Mykhailo G Buzynnyi - (original) (raw)
Papers by Mykhailo G Buzynnyi
The article summarizes the activity concentrations data of 226 Ra and the sum of uranium isotopes... more The article summarizes the activity concentrations data of 226 Ra and the sum of uranium isotopes (∑U) in samples of drinking underground water for different regions of Ukraine studied during 1998-2023 in the radiation monitoring laboratory of the State Institution "O.M. Marzieiev Institute of Public Health National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine. Arithmetic mean and standard deviations, minimum and maximum values for 226 Ra and ∑U activity concentrations are presented for the entire 1240 sample set and for each region separately. Collected data show that the established state permissible level for drinking water of 1.0 Bq/l is exceeded for 226 Ra in 1.1% of the studied samples, and for ∑U-in 3.9% correspondingly. The detected high levels of 226 Ra and ∑U activity concentrations correspond to certain regions belonging to the Ukrainian crystalline shield territory. A comparison of the current data with the data of previous studies held during of 1989-1991 indicates a significant difference: for the previous studies the average and standard deviations are much higher. We attribute this to the fact that the centralized sampling of previous studies was random, and it was related exclusively to communal water supply systems. At the same time, the current sample set covers a much larger number of regions, different water consumers; the data set includes the results of repeated studies for a large number of sources, in particular, sources with purified water. Hypothetical exposure doses caused by consumption of 226 Ra and ∑U in water for the current sample set were estimated for different age groups for each sample studied, as is, without taking into account the pattern of water consumption. The corresponding dose exceeds the WHO recommended value of 0.1 mSv per year for children under the age of one year for 220 cases (17.7%). This dose limit excess for other age groups corresponds-for children: aged 12-17 years-13.1%, aged 1-2 years-7.4%, 7-12 years old-5.6%, 2-7 years old-3.9% and for adults-4.1%. Protection of underground water is commonly much higher than for surface water with regard to chemical and microbiological pollutants, which sets the priority of its use as drinking water source 1. At the same time, underground water contains natural radionuclides of the U and Th series. The radioactivity concentration in water is formed by the radioactive composition of the rocks, the level of fissuring of the rocks, the chemical properties of the water and the contact time of the water with the rocks 2. Author shoved scatted plot of uranium versus 226 Ra in random Australian ground water illustrating the lack of correlation between parent and decay product. The introduction of natural radionuclides into water occurs due to diffusion of gas (222 Rn) or leaching (U, Ra) from the surface of rocks. The chemical composition of water defines the intensity and priority of certain radionuclides leaching. High levels of natural radionuclides in drinking water are observed primarily for artesian wells with a depth of several tens to hundreds of meters, although in some places favorable conditions for the entry of natural radionuclides into water present even for aquifers with a depth of only a few meters or even for surface streams 3. In addition, high levels of natural radionuclides in surface water can form discharges from mining and processing industrial enterprises, mines.
The article summarizes the activity concentrations data of 226 Ra and the sum of uranium isotopes... more The article summarizes the activity concentrations data of 226 Ra and the sum of uranium isotopes (∑U) in samples of drinking underground water for different regions of Ukraine studied during 1998-2023 in the radiation monitoring laboratory of the State Institution "O.M. Marzieiev Institute of Public Health National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine. Arithmetic mean and standard deviations, minimum and maximum values for 226 Ra and ∑U activity concentrations are presented for the entire 1240 sample set and for each region separately. Collected data show that the established state permissible level for drinking water of 1.0 Bq/l is exceeded for 226 Ra in 1.1% of the studied samples, and for ∑U-in 3.9% correspondingly. The detected high levels of 226 Ra and ∑U activity concentrations correspond to certain regions belonging to the Ukrainian crystalline shield territory. A comparison of the current data with the data of previous studies held during of 1989-1991 indicates a significant difference: for the previous studies the average and standard deviations are much higher. We attribute this to the fact that the centralized sampling of previous studies was random, and it was related exclusively to communal water supply systems. At the same time, the current sample set covers a much larger number of regions, different water consumers; the data set includes the results of repeated studies for a large number of sources, in particular, sources with purified water. Hypothetical exposure doses caused by consumption of 226 Ra and ∑U in water for the current sample set were estimated for different age groups for each sample studied, as is, without taking into account the pattern of water consumption. The corresponding dose exceeds the WHO recommended value of 0.1 mSv per year for children under the age of one year for 220 cases (17.7%). This dose limit excess for other age groups corresponds-for children: aged 12-17 years-13.1%, aged 1-2 years-7.4%, 7-12 years old-5.6%, 2-7 years old-3.9% and for adults-4.1%. Protection of underground water is commonly much higher than for surface water with regard to chemical and microbiological pollutants, which sets the priority of its use as drinking water source 1. At the same time, underground water contains natural radionuclides of the U and Th series. The radioactivity concentration in water is formed by the radioactive composition of the rocks, the level of fissuring of the rocks, the chemical properties of the water and the contact time of the water with the rocks 2. Author shoved scatted plot of uranium versus 226 Ra in random Australian ground water illustrating the lack of correlation between parent and decay product. The introduction of natural radionuclides into water occurs due to diffusion of gas (222 Rn) or leaching (U, Ra) from the surface of rocks. The chemical composition of water defines the intensity and priority of certain radionuclides leaching. High levels of natural radionuclides in drinking water are observed primarily for artesian wells with a depth of several tens to hundreds of meters, although in some places favorable conditions for the entry of natural radionuclides into water present even for aquifers with a depth of only a few meters or even for surface streams 3. In addition, high levels of natural radionuclides in surface water can form discharges from mining and processing industrial enterprises, mines.
In 2018-2019, we examined the radioactivity of 40 samples of bottled water of popular brands prod... more In 2018-2019, we examined the radioactivity of 40 samples of bottled water of popular brands produced both in Ukraine and abroad, which were purchased in one Kyiv supermarket. The first stage of the study provided for the identification of total alpha and total beta activities. In the case of excessing their regulated values, we proceeded to the determination of the content of radium-226 and natural mixture of uranium isotopes. The study results evidenced that total alpha and total beta activities of low mineralization water do not exceed the regulated values. Total alpha activity exceeded the regulated value of 0.1 Bq/l ten times in specific cases and total beta-activity exceeded the value of 1.0 Bq/l almost three times for the majority of high mineralization water brands.
The results of measuring total alpha and total beta activities depending on time elapsed from the moment the sample was prepared to the start of the measurements showed an increase in the alpha activity over time is typical for individual water samples, which indicates the accumulation of radioactivity from radium-226 decay products. However, the results of measuring the activity of radium-226 and a natural mixture of uranium isotopes did not reveal cases of exceeding regulated levels, which allows considering water of all brands suitable in terms of radionuclide content.
Assessment of radiation doses from consumption of bottled water containing the measured values of radium-226 and natural mixture of uranium isotopes did not reveal exceeding regulated value of 0.1 mSv/year. Only one bottled water brand was an exception, since the estimated radiation dose for it was 0.2 mSv/year for the category of children aged 12 to 17 years with 98 % of its value due to radium-226. Such a radiation dose value was received assuming an annual consumption of 1.5 liters per day.
У статті наведено результати статистичного аналізу питомої активності 222Rn у зразках питної води... more У статті наведено результати статистичного аналізу питомої активності 222Rn у зразках питної води, відібраних з артезіанських свердловин в різних регіонах України протягом 2003 – 2021 рр. Робота виконана в лабораторії радіаційного моніторингу Державної установи «Інститут громадського здоров’я ім. О.М. Марзєєва НАМН України». Періоди усереднення результатів вимірювань (три та чотири роки) пов’язані з вимогами нормативних актів та охопленням зразків води з географічно нових, не охоплених раніше, територій України. Наведено середні арифметичні значення та середньоквадратичні відхилення, а також середні геометричні, медіанні, мінімальні та максимальні значення питомої активності 222Rn у 1228 зразках питної води з артезіанських свердловин. Значення середньоквадратичних відхилень результатів вимірювань та близькість медіанних та середніх геометричних значень свідчать про логнормальний характер розподілу питомої активності 222Rn у вибірці. Встановлено, що для 11 % досліджених зразків води вміст 222Rn перевищує встановлений державний норматив для питної води (100 Бк/л). Виявлені високі рівні 222Rn мають відношення до окремих територій, де необхідне більш детальне вивчення радіоактивності підземних вод з метою підготовки та реалізації заходів для поліпшення радіаційного стану питної води. Порівняння результатів дослідження питомої активності 222Rn у питній воді за 2003 – 2021 рр. з відповідними даними за 1989 – 1991 рр. вказує на їх суттєву відмінність: для періоду 1989 – 1991 рр. середні арифметичні та середні геометричні значення значно вищі. Це пов’язано з тим, що відбірка у 1989 – 1991 рр. була більш випадковою, сконцентрованою переважно на території кристалічного щита та меншою мірою – поза його межами. Водночас дані 2003 – 2021 рр. охоплюють значно більшу кількість регіонів, а в розрахунки внесено повторні (з трирічним періодом) результати вимірювань 222Rn для деяких джерел.
З метою встановлення чіткого стану радіоактивності питної води в Україні та з метою мінімізації опромінення людей від її споживання моніторинг вмісту 222Rn у питній воді для окремих регіонів України має бути поширений на джерела води, які залишаються недослідженими.
The paper presents the results of the statistical analysis for 222Rn concentration in drinking wa... more The paper presents the results of the statistical analysis for 222Rn concentration in drinking water samples taken from artesian wells in different regions of Ukraine during 2003 - 2022. The work was carried out in the radiation monitoring laboratory of the O.M. Marzieiev Institute of Public Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine. The periods of averaging the measurement data (three and four years) are related to the requirements of regulatory documents and covering of water samples in the analysis from geographically new, previously unreached territories of Ukraine. Arithmetic mean values and root mean square deviations, as well as geometric mean, median, minimum and maximum values of 222Rn specific activity in 1228 drinking water samples were calculated. The values of the root mean square deviations of the measurement data and alikeness of the median and geometric mean values show the lognormal nature of 222Rn specific activity distribution in the sampling set. It was determined that for 11 % of the tested water samples, 222Rn concentration exceeds the established state standard for drinking water (100 Bq/l). The detected high levels of 222Rn are related to certain areas, where a more detailed study of underground water radioactivity is required in order to develop and implement measures to improve the radiation condition of drinking water. A comparison of the results of analyzing 222Rn concentration in drinking water for 2003-2021 with the data obtained during 1989-1991 indicates their significant difference: for the period of 1989-1991, the arithmetic mean and geometric mean values are significantly higher. This is because the sampling of 1989-1991 was more randomized, held mainly within the Ukrainian crystalline shield and less beyond it. At the same time, the data (2003 to 2021) cover a much larger number of regions, and, in addition, the results of repeated (with a three-year period) 222Rn measurements data for some sources are included in the calculations.
In order to determine the radioactive condition of drinking water in Ukraine and in order to minimize public exposure due to its consumption, monitoring of 222Rn content in drinking water for some regions of Ukraine should be extended.
Cerenkov counting is a convenient and effective method of counting high-energy beta radiation, wh... more Cerenkov counting is a convenient and effective method of counting high-energy beta radiation, which has long been used to measure a number of radionuclides, such as, in particular, 90Sr+90Y, in environmental objects. The traditional Cerenkov method requires the use of radiochemical sample preparation procedures, but these procedures may be simpler than those used, for example, for the liquid scintillation counting (LSC) method. We proposed the Cerencov method, which corrects color quench effect. The method is based on the correlation between the counting rates of the radiation of the sample and its external standard, which is observed for a wide range of color quenching of the samples. The use of such a Cerencov method allows measurement of high-energy b-emitters, in particular, its use as an express method for the study of 90Sr+90Y in surface water. For a number of cases, the method makes it possible to avoid the use of long lasting and expensive sample preparation procedures. The results of the cross-testing of the samples obtained by the Cerencov method and direct measurement by the liquid scintillation counting method are in good agreement with each other.
У статті наведено результати статистичного аналізу питомої активності 222 Rn у зразках питної вод... more У статті наведено результати статистичного аналізу питомої активності 222 Rn у зразках питної води, відібраних з артезіанських свердловин в різних регіонах України протягом 2003-2021 рр. Робота виконана в лабораторії радіаційного моніторингу Державної установи «Інститут громадського здоров'я ім. О.М. Марзєєва НАМН України». Періоди усереднення результатів вимірювань (три та чотири роки) пов'язані з вимогами нормативних актів та охопленням зразків води з географічно нових, не охоплених раніше, територій України. Наведено середні арифметичні значення та середньоквадратичні відхилення, а також середні геометричні, медіанні, мінімальні та максимальні значення питомої активності 222 Rn у 1228 зразках питної води з артезіанських свердловин. Значення середньоквадратичних відхилень результатів вимірювань та близькість медіанних та середніх геометричних значень свідчать про логнормальний характер розподілу питомої активності 222 Rn у вибірці. Встановлено, що для 11 % досліджених зразків води вміст 222 Rn перевищує встановлений державний норматив для питної води (100 Бк/л). Виявлені високі рівні 222 Rn мають відношення до окремих територій, де необхідне більш детальне вивчення радіоактивності підземних вод з метою підготовки та реалізації заходів для поліпшення радіаційного стану питної води. Порівняння результатів дослідження питомої активності 222 Rn у питній воді за 2003-2021 рр. з відповідними даними за 1989-1991 рр. вказує на їх суттєву відмінність: для періоду 1989-1991 рр. середні арифметичні та середні геометричні значення значно вищі. Це пов'язано з тим, що відбірка у 1989-1991 рр. була більш випадковою, сконцентрованою переважно на території кристалічного щита та меншою мірою-поза його межами. Водночас дані 2003-2021 рр. охоплюють значно більшу кількість регіонів, а в розрахунки внесено повторні (з трирічним періодом) результати вимірювань 222 Rn для деяких джерел. З метою встановлення чіткого стану радіоактивності питної води в Україні та з метою мінімізації опромінення людей від її споживання моніторинг вмісту 222 Rn у питній воді для окремих регіонів України має бути поширений на джерела води, які залишаються недослідженими. Ключові слова: артезіанська свердловина, доза опромінення, медіана, питна вода, природні радіонукліди, радон-222 (222 Rn), середнє арифметичне, середнє геометричне. © Бузинний М. Г., Михайлова Л. Л., 2022 кухні, у місцях розташування пристроїв для очищення води. Його проникнення в організм людини може спричиняти опромінення населення, яке несе шкоду для здоров'я, зокрема через онкологічні захворювання шлунку або легенів. 222 Rn належить до ланцюга розпаду природного урану. Уран у геологічних породах у результаті послідовності ядерних перетворень розпадається до 226 Ra, який стає джерелом 222 Rn. 222 Rn з породи вивільняється в оточуючий простір (ґрунт, вода), де накопичуєть-Вступ Природний радіоактивний газ 222 Rn є суттєвим джерелом внутрішнього опромінення людини. 222 Rn, який міститься у воді, може потрапляти в організм безпосередньо під час вживання води всередину або під час вдихання з повітря у житлових приміщеннях, де він накопичується від тривалого побутового використання води у ванній кімнаті, Бузинний М. Г., Михайлова Л. Л.
Conventional radiocarbon measurements have variety of application covering needs of archeology, g... more Conventional radiocarbon measurements have variety of application covering needs of archeology, geology, ecology etc. Determination of bio-based percentage in waste fuel is important taking into account modern requirements for calculation of CO2 releases. Like any combustible material waste fuel could be converted to benzene, and then counted by liquid scintillation counting (LSC). So sample of waste fuel should be fine milled and homogenized before the analyze. Material mixture in waste sample have different fractions by means of radiocarbon concentration and thermal destruction properties.
As most applicable method for benzene sample production, we had tested vacuum pyrolysis method [Skripkin and Kovalyukh, 1998]. We had used modern benzene line equipment [Benzene line] and corresponding two steps technology, where first one includes pyrolysis of dry sample of maximum load of about 8-10 g, and second one combustion of residual charred material with added corresponding quantity of pyrolusite (MnO) as source of oxygen. Resulting gases in both cases were absorbed in melted lithium and form lithium carbide in stainless steel reaction vessel in vacuum. Produced carbide sample was converted to acetylene by adding of water, when trapped acetylene after its purification, was converted to benzene on vanadium or chromium catalyst. As for benzene sample purification, we added to it sulfuric acid and following sublimation. Modern liquid scintillation spectrometer was used for counting of benzene.
We had tested several waste fuel samples. We found each step of carbide production technology should last up to 60 minutes to complete. Radiocarbon variation of each sample could range individually up to several percent when second technological step is not complete. Then, we find it out, that use of sample preparation technology for two subsamples of waste fuel material of 4-5 g each and combine resulting benzene to one sample for counting gives more reproducible results.
1. Vadim V. Skripkin and Nikolai N. Kovalyukh. RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN THE PROCEDURES USED AT THE SSCER LABORATORY FOR THE ROUTINE PREPARATION OF LITHIUM CARBIDE. Proceedings of the 16th International 14C Conference, edited by W. G. Mook and J. van der Plicht. RADIOCARBON, Vol. 40, No. 1, 1998, P. 211-214.
2. Benzene line: equipment, laboratory setup and staff training. WWW:
Fossil fuel (coal) includes natural radionuclides, in particular 238U, 232Th, 226Ra, 40K, ... more Fossil fuel (coal) includes natural radionuclides, in particular 238U,
232Th, 226Ra, 40K, 210Pb. Radioactivity is concentrated while coal
burning. Emissions of smoke and exhaust air bring solid particles and
aerosols in the environment, causing deposition on the land surface
over time. Cumulative deposition on land surface corresponds to
long time operation impact. We have focused our efforts on selecting of most suitable sites for sampling of deposition and determinate corresponding natural radionuclides. We had used forest vertical profiles that include forest litter (top layer) and two soil layers
We had developed and well tested vials in which Teflon and titanium where used as only materials.... more We had developed and well tested vials in which Teflon and titanium where used as only materials. We avoid other material thinking about benzene sorption. We control counting efficiency avoiding presence of any " dead zone " inside. Vial flask and cap are spline coupled, both produced of Teflon. Other parts are of metal: stand, washer and valve. Vial volume ranges of: 0.8, 1.5, 2.5, 4.0 and 7.0 ml. Vials have extreme durability, low benzene leakage, high counting efficiency and low background. Benzene leakage is below 0.1% for one months of storage for series of vials.
Radiocarbon, 2006
This paper estimates the radioactive graphite dispersion on the land surface (forest litter and s... more This paper estimates the radioactive graphite dispersion on the land surface (forest litter and soil) as a result of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) release. Graphite mass was calculated using an estimated average concentration of 2.5 × 10 7 Bq/kg C (carbon). The sample collection method, sample origin and its mass, and sample preparation procedure used for preparation of benzene were taken into account to obtain the optimum sensitivity of the method. Thus, the sensitivity of the corresponding method for graphite detection in forest litter was estimated to be 0.2 mg/m 2 . All analyses gave a range of deposited graphite from 0.12 to 52.6 mg/m 2 . The maximum value was observed at a site located 9 km west of the Chernobyl NPP. The results of the study indicate the importance of studying the upper layer of soil (0-5 cm) in addition to the lower layer of forest litter.
Radiocarbon, 1995
We have tested two versions of an 0.8-m1 volume Teflon® vial, designed specifically for radiocarb... more We have tested two versions of an 0.8-m1 volume Teflon® vial, designed specifically for radiocarbon dating in the microvolume range, using a modern Quantulus 1220TH liquid scintillation (IS) spectrometer. We determined the counting performance of each vial type in conjunction with different designs of copper holder, viz., with and without the incorporation of a "Teflon® light coupler". We also compared the losses of sample benzene during a typical 28-day counting period. Results show that neither vial design nor the type of vial holder used in the intercomparison had a significant influence on counting performance. We recorded an absolute 14C detection efficiency of 82% against a background count rate of 0.1 cpm, i.e., a "figure of merit (FM) value" = 67,240. This compares favorably with the operational parameters anticipated for microvolume 14C dating by modern IS spectrometry. However, variations in the design of the sealing method used between the vial types was reflected in an apparent approximate tenfold difference in the amount of benzene lost during routine counting. In the better case, the evaporation loss was equivalent to 0.032 mg of benzene per day.
An oceanographic investigation within 1.0km radius of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant (FDNP... more An oceanographic investigation within 1.0km radius of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant (FDNPP) was carried out in September 2013, independent of the Government of Japan. Samples of seawater and seafloor sand were collected near the sewage outlets and in front of the harbor at the FDNPP. The level of seawater radioactivity did not show evidence of immediate harm to the health of the people. However, sedimentation of radionuclides to the seafloor was estimated from the results of seafloor sand. We found strontium-90 at detectable levels in the sand samples of all three points. As far as the impact of biological concentration is concerned, it would be essential to monitor the radioactivity of seawater deeper down and seafloor sand rather than that of subsurface. Regulation for both total volume and concentration should be considered.
Water leakages and water flow inside and around the "shelter" covering the 4th reactor of the Che... more Water leakages and water flow inside and around the "shelter" covering the 4th reactor of the Chernobyl NPP were studied using radioactive tracers: 3 H, 90 Sr, and 137 Cs. We use the liquid scintillation (LS) technique to analyze tritium, 90 Sr, and 137 Cs concentration in water for a wide range of activities and ratios. Different sample preparation and measurement techniques were applied to cover the high range of mixture variation: direct counting, distillation, and extensive multiple ionexchange procedures for tritium; direct LS counting, Cerenkov counting, and LS beta spectroscopy for strontium; and beta spectroscopy and gamma spectroscopy for cesium.
The article summarizes the activity concentrations data of 226 Ra and the sum of uranium isotopes... more The article summarizes the activity concentrations data of 226 Ra and the sum of uranium isotopes (∑U) in samples of drinking underground water for different regions of Ukraine studied during 1998-2023 in the radiation monitoring laboratory of the State Institution "O.M. Marzieiev Institute of Public Health National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine. Arithmetic mean and standard deviations, minimum and maximum values for 226 Ra and ∑U activity concentrations are presented for the entire 1240 sample set and for each region separately. Collected data show that the established state permissible level for drinking water of 1.0 Bq/l is exceeded for 226 Ra in 1.1% of the studied samples, and for ∑U-in 3.9% correspondingly. The detected high levels of 226 Ra and ∑U activity concentrations correspond to certain regions belonging to the Ukrainian crystalline shield territory. A comparison of the current data with the data of previous studies held during of 1989-1991 indicates a significant difference: for the previous studies the average and standard deviations are much higher. We attribute this to the fact that the centralized sampling of previous studies was random, and it was related exclusively to communal water supply systems. At the same time, the current sample set covers a much larger number of regions, different water consumers; the data set includes the results of repeated studies for a large number of sources, in particular, sources with purified water. Hypothetical exposure doses caused by consumption of 226 Ra and ∑U in water for the current sample set were estimated for different age groups for each sample studied, as is, without taking into account the pattern of water consumption. The corresponding dose exceeds the WHO recommended value of 0.1 mSv per year for children under the age of one year for 220 cases (17.7%). This dose limit excess for other age groups corresponds-for children: aged 12-17 years-13.1%, aged 1-2 years-7.4%, 7-12 years old-5.6%, 2-7 years old-3.9% and for adults-4.1%. Protection of underground water is commonly much higher than for surface water with regard to chemical and microbiological pollutants, which sets the priority of its use as drinking water source 1. At the same time, underground water contains natural radionuclides of the U and Th series. The radioactivity concentration in water is formed by the radioactive composition of the rocks, the level of fissuring of the rocks, the chemical properties of the water and the contact time of the water with the rocks 2. Author shoved scatted plot of uranium versus 226 Ra in random Australian ground water illustrating the lack of correlation between parent and decay product. The introduction of natural radionuclides into water occurs due to diffusion of gas (222 Rn) or leaching (U, Ra) from the surface of rocks. The chemical composition of water defines the intensity and priority of certain radionuclides leaching. High levels of natural radionuclides in drinking water are observed primarily for artesian wells with a depth of several tens to hundreds of meters, although in some places favorable conditions for the entry of natural radionuclides into water present even for aquifers with a depth of only a few meters or even for surface streams 3. In addition, high levels of natural radionuclides in surface water can form discharges from mining and processing industrial enterprises, mines.
The article summarizes the activity concentrations data of 226 Ra and the sum of uranium isotopes... more The article summarizes the activity concentrations data of 226 Ra and the sum of uranium isotopes (∑U) in samples of drinking underground water for different regions of Ukraine studied during 1998-2023 in the radiation monitoring laboratory of the State Institution "O.M. Marzieiev Institute of Public Health National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine. Arithmetic mean and standard deviations, minimum and maximum values for 226 Ra and ∑U activity concentrations are presented for the entire 1240 sample set and for each region separately. Collected data show that the established state permissible level for drinking water of 1.0 Bq/l is exceeded for 226 Ra in 1.1% of the studied samples, and for ∑U-in 3.9% correspondingly. The detected high levels of 226 Ra and ∑U activity concentrations correspond to certain regions belonging to the Ukrainian crystalline shield territory. A comparison of the current data with the data of previous studies held during of 1989-1991 indicates a significant difference: for the previous studies the average and standard deviations are much higher. We attribute this to the fact that the centralized sampling of previous studies was random, and it was related exclusively to communal water supply systems. At the same time, the current sample set covers a much larger number of regions, different water consumers; the data set includes the results of repeated studies for a large number of sources, in particular, sources with purified water. Hypothetical exposure doses caused by consumption of 226 Ra and ∑U in water for the current sample set were estimated for different age groups for each sample studied, as is, without taking into account the pattern of water consumption. The corresponding dose exceeds the WHO recommended value of 0.1 mSv per year for children under the age of one year for 220 cases (17.7%). This dose limit excess for other age groups corresponds-for children: aged 12-17 years-13.1%, aged 1-2 years-7.4%, 7-12 years old-5.6%, 2-7 years old-3.9% and for adults-4.1%. Protection of underground water is commonly much higher than for surface water with regard to chemical and microbiological pollutants, which sets the priority of its use as drinking water source 1. At the same time, underground water contains natural radionuclides of the U and Th series. The radioactivity concentration in water is formed by the radioactive composition of the rocks, the level of fissuring of the rocks, the chemical properties of the water and the contact time of the water with the rocks 2. Author shoved scatted plot of uranium versus 226 Ra in random Australian ground water illustrating the lack of correlation between parent and decay product. The introduction of natural radionuclides into water occurs due to diffusion of gas (222 Rn) or leaching (U, Ra) from the surface of rocks. The chemical composition of water defines the intensity and priority of certain radionuclides leaching. High levels of natural radionuclides in drinking water are observed primarily for artesian wells with a depth of several tens to hundreds of meters, although in some places favorable conditions for the entry of natural radionuclides into water present even for aquifers with a depth of only a few meters or even for surface streams 3. In addition, high levels of natural radionuclides in surface water can form discharges from mining and processing industrial enterprises, mines.
In 2018-2019, we examined the radioactivity of 40 samples of bottled water of popular brands prod... more In 2018-2019, we examined the radioactivity of 40 samples of bottled water of popular brands produced both in Ukraine and abroad, which were purchased in one Kyiv supermarket. The first stage of the study provided for the identification of total alpha and total beta activities. In the case of excessing their regulated values, we proceeded to the determination of the content of radium-226 and natural mixture of uranium isotopes. The study results evidenced that total alpha and total beta activities of low mineralization water do not exceed the regulated values. Total alpha activity exceeded the regulated value of 0.1 Bq/l ten times in specific cases and total beta-activity exceeded the value of 1.0 Bq/l almost three times for the majority of high mineralization water brands.
The results of measuring total alpha and total beta activities depending on time elapsed from the moment the sample was prepared to the start of the measurements showed an increase in the alpha activity over time is typical for individual water samples, which indicates the accumulation of radioactivity from radium-226 decay products. However, the results of measuring the activity of radium-226 and a natural mixture of uranium isotopes did not reveal cases of exceeding regulated levels, which allows considering water of all brands suitable in terms of radionuclide content.
Assessment of radiation doses from consumption of bottled water containing the measured values of radium-226 and natural mixture of uranium isotopes did not reveal exceeding regulated value of 0.1 mSv/year. Only one bottled water brand was an exception, since the estimated radiation dose for it was 0.2 mSv/year for the category of children aged 12 to 17 years with 98 % of its value due to radium-226. Such a radiation dose value was received assuming an annual consumption of 1.5 liters per day.
У статті наведено результати статистичного аналізу питомої активності 222Rn у зразках питної води... more У статті наведено результати статистичного аналізу питомої активності 222Rn у зразках питної води, відібраних з артезіанських свердловин в різних регіонах України протягом 2003 – 2021 рр. Робота виконана в лабораторії радіаційного моніторингу Державної установи «Інститут громадського здоров’я ім. О.М. Марзєєва НАМН України». Періоди усереднення результатів вимірювань (три та чотири роки) пов’язані з вимогами нормативних актів та охопленням зразків води з географічно нових, не охоплених раніше, територій України. Наведено середні арифметичні значення та середньоквадратичні відхилення, а також середні геометричні, медіанні, мінімальні та максимальні значення питомої активності 222Rn у 1228 зразках питної води з артезіанських свердловин. Значення середньоквадратичних відхилень результатів вимірювань та близькість медіанних та середніх геометричних значень свідчать про логнормальний характер розподілу питомої активності 222Rn у вибірці. Встановлено, що для 11 % досліджених зразків води вміст 222Rn перевищує встановлений державний норматив для питної води (100 Бк/л). Виявлені високі рівні 222Rn мають відношення до окремих територій, де необхідне більш детальне вивчення радіоактивності підземних вод з метою підготовки та реалізації заходів для поліпшення радіаційного стану питної води. Порівняння результатів дослідження питомої активності 222Rn у питній воді за 2003 – 2021 рр. з відповідними даними за 1989 – 1991 рр. вказує на їх суттєву відмінність: для періоду 1989 – 1991 рр. середні арифметичні та середні геометричні значення значно вищі. Це пов’язано з тим, що відбірка у 1989 – 1991 рр. була більш випадковою, сконцентрованою переважно на території кристалічного щита та меншою мірою – поза його межами. Водночас дані 2003 – 2021 рр. охоплюють значно більшу кількість регіонів, а в розрахунки внесено повторні (з трирічним періодом) результати вимірювань 222Rn для деяких джерел.
З метою встановлення чіткого стану радіоактивності питної води в Україні та з метою мінімізації опромінення людей від її споживання моніторинг вмісту 222Rn у питній воді для окремих регіонів України має бути поширений на джерела води, які залишаються недослідженими.
The paper presents the results of the statistical analysis for 222Rn concentration in drinking wa... more The paper presents the results of the statistical analysis for 222Rn concentration in drinking water samples taken from artesian wells in different regions of Ukraine during 2003 - 2022. The work was carried out in the radiation monitoring laboratory of the O.M. Marzieiev Institute of Public Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine. The periods of averaging the measurement data (three and four years) are related to the requirements of regulatory documents and covering of water samples in the analysis from geographically new, previously unreached territories of Ukraine. Arithmetic mean values and root mean square deviations, as well as geometric mean, median, minimum and maximum values of 222Rn specific activity in 1228 drinking water samples were calculated. The values of the root mean square deviations of the measurement data and alikeness of the median and geometric mean values show the lognormal nature of 222Rn specific activity distribution in the sampling set. It was determined that for 11 % of the tested water samples, 222Rn concentration exceeds the established state standard for drinking water (100 Bq/l). The detected high levels of 222Rn are related to certain areas, where a more detailed study of underground water radioactivity is required in order to develop and implement measures to improve the radiation condition of drinking water. A comparison of the results of analyzing 222Rn concentration in drinking water for 2003-2021 with the data obtained during 1989-1991 indicates their significant difference: for the period of 1989-1991, the arithmetic mean and geometric mean values are significantly higher. This is because the sampling of 1989-1991 was more randomized, held mainly within the Ukrainian crystalline shield and less beyond it. At the same time, the data (2003 to 2021) cover a much larger number of regions, and, in addition, the results of repeated (with a three-year period) 222Rn measurements data for some sources are included in the calculations.
In order to determine the radioactive condition of drinking water in Ukraine and in order to minimize public exposure due to its consumption, monitoring of 222Rn content in drinking water for some regions of Ukraine should be extended.
Cerenkov counting is a convenient and effective method of counting high-energy beta radiation, wh... more Cerenkov counting is a convenient and effective method of counting high-energy beta radiation, which has long been used to measure a number of radionuclides, such as, in particular, 90Sr+90Y, in environmental objects. The traditional Cerenkov method requires the use of radiochemical sample preparation procedures, but these procedures may be simpler than those used, for example, for the liquid scintillation counting (LSC) method. We proposed the Cerencov method, which corrects color quench effect. The method is based on the correlation between the counting rates of the radiation of the sample and its external standard, which is observed for a wide range of color quenching of the samples. The use of such a Cerencov method allows measurement of high-energy b-emitters, in particular, its use as an express method for the study of 90Sr+90Y in surface water. For a number of cases, the method makes it possible to avoid the use of long lasting and expensive sample preparation procedures. The results of the cross-testing of the samples obtained by the Cerencov method and direct measurement by the liquid scintillation counting method are in good agreement with each other.
У статті наведено результати статистичного аналізу питомої активності 222 Rn у зразках питної вод... more У статті наведено результати статистичного аналізу питомої активності 222 Rn у зразках питної води, відібраних з артезіанських свердловин в різних регіонах України протягом 2003-2021 рр. Робота виконана в лабораторії радіаційного моніторингу Державної установи «Інститут громадського здоров'я ім. О.М. Марзєєва НАМН України». Періоди усереднення результатів вимірювань (три та чотири роки) пов'язані з вимогами нормативних актів та охопленням зразків води з географічно нових, не охоплених раніше, територій України. Наведено середні арифметичні значення та середньоквадратичні відхилення, а також середні геометричні, медіанні, мінімальні та максимальні значення питомої активності 222 Rn у 1228 зразках питної води з артезіанських свердловин. Значення середньоквадратичних відхилень результатів вимірювань та близькість медіанних та середніх геометричних значень свідчать про логнормальний характер розподілу питомої активності 222 Rn у вибірці. Встановлено, що для 11 % досліджених зразків води вміст 222 Rn перевищує встановлений державний норматив для питної води (100 Бк/л). Виявлені високі рівні 222 Rn мають відношення до окремих територій, де необхідне більш детальне вивчення радіоактивності підземних вод з метою підготовки та реалізації заходів для поліпшення радіаційного стану питної води. Порівняння результатів дослідження питомої активності 222 Rn у питній воді за 2003-2021 рр. з відповідними даними за 1989-1991 рр. вказує на їх суттєву відмінність: для періоду 1989-1991 рр. середні арифметичні та середні геометричні значення значно вищі. Це пов'язано з тим, що відбірка у 1989-1991 рр. була більш випадковою, сконцентрованою переважно на території кристалічного щита та меншою мірою-поза його межами. Водночас дані 2003-2021 рр. охоплюють значно більшу кількість регіонів, а в розрахунки внесено повторні (з трирічним періодом) результати вимірювань 222 Rn для деяких джерел. З метою встановлення чіткого стану радіоактивності питної води в Україні та з метою мінімізації опромінення людей від її споживання моніторинг вмісту 222 Rn у питній воді для окремих регіонів України має бути поширений на джерела води, які залишаються недослідженими. Ключові слова: артезіанська свердловина, доза опромінення, медіана, питна вода, природні радіонукліди, радон-222 (222 Rn), середнє арифметичне, середнє геометричне. © Бузинний М. Г., Михайлова Л. Л., 2022 кухні, у місцях розташування пристроїв для очищення води. Його проникнення в організм людини може спричиняти опромінення населення, яке несе шкоду для здоров'я, зокрема через онкологічні захворювання шлунку або легенів. 222 Rn належить до ланцюга розпаду природного урану. Уран у геологічних породах у результаті послідовності ядерних перетворень розпадається до 226 Ra, який стає джерелом 222 Rn. 222 Rn з породи вивільняється в оточуючий простір (ґрунт, вода), де накопичуєть-Вступ Природний радіоактивний газ 222 Rn є суттєвим джерелом внутрішнього опромінення людини. 222 Rn, який міститься у воді, може потрапляти в організм безпосередньо під час вживання води всередину або під час вдихання з повітря у житлових приміщеннях, де він накопичується від тривалого побутового використання води у ванній кімнаті, Бузинний М. Г., Михайлова Л. Л.
Conventional radiocarbon measurements have variety of application covering needs of archeology, g... more Conventional radiocarbon measurements have variety of application covering needs of archeology, geology, ecology etc. Determination of bio-based percentage in waste fuel is important taking into account modern requirements for calculation of CO2 releases. Like any combustible material waste fuel could be converted to benzene, and then counted by liquid scintillation counting (LSC). So sample of waste fuel should be fine milled and homogenized before the analyze. Material mixture in waste sample have different fractions by means of radiocarbon concentration and thermal destruction properties.
As most applicable method for benzene sample production, we had tested vacuum pyrolysis method [Skripkin and Kovalyukh, 1998]. We had used modern benzene line equipment [Benzene line] and corresponding two steps technology, where first one includes pyrolysis of dry sample of maximum load of about 8-10 g, and second one combustion of residual charred material with added corresponding quantity of pyrolusite (MnO) as source of oxygen. Resulting gases in both cases were absorbed in melted lithium and form lithium carbide in stainless steel reaction vessel in vacuum. Produced carbide sample was converted to acetylene by adding of water, when trapped acetylene after its purification, was converted to benzene on vanadium or chromium catalyst. As for benzene sample purification, we added to it sulfuric acid and following sublimation. Modern liquid scintillation spectrometer was used for counting of benzene.
We had tested several waste fuel samples. We found each step of carbide production technology should last up to 60 minutes to complete. Radiocarbon variation of each sample could range individually up to several percent when second technological step is not complete. Then, we find it out, that use of sample preparation technology for two subsamples of waste fuel material of 4-5 g each and combine resulting benzene to one sample for counting gives more reproducible results.
1. Vadim V. Skripkin and Nikolai N. Kovalyukh. RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN THE PROCEDURES USED AT THE SSCER LABORATORY FOR THE ROUTINE PREPARATION OF LITHIUM CARBIDE. Proceedings of the 16th International 14C Conference, edited by W. G. Mook and J. van der Plicht. RADIOCARBON, Vol. 40, No. 1, 1998, P. 211-214.
2. Benzene line: equipment, laboratory setup and staff training. WWW:
Fossil fuel (coal) includes natural radionuclides, in particular 238U, 232Th, 226Ra, 40K, ... more Fossil fuel (coal) includes natural radionuclides, in particular 238U,
232Th, 226Ra, 40K, 210Pb. Radioactivity is concentrated while coal
burning. Emissions of smoke and exhaust air bring solid particles and
aerosols in the environment, causing deposition on the land surface
over time. Cumulative deposition on land surface corresponds to
long time operation impact. We have focused our efforts on selecting of most suitable sites for sampling of deposition and determinate corresponding natural radionuclides. We had used forest vertical profiles that include forest litter (top layer) and two soil layers
We had developed and well tested vials in which Teflon and titanium where used as only materials.... more We had developed and well tested vials in which Teflon and titanium where used as only materials. We avoid other material thinking about benzene sorption. We control counting efficiency avoiding presence of any " dead zone " inside. Vial flask and cap are spline coupled, both produced of Teflon. Other parts are of metal: stand, washer and valve. Vial volume ranges of: 0.8, 1.5, 2.5, 4.0 and 7.0 ml. Vials have extreme durability, low benzene leakage, high counting efficiency and low background. Benzene leakage is below 0.1% for one months of storage for series of vials.
Radiocarbon, 2006
This paper estimates the radioactive graphite dispersion on the land surface (forest litter and s... more This paper estimates the radioactive graphite dispersion on the land surface (forest litter and soil) as a result of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) release. Graphite mass was calculated using an estimated average concentration of 2.5 × 10 7 Bq/kg C (carbon). The sample collection method, sample origin and its mass, and sample preparation procedure used for preparation of benzene were taken into account to obtain the optimum sensitivity of the method. Thus, the sensitivity of the corresponding method for graphite detection in forest litter was estimated to be 0.2 mg/m 2 . All analyses gave a range of deposited graphite from 0.12 to 52.6 mg/m 2 . The maximum value was observed at a site located 9 km west of the Chernobyl NPP. The results of the study indicate the importance of studying the upper layer of soil (0-5 cm) in addition to the lower layer of forest litter.
Radiocarbon, 1995
We have tested two versions of an 0.8-m1 volume Teflon® vial, designed specifically for radiocarb... more We have tested two versions of an 0.8-m1 volume Teflon® vial, designed specifically for radiocarbon dating in the microvolume range, using a modern Quantulus 1220TH liquid scintillation (IS) spectrometer. We determined the counting performance of each vial type in conjunction with different designs of copper holder, viz., with and without the incorporation of a "Teflon® light coupler". We also compared the losses of sample benzene during a typical 28-day counting period. Results show that neither vial design nor the type of vial holder used in the intercomparison had a significant influence on counting performance. We recorded an absolute 14C detection efficiency of 82% against a background count rate of 0.1 cpm, i.e., a "figure of merit (FM) value" = 67,240. This compares favorably with the operational parameters anticipated for microvolume 14C dating by modern IS spectrometry. However, variations in the design of the sealing method used between the vial types was reflected in an apparent approximate tenfold difference in the amount of benzene lost during routine counting. In the better case, the evaporation loss was equivalent to 0.032 mg of benzene per day.
An oceanographic investigation within 1.0km radius of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant (FDNP... more An oceanographic investigation within 1.0km radius of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant (FDNPP) was carried out in September 2013, independent of the Government of Japan. Samples of seawater and seafloor sand were collected near the sewage outlets and in front of the harbor at the FDNPP. The level of seawater radioactivity did not show evidence of immediate harm to the health of the people. However, sedimentation of radionuclides to the seafloor was estimated from the results of seafloor sand. We found strontium-90 at detectable levels in the sand samples of all three points. As far as the impact of biological concentration is concerned, it would be essential to monitor the radioactivity of seawater deeper down and seafloor sand rather than that of subsurface. Regulation for both total volume and concentration should be considered.
Water leakages and water flow inside and around the "shelter" covering the 4th reactor of the Che... more Water leakages and water flow inside and around the "shelter" covering the 4th reactor of the Chernobyl NPP were studied using radioactive tracers: 3 H, 90 Sr, and 137 Cs. We use the liquid scintillation (LS) technique to analyze tritium, 90 Sr, and 137 Cs concentration in water for a wide range of activities and ratios. Different sample preparation and measurement techniques were applied to cover the high range of mixture variation: direct counting, distillation, and extensive multiple ionexchange procedures for tritium; direct LS counting, Cerenkov counting, and LS beta spectroscopy for strontium; and beta spectroscopy and gamma spectroscopy for cesium.