Natalia Chuiko - (original) (raw)

Papers by Natalia Chuiko

Research paper thumbnail of Interaction of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells and Endothelial Cells in Atherosclerosis on the Background of Metabolic Syndrome

Sìmejna medicina. Êvropejsʹkì praktiki, Dec 29, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Стратегія економічної адаптації туристично-рекреаційної сфери України до міжнародного туристичного ринку

Journal of Innovations and Sustainability

Мета. У статті проаналізовано теоретичні та прикладні аспекти проблем-обмежувачів повномасштабног... more Мета. У статті проаналізовано теоретичні та прикладні аспекти проблем-обмежувачів повномасштабного та ефективного входження туристично-рекреаційної сфери України до системи міжнародного туризму. Результати. Початок інституційного оформлення сучасного туризму як галузі збігся з важкою кризовою ситуацією як у ній самій, так і в країні. Це означає, що вихід туризму з кризи проходитиме на тлі розробки та становлення стратегічної моделі управління галуззю, включаючи створення цілої низки нормативних механізмів і методологічних інструментів управління. Розмежування понять «рекреант» і «турист» дозволить у національній політиці визначити пріоритети держави на майбутнє, враховувати специфіку вітчизняної рекреаційної інфраструктури та менталітет нашого рекреаційного попиту: в Україні та в ближньому зарубіжжі основну масу становлять рекреанти і лише незначна частина – туристи, які переміщаються в просторі заради задоволення та пізнання. Звідси, головним акцентом у туристичній політиці України...

Research paper thumbnail of Practical Training on “Pathomorphology” as a Way to Form Future Doctor’s Professional Competence

Scientific and practical journal, Jul 6, 2020

The article presents a practical lesson analysis on the discipline "Pathomorphology" at the Depar... more The article presents a practical lesson analysis on the discipline "Pathomorphology" at the Department of Pathological Anatomy as a means of forming future doctor's professional competence. The main purpose of practical lesson on "Pathomorphology" is the formation of skills and abilities of pathological processes and diseases of morphological diagnostics by studying morphological pictures with the analysis of pathogenetic mechanisms and clinical symptoms of diseases. Practical lesson on "Pathomorphology" covers the analysis of incomprehensible and complex issues of the topic during the lecturer and students' interview, recognition of pathological processes and diseases main manifestations, students' independent in-class work with macro-, micro-preparations and electron diffraction patterns, solving typical situational clinical tasks with the analysis of mistakes made. The students have the opportunity to observe online autopsies in dissecting room. We created and constantly update archive videos, thematic autopsies. A multimedia presentation has been developed for each practical lesson topic of the discipline, which contains a practical lesson scenario according to the guidance papers for teachers. This presentation contains the illustrated questions in the form of flowcharts, macro-and micro-preparations, which are proposed to recognise a pathological process or disease. The main provision of modern education is to provide students with knowledge, skills and abilities that they should master, mainly in independent in-class work, managed and guided by a lecturer. For this stage of practical lesson developed an album with consideration to the peculiarities of teaching the discipline at various faculties. In the album, students draw micro-preparations, according to the scheme; describe macro-preparations, micro-preparations and electron diffraction patterns. This comprehensive approach to the study of "Pathomorphology" allows discussing divisive interpretations of complex mechanisms of pathological processes development, demonstrating modern research methods in pathological anatomy, as well as better preparing the student for the final controls, the unified state qualification exam and the exam on International fundamentals of medicine. The students' educational process in the study of the basic medical discipline "Pathomorphology" is focused on the introduction of new techniques and innovative teaching technologies. In pathological anatomy, a significant place in the assessment of the studied phenomena is given to visual macro-, microscopic, and electron-microscopic analysis of pathology. At the same time, particular importance is attributed to the visibility of the educational process, including with the use of modern multimedia technologies, which is embodied by the teachers of the Department. Active forms of education, which are used in the practical lessons on "Pathomorphology", allow students to form basic doctor's professional competencies. The practical lesson system, which is, used on the Department of Pathological Anatomy makes it possible, first, to motivate the student to study such a complex discipline as "Pathomorphology". It also ensures the theoretical knowledge acquisition, development and harness skills in the pathological processes and diseases of morphological diagnosis as well as to form personality, which is well versed in the professional field and has competencies for further growth in professional and personal terms.

Research paper thumbnail of Problems of Protection of Critically Important Infrastructure Objects

Information systems and technologies security, 2020

The paper deals with topical issues related to the protection of critical infrastructure, which d... more The paper deals with topical issues related to the protection of critical infrastructure, which depend on the survival of the human community. It is shown that rapid progress in the field of information technology, on the one hand, allows the modern economies of many countries to become inextricably interconnected; interfering with the work of critical infrastructure. The analysis of what are the true causes of such close attention to such objects by cyber terrorists. Top 10 major threats to industrial control systems are presented. The following steps determine the criticality of the infrastructure objects. The following is a list of 11 critical sectors and 37 relevant sub-sectors identified by the European Union. The answer is given to the question with which target countries should develop national strategies for the protection of critical infrastructure objects. A strategy for quantifying the level of security of critical infrastructure against the risk of third-party cybernetic...

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of distance education problems during the COVID-19 pandemic


The object of research: distance learning in higher educational institutions of Ukraine and the w... more The object of research: distance learning in higher educational institutions of Ukraine and the world during the COVID-19 pandemic. Investigated problem: building a higher education system during the COVID-19 pandemic, capable of quickly adapting to adverse conditions and providing a high level of training. The main scientific results: explored trends regarding the study of the impact of the pandemic on higher education, the effectiveness of distance education. Analyzed Ukrainian studies of distance education in universities. Held by students of the KNTEU Kharkiv Trade and Economic College. Based on the research results, conclusions and recommendations were made regarding the improvement of the quality of distance education in the field of higher education. The area of practical use of the research results: higher education and professional education organizations. Technological innovation: identified the problems of distance education during the COVID-19 pandemic, based on them, re...


Освітній простір України, 2019

Стаття присвячена проблемам формування універсальних компетентностей майбутніх лікарів – патолого... more Стаття присвячена проблемам формування універсальних компетентностей майбутніх лікарів – патологоанатомів засобами художньої літератури. Автори наголошують на актуальності формування як спеціальних (специфічних, предметно-професійних) компетентностей, так і базових (провідних, ключових, універсальних). Універсальні компетентності студентів-майбутніх патологоанатомів включають особистісні якості й здібності, зокрема, ініціативність, здатність до налагодження професійної комунікації на засадах толерантності, уміння адаптуватись у нових нестандартних ситуаціях, готовність критично аналізувати та адекватно оцінювати результати професійної діяльності, вміння аргументувати особисту точку зору тощо. Наголошується, що завдяки ознайомленню майбутніх патологоанатомів із медичною проблематикою в різних жанрах художньої літератури, насамперед, сформованому образу лікаря, а також вивченню творчого доробку письменників-медиків відбувається формування уявлення про медичну професію, яка потребує ус...

Research paper thumbnail of The morphological peculiarities of the cerebrum arteries under the hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke in the patients with the metabolic syndrome

European Medical, Health and Pharmaceutical Journal, 2014

In this article, the results of the morphological study of the cerebral arteries in the patients ... more In this article, the results of the morphological study of the cerebral arteries in the patients with the hemorrhagic ischemic stroke on the background of metabolic syndrome were submitted. We established that under hemorrhagic stroke on the background of metabolic syndrome one could observe the atherosclerotic damages in the form of plaques, hyalinosis of vessels walls, destructive and necrotic changes of the middle coat of vessel wall, which are, in our opinion, the main reason in morphogenesis of hemorrhagic stroke. The atherosclerotic affection of the cerebral vessels with the lipidosis and fibrotic plaques in the vessel wall, which caused in disorganization of the vessel wall in the form intimae proliferation, structural reconstruction of the internal elastic membrane which resulted in narrowing of the vessel lumen and development of ischemia is the morphological basis for the ischemic stroke with the metabolic syndrome. Also diabetic microangiopathy with the development of...

Research paper thumbnail of Interaction of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells and Endothelial Cells in Atherosclerosis on the Background of Metabolic Syndrome

Sìmejna medicina. Êvropejsʹkì praktiki, Dec 29, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Стратегія економічної адаптації туристично-рекреаційної сфери України до міжнародного туристичного ринку

Journal of Innovations and Sustainability

Мета. У статті проаналізовано теоретичні та прикладні аспекти проблем-обмежувачів повномасштабног... more Мета. У статті проаналізовано теоретичні та прикладні аспекти проблем-обмежувачів повномасштабного та ефективного входження туристично-рекреаційної сфери України до системи міжнародного туризму. Результати. Початок інституційного оформлення сучасного туризму як галузі збігся з важкою кризовою ситуацією як у ній самій, так і в країні. Це означає, що вихід туризму з кризи проходитиме на тлі розробки та становлення стратегічної моделі управління галуззю, включаючи створення цілої низки нормативних механізмів і методологічних інструментів управління. Розмежування понять «рекреант» і «турист» дозволить у національній політиці визначити пріоритети держави на майбутнє, враховувати специфіку вітчизняної рекреаційної інфраструктури та менталітет нашого рекреаційного попиту: в Україні та в ближньому зарубіжжі основну масу становлять рекреанти і лише незначна частина – туристи, які переміщаються в просторі заради задоволення та пізнання. Звідси, головним акцентом у туристичній політиці України...

Research paper thumbnail of Practical Training on “Pathomorphology” as a Way to Form Future Doctor’s Professional Competence

Scientific and practical journal, Jul 6, 2020

The article presents a practical lesson analysis on the discipline "Pathomorphology" at the Depar... more The article presents a practical lesson analysis on the discipline "Pathomorphology" at the Department of Pathological Anatomy as a means of forming future doctor's professional competence. The main purpose of practical lesson on "Pathomorphology" is the formation of skills and abilities of pathological processes and diseases of morphological diagnostics by studying morphological pictures with the analysis of pathogenetic mechanisms and clinical symptoms of diseases. Practical lesson on "Pathomorphology" covers the analysis of incomprehensible and complex issues of the topic during the lecturer and students' interview, recognition of pathological processes and diseases main manifestations, students' independent in-class work with macro-, micro-preparations and electron diffraction patterns, solving typical situational clinical tasks with the analysis of mistakes made. The students have the opportunity to observe online autopsies in dissecting room. We created and constantly update archive videos, thematic autopsies. A multimedia presentation has been developed for each practical lesson topic of the discipline, which contains a practical lesson scenario according to the guidance papers for teachers. This presentation contains the illustrated questions in the form of flowcharts, macro-and micro-preparations, which are proposed to recognise a pathological process or disease. The main provision of modern education is to provide students with knowledge, skills and abilities that they should master, mainly in independent in-class work, managed and guided by a lecturer. For this stage of practical lesson developed an album with consideration to the peculiarities of teaching the discipline at various faculties. In the album, students draw micro-preparations, according to the scheme; describe macro-preparations, micro-preparations and electron diffraction patterns. This comprehensive approach to the study of "Pathomorphology" allows discussing divisive interpretations of complex mechanisms of pathological processes development, demonstrating modern research methods in pathological anatomy, as well as better preparing the student for the final controls, the unified state qualification exam and the exam on International fundamentals of medicine. The students' educational process in the study of the basic medical discipline "Pathomorphology" is focused on the introduction of new techniques and innovative teaching technologies. In pathological anatomy, a significant place in the assessment of the studied phenomena is given to visual macro-, microscopic, and electron-microscopic analysis of pathology. At the same time, particular importance is attributed to the visibility of the educational process, including with the use of modern multimedia technologies, which is embodied by the teachers of the Department. Active forms of education, which are used in the practical lessons on "Pathomorphology", allow students to form basic doctor's professional competencies. The practical lesson system, which is, used on the Department of Pathological Anatomy makes it possible, first, to motivate the student to study such a complex discipline as "Pathomorphology". It also ensures the theoretical knowledge acquisition, development and harness skills in the pathological processes and diseases of morphological diagnosis as well as to form personality, which is well versed in the professional field and has competencies for further growth in professional and personal terms.

Research paper thumbnail of Problems of Protection of Critically Important Infrastructure Objects

Information systems and technologies security, 2020

The paper deals with topical issues related to the protection of critical infrastructure, which d... more The paper deals with topical issues related to the protection of critical infrastructure, which depend on the survival of the human community. It is shown that rapid progress in the field of information technology, on the one hand, allows the modern economies of many countries to become inextricably interconnected; interfering with the work of critical infrastructure. The analysis of what are the true causes of such close attention to such objects by cyber terrorists. Top 10 major threats to industrial control systems are presented. The following steps determine the criticality of the infrastructure objects. The following is a list of 11 critical sectors and 37 relevant sub-sectors identified by the European Union. The answer is given to the question with which target countries should develop national strategies for the protection of critical infrastructure objects. A strategy for quantifying the level of security of critical infrastructure against the risk of third-party cybernetic...

Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of distance education problems during the COVID-19 pandemic


The object of research: distance learning in higher educational institutions of Ukraine and the w... more The object of research: distance learning in higher educational institutions of Ukraine and the world during the COVID-19 pandemic. Investigated problem: building a higher education system during the COVID-19 pandemic, capable of quickly adapting to adverse conditions and providing a high level of training. The main scientific results: explored trends regarding the study of the impact of the pandemic on higher education, the effectiveness of distance education. Analyzed Ukrainian studies of distance education in universities. Held by students of the KNTEU Kharkiv Trade and Economic College. Based on the research results, conclusions and recommendations were made regarding the improvement of the quality of distance education in the field of higher education. The area of practical use of the research results: higher education and professional education organizations. Technological innovation: identified the problems of distance education during the COVID-19 pandemic, based on them, re...


Освітній простір України, 2019

Стаття присвячена проблемам формування універсальних компетентностей майбутніх лікарів – патолого... more Стаття присвячена проблемам формування універсальних компетентностей майбутніх лікарів – патологоанатомів засобами художньої літератури. Автори наголошують на актуальності формування як спеціальних (специфічних, предметно-професійних) компетентностей, так і базових (провідних, ключових, універсальних). Універсальні компетентності студентів-майбутніх патологоанатомів включають особистісні якості й здібності, зокрема, ініціативність, здатність до налагодження професійної комунікації на засадах толерантності, уміння адаптуватись у нових нестандартних ситуаціях, готовність критично аналізувати та адекватно оцінювати результати професійної діяльності, вміння аргументувати особисту точку зору тощо. Наголошується, що завдяки ознайомленню майбутніх патологоанатомів із медичною проблематикою в різних жанрах художньої літератури, насамперед, сформованому образу лікаря, а також вивченню творчого доробку письменників-медиків відбувається формування уявлення про медичну професію, яка потребує ус...

Research paper thumbnail of The morphological peculiarities of the cerebrum arteries under the hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke in the patients with the metabolic syndrome

European Medical, Health and Pharmaceutical Journal, 2014

In this article, the results of the morphological study of the cerebral arteries in the patients ... more In this article, the results of the morphological study of the cerebral arteries in the patients with the hemorrhagic ischemic stroke on the background of metabolic syndrome were submitted. We established that under hemorrhagic stroke on the background of metabolic syndrome one could observe the atherosclerotic damages in the form of plaques, hyalinosis of vessels walls, destructive and necrotic changes of the middle coat of vessel wall, which are, in our opinion, the main reason in morphogenesis of hemorrhagic stroke. The atherosclerotic affection of the cerebral vessels with the lipidosis and fibrotic plaques in the vessel wall, which caused in disorganization of the vessel wall in the form intimae proliferation, structural reconstruction of the internal elastic membrane which resulted in narrowing of the vessel lumen and development of ischemia is the morphological basis for the ischemic stroke with the metabolic syndrome. Also diabetic microangiopathy with the development of...