Najat Ouakrim-Soivio - (original) (raw)


Papers by Najat Ouakrim-Soivio

Research paper thumbnail of Aims, concepts, and assessment of the citizenship education curriculum in northern Europe

Edward Elgar Publishing eBooks, Dec 8, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Politics and ethics of civic and citizenship education curricula in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden

Edward Elgar Publishing eBooks, Dec 8, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Kasvatus & Aika -teemanumero 2/2020: Historianopetus murroksessa

Suomen kasvatuksen ja koulutuksen historian seura, May 29, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Nainen ja Islam

Naisten kulttuuriyhdistys, 1998

Research paper thumbnail of Maahanmuuttajataustaisten opiskelijoiden tekstitaidot historiassa

Suomen ainedidaktinen tutkimusseura, Sep 1, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Reglamento del Registro Mercantil, Art. 402: Denominaciones Objetivas

Research paper thumbnail of What the assessment of learning outcomes in history and social sciences are telling about textbooks, teaching materials and methods that are used during the lessons?: Implications for teacher professional development

Andragoški glasnik : glasilo Hrvatskog andragoškog društva: andragogy, 2014

Teachers' profession is regulated in Finland, and the qualifications required from teachers are d... more Teachers' profession is regulated in Finland, and the qualifications required from teachers are defined in legislation. Since 1979 all teachers in general education are required a Master's degree. Finish teacher education involves also pedagogical studies and guided teaching practice, which is implemented in the universities' own teacher training schools. A recent survey showed that 89 % of the Finish principals and teachers were deemed to be qualified to perform their tasks (Kumpulainen 2014, 33). Despite of the good level of teacher training, it seems that teachers' are struggling between contradictory expectations in everyday school life. On the one hand teachers are expected to provide traditional knowledge and the other hand they are expected to use interactive methods, to guide students in the creative use of digital learning environments and e-learning materials. In the Finish educational system the teachers have a large pedagogical autonomy, which is confirmed also in national Core Curricula for basic education (2004) and for upper secondary education (2003). In practice teachers' are able to choose any working method or teaching material according to their pupils. In this paper the pupils' and teachers' belief of teaching and working methods and materials that are used during history and social sciences classes are investigated. Results are presented with the help of assessment of learning outcomes. As a part of assessment of learning outcomes both the pupils and teachers were asked also the question concerning teaching and working methods, textbooks and other learning materials. The system of assessment of learning outcomes is sample based. It means that the sample size is form 5% to 10% of the age group (Jakku-Sihvonen 2013, 24) which means from 4000 to 6000 pupils. The schools represent around 15 % of all the schools that give basic education in Finland (Ouakrim-Soivio 2013, 21). Also 165 teachers were a part of this research. The results indicate that teachers need tools, such as in-service training, so they are able to develop skills and competences that are needed in future.

Research paper thumbnail of Lukiolaisten historiallisen ajattelun taidot lähteiden luotettavuuden ja historiallisten toimijoiden motiivien arvioinnissa


Historiallisen ajattelun taidot, mukaan luettuna historian tekstitaidot, ovat nykypäivän kansalai... more Historiallisen ajattelun taidot, mukaan luettuna historian tekstitaidot, ovat nykypäivän kansalaistaitoja tarjoamalla valmiuksia tiedon epäilyyn, kritisointiin ja arviointiin. Historian kouluopetuksen keskeisiä tavoitteita onkin opiskelijoiden perehdyttäminen historiallisen tiedon luonteeseen ja luotettavuuteen sekä näiden arviointi. Tämä artikkeli tarkastelee lukiolaisten historiallisen ajattelun taitoja, erityisesti lähteiden luotettavuuden ja erilaisten toimijoiden motiivien arviointiin liittyviä taitoja. Tutkimukseen osallistui 114 lukiolaista kolmesta eri suomenkielisestä lukiosta. Aineisto kerättiin Suomen sisällissotaa käsittelevällä tehtäväsarjalla, joka oli laadittu kynä ja paperi -tehtävämuotoon. Aineisto analysoitiin sekä määrällisesti että laadullisesti. Koulujen välillä on eroja opiskelijoiden historiallisen ajattelun opettamisessa. Erot selittynevät tietyssä määrin sillä, että osassa lukioita historian oppitunneilla käytetään historiallista ajattelua tukevia työtapoja ...

Research paper thumbnail of Historian Ja Yhteiskuntaopin Oppimistulokset Perusopetuksen Päättövaiheessa 2011

Research paper thumbnail of � e � S and Grading for Mother Tongue and Literature at School

In Finland, the national Core Curriculum for Basic Education defines the learning objectives alon... more In Finland, the national Core Curriculum for Basic Education defines the learning objectives along with the numerical grade to be given for good competence in each school subject in the final phase of basic education. While serving as a guideline for schools and teachers, it should also ensure an objective evaluation of all students in Finland. In this paper, we take a closer look at the equality of student assessment in Finland in the light of student performance in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2009. This study investigates the relationship between the grades given to students in mother tongue and literature at different schools and the same students’ reading literacy performance in PISA 2009. The results are presented as a map produced using a method called kriging (McCoy and Johnston 2001). Kriging is a geostatistical interpolation method based on the statistical relationship amongmeasured points’ spatial autocorrelation. In this case, the method prod...

Research paper thumbnail of Osaavatko hyvin historiaa osaavat pojat myös hyvin fysiikkaa? Erään uskomuksen epäsuora koetteleminen

Kasvatus & Aika, 2013

For decades history teachers have believed that the male students who are good in history are als... more For decades history teachers have believed that the male students who are good in history are also good in physics. There is no direct empirical evidence that could support the belief. The belief is theoretically interesting because history and physics are, as fields of knowledge, rather different. Can the belief be tested, and if so, how? The article explores the credibility of the belief indirectly as direct empirical testing cannot be done. A connection between history and physics was found, and it could be reasoned that it concerns male students especially, but when the perspective was changed the picture changed: when the connection in students’ academic performance in language B and physics was explored, the male student’s performance in language B was tightly linked to their performance in physics. The history teachers’ belief is not unfounded but a connection exists also between the male students’ good performance in physics and in other subjects. This raises the question wh...

Research paper thumbnail of Interest or Importance: Predicting Finnish students' end-of-school attainment in history and social studies

Nordidactica: Journal of Humanities and Social Science Education, 2020

The role of motivation plays an important role in learning and in international studies of learni... more The role of motivation plays an important role in learning and in international studies of learning outcomes. However, the cross-sectional nature of international studies does not allow causal conclusions regarding the relations between students’ attainment and attitudes. A shared understanding of the intertwined relation between the two relies on evidence from other, more restricted longitudinal studies. In this article, we use longitudinal data to study the role of Finnish students’ history and social studies-related attitudes and school achievement in explaining their attainment in a national test at the end of lower secondary education, and the impact of these on students’ choice of and success in the respective exam(s) in the matriculation examination at the end of upper secondary education. Our results show that students grouped according to their choice of the history and/or social studies exam(s) in the matriculation examination differed significantly from each other in thei...

Research paper thumbnail of Finland SE Transitions

Research paper thumbnail of Osaamisen kehittymisen arviointi perusopetuksen historian ja yhteiskuntaopin oppiaineissa

Research paper thumbnail of Experiences of bullying among Nordic secondary school students: Does background count?

Research paper thumbnail of Suomalaisten ja ruotsalaisten lukiolaisten historian tekstitaidot vertailussa

Research paper thumbnail of Lukiolaiset historian lähteiden tulkitsijoina

Kasvatus & Aika, 2018

Artikkeli perustuu vuonna 2017 useista lukioista kerättyyn, historian opiskeluun ja lähdekriittis... more Artikkeli perustuu vuonna 2017 useista lukioista kerättyyn, historian opiskeluun ja lähdekriittisten taitojen soveltamiseen liittyvään, aineistoon. Käytetyssä tutkimuslomakkeessa lukiolaisilta tiedusteltiin erilaisia, pääasiassa historian opiskeluun liittyviä, taustatietoja. Opiskelijoilta kysyttiin niin ikään, millaisia työtapoja historian tunneilla käytetään. Myös lukiolaisia opettavat opettajat vastasivat tunneilla käytettyjä työtapoja koskeviin kysymyksiin. Opiskelijoille annettiin tuottamistehtävä, jossa heidän piti annettujen lähteiden pohjalta esittää perusteltu arvio siitä, miksi Elvis Presley halusi tavata USA:n presidentti Nixonin vuonna 1970. Artikkelin tutkimuskysymykset liittyvät opiskelijoilta kysyttyjen taustatietojen ja historian tunneilla käytettyjen työtapojen sekä pisteytetyn avovastauksen välisten yhteyksien analysointiin. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa verrattiin opiskelijoiden ja heidän opettajiensa arvioita historian tunneilla käytetyistä työtavoista. Tutkimus osoitti, että eri lukioryhmien suoriutumisessa tuottamistehtävästä oli merkittäviä eroja. Tuottamistehtävän tuloksissa oli tilastollisesti melkein merkitseviä tai merkitseviä eroja opiskelijoiden sukupuolen ja kotikielen mukaan. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin myös, että lukiolaiset ja heidän opettajansa arvioivat historian tunneilla käytettyjä työtapoja eri tavoin.

Research paper thumbnail of Arvioinnin suunnittelu -ja muistikirja 2020-2021

Research paper thumbnail of Historian opetuksen tavoitteet ja sisällöt muuttuvat - entä niiden arviointi?

Research paper thumbnail of Digitaalinen portfolio varhaiskasvatuksen dokumentoinnin ja toiminnan arvioinnin välineenä

Research paper thumbnail of Aims, concepts, and assessment of the citizenship education curriculum in northern Europe

Edward Elgar Publishing eBooks, Dec 8, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Politics and ethics of civic and citizenship education curricula in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden

Edward Elgar Publishing eBooks, Dec 8, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Kasvatus & Aika -teemanumero 2/2020: Historianopetus murroksessa

Suomen kasvatuksen ja koulutuksen historian seura, May 29, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Nainen ja Islam

Naisten kulttuuriyhdistys, 1998

Research paper thumbnail of Maahanmuuttajataustaisten opiskelijoiden tekstitaidot historiassa

Suomen ainedidaktinen tutkimusseura, Sep 1, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Reglamento del Registro Mercantil, Art. 402: Denominaciones Objetivas

Research paper thumbnail of What the assessment of learning outcomes in history and social sciences are telling about textbooks, teaching materials and methods that are used during the lessons?: Implications for teacher professional development

Andragoški glasnik : glasilo Hrvatskog andragoškog društva: andragogy, 2014

Teachers' profession is regulated in Finland, and the qualifications required from teachers are d... more Teachers' profession is regulated in Finland, and the qualifications required from teachers are defined in legislation. Since 1979 all teachers in general education are required a Master's degree. Finish teacher education involves also pedagogical studies and guided teaching practice, which is implemented in the universities' own teacher training schools. A recent survey showed that 89 % of the Finish principals and teachers were deemed to be qualified to perform their tasks (Kumpulainen 2014, 33). Despite of the good level of teacher training, it seems that teachers' are struggling between contradictory expectations in everyday school life. On the one hand teachers are expected to provide traditional knowledge and the other hand they are expected to use interactive methods, to guide students in the creative use of digital learning environments and e-learning materials. In the Finish educational system the teachers have a large pedagogical autonomy, which is confirmed also in national Core Curricula for basic education (2004) and for upper secondary education (2003). In practice teachers' are able to choose any working method or teaching material according to their pupils. In this paper the pupils' and teachers' belief of teaching and working methods and materials that are used during history and social sciences classes are investigated. Results are presented with the help of assessment of learning outcomes. As a part of assessment of learning outcomes both the pupils and teachers were asked also the question concerning teaching and working methods, textbooks and other learning materials. The system of assessment of learning outcomes is sample based. It means that the sample size is form 5% to 10% of the age group (Jakku-Sihvonen 2013, 24) which means from 4000 to 6000 pupils. The schools represent around 15 % of all the schools that give basic education in Finland (Ouakrim-Soivio 2013, 21). Also 165 teachers were a part of this research. The results indicate that teachers need tools, such as in-service training, so they are able to develop skills and competences that are needed in future.

Research paper thumbnail of Lukiolaisten historiallisen ajattelun taidot lähteiden luotettavuuden ja historiallisten toimijoiden motiivien arvioinnissa


Historiallisen ajattelun taidot, mukaan luettuna historian tekstitaidot, ovat nykypäivän kansalai... more Historiallisen ajattelun taidot, mukaan luettuna historian tekstitaidot, ovat nykypäivän kansalaistaitoja tarjoamalla valmiuksia tiedon epäilyyn, kritisointiin ja arviointiin. Historian kouluopetuksen keskeisiä tavoitteita onkin opiskelijoiden perehdyttäminen historiallisen tiedon luonteeseen ja luotettavuuteen sekä näiden arviointi. Tämä artikkeli tarkastelee lukiolaisten historiallisen ajattelun taitoja, erityisesti lähteiden luotettavuuden ja erilaisten toimijoiden motiivien arviointiin liittyviä taitoja. Tutkimukseen osallistui 114 lukiolaista kolmesta eri suomenkielisestä lukiosta. Aineisto kerättiin Suomen sisällissotaa käsittelevällä tehtäväsarjalla, joka oli laadittu kynä ja paperi -tehtävämuotoon. Aineisto analysoitiin sekä määrällisesti että laadullisesti. Koulujen välillä on eroja opiskelijoiden historiallisen ajattelun opettamisessa. Erot selittynevät tietyssä määrin sillä, että osassa lukioita historian oppitunneilla käytetään historiallista ajattelua tukevia työtapoja ...

Research paper thumbnail of Historian Ja Yhteiskuntaopin Oppimistulokset Perusopetuksen Päättövaiheessa 2011

Research paper thumbnail of � e � S and Grading for Mother Tongue and Literature at School

In Finland, the national Core Curriculum for Basic Education defines the learning objectives alon... more In Finland, the national Core Curriculum for Basic Education defines the learning objectives along with the numerical grade to be given for good competence in each school subject in the final phase of basic education. While serving as a guideline for schools and teachers, it should also ensure an objective evaluation of all students in Finland. In this paper, we take a closer look at the equality of student assessment in Finland in the light of student performance in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2009. This study investigates the relationship between the grades given to students in mother tongue and literature at different schools and the same students’ reading literacy performance in PISA 2009. The results are presented as a map produced using a method called kriging (McCoy and Johnston 2001). Kriging is a geostatistical interpolation method based on the statistical relationship amongmeasured points’ spatial autocorrelation. In this case, the method prod...

Research paper thumbnail of Osaavatko hyvin historiaa osaavat pojat myös hyvin fysiikkaa? Erään uskomuksen epäsuora koetteleminen

Kasvatus & Aika, 2013

For decades history teachers have believed that the male students who are good in history are als... more For decades history teachers have believed that the male students who are good in history are also good in physics. There is no direct empirical evidence that could support the belief. The belief is theoretically interesting because history and physics are, as fields of knowledge, rather different. Can the belief be tested, and if so, how? The article explores the credibility of the belief indirectly as direct empirical testing cannot be done. A connection between history and physics was found, and it could be reasoned that it concerns male students especially, but when the perspective was changed the picture changed: when the connection in students’ academic performance in language B and physics was explored, the male student’s performance in language B was tightly linked to their performance in physics. The history teachers’ belief is not unfounded but a connection exists also between the male students’ good performance in physics and in other subjects. This raises the question wh...

Research paper thumbnail of Interest or Importance: Predicting Finnish students' end-of-school attainment in history and social studies

Nordidactica: Journal of Humanities and Social Science Education, 2020

The role of motivation plays an important role in learning and in international studies of learni... more The role of motivation plays an important role in learning and in international studies of learning outcomes. However, the cross-sectional nature of international studies does not allow causal conclusions regarding the relations between students’ attainment and attitudes. A shared understanding of the intertwined relation between the two relies on evidence from other, more restricted longitudinal studies. In this article, we use longitudinal data to study the role of Finnish students’ history and social studies-related attitudes and school achievement in explaining their attainment in a national test at the end of lower secondary education, and the impact of these on students’ choice of and success in the respective exam(s) in the matriculation examination at the end of upper secondary education. Our results show that students grouped according to their choice of the history and/or social studies exam(s) in the matriculation examination differed significantly from each other in thei...

Research paper thumbnail of Finland SE Transitions

Research paper thumbnail of Osaamisen kehittymisen arviointi perusopetuksen historian ja yhteiskuntaopin oppiaineissa

Research paper thumbnail of Experiences of bullying among Nordic secondary school students: Does background count?

Research paper thumbnail of Suomalaisten ja ruotsalaisten lukiolaisten historian tekstitaidot vertailussa

Research paper thumbnail of Lukiolaiset historian lähteiden tulkitsijoina

Kasvatus & Aika, 2018

Artikkeli perustuu vuonna 2017 useista lukioista kerättyyn, historian opiskeluun ja lähdekriittis... more Artikkeli perustuu vuonna 2017 useista lukioista kerättyyn, historian opiskeluun ja lähdekriittisten taitojen soveltamiseen liittyvään, aineistoon. Käytetyssä tutkimuslomakkeessa lukiolaisilta tiedusteltiin erilaisia, pääasiassa historian opiskeluun liittyviä, taustatietoja. Opiskelijoilta kysyttiin niin ikään, millaisia työtapoja historian tunneilla käytetään. Myös lukiolaisia opettavat opettajat vastasivat tunneilla käytettyjä työtapoja koskeviin kysymyksiin. Opiskelijoille annettiin tuottamistehtävä, jossa heidän piti annettujen lähteiden pohjalta esittää perusteltu arvio siitä, miksi Elvis Presley halusi tavata USA:n presidentti Nixonin vuonna 1970. Artikkelin tutkimuskysymykset liittyvät opiskelijoilta kysyttyjen taustatietojen ja historian tunneilla käytettyjen työtapojen sekä pisteytetyn avovastauksen välisten yhteyksien analysointiin. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa verrattiin opiskelijoiden ja heidän opettajiensa arvioita historian tunneilla käytetyistä työtavoista. Tutkimus osoitti, että eri lukioryhmien suoriutumisessa tuottamistehtävästä oli merkittäviä eroja. Tuottamistehtävän tuloksissa oli tilastollisesti melkein merkitseviä tai merkitseviä eroja opiskelijoiden sukupuolen ja kotikielen mukaan. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin myös, että lukiolaiset ja heidän opettajansa arvioivat historian tunneilla käytettyjä työtapoja eri tavoin.

Research paper thumbnail of Arvioinnin suunnittelu -ja muistikirja 2020-2021

Research paper thumbnail of Historian opetuksen tavoitteet ja sisällöt muuttuvat - entä niiden arviointi?

Research paper thumbnail of Digitaalinen portfolio varhaiskasvatuksen dokumentoinnin ja toiminnan arvioinnin välineenä