learning process from home. They experienced many problems during the remote instruction. Therefore, the objectives of this research were to investigate the teachers' perceptions and obstacles in the process of teaching and learning English by using online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. The method used in this research was mixed method, combining quantitative and qualitative methods. The instruments used were a set of questionnaire and interview. The data collected from the questionnaire was analyzed using descriptive statistic. In addition, the interview result was analyzed qualitatively to describe the obstacles. The result in the questionnaire indicated that most of the teachers were against the implementation of online learning, i.e. 55.45% and 44.54% teachers were in favor of this method of instruction. The problems can be categorized into technical and situational problems. These problems can be resolved depending on teachers' teaching experience, condition, and situation. Teachers can give the learning module to the students, and the teachers must be creative in delivering the teaching material. In addition, parents' support is very crucial for maintaining students' motivation, enthusiasm, and expression during online learning.
English Education Journal, Feb 23, 2021
The research is intended to analyze the use of past tense auxiliarybe in 10 grade students’ writi... more The research is intended to analyze the use of past tense auxiliarybe in 10 grade students’ writing in one of the high schools in Banda Aceh. The objectives of this study were: (1) to investigate the students’ errors in using was and werein their essays through AntConc software quantitatively, (2) to find out the students’ obstacles in using past tense auxiliarybein their essays qualitatively. The results of AntConc corpus software showed that the most errors in the essays were the use of patternswas and werewithsubject+was/were+noun. This denotes that even for the simple past tense, the students still struggled to produce correct grammar in writing. To understand the students’ obstacles, we interviewed 10 students. They revealed some reasons on why they faced difficulty in learning these tenses and English in general, they are: the system of grammar in Indonesian is very different from English, lack of vocabulary to write good sentences, lack of motivation (e.g. less support from family members, discrimination from the teachers in class, and being occupied with extracurricular activities after school), and the teachers’ lack of proficiency.