Nada OTMANI - (original) (raw)

Papers by Nada OTMANI

Research paper thumbnail of Machine Learning for Colorectal Cancer Risk Prediction: Systematic Review

Research paper thumbnail of Quality of Life and Associated Factors in Patients Infected with Hepatitis B and C Virus in a Moroccan Region: A Cross-Sectional Study

Research paper thumbnail of Cluster analysis of dietary patterns associated with colorectal cancer derived from a Moroccan case–control study

BMJ health & care informatics, Apr 1, 2023

Introduction Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a global public health problem. There is strong indicatio... more Introduction Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a global public health problem. There is strong indication that nutrition could be an important component of primary prevention. Dietary patterns are a powerful technique for understanding the relationship between diet and cancer varying across populations. Objective We used an unsupervised machine learning approach to cluster Moroccan dietary patterns associated with CRC. Methods The study was conducted based on the reported nutrition of CRC matched cases and controls including 1483 pairs. Baseline dietary intake was measured using a validated food-frequency questionnaire adapted to the Moroccan context. Food items were consolidated into 30 food groups reduced on 6 dimensions by principal component analysis (PCA). Results K-means method, applied in the PCA-subspace, identified two patterns: 'prudent pattern' (moderate consumption of almost all foods with a slight increase in fruits and vegetables) and a 'dangerous pattern' (vegetable oil, cake, chocolate, cheese, red meat, sugar and butter) with small variation between components and clusters. The student test showed a significant relationship between clusters and all food consumption except poultry. The simple logistic regression test showed that people who belong to the 'dangerous pattern' have a higher risk to develop CRC with an OR 1.59, 95% CI (1.37 to 1.38). Conclusion The proposed algorithm applied to the CCR Nutrition database identified two dietary profiles associated with CRC: the 'dangerous pattern' and the 'prudent pattern'. The results of this study could contribute to recommendations for CRC preventive diet in the Moroccan population. ⇒ This study investigates this relationship by analysing dietary patterns in Morocco through the use of K-means clustering in a principal component analysis subspace.

Research paper thumbnail of Direct Healthcare Cost of Ischemic Stroke Management in Morocco


Background: Strokes are a group of heterogeneous conditions that can cause lasting brain damage, ... more Background: Strokes are a group of heterogeneous conditions that can cause lasting brain damage, longterm disability, or even death. In Morocco, the management of this disease generates important expenses and increases the financial burden on health care. In order to rationalize the expenses and to direct the budgetary policy in healthcare, we aimed to estimate the cost of ischemic stroke (IS) management in Morocco through this study. Methods: A cost-of-illness study was conducted between March 2018 and March 2019 at the neurology department of the Hassan II University Hospital, Fez. We included all patients who were admitted, during this period, to the department for IS. The collected data included sociodemographic information, and all details regarding the patient's medical management (diagnosis, treatment, etc.). The cost was estimated using a "bottom-up micro-costing" approach with a societal perspective. Results: A total of 267 individuals were included in this study with a female predominance (56.6%); the mean age was 66.93 ± 14.83 years. The total cost of ischemic stroke management per patient per year was estimated at 3674.32±1340.81,withahighsharerelatedtohospitalizationat3674.32 ± 1340.81, with a high share related to hospitalization at 3674.32±1340.81,withahighsharerelatedtohospitalizationat1415.06 ± 1015.53. A statistically significant association was found between total cost and age (p=0.014), National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) score (p≤0.001), and length of hospitalization (p≤0.001); however, no association was found with other factors (sex, complication, Rankin score, etc.). Conclusion: Ischemic strokes are relatively frequent in Morocco. Their management generates an important cost, which is influenced by several factors such as severity of the disease and the duration of hospitalization. This cost can be decreased by rationalizing the expenses and acting on various risk factors of ischemic strokes.

Research paper thumbnail of Cluster analysis of dietary patterns associated with colorectal cancer derived from a Moroccan case–control study

BMJ Health Care Inform

Introduction Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a global public health problem. There is strong indicatio... more Introduction Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a global public health problem. There is strong indication that nutrition could be an important component of primary prevention. Dietary patterns are a powerful technique for understanding the relationship between diet and cancer varying across populations. Objective We used an unsupervised machine learning approach to cluster Moroccan dietary patterns associated with CRC. Methods The study was conducted based on the reported nutrition of CRC matched cases and controls including 1483 pairs. Baseline dietary intake was measured using a validated food-frequency questionnaire adapted to the Moroccan context. Food items were consolidated into 30 food groups reduced on 6 dimensions by principal component analysis (PCA). Results K-means method, applied in the PCA-subspace, identified two patterns: ‘prudent pattern’ (moderate consumption of almost all foods with a slight increase in fruits and vegetables) and a ‘dangerous pattern’ (vegetable oil, cak...

Research paper thumbnail of Depression, Anxiety, and Quality of Life among Patients with Psoriasis: Prevalence, and Associated Factors

Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus-Related Respiratory Manifestations on the Quality of Life and Psychological Health of Patients During the COVID-19 Pandemic


Introduction Respiratory manifestations are common among patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematos... more Introduction Respiratory manifestations are common among patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) and can present as chest pain, dyspnea, and cough and are often accompanied by fever. These symptoms can resemble those of COVID-19, which may cause increased anxiety in SLE patients. Therefore, the aim of this study is to investigate the impact of SLE-related respiratory manifestations on anxiety, depression, and quality of life among SLE patients during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Research paper thumbnail of Validation of the Moroccan Arabic Version of the Pediatric International Knee Documentation Committee Score (Pedi-IKDC) Questionnaire for Children With Knee Disorders


Benmaamar et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commo... more Benmaamar et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License CC-BY 4.0., which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Research paper thumbnail of Information and Communication Technology Literacy in Medical Studies in Fez Morocco

OAlib, 2022

Objective: Our objective is to evaluate the level of knowledge and competencies in the use of ICT... more Objective: Our objective is to evaluate the level of knowledge and competencies in the use of ICT tools and the need for training in medical staff in the faculty of medicine and pharmacy of Fez. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional survey from May 2021, in the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy of Fez in various doctor's classes: professors, medical residents, interns, and students. The questionnaire was mainly organized into two sections about the level of 1) knowledge and competencies in the use of ICT tools and 2) the perception of importance and the need for training in these tools. Each section was made of 20 questions about the main ICT tools used in medical education Chi2 test was used to test associations between the competency of the use of ICT's tools and the participant's medical classes, the student's study level and gender of the participant. The statistical analysis was carried out by the data analysis SPSS V26. Results: The majority of participants had access to computers and to the internet. Most of the participants were familiar with the use of word processing, presentation software, mailing and file management. Nevertheless, most respondents reported low competency levels in database software, data management, programming and the creation of web pages. The need for training was different according to the participant's profile. Conclusion: Participants revealed that the use of ICT is a potentially important tool for their education and research. However, more integration of information literacy and ICT training in medical curricula is needed to enhance the better utilization of IT resources available for learning.

Research paper thumbnail of Incontinence urinaire chez la femme marocaine. Prévalence et facteurs de risque

Revue d'Épidémiologie et de Santé Publique

Introduction L’incontinence urinaire (IU) est un probleme frequent de sante publique, notamment c... more Introduction L’incontinence urinaire (IU) est un probleme frequent de sante publique, notamment chez la femme âgee. Elle a un impact majeur sur la qualite de vie, et sur le bien-etre physique et psychologique des patients. L’objectif de notre etude etait de determiner la prevalence, ainsi que les facteurs de risque de l’IU chez la femme marocaine, dans la region de Fes-Meknes. Methodes Pour repondre a notre objectif, on a mene une etude transversale en 2019, chez les femmes âgees de 18 ans ou plus, au niveau des etablissements de soins de sante primaire (ESSP) de la prefecture de Fes. Les donnees ont ete collectees a l’aide d’un questionnaire anonyme, administre en face a face contenant des items sur les caracteristiques sociodemographiques, le profil des participantes, ainsi que les caracteristiques de l’IU. Le test de Chi2 a ete utilise pour etudier l’association de l’IU aux differents facteurs de risques decrivant le profil des participantes. La regression logistique a ete utilisee pour la prise en compte des facteurs de confusion potentiels. L’analyse statistique a ete faite sur le Logiciel Epi-info 7. Resultats Un total de 189 femmes a ete inclus dans l’etude. Leur moyenne d’âge etait de 39,26 ans (Ecart-type = 14,40 ans). La prevalence de l’IU etait de 32,8 %. Environ les deux tiers de femmes interviewees presentaient une IU mixte. L’IU etait severe dans 13 % des cas. La prevalence d’IU augmentait significativement avec l’âge (65 % des femmes de plus de 60 ans etaient incontinentes, comparees a 12 % des femmes de moins de 30 ans (p = 0,001)). Un indice de masse corporelle (IMC) eleve (p = 0,002), l’exposition au tabagisme passif (p = 0,005), avoir un antecedent d’accouchement par voie basse (p Conclusion Nos resultats montrent que l’IU est une affection frequente chez les femmes de notre region. Elle reste toutefois sous-diagnostiquee a cause de la gene qu’elle engendre, et qui empeche les patients a consulter, ce qui laisse suggerer la necessite de la mise en œuvre de son depistage systematique dans la consultation de medecine generale chez les femmes a risque.

Research paper thumbnail of Prévalence de la dépression et de l’anxiété post- accident vasculaire cérébral dans la région Fès- Meknès, Maroc

Revue d'Épidémiologie et de Santé Publique

Introduction La prevalence de la depression post-accident vasculaire cerebral (AVC) rapportee dan... more Introduction La prevalence de la depression post-accident vasculaire cerebral (AVC) rapportee dans la litterature est variable vu la grande versatilite des echelles et de la methodologie des etudes. Neanmoins, elle reste la complication neuropsychiatrique la plus importante apres un AVC et conditionne le pronostic fonctionnel par sa morbidite. Cette etude vise a evaluer la prevalence de la depression et de l’anxiete et de leurs determinants chez les patients ayant subi un AVC ischemique dans la region de Fes-Meknes au Maroc. Methodes Il s’agit d’une etude transversale menee en 2019-2020 au service de neurologie au CHU Hassan II de Fes. Le recueil des donnees a ete realise a l’aide d’un questionnaire anonyme comportant : les donnees sociodemographiques, socio-economiques, cliniques et therapeutiques. Le diagnostic de la depression et l’anxiete a ete base sur le score « Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale » (HAD). La saisie des donnees a ete realisee sur Excel 2013 et l’analyse avec le logiciel EPI INFO version7. Resultats Au total, 100 patients ayant eu un episode d’AVC ischemique ont ete recrutes. L’âge moyen des patients de notre etude etait 61,65 (± 13,10) ans avec un sexe-ratio H/F de 1,22. L’evaluation de l’etat psychologique des patients de notre echantillon a revele une depression chez 47 % des cas et un etat anxieux chez 31 %. Parmi les participants de l’etude 33 % ont ete classes dans la categorie de depression grave (HADS = 11-21). Les facteurs qui predisaient un niveau d’anxiete plus eleve etaient l’appartenance a la tranche d’âge ≤ 61 ans (p = 0,009) et l’absence de comorbidite (p = 0,042). La depression n’etait pas associee a la lateralite de la lesion, aux facteurs socio-economiques ni a la severite initiale de l’AVC evaluee par le score NIHSS (p > 0,05). L’anxiete etait retrouvee comme comorbidite importante de la depression en post AVC (p = 0,0001). Conclusion La prise en charge des patients apres un AVC doit etre holistique et ne devrait pas meconnaitre le depistage des complications neuropsychiatriques qui restent frequentes dans notre contexte. Plus d’etudes sont necessaires pour decrire les facteurs predictifs dans notre population a fin d’emettre des guidelines de depistage et traitement de la depression et anxiete post AVC.

Research paper thumbnail of Validation et adaptation transculturelle de l’échelle de mesure de l’incontinence urinaire « Contilife » en langue arabe marocaine

Revue d'Épidémiologie et de Santé Publique

Research paper thumbnail of Prévalence et facteurs associés à la dépression et à l’anxiété chez les patients diabétiques au Maroc

Revue d'Épidémiologie et de Santé Publique, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Depression and anxiety in patients with diabetes in a Moroccan region

L'Encéphale, 2021

AIMS To estimate prevalence of anxiety and depression in patients with diabetes mellitus and iden... more AIMS To estimate prevalence of anxiety and depression in patients with diabetes mellitus and identify their determinants. METHODS A cross-sectional study was conducted at Hassan II University-Hospital of Fes in 2019-2020. Anxiety and depression were measured by using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). Multivariate analysis by logistic regression was used to determine factors associated with depression and anxiety, adjusting for confounding factors. All statistical analyses were conducted using EPIINFO7. RESULTS A total of 243 diabetics were included in the study. The average age of the participants was 48.07±14.25 years, 58% were females and 72% were diagnosed with diabetes type II. The prevalence of depressive symptoms and anxiety symptoms was (18, 1%, CI95%=(13-23)) and (29.6%, CI95%=(24-35)), respectively. The prevalence of depression and anxiety was higher among women than man and increases with increasing duration of the disease. In multivariate analysis, illiterates (OR=3.19, CI95%=(1.46-6.98)), those with depression (OR=3.61, CI95%=(1.78-7.32)), and type 1 diabetics (OR=3.22, CI95%=(1.44-7.21)) are a higher risk of developing anxiety. Depression was associated with older age (OR=2, 65, CI95%=(1, 14-6, 14)), use of insulin (OR=3.77 CI95%=(1.50-9.44)) and anxiety symptoms (OR=4, 27, CI95%=(2, 05-8, 91)). CONCLUSION High prevalence of depressive and anxiety symptoms in diabetics suggests consideration of psychological aspect in implementation of diabetes managing program.

Research paper thumbnail of Qualité de vie des patients hypertendus et ses facteurs associés dans une population marocaine

Revue d'Épidémiologie et de Santé Publique, 2020

Introduction L’hypertension est la deuxieme maladie non transmissible la plus frequente au Maroc.... more Introduction L’hypertension est la deuxieme maladie non transmissible la plus frequente au Maroc. Elle est a l’origine de pres de la moitie des crises cardiaques et AVC dont les sequelles peuvent avoir un impact considerable sur la qualite de vie des patients. L’objectif de l’etude est d’evaluer la qualite de vie des patients hypertendus et de determiner les facteurs qui l’influencent. Methodes Une etude transversale a ete menee dans les etablissements de soins primaires de Fes de mai a novembre 2018. La qualite de vie a ete evaluee a l’aide du SF 12 traduit et valide en dialecte marocain. Resultats Au total, 404 sujets ont ete inclus ; les femmes etaient majoritairement representees (71,3 %). Sur le plan clinique, la duree moyenne de suivi des patients etait de 7,2 ± 5,8 ans. Des comorbidites ont ete retrouvees dans 56,2 % des cas. La tension arterielle etait stable dans 46,9 % des cas. Le score moyen de qualite de vie mentale et sociale etait de 52,7 (±9,6) et la qualite de vie physique de 49,9 (±0,2). Le domaine SF12 qui avait le pire score etait lie a la douleur physique avec une moyenne de 32,1 ± 28,6. Le domaine concernant la relation avec les autres avait le score le plus eleve (75,0 ± 27,8). Une meilleure qualite de vie liee a la sante etait associee au sexe feminin (p Conclusion Notre etude a trouve de nombreux facteurs de risque influencant la qualite de vie des patients souffrant d’hypertension. Ces resultats seraient utiles aux politiques de sante et aux dispensateurs de soins pour etablir des axes supplementaires pour la prise en charge des sujets hypertendus.

Research paper thumbnail of Quality of Life among Patients with Hypothyroidism in a Morocco: A Cross-Sectional Study

Research paper thumbnail of Machine learning and novel ophthalmologic biomarkers for Alzheimer’s disease screening: Systematic Review

ITM Web of Conferences, 2022

Background: Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that leads to dem... more Background: Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that leads to dementia and eventual death, the reason why screening is so beneficial in its early stages. Recent evidence suggests that memory and vision impairments are closely linked to Alzheimer’s disease. Moreover, assessing vision disorders may improve early detection and treatment of dementia. Therefore, some research has been conducted on screening for AD disease using new machine learning (ML) techniques on novel ophthalmologic biomarkers data. Objective: To summarize existing findings on machine learning models exploring eye changes data to predict cognitive decline in the context of AD. Methods: Systematic review of original research between January 2016 and August 2021. A search covered two databases on (Scopus) and (PubMed). Results: From 104 search results, 13 articles were selected after using the eligibility criteria: 5 machine learning models used retinal texture data, 5 models included e...

Research paper thumbnail of Prevalence and Associated Factors with Anxiety and Depression in Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus in a Moroccan Region

Research paper thumbnail of Dossier patient informatisé : Apport et contraintes

Le dossier patient un élément central dans la démarche de soins et son évolution, traduisant l&#3... more Le dossier patient un élément central dans la démarche de soins et son évolution, traduisant l'évolution plus générale de la pratique médicale. L'utilisation d'un système fondé sur le papier confronte plusieurs problèmes ; qui peuvent entraîner des soins qui ne sont pas aussi efficaces qu'ils pourraient l'être ou même qui sont dangereux pour le patient. Ainsi, l'informatisation du DP est devenue aujourd'hui incontournable ; la dématérialisation des données médicales permet de répondre aux besoins d'une médecine moderne, en impliquant la plupart du temps une approche multidisciplinaire. L'informatisation du dossier du malade, permet de potentialiser les différentes fonctions du dossier traditionnel, mais elle nécessite au préalable un double effort, d'une part, d'analyse du système d'information et d'évaluation des besoins des différentes catégories d'utilisateurs, d'autre part, de standardisation et de structuration des don...

Research paper thumbnail of Revue De La Litterature Des Echelles De Mesure Du Stress Psychologique

Résumé Introduction : l'évaluation du stress psychologique constitue l'un des paramètres ... more Résumé Introduction : l'évaluation du stress psychologique constitue l'un des paramètres qui permettent de déterminer la qualité de vie des individus. Objectif : établir une revue de la littérature sur les échelles de mesure du stress psychologique destinées à la population générale. Méthodes : une recherche a été réalisée sur base de données Medline, pour extraire les articles rapportant l'utilisation d'échelles de mesure du stress chez la population générale. Les bibliographies des articles retenus ont été exploitées. Les informations qui concernent ; le nombre des items, les dimensions, les versions, les qualités métrologiques et l'adaptation en langue française ou arabe des échelles ont été extraites. Résultats : vingt échelles de mesure du stress chez la population générale ont été identifiées. Certaines mesurent le stress perçu, d'autres mesurent la réaction au stress, et quelques-unes mesurent la fréquence des événements stressants. Certaines échelles ...

Research paper thumbnail of Machine Learning for Colorectal Cancer Risk Prediction: Systematic Review

Research paper thumbnail of Quality of Life and Associated Factors in Patients Infected with Hepatitis B and C Virus in a Moroccan Region: A Cross-Sectional Study

Research paper thumbnail of Cluster analysis of dietary patterns associated with colorectal cancer derived from a Moroccan case–control study

BMJ health & care informatics, Apr 1, 2023

Introduction Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a global public health problem. There is strong indicatio... more Introduction Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a global public health problem. There is strong indication that nutrition could be an important component of primary prevention. Dietary patterns are a powerful technique for understanding the relationship between diet and cancer varying across populations. Objective We used an unsupervised machine learning approach to cluster Moroccan dietary patterns associated with CRC. Methods The study was conducted based on the reported nutrition of CRC matched cases and controls including 1483 pairs. Baseline dietary intake was measured using a validated food-frequency questionnaire adapted to the Moroccan context. Food items were consolidated into 30 food groups reduced on 6 dimensions by principal component analysis (PCA). Results K-means method, applied in the PCA-subspace, identified two patterns: 'prudent pattern' (moderate consumption of almost all foods with a slight increase in fruits and vegetables) and a 'dangerous pattern' (vegetable oil, cake, chocolate, cheese, red meat, sugar and butter) with small variation between components and clusters. The student test showed a significant relationship between clusters and all food consumption except poultry. The simple logistic regression test showed that people who belong to the 'dangerous pattern' have a higher risk to develop CRC with an OR 1.59, 95% CI (1.37 to 1.38). Conclusion The proposed algorithm applied to the CCR Nutrition database identified two dietary profiles associated with CRC: the 'dangerous pattern' and the 'prudent pattern'. The results of this study could contribute to recommendations for CRC preventive diet in the Moroccan population. ⇒ This study investigates this relationship by analysing dietary patterns in Morocco through the use of K-means clustering in a principal component analysis subspace.

Research paper thumbnail of Direct Healthcare Cost of Ischemic Stroke Management in Morocco


Background: Strokes are a group of heterogeneous conditions that can cause lasting brain damage, ... more Background: Strokes are a group of heterogeneous conditions that can cause lasting brain damage, longterm disability, or even death. In Morocco, the management of this disease generates important expenses and increases the financial burden on health care. In order to rationalize the expenses and to direct the budgetary policy in healthcare, we aimed to estimate the cost of ischemic stroke (IS) management in Morocco through this study. Methods: A cost-of-illness study was conducted between March 2018 and March 2019 at the neurology department of the Hassan II University Hospital, Fez. We included all patients who were admitted, during this period, to the department for IS. The collected data included sociodemographic information, and all details regarding the patient's medical management (diagnosis, treatment, etc.). The cost was estimated using a "bottom-up micro-costing" approach with a societal perspective. Results: A total of 267 individuals were included in this study with a female predominance (56.6%); the mean age was 66.93 ± 14.83 years. The total cost of ischemic stroke management per patient per year was estimated at 3674.32±1340.81,withahighsharerelatedtohospitalizationat3674.32 ± 1340.81, with a high share related to hospitalization at 3674.32±1340.81,withahighsharerelatedtohospitalizationat1415.06 ± 1015.53. A statistically significant association was found between total cost and age (p=0.014), National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) score (p≤0.001), and length of hospitalization (p≤0.001); however, no association was found with other factors (sex, complication, Rankin score, etc.). Conclusion: Ischemic strokes are relatively frequent in Morocco. Their management generates an important cost, which is influenced by several factors such as severity of the disease and the duration of hospitalization. This cost can be decreased by rationalizing the expenses and acting on various risk factors of ischemic strokes.

Research paper thumbnail of Cluster analysis of dietary patterns associated with colorectal cancer derived from a Moroccan case–control study

BMJ Health Care Inform

Introduction Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a global public health problem. There is strong indicatio... more Introduction Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a global public health problem. There is strong indication that nutrition could be an important component of primary prevention. Dietary patterns are a powerful technique for understanding the relationship between diet and cancer varying across populations. Objective We used an unsupervised machine learning approach to cluster Moroccan dietary patterns associated with CRC. Methods The study was conducted based on the reported nutrition of CRC matched cases and controls including 1483 pairs. Baseline dietary intake was measured using a validated food-frequency questionnaire adapted to the Moroccan context. Food items were consolidated into 30 food groups reduced on 6 dimensions by principal component analysis (PCA). Results K-means method, applied in the PCA-subspace, identified two patterns: ‘prudent pattern’ (moderate consumption of almost all foods with a slight increase in fruits and vegetables) and a ‘dangerous pattern’ (vegetable oil, cak...

Research paper thumbnail of Depression, Anxiety, and Quality of Life among Patients with Psoriasis: Prevalence, and Associated Factors

Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus-Related Respiratory Manifestations on the Quality of Life and Psychological Health of Patients During the COVID-19 Pandemic


Introduction Respiratory manifestations are common among patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematos... more Introduction Respiratory manifestations are common among patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) and can present as chest pain, dyspnea, and cough and are often accompanied by fever. These symptoms can resemble those of COVID-19, which may cause increased anxiety in SLE patients. Therefore, the aim of this study is to investigate the impact of SLE-related respiratory manifestations on anxiety, depression, and quality of life among SLE patients during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Research paper thumbnail of Validation of the Moroccan Arabic Version of the Pediatric International Knee Documentation Committee Score (Pedi-IKDC) Questionnaire for Children With Knee Disorders


Benmaamar et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commo... more Benmaamar et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License CC-BY 4.0., which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Research paper thumbnail of Information and Communication Technology Literacy in Medical Studies in Fez Morocco

OAlib, 2022

Objective: Our objective is to evaluate the level of knowledge and competencies in the use of ICT... more Objective: Our objective is to evaluate the level of knowledge and competencies in the use of ICT tools and the need for training in medical staff in the faculty of medicine and pharmacy of Fez. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional survey from May 2021, in the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy of Fez in various doctor's classes: professors, medical residents, interns, and students. The questionnaire was mainly organized into two sections about the level of 1) knowledge and competencies in the use of ICT tools and 2) the perception of importance and the need for training in these tools. Each section was made of 20 questions about the main ICT tools used in medical education Chi2 test was used to test associations between the competency of the use of ICT's tools and the participant's medical classes, the student's study level and gender of the participant. The statistical analysis was carried out by the data analysis SPSS V26. Results: The majority of participants had access to computers and to the internet. Most of the participants were familiar with the use of word processing, presentation software, mailing and file management. Nevertheless, most respondents reported low competency levels in database software, data management, programming and the creation of web pages. The need for training was different according to the participant's profile. Conclusion: Participants revealed that the use of ICT is a potentially important tool for their education and research. However, more integration of information literacy and ICT training in medical curricula is needed to enhance the better utilization of IT resources available for learning.

Research paper thumbnail of Incontinence urinaire chez la femme marocaine. Prévalence et facteurs de risque

Revue d'Épidémiologie et de Santé Publique

Introduction L’incontinence urinaire (IU) est un probleme frequent de sante publique, notamment c... more Introduction L’incontinence urinaire (IU) est un probleme frequent de sante publique, notamment chez la femme âgee. Elle a un impact majeur sur la qualite de vie, et sur le bien-etre physique et psychologique des patients. L’objectif de notre etude etait de determiner la prevalence, ainsi que les facteurs de risque de l’IU chez la femme marocaine, dans la region de Fes-Meknes. Methodes Pour repondre a notre objectif, on a mene une etude transversale en 2019, chez les femmes âgees de 18 ans ou plus, au niveau des etablissements de soins de sante primaire (ESSP) de la prefecture de Fes. Les donnees ont ete collectees a l’aide d’un questionnaire anonyme, administre en face a face contenant des items sur les caracteristiques sociodemographiques, le profil des participantes, ainsi que les caracteristiques de l’IU. Le test de Chi2 a ete utilise pour etudier l’association de l’IU aux differents facteurs de risques decrivant le profil des participantes. La regression logistique a ete utilisee pour la prise en compte des facteurs de confusion potentiels. L’analyse statistique a ete faite sur le Logiciel Epi-info 7. Resultats Un total de 189 femmes a ete inclus dans l’etude. Leur moyenne d’âge etait de 39,26 ans (Ecart-type = 14,40 ans). La prevalence de l’IU etait de 32,8 %. Environ les deux tiers de femmes interviewees presentaient une IU mixte. L’IU etait severe dans 13 % des cas. La prevalence d’IU augmentait significativement avec l’âge (65 % des femmes de plus de 60 ans etaient incontinentes, comparees a 12 % des femmes de moins de 30 ans (p = 0,001)). Un indice de masse corporelle (IMC) eleve (p = 0,002), l’exposition au tabagisme passif (p = 0,005), avoir un antecedent d’accouchement par voie basse (p Conclusion Nos resultats montrent que l’IU est une affection frequente chez les femmes de notre region. Elle reste toutefois sous-diagnostiquee a cause de la gene qu’elle engendre, et qui empeche les patients a consulter, ce qui laisse suggerer la necessite de la mise en œuvre de son depistage systematique dans la consultation de medecine generale chez les femmes a risque.

Research paper thumbnail of Prévalence de la dépression et de l’anxiété post- accident vasculaire cérébral dans la région Fès- Meknès, Maroc

Revue d'Épidémiologie et de Santé Publique

Introduction La prevalence de la depression post-accident vasculaire cerebral (AVC) rapportee dan... more Introduction La prevalence de la depression post-accident vasculaire cerebral (AVC) rapportee dans la litterature est variable vu la grande versatilite des echelles et de la methodologie des etudes. Neanmoins, elle reste la complication neuropsychiatrique la plus importante apres un AVC et conditionne le pronostic fonctionnel par sa morbidite. Cette etude vise a evaluer la prevalence de la depression et de l’anxiete et de leurs determinants chez les patients ayant subi un AVC ischemique dans la region de Fes-Meknes au Maroc. Methodes Il s’agit d’une etude transversale menee en 2019-2020 au service de neurologie au CHU Hassan II de Fes. Le recueil des donnees a ete realise a l’aide d’un questionnaire anonyme comportant : les donnees sociodemographiques, socio-economiques, cliniques et therapeutiques. Le diagnostic de la depression et l’anxiete a ete base sur le score « Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale » (HAD). La saisie des donnees a ete realisee sur Excel 2013 et l’analyse avec le logiciel EPI INFO version7. Resultats Au total, 100 patients ayant eu un episode d’AVC ischemique ont ete recrutes. L’âge moyen des patients de notre etude etait 61,65 (± 13,10) ans avec un sexe-ratio H/F de 1,22. L’evaluation de l’etat psychologique des patients de notre echantillon a revele une depression chez 47 % des cas et un etat anxieux chez 31 %. Parmi les participants de l’etude 33 % ont ete classes dans la categorie de depression grave (HADS = 11-21). Les facteurs qui predisaient un niveau d’anxiete plus eleve etaient l’appartenance a la tranche d’âge ≤ 61 ans (p = 0,009) et l’absence de comorbidite (p = 0,042). La depression n’etait pas associee a la lateralite de la lesion, aux facteurs socio-economiques ni a la severite initiale de l’AVC evaluee par le score NIHSS (p > 0,05). L’anxiete etait retrouvee comme comorbidite importante de la depression en post AVC (p = 0,0001). Conclusion La prise en charge des patients apres un AVC doit etre holistique et ne devrait pas meconnaitre le depistage des complications neuropsychiatriques qui restent frequentes dans notre contexte. Plus d’etudes sont necessaires pour decrire les facteurs predictifs dans notre population a fin d’emettre des guidelines de depistage et traitement de la depression et anxiete post AVC.

Research paper thumbnail of Validation et adaptation transculturelle de l’échelle de mesure de l’incontinence urinaire « Contilife » en langue arabe marocaine

Revue d'Épidémiologie et de Santé Publique

Research paper thumbnail of Prévalence et facteurs associés à la dépression et à l’anxiété chez les patients diabétiques au Maroc

Revue d'Épidémiologie et de Santé Publique, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Depression and anxiety in patients with diabetes in a Moroccan region

L'Encéphale, 2021

AIMS To estimate prevalence of anxiety and depression in patients with diabetes mellitus and iden... more AIMS To estimate prevalence of anxiety and depression in patients with diabetes mellitus and identify their determinants. METHODS A cross-sectional study was conducted at Hassan II University-Hospital of Fes in 2019-2020. Anxiety and depression were measured by using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). Multivariate analysis by logistic regression was used to determine factors associated with depression and anxiety, adjusting for confounding factors. All statistical analyses were conducted using EPIINFO7. RESULTS A total of 243 diabetics were included in the study. The average age of the participants was 48.07±14.25 years, 58% were females and 72% were diagnosed with diabetes type II. The prevalence of depressive symptoms and anxiety symptoms was (18, 1%, CI95%=(13-23)) and (29.6%, CI95%=(24-35)), respectively. The prevalence of depression and anxiety was higher among women than man and increases with increasing duration of the disease. In multivariate analysis, illiterates (OR=3.19, CI95%=(1.46-6.98)), those with depression (OR=3.61, CI95%=(1.78-7.32)), and type 1 diabetics (OR=3.22, CI95%=(1.44-7.21)) are a higher risk of developing anxiety. Depression was associated with older age (OR=2, 65, CI95%=(1, 14-6, 14)), use of insulin (OR=3.77 CI95%=(1.50-9.44)) and anxiety symptoms (OR=4, 27, CI95%=(2, 05-8, 91)). CONCLUSION High prevalence of depressive and anxiety symptoms in diabetics suggests consideration of psychological aspect in implementation of diabetes managing program.

Research paper thumbnail of Qualité de vie des patients hypertendus et ses facteurs associés dans une population marocaine

Revue d'Épidémiologie et de Santé Publique, 2020

Introduction L’hypertension est la deuxieme maladie non transmissible la plus frequente au Maroc.... more Introduction L’hypertension est la deuxieme maladie non transmissible la plus frequente au Maroc. Elle est a l’origine de pres de la moitie des crises cardiaques et AVC dont les sequelles peuvent avoir un impact considerable sur la qualite de vie des patients. L’objectif de l’etude est d’evaluer la qualite de vie des patients hypertendus et de determiner les facteurs qui l’influencent. Methodes Une etude transversale a ete menee dans les etablissements de soins primaires de Fes de mai a novembre 2018. La qualite de vie a ete evaluee a l’aide du SF 12 traduit et valide en dialecte marocain. Resultats Au total, 404 sujets ont ete inclus ; les femmes etaient majoritairement representees (71,3 %). Sur le plan clinique, la duree moyenne de suivi des patients etait de 7,2 ± 5,8 ans. Des comorbidites ont ete retrouvees dans 56,2 % des cas. La tension arterielle etait stable dans 46,9 % des cas. Le score moyen de qualite de vie mentale et sociale etait de 52,7 (±9,6) et la qualite de vie physique de 49,9 (±0,2). Le domaine SF12 qui avait le pire score etait lie a la douleur physique avec une moyenne de 32,1 ± 28,6. Le domaine concernant la relation avec les autres avait le score le plus eleve (75,0 ± 27,8). Une meilleure qualite de vie liee a la sante etait associee au sexe feminin (p Conclusion Notre etude a trouve de nombreux facteurs de risque influencant la qualite de vie des patients souffrant d’hypertension. Ces resultats seraient utiles aux politiques de sante et aux dispensateurs de soins pour etablir des axes supplementaires pour la prise en charge des sujets hypertendus.

Research paper thumbnail of Quality of Life among Patients with Hypothyroidism in a Morocco: A Cross-Sectional Study

Research paper thumbnail of Machine learning and novel ophthalmologic biomarkers for Alzheimer’s disease screening: Systematic Review

ITM Web of Conferences, 2022

Background: Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that leads to dem... more Background: Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that leads to dementia and eventual death, the reason why screening is so beneficial in its early stages. Recent evidence suggests that memory and vision impairments are closely linked to Alzheimer’s disease. Moreover, assessing vision disorders may improve early detection and treatment of dementia. Therefore, some research has been conducted on screening for AD disease using new machine learning (ML) techniques on novel ophthalmologic biomarkers data. Objective: To summarize existing findings on machine learning models exploring eye changes data to predict cognitive decline in the context of AD. Methods: Systematic review of original research between January 2016 and August 2021. A search covered two databases on (Scopus) and (PubMed). Results: From 104 search results, 13 articles were selected after using the eligibility criteria: 5 machine learning models used retinal texture data, 5 models included e...

Research paper thumbnail of Prevalence and Associated Factors with Anxiety and Depression in Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus in a Moroccan Region

Research paper thumbnail of Dossier patient informatisé : Apport et contraintes

Le dossier patient un élément central dans la démarche de soins et son évolution, traduisant l&#3... more Le dossier patient un élément central dans la démarche de soins et son évolution, traduisant l'évolution plus générale de la pratique médicale. L'utilisation d'un système fondé sur le papier confronte plusieurs problèmes ; qui peuvent entraîner des soins qui ne sont pas aussi efficaces qu'ils pourraient l'être ou même qui sont dangereux pour le patient. Ainsi, l'informatisation du DP est devenue aujourd'hui incontournable ; la dématérialisation des données médicales permet de répondre aux besoins d'une médecine moderne, en impliquant la plupart du temps une approche multidisciplinaire. L'informatisation du dossier du malade, permet de potentialiser les différentes fonctions du dossier traditionnel, mais elle nécessite au préalable un double effort, d'une part, d'analyse du système d'information et d'évaluation des besoins des différentes catégories d'utilisateurs, d'autre part, de standardisation et de structuration des don...

Research paper thumbnail of Revue De La Litterature Des Echelles De Mesure Du Stress Psychologique

Résumé Introduction : l'évaluation du stress psychologique constitue l'un des paramètres ... more Résumé Introduction : l'évaluation du stress psychologique constitue l'un des paramètres qui permettent de déterminer la qualité de vie des individus. Objectif : établir une revue de la littérature sur les échelles de mesure du stress psychologique destinées à la population générale. Méthodes : une recherche a été réalisée sur base de données Medline, pour extraire les articles rapportant l'utilisation d'échelles de mesure du stress chez la population générale. Les bibliographies des articles retenus ont été exploitées. Les informations qui concernent ; le nombre des items, les dimensions, les versions, les qualités métrologiques et l'adaptation en langue française ou arabe des échelles ont été extraites. Résultats : vingt échelles de mesure du stress chez la population générale ont été identifiées. Certaines mesurent le stress perçu, d'autres mesurent la réaction au stress, et quelques-unes mesurent la fréquence des événements stressants. Certaines échelles ...