Umi Muzayanah - (original) (raw)
Papers by Umi Muzayanah
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE)
The scientific literacy of madrasa students currently shows a very proud trend. This is shown by ... more The scientific literacy of madrasa students currently shows a very proud trend. This is shown by the achievements in the field of science obtained in various science competitions. Scientific achievements are obtained through a long and continuous process, including through science coaching. By using qualitative methods, this study aimed to describe the science coaching model at State Madrasah Aliyah (MAN) 2 Malang City. The results showed that the science coaching model in MAN 2 Malang City includes four main aspects. First, strengthening the management aspect through establishing the olympic and research program and fulfilling adequate infrastructure. Second, strengthening students’ concepts and abilities through matriculation and programmed guidance. Third, empowering the olympic class and the olympic club through a rigorous selection and the implementation of periodic tests and tryouts. Fourth, synergy with other parties, such as Ma’had Al-Qalam, state universities, and National ...
Jurnal SMART (Studi Masyarakat, Religi, dan Tradisi)
Online media undermines the authority of religious preachers because many online media users feel... more Online media undermines the authority of religious preachers because many online media users feel obligated to do da'wah (preaching) even though they do not have the capacity for religious knowledge. Online media provides easy facilities for sharing with many people and groups with one click. The distribution of this religious content such as writing, images or videos is done on various online media platforms including the WhatsApp group (WAG) often without considering the suitability of the content being shared, the audience or WAG members, and the purpose of establishing a WAG. This study intends to reveal the practice of sharing religious content in WAG. This study used a quantitative approach, i.e. the poll method conducted on res- respondents with the criteria of having a religious background, namely employees of the Ministry of Religion and students or alumni of Islamic religious colleges (PTAI) in Semarang City and its surroundings. The re- results of this study show that...
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
Mandatory tahfȋẓ is a program initiated by the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion Affair... more Mandatory tahfȋẓ is a program initiated by the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion Affairs Yogyakarta Province. The core of the program is that every madrasah is required to target its students to memorize the Quran at least one juz before graduating from studying at the madrasa. This paper describes and evaluates the mandatory tahfȋẓ program at Madrasah Tsanawiyah in Yogyakarta which has been running since 2016. The approach used is quantitative-qualitative. Data were collected using observation techniques, interviews, and questionnaires. The results of the study show that through the CIPP evaluation model (context, input, process, and product) the mandatory tahfȋẓ program at Madrasah Tsanawiyah in Yogyakarta is running well. In terms of the context evaluation, 5% of madrasas include tahfiz in their vision and mission. The program does not have full parental support. When it comes to input aspect, the mandatory tahfȋẓ activities are carried out by 67% of teachers with bache...
Al-Qalam, 2019
This study aims to measure the akhlak index of state senior high school students in Central Java.... more This study aims to measure the akhlak index of state senior high school students in Central Java. This research is a quantitative survey of 1,202 state senior high school students in Central Java. The research findings show that akhlak is a physical activity as a manifestation of belief in carrying out the teachings of Islam. This student's akhlak limits itself to the activities of state senior high school students that are observed, not to things that are psychological. Based on the research, the akhlak index of state senior high school students in Central Java was 3.18. Of the five akhlakl dimensions (1) akhlak to Allah / Rasulullah is 2.82 (2) akhlak to oneself is 3.27 (3) akhlak to friends is 3.16 (4) akhlak to parents / teachers is 3, 40 (5) akhlak for the environment at 3.27. Of these five dimensions which are classified as low are akhlak towards Allah / Rasulullah.
Buku ini berangkat dari hasil penelitian kolaborasi tiga Balai Litbang Agama, yang bertujuan meng... more Buku ini berangkat dari hasil penelitian kolaborasi tiga Balai Litbang Agama, yang bertujuan mengevaluasi capaian pembangunan di bidang pendidikan agama dan keagamaan di Indonesia. Topik penelitian kolaborasi ini adalah evaluasi pembangunan pendidikan agama dan keagamaan berdasarkan perspektif Rencana Strategis (Renstra) Kementerian Agama RI tahun 2020-2024. Topik penelitian ini diangkat karena tahun 2020 bertepatan dengan masa transisi Renstra Kementerian Agama tahun 2015-2019 ke Renstra Kementerian Agama tahun 2020-2024 dengan harapan agar hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai informasi awal untuk memetakan capaian, dan mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor permasalahan dalam mencapai target pembangunan tahun 2020-2024.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the government rolled out a distance learning policy which was most... more During the COVID-19 pandemic, the government rolled out a distance learning policy which was mostly implemented online. With many obstacles encountered during online learning, the achievement of curriculum targets is certainly very different from that of learning in normal conditions. Therefore, the government has issued an “emergency curriculum” guide as a reference for learning in schools and madrasas during COVID-19 pandemic. Through a qualitative approach, this study aims to describe the practice of emergency curriculum in madrasas which includes modifications, innovations, and learning models during the COVID-19 Pandemic. The research was conducted in Central Java with observation and interview as the main data collection techniques. Finally, this study found three important findings. First, the emergency curriculum policy issued by the government has been implemented properly by optimizing the potential of each madrasa. Second, innovation and modification of learning were carr...
Kualitas madrasah aliyah tidak terlepas dari peran pengawas madrasah dalam memberikan supervisi a... more Kualitas madrasah aliyah tidak terlepas dari peran pengawas madrasah dalam memberikan supervisi akademik dan manajerial.Secara umum, supervisi akademik yang diberikan pengawas madrasah aliyah di Jembrana dan Denpasar menerapkan model konvensional ilmiah, dengan secara rutin memeriksa kelengkapan administrasi pembelajaran. Model sejawat dilakukan pengawas madrasah di Jembrana untuk memberikan pendampingan penulisan karya tulis ilmiah. Sementara model supervisi klinis diberikan pengawas Denpasar terhadap guru yang mengalami permasalahan dalam pembelajaran. Dalam pelaksanaan supervisi manajerial, kedua pengawas madrasah menerapkan model FGD dalam pendampingan persiapan akreditasi madrasah dan model monev dalam supervisi program-program madrasah yang bersifat semesteran/tahunan.
Jurnal Fuaduna : Jurnal Kajian Keagamaan dan Kemasyarakatan, 2021
Rural libraries have an essential role in providing information services for rural communities. T... more Rural libraries have an essential role in providing information services for rural communities. The heterogeneity of rural communities from social, economic, and religious aspects is the basis for the importance of social inclusion-based library services. This study uses qualitative methods to describe the implementation of an inclusion-based village Perpustakaan Muda Bhakti (Permubha) Ngablak Village, Srumbung District, Magelang Regency and its role in the social, economic, and religious life of the village community. Through a SWOT analysis, this study resulted in several research findings. First, three things become Permubha's strengths in providing services: information disclosure and access policies, communication in services, and circulation of library facilities. Second, Permubha's weakness is the unavailability of a computer-based library catalog. Third, the opportunities/opportunities that exist in Permubha are descriptive and normative officer ethics, responsibilit...
Journal of Educational Research and Evaluation, 2014
EDUKASI: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Agama dan Keagamaan
For some years, people have regarded madrasah as the second-class education, but the perception i... more For some years, people have regarded madrasah as the second-class education, but the perception is getting better now due to some evidences. This article is discussing about people’s perception on madrasah’s education services in Central Java. By using a qualitative approach, the study revealed the important results. First, recently, the trend of the number of madrasah and the students has steadily increased, while the number of (secular) schools and their students has shown a decreasing line. Second, generally speaking, people’s perception on madrasah’s educational services in Central Java is good in all five dimensions. The highest score is given to assurance dimension while the lowest is given to the reliability. Third, Islamic values, good character, and qualified human resources are the strengths to which attract people to enroll their children to madrasah, while facilities and infrastructures are madrasah’s weaknesses.
Javanese manuscripts as the legacy of ancestors and poets contain important values related to cha... more Javanese manuscripts as the legacy of ancestors and poets contain important values related to character education and moral values. Manuscript of Serat Wulang Darmawiya (SWD), for example, promotes character education through laku batin. The values of character education are fundamental to internalize and implement within the life of Javanese. Javanese poets in the past inherited the noble values through a lot of literary works. This article discusses the values of character education in SWD. Using text-based qualitative research methodology, the values of character education in SWD were analyzed with content analysis. Serat teaches values of character education regarding the importance of breastfeeding as a process of building an intimate relationship between children and parents (mother). At the same time, it also explains the importance of communication between children and parents during education process, the principles of child education, and the role model and advice from the...
The aim of this research was to describe the implementation of the inclusive education at Islamic... more The aim of this research was to describe the implementation of the inclusive education at Islamic Elementary School (MI) Keji Unggaran in Central Java. This research used the qulitative approach. The results of research showed that the implementation of the inclusive education at MI Keji run well although it was in its restrictiveness. The learning process was conducted with pull out system where the curriculum would be used were modified from the national curriculum, the madrasah curriculum, and the individual education program (PPI) curriculum. The teachers’ existence asthe students’ advisor which were not relevant with their background education did not decrease their spirit to serve the the equal education for their disabled students. Keywords: Inclusive education, madrasah, disabled students, Semarang Melalui pendekatan kualitatif, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan program inklusif di MI Keji Ungaran Jawa Tengah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, bahwa peny...
Madrasah is a formal educational institution that provides education with the uniqueness of the I... more Madrasah is a formal educational institution that provides education with the uniqueness of the Islamic religion. The condition of the madrasah environment, which is homogeneous and monoculture in terms of religion, impacts student attitudes concerning religious believers' relationship. The interactions that occur in the madrasah environment almost always involve social structures that tend to be homogeneous. This study examines the scholars' tolerance to religious believers' relationship among Madrasah Aliyah students in Kendal Regency. This study uses a quantitative approach with data collection methods through questionnaires. The results showed that most of the students of Madrasah Aliyah in Kendal (74.15%) had an attitude of tolerance among religious believers in the "tolerant" category. Likewise, if seen from the three indicators of tolerance, most students have an attitude of acceptance, respect, and mutual respect between religious believers in the "...
Kuttab merupakan lembaga pendidikan dasar “baru” yang muncul sejak tahun 2012. Belum ada data res... more Kuttab merupakan lembaga pendidikan dasar “baru” yang muncul sejak tahun 2012. Belum ada data resmi yang dimiliki Kementerian Agama/KementerianPendidikan dan Kebudayaan tentang kuttab di Indonesia. Selama ini, eksistensi kuttab sebagian memiliki ijin operasional sebagai PKBM di bawah DinasPendidikan, sebagian memiliki ijin operasional sebagai pendidikan kesetaraan tingkat ula di bawah Kementerian Agama, sebagian menginduk pada PKBM lain, dansebagian lagi belum memiliki ijin operasional. Fenomena ini tentu membutuhkan perhatian serius pemerintah terkait legalitas kelembagaan kuttab, mengingat keberadaan lembaga ini mulai marak tumbuh dan berkembang di Indonesia. Guna mengetahui lebih jauh eksistensi kuttab beserta kurikulumnya, peneliti bidang Pendidikan Agama dan Keagamaan Balai Litbang Agama Semarang melakukanpengumpulan data di beberapa kuttab di Jawa Tengah. Beberapa kuttab tersebut adalah Kuttab Al-Fatih Purwokerto, Kuttab Al-Fatih Tegal, Kuttab Ibnu AbbasSurakarta, Kuttab Harun...
KOMUNIKA: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, Mar 29, 2018
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE)
The scientific literacy of madrasa students currently shows a very proud trend. This is shown by ... more The scientific literacy of madrasa students currently shows a very proud trend. This is shown by the achievements in the field of science obtained in various science competitions. Scientific achievements are obtained through a long and continuous process, including through science coaching. By using qualitative methods, this study aimed to describe the science coaching model at State Madrasah Aliyah (MAN) 2 Malang City. The results showed that the science coaching model in MAN 2 Malang City includes four main aspects. First, strengthening the management aspect through establishing the olympic and research program and fulfilling adequate infrastructure. Second, strengthening students’ concepts and abilities through matriculation and programmed guidance. Third, empowering the olympic class and the olympic club through a rigorous selection and the implementation of periodic tests and tryouts. Fourth, synergy with other parties, such as Ma’had Al-Qalam, state universities, and National ...
Jurnal SMART (Studi Masyarakat, Religi, dan Tradisi)
Online media undermines the authority of religious preachers because many online media users feel... more Online media undermines the authority of religious preachers because many online media users feel obligated to do da'wah (preaching) even though they do not have the capacity for religious knowledge. Online media provides easy facilities for sharing with many people and groups with one click. The distribution of this religious content such as writing, images or videos is done on various online media platforms including the WhatsApp group (WAG) often without considering the suitability of the content being shared, the audience or WAG members, and the purpose of establishing a WAG. This study intends to reveal the practice of sharing religious content in WAG. This study used a quantitative approach, i.e. the poll method conducted on res- respondents with the criteria of having a religious background, namely employees of the Ministry of Religion and students or alumni of Islamic religious colleges (PTAI) in Semarang City and its surroundings. The re- results of this study show that...
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
Mandatory tahfȋẓ is a program initiated by the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion Affair... more Mandatory tahfȋẓ is a program initiated by the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion Affairs Yogyakarta Province. The core of the program is that every madrasah is required to target its students to memorize the Quran at least one juz before graduating from studying at the madrasa. This paper describes and evaluates the mandatory tahfȋẓ program at Madrasah Tsanawiyah in Yogyakarta which has been running since 2016. The approach used is quantitative-qualitative. Data were collected using observation techniques, interviews, and questionnaires. The results of the study show that through the CIPP evaluation model (context, input, process, and product) the mandatory tahfȋẓ program at Madrasah Tsanawiyah in Yogyakarta is running well. In terms of the context evaluation, 5% of madrasas include tahfiz in their vision and mission. The program does not have full parental support. When it comes to input aspect, the mandatory tahfȋẓ activities are carried out by 67% of teachers with bache...
Al-Qalam, 2019
This study aims to measure the akhlak index of state senior high school students in Central Java.... more This study aims to measure the akhlak index of state senior high school students in Central Java. This research is a quantitative survey of 1,202 state senior high school students in Central Java. The research findings show that akhlak is a physical activity as a manifestation of belief in carrying out the teachings of Islam. This student's akhlak limits itself to the activities of state senior high school students that are observed, not to things that are psychological. Based on the research, the akhlak index of state senior high school students in Central Java was 3.18. Of the five akhlakl dimensions (1) akhlak to Allah / Rasulullah is 2.82 (2) akhlak to oneself is 3.27 (3) akhlak to friends is 3.16 (4) akhlak to parents / teachers is 3, 40 (5) akhlak for the environment at 3.27. Of these five dimensions which are classified as low are akhlak towards Allah / Rasulullah.
Buku ini berangkat dari hasil penelitian kolaborasi tiga Balai Litbang Agama, yang bertujuan meng... more Buku ini berangkat dari hasil penelitian kolaborasi tiga Balai Litbang Agama, yang bertujuan mengevaluasi capaian pembangunan di bidang pendidikan agama dan keagamaan di Indonesia. Topik penelitian kolaborasi ini adalah evaluasi pembangunan pendidikan agama dan keagamaan berdasarkan perspektif Rencana Strategis (Renstra) Kementerian Agama RI tahun 2020-2024. Topik penelitian ini diangkat karena tahun 2020 bertepatan dengan masa transisi Renstra Kementerian Agama tahun 2015-2019 ke Renstra Kementerian Agama tahun 2020-2024 dengan harapan agar hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai informasi awal untuk memetakan capaian, dan mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor permasalahan dalam mencapai target pembangunan tahun 2020-2024.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the government rolled out a distance learning policy which was most... more During the COVID-19 pandemic, the government rolled out a distance learning policy which was mostly implemented online. With many obstacles encountered during online learning, the achievement of curriculum targets is certainly very different from that of learning in normal conditions. Therefore, the government has issued an “emergency curriculum” guide as a reference for learning in schools and madrasas during COVID-19 pandemic. Through a qualitative approach, this study aims to describe the practice of emergency curriculum in madrasas which includes modifications, innovations, and learning models during the COVID-19 Pandemic. The research was conducted in Central Java with observation and interview as the main data collection techniques. Finally, this study found three important findings. First, the emergency curriculum policy issued by the government has been implemented properly by optimizing the potential of each madrasa. Second, innovation and modification of learning were carr...
Kualitas madrasah aliyah tidak terlepas dari peran pengawas madrasah dalam memberikan supervisi a... more Kualitas madrasah aliyah tidak terlepas dari peran pengawas madrasah dalam memberikan supervisi akademik dan manajerial.Secara umum, supervisi akademik yang diberikan pengawas madrasah aliyah di Jembrana dan Denpasar menerapkan model konvensional ilmiah, dengan secara rutin memeriksa kelengkapan administrasi pembelajaran. Model sejawat dilakukan pengawas madrasah di Jembrana untuk memberikan pendampingan penulisan karya tulis ilmiah. Sementara model supervisi klinis diberikan pengawas Denpasar terhadap guru yang mengalami permasalahan dalam pembelajaran. Dalam pelaksanaan supervisi manajerial, kedua pengawas madrasah menerapkan model FGD dalam pendampingan persiapan akreditasi madrasah dan model monev dalam supervisi program-program madrasah yang bersifat semesteran/tahunan.
Jurnal Fuaduna : Jurnal Kajian Keagamaan dan Kemasyarakatan, 2021
Rural libraries have an essential role in providing information services for rural communities. T... more Rural libraries have an essential role in providing information services for rural communities. The heterogeneity of rural communities from social, economic, and religious aspects is the basis for the importance of social inclusion-based library services. This study uses qualitative methods to describe the implementation of an inclusion-based village Perpustakaan Muda Bhakti (Permubha) Ngablak Village, Srumbung District, Magelang Regency and its role in the social, economic, and religious life of the village community. Through a SWOT analysis, this study resulted in several research findings. First, three things become Permubha's strengths in providing services: information disclosure and access policies, communication in services, and circulation of library facilities. Second, Permubha's weakness is the unavailability of a computer-based library catalog. Third, the opportunities/opportunities that exist in Permubha are descriptive and normative officer ethics, responsibilit...
Journal of Educational Research and Evaluation, 2014
EDUKASI: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Agama dan Keagamaan
For some years, people have regarded madrasah as the second-class education, but the perception i... more For some years, people have regarded madrasah as the second-class education, but the perception is getting better now due to some evidences. This article is discussing about people’s perception on madrasah’s education services in Central Java. By using a qualitative approach, the study revealed the important results. First, recently, the trend of the number of madrasah and the students has steadily increased, while the number of (secular) schools and their students has shown a decreasing line. Second, generally speaking, people’s perception on madrasah’s educational services in Central Java is good in all five dimensions. The highest score is given to assurance dimension while the lowest is given to the reliability. Third, Islamic values, good character, and qualified human resources are the strengths to which attract people to enroll their children to madrasah, while facilities and infrastructures are madrasah’s weaknesses.
Javanese manuscripts as the legacy of ancestors and poets contain important values related to cha... more Javanese manuscripts as the legacy of ancestors and poets contain important values related to character education and moral values. Manuscript of Serat Wulang Darmawiya (SWD), for example, promotes character education through laku batin. The values of character education are fundamental to internalize and implement within the life of Javanese. Javanese poets in the past inherited the noble values through a lot of literary works. This article discusses the values of character education in SWD. Using text-based qualitative research methodology, the values of character education in SWD were analyzed with content analysis. Serat teaches values of character education regarding the importance of breastfeeding as a process of building an intimate relationship between children and parents (mother). At the same time, it also explains the importance of communication between children and parents during education process, the principles of child education, and the role model and advice from the...
The aim of this research was to describe the implementation of the inclusive education at Islamic... more The aim of this research was to describe the implementation of the inclusive education at Islamic Elementary School (MI) Keji Unggaran in Central Java. This research used the qulitative approach. The results of research showed that the implementation of the inclusive education at MI Keji run well although it was in its restrictiveness. The learning process was conducted with pull out system where the curriculum would be used were modified from the national curriculum, the madrasah curriculum, and the individual education program (PPI) curriculum. The teachers’ existence asthe students’ advisor which were not relevant with their background education did not decrease their spirit to serve the the equal education for their disabled students. Keywords: Inclusive education, madrasah, disabled students, Semarang Melalui pendekatan kualitatif, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan program inklusif di MI Keji Ungaran Jawa Tengah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, bahwa peny...
Madrasah is a formal educational institution that provides education with the uniqueness of the I... more Madrasah is a formal educational institution that provides education with the uniqueness of the Islamic religion. The condition of the madrasah environment, which is homogeneous and monoculture in terms of religion, impacts student attitudes concerning religious believers' relationship. The interactions that occur in the madrasah environment almost always involve social structures that tend to be homogeneous. This study examines the scholars' tolerance to religious believers' relationship among Madrasah Aliyah students in Kendal Regency. This study uses a quantitative approach with data collection methods through questionnaires. The results showed that most of the students of Madrasah Aliyah in Kendal (74.15%) had an attitude of tolerance among religious believers in the "tolerant" category. Likewise, if seen from the three indicators of tolerance, most students have an attitude of acceptance, respect, and mutual respect between religious believers in the "...
Kuttab merupakan lembaga pendidikan dasar “baru” yang muncul sejak tahun 2012. Belum ada data res... more Kuttab merupakan lembaga pendidikan dasar “baru” yang muncul sejak tahun 2012. Belum ada data resmi yang dimiliki Kementerian Agama/KementerianPendidikan dan Kebudayaan tentang kuttab di Indonesia. Selama ini, eksistensi kuttab sebagian memiliki ijin operasional sebagai PKBM di bawah DinasPendidikan, sebagian memiliki ijin operasional sebagai pendidikan kesetaraan tingkat ula di bawah Kementerian Agama, sebagian menginduk pada PKBM lain, dansebagian lagi belum memiliki ijin operasional. Fenomena ini tentu membutuhkan perhatian serius pemerintah terkait legalitas kelembagaan kuttab, mengingat keberadaan lembaga ini mulai marak tumbuh dan berkembang di Indonesia. Guna mengetahui lebih jauh eksistensi kuttab beserta kurikulumnya, peneliti bidang Pendidikan Agama dan Keagamaan Balai Litbang Agama Semarang melakukanpengumpulan data di beberapa kuttab di Jawa Tengah. Beberapa kuttab tersebut adalah Kuttab Al-Fatih Purwokerto, Kuttab Al-Fatih Tegal, Kuttab Ibnu AbbasSurakarta, Kuttab Harun...
KOMUNIKA: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, Mar 29, 2018