Mustakim Mustakim - (original) (raw)
Papers by Mustakim Mustakim
Tujuan dari penelitian ini, untuk menggambarkan model pewarisan budaya, pendidikan Informal (Pend... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini, untuk menggambarkan model pewarisan budaya, pendidikan Informal (Pendidikan Tradisional) masyarakat pengerajin kayu. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, dengan metode deskriptif, serta teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi partisipatif, wawancara mendalam dan dokumentasi. Hasil kajian penelitian ini menggambarkan bahwa dalam pewarisan budaya pada masyarakat pengrajin kayu menggunakan pendidikan tradisional dalam mewariskan keterampilan kerajinan kayu secara turun temurun. Pewarisan budaya dari generasi tua kepada generasi muda melalui beberapa tahap yakni, pendidikan informal yakni melalui keluarga terdekat dan kerabat, dan guru agama yang memiliki keterampilan mengolah kayu. Proses belajar kebudayaan yakni dengan mengkaji proses internalisasi, sosialisasi, dan enkulturasi budaya masyarakat. Dan unsur-unsur budaya yang berkembang di masyarakat menggunakan bahasa sunda untuk kegiatan keseharian, sitem pengetahun, sistem kemasyarakatan...
JIEEC (Journal of Islamic Education for Early Childhood)
Culture as a community heritage handed down from generation to generation. Inheritance of charact... more Culture as a community heritage handed down from generation to generation. Inheritance of character values in children becoming a fundamental requirement for the foundation of a child to adulthood. Traditional games as a legacy of the archipelago are starting to fade among the melenial generation, the flow of digital technology is the main factor in traditional games being abandoned. Children are more love to play the gadget, online games, internet, social media, ticktock, and youtube. Melenial generation began not familiar with the heritage of traditional games developed in the community. The purpose of this study to describe the concept of inheritance of traditional games in early childhood. The method used qualitative methods using the technique of interview, observation and documentation. The results of the study illustrate that traditional games provide recreational, competitive, and educational values for early childhood, as a means of physical motor development for children.
Tujuan kegiatan pelatihan sebagai kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat untuk pendamping komunita... more Tujuan kegiatan pelatihan sebagai kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat untuk pendamping komunitas migran pekerja industri dalam pengasuhan anak yakni untuk memberikan pelayanan edukasi komuntas migran tentang pola pengasuhan anak, keterbukaan publik tentang akses pendidikan anak, edukasi orang tua pemanfaatan teknologi yang menunjang belajar anak, dan pekerjaan orang tua sebagai daya dukung belajar anak. Metode pelatihan ini secara daring selama dua hari, mulai tanggal 25-26 Juni 2021 melalui aplikasi zoom meeting dengan peserta sebanyak 13 mahasiswa Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik. Teknik analisis pelatihan melalui tiga tahapan yakni (1) perencanaan pelatihan, meliputi proses rekuitmen peserta pelatihan calon pendamping komunitas migran, persiapan materi, dan penentuan waktu pelaksanaan pelatihan dengan menggunakan media zoom metting; (2) pelaksanaan pelatihan, meliputi kegiatan pelatihan hari pertama 25 Juni 2021 di mulai pukul 08.00 WIB-11.00 WIB, dan hari kedua 26 Juni 2021 dim...
Comm-Edu (Community Education Journal), 2020
Digital literacy in the face of a new normality for the people's choice menjali daily activit... more Digital literacy in the face of a new normality for the people's choice menjali daily activities. Computer literacy skills education pandemic period covid-19 learners equality peket C is a new experience trainee (student). This study aims to describe the management of computer literacy skills education program and an overview of the traditional fingering patterns of computer literacy skills education pandemic period covid-19. The research method used is a qualitative method with an ethnographic approach. This research analyzes using the method of data collection, simplification of data, and presentation of data, as well as conclusions and verification. This study Response 20 apprentices equality Package C in SKB Cerme Gresik. The research result shows that as the use of digital technology, the mastery of computers and networks, as well as information. The results of this study illustrate that the management of future pandemic computer literacy program covid-19 in general by usin...
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Education and Technology (ICET 2019), 2019
Digital era education becomes a challenge for citizens learning Paket C. Along with the progress ... more Digital era education becomes a challenge for citizens learning Paket C. Along with the progress of the times the improvement in the quality of education is directly proportional to the competencies of learning citizens. The Paket C program is a program in the non-formal education pathway that is organized in stages and structured. Learning citizens as adults to receive education have not been maximally facilitated in the formal education pathway equivalent to high school (high school) or Madrasah Aliyah (MA). This research was conducted on learning citizens of Paket C at Sanggar Kegiatan Belajar (SKB) Cerme Gresik. The purpose of this study was to find out how the description of the Paket C program at SKB Cerme Gresik, as well as to describe the quality of learning the learners of Paket C at the SKB Gresik. In this study using Mixed Methods method with qualitative and quantitative approaches. The results of this study illustrate that the evaluation of the Paket C program is carried out in five stages such as planning, organizing, mobilizing, coaching, and evaluating. And the quality of learning can be seen from the tutors who have scientific qualifications that are appropriate to the subject. And the results of pre-test and post-test learning showed an increase in the quality of learning before and after learning.
Jurnal Inovasi Hasil Pengabdian Masyarakat (JIPEMAS), 2021
Kata Kunci: pola asuh orang tua; anak usia dini; era disrupsi Lisensi: cc-by-sa Advances in techn... more Kata Kunci: pola asuh orang tua; anak usia dini; era disrupsi Lisensi: cc-by-sa Advances in technology and the times are increasingly global, require parents to adapt quickly to the changing times. The childcare has traditionally had started at the left along with the era of increasingly apparent disruption in sight. Parenting training objectives early childhood in an era of disruption is a response from the busyness of parents in making a living, rapid advances in technology, the rise of gadgets, social media, youtube, online games, and negative news. Training delivery methods using lectures, discussions and brainstorming group. Training processes with the assessment phase, the implementation phase, and the phase of assessment and evaluation phase. Training results illustrate that parents have started to realize the education of children in the age of disruption, the use of technology-based smart parenting, immune selfer, character education and religious values in accordance with the teachings of the Prophet. Parents educate children to have manners, polite, obedient worship, and establish good relationships with others, as well as parents provide love, security, smart in dealing with the times. Abstrak Kemajuan teknologi dan perkembangan zaman yang semakin global, menuntut orang tua beradaptasi secara cepat dengan perubahan zaman. Pengasuhan anak secara tradisional sudah mulai di tinggalkan seiring dengan era disrupsi yang semakin nyata di depan mata. Tujuan pelatihan pengasuhan orang tua anak usia dini di era disrupsi merupakan jawaban dari kesibukan orang tua dalam mencari nafkah, kemajuan teknologi yang cepat, maraknya gadget, sosial media, youtube, game online, dan berita negatif. Metode pelaksanaan pelatihan dengan menggunakan metode ceramah, diskusi, dan brainstorming group. Proses pelaksanaan pelatihan dengan tahap assessment, tahap pelaksanaan, dan tahap penilaian serta tahap evaluasi. Hasil pelatihan menggambarkan bahwa orang tua sudah mulai sadar akan pendidikan anak di era disrupsi, penggunaan smart parenting berbasis teknologi, immune selfer, pendidikan karakter dan nilai-nilai agama sesuai dengan ajaran Nabi. Orang tua mendidik anak untuk memiliki tata krama, sopan santun, taat beribadah, dan menjalin hubungan baik dengan orang lain, serta orang tua memberikan kasih sayang, rasa aman, cerdas dalam menghadapi perkembangan zaman.
Pancaran Pendidikan, 2017
The family is the first place for children to get an education. Through the parents, the educatio... more The family is the first place for children to get an education. Through the parents, the educational process is important values for the development of the child. Children will learn about the values of moral, spiritual, and ethical through parents. These values develop along with growing up of children. Therefore, the pattern of parenting becomes important values in delivering identity of the child to adulthood. The above conditions will occur in intact families but unlike the single parent family. Children who are raised by single parents feared to bring harm to the…
Proceedings of the 3rd NFE Conference on Lifelong Learning (NFE 2016), 2017
The problem of unemployment and poverty is a common problem faced by developing countries, especi... more The problem of unemployment and poverty is a common problem faced by developing countries, especially Indonesia. The number of unemployed is growing from year to year. In February 2016, the number of unemployed was recorded around 7.02 million people. This condition if constantly left unchecked, it will have an impact on the community's economy. Through traditional internship pattern expected the community's economy can improve. The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of traditional internship pattern, to increase entrepreneurial community and to know the advantages and disadvantages of the pattern of traditional apprenticeship itself. Author is interested in researching traditional internship pattern because traditional internship pattern is a method of learning work in which taught from generation to generation. Moreover, the traditional internship pattern is an effort to transform the skills, knowledge, and attitudes within the family, community, and environment. This study uses descriptive research with qualitative research approaches. The result of this study has a positive impact in improving the entrepreneurial community as well as improving skills, knowledge, and mental attitudes in community entrepreneurship.
Many studies have suggested the relationship between innovation and lifelong learning that are in... more Many studies have suggested the relationship between innovation and lifelong learning that are interrelated. However, it is still difficult to find research that takes the viewpoint of innovation as an implication of a lifelong learning process which cultivates literacy. By collecting conceptual literatures on innovation and lifelong learning, this article aims to provide a perspective view of the concept of lifelong learning in innovation. This article also contributes to encourage adults to have the mindset to always learn without being limited by space and time in creating innovation so as to avoid being illiterate again. The findings of this article suggest the idea that innovation can create learning processes. Even in the learning process, it can have implications for innovation. In the future research requires a significant amount of time to examine various perspectives and conceptual issues related to innovation seen in the perspective of lifelong learning .
JIPEMAS: Jurnal Inovasi Hasil Pengabdian Masyarakat
Problema lower literacy rates in Sub Cipawitra Mangkubumi District of Tasikmalaya impact on unemp... more Problema lower literacy rates in Sub Cipawitra Mangkubumi District of Tasikmalaya impact on unemployment. Unemployment is a problem that requires a special close attention. The unemployment rate in over productive (aged 15 years and above) will have an impact on the increasing number of criminal, immoral, and illegal. The purpose of community service is the creation of a model of community empowerment in the field of sewing business, increased knowledge, skills and attitudes in entrepreneurship. In collaboration with community service Courses and Training Institute (CGC) Anugrah Pratama and Forums Community Activity Center (CLC) Tasikmalaya. Method of implementation of community service uses two stages, among others: the preparation phase and implementation phase. During the implementation phase includes four stages include: identification of skills learned, the implementation phase, the assessment phase, and the follow-up phase. The results of community service activities can creat...
—The problem of unemployment and poverty is a common problem faced by developing countries, espec... more —The problem of unemployment and poverty is a common problem faced by developing countries, especially Indonesia. The number of unemployed is growing from year to year. In February 2016, the number of unemployed was recorded around 7.02 million people. This condition if constantly left unchecked, it will have an impact on the community's economy. Through traditional internship pattern expected the community's economy can improve. The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of traditional internship pattern, to increase entrepreneurial community and to know the advantages and disadvantages of the pattern of traditional apprenticeship itself. Author is interested in researching traditional internship pattern because traditional internship pattern is a method of learning work in which taught from generation to generation. Moreover, the traditional internship pattern is an effort to transform the skills, knowledge, and attitudes within the family, community, and environment. This study uses descriptive research with qualitative research approaches. The result of this study has a positive impact in improving the entrepreneurial community as well as improving skills, knowledge, and mental attitudes in community entrepreneurship.
Stakeholder is a driving force in an organization. Leader is responsible for the progress and the... more Stakeholder is a driving force in an organization. Leader is responsible for the progress and the deterioration of an institution. A wise leader can be an example for its members. However, over time, an organization cannot be avoided with the crisis of leadership. This condition is due to the lack of human resources that has credibility and capacity as a leader. Through the Training Management Model, it aims to improve the capacity of human resources, which is expected to become a model of the emergence of future leaders. The civil service is a State apparatus that works to serve the State of the Republic of Indonesia. Then, a civil servant will occupy positions within the institution, He/she must have a minimum rank of echelon IV. The purpose of this study is to obtain training management model that can improve employee performance, and increase the capacity of human resources such as: in terms of knowledge, motivation, performance and leadership in implementing the tasks in an organization. This study employed mixed methods, quantitative and qualitative approaches. Furthermore, in collecting the data collection, the author performed interviews, documentation, observations and questionnaires. The results of this study were elaborated briefly as follows: (1) Training management model among others by applying a training needs analysis (TNA), employee goals, training infrastructure, training design, program structure, and training budget plan. (2) The capacity of human resources includes an increase in knowledge, motivation, leadership, job performance, attitude in work and additional duties (the working visit). (3) The impact of training on performance management of human resources is that: the employees have the skills to be a leader of an institution, high motivation in work, and responsibility in carrying out their duties. Based on the correlation coefficient between management training with employee performance could be concluded that there was significant influence. Based on the findings of the obtained data, it showed coefficients amounting to 0.846 or 84.6%. Therefore, it was proven that the influence between two variables wass very strong in the range coefficient from 0.80 to 1.000.
The family is the first place for children to get an education. Through the parents, the educatio... more The family is the first place for children to get an education. Through the parents, the educational process is important values for the development of the child. Children will learn about the values of moral, spiritual, and ethical through parents. These values develop along with growing up of children. Therefore, pattern of parenting becomes important values in delivering identity of the child to adulthood. The above conditions will occur in intact families, but unlike the single parent family. Children who are raised by single parents feared to bring harm to the child's development, or education. Thus, single parent will struggle doing the maximum care, in order to dispel such concerns. Based on that researchers aim to conduct an analysis of parenting within the nuclear family (single parent). The implication of this study is to determine the pattern of education and guidance to children. This study used a qualitative approach with research subjects a single parent that has school-age children. Based on the analysis of research data which obtained the findings that: (1) single parent education related to parent's responsibilities to children, teaching methods applied in family environment, educational tools used and values education, and (2) parental guidance to children tend to religious guidance, social, academic, career and motivation.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini, untuk menggambarkan model pewarisan budaya, pendidikan Informal (Pend... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini, untuk menggambarkan model pewarisan budaya, pendidikan Informal (Pendidikan Tradisional) masyarakat pengerajin kayu. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, dengan metode deskriptif, serta teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi partisipatif, wawancara mendalam dan dokumentasi. Hasil kajian penelitian ini menggambarkan bahwa dalam pewarisan budaya pada masyarakat pengrajin kayu menggunakan pendidikan tradisional dalam mewariskan keterampilan kerajinan kayu secara turun temurun. Pewarisan budaya dari generasi tua kepada generasi muda melalui beberapa tahap yakni, pendidikan informal yakni melalui keluarga terdekat dan kerabat, dan guru agama yang memiliki keterampilan mengolah kayu. Proses belajar kebudayaan yakni dengan mengkaji proses internalisasi, sosialisasi, dan enkulturasi budaya masyarakat. Dan unsur-unsur budaya yang berkembang di masyarakat menggunakan bahasa sunda untuk kegiatan keseharian, sitem pengetahun, sistem kemasyarakatan...
JIEEC (Journal of Islamic Education for Early Childhood)
Culture as a community heritage handed down from generation to generation. Inheritance of charact... more Culture as a community heritage handed down from generation to generation. Inheritance of character values in children becoming a fundamental requirement for the foundation of a child to adulthood. Traditional games as a legacy of the archipelago are starting to fade among the melenial generation, the flow of digital technology is the main factor in traditional games being abandoned. Children are more love to play the gadget, online games, internet, social media, ticktock, and youtube. Melenial generation began not familiar with the heritage of traditional games developed in the community. The purpose of this study to describe the concept of inheritance of traditional games in early childhood. The method used qualitative methods using the technique of interview, observation and documentation. The results of the study illustrate that traditional games provide recreational, competitive, and educational values for early childhood, as a means of physical motor development for children.
Tujuan kegiatan pelatihan sebagai kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat untuk pendamping komunita... more Tujuan kegiatan pelatihan sebagai kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat untuk pendamping komunitas migran pekerja industri dalam pengasuhan anak yakni untuk memberikan pelayanan edukasi komuntas migran tentang pola pengasuhan anak, keterbukaan publik tentang akses pendidikan anak, edukasi orang tua pemanfaatan teknologi yang menunjang belajar anak, dan pekerjaan orang tua sebagai daya dukung belajar anak. Metode pelatihan ini secara daring selama dua hari, mulai tanggal 25-26 Juni 2021 melalui aplikasi zoom meeting dengan peserta sebanyak 13 mahasiswa Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik. Teknik analisis pelatihan melalui tiga tahapan yakni (1) perencanaan pelatihan, meliputi proses rekuitmen peserta pelatihan calon pendamping komunitas migran, persiapan materi, dan penentuan waktu pelaksanaan pelatihan dengan menggunakan media zoom metting; (2) pelaksanaan pelatihan, meliputi kegiatan pelatihan hari pertama 25 Juni 2021 di mulai pukul 08.00 WIB-11.00 WIB, dan hari kedua 26 Juni 2021 dim...
Comm-Edu (Community Education Journal), 2020
Digital literacy in the face of a new normality for the people's choice menjali daily activit... more Digital literacy in the face of a new normality for the people's choice menjali daily activities. Computer literacy skills education pandemic period covid-19 learners equality peket C is a new experience trainee (student). This study aims to describe the management of computer literacy skills education program and an overview of the traditional fingering patterns of computer literacy skills education pandemic period covid-19. The research method used is a qualitative method with an ethnographic approach. This research analyzes using the method of data collection, simplification of data, and presentation of data, as well as conclusions and verification. This study Response 20 apprentices equality Package C in SKB Cerme Gresik. The research result shows that as the use of digital technology, the mastery of computers and networks, as well as information. The results of this study illustrate that the management of future pandemic computer literacy program covid-19 in general by usin...
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Education and Technology (ICET 2019), 2019
Digital era education becomes a challenge for citizens learning Paket C. Along with the progress ... more Digital era education becomes a challenge for citizens learning Paket C. Along with the progress of the times the improvement in the quality of education is directly proportional to the competencies of learning citizens. The Paket C program is a program in the non-formal education pathway that is organized in stages and structured. Learning citizens as adults to receive education have not been maximally facilitated in the formal education pathway equivalent to high school (high school) or Madrasah Aliyah (MA). This research was conducted on learning citizens of Paket C at Sanggar Kegiatan Belajar (SKB) Cerme Gresik. The purpose of this study was to find out how the description of the Paket C program at SKB Cerme Gresik, as well as to describe the quality of learning the learners of Paket C at the SKB Gresik. In this study using Mixed Methods method with qualitative and quantitative approaches. The results of this study illustrate that the evaluation of the Paket C program is carried out in five stages such as planning, organizing, mobilizing, coaching, and evaluating. And the quality of learning can be seen from the tutors who have scientific qualifications that are appropriate to the subject. And the results of pre-test and post-test learning showed an increase in the quality of learning before and after learning.
Jurnal Inovasi Hasil Pengabdian Masyarakat (JIPEMAS), 2021
Kata Kunci: pola asuh orang tua; anak usia dini; era disrupsi Lisensi: cc-by-sa Advances in techn... more Kata Kunci: pola asuh orang tua; anak usia dini; era disrupsi Lisensi: cc-by-sa Advances in technology and the times are increasingly global, require parents to adapt quickly to the changing times. The childcare has traditionally had started at the left along with the era of increasingly apparent disruption in sight. Parenting training objectives early childhood in an era of disruption is a response from the busyness of parents in making a living, rapid advances in technology, the rise of gadgets, social media, youtube, online games, and negative news. Training delivery methods using lectures, discussions and brainstorming group. Training processes with the assessment phase, the implementation phase, and the phase of assessment and evaluation phase. Training results illustrate that parents have started to realize the education of children in the age of disruption, the use of technology-based smart parenting, immune selfer, character education and religious values in accordance with the teachings of the Prophet. Parents educate children to have manners, polite, obedient worship, and establish good relationships with others, as well as parents provide love, security, smart in dealing with the times. Abstrak Kemajuan teknologi dan perkembangan zaman yang semakin global, menuntut orang tua beradaptasi secara cepat dengan perubahan zaman. Pengasuhan anak secara tradisional sudah mulai di tinggalkan seiring dengan era disrupsi yang semakin nyata di depan mata. Tujuan pelatihan pengasuhan orang tua anak usia dini di era disrupsi merupakan jawaban dari kesibukan orang tua dalam mencari nafkah, kemajuan teknologi yang cepat, maraknya gadget, sosial media, youtube, game online, dan berita negatif. Metode pelaksanaan pelatihan dengan menggunakan metode ceramah, diskusi, dan brainstorming group. Proses pelaksanaan pelatihan dengan tahap assessment, tahap pelaksanaan, dan tahap penilaian serta tahap evaluasi. Hasil pelatihan menggambarkan bahwa orang tua sudah mulai sadar akan pendidikan anak di era disrupsi, penggunaan smart parenting berbasis teknologi, immune selfer, pendidikan karakter dan nilai-nilai agama sesuai dengan ajaran Nabi. Orang tua mendidik anak untuk memiliki tata krama, sopan santun, taat beribadah, dan menjalin hubungan baik dengan orang lain, serta orang tua memberikan kasih sayang, rasa aman, cerdas dalam menghadapi perkembangan zaman.
Pancaran Pendidikan, 2017
The family is the first place for children to get an education. Through the parents, the educatio... more The family is the first place for children to get an education. Through the parents, the educational process is important values for the development of the child. Children will learn about the values of moral, spiritual, and ethical through parents. These values develop along with growing up of children. Therefore, the pattern of parenting becomes important values in delivering identity of the child to adulthood. The above conditions will occur in intact families but unlike the single parent family. Children who are raised by single parents feared to bring harm to the…
Proceedings of the 3rd NFE Conference on Lifelong Learning (NFE 2016), 2017
The problem of unemployment and poverty is a common problem faced by developing countries, especi... more The problem of unemployment and poverty is a common problem faced by developing countries, especially Indonesia. The number of unemployed is growing from year to year. In February 2016, the number of unemployed was recorded around 7.02 million people. This condition if constantly left unchecked, it will have an impact on the community's economy. Through traditional internship pattern expected the community's economy can improve. The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of traditional internship pattern, to increase entrepreneurial community and to know the advantages and disadvantages of the pattern of traditional apprenticeship itself. Author is interested in researching traditional internship pattern because traditional internship pattern is a method of learning work in which taught from generation to generation. Moreover, the traditional internship pattern is an effort to transform the skills, knowledge, and attitudes within the family, community, and environment. This study uses descriptive research with qualitative research approaches. The result of this study has a positive impact in improving the entrepreneurial community as well as improving skills, knowledge, and mental attitudes in community entrepreneurship.
Many studies have suggested the relationship between innovation and lifelong learning that are in... more Many studies have suggested the relationship between innovation and lifelong learning that are interrelated. However, it is still difficult to find research that takes the viewpoint of innovation as an implication of a lifelong learning process which cultivates literacy. By collecting conceptual literatures on innovation and lifelong learning, this article aims to provide a perspective view of the concept of lifelong learning in innovation. This article also contributes to encourage adults to have the mindset to always learn without being limited by space and time in creating innovation so as to avoid being illiterate again. The findings of this article suggest the idea that innovation can create learning processes. Even in the learning process, it can have implications for innovation. In the future research requires a significant amount of time to examine various perspectives and conceptual issues related to innovation seen in the perspective of lifelong learning .
JIPEMAS: Jurnal Inovasi Hasil Pengabdian Masyarakat
Problema lower literacy rates in Sub Cipawitra Mangkubumi District of Tasikmalaya impact on unemp... more Problema lower literacy rates in Sub Cipawitra Mangkubumi District of Tasikmalaya impact on unemployment. Unemployment is a problem that requires a special close attention. The unemployment rate in over productive (aged 15 years and above) will have an impact on the increasing number of criminal, immoral, and illegal. The purpose of community service is the creation of a model of community empowerment in the field of sewing business, increased knowledge, skills and attitudes in entrepreneurship. In collaboration with community service Courses and Training Institute (CGC) Anugrah Pratama and Forums Community Activity Center (CLC) Tasikmalaya. Method of implementation of community service uses two stages, among others: the preparation phase and implementation phase. During the implementation phase includes four stages include: identification of skills learned, the implementation phase, the assessment phase, and the follow-up phase. The results of community service activities can creat...
—The problem of unemployment and poverty is a common problem faced by developing countries, espec... more —The problem of unemployment and poverty is a common problem faced by developing countries, especially Indonesia. The number of unemployed is growing from year to year. In February 2016, the number of unemployed was recorded around 7.02 million people. This condition if constantly left unchecked, it will have an impact on the community's economy. Through traditional internship pattern expected the community's economy can improve. The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of traditional internship pattern, to increase entrepreneurial community and to know the advantages and disadvantages of the pattern of traditional apprenticeship itself. Author is interested in researching traditional internship pattern because traditional internship pattern is a method of learning work in which taught from generation to generation. Moreover, the traditional internship pattern is an effort to transform the skills, knowledge, and attitudes within the family, community, and environment. This study uses descriptive research with qualitative research approaches. The result of this study has a positive impact in improving the entrepreneurial community as well as improving skills, knowledge, and mental attitudes in community entrepreneurship.
Stakeholder is a driving force in an organization. Leader is responsible for the progress and the... more Stakeholder is a driving force in an organization. Leader is responsible for the progress and the deterioration of an institution. A wise leader can be an example for its members. However, over time, an organization cannot be avoided with the crisis of leadership. This condition is due to the lack of human resources that has credibility and capacity as a leader. Through the Training Management Model, it aims to improve the capacity of human resources, which is expected to become a model of the emergence of future leaders. The civil service is a State apparatus that works to serve the State of the Republic of Indonesia. Then, a civil servant will occupy positions within the institution, He/she must have a minimum rank of echelon IV. The purpose of this study is to obtain training management model that can improve employee performance, and increase the capacity of human resources such as: in terms of knowledge, motivation, performance and leadership in implementing the tasks in an organization. This study employed mixed methods, quantitative and qualitative approaches. Furthermore, in collecting the data collection, the author performed interviews, documentation, observations and questionnaires. The results of this study were elaborated briefly as follows: (1) Training management model among others by applying a training needs analysis (TNA), employee goals, training infrastructure, training design, program structure, and training budget plan. (2) The capacity of human resources includes an increase in knowledge, motivation, leadership, job performance, attitude in work and additional duties (the working visit). (3) The impact of training on performance management of human resources is that: the employees have the skills to be a leader of an institution, high motivation in work, and responsibility in carrying out their duties. Based on the correlation coefficient between management training with employee performance could be concluded that there was significant influence. Based on the findings of the obtained data, it showed coefficients amounting to 0.846 or 84.6%. Therefore, it was proven that the influence between two variables wass very strong in the range coefficient from 0.80 to 1.000.
The family is the first place for children to get an education. Through the parents, the educatio... more The family is the first place for children to get an education. Through the parents, the educational process is important values for the development of the child. Children will learn about the values of moral, spiritual, and ethical through parents. These values develop along with growing up of children. Therefore, pattern of parenting becomes important values in delivering identity of the child to adulthood. The above conditions will occur in intact families, but unlike the single parent family. Children who are raised by single parents feared to bring harm to the child's development, or education. Thus, single parent will struggle doing the maximum care, in order to dispel such concerns. Based on that researchers aim to conduct an analysis of parenting within the nuclear family (single parent). The implication of this study is to determine the pattern of education and guidance to children. This study used a qualitative approach with research subjects a single parent that has school-age children. Based on the analysis of research data which obtained the findings that: (1) single parent education related to parent's responsibilities to children, teaching methods applied in family environment, educational tools used and values education, and (2) parental guidance to children tend to religious guidance, social, academic, career and motivation.