Mustafa Altin - (original) (raw)

Papers by Mustafa Altin

Research paper thumbnail of Two real room fire and the evaluation of its consequences in terms of fire safety

Case Studies in Thermal Engineering

Research paper thumbnail of Investigation of Usability of Boron Doped Sheep Wool as Insulation Material and Comparison with Existing Insulation Materials

Social Science Research Network, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of The Comparison of the Two Same Type School Buildings Before and After Strengthening

Engineering Sciences, May 1, 2009

province) were analysed in terms of resistance to earthquakes. Then, the results obtained from th... more province) were analysed in terms of resistance to earthquakes. Then, the results obtained from these two types of school buildings were compared. Following the analysis, these two buildings were strengthened by adding reinforced concrete shear wall and by using column jacket technique. The cost of construction was calculated according to unit construction method based on the pricing list in 2007. The essential data were obtained for the static analysis of the buildings, and they were put under analysis and, thus, the concrete shear walls to be added and the columns to be jacketed were determined. In conclusion, following the calculation of the construction cost and strengthening cost, the two cost types were compared. It was found that the rate of the strengthening cost to the construction cost was between 32% and 40%.

Research paper thumbnail of Bi̇lgi̇sayar Destekli̇ İnşaat Mali̇yet Anali̇zleri̇

Selçuk-Teknik Dergisi, Feb 7, 2004

Bu çalışmada; inşaatı meydana getiren malzemelerin miktarlarını ve günün şartlarına göre maliyetl... more Bu çalışmada; inşaatı meydana getiren malzemelerin miktarlarını ve günün şartlarına göre maliyetlerini hesap eden bir program tasarlanmıştır. Devlet ihale kanunlarına uygun bir yazılım olması hedeflenmiştir. Yapılan örnek uygulamalarda yazılımın istenen hedeflere ulaştığı gözlenmiş ve açılan yeni bir ihaleye katılacak olan firmaların işlerini doğru ve hızlı yaptıkları saptanmıştır. İlgili kurumlar tarafından yayınlanmış olan yaklaşık 60.000 adet birim fiyatın analizlerinin çıkarılması, bu analizlere göre malzeme miktarlarının hesaplanması ve bu malzeme miktarlarının fiyatlandırılarak toplam maliyetin bulunması hedeflenmiştir.Geliştirilen program ile bir inşaatın tüm maliyetinin %100 doğrulukta hesaplandığı, bu hesaplamalar yapılırken güncel değerlerin kullanıldığı gözlenmiştir.

Research paper thumbnail of Identification of the English Accent Spoken in Different Countries by the k-Nearest Neighbor Method

International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, Dec 30, 2020

Sound is the pressure wave created by an object vibrating with a certain frequency. 3 organs are ... more Sound is the pressure wave created by an object vibrating with a certain frequency. 3 organs are needed for the formation of voice in humans. These are lungs, vocal cords and mouth. Due to the structure of these organs and the similarity of the person with their current language, they can speak another language with different accent. A language can be spoken in different parts of the same country and in different countries. The second most widely used language in the world is English, has numerous accents around the world. In this study, it is aimed to determine which country the English accent spoken in different regions belongs to. In the dataset used, there are 330 sound samples including English accents spoken in Spain, France, Germany, Italy, England and America. Classification has been made with 12 features obtained by Mel Frequency Cepstrum Coefficients feature extraction method. k-Nearest Neighbor (kNN) were used in the classification and 87.2% success was achieved.

Research paper thumbnail of Cam Lif Takviyeli Betonun Yangın Dayanımlarının Çeşitli Parametreler Açısından İrdelenmesi

Doğal afetler ve çevre dergisi, Jul 31, 2019

Cam lifi taze beton karışımına eklenerek betonun mekanik özellikleri iyileştirilmektedir. Literat... more Cam lifi taze beton karışımına eklenerek betonun mekanik özellikleri iyileştirilmektedir. Literatürde cam lif takviyeli betonun (CTB) mekanik özelliklerinin tespitine yönelik çok sayıda araştırma yapılmıştır. Beton içine cam lifi eklenerek özellikle betonun eğilme ve çekme dayanımında hatırı sayılır artışlar meydana gelmekte, bu şekilde üretilmiş olan betonlar daha ince kesitli oldukları için de uygulamada tercih edilmektedirler. Betonun içine eklenen cam lifinin betonun yangın performansına olumsuz bir etki yapıp yapmadığına yönelik kapsamlı bir araştırma olmadığı için bu çalışmada dört farklı (30,60, 90 ve 120 dk) yangın sürelerine tabi tutulmuş cam lif takviyesiz beton ile CTB elemanlarının yangın sonrasındaki mekanik özelliklerindeki değişiklikler incelenmiştir. Deneysel çalışma kapsamında Ø15/30 cm silindir ve 4x4x16 cm prizmadan oluşan toplam 300 adet numune üretilmiştir. Numunelerde kullanılan 0,5,10,15 ve 20 kg/m 3 oranlarındaki cam elyaf takviyeli betonların değişik sürelerde yangın sonrasındaki basınç ve üç farklı çekme (yarma, tek noktadan eğilme ve iki noktadan eğilme) dayanımı üzerindeki etkisi farklı sürelerde yangına maruz bırakılan CTB elemanları üzerinden test edilmiştir. Yangın geçirmemiş numunelerde cam lifi basınç dayanımına bir katkıda bulunmazken çekme dayanımında önemli oranlarda katkısı olmuştur. 30 dakikalık yangın sonrasında CTB numunelerin tek ve çift noktadan eğilme deneylerinden elde edilen çekme dayanımlarında yangın öncesine göre bir artış görülmüştür. Daha uzun süreli yangınlarda (60, 90 ve 120 dk) ise bu oranda bir artış meydana gelmemiştir.

Research paper thumbnail of Mechanical behaviours of masonry walls constructed with different methods under reverse-cycling loads

Scientific Research and Essays, Apr 4, 2011

In this study, experiments were performed to examine the behaviours of a masonry wall constructed... more In this study, experiments were performed to examine the behaviours of a masonry wall constructed with normal mortar (reference wall), masonry wall constructed with mortal, the binding property of which is improved with additive (model wall), masonry wall constructed with normal mortar, by application of horizontal joint reinforcement with epoxy resin-FRP, under reverse-cycling earthquake loads. For this reason, 3 different prototype walls were produced which had the same geometrical properties with exact dimensions. The results of mechanical behaviours such as first crack, failure behaviour, ductility, energy consumption formed in these walls were investigated and compared. As a result, it was observed that masonry walls failure by forming failure lines are similar to yield lines formed in reinforced concrete floor under reverse-cycling out of plane loads, the kind of failure is brittle and they do not have the ductility that yield lines have. It was also observed that, model wall and the wall constructed by application of horizontal joint reinforcement with epoxy resin-FRP provided more strength by 25% increase than reference wall. Moreover, it was determined that, the ductility in reference wall is 41% more than the one in model wall and 48% more than the wall reinforced with epoxy resin-FRP and the reference wall consumes 25 and 22% more energy than the model wall and the wall reinforced with epoxy resin-FRP, respectively. All these studies showed that when this method is applied, an increase in strength and a decrease in ductility could be obtained against earthquakes. In other words, while the construction gets reinforced against earthquakes, its failure (rigidity) increases.

Research paper thumbnail of A method for the cost estimation in strengthening school buildings in Turkey

Scientific Research and Essays, May 31, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of Charring rate of timbers in terms of size, layer material and fire class evaluated by the Taguchi method


This publication is focused on the fire performance of different wood materials to determine the ... more This publication is focused on the fire performance of different wood materials to determine the charring rate. For this purpose, L27(313) Taguchi orthogonal design was used for the derivation of the parameter combinations. A total of 108 timber specimens made of 3 different natural timber types having 3 different sizes had been coated with fire retardant varnish and boron impregnation. Specimens were tested for three different fire classes and temperatures. The values of charring rate were obtained from fire tests according to the orthogonal design. Obtained results were analyzed using the signal-to-noise ratio, analysis of variance methods and 3D surface plots. It was concluded that the type of timber and specimen section are the most significant factors affecting the charring rate. The second significant factor affecting the charring rate was found to be the duration and temperature of fire. Lastly, coating material is the third important factor influencing the charring rate.

Research paper thumbnail of Acoustic-Driven Airflow Flame Extinguishing System Design and Analysis of Capabilities of Low Frequency in Different Fuels

Fire Technology, Jan 29, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Kalip Yapim Hata Sonuçlarinin Bi̇lgi̇sayar Destekli̇ Yaklaşimla Anali̇zi̇ Ve Değerlendi̇ri̇lmesi̇

Selçuk-Teknik Dergisi, Dec 29, 2017

Computer Aided Design (CAD) programs are widely used in construction technology. CAD programs are... more Computer Aided Design (CAD) programs are widely used in construction technology. CAD programs are constantly being developed and in the shortest possible time, the most accurate and clear results can be achieved. By creating concrete static projects with computers, alternative solutions can be seen and the most accurate and economical decisions can be taken. In this way time saving is also provided. No doubt one of the most important productions in the construction sector is mold making.

Research paper thumbnail of An Experimental Study For On The Bond Behaviour Of Reinforcing Steel And Concrete

Selcuk University Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, Feb 4, 2006

Bu çalışmada, beton ile donatı arasındaki aderans davranışı deneysel olarak incelenmiştir. Hazırl... more Bu çalışmada, beton ile donatı arasındaki aderans davranışı deneysel olarak incelenmiştir. Hazırlanan 16 adet değişik özellikteki deney numunesinin 8 tanesi etriyeli, 8 tanesi etriyesiz olarak üretilmiştir. Etriyelerde kullanılan donatı çapı Φ 8, numunelerin ortasından geçirilen donatıların çapı ise Φ 12'lik, BÇI ve BÇIII olarak seçilmiştir. Numunelerin yükseklikleri ve genişlikleri 20cm olarak alınmıştır. Numune uzunlukları seçilirken TS500'de verilen bağıntıdan kenetlenme boyları, 30, 50, 60 ve 70cm olarak hesaplanmıştır. Numune betonları, C16 betonu ile C25 betonudur. Hazırlanan betonlardan 3'er adet numune alınmış, bu numunelerin 28 günlük ortalama silindir basınç dayanımları C16 için 219.50, C25 için 293.75 olarak bulunmuştur. Deney numuneleri 4 grup halinde dökülmüştür. Beton kalitesi aynı tutulup, BÇI ve BÇIII donatıları kullanılan numunelerin maksimum yükleri arasındaki oran 1100/5500 olarak bulunmuştur. Donatılar sabit tutulup C16 ve C25 betonlarıyla hazırlanan numunelerin maksimum yükleri arasındaki oran ise, 1100/2500 bulunmuştur. Etriyeli hazırlanan numuneler, etriyesiz olarak hazırlanan numunelere göre ortalama %33 daha dayanımlı bulunmuştur. Bulunan sonuçlar SPSS istatiksel paket programı sürüm 13'de yapılan varyans analizi ve güvenlik sınır kontrolleriyle irdelenmiştir.

Research paper thumbnail of Şanti̇ye Şartlarinda Üreti̇lmi̇ş Betonarme Kolonlarin, Eksenel Yük Etki̇si̇ Altindaki̇ Davranişlarinin Deneysel Olarak İncelenmesi̇

DergiPark (Istanbul University), Sep 1, 2006

Bu çalışmada, şantiye şartlarında, standartlara uygun olarak üretilmiş beton ile standartlara uyg... more Bu çalışmada, şantiye şartlarında, standartlara uygun olarak üretilmiş beton ile standartlara uygun olarak üretilmemiş betondan imal edilen, eksenel yük etkisinde değişik geometri ve donatı özelliklerine sahip, aynı kesit alanlı kolonların yük taşıma kapasiteleri ve gerilme-birim deformasyon ilişkisi araştırılmış ve sorgulanmıştır. Kullanılan deney numuneleri 314 cm 2 kesit alanı ve 75cm yüksekliğe sahip, 4 adet Kare kolon, 4 adet Dikdörtgen kolon, 4 adet Dairesel kolon ve 4 adet Dairesel Fretli kolon'dur. Aynı boyuna donatı, etriye aralığı ve etriye kalınlığına sahip donatı kullanılarak, C20 ve C10 betonlarından imal edilerek eksenel yük etkisinde davranışları ve gerilme-birim deformasyon ilişkilerine bakılmıştır. Üretilen bütün beton numunelerinin 7 ve 28 günlük karakteristik küp basınç dayanımları numuneler kırılarak elde edilmiştir. Deneylerden elde edilen sonuçlar karşılaştırıldığında en fazla eksenel yük taşıma kapasitesine sahip kolonun kare enkesitli kolon numuneleri olduğu belirlenmiş, fretle sarılmış kolon numunelerinde deplasmanların diğer kolonlara göre daha az olduğu tespit edilmiştir.

Research paper thumbnail of Determining Fire Door Resistance Through Infrared Thermography

International Journal of Applied Mathematics, Electronics and Computers, Dec 16, 2016

The resistance tests of two fire doors with standard opening single were made using the methods o... more The resistance tests of two fire doors with standard opening single were made using the methods of thermocouples and infrared thermography according to the features stated in the regulations. With the traditional fire mechanism stated in the regulation of TS EN 1634-1, a fire resistance test of 50 and 56 minutes was made. In the 32nd and 34th minutes of the experiment, opening was observed at the upper right-hand corners of standard opening single fire doors that were tested. Temperature values obtained from the measurement points stated in the regulation were controlled and with 200 thermal images that were obtained image process were applied. The utility of Infrared Thermography (IRT) method that is a contactless and distant measurement technique of temperature is shown to be used for fire tests with the traditional methods.

Research paper thumbnail of Classification of flame extinction based on acoustic oscillations using artificial intelligence methods

Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, Dec 1, 2021

Abstract Fire, one of the most serious disasters threatening human life, is a chemical event that... more Abstract Fire, one of the most serious disasters threatening human life, is a chemical event that can destroy forests, buildings, and machinery within minutes. For this reason, there have been numerous methods developed to extinguish the fire. Within the scope of this study, a sound wave flame extinction system was developed in order to extinguish the flames at an early stage of the fire. The data used in the study were obtained as a result of experiments conducted with the developed system. The created dataset consists of data obtained from 17,442 experiments. It is aimed to classify the fuel type, flame size, decibel, frequency, airflow and distance features, and the extinction-non-extinction status of the flame through rule-based machine learning methods. In the study, rule-based machine learning methods, ANFIS (Adaptive-Network Based Fuzzy Inference Systems), CN2 Rule and DT (Decision Tree) were used. The methods of Box Plot, Scatter Plot and Correlation Analysis were utilized for statistical analysis of the data. As a result of the classifications, respectively, 94.5%, 99.91%, and 97.28% success were achieved with the ANFIS, CN2 Rule, and DT methods. As a result of the evaluations made by using Box Plot, Scatter Plot and Correlation Analysis.

Research paper thumbnail of The Comparison of the Two Same Type School Buildings Before and After Strengthening

Engineering Sciences, May 1, 2009

province) were analysed in terms of resistance to earthquakes. Then, the results obtained from th... more province) were analysed in terms of resistance to earthquakes. Then, the results obtained from these two types of school buildings were compared. Following the analysis, these two buildings were strengthened by adding reinforced concrete shear wall and by using column jacket technique. The cost of construction was calculated according to unit construction method based on the pricing list in 2007. The essential data were obtained for the static analysis of the buildings, and they were put under analysis and, thus, the concrete shear walls to be added and the columns to be jacketed were determined. In conclusion, following the calculation of the construction cost and strengthening cost, the two cost types were compared. It was found that the rate of the strengthening cost to the construction cost was between 32% and 40%.

Research paper thumbnail of Acoustic-Driven Airflow Flame Extinguishing System Design and Analysis of Capabilities of Low Frequency in Different Fuels

Research paper thumbnail of Investigation of Usability of Boron Doped Sheep Wool as Insulation Material and Comparison with Existing Insulation Materials

SSRN Electronic Journal, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Bi̇lgi̇sayar Destekli̇ İnşaat Mali̇yet Anali̇zleri̇

In this study; a program that calculate the quantity of materials to as come into construction an... more In this study; a program that calculate the quantity of materials to as come into construction and cost of the materials according to the present conditions it was aimed that program was designed to meet the state adjudication law. It was observed that, software meet the requirements in an example application and the process of the firms which are participating the awarding is done quickly and correctly. Analysis of unit price of 60 thousand items published by involving institutions. Calculation of quantity of items according to the previous analysis, and calculation of the total cost of these items was aimed.By using developed software, total cost of full construction work is calculated with 100% accuracy and present pricing was used when the calculation was made.

Research paper thumbnail of Kalip Yapim Hata Sonuçlarinin Bi̇lgi̇sayar Destekli̇ Yaklaşimla Anali̇zi̇ Ve Değerlendi̇ri̇lmesi̇

KALIP YAPIM HATA SONUCLARININ BILGISAYAR DESTEKLI YAKLAŞIMLA ANALIZI VE DEĞERLENDIRILMESI Ozet Bi... more KALIP YAPIM HATA SONUCLARININ BILGISAYAR DESTEKLI YAKLAŞIMLA ANALIZI VE DEĞERLENDIRILMESI Ozet Bilgisayar Destekli Tasarim (BDT) programlari surekli gelistirilmekte ve insaat teknolojilerinde hizli, dogru ve net sonuclarla calismasindan dolayi cok yaygin olarak kullanilmaktadir. Bilgisayarlar destekli calismalar ile betonarme statik projeleri hazirlanarak, alternatif cozumler uretilmekte, en dogru ve en ekonomik kararlar alinabilmektedir. Insaat sektorunde en onemli imalatlardan olan kalip imalarinda, ustalarin iyi egitim almasi ve uygulamasi gerekmektedir. Yapilan kucuk bir hata, kotu imalat ve iscilik, yapim asamasinda is kazalarina, sonrasinda ise proje hesap degerlerinde sorunlara neden olmaktadir. Istatistiklere gore ulkemizdeki is kazalarinda insaat sektoru ilk siralarda yer almakta, bu kazalarin onemli bir kismini ise kalip ve iskele hatalarindan meydana gelmektedir. Bu sekilde olusan is gucu kayiplarinin isverene ve devlete olan maliyetleri ciddi boyutlardadir. Bu calismada,...

Research paper thumbnail of Two real room fire and the evaluation of its consequences in terms of fire safety

Case Studies in Thermal Engineering

Research paper thumbnail of Investigation of Usability of Boron Doped Sheep Wool as Insulation Material and Comparison with Existing Insulation Materials

Social Science Research Network, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of The Comparison of the Two Same Type School Buildings Before and After Strengthening

Engineering Sciences, May 1, 2009

province) were analysed in terms of resistance to earthquakes. Then, the results obtained from th... more province) were analysed in terms of resistance to earthquakes. Then, the results obtained from these two types of school buildings were compared. Following the analysis, these two buildings were strengthened by adding reinforced concrete shear wall and by using column jacket technique. The cost of construction was calculated according to unit construction method based on the pricing list in 2007. The essential data were obtained for the static analysis of the buildings, and they were put under analysis and, thus, the concrete shear walls to be added and the columns to be jacketed were determined. In conclusion, following the calculation of the construction cost and strengthening cost, the two cost types were compared. It was found that the rate of the strengthening cost to the construction cost was between 32% and 40%.

Research paper thumbnail of Bi̇lgi̇sayar Destekli̇ İnşaat Mali̇yet Anali̇zleri̇

Selçuk-Teknik Dergisi, Feb 7, 2004

Bu çalışmada; inşaatı meydana getiren malzemelerin miktarlarını ve günün şartlarına göre maliyetl... more Bu çalışmada; inşaatı meydana getiren malzemelerin miktarlarını ve günün şartlarına göre maliyetlerini hesap eden bir program tasarlanmıştır. Devlet ihale kanunlarına uygun bir yazılım olması hedeflenmiştir. Yapılan örnek uygulamalarda yazılımın istenen hedeflere ulaştığı gözlenmiş ve açılan yeni bir ihaleye katılacak olan firmaların işlerini doğru ve hızlı yaptıkları saptanmıştır. İlgili kurumlar tarafından yayınlanmış olan yaklaşık 60.000 adet birim fiyatın analizlerinin çıkarılması, bu analizlere göre malzeme miktarlarının hesaplanması ve bu malzeme miktarlarının fiyatlandırılarak toplam maliyetin bulunması hedeflenmiştir.Geliştirilen program ile bir inşaatın tüm maliyetinin %100 doğrulukta hesaplandığı, bu hesaplamalar yapılırken güncel değerlerin kullanıldığı gözlenmiştir.

Research paper thumbnail of Identification of the English Accent Spoken in Different Countries by the k-Nearest Neighbor Method

International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, Dec 30, 2020

Sound is the pressure wave created by an object vibrating with a certain frequency. 3 organs are ... more Sound is the pressure wave created by an object vibrating with a certain frequency. 3 organs are needed for the formation of voice in humans. These are lungs, vocal cords and mouth. Due to the structure of these organs and the similarity of the person with their current language, they can speak another language with different accent. A language can be spoken in different parts of the same country and in different countries. The second most widely used language in the world is English, has numerous accents around the world. In this study, it is aimed to determine which country the English accent spoken in different regions belongs to. In the dataset used, there are 330 sound samples including English accents spoken in Spain, France, Germany, Italy, England and America. Classification has been made with 12 features obtained by Mel Frequency Cepstrum Coefficients feature extraction method. k-Nearest Neighbor (kNN) were used in the classification and 87.2% success was achieved.

Research paper thumbnail of Cam Lif Takviyeli Betonun Yangın Dayanımlarının Çeşitli Parametreler Açısından İrdelenmesi

Doğal afetler ve çevre dergisi, Jul 31, 2019

Cam lifi taze beton karışımına eklenerek betonun mekanik özellikleri iyileştirilmektedir. Literat... more Cam lifi taze beton karışımına eklenerek betonun mekanik özellikleri iyileştirilmektedir. Literatürde cam lif takviyeli betonun (CTB) mekanik özelliklerinin tespitine yönelik çok sayıda araştırma yapılmıştır. Beton içine cam lifi eklenerek özellikle betonun eğilme ve çekme dayanımında hatırı sayılır artışlar meydana gelmekte, bu şekilde üretilmiş olan betonlar daha ince kesitli oldukları için de uygulamada tercih edilmektedirler. Betonun içine eklenen cam lifinin betonun yangın performansına olumsuz bir etki yapıp yapmadığına yönelik kapsamlı bir araştırma olmadığı için bu çalışmada dört farklı (30,60, 90 ve 120 dk) yangın sürelerine tabi tutulmuş cam lif takviyesiz beton ile CTB elemanlarının yangın sonrasındaki mekanik özelliklerindeki değişiklikler incelenmiştir. Deneysel çalışma kapsamında Ø15/30 cm silindir ve 4x4x16 cm prizmadan oluşan toplam 300 adet numune üretilmiştir. Numunelerde kullanılan 0,5,10,15 ve 20 kg/m 3 oranlarındaki cam elyaf takviyeli betonların değişik sürelerde yangın sonrasındaki basınç ve üç farklı çekme (yarma, tek noktadan eğilme ve iki noktadan eğilme) dayanımı üzerindeki etkisi farklı sürelerde yangına maruz bırakılan CTB elemanları üzerinden test edilmiştir. Yangın geçirmemiş numunelerde cam lifi basınç dayanımına bir katkıda bulunmazken çekme dayanımında önemli oranlarda katkısı olmuştur. 30 dakikalık yangın sonrasında CTB numunelerin tek ve çift noktadan eğilme deneylerinden elde edilen çekme dayanımlarında yangın öncesine göre bir artış görülmüştür. Daha uzun süreli yangınlarda (60, 90 ve 120 dk) ise bu oranda bir artış meydana gelmemiştir.

Research paper thumbnail of Mechanical behaviours of masonry walls constructed with different methods under reverse-cycling loads

Scientific Research and Essays, Apr 4, 2011

In this study, experiments were performed to examine the behaviours of a masonry wall constructed... more In this study, experiments were performed to examine the behaviours of a masonry wall constructed with normal mortar (reference wall), masonry wall constructed with mortal, the binding property of which is improved with additive (model wall), masonry wall constructed with normal mortar, by application of horizontal joint reinforcement with epoxy resin-FRP, under reverse-cycling earthquake loads. For this reason, 3 different prototype walls were produced which had the same geometrical properties with exact dimensions. The results of mechanical behaviours such as first crack, failure behaviour, ductility, energy consumption formed in these walls were investigated and compared. As a result, it was observed that masonry walls failure by forming failure lines are similar to yield lines formed in reinforced concrete floor under reverse-cycling out of plane loads, the kind of failure is brittle and they do not have the ductility that yield lines have. It was also observed that, model wall and the wall constructed by application of horizontal joint reinforcement with epoxy resin-FRP provided more strength by 25% increase than reference wall. Moreover, it was determined that, the ductility in reference wall is 41% more than the one in model wall and 48% more than the wall reinforced with epoxy resin-FRP and the reference wall consumes 25 and 22% more energy than the model wall and the wall reinforced with epoxy resin-FRP, respectively. All these studies showed that when this method is applied, an increase in strength and a decrease in ductility could be obtained against earthquakes. In other words, while the construction gets reinforced against earthquakes, its failure (rigidity) increases.

Research paper thumbnail of A method for the cost estimation in strengthening school buildings in Turkey

Scientific Research and Essays, May 31, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of Charring rate of timbers in terms of size, layer material and fire class evaluated by the Taguchi method


This publication is focused on the fire performance of different wood materials to determine the ... more This publication is focused on the fire performance of different wood materials to determine the charring rate. For this purpose, L27(313) Taguchi orthogonal design was used for the derivation of the parameter combinations. A total of 108 timber specimens made of 3 different natural timber types having 3 different sizes had been coated with fire retardant varnish and boron impregnation. Specimens were tested for three different fire classes and temperatures. The values of charring rate were obtained from fire tests according to the orthogonal design. Obtained results were analyzed using the signal-to-noise ratio, analysis of variance methods and 3D surface plots. It was concluded that the type of timber and specimen section are the most significant factors affecting the charring rate. The second significant factor affecting the charring rate was found to be the duration and temperature of fire. Lastly, coating material is the third important factor influencing the charring rate.

Research paper thumbnail of Acoustic-Driven Airflow Flame Extinguishing System Design and Analysis of Capabilities of Low Frequency in Different Fuels

Fire Technology, Jan 29, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Kalip Yapim Hata Sonuçlarinin Bi̇lgi̇sayar Destekli̇ Yaklaşimla Anali̇zi̇ Ve Değerlendi̇ri̇lmesi̇

Selçuk-Teknik Dergisi, Dec 29, 2017

Computer Aided Design (CAD) programs are widely used in construction technology. CAD programs are... more Computer Aided Design (CAD) programs are widely used in construction technology. CAD programs are constantly being developed and in the shortest possible time, the most accurate and clear results can be achieved. By creating concrete static projects with computers, alternative solutions can be seen and the most accurate and economical decisions can be taken. In this way time saving is also provided. No doubt one of the most important productions in the construction sector is mold making.

Research paper thumbnail of An Experimental Study For On The Bond Behaviour Of Reinforcing Steel And Concrete

Selcuk University Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, Feb 4, 2006

Bu çalışmada, beton ile donatı arasındaki aderans davranışı deneysel olarak incelenmiştir. Hazırl... more Bu çalışmada, beton ile donatı arasındaki aderans davranışı deneysel olarak incelenmiştir. Hazırlanan 16 adet değişik özellikteki deney numunesinin 8 tanesi etriyeli, 8 tanesi etriyesiz olarak üretilmiştir. Etriyelerde kullanılan donatı çapı Φ 8, numunelerin ortasından geçirilen donatıların çapı ise Φ 12'lik, BÇI ve BÇIII olarak seçilmiştir. Numunelerin yükseklikleri ve genişlikleri 20cm olarak alınmıştır. Numune uzunlukları seçilirken TS500'de verilen bağıntıdan kenetlenme boyları, 30, 50, 60 ve 70cm olarak hesaplanmıştır. Numune betonları, C16 betonu ile C25 betonudur. Hazırlanan betonlardan 3'er adet numune alınmış, bu numunelerin 28 günlük ortalama silindir basınç dayanımları C16 için 219.50, C25 için 293.75 olarak bulunmuştur. Deney numuneleri 4 grup halinde dökülmüştür. Beton kalitesi aynı tutulup, BÇI ve BÇIII donatıları kullanılan numunelerin maksimum yükleri arasındaki oran 1100/5500 olarak bulunmuştur. Donatılar sabit tutulup C16 ve C25 betonlarıyla hazırlanan numunelerin maksimum yükleri arasındaki oran ise, 1100/2500 bulunmuştur. Etriyeli hazırlanan numuneler, etriyesiz olarak hazırlanan numunelere göre ortalama %33 daha dayanımlı bulunmuştur. Bulunan sonuçlar SPSS istatiksel paket programı sürüm 13'de yapılan varyans analizi ve güvenlik sınır kontrolleriyle irdelenmiştir.

Research paper thumbnail of Şanti̇ye Şartlarinda Üreti̇lmi̇ş Betonarme Kolonlarin, Eksenel Yük Etki̇si̇ Altindaki̇ Davranişlarinin Deneysel Olarak İncelenmesi̇

DergiPark (Istanbul University), Sep 1, 2006

Bu çalışmada, şantiye şartlarında, standartlara uygun olarak üretilmiş beton ile standartlara uyg... more Bu çalışmada, şantiye şartlarında, standartlara uygun olarak üretilmiş beton ile standartlara uygun olarak üretilmemiş betondan imal edilen, eksenel yük etkisinde değişik geometri ve donatı özelliklerine sahip, aynı kesit alanlı kolonların yük taşıma kapasiteleri ve gerilme-birim deformasyon ilişkisi araştırılmış ve sorgulanmıştır. Kullanılan deney numuneleri 314 cm 2 kesit alanı ve 75cm yüksekliğe sahip, 4 adet Kare kolon, 4 adet Dikdörtgen kolon, 4 adet Dairesel kolon ve 4 adet Dairesel Fretli kolon'dur. Aynı boyuna donatı, etriye aralığı ve etriye kalınlığına sahip donatı kullanılarak, C20 ve C10 betonlarından imal edilerek eksenel yük etkisinde davranışları ve gerilme-birim deformasyon ilişkilerine bakılmıştır. Üretilen bütün beton numunelerinin 7 ve 28 günlük karakteristik küp basınç dayanımları numuneler kırılarak elde edilmiştir. Deneylerden elde edilen sonuçlar karşılaştırıldığında en fazla eksenel yük taşıma kapasitesine sahip kolonun kare enkesitli kolon numuneleri olduğu belirlenmiş, fretle sarılmış kolon numunelerinde deplasmanların diğer kolonlara göre daha az olduğu tespit edilmiştir.

Research paper thumbnail of Determining Fire Door Resistance Through Infrared Thermography

International Journal of Applied Mathematics, Electronics and Computers, Dec 16, 2016

The resistance tests of two fire doors with standard opening single were made using the methods o... more The resistance tests of two fire doors with standard opening single were made using the methods of thermocouples and infrared thermography according to the features stated in the regulations. With the traditional fire mechanism stated in the regulation of TS EN 1634-1, a fire resistance test of 50 and 56 minutes was made. In the 32nd and 34th minutes of the experiment, opening was observed at the upper right-hand corners of standard opening single fire doors that were tested. Temperature values obtained from the measurement points stated in the regulation were controlled and with 200 thermal images that were obtained image process were applied. The utility of Infrared Thermography (IRT) method that is a contactless and distant measurement technique of temperature is shown to be used for fire tests with the traditional methods.

Research paper thumbnail of Classification of flame extinction based on acoustic oscillations using artificial intelligence methods

Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, Dec 1, 2021

Abstract Fire, one of the most serious disasters threatening human life, is a chemical event that... more Abstract Fire, one of the most serious disasters threatening human life, is a chemical event that can destroy forests, buildings, and machinery within minutes. For this reason, there have been numerous methods developed to extinguish the fire. Within the scope of this study, a sound wave flame extinction system was developed in order to extinguish the flames at an early stage of the fire. The data used in the study were obtained as a result of experiments conducted with the developed system. The created dataset consists of data obtained from 17,442 experiments. It is aimed to classify the fuel type, flame size, decibel, frequency, airflow and distance features, and the extinction-non-extinction status of the flame through rule-based machine learning methods. In the study, rule-based machine learning methods, ANFIS (Adaptive-Network Based Fuzzy Inference Systems), CN2 Rule and DT (Decision Tree) were used. The methods of Box Plot, Scatter Plot and Correlation Analysis were utilized for statistical analysis of the data. As a result of the classifications, respectively, 94.5%, 99.91%, and 97.28% success were achieved with the ANFIS, CN2 Rule, and DT methods. As a result of the evaluations made by using Box Plot, Scatter Plot and Correlation Analysis.

Research paper thumbnail of The Comparison of the Two Same Type School Buildings Before and After Strengthening

Engineering Sciences, May 1, 2009

province) were analysed in terms of resistance to earthquakes. Then, the results obtained from th... more province) were analysed in terms of resistance to earthquakes. Then, the results obtained from these two types of school buildings were compared. Following the analysis, these two buildings were strengthened by adding reinforced concrete shear wall and by using column jacket technique. The cost of construction was calculated according to unit construction method based on the pricing list in 2007. The essential data were obtained for the static analysis of the buildings, and they were put under analysis and, thus, the concrete shear walls to be added and the columns to be jacketed were determined. In conclusion, following the calculation of the construction cost and strengthening cost, the two cost types were compared. It was found that the rate of the strengthening cost to the construction cost was between 32% and 40%.

Research paper thumbnail of Acoustic-Driven Airflow Flame Extinguishing System Design and Analysis of Capabilities of Low Frequency in Different Fuels

Research paper thumbnail of Investigation of Usability of Boron Doped Sheep Wool as Insulation Material and Comparison with Existing Insulation Materials

SSRN Electronic Journal, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Bi̇lgi̇sayar Destekli̇ İnşaat Mali̇yet Anali̇zleri̇

In this study; a program that calculate the quantity of materials to as come into construction an... more In this study; a program that calculate the quantity of materials to as come into construction and cost of the materials according to the present conditions it was aimed that program was designed to meet the state adjudication law. It was observed that, software meet the requirements in an example application and the process of the firms which are participating the awarding is done quickly and correctly. Analysis of unit price of 60 thousand items published by involving institutions. Calculation of quantity of items according to the previous analysis, and calculation of the total cost of these items was aimed.By using developed software, total cost of full construction work is calculated with 100% accuracy and present pricing was used when the calculation was made.

Research paper thumbnail of Kalip Yapim Hata Sonuçlarinin Bi̇lgi̇sayar Destekli̇ Yaklaşimla Anali̇zi̇ Ve Değerlendi̇ri̇lmesi̇

KALIP YAPIM HATA SONUCLARININ BILGISAYAR DESTEKLI YAKLAŞIMLA ANALIZI VE DEĞERLENDIRILMESI Ozet Bi... more KALIP YAPIM HATA SONUCLARININ BILGISAYAR DESTEKLI YAKLAŞIMLA ANALIZI VE DEĞERLENDIRILMESI Ozet Bilgisayar Destekli Tasarim (BDT) programlari surekli gelistirilmekte ve insaat teknolojilerinde hizli, dogru ve net sonuclarla calismasindan dolayi cok yaygin olarak kullanilmaktadir. Bilgisayarlar destekli calismalar ile betonarme statik projeleri hazirlanarak, alternatif cozumler uretilmekte, en dogru ve en ekonomik kararlar alinabilmektedir. Insaat sektorunde en onemli imalatlardan olan kalip imalarinda, ustalarin iyi egitim almasi ve uygulamasi gerekmektedir. Yapilan kucuk bir hata, kotu imalat ve iscilik, yapim asamasinda is kazalarina, sonrasinda ise proje hesap degerlerinde sorunlara neden olmaktadir. Istatistiklere gore ulkemizdeki is kazalarinda insaat sektoru ilk siralarda yer almakta, bu kazalarin onemli bir kismini ise kalip ve iskele hatalarindan meydana gelmektedir. Bu sekilde olusan is gucu kayiplarinin isverene ve devlete olan maliyetleri ciddi boyutlardadir. Bu calismada,...