Nadia Belaidi - (original) (raw)

Papers by Nadia Belaidi

Research paper thumbnail of L’Ordre public écologique

Research paper thumbnail of L'eau : enjeu de justice environnementale 

Research paper thumbnail of Le Patrimoine Mondial Pour Creer Une Identite Commune Dans L Afrique Du Sud Post Apartheid Exemple De La Ville Du Cap

Presses de l'Université Laval, 2012

Em períodos de grande estiagem no Semiárido Brasileiro, os ovinos apresentam uma diminuição da pr... more Em períodos de grande estiagem no Semiárido Brasileiro, os ovinos apresentam uma diminuição da produtividade não só devido à baixa disponibilidade alimentar, como também deficiências no manejo reprodutivo. Diante disto, a criopreservação do sêmen se mostra como uma biotécnica alternativa para potencializar o desempenho reprodutivo dessa especie no Semiárido. A utilização de sêmen ovino criopreservado é considerada uma opção viável para o melhor desempenho na taxa de prenhez. Este trabalho teve como objetivo, avaliar a integridade dos espermatozoides criopreservados de ovinos na época mais seca do ano do alto sertão da Paraíba. Foram utilizados três ovinos machos (carneiros) da raça Santa Inês da mesma faixa etária, pré-selecionados por exame clinico e andrológico.Para A coleta de sêmen utilizou-se vagina artificial (modelo Walmur), obedecendo a um total de 5 repetições, realizadas duas vezes por semana durante os meses de Novembro e Dezembro de 2018. As amostras de sêmen foram avaliadas logo após a coleta e após o descongelamento quanto as características de volume, aspecto, turbilhonamento, motilidade progressiva e vigor. Foram comparados o desempenho de meio de congelamento desenvolvido no laboratório de reprodução animal do IFPB-Sousa e de um meio comercial. Considerando-se a Raça, a metodologia utilizada e a época do ano, não observou-se diferença significativa entre os meios avaliados quanto ao aspecto espermático no pós descongelamento das palhetas de sêmen dos ovinos da raça Santa Inês.

Research paper thumbnail of Thinking about (environmental) law in (South) Africa

Afrique contemporaine, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Quand la biodiversité devient un enjeu politique et socioculturel. Réflexion à partir des fronts écologiques et des parcs pour la paix

Research paper thumbnail of L'Articulation Des Échelles Au Service Du Développement Durable Exemple De La Protection De L'Eau

Research paper thumbnail of Les Parcs Transfrontaliers pour la Paix, un instrument favorable à l’intégration régionale des Peuples autochtones ? Réflexions à partir du Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area et de la question Nambya

Research paper thumbnail of Les langues autochtones dans la cité

Research paper thumbnail of PrésentationL’éducation à l’environnement critique : un outil d’analyse des rapports

Droit et Cultures, 2019

Reductionism and complexity theory are two paradigms frequently found in language research. ere e... more Reductionism and complexity theory are two paradigms frequently found in language research. ere exist a number of conflicts in terms of concepts and methodologies between reductionism and complexity theory, which are not conducive to creating a unified language research framework. is paper starts by discussing the adaptability of complex dynamic systems and combines cognitive processing model and artificial neural networks to construct and verify an adaptive weight model, showing that the study of reductionism is induction of high-weight elements and the study of complexity theory is a discussion of system complexity from adaptability, meaning that there is a good fit between the two frameworks. e adaptive weight model is conducive to developing a unified interpretation of language research results.

Research paper thumbnail of Peace through Environmental Cooperation: A New Conservation Model?

Afrique contemporaine, 2016

In southern Africa, many “transfrontier conservation areas” (TFCAs) have appeared or expanded rec... more In southern Africa, many “transfrontier conservation areas” (TFCAs) have appeared or expanded recently. Their presumptive goal: peace through environmental cooperation. However, of four new TFCAs, only one has this goal explicitly written into its charter, making it part of the “peace parks” network of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN); developers of the other three TFCAs only pay lip service to this principle. The article interrogates the idea of “peace through environmental cooperation”; the author situates TFCA creation in a legal and political context, the better to discern conservation and development aims now current in southern Africa. She questions the meaning and reach of southern African TFCAs: can they succeed in creating or reconstructing ecological, social, and cultural relationships within the region’s political context of “reconciliation”?

Research paper thumbnail of Des ours dans mon jardin, des éléphants dans mon champ : comparaison des indicateurs locaux des changements environnementaux aux Nords et aux Suds

Les effets des changements environnementaux globaux (changement climatique, erosion de la biodive... more Les effets des changements environnementaux globaux (changement climatique, erosion de la biodiversite, changements d’occupation des sols, etc.) touchent les societes du monde entier mais varient d’une region a l’autre. Dans le cadre de cette communication, nous souhaitons revenir sur la construction et la mise en œuvre de notre Programme de recherche, PIAF, interdisciplinaire et comparatif. PIAF vise a faire emerger, au travers la comparaison d’etudes de cas fines localisees dans 4 pays, une vue generale de la perception des changements environnementaux, en ville et en campagne, aux Nords et aux Suds. Notre equipe, composee d’ethnologues, anthropologues, geographes et ecologues, etudie les diagnostics que les acteurs locaux font des transformations des territoires et pretend acceder aux perceptions du changement au travers des discours, savoirs et usages locaux de la biodiversite. Les especes faunistiques ou floristiques tiennent souvent lieu d’indicateurs locaux des transformation...

Research paper thumbnail of Modéliser les interactions juridiques par l'outil informatique : étude de cas en droit de l'environnement

The fate of Konstantin Megrelidze's thought is as tragic as it is paradoxical-the thinker's opus ... more The fate of Konstantin Megrelidze's thought is as tragic as it is paradoxical-the thinker's opus magnum was published decades after it was written, because of political censorship, the author himself died in exile, and the second book, written in a Soviet lager, has been irrevocably lost. The thought itself is present in modern social sciences, but this is a presence of something fogotten. This presence of the forgotten gets Megrelidze's name mentioned in the Handbook of Contemporary European Social Theory once (Delanty 2006, p.159) 1 ; the third edition of his major work was republished in the Russian language in 2007 2 ; and there are some works published in Georgian, Russian and Western European languages about his thought 3. But his work has not yet been translated into any other language, which would make it available to an international audience (it exists only in Russian and Georgian); the number of persons in Western academia familiar with his work is limited to the specialists of the history of Soviet epistemology; and the place he deserves in the development of social and philosophical thought has not yet been determined. But the paradox extends farther. Not only was Megrelidze's Major Problems of the Sociology of Thought, written in 1936, published only in 1965; not only did it haveto undergo the process of self-censorship, which changed the initial title of the book from Social Phenomenology of Thought,which the in the 1930s was no longer acceptable, but the first edition of the book, published after the "thaw" initiated by Khrushchev's 1956 anti-Stalin speech, was itself heavily censored and adapted to the changed realities of the post-Stalinist Soviet Union. References to Stalin were taken out, but, what is of more importance for the argument of the work, long discussions of, quotations from, and reference to, the work of Nicholas Marr and his theories, were also deleted. Thus, the readers of Megrelidze's work of the last half a century have been familiar with it only in a truncated and abridged form, since the full edition of the book still awaits publication, lingering in the archives. This is a deplorable situation for many reasons. In the history of Soviet social sciences and humanities, Megrelidze provides an indispensable body The article was prepared within the framework of the Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation grant (contract № 31/85).

Research paper thumbnail of L'eau en milieu aride entre survie des populations et équilibre des écosystèmes

Une économie politique de la sécurité, 2009

Page 196. 10 L'eau en milieu aride entre survie des populations et équilibre des écosyst... more Page 196. 10 L'eau en milieu aride entre survie des populations et équilibre des écosystèmes Les conflits de l'Okavango Nadia BELAIDI L'eau offre des services fondamentaux ... Ce type de mesure omet que la faune contribue au fonctionnement global des marais de l'Okavango. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Chapitre 7. Gérer la diversité culturelle pour gérer la diversité biologique

La nature en partage, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Urban Protected Areas: Forces of justice or injustice for Indigenous populations? The cases of Xochimilco and the national parks of Mumbai and Cape Town

The study of three vast peri-urban protected areas, including two national parks, shows that the ... more The study of three vast peri-urban protected areas, including two national parks, shows that the relationships between protected areas and justice must be addressed from two directions. On the one hand, injustice is often why these perimeters are created, such as in cases where inhabitants are evicted. In this sense, the space represents past or present policies for protecting these areas from local populations, Indigenous peoples in this case. On the other hand, there are times when national parks can be tools of justice, when responsible policies conceive facilitation of access to the park as a means of emancipation and reparation or when demands for more rights come from Indigenous groups themselves. Our analysis uses the concept of eco-ethnicity, which we define as an identity having two components: visibility of the group and its relationship – occasionally reconstructed – with the environment. A strong eco-ethnicity can contribute to the recognition of populations which may be...

Research paper thumbnail of Categorisation of People and Places, Indigenous Peoples and Urban National Parks: Between Eviction, Instrumentality and Empowerment

This chapter points to the difficulty decision makers have in categorising peoples and places. Na... more This chapter points to the difficulty decision makers have in categorising peoples and places. National parks are areas governed by specific rules, which generally prohibit human beings from living within their borders: their categorisation in terms of both spatial boundaries and management rules can either label local dwellers as “encroachers” or legal inhabitants. Similarly, the category of “indigenous peoples” is the product of a political decision that gives or denies certain rights to the groups concerned. This paper is about the links between these two categories of space and people, urban national parks and indigenous peoples. It compares the spatial and political impacts of the categorisation of peoples in Mumbai, Nairobi, Cape Town and Rio de Janeiro. Ethnicity is explored as a marker of environmental governmentality. As such it can be used, recognised or refused in various commercial, political or social enterprises.

Research paper thumbnail of Du développement durable au " libéralisme environnemental " : Quelle protection de l'environnement face à un concept en crise ?

Research paper thumbnail of Appel à soumission de textes : Gouvernance et environnement : quelles échelles de construction du commun ?

La notion de gouvernance quel debat! Effet de mode a partir du debut des annees 1990 qui s’est im... more La notion de gouvernance quel debat! Effet de mode a partir du debut des annees 1990 qui s’est immisce rapidement dans toutes les spheres de l’action publique. Une notion polysemique sur laquelle chacun a une idee, mais dont le sens reste flou. Derriere ce concept, il est toutefois generalement question de la maniere dont on decide et agit collectivement dans un domaine ou face a un probleme donne. Deja, plusieurs questions emergent de cette simple volonte descriptive : Qui decide et qui agit...

Research paper thumbnail of De la chose commune au patrimoine commun

Cet article propose de confronter une approche juridique theorique portant sur l’acces a l’eau et... more Cet article propose de confronter une approche juridique theorique portant sur l’acces a l’eau et le statut de la ressource qui en decoule avec une approche anthropologique centree sur les perceptions de l’eau et leurs incidences sur les pratiques quotidiennes, en fonction de l’acces a l’eau. De ces confrontations, nous degagerons une vision de la ressource en eau que nous evaluerons a la lumiere de la notion francaise de patrimoine. Ceci nous permettra de degager, d'une part les valeurs sociales en jeu lorsque l'on envisage la ressource en eau et son acces et, d'autre part, celles qui sont en realite aujourd'hui relevees et defendues par la regle.

Research paper thumbnail of « Ecological public order and fight against desertification processes: conflicts of Okavango »

Research paper thumbnail of L’Ordre public écologique

Research paper thumbnail of L'eau : enjeu de justice environnementale 

Research paper thumbnail of Le Patrimoine Mondial Pour Creer Une Identite Commune Dans L Afrique Du Sud Post Apartheid Exemple De La Ville Du Cap

Presses de l'Université Laval, 2012

Em períodos de grande estiagem no Semiárido Brasileiro, os ovinos apresentam uma diminuição da pr... more Em períodos de grande estiagem no Semiárido Brasileiro, os ovinos apresentam uma diminuição da produtividade não só devido à baixa disponibilidade alimentar, como também deficiências no manejo reprodutivo. Diante disto, a criopreservação do sêmen se mostra como uma biotécnica alternativa para potencializar o desempenho reprodutivo dessa especie no Semiárido. A utilização de sêmen ovino criopreservado é considerada uma opção viável para o melhor desempenho na taxa de prenhez. Este trabalho teve como objetivo, avaliar a integridade dos espermatozoides criopreservados de ovinos na época mais seca do ano do alto sertão da Paraíba. Foram utilizados três ovinos machos (carneiros) da raça Santa Inês da mesma faixa etária, pré-selecionados por exame clinico e andrológico.Para A coleta de sêmen utilizou-se vagina artificial (modelo Walmur), obedecendo a um total de 5 repetições, realizadas duas vezes por semana durante os meses de Novembro e Dezembro de 2018. As amostras de sêmen foram avaliadas logo após a coleta e após o descongelamento quanto as características de volume, aspecto, turbilhonamento, motilidade progressiva e vigor. Foram comparados o desempenho de meio de congelamento desenvolvido no laboratório de reprodução animal do IFPB-Sousa e de um meio comercial. Considerando-se a Raça, a metodologia utilizada e a época do ano, não observou-se diferença significativa entre os meios avaliados quanto ao aspecto espermático no pós descongelamento das palhetas de sêmen dos ovinos da raça Santa Inês.

Research paper thumbnail of Thinking about (environmental) law in (South) Africa

Afrique contemporaine, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Quand la biodiversité devient un enjeu politique et socioculturel. Réflexion à partir des fronts écologiques et des parcs pour la paix

Research paper thumbnail of L'Articulation Des Échelles Au Service Du Développement Durable Exemple De La Protection De L'Eau

Research paper thumbnail of Les Parcs Transfrontaliers pour la Paix, un instrument favorable à l’intégration régionale des Peuples autochtones ? Réflexions à partir du Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area et de la question Nambya

Research paper thumbnail of Les langues autochtones dans la cité

Research paper thumbnail of PrésentationL’éducation à l’environnement critique : un outil d’analyse des rapports

Droit et Cultures, 2019

Reductionism and complexity theory are two paradigms frequently found in language research. ere e... more Reductionism and complexity theory are two paradigms frequently found in language research. ere exist a number of conflicts in terms of concepts and methodologies between reductionism and complexity theory, which are not conducive to creating a unified language research framework. is paper starts by discussing the adaptability of complex dynamic systems and combines cognitive processing model and artificial neural networks to construct and verify an adaptive weight model, showing that the study of reductionism is induction of high-weight elements and the study of complexity theory is a discussion of system complexity from adaptability, meaning that there is a good fit between the two frameworks. e adaptive weight model is conducive to developing a unified interpretation of language research results.

Research paper thumbnail of Peace through Environmental Cooperation: A New Conservation Model?

Afrique contemporaine, 2016

In southern Africa, many “transfrontier conservation areas” (TFCAs) have appeared or expanded rec... more In southern Africa, many “transfrontier conservation areas” (TFCAs) have appeared or expanded recently. Their presumptive goal: peace through environmental cooperation. However, of four new TFCAs, only one has this goal explicitly written into its charter, making it part of the “peace parks” network of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN); developers of the other three TFCAs only pay lip service to this principle. The article interrogates the idea of “peace through environmental cooperation”; the author situates TFCA creation in a legal and political context, the better to discern conservation and development aims now current in southern Africa. She questions the meaning and reach of southern African TFCAs: can they succeed in creating or reconstructing ecological, social, and cultural relationships within the region’s political context of “reconciliation”?

Research paper thumbnail of Des ours dans mon jardin, des éléphants dans mon champ : comparaison des indicateurs locaux des changements environnementaux aux Nords et aux Suds

Les effets des changements environnementaux globaux (changement climatique, erosion de la biodive... more Les effets des changements environnementaux globaux (changement climatique, erosion de la biodiversite, changements d’occupation des sols, etc.) touchent les societes du monde entier mais varient d’une region a l’autre. Dans le cadre de cette communication, nous souhaitons revenir sur la construction et la mise en œuvre de notre Programme de recherche, PIAF, interdisciplinaire et comparatif. PIAF vise a faire emerger, au travers la comparaison d’etudes de cas fines localisees dans 4 pays, une vue generale de la perception des changements environnementaux, en ville et en campagne, aux Nords et aux Suds. Notre equipe, composee d’ethnologues, anthropologues, geographes et ecologues, etudie les diagnostics que les acteurs locaux font des transformations des territoires et pretend acceder aux perceptions du changement au travers des discours, savoirs et usages locaux de la biodiversite. Les especes faunistiques ou floristiques tiennent souvent lieu d’indicateurs locaux des transformation...

Research paper thumbnail of Modéliser les interactions juridiques par l'outil informatique : étude de cas en droit de l'environnement

The fate of Konstantin Megrelidze's thought is as tragic as it is paradoxical-the thinker's opus ... more The fate of Konstantin Megrelidze's thought is as tragic as it is paradoxical-the thinker's opus magnum was published decades after it was written, because of political censorship, the author himself died in exile, and the second book, written in a Soviet lager, has been irrevocably lost. The thought itself is present in modern social sciences, but this is a presence of something fogotten. This presence of the forgotten gets Megrelidze's name mentioned in the Handbook of Contemporary European Social Theory once (Delanty 2006, p.159) 1 ; the third edition of his major work was republished in the Russian language in 2007 2 ; and there are some works published in Georgian, Russian and Western European languages about his thought 3. But his work has not yet been translated into any other language, which would make it available to an international audience (it exists only in Russian and Georgian); the number of persons in Western academia familiar with his work is limited to the specialists of the history of Soviet epistemology; and the place he deserves in the development of social and philosophical thought has not yet been determined. But the paradox extends farther. Not only was Megrelidze's Major Problems of the Sociology of Thought, written in 1936, published only in 1965; not only did it haveto undergo the process of self-censorship, which changed the initial title of the book from Social Phenomenology of Thought,which the in the 1930s was no longer acceptable, but the first edition of the book, published after the "thaw" initiated by Khrushchev's 1956 anti-Stalin speech, was itself heavily censored and adapted to the changed realities of the post-Stalinist Soviet Union. References to Stalin were taken out, but, what is of more importance for the argument of the work, long discussions of, quotations from, and reference to, the work of Nicholas Marr and his theories, were also deleted. Thus, the readers of Megrelidze's work of the last half a century have been familiar with it only in a truncated and abridged form, since the full edition of the book still awaits publication, lingering in the archives. This is a deplorable situation for many reasons. In the history of Soviet social sciences and humanities, Megrelidze provides an indispensable body The article was prepared within the framework of the Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation grant (contract № 31/85).

Research paper thumbnail of L'eau en milieu aride entre survie des populations et équilibre des écosystèmes

Une économie politique de la sécurité, 2009

Page 196. 10 L'eau en milieu aride entre survie des populations et équilibre des écosyst... more Page 196. 10 L'eau en milieu aride entre survie des populations et équilibre des écosystèmes Les conflits de l'Okavango Nadia BELAIDI L'eau offre des services fondamentaux ... Ce type de mesure omet que la faune contribue au fonctionnement global des marais de l'Okavango. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Chapitre 7. Gérer la diversité culturelle pour gérer la diversité biologique

La nature en partage, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Urban Protected Areas: Forces of justice or injustice for Indigenous populations? The cases of Xochimilco and the national parks of Mumbai and Cape Town

The study of three vast peri-urban protected areas, including two national parks, shows that the ... more The study of three vast peri-urban protected areas, including two national parks, shows that the relationships between protected areas and justice must be addressed from two directions. On the one hand, injustice is often why these perimeters are created, such as in cases where inhabitants are evicted. In this sense, the space represents past or present policies for protecting these areas from local populations, Indigenous peoples in this case. On the other hand, there are times when national parks can be tools of justice, when responsible policies conceive facilitation of access to the park as a means of emancipation and reparation or when demands for more rights come from Indigenous groups themselves. Our analysis uses the concept of eco-ethnicity, which we define as an identity having two components: visibility of the group and its relationship – occasionally reconstructed – with the environment. A strong eco-ethnicity can contribute to the recognition of populations which may be...

Research paper thumbnail of Categorisation of People and Places, Indigenous Peoples and Urban National Parks: Between Eviction, Instrumentality and Empowerment

This chapter points to the difficulty decision makers have in categorising peoples and places. Na... more This chapter points to the difficulty decision makers have in categorising peoples and places. National parks are areas governed by specific rules, which generally prohibit human beings from living within their borders: their categorisation in terms of both spatial boundaries and management rules can either label local dwellers as “encroachers” or legal inhabitants. Similarly, the category of “indigenous peoples” is the product of a political decision that gives or denies certain rights to the groups concerned. This paper is about the links between these two categories of space and people, urban national parks and indigenous peoples. It compares the spatial and political impacts of the categorisation of peoples in Mumbai, Nairobi, Cape Town and Rio de Janeiro. Ethnicity is explored as a marker of environmental governmentality. As such it can be used, recognised or refused in various commercial, political or social enterprises.

Research paper thumbnail of Du développement durable au " libéralisme environnemental " : Quelle protection de l'environnement face à un concept en crise ?

Research paper thumbnail of Appel à soumission de textes : Gouvernance et environnement : quelles échelles de construction du commun ?

La notion de gouvernance quel debat! Effet de mode a partir du debut des annees 1990 qui s’est im... more La notion de gouvernance quel debat! Effet de mode a partir du debut des annees 1990 qui s’est immisce rapidement dans toutes les spheres de l’action publique. Une notion polysemique sur laquelle chacun a une idee, mais dont le sens reste flou. Derriere ce concept, il est toutefois generalement question de la maniere dont on decide et agit collectivement dans un domaine ou face a un probleme donne. Deja, plusieurs questions emergent de cette simple volonte descriptive : Qui decide et qui agit...

Research paper thumbnail of De la chose commune au patrimoine commun

Cet article propose de confronter une approche juridique theorique portant sur l’acces a l’eau et... more Cet article propose de confronter une approche juridique theorique portant sur l’acces a l’eau et le statut de la ressource qui en decoule avec une approche anthropologique centree sur les perceptions de l’eau et leurs incidences sur les pratiques quotidiennes, en fonction de l’acces a l’eau. De ces confrontations, nous degagerons une vision de la ressource en eau que nous evaluerons a la lumiere de la notion francaise de patrimoine. Ceci nous permettra de degager, d'une part les valeurs sociales en jeu lorsque l'on envisage la ressource en eau et son acces et, d'autre part, celles qui sont en realite aujourd'hui relevees et defendues par la regle.

Research paper thumbnail of « Ecological public order and fight against desertification processes: conflicts of Okavango »