Mustafa Unal - (original) (raw)
Papers by Mustafa Unal
Journal of Experimental & Clinical Medicine, 2015
Smoking is a worldwide problem affecting large number of people with serious consequences. Fighti... more Smoking is a worldwide problem affecting large number of people with serious consequences. Fighting with this addiction requires involvement of all health professionals regardless of their specialty and working posts. This study is designed to investigate the difference and similarities between internal and surgery specialty residents regarding the smoking frequency, cessation knowledge, attitudes and beliefs. 121 internal and 30 surgery specialty residents volunteered for the study. They filled a questionnaire of 35 items about smoking status (The addiction level if they smoke), knowledge about cessation and beliefs. While 15.8% (n=24) smoked, 12 (7.9%)were ex-smokers. Internal specialty residents had more right answers compared to surgery residents (t=7.425, p=0.002). Although 92% of the residents said that providing smoking cessation services are important only 33 (21.9%) of them were provided smoking counseling services. Residents who participated in our study believe that neith...
ADDICTA: The Turkish Journal on Addictions, 2020
Turkish journal of family medicine and primary care, 2016
Rutin kontrol amaciyla aile sagligi merkezine basvuran, esansiyel hipertansiyon tanisi ile takip ... more Rutin kontrol amaciyla aile sagligi merkezine basvuran, esansiyel hipertansiyon tanisi ile takip edilen 58 yasindaki erkek hastaya sigara icip icmedigi soruldu. Hasta 18-53 yaslari arasinda gunde 4 paket (140 paket/yil) sigara ictigini, son 5 yildir sigara icmedigini belirtti. Sigarayi birakma kararini bir anda verdigi, herhangi bir tibbi veya alternatif/ tamamlayici tibbi oneri almadigi ogrenildi. Bu karari aldigi gunku dis etken olarak, yaptiklari bir ev ziyareti esnasinda ev sahibinin, yemekten sonra sigara icen hastamiza yonelttigi sigara icmesi ile ilgili kirici sozler oldugu not edildi. Hastamizin, oldukca yogun sigara icme gecmisine ragmen, tibbi destek almadan sadece iradesiyle sigarayi birakmasinin sasirtici oldugu dusunuldu. Her ne kadar sigarayi birakmada kisinin karari ve bu konudaki tutum, davranislari belirleyici rol aliyorsa da, bu surecin profesyonelce yonetilmesi ve gerektigi durumlarda farmakoterapi uygulanmasi basarili bir sigara birakma sureci icin gereklidir.
ADDICTA: The Turkish Journal on Addictions, 2020
Konuralp Tıp Dergisi, 2016
Bu çalışmanın amacı Kapsaisin fonoforezis ve kapsaisin jelin diz osteoartritinin tedavisinde ağrı... more Bu çalışmanın amacı Kapsaisin fonoforezis ve kapsaisin jelin diz osteoartritinin tedavisinde ağrı, engellilik, fonsiyonalite, uyku kalitesi ve depresyon üzerine etkilerini değerlendirmektir. Gereç ve Yöntem: Yetmiş üç hasta 3 gruba ayrıldı. Tüm gruplara egsersiz tedavisi uygulandı. Egsersize ek olarak birinci gruba (n = 24) kapsaisin fonoforezis, ikinci guruba (n = 24) kapsaisin jel uygulandı. Tedaviler haftada 3 gün, 6 hafta uygulandı. Hastalar ağrı için görsel analog skala, engellilik için Western Ontario ve McMaster Universite Osteoartrit Indeksi, fonksiyon için 50 m yürüme zamanı, depresyon için Beck Depresyon Skalası ve uyku kalitesi için Pittsburgh Uyku Kalite indeksi ile değerlendirildi. Değerlendirilmeler tedavi sonrası ve 1 aylık izlemde yapıldı. Bulgular: Tüm guruplar tüm parametrelerde iyileşme gösterdi. Ağrı skor sonuçları grup 1 de daha iyi idi. Bu iyilik bir ay izleminde hala devam ediyordu. Grup 1 ve 2 arasında engellilik, fonksiyon, depresyon ve uyku kalitesi açısından fark bulunmadı. Sonuç: Kapsaisin fonoferezis ağrıyı azaltmada egsersiz ve kapsaicin jele göre daha etkilidir. Kapsaisin jelin haftada sadece 3 defa kullanılmasına rağmen fonksiyon, engellilik ve uyku kalitesi üzerine capsaisin fonoferesiz kadar etkili olduğu ve aynı zamanda egsersizin uyku kaliesi ve fonksiyon üzerine etkisini artırdığı gösterildi. Bu sonuç özellikle birinci basamakta kapsaicin jel kullanımını teşvik etmektedir.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine
The aim of this study was to evaluate the need for medical education about patient rights among h... more The aim of this study was to evaluate the need for medical education about patient rights among hospital staff and in the light of the study findings a curriculum map were designed on this issue. A self-administered questionnaire about patient's rights was hand-delivered to 124 university hospital personnel who accepted to fill a questionnaire before education program settled in 29 March 2012. Ninety-two (74.2%) respondents were female and thirty-two (25.8%) were male. The mean age was 34.71±7.5 years. 80 personnel (64.5%) stated that they have received training concerning patient rights during their education while 40 personnel (34.5%) stated that they did not. Sixty tree (50.8%) of the participants stated that they had not read any legislation related to patient's rights. In the light of present study findings, it is important to do postgraduate training activities about patient rights. Considering that there are 1727 non-doctors personnel working in Ondokuz Mayıs Universi...
Comprehensive Psychiatry, 2015
Objectives: The aim of this study is to evaluate psychiatric symptoms in patients with ankylosing... more Objectives: The aim of this study is to evaluate psychiatric symptoms in patients with ankylosing spondylitis (AS) and to investigate the relationship of the disease activity, functional capacity, pain, and fatigue with psychiatric symptoms. Methods: Eighty AS patients and 80 healthy controls were included in the study. Spinal pain by visual analog scale (pain VAS-rest), disease activity by Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index (BASDAI), functional capacity by Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Functional Index (BASFI), and fatigue by Multidimensional Assessment of Fatigue (MAF) were assessed in patients. Psychiatric symptoms were measured using the Symptom Checklist-90-R (SCL-90 R), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) and Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES). Results: SCL-90-R total and all subscale scores (except interpersonal sensitivity and psychoticism) and BDI scores were significantly higher in the AS group compared to control group. PSQI total and all subscale scores were significantly higher in the AS group. State anxiety scale score was significantly higher and RSES score was significantly lower in the AS group. Psychiatric symptoms (except Rosenberg Self-Esteem score) were significantly correlated with BASDAI, BASFI, pain VAS rest, and MAF scores. Conclusion: Psychiatric symptoms are often seen in patients with AS. Disease activity, functional capacity, pain and fatigue were correlated with psychiatric symptoms but self-esteem was not. Therefore, psychiatric symptoms should be taken into consideration in the management of AS.
Turkish Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, 2018
Smoking is one of the worst habits adversely affect health. Various reasons can play a part in st... more Smoking is one of the worst habits adversely affect health. Various reasons can play a part in starting smoking. Addictions are difficult to combat for various reasons. In our manuscript, four patients with different characteristics in smoking and cessation were presented.Sigara, sağlığa olumsuz etkide bulunan en kötü alışkanlıklardandır. Sigaraya başlama nedenleri çok çeşitli olabilmektedir. Bağımlılıklarla çeşitli nedenlerle mücadele edilmesi zordur. Makalemizde, sigarayı içme ve bırakma konusunda farklı özellikte dört hasta sunulmuştur.
International Journal of Clinical Practice, 2021
We aimed to evaluate knowledge, attitudes and usage of the painkillers within the framework of ra... more We aimed to evaluate knowledge, attitudes and usage of the painkillers within the framework of rational drug use.
Archives of gerontology and geriatrics, Jan 27, 2018
To investigate levels of depression, quality of life, general health perception, and factors affe... more To investigate levels of depression, quality of life, general health perception, and factors affecting these in grandmothers providing care for their grandchildren. One hundred two family physicians from four cities (Samsun, Amasya, Canakkale, and Izmir) in Turkey investigated 2859 women older than 65 years on their patient lists. Of these, 282 (9.8%) had spent at least 50 h caring for their grandchildren in the previous three months, and these were selected as the study group, while the remaining 2563 (89.6%) were enrolled as the control group. After all participants' demographic variables had been investigated, they completed the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Self-Function 12 (Mental and physical component score) (SF-12), and the Visual Analog Scale of EQ-5D (VAS). The participants in the study group also completed a questionnaire investigating features of their grandchild care. The study group (with the exception of custodial grandmothers) scored better on the SF-12 (PSC =...
Aile hekimliği pratiğinde enfeksiyon hastalıkları nedeniyle oluşan şikayetler sonucunda çok sık b... more Aile hekimliği pratiğinde enfeksiyon hastalıkları nedeniyle oluşan şikayetler sonucunda çok sık başvuru olmaktadır. Bu enfeksiyon hastalıklarının çoğu viral kökenlidir. Bu viral hastalıklar içinde adenovirüs enfeksiyonları aile hekimliği uzmanlığı pratiğinde hiç de azımsanmayacak bir oranda izlenmektedir. Sıklıkla alt ve üst solunum yolu enfeksiyonları, gastroenteritler ve keratokonjuktivit gibi göz enfeksiyonlarına sebep olurlar. Daha az sıklıkla hemorajik sistit, orşit, nefrit, üretrit gibi atipik bazı enfeksiyon hastalıklarına sebep olabilirler. Tanı için hücre kültürü altın standart olsa da geç sonuç vermesi nedeniyle pratikte kullanımı sınırlıdır. Doğrudan immun floresan inceleme (DFA) bu konuda oldukça umut vericidir. Hastalıktan korunma ve tedavide kişisel hijyen önlemlerinin alınması (tek kullanımlık eldiven kullanılması ve yüzme havuzlarının klorlanması) önemlidir. Ribavarin ve Sidofir da kullanım için önerilmektedir. Aşağıdaki derlemede adenovirüslerin morfolojik, epidomiy...
Journal of back and musculoskeletal rehabilitation, 2014
The aim of this trial is to search effectiveness of specifically adapted exercise programs on its... more The aim of this trial is to search effectiveness of specifically adapted exercise programs on its own and with low back school on pain, disability, trunk and quadriceps muscle strength, walking performance, spinal mobility, quality of life (QOL), and depression in the patients with chronic low back pain (CLBP). A total of 121 patients with definite CLBP were included in this study. The patients were randomized into two groups. Group 1 (n=60) was given exercises only and accepted as the control group. Group 2 (n=61) received back school program and exercises. The exercise treatment was performed 3 days a week, for 3 months. The pain (visual analog scale, VAS), disability (Oswestry Disability Questionnaire, ODQ), walking performance (6 minute walking test, 6MWT), depression (Beck Depression Inventory scores, BDI), and QOL (Short Form 36, SF-36) of all participants were evaluated. The trunk and knee muscle strength were measured with a handheld dynamometer. Patients were assessed at ba...
Objective: This study investigated sexual problems which may be faced by patients of either gende... more Objective: This study investigated sexual problems which may be faced by patients of either gender after undergoing temporary or permanent colostomy and the relationship between these problems and self-esteem. Materials and Methods: 42 participants undergoing temporary or permanent colostomy (study group) at the Samsun Education and Research Hospital and 42 participants working as auxiliary staff in the same hospital (control group) were included in the study. All participants completed a questionnaire investigating socio-demographic characteristics and the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. Female participants also completed the Female Sexual Function Index and male participants the International Index of Erectile Function by the sealed envelope method. After one week, the data obtained from the questionnaires were evaluated among the groups. Findings: In the study group, 17 out of 42 cases (40%) had undergone permanent colostomy and 25 temporary colostomy. Self-esteem levels in the stud...
Journal of Experimental & Clinical Medicine, 2015
Smoking is a worldwide problem affecting large number of people with serious consequences. Fighti... more Smoking is a worldwide problem affecting large number of people with serious consequences. Fighting with this addiction requires involvement of all health professionals regardless of their specialty and working posts. This study is designed to investigate the difference and similarities between internal and surgery specialty residents regarding the smoking frequency, cessation knowledge, attitudes and beliefs. 121 internal and 30 surgery specialty residents volunteered for the study. They filled a questionnaire of 35 items about smoking status (The addiction level if they smoke), knowledge about cessation and beliefs. While 15.8% (n=24) smoked, 12 (7.9%)were ex-smokers. Internal specialty residents had more right answers compared to surgery residents (t=7.425, p=0.002). Although 92% of the residents said that providing smoking cessation services are important only 33 (21.9%) of them were provided smoking counseling services. Residents who participated in our study believe that neith...
ADDICTA: The Turkish Journal on Addictions, 2020
Turkish journal of family medicine and primary care, 2016
Rutin kontrol amaciyla aile sagligi merkezine basvuran, esansiyel hipertansiyon tanisi ile takip ... more Rutin kontrol amaciyla aile sagligi merkezine basvuran, esansiyel hipertansiyon tanisi ile takip edilen 58 yasindaki erkek hastaya sigara icip icmedigi soruldu. Hasta 18-53 yaslari arasinda gunde 4 paket (140 paket/yil) sigara ictigini, son 5 yildir sigara icmedigini belirtti. Sigarayi birakma kararini bir anda verdigi, herhangi bir tibbi veya alternatif/ tamamlayici tibbi oneri almadigi ogrenildi. Bu karari aldigi gunku dis etken olarak, yaptiklari bir ev ziyareti esnasinda ev sahibinin, yemekten sonra sigara icen hastamiza yonelttigi sigara icmesi ile ilgili kirici sozler oldugu not edildi. Hastamizin, oldukca yogun sigara icme gecmisine ragmen, tibbi destek almadan sadece iradesiyle sigarayi birakmasinin sasirtici oldugu dusunuldu. Her ne kadar sigarayi birakmada kisinin karari ve bu konudaki tutum, davranislari belirleyici rol aliyorsa da, bu surecin profesyonelce yonetilmesi ve gerektigi durumlarda farmakoterapi uygulanmasi basarili bir sigara birakma sureci icin gereklidir.
ADDICTA: The Turkish Journal on Addictions, 2020
Konuralp Tıp Dergisi, 2016
Bu çalışmanın amacı Kapsaisin fonoforezis ve kapsaisin jelin diz osteoartritinin tedavisinde ağrı... more Bu çalışmanın amacı Kapsaisin fonoforezis ve kapsaisin jelin diz osteoartritinin tedavisinde ağrı, engellilik, fonsiyonalite, uyku kalitesi ve depresyon üzerine etkilerini değerlendirmektir. Gereç ve Yöntem: Yetmiş üç hasta 3 gruba ayrıldı. Tüm gruplara egsersiz tedavisi uygulandı. Egsersize ek olarak birinci gruba (n = 24) kapsaisin fonoforezis, ikinci guruba (n = 24) kapsaisin jel uygulandı. Tedaviler haftada 3 gün, 6 hafta uygulandı. Hastalar ağrı için görsel analog skala, engellilik için Western Ontario ve McMaster Universite Osteoartrit Indeksi, fonksiyon için 50 m yürüme zamanı, depresyon için Beck Depresyon Skalası ve uyku kalitesi için Pittsburgh Uyku Kalite indeksi ile değerlendirildi. Değerlendirilmeler tedavi sonrası ve 1 aylık izlemde yapıldı. Bulgular: Tüm guruplar tüm parametrelerde iyileşme gösterdi. Ağrı skor sonuçları grup 1 de daha iyi idi. Bu iyilik bir ay izleminde hala devam ediyordu. Grup 1 ve 2 arasında engellilik, fonksiyon, depresyon ve uyku kalitesi açısından fark bulunmadı. Sonuç: Kapsaisin fonoferezis ağrıyı azaltmada egsersiz ve kapsaicin jele göre daha etkilidir. Kapsaisin jelin haftada sadece 3 defa kullanılmasına rağmen fonksiyon, engellilik ve uyku kalitesi üzerine capsaisin fonoferesiz kadar etkili olduğu ve aynı zamanda egsersizin uyku kaliesi ve fonksiyon üzerine etkisini artırdığı gösterildi. Bu sonuç özellikle birinci basamakta kapsaicin jel kullanımını teşvik etmektedir.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine
The aim of this study was to evaluate the need for medical education about patient rights among h... more The aim of this study was to evaluate the need for medical education about patient rights among hospital staff and in the light of the study findings a curriculum map were designed on this issue. A self-administered questionnaire about patient's rights was hand-delivered to 124 university hospital personnel who accepted to fill a questionnaire before education program settled in 29 March 2012. Ninety-two (74.2%) respondents were female and thirty-two (25.8%) were male. The mean age was 34.71±7.5 years. 80 personnel (64.5%) stated that they have received training concerning patient rights during their education while 40 personnel (34.5%) stated that they did not. Sixty tree (50.8%) of the participants stated that they had not read any legislation related to patient's rights. In the light of present study findings, it is important to do postgraduate training activities about patient rights. Considering that there are 1727 non-doctors personnel working in Ondokuz Mayıs Universi...
Comprehensive Psychiatry, 2015
Objectives: The aim of this study is to evaluate psychiatric symptoms in patients with ankylosing... more Objectives: The aim of this study is to evaluate psychiatric symptoms in patients with ankylosing spondylitis (AS) and to investigate the relationship of the disease activity, functional capacity, pain, and fatigue with psychiatric symptoms. Methods: Eighty AS patients and 80 healthy controls were included in the study. Spinal pain by visual analog scale (pain VAS-rest), disease activity by Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index (BASDAI), functional capacity by Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Functional Index (BASFI), and fatigue by Multidimensional Assessment of Fatigue (MAF) were assessed in patients. Psychiatric symptoms were measured using the Symptom Checklist-90-R (SCL-90 R), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) and Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES). Results: SCL-90-R total and all subscale scores (except interpersonal sensitivity and psychoticism) and BDI scores were significantly higher in the AS group compared to control group. PSQI total and all subscale scores were significantly higher in the AS group. State anxiety scale score was significantly higher and RSES score was significantly lower in the AS group. Psychiatric symptoms (except Rosenberg Self-Esteem score) were significantly correlated with BASDAI, BASFI, pain VAS rest, and MAF scores. Conclusion: Psychiatric symptoms are often seen in patients with AS. Disease activity, functional capacity, pain and fatigue were correlated with psychiatric symptoms but self-esteem was not. Therefore, psychiatric symptoms should be taken into consideration in the management of AS.
Turkish Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, 2018
Smoking is one of the worst habits adversely affect health. Various reasons can play a part in st... more Smoking is one of the worst habits adversely affect health. Various reasons can play a part in starting smoking. Addictions are difficult to combat for various reasons. In our manuscript, four patients with different characteristics in smoking and cessation were presented.Sigara, sağlığa olumsuz etkide bulunan en kötü alışkanlıklardandır. Sigaraya başlama nedenleri çok çeşitli olabilmektedir. Bağımlılıklarla çeşitli nedenlerle mücadele edilmesi zordur. Makalemizde, sigarayı içme ve bırakma konusunda farklı özellikte dört hasta sunulmuştur.
International Journal of Clinical Practice, 2021
We aimed to evaluate knowledge, attitudes and usage of the painkillers within the framework of ra... more We aimed to evaluate knowledge, attitudes and usage of the painkillers within the framework of rational drug use.
Archives of gerontology and geriatrics, Jan 27, 2018
To investigate levels of depression, quality of life, general health perception, and factors affe... more To investigate levels of depression, quality of life, general health perception, and factors affecting these in grandmothers providing care for their grandchildren. One hundred two family physicians from four cities (Samsun, Amasya, Canakkale, and Izmir) in Turkey investigated 2859 women older than 65 years on their patient lists. Of these, 282 (9.8%) had spent at least 50 h caring for their grandchildren in the previous three months, and these were selected as the study group, while the remaining 2563 (89.6%) were enrolled as the control group. After all participants' demographic variables had been investigated, they completed the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Self-Function 12 (Mental and physical component score) (SF-12), and the Visual Analog Scale of EQ-5D (VAS). The participants in the study group also completed a questionnaire investigating features of their grandchild care. The study group (with the exception of custodial grandmothers) scored better on the SF-12 (PSC =...
Aile hekimliği pratiğinde enfeksiyon hastalıkları nedeniyle oluşan şikayetler sonucunda çok sık b... more Aile hekimliği pratiğinde enfeksiyon hastalıkları nedeniyle oluşan şikayetler sonucunda çok sık başvuru olmaktadır. Bu enfeksiyon hastalıklarının çoğu viral kökenlidir. Bu viral hastalıklar içinde adenovirüs enfeksiyonları aile hekimliği uzmanlığı pratiğinde hiç de azımsanmayacak bir oranda izlenmektedir. Sıklıkla alt ve üst solunum yolu enfeksiyonları, gastroenteritler ve keratokonjuktivit gibi göz enfeksiyonlarına sebep olurlar. Daha az sıklıkla hemorajik sistit, orşit, nefrit, üretrit gibi atipik bazı enfeksiyon hastalıklarına sebep olabilirler. Tanı için hücre kültürü altın standart olsa da geç sonuç vermesi nedeniyle pratikte kullanımı sınırlıdır. Doğrudan immun floresan inceleme (DFA) bu konuda oldukça umut vericidir. Hastalıktan korunma ve tedavide kişisel hijyen önlemlerinin alınması (tek kullanımlık eldiven kullanılması ve yüzme havuzlarının klorlanması) önemlidir. Ribavarin ve Sidofir da kullanım için önerilmektedir. Aşağıdaki derlemede adenovirüslerin morfolojik, epidomiy...
Journal of back and musculoskeletal rehabilitation, 2014
The aim of this trial is to search effectiveness of specifically adapted exercise programs on its... more The aim of this trial is to search effectiveness of specifically adapted exercise programs on its own and with low back school on pain, disability, trunk and quadriceps muscle strength, walking performance, spinal mobility, quality of life (QOL), and depression in the patients with chronic low back pain (CLBP). A total of 121 patients with definite CLBP were included in this study. The patients were randomized into two groups. Group 1 (n=60) was given exercises only and accepted as the control group. Group 2 (n=61) received back school program and exercises. The exercise treatment was performed 3 days a week, for 3 months. The pain (visual analog scale, VAS), disability (Oswestry Disability Questionnaire, ODQ), walking performance (6 minute walking test, 6MWT), depression (Beck Depression Inventory scores, BDI), and QOL (Short Form 36, SF-36) of all participants were evaluated. The trunk and knee muscle strength were measured with a handheld dynamometer. Patients were assessed at ba...
Objective: This study investigated sexual problems which may be faced by patients of either gende... more Objective: This study investigated sexual problems which may be faced by patients of either gender after undergoing temporary or permanent colostomy and the relationship between these problems and self-esteem. Materials and Methods: 42 participants undergoing temporary or permanent colostomy (study group) at the Samsun Education and Research Hospital and 42 participants working as auxiliary staff in the same hospital (control group) were included in the study. All participants completed a questionnaire investigating socio-demographic characteristics and the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. Female participants also completed the Female Sexual Function Index and male participants the International Index of Erectile Function by the sealed envelope method. After one week, the data obtained from the questionnaires were evaluated among the groups. Findings: In the study group, 17 out of 42 cases (40%) had undergone permanent colostomy and 25 temporary colostomy. Self-esteem levels in the stud...