Natalia Balague Serre - (original) (raw)
Papers by Natalia Balague Serre
Apunts. Medicina De L'esport, Sep 1, 1981
Se estudio la respuesta fisiologica a una prueba de esfuerzo submaxima escalonada en un grupo de ... more Se estudio la respuesta fisiologica a una prueba de esfuerzo submaxima escalonada en un grupo de 32 ninos de 7, 9, 11 y 13 anos de edad pertenecientes a ambos sexos. Para la prediccion del VO.2 max. se tomo como FC maxima el valor de 195 pul./min., por hallar una mejor correlacion con el VO^ maxima en comparacion con el obtenido al tomar como FC. max. el valor de 220 menos la edad en anos. Los valores de VO2 max. relativos al kilo de peso corporal no aumentaron con la edad y fueron siempre superiores en el sexo masculino, especialmente a los 13 anos. La capacidad fisica de trabajo (PWC170) fue mayor en los chicos a todas las edades, encontrandose una diferencia entre sexos estadisticamente significativa. La eficiencia energetica al pedaleo no vario con la edad, mientras que las eficiencias circulatoria y respiratoria aumentaron. El protocolo utilizado no sirvio para la deteccion del UA aplicando los criterios de WASSERMAN. Se propuso por ello un nuevo protocolo.
Apunts. Medicina De L'esport, 1995
Apunts. Medicina De L'esport, Nov 1, 1985
IntechOpen eBooks, Nov 30, 2022
Exercise physiology (EP) and its main research directions, strongly influenced by reductionism fr... more Exercise physiology (EP) and its main research directions, strongly influenced by reductionism from its origins, have progressively evolved toward Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Genetics, and OMICS technologies. Although these technologies may be based on dynamic approaches, the dominant research methodology in EP, and recent specialties such as Molecular Exercise Physiology and Integrative Exercise Physiology, keep focused on non-dynamical bottom-up statistical inference techniques. Inspired by the new field of Network Physiology and Complex Systems Science, Network Physiology of Exercise emerges to transform the theoretical assumptions, the research program, and the practical applications of EP, with relevant consequences on health status, exercise, and sport performance. Through an interdisciplinary work with diverse disciplines such as bioinformatics, data science, applied mathematics, statistical physics, complex systems science, and nonlinear dynamics, Network Physiology of Exercise focuses the research efforts on improving the understanding of different exercise-related phenomena studying the nested dynamics of the vertical and horizontal physiological network interactions. After reviewing the EP evolution during the last decades and discussing their main theoretical and methodological limitations from the lens of Complex Networks Science, we explain the potential impact of the emerging field of Network Physiology of Exercise and the most relevant data analysis techniques and evaluation tools used until now.
Apunts. Medicina De L'esport, Sep 1, 1982
The aim of this article is to remind the physical education teacher and trainer of the main resea... more The aim of this article is to remind the physical education teacher and trainer of the main research methods that would detect a subject's physical aptitude. The article is divided into six different chapters: tests based on the recovery of the heart rate after exercise, direct detection of oxygen consumption, indirect detection of VO2, biometric determination, biochemical determination, radiological determination and additional techniques. Each chapter is also heated from a critical point of view, in such a way that the reader can choose the method, taking mto account the different possibilities of each one: i e depending on the aim of the study and the matenal available. Documento descargado de el 16/05/2016. Copia para uso personal, se prohibe la transmision de este documento por cualquier medio o formato.
Apunts. Educació física i esports, 2005
Amb aquesta tesi es preten aplicar la teoria dels sistemes dinamics (TSD) a l’optimitzacio de l’e... more Amb aquesta tesi es preten aplicar la teoria dels sistemes dinamics (TSD) a l’optimitzacio de l’entrenament esportiu. Es divideix la investigacio en una part teorica i una part empirica. En la primera, s’exposen els conceptes i eines dels sistemes dinamics aplicables a l’estudi de l’entrenament esportiu i es demostra la seva utilitat. Alhora,, s’identifiquen els principis generals que governen la formacio de patrons coordinatius en els sistemes biologics complexos i es mostra com aquests patrons tambe apareixen durant l’execucio d’accions motrius. Finalment es suggereixen diverses modificacions de la teoria de l’entrenament esportiu a partir d’aquest marc teoric. D’altra banda, en la part empirica, s’inclouen dos estudis. En primer lloc, es compara l’eficacia d’un metode d’entrenament sorgit de l’aplicacio de la TSD a l’entrenament esportiu, l’entrenament diferencial, amb un metode basat en repeticions per millorar la forca aplicada a la gimnastica aerobica. S’utilitzen dues eines d’analisi, el PerPot Metamodel i les correlacions creuades, que utilitzen calculs no lineals i lineals respectivament, i dues formes de quantificar la carrega. Es conclou que l’entrenament diferencial sembla ser mes eficac per a la millora de l’execucio d’elements de dificultat de la gimnastica aerobica que l’entrenament tradicional basat en repeticions, tot i que el nombre de variacions proposat es excessiu i que probablement s’haguessin obtingut resultats similars combinant ambdos metodes d’entrenament en tots els periodes. Tambe s’observa que els resultats difereixen en funcio de la forma de quantificar la carrega i en funcio de l’eina d’analisi utilitzada. Finalment, es conclou que es requereix una nova variable d’estudi que tingui en compte la dinamica global i no lineal del comportament del sistema i que sigui capac de valorar l’estat d’aprenentatge i d’estabilitat d’aquest durant l’execucio d’accions motrius. Arran d’aquesta darrera conclusio, es duu a terme el segon estudi, l’objectiu del qual es demostrar l’organitzacio dinamica i no lineal de l’individu mentre realitza salts verticals i identificar una variable que pugui valorar l’evolucio global de l’aprenentatge d’aquest tipus d’accions. S’estudien les series temporals de l’aplicacio de la forca sobre una plataforma de forces durant el temps de contacte previ a l’execucio de diferents salts verticals. S’observa que l’increment de l’alcada o la distancia des de les quals es salta provoca un augment en el nombre i/o amplitud de les fluctuacions que es produeixen especialment en el primer terc de les series temporals dels tres components de la forca. Aquest increment de les fluctuacions es una senyal de no linealitat del comportament del sistema i mostra que l’organisme s’autoorganitza com qualsevol altre sistema dinamic mentre executa salts verticals. Per finalitzar, es conclou que les fluctuacions de l’aplicacio de la forca es presenta com una variable d’estudi que ens pot donar informacio qualitativa sobre l’execucio de salts verticals.
Baltic Journal of Sport and Health Sciences, Oct 22, 2018
Research background and hypothesis. While for some authors team sport players should have a high ... more Research background and hypothesis. While for some authors team sport players should have a high VO 2 max, we hypothesize that there exist a non-linear relationship between VO 2 max and basketball performance. Research aims. Research aims were to study the correlation between basketball performance and VO 2 max in young elite basketball players and the effects of VO 2 max training on performance. Research methods. In the fi rst study, 67 high-level young basketball players performed a shuttle-run test (SRT) to measure their VO 2 max. Competition performance assessed through statistics ratings of 5 matches was determined for all players. The correlation between VO 2 max and performance was calculated. In the second study, the VO 2 max and the competition performance of 34 high-level young male players was assessed as in the fi rst study. The sample was divided into control and experimental groups, which trained their VO 2 max. At the end of the training period all participants repeated the SRT. The results of 4 games played before the fi rst test and 4 games played after the second test (against the same opponents) were compared in both groups. Research results. In the fi rst study we found a correlation of VO 2 max with steals in both groups. In the second study, the experimental group increased their VO 2 max and steals per game, but they decreased free throw per game and free throw percentage. Discussion and conclusions. No correlation was found between VO 2 max and competitive performance in this study, and increased VO 2 max had no effect on most of the studied variables. The data therefore suggest a non-linear relationship between VO 2 max and basketball performance.
Int. J. Comput. Sci. Sport, 2005
Thinking after computing is nowadays a common practice encouraged by the availability of faster a... more Thinking after computing is nowadays a common practice encouraged by the availability of faster and more powerful computers. The question is if the computed results are really helping and solving the main questions posed by coaches, athletes and sport scientists. To make computers more useful it is time to focus on theory. Despite the complex nature of sport performance is recognised, traditional movement and training sciences rarely apply concepts, tools and methods designed to analyse the dynamics of complex systems. Current available research, based almost exclusively on a classical scientific paradigm, often offers a poor and sometimes confusing understanding of phenomena related to performance. One main consequence of this is an increasing distance between theory and practice that characterizes training science. Besides promoting the practice of thinking before computing the aim of this paper is to introduce some alternative concepts, methods and tools based on a complex understanding of performance. Some practical applications of recent research using these tools will be presented in order to encourage computer scientists to develop alternative modelling approaches.
Int. J. Comput. Sci. Sport, 2003
Apunts. Medicina De L'esport, Jun 1, 1982
Apunts: Educación Física y Deportes, 2005
En esta tesis se pretende aplicar la teoria de los sitemas dinamicos (TSD) a la optimizacion del ... more En esta tesis se pretende aplicar la teoria de los sitemas dinamicos (TSD) a la optimizacion del entrenamiento deportivo. La investigacion se divide en una parte teorica y una parte empirica. En la primera, se exponen los conceptos y herramientas de los sistemas dinamicos aplicables al estudio del entrenamiendo deportivo y se demuestra su utilidad. Al mismo tiempo se identifican los principios generales que gobiernan la formacion de patrones coordinativos en los sistemas biologicos complejos y se muestra como estos patrones tambien aparecen durante la ejecucion de acciones motrices. Finalmente se sugieren diversas modificaciones de la teoria del entrenamiento deportivo a partir de este marco teorico. Por otro lado, en la parte empirica se incluyen dos estudios. En primer lugar, se compara la eficacia de un metodo de entrenamiento surgido de la aplicacion de la TSD al entrenamiento deportivo, el entrenamiento diferencial, con un metodo basado en repeticiones para mejorar la fuerza ap...
Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 2020
Apunts. Educació física i esports, 1997
L'objectiu del present estudi ha estat analitzar i comparar el cost energetic del dribling en... more L'objectiu del present estudi ha estat analitzar i comparar el cost energetic del dribling en l'hoquei sobre patins respecte a l'accio de patinar. Dotze jugadors amateurs ben entrenats han realitzat durant cinc minuts, a 11, 13 i 15 km/hora, nomes patinatge i patinatge mentre driblaven la bola amb l'estic. En ambdos casos, s'avaluaren directament i es compararen consum d'oxigen, ventilacio, frequencia cardiaca i nivell de percepcio subjectiva de esforc. Les variables fisiologiques foren registrades mitjancant un analitzador de gasos portatil telemetric (Cosmed K2) i un cardiotacometre (Sport Tester PE4000). El cost energetic s'incrementa linealment amb la velocitat i, a mes, es superior en tots els casos en driblar la bola mentre es patina (17.50 ± 0.7 ml/kg.m vs 20.40 ± 0.61 ml/kg.m a I 1 km/h; 19.23 ± 0.51 ml/kg.m vs 24.54 ± 0.76 ml/kg.m a 13 km/h; 24.84 ± 0.85 ml/kg.m vs 32.44 ± 0.7 ml/kg.m a 15 km/h). La ventilacio i la frequencia cardiaca mostren tambe una evolucio similar. Els nivells de percepcio subjectiva de l'esforc son mes alts en realitzar el dribling que en patinar (p<.05) i, en ambdos casos, tambe mes elevats com mes gran es la velocitat (p< .05). Es pot concloure que el dribling de la bola en hoquei en patinar augmenta significativament el cost energetic i la percepcio subjectiva de l'esforc amb respecte a l'accio de nomes patinar.
Research in Physical Education, Sport and Health, 2020
Frontiers in Physiology, Sep 8, 2021
Introduction: Down syndrome (DS) is a chromosomal disorder affecting simultaneously cardiovascula... more Introduction: Down syndrome (DS) is a chromosomal disorder affecting simultaneously cardiovascular and respiratory systems. There is no research studying the coupling between these systems during cardiorespiratory exercise testing in a population with DS. Cardiorespiratory coordination (CRC), evaluated through principal component analysis (PCA), measures the covariation of cardiorespiratory variables during exercise. Objective: To investigate and compare CRC in adults with and without DS during maximal cardiorespiratory exercise testing. Methods: Fifteen adults with DS and 15 adults without disabilities performed a maximal cardiorespiratory exercise test on a treadmill. First, the slope, and afterward the velocity was increased regularly until participants reached exhaustion. The time series of six selected cardiorespiratory variables [ventilation per minute, an expired fraction of O 2 , the expired fraction of CO 2 , heart rate, systolic blood pressure (SBP), and diastolic blood pressure (DBP)] were extracted for the analysis. The number of principal components (PCs), the first PC eigenvalues (PC 1), and the information entropy were computed for each group (non-DS and DS) and compared using a t-test or a Mann-Whitney U test. Results: Two PCs in the non-DS group and three PCs in the DS group captured the variance of the studied cardiorespiratory variables. The formation of an additional PC in the DS group was the result of the shift of SBP and DBP from the PC 1 cluster of variables. Eigenvalues of PC 1 were higher in the non-DS (U = 30; p = 0.02; d = 1.47) than in the DS group, and the entropy measure was higher in the DS compared with the non-DS group (U = 37.5; p = 0.008; d = 0.70). Conclusion: Adults with Down syndrome showed higher CRC dimensionality and a higher entropy measure than participants without disabilities. Both findings point toward a lower efficiency of the cardiorespiratory function during exercise in participants with DS. CRC appears as an alternative measure to investigate the cardiorespiratory function and its response to exercise in the DS population.
Apunts. Medicina De L'esport, 1995
Annals of physical and rehabilitation medicine, Oct 1, 2012
We have set up an educational therapeutic programme in our ward for patients scheduled for implan... more We have set up an educational therapeutic programme in our ward for patients scheduled for implantation of a knee prostheses. After individual assessment, future patients are invited to an information meeting during which we talk with them about the anaesthesia, the surgery and rehabilitation (video, paper board and therapeutic tools). Targets.-Evaluate the benefit of the therapeutic education for the patient before installing the prosthesis, The goal of the programme is to elaborate a project with the patients and their entourage during their therapy. At the end there is a group seance of rehabilitation in the presence of other patients who had undergone surgery two weeks earlier. This meeting allows a face-to-face encounter between the patients and the therapists that will be providing them care and the discovery of the various tools that will be used during the rehabilitation. This educational therapeutic programme is conducted one month before fitting a total knee prosthesis. Patients.-Group 1: All patients who participated in the educational therapeutic programme before the installation of a rotatory 3 compartment knee prosthesis, operated on by the same surgeon and having followed the same rehabilitation protocol. Group 2: All patients who did not participate in the educational therapeutic programme. Method.-Process analysis A process is defined as ''a logical series of related transactions that converts input to results or output''. Process Analysis is an approach that consists in identifying, describing and improving a process. Once the process chosen and the objectives clearly defined, the next step is the process description with:
Apunts. Medicina De L'esport, Sep 1, 1981
Se estudio la respuesta fisiologica a una prueba de esfuerzo submaxima escalonada en un grupo de ... more Se estudio la respuesta fisiologica a una prueba de esfuerzo submaxima escalonada en un grupo de 32 ninos de 7, 9, 11 y 13 anos de edad pertenecientes a ambos sexos. Para la prediccion del VO.2 max. se tomo como FC maxima el valor de 195 pul./min., por hallar una mejor correlacion con el VO^ maxima en comparacion con el obtenido al tomar como FC. max. el valor de 220 menos la edad en anos. Los valores de VO2 max. relativos al kilo de peso corporal no aumentaron con la edad y fueron siempre superiores en el sexo masculino, especialmente a los 13 anos. La capacidad fisica de trabajo (PWC170) fue mayor en los chicos a todas las edades, encontrandose una diferencia entre sexos estadisticamente significativa. La eficiencia energetica al pedaleo no vario con la edad, mientras que las eficiencias circulatoria y respiratoria aumentaron. El protocolo utilizado no sirvio para la deteccion del UA aplicando los criterios de WASSERMAN. Se propuso por ello un nuevo protocolo.
Apunts. Medicina De L'esport, 1995
Apunts. Medicina De L'esport, Nov 1, 1985
IntechOpen eBooks, Nov 30, 2022
Exercise physiology (EP) and its main research directions, strongly influenced by reductionism fr... more Exercise physiology (EP) and its main research directions, strongly influenced by reductionism from its origins, have progressively evolved toward Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Genetics, and OMICS technologies. Although these technologies may be based on dynamic approaches, the dominant research methodology in EP, and recent specialties such as Molecular Exercise Physiology and Integrative Exercise Physiology, keep focused on non-dynamical bottom-up statistical inference techniques. Inspired by the new field of Network Physiology and Complex Systems Science, Network Physiology of Exercise emerges to transform the theoretical assumptions, the research program, and the practical applications of EP, with relevant consequences on health status, exercise, and sport performance. Through an interdisciplinary work with diverse disciplines such as bioinformatics, data science, applied mathematics, statistical physics, complex systems science, and nonlinear dynamics, Network Physiology of Exercise focuses the research efforts on improving the understanding of different exercise-related phenomena studying the nested dynamics of the vertical and horizontal physiological network interactions. After reviewing the EP evolution during the last decades and discussing their main theoretical and methodological limitations from the lens of Complex Networks Science, we explain the potential impact of the emerging field of Network Physiology of Exercise and the most relevant data analysis techniques and evaluation tools used until now.
Apunts. Medicina De L'esport, Sep 1, 1982
The aim of this article is to remind the physical education teacher and trainer of the main resea... more The aim of this article is to remind the physical education teacher and trainer of the main research methods that would detect a subject's physical aptitude. The article is divided into six different chapters: tests based on the recovery of the heart rate after exercise, direct detection of oxygen consumption, indirect detection of VO2, biometric determination, biochemical determination, radiological determination and additional techniques. Each chapter is also heated from a critical point of view, in such a way that the reader can choose the method, taking mto account the different possibilities of each one: i e depending on the aim of the study and the matenal available. Documento descargado de el 16/05/2016. Copia para uso personal, se prohibe la transmision de este documento por cualquier medio o formato.
Apunts. Educació física i esports, 2005
Amb aquesta tesi es preten aplicar la teoria dels sistemes dinamics (TSD) a l’optimitzacio de l’e... more Amb aquesta tesi es preten aplicar la teoria dels sistemes dinamics (TSD) a l’optimitzacio de l’entrenament esportiu. Es divideix la investigacio en una part teorica i una part empirica. En la primera, s’exposen els conceptes i eines dels sistemes dinamics aplicables a l’estudi de l’entrenament esportiu i es demostra la seva utilitat. Alhora,, s’identifiquen els principis generals que governen la formacio de patrons coordinatius en els sistemes biologics complexos i es mostra com aquests patrons tambe apareixen durant l’execucio d’accions motrius. Finalment es suggereixen diverses modificacions de la teoria de l’entrenament esportiu a partir d’aquest marc teoric. D’altra banda, en la part empirica, s’inclouen dos estudis. En primer lloc, es compara l’eficacia d’un metode d’entrenament sorgit de l’aplicacio de la TSD a l’entrenament esportiu, l’entrenament diferencial, amb un metode basat en repeticions per millorar la forca aplicada a la gimnastica aerobica. S’utilitzen dues eines d’analisi, el PerPot Metamodel i les correlacions creuades, que utilitzen calculs no lineals i lineals respectivament, i dues formes de quantificar la carrega. Es conclou que l’entrenament diferencial sembla ser mes eficac per a la millora de l’execucio d’elements de dificultat de la gimnastica aerobica que l’entrenament tradicional basat en repeticions, tot i que el nombre de variacions proposat es excessiu i que probablement s’haguessin obtingut resultats similars combinant ambdos metodes d’entrenament en tots els periodes. Tambe s’observa que els resultats difereixen en funcio de la forma de quantificar la carrega i en funcio de l’eina d’analisi utilitzada. Finalment, es conclou que es requereix una nova variable d’estudi que tingui en compte la dinamica global i no lineal del comportament del sistema i que sigui capac de valorar l’estat d’aprenentatge i d’estabilitat d’aquest durant l’execucio d’accions motrius. Arran d’aquesta darrera conclusio, es duu a terme el segon estudi, l’objectiu del qual es demostrar l’organitzacio dinamica i no lineal de l’individu mentre realitza salts verticals i identificar una variable que pugui valorar l’evolucio global de l’aprenentatge d’aquest tipus d’accions. S’estudien les series temporals de l’aplicacio de la forca sobre una plataforma de forces durant el temps de contacte previ a l’execucio de diferents salts verticals. S’observa que l’increment de l’alcada o la distancia des de les quals es salta provoca un augment en el nombre i/o amplitud de les fluctuacions que es produeixen especialment en el primer terc de les series temporals dels tres components de la forca. Aquest increment de les fluctuacions es una senyal de no linealitat del comportament del sistema i mostra que l’organisme s’autoorganitza com qualsevol altre sistema dinamic mentre executa salts verticals. Per finalitzar, es conclou que les fluctuacions de l’aplicacio de la forca es presenta com una variable d’estudi que ens pot donar informacio qualitativa sobre l’execucio de salts verticals.
Baltic Journal of Sport and Health Sciences, Oct 22, 2018
Research background and hypothesis. While for some authors team sport players should have a high ... more Research background and hypothesis. While for some authors team sport players should have a high VO 2 max, we hypothesize that there exist a non-linear relationship between VO 2 max and basketball performance. Research aims. Research aims were to study the correlation between basketball performance and VO 2 max in young elite basketball players and the effects of VO 2 max training on performance. Research methods. In the fi rst study, 67 high-level young basketball players performed a shuttle-run test (SRT) to measure their VO 2 max. Competition performance assessed through statistics ratings of 5 matches was determined for all players. The correlation between VO 2 max and performance was calculated. In the second study, the VO 2 max and the competition performance of 34 high-level young male players was assessed as in the fi rst study. The sample was divided into control and experimental groups, which trained their VO 2 max. At the end of the training period all participants repeated the SRT. The results of 4 games played before the fi rst test and 4 games played after the second test (against the same opponents) were compared in both groups. Research results. In the fi rst study we found a correlation of VO 2 max with steals in both groups. In the second study, the experimental group increased their VO 2 max and steals per game, but they decreased free throw per game and free throw percentage. Discussion and conclusions. No correlation was found between VO 2 max and competitive performance in this study, and increased VO 2 max had no effect on most of the studied variables. The data therefore suggest a non-linear relationship between VO 2 max and basketball performance.
Int. J. Comput. Sci. Sport, 2005
Thinking after computing is nowadays a common practice encouraged by the availability of faster a... more Thinking after computing is nowadays a common practice encouraged by the availability of faster and more powerful computers. The question is if the computed results are really helping and solving the main questions posed by coaches, athletes and sport scientists. To make computers more useful it is time to focus on theory. Despite the complex nature of sport performance is recognised, traditional movement and training sciences rarely apply concepts, tools and methods designed to analyse the dynamics of complex systems. Current available research, based almost exclusively on a classical scientific paradigm, often offers a poor and sometimes confusing understanding of phenomena related to performance. One main consequence of this is an increasing distance between theory and practice that characterizes training science. Besides promoting the practice of thinking before computing the aim of this paper is to introduce some alternative concepts, methods and tools based on a complex understanding of performance. Some practical applications of recent research using these tools will be presented in order to encourage computer scientists to develop alternative modelling approaches.
Int. J. Comput. Sci. Sport, 2003
Apunts. Medicina De L'esport, Jun 1, 1982
Apunts: Educación Física y Deportes, 2005
En esta tesis se pretende aplicar la teoria de los sitemas dinamicos (TSD) a la optimizacion del ... more En esta tesis se pretende aplicar la teoria de los sitemas dinamicos (TSD) a la optimizacion del entrenamiento deportivo. La investigacion se divide en una parte teorica y una parte empirica. En la primera, se exponen los conceptos y herramientas de los sistemas dinamicos aplicables al estudio del entrenamiendo deportivo y se demuestra su utilidad. Al mismo tiempo se identifican los principios generales que gobiernan la formacion de patrones coordinativos en los sistemas biologicos complejos y se muestra como estos patrones tambien aparecen durante la ejecucion de acciones motrices. Finalmente se sugieren diversas modificaciones de la teoria del entrenamiento deportivo a partir de este marco teorico. Por otro lado, en la parte empirica se incluyen dos estudios. En primer lugar, se compara la eficacia de un metodo de entrenamiento surgido de la aplicacion de la TSD al entrenamiento deportivo, el entrenamiento diferencial, con un metodo basado en repeticiones para mejorar la fuerza ap...
Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 2020
Apunts. Educació física i esports, 1997
L'objectiu del present estudi ha estat analitzar i comparar el cost energetic del dribling en... more L'objectiu del present estudi ha estat analitzar i comparar el cost energetic del dribling en l'hoquei sobre patins respecte a l'accio de patinar. Dotze jugadors amateurs ben entrenats han realitzat durant cinc minuts, a 11, 13 i 15 km/hora, nomes patinatge i patinatge mentre driblaven la bola amb l'estic. En ambdos casos, s'avaluaren directament i es compararen consum d'oxigen, ventilacio, frequencia cardiaca i nivell de percepcio subjectiva de esforc. Les variables fisiologiques foren registrades mitjancant un analitzador de gasos portatil telemetric (Cosmed K2) i un cardiotacometre (Sport Tester PE4000). El cost energetic s'incrementa linealment amb la velocitat i, a mes, es superior en tots els casos en driblar la bola mentre es patina (17.50 ± 0.7 ml/kg.m vs 20.40 ± 0.61 ml/kg.m a I 1 km/h; 19.23 ± 0.51 ml/kg.m vs 24.54 ± 0.76 ml/kg.m a 13 km/h; 24.84 ± 0.85 ml/kg.m vs 32.44 ± 0.7 ml/kg.m a 15 km/h). La ventilacio i la frequencia cardiaca mostren tambe una evolucio similar. Els nivells de percepcio subjectiva de l'esforc son mes alts en realitzar el dribling que en patinar (p<.05) i, en ambdos casos, tambe mes elevats com mes gran es la velocitat (p< .05). Es pot concloure que el dribling de la bola en hoquei en patinar augmenta significativament el cost energetic i la percepcio subjectiva de l'esforc amb respecte a l'accio de nomes patinar.
Research in Physical Education, Sport and Health, 2020
Frontiers in Physiology, Sep 8, 2021
Introduction: Down syndrome (DS) is a chromosomal disorder affecting simultaneously cardiovascula... more Introduction: Down syndrome (DS) is a chromosomal disorder affecting simultaneously cardiovascular and respiratory systems. There is no research studying the coupling between these systems during cardiorespiratory exercise testing in a population with DS. Cardiorespiratory coordination (CRC), evaluated through principal component analysis (PCA), measures the covariation of cardiorespiratory variables during exercise. Objective: To investigate and compare CRC in adults with and without DS during maximal cardiorespiratory exercise testing. Methods: Fifteen adults with DS and 15 adults without disabilities performed a maximal cardiorespiratory exercise test on a treadmill. First, the slope, and afterward the velocity was increased regularly until participants reached exhaustion. The time series of six selected cardiorespiratory variables [ventilation per minute, an expired fraction of O 2 , the expired fraction of CO 2 , heart rate, systolic blood pressure (SBP), and diastolic blood pressure (DBP)] were extracted for the analysis. The number of principal components (PCs), the first PC eigenvalues (PC 1), and the information entropy were computed for each group (non-DS and DS) and compared using a t-test or a Mann-Whitney U test. Results: Two PCs in the non-DS group and three PCs in the DS group captured the variance of the studied cardiorespiratory variables. The formation of an additional PC in the DS group was the result of the shift of SBP and DBP from the PC 1 cluster of variables. Eigenvalues of PC 1 were higher in the non-DS (U = 30; p = 0.02; d = 1.47) than in the DS group, and the entropy measure was higher in the DS compared with the non-DS group (U = 37.5; p = 0.008; d = 0.70). Conclusion: Adults with Down syndrome showed higher CRC dimensionality and a higher entropy measure than participants without disabilities. Both findings point toward a lower efficiency of the cardiorespiratory function during exercise in participants with DS. CRC appears as an alternative measure to investigate the cardiorespiratory function and its response to exercise in the DS population.
Apunts. Medicina De L'esport, 1995
Annals of physical and rehabilitation medicine, Oct 1, 2012
We have set up an educational therapeutic programme in our ward for patients scheduled for implan... more We have set up an educational therapeutic programme in our ward for patients scheduled for implantation of a knee prostheses. After individual assessment, future patients are invited to an information meeting during which we talk with them about the anaesthesia, the surgery and rehabilitation (video, paper board and therapeutic tools). Targets.-Evaluate the benefit of the therapeutic education for the patient before installing the prosthesis, The goal of the programme is to elaborate a project with the patients and their entourage during their therapy. At the end there is a group seance of rehabilitation in the presence of other patients who had undergone surgery two weeks earlier. This meeting allows a face-to-face encounter between the patients and the therapists that will be providing them care and the discovery of the various tools that will be used during the rehabilitation. This educational therapeutic programme is conducted one month before fitting a total knee prosthesis. Patients.-Group 1: All patients who participated in the educational therapeutic programme before the installation of a rotatory 3 compartment knee prosthesis, operated on by the same surgeon and having followed the same rehabilitation protocol. Group 2: All patients who did not participate in the educational therapeutic programme. Method.-Process analysis A process is defined as ''a logical series of related transactions that converts input to results or output''. Process Analysis is an approach that consists in identifying, describing and improving a process. Once the process chosen and the objectives clearly defined, the next step is the process description with: