Nicola Giannelli - (original) (raw)
Papers by Nicola Giannelli
Working Papers Series in Economics, Mathematics and Statistics, 2024
This paper examines the European Union's (EU) policy design for regulating Artificial Intelligenc... more This paper examines the European Union's (EU) policy design for regulating Artificial Intelligence (AI), highlighting the comprehensive legislative approach adopted to balance innovation with the protection of fundamental rights. The EU’s AI Act and preceding regulatory efforts emphasize defining AI with flexibility and precision, ensuring transparency, and promoting trustworthiness. Central to this regulatory framework is the emphasis on human agency, technical robustness, privacy, transparency, and accountability. Military and academic use of AI is out of its scope.
The paper explores the EU’s dual focus on economic growth and citizen protection, showcasing the role of the High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence (AI HLEG) in shaping ethical guidelines and management processes. By building on existing legislative frameworks, the EU addresses emerging risks and ethical dilemmas, ensuring that AI development aligns with societal values and public trust.
The approach of the proposal is Risk-Based on the side human protection and market building on the side of innovation.
The bill is 459 pages Act of Parliament that cannot be enforced without a lot of help from legal services. This should come a network of regulatory agencies, one for each member state, with an AI Office of the Commission at the European Level. Sandboxes that want to simulate the compliance of any new system with regulation framework will become necessary, like other legal counseling, for firms that want to avoid to be blocked in a Kafkian procedure.
Rubbettino, 2008
La riforma dei servizi idrici, avviata dalla legge Galli nell'ormai lontano 1994 e ancora in... more La riforma dei servizi idrici, avviata dalla legge Galli nell'ormai lontano 1994 e ancora in corso, continua a suscitare interesse, attenzione e polemiche da parte dei governi locali, regionali e nazionali, da parte delle imprese pubbliche e private, da parte dei cittadini e degli osservatori. "Chi governa l'acqua?" è un quesito fondamentale che mette in dubbio la neutralità di processi di riforma tecnocratici di fronte alla realtà del conflitto politico ed economico locale. L'analisi dell'attuazione della Galli, svolta in questo volume in un percorso di ricerca che procede a partire dal livello nazionale, attraverso lo studio di sei casi regionali, fino ad un approfondimento specifico sulla riforma dei servizi idrici in Toscana, evidenzia le profonde tensioni che soggiacciono al concetto di governance pubblico-privata.
In this essay we debate on the concept of employability that in the last decade gained momentum a... more In this essay we debate on the concept of employability that in the last decade gained momentum as the main framework to define individual behaviour in the labour market relationships. We invite to strenghten the comparison between the italian and the german system of school to work transition as Italy is facing reforms that claim inspiration to the latter. Youth unemployment figures have been high in Italy since the 70s of last century but after 2008 financial crisis have become even more dramatic. Scholars of many Universities, International Think Thanks, as well as national and european institutions are pretty sure that the negative performance of the labour market are linked to low employability of young people. The mainstream prescription to bridge their individual gap is a reform of the Vocational System to strenghten the transition from school to work. In Italy where territorial and institutional conditions face strong territorial divides, in 2015 the Government decided to re...
Politiques et management public, 2007
ABSTRACT Cet article a pour objet un cas de reconfiguration de la gouvernance entre secteur publi... more ABSTRACT Cet article a pour objet un cas de reconfiguration de la gouvernance entre secteur public et secteur privé dans le cas des services publics locaux en Italie, ici retenus comme unité d'analyse, et, en particulier, le cas du service d'adduction, de fourniture, de distribution et de dépuration de l'eau à usage civil. Il s'agit d'une étude de cas d'un très grand intérêt car elle embrasse un arc temporel relativement long, de 1994 à nos jours, et concerne un pays entier confronté à un nouveau modèle de gestion industrielle fondé sur la séparation des rôles de programmation d'un côté et de contrôle et de gestion de l'autre. En partant des éléments empiriques recueillis lors d'une recherche sur la mise en œuvre de la réforme au niveau national et d'un cas régional spécifique pertinent, cette étude soumet à l'attention du lecteur une interrogation bien connue des politologues, déjà soulevée par Robert Dahl en 1961 et qui se représente aujourd'hui dans des contextes différents et novateurs : qui gouverne ?
Public Management Review, 2008
Andrea Lippi Universita` di Firenze, Research Unit on Local Governance, Dipartimento di Scienza P... more Andrea Lippi Universita` di Firenze, Research Unit on Local Governance, Dipartimento di Scienza Politica e Sociologia, Universita` di Firenze, Via delle Pandette 21, 50127 Firenze, Italy. E-mail: Nicola Giannelli Universita` di Urbino, Research Unit on Local ...
Istituzioni Del Federalismo Rivista Di Studi Giuridici E Politici, 2013
La gestione dei beni comuni e una questione centrale delle politiche pubbliche. Una comunita deve... more La gestione dei beni comuni e una questione centrale delle politiche pubbliche. Una comunita deve cercare di evitare il sopra o sottosfruttamento dei beni comuni. Ma prima di tutto il dibattito politico dovrebbe concentrarsi sulla definizione della natura e dei confini dei beni comuni come beni che perseguono fini fondamentali di quella comunita. Per proteggerli essa puo riconoscere loro uno speciale status giuridico. Molti servizi pubblici, che difendono diritti fondamentali e la dignita degli esseri umani, dovrebbero essere considerati come beni comuni e i cittadini dovrebbero essere chiamati a partecipare alle decisioni che li riguardano. La gestione di questi servizi sara tenuta dallo Stato, dagli enti locali, da autogestioni o da privati no profit, a diversi livelli di governance. Ma i fini pubblici devono essere assicurati da un processo decisionale partecipativo. In questo settore l’efficienza economica non e il principale valore del regime pubblico di regolazione, ma essa puo essere raggiunta quando il sistema di governo coinvolge i cittadini che sono al tempo stesso i beneficiari e i finanziatori di questi servizi.
La riforma della pubblica amministrazione è un obiettivo finale del PNRR nella misura in cui un g... more La riforma della pubblica amministrazione è un obiettivo finale del PNRR nella misura in cui un guadagno di efficienza della macchina amministrativa è necessario all'incremento di produttività dell'economia italiana che è lo scopo principale del piano. Essa è però anche uno obiettivo strumentale perché la realizzazione degli obiettivi finali richiede un incremento dell'efficacia amministrativa pubblica. Tenendo conto dei risultati sempre parziali delle riforme strutturali della pubblica amministrazione iniziate negli anni '90, il Governo ha scelto di non continuare su quella strada, ma di concentrarsi sulla semplificazione di specifiche procedure, sull'accorciamento delle scadenze decisionali, sul supporto di staff e competenze agli enti locali nella implementazione, su una nuova gestione del personale pubblico, e su una governance che permette al Governo di sostituire gli uffici pubblici di ogni livello quando rallentano la procedura esecutiva. Tutto questo è in...
Rivista Italiana Di Politiche Pubbliche, 2010
Following a comparative analysis of these processes and outcomes the paper offers the hypothesis ... more Following a comparative analysis of these processes and outcomes the paper offers the hypothesis that distinct forms and processes of policy-making, and multi-level governance particularly with regard to the continuing involvement of different levels of government and collaboration with key stakeholders (employers, trade unions and representatives of vulnerable groups) are associated with distinct impacts in terms of the resilience and inclusion of vulnerable groups within national and local labour markets settings. Critically, whilst distinct policy pathways may be characterised by institutional diversity, political culture or traditional policy styles and organisational structures; the central objectives underlying distinct policy pathways is also significant. For example whilst some policy pathways are found to be based largely upon the promotion of resilient and inclusive labour markets some policy pathways are forged entirely or largely within policy architectures and processes...
As the effects of the economic restructuring through the financial crisis are hitting the Europea... more As the effects of the economic restructuring through the financial crisis are hitting the European labour market, the NEET category turns problematic and too wide to be a useful tool of analysis and social policy planning, a return to its original and limited meaning is envisaged. Disentangling this category can help us to understand why it is no longer a useful tool and to identify new strategies for analysing youth labour vulnerability and possible resources for building more resilient and inclusive labour markets. In the first part of the paper we assess the origin of the NEET label in the European Union as a category emerging from a widening concern about youth unemployment and social exclusion. Then we focus on different statuses and meanings lying behind this category in the Italian case, in order to show the multiple challenges that a growing number of young underemployed or inactive can pose to social integration and labour market resilience. The third step is to examine the current labour policies that target youth unemployment and inactivity. Beside educational and social policies the new policies adopted by Italy in this field are the development of apprenticeship and internship. The first has a long history but it was recently reshaped trying to follow the model of the German dual system. The second was legally introduced by the end of 90's and had a widespread use on the labour market without positive effects on the resilience of youth. Nevertheless it was widely used by the European program of Youth Guarantee. Our analysis draws on Eurostat and national statistical data and on 25 interviews to Italian policy makers and experts.
Since the 1990s, the food supply chain has become increasingly global and complex, with clear rep... more Since the 1990s, the food supply chain has become increasingly global and complex, with clear repercussions also in terms of the minimum standards and guarantees needed to protect the safety, and quality of food. At the same time, there has been an increased focus on the environmental sustainability of the food chain and on the consequences of climate change on food security. Aim of this paper is to discuss the fundamental aspects underlying the globalisation process of the agri-food system and the specific aspects related to food security, focusing on the measures for consumer protection and environmental sustainability introduced by the European Union.
Following a comparative analysis of these processes and outcomes the paper offers the hypothesis ... more Following a comparative analysis of these processes and outcomes the paper offers the hypothesis that distinct forms and processes of policy-making, and multi-level governance particularly with regard to the continuing involvement of different levels of government and collaboration with key stakeholders (employers, trade unions and representatives of vulnerable groups) are associated with distinct impacts in terms of the resilience and inclusion of vulnerable groups within national and local labour markets settings. Critically, whilst distinct policy pathways may be characterised by institutional diversity, political culture or traditional policy styles and organisational structures; the central objectives underlying distinct policy pathways is also significant. For example whilst some policy pathways are found to be based largely upon the promotion of resilient and inclusive labour markets some policy pathways are forged entirely or largely within policy architectures and processes...
As the effects of the economic re-structuring through the financial crisis are hitting the Europe... more As the effects of the economic re-structuring through the financial crisis are hitting the European labour market, the NEET category turns problematic and too wide to be a useful tool of analysis and social policy planning, a return to its original and limited meaning is envisaged. Disentangling this category can help us to understand why it is no longer a useful tool and to identify new strategies for analysing youth labour vulnerability and possible resources for building more resilient and inclusive labour markets. In the first part of the paper we assess the origin of the NEET label in the European Union as a category emerging from a widening concern about youth unemployment and social exclusion. Then we focus on different statuses and meanings lying behind this category in the Italian case, in order to show the multiple challenges that a growing number of young underemployed or inactive can pose to social integration and labour market resilience. The third step is to examine th...
In the first three years of its application, the school-work alternation shows therefore at the t... more In the first three years of its application, the school-work alternation shows therefore at the territorial level strong distortions and inconsistencies with respect to the objectives stated in its concrete implementation. The extension of the obligation with a top-down approach to a very large number of students coupled with technical and functional difficulties and a not untestable number of explicit and implicit resistances between the different actors of the educational system produced a series of very diversified results. Despite the difficulties, the request from teachers and students of an integration of the traditional didactic curriculum with experiences of reality in the work and social field remains very strong. However, in the analysis there are problems of distributive fairness of the training opportunities that each institute affords in a diversified way. Moreover, considering the high percentage of unemployment and sub-employment among young people in the areas where ...
In the Marche region Youth Guarantee (YG) registered high levels of adhesion by young people as t... more In the Marche region Youth Guarantee (YG) registered high levels of adhesion by young people as the subscription rate has reached almost 100% of the estimated target base. The Marche regional government has preferred not to rise high expectations in a large number of young people, offering only those policy measures that was able to fund. Those who seem to have benefited the most of those policies are young people who were already active in seeking a job and who had more expertise or network resources. These don’t attain strictly to the NEET condition. Internships have resulted in real employment when responded to real training projects shared between the worker and the company, otherwise they often risked to become a way to exploit workers at expenses of public budget. Beneficiaries showed a good opinion of training courses but complained about job offers and skills matching on the local market. Weakness and fragmentation of the supply in labour market make difficult a good plannin...
ABSTRACT Cet article a pour objet un cas de reconfiguration de la gouvernance entre secteur publi... more ABSTRACT Cet article a pour objet un cas de reconfiguration de la gouvernance entre secteur public et secteur privé dans le cas des services publics locaux en Italie, ici retenus comme unité d'analyse, et, en particulier, le cas du service d'adduction, de fourniture, de distribution et de dépuration de l'eau à usage civil. Il s'agit d'une étude de cas d'un très grand intérêt car elle embrasse un arc temporel relativement long, de 1994 à nos jours, et concerne un pays entier confronté à un nouveau modèle de gestion industrielle fondé sur la séparation des rôles de programmation d'un côté et de contrôle et de gestion de l'autre. En partant des éléments empiriques recueillis lors d'une recherche sur la mise en œuvre de la réforme au niveau national et d'un cas régional spécifique pertinent, cette étude soumet à l'attention du lecteur une interrogation bien connue des politologues, déjà soulevée par Robert Dahl en 1961 et qui se représente aujourd'hui dans des contextes différents et novateurs : qui gouverne ?
Conference Presentations by Nicola Giannelli
Working Papers Series in Economics, Mathematics and Statistics, 2024
This paper examines the European Union's (EU) policy design for regulating Artificial Intelligenc... more This paper examines the European Union's (EU) policy design for regulating Artificial Intelligence (AI), highlighting the comprehensive legislative approach adopted to balance innovation with the protection of fundamental rights. The EU's AI Act and preceding regulatory efforts emphasize defining AI with flexibility and precision, ensuring transparency, and promoting trustworthiness. Central to this regulatory framework is the emphasis on human agency, technical robustness, privacy, transparency, and accountability. Military and academic use of AI is out of its scope. The paper explores the EU's dual focus on economic growth and citizen protection, showcasing the role of the High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence (AI HLEG) in shaping ethical guidelines and management processes. By building on existing legislative frameworks, the EU addresses emerging risks and ethical dilemmas, ensuring that AI development aligns with societal values and public trust. 1 The approach of the proposal is Risk-Based on the side human protection and market building on the side of innovation. The bill is 459 pages Act of Parliament that cannot be enforced without a lot of help from legal services. This should come a network of regulatory agencies, one for each member state, with an AI Office of the Commission at the European Level. Sandboxes that want to simulate the compliance of any new system with regulation framework will become necessary, like other legal counseling, for firms that want to avoid to be blocked in a Kafkian procedure.
Working Papers Series in Economics, Mathematics and Statistics, 2024
This paper examines the European Union's (EU) policy design for regulating Artificial Intelligenc... more This paper examines the European Union's (EU) policy design for regulating Artificial Intelligence (AI), highlighting the comprehensive legislative approach adopted to balance innovation with the protection of fundamental rights. The EU’s AI Act and preceding regulatory efforts emphasize defining AI with flexibility and precision, ensuring transparency, and promoting trustworthiness. Central to this regulatory framework is the emphasis on human agency, technical robustness, privacy, transparency, and accountability. Military and academic use of AI is out of its scope.
The paper explores the EU’s dual focus on economic growth and citizen protection, showcasing the role of the High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence (AI HLEG) in shaping ethical guidelines and management processes. By building on existing legislative frameworks, the EU addresses emerging risks and ethical dilemmas, ensuring that AI development aligns with societal values and public trust.
The approach of the proposal is Risk-Based on the side human protection and market building on the side of innovation.
The bill is 459 pages Act of Parliament that cannot be enforced without a lot of help from legal services. This should come a network of regulatory agencies, one for each member state, with an AI Office of the Commission at the European Level. Sandboxes that want to simulate the compliance of any new system with regulation framework will become necessary, like other legal counseling, for firms that want to avoid to be blocked in a Kafkian procedure.
Rubbettino, 2008
La riforma dei servizi idrici, avviata dalla legge Galli nell'ormai lontano 1994 e ancora in... more La riforma dei servizi idrici, avviata dalla legge Galli nell'ormai lontano 1994 e ancora in corso, continua a suscitare interesse, attenzione e polemiche da parte dei governi locali, regionali e nazionali, da parte delle imprese pubbliche e private, da parte dei cittadini e degli osservatori. "Chi governa l'acqua?" è un quesito fondamentale che mette in dubbio la neutralità di processi di riforma tecnocratici di fronte alla realtà del conflitto politico ed economico locale. L'analisi dell'attuazione della Galli, svolta in questo volume in un percorso di ricerca che procede a partire dal livello nazionale, attraverso lo studio di sei casi regionali, fino ad un approfondimento specifico sulla riforma dei servizi idrici in Toscana, evidenzia le profonde tensioni che soggiacciono al concetto di governance pubblico-privata.
In this essay we debate on the concept of employability that in the last decade gained momentum a... more In this essay we debate on the concept of employability that in the last decade gained momentum as the main framework to define individual behaviour in the labour market relationships. We invite to strenghten the comparison between the italian and the german system of school to work transition as Italy is facing reforms that claim inspiration to the latter. Youth unemployment figures have been high in Italy since the 70s of last century but after 2008 financial crisis have become even more dramatic. Scholars of many Universities, International Think Thanks, as well as national and european institutions are pretty sure that the negative performance of the labour market are linked to low employability of young people. The mainstream prescription to bridge their individual gap is a reform of the Vocational System to strenghten the transition from school to work. In Italy where territorial and institutional conditions face strong territorial divides, in 2015 the Government decided to re...
Politiques et management public, 2007
ABSTRACT Cet article a pour objet un cas de reconfiguration de la gouvernance entre secteur publi... more ABSTRACT Cet article a pour objet un cas de reconfiguration de la gouvernance entre secteur public et secteur privé dans le cas des services publics locaux en Italie, ici retenus comme unité d'analyse, et, en particulier, le cas du service d'adduction, de fourniture, de distribution et de dépuration de l'eau à usage civil. Il s'agit d'une étude de cas d'un très grand intérêt car elle embrasse un arc temporel relativement long, de 1994 à nos jours, et concerne un pays entier confronté à un nouveau modèle de gestion industrielle fondé sur la séparation des rôles de programmation d'un côté et de contrôle et de gestion de l'autre. En partant des éléments empiriques recueillis lors d'une recherche sur la mise en œuvre de la réforme au niveau national et d'un cas régional spécifique pertinent, cette étude soumet à l'attention du lecteur une interrogation bien connue des politologues, déjà soulevée par Robert Dahl en 1961 et qui se représente aujourd'hui dans des contextes différents et novateurs : qui gouverne ?
Public Management Review, 2008
Andrea Lippi Universita` di Firenze, Research Unit on Local Governance, Dipartimento di Scienza P... more Andrea Lippi Universita` di Firenze, Research Unit on Local Governance, Dipartimento di Scienza Politica e Sociologia, Universita` di Firenze, Via delle Pandette 21, 50127 Firenze, Italy. E-mail: Nicola Giannelli Universita` di Urbino, Research Unit on Local ...
Istituzioni Del Federalismo Rivista Di Studi Giuridici E Politici, 2013
La gestione dei beni comuni e una questione centrale delle politiche pubbliche. Una comunita deve... more La gestione dei beni comuni e una questione centrale delle politiche pubbliche. Una comunita deve cercare di evitare il sopra o sottosfruttamento dei beni comuni. Ma prima di tutto il dibattito politico dovrebbe concentrarsi sulla definizione della natura e dei confini dei beni comuni come beni che perseguono fini fondamentali di quella comunita. Per proteggerli essa puo riconoscere loro uno speciale status giuridico. Molti servizi pubblici, che difendono diritti fondamentali e la dignita degli esseri umani, dovrebbero essere considerati come beni comuni e i cittadini dovrebbero essere chiamati a partecipare alle decisioni che li riguardano. La gestione di questi servizi sara tenuta dallo Stato, dagli enti locali, da autogestioni o da privati no profit, a diversi livelli di governance. Ma i fini pubblici devono essere assicurati da un processo decisionale partecipativo. In questo settore l’efficienza economica non e il principale valore del regime pubblico di regolazione, ma essa puo essere raggiunta quando il sistema di governo coinvolge i cittadini che sono al tempo stesso i beneficiari e i finanziatori di questi servizi.
La riforma della pubblica amministrazione è un obiettivo finale del PNRR nella misura in cui un g... more La riforma della pubblica amministrazione è un obiettivo finale del PNRR nella misura in cui un guadagno di efficienza della macchina amministrativa è necessario all'incremento di produttività dell'economia italiana che è lo scopo principale del piano. Essa è però anche uno obiettivo strumentale perché la realizzazione degli obiettivi finali richiede un incremento dell'efficacia amministrativa pubblica. Tenendo conto dei risultati sempre parziali delle riforme strutturali della pubblica amministrazione iniziate negli anni '90, il Governo ha scelto di non continuare su quella strada, ma di concentrarsi sulla semplificazione di specifiche procedure, sull'accorciamento delle scadenze decisionali, sul supporto di staff e competenze agli enti locali nella implementazione, su una nuova gestione del personale pubblico, e su una governance che permette al Governo di sostituire gli uffici pubblici di ogni livello quando rallentano la procedura esecutiva. Tutto questo è in...
Rivista Italiana Di Politiche Pubbliche, 2010
Following a comparative analysis of these processes and outcomes the paper offers the hypothesis ... more Following a comparative analysis of these processes and outcomes the paper offers the hypothesis that distinct forms and processes of policy-making, and multi-level governance particularly with regard to the continuing involvement of different levels of government and collaboration with key stakeholders (employers, trade unions and representatives of vulnerable groups) are associated with distinct impacts in terms of the resilience and inclusion of vulnerable groups within national and local labour markets settings. Critically, whilst distinct policy pathways may be characterised by institutional diversity, political culture or traditional policy styles and organisational structures; the central objectives underlying distinct policy pathways is also significant. For example whilst some policy pathways are found to be based largely upon the promotion of resilient and inclusive labour markets some policy pathways are forged entirely or largely within policy architectures and processes...
As the effects of the economic restructuring through the financial crisis are hitting the Europea... more As the effects of the economic restructuring through the financial crisis are hitting the European labour market, the NEET category turns problematic and too wide to be a useful tool of analysis and social policy planning, a return to its original and limited meaning is envisaged. Disentangling this category can help us to understand why it is no longer a useful tool and to identify new strategies for analysing youth labour vulnerability and possible resources for building more resilient and inclusive labour markets. In the first part of the paper we assess the origin of the NEET label in the European Union as a category emerging from a widening concern about youth unemployment and social exclusion. Then we focus on different statuses and meanings lying behind this category in the Italian case, in order to show the multiple challenges that a growing number of young underemployed or inactive can pose to social integration and labour market resilience. The third step is to examine the current labour policies that target youth unemployment and inactivity. Beside educational and social policies the new policies adopted by Italy in this field are the development of apprenticeship and internship. The first has a long history but it was recently reshaped trying to follow the model of the German dual system. The second was legally introduced by the end of 90's and had a widespread use on the labour market without positive effects on the resilience of youth. Nevertheless it was widely used by the European program of Youth Guarantee. Our analysis draws on Eurostat and national statistical data and on 25 interviews to Italian policy makers and experts.
Since the 1990s, the food supply chain has become increasingly global and complex, with clear rep... more Since the 1990s, the food supply chain has become increasingly global and complex, with clear repercussions also in terms of the minimum standards and guarantees needed to protect the safety, and quality of food. At the same time, there has been an increased focus on the environmental sustainability of the food chain and on the consequences of climate change on food security. Aim of this paper is to discuss the fundamental aspects underlying the globalisation process of the agri-food system and the specific aspects related to food security, focusing on the measures for consumer protection and environmental sustainability introduced by the European Union.
Following a comparative analysis of these processes and outcomes the paper offers the hypothesis ... more Following a comparative analysis of these processes and outcomes the paper offers the hypothesis that distinct forms and processes of policy-making, and multi-level governance particularly with regard to the continuing involvement of different levels of government and collaboration with key stakeholders (employers, trade unions and representatives of vulnerable groups) are associated with distinct impacts in terms of the resilience and inclusion of vulnerable groups within national and local labour markets settings. Critically, whilst distinct policy pathways may be characterised by institutional diversity, political culture or traditional policy styles and organisational structures; the central objectives underlying distinct policy pathways is also significant. For example whilst some policy pathways are found to be based largely upon the promotion of resilient and inclusive labour markets some policy pathways are forged entirely or largely within policy architectures and processes...
As the effects of the economic re-structuring through the financial crisis are hitting the Europe... more As the effects of the economic re-structuring through the financial crisis are hitting the European labour market, the NEET category turns problematic and too wide to be a useful tool of analysis and social policy planning, a return to its original and limited meaning is envisaged. Disentangling this category can help us to understand why it is no longer a useful tool and to identify new strategies for analysing youth labour vulnerability and possible resources for building more resilient and inclusive labour markets. In the first part of the paper we assess the origin of the NEET label in the European Union as a category emerging from a widening concern about youth unemployment and social exclusion. Then we focus on different statuses and meanings lying behind this category in the Italian case, in order to show the multiple challenges that a growing number of young underemployed or inactive can pose to social integration and labour market resilience. The third step is to examine th...
In the first three years of its application, the school-work alternation shows therefore at the t... more In the first three years of its application, the school-work alternation shows therefore at the territorial level strong distortions and inconsistencies with respect to the objectives stated in its concrete implementation. The extension of the obligation with a top-down approach to a very large number of students coupled with technical and functional difficulties and a not untestable number of explicit and implicit resistances between the different actors of the educational system produced a series of very diversified results. Despite the difficulties, the request from teachers and students of an integration of the traditional didactic curriculum with experiences of reality in the work and social field remains very strong. However, in the analysis there are problems of distributive fairness of the training opportunities that each institute affords in a diversified way. Moreover, considering the high percentage of unemployment and sub-employment among young people in the areas where ...
In the Marche region Youth Guarantee (YG) registered high levels of adhesion by young people as t... more In the Marche region Youth Guarantee (YG) registered high levels of adhesion by young people as the subscription rate has reached almost 100% of the estimated target base. The Marche regional government has preferred not to rise high expectations in a large number of young people, offering only those policy measures that was able to fund. Those who seem to have benefited the most of those policies are young people who were already active in seeking a job and who had more expertise or network resources. These don’t attain strictly to the NEET condition. Internships have resulted in real employment when responded to real training projects shared between the worker and the company, otherwise they often risked to become a way to exploit workers at expenses of public budget. Beneficiaries showed a good opinion of training courses but complained about job offers and skills matching on the local market. Weakness and fragmentation of the supply in labour market make difficult a good plannin...
ABSTRACT Cet article a pour objet un cas de reconfiguration de la gouvernance entre secteur publi... more ABSTRACT Cet article a pour objet un cas de reconfiguration de la gouvernance entre secteur public et secteur privé dans le cas des services publics locaux en Italie, ici retenus comme unité d'analyse, et, en particulier, le cas du service d'adduction, de fourniture, de distribution et de dépuration de l'eau à usage civil. Il s'agit d'une étude de cas d'un très grand intérêt car elle embrasse un arc temporel relativement long, de 1994 à nos jours, et concerne un pays entier confronté à un nouveau modèle de gestion industrielle fondé sur la séparation des rôles de programmation d'un côté et de contrôle et de gestion de l'autre. En partant des éléments empiriques recueillis lors d'une recherche sur la mise en œuvre de la réforme au niveau national et d'un cas régional spécifique pertinent, cette étude soumet à l'attention du lecteur une interrogation bien connue des politologues, déjà soulevée par Robert Dahl en 1961 et qui se représente aujourd'hui dans des contextes différents et novateurs : qui gouverne ?
Working Papers Series in Economics, Mathematics and Statistics, 2024
This paper examines the European Union's (EU) policy design for regulating Artificial Intelligenc... more This paper examines the European Union's (EU) policy design for regulating Artificial Intelligence (AI), highlighting the comprehensive legislative approach adopted to balance innovation with the protection of fundamental rights. The EU's AI Act and preceding regulatory efforts emphasize defining AI with flexibility and precision, ensuring transparency, and promoting trustworthiness. Central to this regulatory framework is the emphasis on human agency, technical robustness, privacy, transparency, and accountability. Military and academic use of AI is out of its scope. The paper explores the EU's dual focus on economic growth and citizen protection, showcasing the role of the High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence (AI HLEG) in shaping ethical guidelines and management processes. By building on existing legislative frameworks, the EU addresses emerging risks and ethical dilemmas, ensuring that AI development aligns with societal values and public trust. 1 The approach of the proposal is Risk-Based on the side human protection and market building on the side of innovation. The bill is 459 pages Act of Parliament that cannot be enforced without a lot of help from legal services. This should come a network of regulatory agencies, one for each member state, with an AI Office of the Commission at the European Level. Sandboxes that want to simulate the compliance of any new system with regulation framework will become necessary, like other legal counseling, for firms that want to avoid to be blocked in a Kafkian procedure.