Myron Petryshyn - (original) (raw)

Papers by Myron Petryshyn

Research paper thumbnail of Reducing the emission of harmful gases from pig manure using different doses of biodestructors

Multidisciplinary Science Journal, Mar 18, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Milk productivity of cows of the western indred type of the ukrainian black-spotted dairy breed depending on their genetic structure

Agronauka ì praktika, Mar 30, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Dynamics of body weight growth of repair heifers of ukrainian black-spotted dairy breed, obtained from different selection options

Peredgìrne ta gìrsʹke zemlerobstvo ì tvarinnictvo/Peredčìrne ta gìrsʹke zemlerobstvo i tvarinnictvo, Mar 28, 2024

У віці 1 та 4 міс. найвищу масу тіла мали телиці, отримані від міжлінійного підбору Старбак 35279... more У віці 1 та 4 міс. найвищу масу тіла мали телиці, отримані від міжлінійного підбору Старбак 352790 × Валіант 1650414. Коефіцієнт мінливості маси тіла ремонтних телиць української чорно-рябої молочної породи в усіх досліджуваних групах у молочний період був високим.

Research paper thumbnail of Productivity of cows of the western inbred type of the Ukrainian black-spotted dairy breed with different selection options

Peredgìrne ta gìrsʹke zemlerobstvo ì tvarinnictvo/Peredčìrne ta gìrsʹke zemlerobstvo i tvarinnictvo, Mar 28, 2024

Productivity of cows of the western inbred type of the Ukrainian black-spotted dairy breed with d... more Productivity of cows of the western inbred type of the Ukrainian black-spotted dairy breed with different selection options

Research paper thumbnail of Meat productivity of young Askanian meat-wool breed with crossbred wool and hybrids of 3/8 blood of the Suffolk breed

Peredčìrne ta gìrsʹke zemlerobstvo i tvarinnictvo, Nov 20, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Metabolic and productive effects of improved PVMS composition in young sheep feeding rations

Agronauka ì praktika, Mar 30, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Use of phytobiotics in calf feeding and their influence on the formation of rumen digestion and resistance

Foothill and mountain agriculture and stockbreeding

Research paper thumbnail of Nitrogen production activity of the rumen microbiota in lactating ewes after use of additive probiotic enzymactyv in feeding diet

Research paper thumbnail of Influence of different lambing terms and use of feeding ewes with balancing mixed fodders on the level of marketable milk yield

Research paper thumbnail of Selection-genetic parameters of sheep of Askanian meat-wool breed with crossbred wool in the conditions of the forest-steppe zone of Lviv region

У статті наведено результати досліджень адаптаційної здатності та продуктивних якостей овець аска... more У статті наведено результати досліджень адаптаційної здатності та продуктивних якостей овець асканійської м'ясо-вовнової породи з кросбредною вовною, завезених із посушливої зони Південного Степу у природньокліматичні умови лісостепової зони Львівської області (захід України). Для породи характерна висока вовнова та м'ясна продуктивність, міцна конституція, добра адаптаційна здатність, стійка спадковість Встановлено, що в нових умовах суттєвих проблем із адаптацією овець асканійської м'ясо-вовнової породи не спостерігається. Завезені тварини асканійського кросбредного та асканійського чорноголового внутріпородних типів зберігають характерні для породи продуктивні ознаки та стійко передають їх нащадкам. Народжені та вирощені в нових господарських і кліматичних умовах, тварини відповідають за рівнем продуктивності стандарту породи. Суттєвих відмінностей за живою масою між тваринами, завезеними із степової зони півдня України, так і народженими в умовах лісостепової зони Львівської області, не спостерігалося в усі вікові періоди. Високі показники вікової повторюваності маси тіла та настригів вовни свідчать про суттєвий вплив спадковості на реалізацію генетичного потенціалу породи та її адаптацію в нових умовах. Ключові слова: вівці, адаптація, продуктивність, повторюваність, кореляція. Selection-genetic parameters of Askanian meat-wool breed sheep with crossbred wool in the conditions of the Forest-Steppe zone of Lviv region Myron PETRYSHYN, candidate of agricultural sciences Institute of Agriiculture of Carpathian Region NAAS The article presents the results of adaptability studies and productive qualities of Askanian meat-wool breed sheep with crossbred wool, imported from the arid zone of the Southern Steppe in the climatic conditions of the Forest-Steppe zone of Lviv region. The breed is characterized by high wool and meat productivity, strong constitution, good adaptability, stable heredity. It has been established that in the new conditions there are no significant problems with the adaptation of Askanian meat and wool sheep. The imported animals of the Ascanian crossbred and Ascanian black-headed intrabreed types retain the productive traits characteristic of the breed and pass them on to their offspring. Animals born and raised in new economic and climatic conditions meet the level of productivity of the breed standard. There were no significant differences in live weight between animals imported from the steppe zone of South Ukraine and their offspring born in the Forest-Steppe zone of Western Ukraine. High indicators of age repeatability of body weight and wool productivity indicate at significant impact of heredity on the realization of the breed potential and its adaptation to new conditions.

Research paper thumbnail of Exterior of Сows of the Ukrainian Black-Spotted Dairy Breed, Obtained under Various Selection Options

Наукові горизонти, Nov 17, 2022

Exterior of cows of the Ukrainian black-spotted dairy breed, obtained under various selection opt... more Exterior of cows of the Ukrainian black-spotted dairy breed, obtained under various selection options. Scientific Horizons, 25(9), 19-29.

Research paper thumbnail of Productive qualities of female lambs in the foothills Carpathian zone when using in the diets of local highly-nutritious concentrated feeds

Peredčìrne ta gìrsʹke zemlerobstvo i tvarinnictvo, Dec 12, 2018

Встановлено, що згодовування яркам української гірськокарпатської породи з 2 до 9-місячного віку ... more Встановлено, що згодовування яркам української гірськокарпатської породи з 2 до 9-місячного віку в умовах природнокліматичної зони передгір'я Карпат експериментальних комбікормів із включенням до їх складу місцевих зернових компонентів порівняно із стандартними комбікормами стимулює ваговий та лінійний ріст тварин, збільшує вовнову продуктивність та зменшує витрати грошових коштів на одиницю приросту живої маси. Ключові слова: ярки, українська гірськокарпатська порода, годівля, комбікорм, прирости живої маси, показники лінійного росту, вовнова продуктивність. Вступ. Відомо, що виробництво овечого молока, його переробка на традиційні сири (бринзу) та реалізація понадремонтного молодняку є одними із основних джерел грошових надходжень у більшості вівчарських господарств Карпатського регіону України [4, 14, 17]. Важливою умовою забезпечення беззбиткового виробництва продукції вівчарства є своєчасне оновлення маточного поголів'я [4, 5, 14, 16-19,

Research paper thumbnail of Characteristics of cows, daughters of different Simmental bulls in the conditions of Lviv region

Peredčìrne ta gìrsʹke zemlerobstvo i tvarinnictvo, Jun 30, 2023

Institute of Agriculture of the Carpathian region of NAAS Characteristics of cows, daughters of d... more Institute of Agriculture of the Carpathian region of NAAS Characteristics of cows, daughters of different Simmental bulls in the conditions of Lviv region Using the method of retrospective analysis, the evaluation of the results of the use of breeder bulls of different origin in the herd of the breeder «Litynske» of the Simmental breed of the milk and meat direction of productivity was carried out. Based on the data of breeding and zootechnical records, the dynamics of live weight of repair heifers and full-aged cows, milk productivity and productive longevity of half-sisters by father, which come from purebred elite bulls of Austrian (Moh 6706), German (Dingob 7431414) and American (Ferkoven 2638) selection, were studied. It was established that according to live weight indicators at birth, at 6-, 9-and 12months of age and intensity of growth, repair heifers of the compared groups did not differ significantly among themselves. Among the adult cows, daughters of the bull Moh 6706 of Austrian selection were characterized by the lowest live weight. According to this indicator, they were statistically significan (р≤0.001) inferior to the daughters of the bulls Dingob 7431414 and Ferkoven 2638 in all compared age periods (1-3 calvings). The conducted analysis established intergroup differentiation in terms of milk productivity between the daughters of different breeder bulls. Daughters of bulls Dingob 7431414 and Ferkoven 2638 were characterized by the highest milk productivity in farm conditions. They were statistically significant (р≤0.05-0.001) superior to the daughters of the bull Moh 6706 in terms of the first lactation yield, milk fat and protein output. For the second and third lactations, there was a statistically significant difference only between the daughters of Moh 6706 and Dingob 7431414 in the amount of milk and fat (р≤0.05-0.01). For the highest lactation, the highest milk productivity was in the daughters of the bull Dingob 7431414. They statistically significant outperformed the daughters of the bull Ferkoven 2638 in the amount of milk and the amount of milk fat, respectively, p≤0.05 and p≤0.001, and in terms of the amount of milk protein, they outnumbered the daughters of Moh 6706 and Ferkoven 2638, p≤0.05. The duration of productive use in the daughters of the bull Moh 6706 was higher than in the daughters of the bulls Dingob 7431414 and Ferkoven 2638, as a result of which there were no significant differences between the compared groups in terms of longevity.

Research paper thumbnail of The impact of the terms of weaning lambs and the advanced feeding of ewes on the level of milk yield and its composition

Peredčìrne ta gìrsʹke zemlerobstvo i tvarinnictvo, Jul 10, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Efficiency of feeding repair female lambs of Ukrainska gornokarpatska breed with mixed fodder on the base of improved formula

Visnyk agrarnoi nauky, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of yeast probiotic supplements in the diet of young ewes on the metabolic activity of rumen microbiota

Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences

Research paper thumbnail of Characteristics of cows, daughters of different Simmental bulls in the conditions of Lviv region

Foothill and mountain agriculture and stockbreeding

Research paper thumbnail of Активність ферментів плазми крові та продуктивні якості тварин залежно від рівня протеїну та енергії в раціоні лактуючих вівцематок

Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies, 2017

We studied the milk production, the condition of nutritional status, the intensity of growth and ... more We studied the milk production, the condition of nutritional status, the intensity of growth and development of suckling lambs and the activity of individual enzymes in the blood plasma with optimization of the level of protein and energy in rations of lactating ewes of Ascanian meat and wool breed in the Foothills of the Carpathians. It is known, that the geochemical zone of the Carpathian region is characterized by specific protein composition and energy value of feeds. Therefore, studies aimed at adjusting the rations of pregnant and lactating ewes of the Askanian breed in this zone according to the level of protein and energy in the winter-stall period and their influence on the productive qualities and course of metabolism in animals, have an important scientific and practical significance. The study was carried out on 2 groups of lactating ewes-analogues (10 heads each) of Askanian meat and wool breed with crossbred wool in the «Hrusyatychi» Farm of the Institute of Agricultur...

Research paper thumbnail of Development of heirfers and dairy productivity of cows, doughters of different simmental breed bulls

Peredčìrne ta gìrsʹke zemlerobstvo i tvarinnictvo, Jun 6, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Exterior of Сows of the Ukrainian Black-Spotted Dairy Breed, Obtained under Various Selection Options

Scientific Horizons

Analysis of the effectiveness of evaluating inline and inter-line variants of combinations by typ... more Analysis of the effectiveness of evaluating inline and inter-line variants of combinations by type and finding their best variants in practical selective breeding is a relevant task that allows obtaining offspring of the desired quality. The purpose of this study is to figure out the specific features of the body structure of the firstborn cows of the Ukrainian blackspotted dairy breed of the western inbred type, depending on their origin, as well as to establish the type of inheritance of these indicators in line crosses based on the results of the evaluation by type. The study found the types of selection through genealogical analysis of pedigrees, linear evaluation of cows by type according to two evaluation systems – linear description of individual articles of the exterior on a 9-point scale and evaluation of complexes of exterior features of the animal type on a 100-point scale, obtained results were evaluated according to Student’s t-test. Using the scheme, it was found that ...

Research paper thumbnail of Reducing the emission of harmful gases from pig manure using different doses of biodestructors

Multidisciplinary Science Journal, Mar 18, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Milk productivity of cows of the western indred type of the ukrainian black-spotted dairy breed depending on their genetic structure

Agronauka ì praktika, Mar 30, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Dynamics of body weight growth of repair heifers of ukrainian black-spotted dairy breed, obtained from different selection options

Peredgìrne ta gìrsʹke zemlerobstvo ì tvarinnictvo/Peredčìrne ta gìrsʹke zemlerobstvo i tvarinnictvo, Mar 28, 2024

У віці 1 та 4 міс. найвищу масу тіла мали телиці, отримані від міжлінійного підбору Старбак 35279... more У віці 1 та 4 міс. найвищу масу тіла мали телиці, отримані від міжлінійного підбору Старбак 352790 × Валіант 1650414. Коефіцієнт мінливості маси тіла ремонтних телиць української чорно-рябої молочної породи в усіх досліджуваних групах у молочний період був високим.

Research paper thumbnail of Productivity of cows of the western inbred type of the Ukrainian black-spotted dairy breed with different selection options

Peredgìrne ta gìrsʹke zemlerobstvo ì tvarinnictvo/Peredčìrne ta gìrsʹke zemlerobstvo i tvarinnictvo, Mar 28, 2024

Productivity of cows of the western inbred type of the Ukrainian black-spotted dairy breed with d... more Productivity of cows of the western inbred type of the Ukrainian black-spotted dairy breed with different selection options

Research paper thumbnail of Meat productivity of young Askanian meat-wool breed with crossbred wool and hybrids of 3/8 blood of the Suffolk breed

Peredčìrne ta gìrsʹke zemlerobstvo i tvarinnictvo, Nov 20, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Metabolic and productive effects of improved PVMS composition in young sheep feeding rations

Agronauka ì praktika, Mar 30, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Use of phytobiotics in calf feeding and their influence on the formation of rumen digestion and resistance

Foothill and mountain agriculture and stockbreeding

Research paper thumbnail of Nitrogen production activity of the rumen microbiota in lactating ewes after use of additive probiotic enzymactyv in feeding diet

Research paper thumbnail of Influence of different lambing terms and use of feeding ewes with balancing mixed fodders on the level of marketable milk yield

Research paper thumbnail of Selection-genetic parameters of sheep of Askanian meat-wool breed with crossbred wool in the conditions of the forest-steppe zone of Lviv region

У статті наведено результати досліджень адаптаційної здатності та продуктивних якостей овець аска... more У статті наведено результати досліджень адаптаційної здатності та продуктивних якостей овець асканійської м'ясо-вовнової породи з кросбредною вовною, завезених із посушливої зони Південного Степу у природньокліматичні умови лісостепової зони Львівської області (захід України). Для породи характерна висока вовнова та м'ясна продуктивність, міцна конституція, добра адаптаційна здатність, стійка спадковість Встановлено, що в нових умовах суттєвих проблем із адаптацією овець асканійської м'ясо-вовнової породи не спостерігається. Завезені тварини асканійського кросбредного та асканійського чорноголового внутріпородних типів зберігають характерні для породи продуктивні ознаки та стійко передають їх нащадкам. Народжені та вирощені в нових господарських і кліматичних умовах, тварини відповідають за рівнем продуктивності стандарту породи. Суттєвих відмінностей за живою масою між тваринами, завезеними із степової зони півдня України, так і народженими в умовах лісостепової зони Львівської області, не спостерігалося в усі вікові періоди. Високі показники вікової повторюваності маси тіла та настригів вовни свідчать про суттєвий вплив спадковості на реалізацію генетичного потенціалу породи та її адаптацію в нових умовах. Ключові слова: вівці, адаптація, продуктивність, повторюваність, кореляція. Selection-genetic parameters of Askanian meat-wool breed sheep with crossbred wool in the conditions of the Forest-Steppe zone of Lviv region Myron PETRYSHYN, candidate of agricultural sciences Institute of Agriiculture of Carpathian Region NAAS The article presents the results of adaptability studies and productive qualities of Askanian meat-wool breed sheep with crossbred wool, imported from the arid zone of the Southern Steppe in the climatic conditions of the Forest-Steppe zone of Lviv region. The breed is characterized by high wool and meat productivity, strong constitution, good adaptability, stable heredity. It has been established that in the new conditions there are no significant problems with the adaptation of Askanian meat and wool sheep. The imported animals of the Ascanian crossbred and Ascanian black-headed intrabreed types retain the productive traits characteristic of the breed and pass them on to their offspring. Animals born and raised in new economic and climatic conditions meet the level of productivity of the breed standard. There were no significant differences in live weight between animals imported from the steppe zone of South Ukraine and their offspring born in the Forest-Steppe zone of Western Ukraine. High indicators of age repeatability of body weight and wool productivity indicate at significant impact of heredity on the realization of the breed potential and its adaptation to new conditions.

Research paper thumbnail of Exterior of Сows of the Ukrainian Black-Spotted Dairy Breed, Obtained under Various Selection Options

Наукові горизонти, Nov 17, 2022

Exterior of cows of the Ukrainian black-spotted dairy breed, obtained under various selection opt... more Exterior of cows of the Ukrainian black-spotted dairy breed, obtained under various selection options. Scientific Horizons, 25(9), 19-29.

Research paper thumbnail of Productive qualities of female lambs in the foothills Carpathian zone when using in the diets of local highly-nutritious concentrated feeds

Peredčìrne ta gìrsʹke zemlerobstvo i tvarinnictvo, Dec 12, 2018

Встановлено, що згодовування яркам української гірськокарпатської породи з 2 до 9-місячного віку ... more Встановлено, що згодовування яркам української гірськокарпатської породи з 2 до 9-місячного віку в умовах природнокліматичної зони передгір'я Карпат експериментальних комбікормів із включенням до їх складу місцевих зернових компонентів порівняно із стандартними комбікормами стимулює ваговий та лінійний ріст тварин, збільшує вовнову продуктивність та зменшує витрати грошових коштів на одиницю приросту живої маси. Ключові слова: ярки, українська гірськокарпатська порода, годівля, комбікорм, прирости живої маси, показники лінійного росту, вовнова продуктивність. Вступ. Відомо, що виробництво овечого молока, його переробка на традиційні сири (бринзу) та реалізація понадремонтного молодняку є одними із основних джерел грошових надходжень у більшості вівчарських господарств Карпатського регіону України [4, 14, 17]. Важливою умовою забезпечення беззбиткового виробництва продукції вівчарства є своєчасне оновлення маточного поголів'я [4, 5, 14, 16-19,

Research paper thumbnail of Characteristics of cows, daughters of different Simmental bulls in the conditions of Lviv region

Peredčìrne ta gìrsʹke zemlerobstvo i tvarinnictvo, Jun 30, 2023

Institute of Agriculture of the Carpathian region of NAAS Characteristics of cows, daughters of d... more Institute of Agriculture of the Carpathian region of NAAS Characteristics of cows, daughters of different Simmental bulls in the conditions of Lviv region Using the method of retrospective analysis, the evaluation of the results of the use of breeder bulls of different origin in the herd of the breeder «Litynske» of the Simmental breed of the milk and meat direction of productivity was carried out. Based on the data of breeding and zootechnical records, the dynamics of live weight of repair heifers and full-aged cows, milk productivity and productive longevity of half-sisters by father, which come from purebred elite bulls of Austrian (Moh 6706), German (Dingob 7431414) and American (Ferkoven 2638) selection, were studied. It was established that according to live weight indicators at birth, at 6-, 9-and 12months of age and intensity of growth, repair heifers of the compared groups did not differ significantly among themselves. Among the adult cows, daughters of the bull Moh 6706 of Austrian selection were characterized by the lowest live weight. According to this indicator, they were statistically significan (р≤0.001) inferior to the daughters of the bulls Dingob 7431414 and Ferkoven 2638 in all compared age periods (1-3 calvings). The conducted analysis established intergroup differentiation in terms of milk productivity between the daughters of different breeder bulls. Daughters of bulls Dingob 7431414 and Ferkoven 2638 were characterized by the highest milk productivity in farm conditions. They were statistically significant (р≤0.05-0.001) superior to the daughters of the bull Moh 6706 in terms of the first lactation yield, milk fat and protein output. For the second and third lactations, there was a statistically significant difference only between the daughters of Moh 6706 and Dingob 7431414 in the amount of milk and fat (р≤0.05-0.01). For the highest lactation, the highest milk productivity was in the daughters of the bull Dingob 7431414. They statistically significant outperformed the daughters of the bull Ferkoven 2638 in the amount of milk and the amount of milk fat, respectively, p≤0.05 and p≤0.001, and in terms of the amount of milk protein, they outnumbered the daughters of Moh 6706 and Ferkoven 2638, p≤0.05. The duration of productive use in the daughters of the bull Moh 6706 was higher than in the daughters of the bulls Dingob 7431414 and Ferkoven 2638, as a result of which there were no significant differences between the compared groups in terms of longevity.

Research paper thumbnail of The impact of the terms of weaning lambs and the advanced feeding of ewes on the level of milk yield and its composition

Peredčìrne ta gìrsʹke zemlerobstvo i tvarinnictvo, Jul 10, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Efficiency of feeding repair female lambs of Ukrainska gornokarpatska breed with mixed fodder on the base of improved formula

Visnyk agrarnoi nauky, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of yeast probiotic supplements in the diet of young ewes on the metabolic activity of rumen microbiota

Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences

Research paper thumbnail of Characteristics of cows, daughters of different Simmental bulls in the conditions of Lviv region

Foothill and mountain agriculture and stockbreeding

Research paper thumbnail of Активність ферментів плазми крові та продуктивні якості тварин залежно від рівня протеїну та енергії в раціоні лактуючих вівцематок

Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies, 2017

We studied the milk production, the condition of nutritional status, the intensity of growth and ... more We studied the milk production, the condition of nutritional status, the intensity of growth and development of suckling lambs and the activity of individual enzymes in the blood plasma with optimization of the level of protein and energy in rations of lactating ewes of Ascanian meat and wool breed in the Foothills of the Carpathians. It is known, that the geochemical zone of the Carpathian region is characterized by specific protein composition and energy value of feeds. Therefore, studies aimed at adjusting the rations of pregnant and lactating ewes of the Askanian breed in this zone according to the level of protein and energy in the winter-stall period and their influence on the productive qualities and course of metabolism in animals, have an important scientific and practical significance. The study was carried out on 2 groups of lactating ewes-analogues (10 heads each) of Askanian meat and wool breed with crossbred wool in the «Hrusyatychi» Farm of the Institute of Agricultur...

Research paper thumbnail of Development of heirfers and dairy productivity of cows, doughters of different simmental breed bulls

Peredčìrne ta gìrsʹke zemlerobstvo i tvarinnictvo, Jun 6, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Exterior of Сows of the Ukrainian Black-Spotted Dairy Breed, Obtained under Various Selection Options

Scientific Horizons

Analysis of the effectiveness of evaluating inline and inter-line variants of combinations by typ... more Analysis of the effectiveness of evaluating inline and inter-line variants of combinations by type and finding their best variants in practical selective breeding is a relevant task that allows obtaining offspring of the desired quality. The purpose of this study is to figure out the specific features of the body structure of the firstborn cows of the Ukrainian blackspotted dairy breed of the western inbred type, depending on their origin, as well as to establish the type of inheritance of these indicators in line crosses based on the results of the evaluation by type. The study found the types of selection through genealogical analysis of pedigrees, linear evaluation of cows by type according to two evaluation systems – linear description of individual articles of the exterior on a 9-point scale and evaluation of complexes of exterior features of the animal type on a 100-point scale, obtained results were evaluated according to Student’s t-test. Using the scheme, it was found that ...