NUNUNG MARTINA - (original) (raw)
CIVED, 2021
Pelaksanaan pembangunan konstruksi yang tidak menggunakan aspek pengendalian dapat menyebabkan te... more Pelaksanaan pembangunan konstruksi yang tidak menggunakan aspek pengendalian dapat menyebabkan terjadinya kegagalan konstruksi, sehingga penetapan standar kualitas terhadap hasil pekerjaan konstruksi melalui pengendalian mutu sangat diperlukan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah melakukan analisis mutu beton bertulang pekerjaan dinding penahan tanah ‘Proyek Z’. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif yaitu pengumpulan data lapangan terhadap pekerjaan dinding penahan tanah yang berupa data pengujian baja tulangan dan data pengujian kuat tekan beton kemudian dilakukan perhitungan bobot mutu sesuai standar yang sudah ditetapkan. Hasil dari analisis dan pembahasan penelitian ini diperoleh nilai kuat leleh rata-rata baja tulangan kelas BjTS 420B untuk ukuran D13 yaitu 474,74 MPa, ukuran D16 yaitu 455,62 MPa, dan ukuran D19 yaitu 487,68 MPa serta nilai kuat tarik baja tulangan kelas BjTS 420B yang diperoleh untuk ukuran D13 yaitu 579,03 MPa, ukuran D16 yaitu 592,03 MPa, dan ukuran D19...
The porous asphalt mixture is a new generation of flexible pavement that is able to pass water in... more The porous asphalt mixture is a new generation of flexible pavement that is able to pass water in the upper layer (wearing course) both vertically and horizontally. The porous asphalt layer effectively provides more safety, especially when it rains to avoid aquaplaning which causes roughness of the surface to be more rough. Therefore, at this time there are many studies on the use of alternative materials to replace the limited natural materials with materials that can be utilized. The results showed that porous asphalt mixture with used tire crumb as a fine aggregate mixture had an increase in flow value of 6.32% with a decrease in stability value by 27.52% and a decrease Marshall Quotient value at 31.82%. The testing of roughness is increased by 17.71% and Mu-Meter 24.14%. This research is effective in overcoming environmental problems which include processing tire waste of 3.03 tons for 1 km of road pavement construction work.
Pada tahapan pelaksanaan pekerjaan pemeliharaan jalan tol berdasarkan Identifikasi Bahaya Penilai... more Pada tahapan pelaksanaan pekerjaan pemeliharaan jalan tol berdasarkan Identifikasi Bahaya Penilaian Risiko dan Pengendalian (IBPRP) hasil observasi awal .rincian biaya K3 belum terdapat dalam dokumen penawaran penyedia jasa untuk pekerjaan pemeliharaan jalan tol yang diajukan ke pengguna jasa. Berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Pekerjaan Umum No. 7 Tahun 2019 tentang Standar dan Pedoman Pengadaan Jasa Konstruksi Melalui Penyedia dan Surat Edaran No. 11 tahun 2019 tentang Petunjuk Teknis Biaya Penyelenggaraan Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan Konstruksi (SMKK) perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui jawaban atas permasalahan pada pekerjaan pemeliharaan jalan tol terkait (a) pengendalian potensi bahaya dan risiko pekerjaan (b) biaya pengendalian sesuai dengan potensi bahaya yang ada. Lokasi penelitian dipilih di PT. Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk dengan jenis pekerjaan yang diteliti adalah pekerjaan pemeliharaan jalan tol. Data yang digunakan yaitu hasil survey dari kuesioner, IBPRP dalam dokumen...
Journal of Applied Civil Engineering and Infrastructure Technology, 2021
Pada proyek konstruksi besar dan kompleks, BIM (Building Information Modelling) merupakan hal pen... more Pada proyek konstruksi besar dan kompleks, BIM (Building Information Modelling) merupakan hal penting dalam globalisasi teknologi konstruksi. Melalui penerapan BIM diharapkan pada Proyek Jalan Tol “X” dapat meminimalisir kesalahan. Masalah yang terjadi dilapangan terdapat perhitungan QTO menggunakan AutoCAD dengan alat bantu Microsoft Excel dalam estimasi awal kurang akurat sehingga menghasilkan miss kalkulasi pada pelaksanaan, BIM diharapkan dapat menjadi solusi untuk masalah ini. Dilakukan studi kasus untuk mengetahui perbandingan quantity take-off pada konstruksi jalan tol pada Overpass Interchange “X” dan Jalan Akses menggunakan BIM dan konvensional. Data analisis diperoleh dari melakukan pekerjaan quantity take-off dengan berbasis BIM dan CAD Konvensional serta melakukan wawancara kepada pakar BIM. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan terdapat perbedaan perhitungan quantity take-off antara BIM dan manual menggunakan CAD konvensional, Persentase perbedaan perhitungan yang didap...
The road conditions which is always submerged can reduce the performance of the asphalt pavement.... more The road conditions which is always submerged can reduce the performance of the asphalt pavement. This research was conducted to obtain the characteristics of polymer asphalt concrete against flooding. Marshall testing was carried out on conventional and polymer asphalt concrete with optimum asphalt content treated with water immersion in variations of 0 days, 0.5 days, 1 day, 2 days, and 4 days. The results show polymer asphalt can improve the durability of asphalt concrete which is submerged in floodwater. This is indicated by the difference in the stability value of 113% in the variation of immersion for 4 days.
Construction and Material Journal, 2021
Perkembangan dunia konstruksi yang sudah sangat pesat di Indonesia terbukti dengan adanya metode ... more Perkembangan dunia konstruksi yang sudah sangat pesat di Indonesia terbukti dengan adanya metode baru untuk konstruksi yaitu Building Information Modelling (BIM). Munculnya BIM ini diklaim dapat membuat pekerjaan menjadi efektif dan efisien. Sebelum adanya BIM, kegiatan engineering dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode konvensional atau yang telah dikenal dengan AutoCAD, SAP, Ms. Project yang sering digunakan untuk pekerjaan perencanaan proyek. Pekerjaan menggunakan aplikasi tersebut memakan lebih banyak waktu karena dari masing-masing aplikasi tersebut harus dikerjakan secara manual. Hal ini berbeda dengan BIM yang antar aplikasinya dapat terintegerasi satu sama lain, sehingga dapat mempercepat proses pekerjaan yang akan menyingkat waktu dan juga membuat sumber daya manusia menjadi lebih sedikit. Dalam penelitian ini akan dijelaskan apa saja perbedaan jelas proses perencaan konstruksi khususnya saat pembuatan metode kerja dan shopdrawing yang ditinjau dari segi biaya, mutu, waktu. Da...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
Seawater intrusion can cause groundwater that is looked fresh initially but becomes brackish and ... more Seawater intrusion can cause groundwater that is looked fresh initially but becomes brackish and even salty. It makes decreasing the quality of groundwater in the area. The Goa Cina Beach, Malang has a geological structure of rock in limestone, sand, and gravel. These rocks have greater porosity, so that the potential to pass water or water infiltration is also quite large, both freshwater and saltwater. Starting from these problems, it is needed to identify groundwater distribution that is not affected by the seawater intrusion process. The geoelectric method effectively determines geological parameters such as depth of bedrock, minerals, fluids, and shallow exploration to identify groundwater aquifers. Data acquisition was carried out using the geoelectrical resistivity method with Wenner configuration with three measurement points. Furthermore, the data processing used Res2dinv Software. The results showed that the measured resistivity value between 0.01000-501 Ωm with a maximum ...
Jurnal Komunitas : Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 2021
Community Service Program, especially the Appropriate Technology Application Program (PPTTG) in t... more Community Service Program, especially the Appropriate Technology Application Program (PPTTG) in the village of Curug, Gunung Sindur District, Bogor Regency, which involves the community, especially catfish farmers, in an effort to increase community economic empowerment and marketing of catfish farming crops. Since the occurrence of Covid-19 has become a problem and has had an impact on the business activities of catfish farmers in marketing the catfish harvest because the amount of catfish consumption needs has decreased due to the decreasing purchasing power of the people around the village of Curug, the price of catfish feed has tended to rise so this condition has add to the burden of new problems for the community. PPTTG program help catfish farmers in village Curug as partners to be able to market their catfish harvest through direct sales and digital (online) marketing so that economic income increases and is able to buy catfish feed at a reasonable price, provide training ...
Construction and Material Journal, 2019
This research uses Bio-pozzolan which consist of ASP and lime as a substitute for cement which is... more This research uses Bio-pozzolan which consist of ASP and lime as a substitute for cement which is expected to be used in the manufacture of mortar. Mortar mixtures were tested with a total of 70 specimens, including compressive strength of 45 specimens according to SNI 03 – 6825 – 2002, flexural strength of 15 specimens according to ASTM C 580 – 02, and changes in length of 10 specimens according to ASTM C 157 – 93. Mortar specimens with a comparison ratio of 1 PC : 3 Aggregate, the adhesive material is partially replaced with a Bio-pozzolan adhesive consisting of ASP and lime. The amount of cement substitution with Bio-pozzolan is 17,5% of the weight of cement. In this research the variation of bio-pozzolan as follows; variation 1 (0% Bio-pozzolan), variation 2 (50% lime: 50% RHA), variation 3 (60% lime: 40% RHA), variation 4 (70% lime: 30% RHA), variation 5 (80% lime: 20% RHA). The results showed the composition of Bio-pozzolan variation 2 produces compressive strength with a valu...
Poli Teknologi, Sep 21, 2014
Hot mix asphalt concrete with substitution of waste metal processing ( steel slag ) aggregate is ... more Hot mix asphalt concrete with substitution of waste metal processing ( steel slag ) aggregate is the result of residual waste processing or a crust of iron ore furnace , visually shaped as hard lumps and irregularly shaped rock , has a specific gravity > 2.9, steel slag considered as a heavy aggregate. According to the sii 0052-80, steel slag that had less than 27% destroyed sections through a 1.7 mm sieve when tested with los angeles engines, can be used as aggregate. A 50% substitution variation of steel slag aggregate provides characteristics of asphalt concrete mixtures that is eligible to the bina marga 1998 requirement, with the optimum value at the variation of 50 % steel slag to coarse aggregate, with the stability value of 1016.00 kgf, melting value ( flow ) has the lowest value of 3:32 mm , marshall quetion optimum at 306.30 , cavities in aggregate > 16 % , the cavity filled with asphalt > 65 % , the cavity in a mixture of 3 % - 5 % . Keywords : steel slag , fille...
Program Pengabdian kepada masyarakat yaitu Program Penerapan Teknologi Tepat Guna kepada Masyarak... more Program Pengabdian kepada masyarakat yaitu Program Penerapan Teknologi Tepat Guna kepada Masyarakat di desa Curug Kecamatan Gunung Sindur Kabupaten Bogor ini melibatkan masyarakat dalam upaya pemberdayaan masyarakat bersama Petani Ikan lele Pandemi covid 19 menjadi penyebab , beragam lini kehidupan mengalami kesulitan, bukan hanya menimbulkan masalah Kesehatan diseluruh dunia tetapi juga masalah perekonomian. Petani ikan lele berusaha untuk mempertahankan usahanya ditengah pandemic covid 19. Petani ikan lele juga kena imbasnya yang mengalmi penurunan pendapatan/omzet hingga mencapi 50% lebih pada saat pandemic covid19 ini, Program PTTG ini dapat membantu untuk meningkatkan kembali pendapatan, terutama setelah pasca panen. PNJ melalui UP2M mencoba untuk memberikan solusi terhadap kendala tersebut melalui pengembangan Pemasaran serta membuat olahan berbahan dasar Ikan Lele. Solusi yang ditawarkan untuk permasalah pasca panen yaitu dalam hal marketing atau pemasaran produk olahan Ikan ...
Applied Research on Civil Engineering and Environment (ARCEE)
Drought is one of the biggest problems for the community, this problem will be slightly resolved ... more Drought is one of the biggest problems for the community, this problem will be slightly resolved by the compilation of regions with groundwater sources. This research has been carried out in the karst area, Druju Village, Sumbermanjing District, Wetan Regency, Malang. The purpose of this study is to determine the distribution of underground air and the pattern between underground rivers in the Wonorejo draw well and spring sources in the Kaligoro River, Wonorejo Hamlet.The method that used is the Self Potential (SP) method to set the moving electrode (leap frop) with 104 measurement points. The results of this study indicate the value of electric potential shown between 0-13.5 mV, and assume that a low potential value (0-1 mV) is an indication of groundwater distribution. Areas with low potential values are found in the empathy area. When taking a distribution of water on the surface of the land that appears through the Kaligoro River, it does not need to go out in one stream with a...
CIVED, 2021
Pelaksanaan pembangunan konstruksi yang tidak menggunakan aspek pengendalian dapat menyebabkan te... more Pelaksanaan pembangunan konstruksi yang tidak menggunakan aspek pengendalian dapat menyebabkan terjadinya kegagalan konstruksi, sehingga penetapan standar kualitas terhadap hasil pekerjaan konstruksi melalui pengendalian mutu sangat diperlukan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah melakukan analisis mutu beton bertulang pekerjaan dinding penahan tanah ‘Proyek Z’. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif yaitu pengumpulan data lapangan terhadap pekerjaan dinding penahan tanah yang berupa data pengujian baja tulangan dan data pengujian kuat tekan beton kemudian dilakukan perhitungan bobot mutu sesuai standar yang sudah ditetapkan. Hasil dari analisis dan pembahasan penelitian ini diperoleh nilai kuat leleh rata-rata baja tulangan kelas BjTS 420B untuk ukuran D13 yaitu 474,74 MPa, ukuran D16 yaitu 455,62 MPa, dan ukuran D19 yaitu 487,68 MPa serta nilai kuat tarik baja tulangan kelas BjTS 420B yang diperoleh untuk ukuran D13 yaitu 579,03 MPa, ukuran D16 yaitu 592,03 MPa, dan ukuran D19...
The porous asphalt mixture is a new generation of flexible pavement that is able to pass water in... more The porous asphalt mixture is a new generation of flexible pavement that is able to pass water in the upper layer (wearing course) both vertically and horizontally. The porous asphalt layer effectively provides more safety, especially when it rains to avoid aquaplaning which causes roughness of the surface to be more rough. Therefore, at this time there are many studies on the use of alternative materials to replace the limited natural materials with materials that can be utilized. The results showed that porous asphalt mixture with used tire crumb as a fine aggregate mixture had an increase in flow value of 6.32% with a decrease in stability value by 27.52% and a decrease Marshall Quotient value at 31.82%. The testing of roughness is increased by 17.71% and Mu-Meter 24.14%. This research is effective in overcoming environmental problems which include processing tire waste of 3.03 tons for 1 km of road pavement construction work.
Pada tahapan pelaksanaan pekerjaan pemeliharaan jalan tol berdasarkan Identifikasi Bahaya Penilai... more Pada tahapan pelaksanaan pekerjaan pemeliharaan jalan tol berdasarkan Identifikasi Bahaya Penilaian Risiko dan Pengendalian (IBPRP) hasil observasi awal .rincian biaya K3 belum terdapat dalam dokumen penawaran penyedia jasa untuk pekerjaan pemeliharaan jalan tol yang diajukan ke pengguna jasa. Berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Pekerjaan Umum No. 7 Tahun 2019 tentang Standar dan Pedoman Pengadaan Jasa Konstruksi Melalui Penyedia dan Surat Edaran No. 11 tahun 2019 tentang Petunjuk Teknis Biaya Penyelenggaraan Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan Konstruksi (SMKK) perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui jawaban atas permasalahan pada pekerjaan pemeliharaan jalan tol terkait (a) pengendalian potensi bahaya dan risiko pekerjaan (b) biaya pengendalian sesuai dengan potensi bahaya yang ada. Lokasi penelitian dipilih di PT. Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk dengan jenis pekerjaan yang diteliti adalah pekerjaan pemeliharaan jalan tol. Data yang digunakan yaitu hasil survey dari kuesioner, IBPRP dalam dokumen...
Journal of Applied Civil Engineering and Infrastructure Technology, 2021
Pada proyek konstruksi besar dan kompleks, BIM (Building Information Modelling) merupakan hal pen... more Pada proyek konstruksi besar dan kompleks, BIM (Building Information Modelling) merupakan hal penting dalam globalisasi teknologi konstruksi. Melalui penerapan BIM diharapkan pada Proyek Jalan Tol “X” dapat meminimalisir kesalahan. Masalah yang terjadi dilapangan terdapat perhitungan QTO menggunakan AutoCAD dengan alat bantu Microsoft Excel dalam estimasi awal kurang akurat sehingga menghasilkan miss kalkulasi pada pelaksanaan, BIM diharapkan dapat menjadi solusi untuk masalah ini. Dilakukan studi kasus untuk mengetahui perbandingan quantity take-off pada konstruksi jalan tol pada Overpass Interchange “X” dan Jalan Akses menggunakan BIM dan konvensional. Data analisis diperoleh dari melakukan pekerjaan quantity take-off dengan berbasis BIM dan CAD Konvensional serta melakukan wawancara kepada pakar BIM. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan terdapat perbedaan perhitungan quantity take-off antara BIM dan manual menggunakan CAD konvensional, Persentase perbedaan perhitungan yang didap...
The road conditions which is always submerged can reduce the performance of the asphalt pavement.... more The road conditions which is always submerged can reduce the performance of the asphalt pavement. This research was conducted to obtain the characteristics of polymer asphalt concrete against flooding. Marshall testing was carried out on conventional and polymer asphalt concrete with optimum asphalt content treated with water immersion in variations of 0 days, 0.5 days, 1 day, 2 days, and 4 days. The results show polymer asphalt can improve the durability of asphalt concrete which is submerged in floodwater. This is indicated by the difference in the stability value of 113% in the variation of immersion for 4 days.
Construction and Material Journal, 2021
Perkembangan dunia konstruksi yang sudah sangat pesat di Indonesia terbukti dengan adanya metode ... more Perkembangan dunia konstruksi yang sudah sangat pesat di Indonesia terbukti dengan adanya metode baru untuk konstruksi yaitu Building Information Modelling (BIM). Munculnya BIM ini diklaim dapat membuat pekerjaan menjadi efektif dan efisien. Sebelum adanya BIM, kegiatan engineering dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode konvensional atau yang telah dikenal dengan AutoCAD, SAP, Ms. Project yang sering digunakan untuk pekerjaan perencanaan proyek. Pekerjaan menggunakan aplikasi tersebut memakan lebih banyak waktu karena dari masing-masing aplikasi tersebut harus dikerjakan secara manual. Hal ini berbeda dengan BIM yang antar aplikasinya dapat terintegerasi satu sama lain, sehingga dapat mempercepat proses pekerjaan yang akan menyingkat waktu dan juga membuat sumber daya manusia menjadi lebih sedikit. Dalam penelitian ini akan dijelaskan apa saja perbedaan jelas proses perencaan konstruksi khususnya saat pembuatan metode kerja dan shopdrawing yang ditinjau dari segi biaya, mutu, waktu. Da...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
Seawater intrusion can cause groundwater that is looked fresh initially but becomes brackish and ... more Seawater intrusion can cause groundwater that is looked fresh initially but becomes brackish and even salty. It makes decreasing the quality of groundwater in the area. The Goa Cina Beach, Malang has a geological structure of rock in limestone, sand, and gravel. These rocks have greater porosity, so that the potential to pass water or water infiltration is also quite large, both freshwater and saltwater. Starting from these problems, it is needed to identify groundwater distribution that is not affected by the seawater intrusion process. The geoelectric method effectively determines geological parameters such as depth of bedrock, minerals, fluids, and shallow exploration to identify groundwater aquifers. Data acquisition was carried out using the geoelectrical resistivity method with Wenner configuration with three measurement points. Furthermore, the data processing used Res2dinv Software. The results showed that the measured resistivity value between 0.01000-501 Ωm with a maximum ...
Jurnal Komunitas : Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 2021
Community Service Program, especially the Appropriate Technology Application Program (PPTTG) in t... more Community Service Program, especially the Appropriate Technology Application Program (PPTTG) in the village of Curug, Gunung Sindur District, Bogor Regency, which involves the community, especially catfish farmers, in an effort to increase community economic empowerment and marketing of catfish farming crops. Since the occurrence of Covid-19 has become a problem and has had an impact on the business activities of catfish farmers in marketing the catfish harvest because the amount of catfish consumption needs has decreased due to the decreasing purchasing power of the people around the village of Curug, the price of catfish feed has tended to rise so this condition has add to the burden of new problems for the community. PPTTG program help catfish farmers in village Curug as partners to be able to market their catfish harvest through direct sales and digital (online) marketing so that economic income increases and is able to buy catfish feed at a reasonable price, provide training ...
Construction and Material Journal, 2019
This research uses Bio-pozzolan which consist of ASP and lime as a substitute for cement which is... more This research uses Bio-pozzolan which consist of ASP and lime as a substitute for cement which is expected to be used in the manufacture of mortar. Mortar mixtures were tested with a total of 70 specimens, including compressive strength of 45 specimens according to SNI 03 – 6825 – 2002, flexural strength of 15 specimens according to ASTM C 580 – 02, and changes in length of 10 specimens according to ASTM C 157 – 93. Mortar specimens with a comparison ratio of 1 PC : 3 Aggregate, the adhesive material is partially replaced with a Bio-pozzolan adhesive consisting of ASP and lime. The amount of cement substitution with Bio-pozzolan is 17,5% of the weight of cement. In this research the variation of bio-pozzolan as follows; variation 1 (0% Bio-pozzolan), variation 2 (50% lime: 50% RHA), variation 3 (60% lime: 40% RHA), variation 4 (70% lime: 30% RHA), variation 5 (80% lime: 20% RHA). The results showed the composition of Bio-pozzolan variation 2 produces compressive strength with a valu...
Poli Teknologi, Sep 21, 2014
Hot mix asphalt concrete with substitution of waste metal processing ( steel slag ) aggregate is ... more Hot mix asphalt concrete with substitution of waste metal processing ( steel slag ) aggregate is the result of residual waste processing or a crust of iron ore furnace , visually shaped as hard lumps and irregularly shaped rock , has a specific gravity > 2.9, steel slag considered as a heavy aggregate. According to the sii 0052-80, steel slag that had less than 27% destroyed sections through a 1.7 mm sieve when tested with los angeles engines, can be used as aggregate. A 50% substitution variation of steel slag aggregate provides characteristics of asphalt concrete mixtures that is eligible to the bina marga 1998 requirement, with the optimum value at the variation of 50 % steel slag to coarse aggregate, with the stability value of 1016.00 kgf, melting value ( flow ) has the lowest value of 3:32 mm , marshall quetion optimum at 306.30 , cavities in aggregate > 16 % , the cavity filled with asphalt > 65 % , the cavity in a mixture of 3 % - 5 % . Keywords : steel slag , fille...
Program Pengabdian kepada masyarakat yaitu Program Penerapan Teknologi Tepat Guna kepada Masyarak... more Program Pengabdian kepada masyarakat yaitu Program Penerapan Teknologi Tepat Guna kepada Masyarakat di desa Curug Kecamatan Gunung Sindur Kabupaten Bogor ini melibatkan masyarakat dalam upaya pemberdayaan masyarakat bersama Petani Ikan lele Pandemi covid 19 menjadi penyebab , beragam lini kehidupan mengalami kesulitan, bukan hanya menimbulkan masalah Kesehatan diseluruh dunia tetapi juga masalah perekonomian. Petani ikan lele berusaha untuk mempertahankan usahanya ditengah pandemic covid 19. Petani ikan lele juga kena imbasnya yang mengalmi penurunan pendapatan/omzet hingga mencapi 50% lebih pada saat pandemic covid19 ini, Program PTTG ini dapat membantu untuk meningkatkan kembali pendapatan, terutama setelah pasca panen. PNJ melalui UP2M mencoba untuk memberikan solusi terhadap kendala tersebut melalui pengembangan Pemasaran serta membuat olahan berbahan dasar Ikan Lele. Solusi yang ditawarkan untuk permasalah pasca panen yaitu dalam hal marketing atau pemasaran produk olahan Ikan ...
Applied Research on Civil Engineering and Environment (ARCEE)
Drought is one of the biggest problems for the community, this problem will be slightly resolved ... more Drought is one of the biggest problems for the community, this problem will be slightly resolved by the compilation of regions with groundwater sources. This research has been carried out in the karst area, Druju Village, Sumbermanjing District, Wetan Regency, Malang. The purpose of this study is to determine the distribution of underground air and the pattern between underground rivers in the Wonorejo draw well and spring sources in the Kaligoro River, Wonorejo Hamlet.The method that used is the Self Potential (SP) method to set the moving electrode (leap frop) with 104 measurement points. The results of this study indicate the value of electric potential shown between 0-13.5 mV, and assume that a low potential value (0-1 mV) is an indication of groundwater distribution. Areas with low potential values are found in the empathy area. When taking a distribution of water on the surface of the land that appears through the Kaligoro River, it does not need to go out in one stream with a...