Nataliia Naumenko - (original) (raw)

Papers by Nataliia Naumenko


Літературний процес: методологія, імена, тенденції, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Oсобливості навчання діалогічного мовленнястудентів-першокурсників нефілологічних вишів(The specifications of teaching dialogical speechto the freshmen of non-philological high schools)

У статті розглянуто принципи компонування вправ із діалогічного мовлення для першокурсників різно... more У статті розглянуто принципи компонування вправ із діалогічного мовлення для першокурсників різного рівня підготовки та способи їх виконання під час практичних занять. Показано, що в даному контексті доречним є метод індукції (від простішого до складнішого), оскільки він допомагає студентам розвивати навички діалогічного мовлення на ґрунті отриманих базових знань. (The author of this article researched the main principles to compose the exercises for teaching dialogical speech to the fi rst-year students with different level of language profi ciency, and the ways to complete them on practical classes. The crucial point is that the language courses taught in non-philological high school (which is particularly National University of Food Technologies) require using the materials of both fundamental (like History of Ukrainian Culture, World Culture and Arts) and profi le (like Chemical Technology, Technology of Food Products) disciplines. However, the author focused on dialogues built ...

Research paper thumbnail of Non-Verbal Means in Scientific Communication Between Teachers and Students

Humanities science current issues, 2019

У статті проаналізовано найчастіше застосовувані у практиці спілкуванні викладачів і студентів НУ... more У статті проаналізовано найчастіше застосовувані у практиці спілкуванні викладачів і студентів НУХТ невербальні засоби, які, поряд із вербальними, забезпечують повноцінний обмін інформацією, настільки потрібний для організації спільної діяльності. Показано, що врахування всіх чинників невербального спілкування надзвичайно важливе у професійному спілкуванні, зокрема у сфері вищого навчального закладу; з'ясовано, що від того, наскільки добре суб'єкти переговорних процесів-навчальних занять, ділових засідань, наукових конференційволодіють різними нюансами невербального спілкування, може залежати успішний його результат.

Research paper thumbnail of Narrative Polyphony of Sting’s Album “Ten Summoner’s Tales” (1993)

Pitannâ lìteraturoznavstva, 2022

The article analyses the specifications of narrative structures and types of narrators in the son... more The article analyses the specifications of narrative structures and types of narrators in the song lyrics from the album “Ten Summoner’s Tales” (1993), based on “Canterbury Tales” by Geoffrey Chaucer and traditionally claimed the Magnum Opus of Sting. Apparently, Chaucerian style in all the twelve verses composing the album emerges not merely as the interpretation of original “Canterbury Tales” plots or impartment of the new features to the initial characters, but predominantly as exploitation of the lyrical and ironic intonations within an image of a narrator for a certain poem. Since a song is the synthetic generic structure marked with profound internal experience, Sting’s album reveals the diverse types of a speaker in every verse. Primarily, it is the ‘I-narrator’ embodied in poetic masks of a historian, a warrior, a saint, a gambler or a philosopher; some texts like “Fields of Gold” or “Shape of My Heart” represent the alternation of speaker types, which method of storytelling...

Research paper thumbnail of Biological value of proteins of cultivated mushrooms

Ukrainian Food Journal

Introduction. The objectives of this research were to scientifically substantiate and experimenta... more Introduction. The objectives of this research were to scientifically substantiate and experimentally prove the nutritional status of cultivated mushrooms as the probable source of easyabsorbed proteins, essential and dispensable amino acids, and other valuable biologically active components. Materials and methods. Biochemical characteristics, such as the mass part of albumins, globulins, glutelins and prolamins, and the qualitative and quantitative composition of amino acids in free and constrained forms, of cultivated mushrooms, champignon (Agaricus bisporus) and oyster (Pleurotus ostreatus), and edible wild mushrooms, white mushrooms (Boletus edulis) and the brown-cap boletus (Leccinum scabrum), were determined. Results and discussions. The biochemical composition of mushroom hats and legs is different in separate indices: the amount of dry substances in champignon hats is higher by 13-18%, the amount of proteins is higher by14.6-23.5%, meanwhile, the amount of cellulose is lower by 17-19% in comparison with legs. This shows the substantial nutritional advantage of hats, and it must be taken into consideration in the industrial procession of mushrooms: hats should be separated from legs, following the optimal parameters of the process for each anatomic part. The champignon proteins contain all the indispensable amino acids and, therefore, can be the important source of lysine (4.95 mg%), phenylalanine (7.04 mg%), leucine (9 mg%), and threonine (7.6 mg%). About 7.6% of amino acids are in free form, half of which are essential. This would help the human body effectively use the amino acids to synthesize its own proteins. The amount of proteins in fresh champignons is 6-9% of their mass, in oyster mushrooms it is 4-5%, in wild mushrooms, it is 6-8.5%, which outlines the priority of champignons particularly by their protein component. Easy-soluble factions (albumins and globulins) at 70.3% present the champignon proteins; this index is slightly lower for oyster mushroom proteins (65%) and for brown-cap boletus, it decreased to 53.2%. Therefore, proteins of the cultivated mushrooms need the minimal amounts of energy to be dissociated to amino acids in the human body, and otherwise show the high grade of proteolysis (almost as milk proteins) under the influence of gut enzymes. These characteristics were achieved due to scientifically proven selection of raw materials, regarding their sensory characteristics that were estimated with the excellent grade. There were proposed criteria to select the cultivated mushrooms for culinary and industrial processing: the amount of proteins no less than 6-9%; cellulose 2-3.5%; carbohydrates 1-1.5%. Conclusions. The cultivated mushrooms and the products of their procession with high content of proteins and other valuable components should become the essential constituent of diets in order to overcome the protein deficiency.

Research paper thumbnail of The writer’s work through the prism of science and creativity (based on mikhail veller’s essay “technology of a short story”)

Research paper thumbnail of Convergence of Literary Continents

This article represents an analysis of the specifications of elucidating Ukrainian literary proce... more This article represents an analysis of the specifications of elucidating Ukrainian literary process in the first and second thirds of the 20th century, as shown by Professor Yuriy Kovaliv in his “History of Ukrainian Literature. The end of the 19th — the beginning of the 21st century” (sixth and seventh volumes out of 10 volumes planned). The significant textual material in Yu. Kovaliv’s interpretation may become not only a subject to diversely study at philological high schools, but also a powerful factor of scientific enquiries. Since being examined under nontrivial angle and thereinafter described by precise academic language without any overusing of terms, it can serve a base to further researches of Ukrainian literature in the trend of fulfillment of so-called “whitespots” that were so peculiar for the period chosen.

Research paper thumbnail of Інновації у харчових технологіях: від наукової ідеї до реалізації готової продукції

Research paper thumbnail of The Conceits of a Poet’s Life and Biography in the Sonnet Stanza Pattern

Pitannâ lìteraturoznavstva, 2014

Анотація. Розглянуто твори сонетного жанру української та російської літератури ХХ століття (архі... more Анотація. Розглянуто твори сонетного жанру української та російської літератури ХХ століття (архітвори М. Зерова, В. Бородаєвського, Ігоря-Сєверянина та сучасних поетів), які є виявами художньої інтерпретації фактів із життя письменника. Показано, що, моделюючи в ключі "теза-антитеза-синтез" секвенцію подій життєвого та творчого шляху літератора, залучаючи до біографічної парадигми чинники змістові (тема, ідея, проблема) та формальні (композиція, мова, тропіка, жанрово-стильові концепти), сонет стає взірцем інтелектуальної поезії. Завдяки формальній стійкості та стрункості сонета поет може реалізувати в ньому своє прагнення до досконалості, естетичної викінченості. Саме тому цей поетичний жанр якнайповніше передає драматичне обдарування не лише поета-автора, а й поета-адресата, які перебувають у постійному напруженому полі діалогічності життя. Ключові слова: сонет, українська та російська поезія ХХ століття, жанр, біографія, інтерпретація. Беручи до уваги положення М. Бахтіна, що діалогічність кожного явища культури виникає з поліфонії читацьких поглядів, слід аналізувати художній твір у своєрідній полілогічній парадигмі "автор-реципієнт-ліричний оповідач" із залученням постаті митця, що залишив поетичні спогади чи роздуми про свого співбрата по перу. Такі спогади, а також твори інших жанрів, у яких відбито головні концепти життя та творчості певного письменника, сучасний вінницький педагог Ольга Куцевол зараховує до "поетичної критики" [5, с. 7]. Окремим жанром поетичної критики в її розвідці визнано сонети та сонетоїди-вірші-послання М. Зерова і М. Рильського своїм сучасникам [5, с. 12].

Research paper thumbnail of Parody as a Phenomenon of Literary Criticism

Pitannâ lìteraturoznavstva, 2017

Анотація. Визначено особливості пародії не лише як художнього твору, а й як різновиду літературно... more Анотація. Визначено особливості пародії не лише як художнього твору, а й як різновиду літературно-критичної розвідки. Зроблено висновок, що пародія, котра, за задумом її автора, має на меті показати й висміяти певні вади творуоригіналу, насправді при уважному прочитанні установлює критичну парадигму, в якій, по-перше, виявлені вади постають як спосіб "творчої профілактики" майбутньому поетові, а по-друге, дозволяють читачеві увиразнити й позитиви пародійованого тексту, зокрема й через звертання до першотвору, а також створити в уяві образ автора (і оригіналу, і пародії), відкритий до подальших інтерпретацій. Предметом дослідження у даній статті стали літературні пародії, оприлюднені впродовж ХХ-на початку ХХІ століть, а також твори, які апріорі не є пародіями, але виступають такими щодо деяких реалій сьогодення їхніх авторів. Ключові слова: пародія, образ, жанр, система віршування, поезія, літературна критика, індивідуальний стиль. Сучасні вчені визначають пародію як "інтертекстуальний жанр фольклору та художньої літератури, гумористичний чи сатиричний твір, у якому в формі жарту, шаржу імітують творчу манеру, стилістику, образний лад, композиційну структуру, іноді кон"юнктурні акценти чи словесні недоладності текстів будь-якого письменника чи літературного напряму задля досягнення сатирикокомічного ефекту" [12, с. 186]. Визначення пародії в дослідника цього різновиду літературної

Research paper thumbnail of Abstract Oral Monday 27 th May Section Natural Bioactive Compounds, Functional and Traditional Food Products PROVING THE CHOICE OF CURATIVE PLANTS FOR OBTAINING ANTIOXIDANT COMPLEXES

This paper represents an analysis of wide range for curative plants, and also the technology of d... more This paper represents an analysis of wide range for curative plants, and also the technology of dry and condensed concentrates with maximal content of bioflavonoids, which are prescribed to both direct consumption and enrichment of traditional food environments. Searching for the new plant sources of bioflavonoids and establishing the technologies of their extraction from plant raw (with a purpose to use them furthermore in obtaining of the wide range of antioxidant foodstuff) is the topical work, aimed at the protection of human organism from malignant external factors. It has thereby become the purpose of our researches. The objects researched in this paper are the following plant raw materials: nettle leaves; red beet leaves; syzygium buds; oregano flowers; melissa flowers; peppermint leaves; pepper fruit; thyme leaves; salvia leaves; elder berries and leaves; black currant leaves; hypericum herb; birch buds; chamomile flowers; oak bark; immortelle flowers; calendula flowers; egl...

Research paper thumbnail of Biological value of aronia berries

Ukrainian Food Journal, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Touring the chocolate museums in Europe

Міністерство освіти і науки України Національний університет харчових технологій 80 МІЖНАРОДНА НА... more Міністерство освіти і науки України Національний університет харчових технологій 80 МІЖНАРОДНА НАУКОВА КОНФЕРЕНЦІЯ МОЛОДИХ УЧЕНИХ, АСПІРАНТІВ І СТУДЕНТІВ "Наукові здобутки молодівирішенню проблем харчування людства у XXI столітті" Частина 4 10-11 квітня 2014 р.

Research paper thumbnail of Onomatopoeias of Contemporary Ukrainian Poetry in the Aspect of Artistic Synthesis

International Humanitarian University Herald. Philology, 2020

The associative conceits, evoked by a concrete image in an author, a reader, or a speaker of a fr... more The associative conceits, evoked by a concrete image in an author, a reader, or a speaker of a free-verse lyrical work, often get divergent, bearing a resemblance to the complicated system of concentric circles. However, they would converge on the certain level of perception, owing to the fact that the coincidences of associative fields are able to reveal the archetypal content of initial images. Establishment and development of the problematic circle in Ukrainian free verses of the 20 th-the beginning of the 21 st century can be described by combinations of urban and rural elements, setting up and solving the existential binary oppositions, reflections over the national renaissance of the homeland, and personification of nature. This was what has conditioned the openness of free verse form to artistic synthesis. There is impossible not to notice the echo of impressionistic arts in the up-to-date interpretations of landscape lyrics in freeverse works of the period analyzed (written by M. Semenko, V. Polischuk, R. Kudlyk, and I. Andrusiak). Particularly, it is expedient to talk about the combination of painting (showing an object under various angles and lighting), poetry (operating with a large array of tropes and figures to fix the impression and to suggest it to a reader), and music. Therefore, the artistic imagery of a poetic work synthesizes the visual and audible component in its intonation dimension. This will significantly enlarge the volume of esthetic information, together with the speaker's emotional attitude which is able to suggest an image expressed in a poem to a reader. To reach the proper acoustic effect, poets use the ideophones (or onomatopoeias) and puns connected with them to create either overt or latent metaphors, constructing the image of a sounding thing or entity. Sometimes onomatopoeias get substantiated in poetry, taking even the role of subjects or predicates. This can not only create the audible artistic conceit, but also give it a sense-making function. This way the poet can concentrate any audible element to 'a point within an idiom,' activating the imagination and artistic thinking of a poem's addressee.

Research paper thumbnail of Qualitative indicators of grain flakes of functional purpose

Ukrainian Food Journal, 2019

Introduction. Cereal raw materials are an important basis for the food industry. The research was... more Introduction. Cereal raw materials are an important basis for the food industry. The research was carried out on the possibility of using a whole biologically activated grain of cereals to create functional food products. Materials and methods. Compoundings of grain mixes of flakes and ready-made products on their basis is investigated. Protein was determined by Biuret method, starch content by polarimetric method. Fat was determined by the method of exhaustive extraction with chemically pure hexane. Vitamin E and substances with P-vitamin activity are determined colorimetrically. Vitamin C was carried out using a titrimetric method. The microbiological indices of the studied samples were determined by sowing them surface on agarized nutrient media. Results and discussion. The influence of temperature regime and duration of cold conditioning of grain on its biological value is determined. With change of temperature regime to 12-18 ºС and the duration of conditioning of 24-30 h, the content in the grain of all water-soluble vitamins increases by 2-2,5 times, the amount of tocopherol grows by 5-7 times, the amount of substances with Pvitamin activity increases in 2,5 times. The dependence of basic physical and technological parameters of grain flakes and organoleptic properties of finished products from their component composition is investigated. Increase in a mass fraction of oats to 50% leads to increased viscosity of porridge, due to an increase in the content of hemicellulose, decreases crumbility. Increasing the mass fraction of wheat grain to 35% leads to a more rigid structure of porridge, which is explained by the higher density of shell parts of wheat grain, compared with other components. The degree of maintenance of the daily needs of the adult population in the macronutrients, at the expense of consumption of 100 grams of flakes, is: proteins-18-22%, fats-5-7%, carbohydrates-13-16%, food fibers-13,5%. Taking into account the daily requirement of adult population in vitamins, 100 g of flakes mix allows you to meet the need for vitamin E by 67-76%; Р by 17,4%. The total number of colony-forming units of mesophilic aerobic and facultative-anaerobic microorganisms in fresh samples of mixes of flakes and after their storage does not exceed 2•10 3 per g product, mold mushrooms and pathogenic microorganisms are absent. Conclusions. Biologically activated grain of cereal cultures of wheat, bare grain oats and triticale is a source of valuable nutrients, for creation of mixes of flakes of functional purpose.

Research paper thumbnail of Stylistic Diversity in Creation of the Poetics of a Literary Work for Children (Based on T.S. Eliot’s Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats)

The Advanced Science Journal, 2016

The article represents the results of stylistic and literary critical analysis of T.S. Eliot's po... more The article represents the results of stylistic and literary critical analysis of T.S. Eliot's poems selected from Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats (1939). There was shown that the alternation of speech elements had conditioned the special generic palette of the verses, the variety of heir perception by different aged readers, and thus the book could evoke the new wave of interest to animalism in literature. Keywords: stylistic diversity, poetics, literary work for children, eliot, old possum book of practical cats, creation of poetics. According to Tamara Denysova, T.S. Eliot was usually considered a 'serious' poet because of uncovering the important philosophical problems in his verse works-either epic or lyro-epic. This is why the 'unexpectedly eccentric' mood of a poetic collection entitled Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats had conditioned the less attention of researchers. Otherwise, the capacious and hardly perceptible works like The Waste Land, The Hollow Men, Ash Wednesday, Murder in the Cathedral and others had been studied thoroughly, even in a shape of separate monographs like T.S. Eliot and the Ideology of Four Quartets by J.C. Cooper (See Cooper, 1995). Old Possum's Book, just as well as the significant amount of T.S. Eliot's writings, is marked by a dialogue between various realia, cultures, mythologies, and plots. If to look at these poems more attentively, we can see not only their thematic similarity to 'adult literature,' but also some common ways in poetics, stylistics, and versification. This would be one more evidence of integrate nature of the poet's artistic individuality. The objectives of this article is to confirm the specifications of functioning of diverse linguostylistic elements and elucidate their role in establishing the compositional, generic, and problematic uniqueness of T.S. Eliot's verse works with obvious modernistic style paradigm, which are gathered in Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats. Method We used the traditional methods of linguistic, firstly stylistic, analysis to examine the transformation of animal images into self-dependent semantic conceits and their functions as specific poetic imagery. The method of close reading was used to study the esthetical functions of different stylistic means (colloquial, scientific, artistic, confessional, public et al.) in creating the special picture of the world in poems by T.S. Eliot, related to children's poetry. Results and Discussions Cats' theme had occupied the special place in world animalistics. The authors of the outstanding philosophical or art works dedicated to cats (or creators of the most brilliant images of the latter) are Ch. Perrot and Ch.

Research paper thumbnail of An Endeavor of Freedom: Modern Anthologies of Ukrainian Free Verse

Pitannâ lìteraturoznavstva, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Inter-Linguistic Homonymy in the Individual Research Work of the Student Majoring in Technology

Research Bulletin Series Philological Sciences, 2021

The author of this article based her work on the materials of integrate scientific researches in ... more The author of this article based her work on the materials of integrate scientific researches in the field of professional communication lexicology, accomplished by teachers and students of the department offoreign languages for specific purposes at National University of Food Technologies (Kyiv). What was taken into consideration for these studies was the specific terminology of technological, technical, and economical specialties majored at NUFT. Firstly, the inter-linguistic homonymy was affirmed as the lexical massif requiring the special attention in translation ofprofessionally oriented texts (whenever the words from different languages are spelt or pronounced approximately the same way) in order not to allow confusing the homonymic terms and, furthermore, distorting the content of the initial text. Secondly, the main rules of using the indicated words in communication were displayed (for instance, referring to different dictionaries; combining the dubious lexemes in a logical...

Research paper thumbnail of Традиционная украинская кухня в системе оздоровительного питания

технологии функциональных пищевых продуктов Светлана ХАЛАПСИНА Наталия НАУМЕНКО Национальный унив... more технологии функциональных пищевых продуктов Светлана ХАЛАПСИНА Наталия НАУМЕНКО Национальный университет пищевых технологий Начало третьего тысячелетия характеризуется постоянно возрастающим интересом потребителей к натуральным пищевым продуктам, мировой рынок которых неуклонно развивается. Этому способствует ряд

Research paper thumbnail of THE ORNITHOLOGICAL CONCEIT SPHERE IN ETHNOGRAPHY AND LITERATURE (based on the work “The Worldview of Ukrainian People” by I. Nechyi-Levyts’ky and poems by Vasyl’ Holoborod’ko)

Literary Studies

The author of this article analyses the lyric poems by Vasyl Holoborod’ko published in 1999 and 2... more The author of this article analyses the lyric poems by Vasyl Holoborod’ko published in 1999 and 2013 as the artistic principles to actualize the theoretical statements of Ivan Nechyi-Levyts’ky, displayed in the work The Worldview of Ukrainian People. The relevance of this article is conditioned by the need to thoroughly study the ethnographical treatises scrutinized to contemporary literary works, in order to widen the paradigm of novel literary analysis, particularly comparative. Therefore, the objectives of this article are to show the ways of the writers to reveal the interaction between man and nature, particularly using the animalistic (ornithological first of all) imagery. The base for this research is I. Nechui-Levyts’ky’s work The Worldview of Ukrainian People as well as lyrical cycles Ukrainian Birds in Ukrainian Landscape (excerpted from The Words in Needle-pointed Shirts, 1999) and White Indoor Plants (2013). The studies of Holoborod’ko’s verses with a bird for the standi...


Літературний процес: методологія, імена, тенденції, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Oсобливості навчання діалогічного мовленнястудентів-першокурсників нефілологічних вишів(The specifications of teaching dialogical speechto the freshmen of non-philological high schools)

У статті розглянуто принципи компонування вправ із діалогічного мовлення для першокурсників різно... more У статті розглянуто принципи компонування вправ із діалогічного мовлення для першокурсників різного рівня підготовки та способи їх виконання під час практичних занять. Показано, що в даному контексті доречним є метод індукції (від простішого до складнішого), оскільки він допомагає студентам розвивати навички діалогічного мовлення на ґрунті отриманих базових знань. (The author of this article researched the main principles to compose the exercises for teaching dialogical speech to the fi rst-year students with different level of language profi ciency, and the ways to complete them on practical classes. The crucial point is that the language courses taught in non-philological high school (which is particularly National University of Food Technologies) require using the materials of both fundamental (like History of Ukrainian Culture, World Culture and Arts) and profi le (like Chemical Technology, Technology of Food Products) disciplines. However, the author focused on dialogues built ...

Research paper thumbnail of Non-Verbal Means in Scientific Communication Between Teachers and Students

Humanities science current issues, 2019

У статті проаналізовано найчастіше застосовувані у практиці спілкуванні викладачів і студентів НУ... more У статті проаналізовано найчастіше застосовувані у практиці спілкуванні викладачів і студентів НУХТ невербальні засоби, які, поряд із вербальними, забезпечують повноцінний обмін інформацією, настільки потрібний для організації спільної діяльності. Показано, що врахування всіх чинників невербального спілкування надзвичайно важливе у професійному спілкуванні, зокрема у сфері вищого навчального закладу; з'ясовано, що від того, наскільки добре суб'єкти переговорних процесів-навчальних занять, ділових засідань, наукових конференційволодіють різними нюансами невербального спілкування, може залежати успішний його результат.

Research paper thumbnail of Narrative Polyphony of Sting’s Album “Ten Summoner’s Tales” (1993)

Pitannâ lìteraturoznavstva, 2022

The article analyses the specifications of narrative structures and types of narrators in the son... more The article analyses the specifications of narrative structures and types of narrators in the song lyrics from the album “Ten Summoner’s Tales” (1993), based on “Canterbury Tales” by Geoffrey Chaucer and traditionally claimed the Magnum Opus of Sting. Apparently, Chaucerian style in all the twelve verses composing the album emerges not merely as the interpretation of original “Canterbury Tales” plots or impartment of the new features to the initial characters, but predominantly as exploitation of the lyrical and ironic intonations within an image of a narrator for a certain poem. Since a song is the synthetic generic structure marked with profound internal experience, Sting’s album reveals the diverse types of a speaker in every verse. Primarily, it is the ‘I-narrator’ embodied in poetic masks of a historian, a warrior, a saint, a gambler or a philosopher; some texts like “Fields of Gold” or “Shape of My Heart” represent the alternation of speaker types, which method of storytelling...

Research paper thumbnail of Biological value of proteins of cultivated mushrooms

Ukrainian Food Journal

Introduction. The objectives of this research were to scientifically substantiate and experimenta... more Introduction. The objectives of this research were to scientifically substantiate and experimentally prove the nutritional status of cultivated mushrooms as the probable source of easyabsorbed proteins, essential and dispensable amino acids, and other valuable biologically active components. Materials and methods. Biochemical characteristics, such as the mass part of albumins, globulins, glutelins and prolamins, and the qualitative and quantitative composition of amino acids in free and constrained forms, of cultivated mushrooms, champignon (Agaricus bisporus) and oyster (Pleurotus ostreatus), and edible wild mushrooms, white mushrooms (Boletus edulis) and the brown-cap boletus (Leccinum scabrum), were determined. Results and discussions. The biochemical composition of mushroom hats and legs is different in separate indices: the amount of dry substances in champignon hats is higher by 13-18%, the amount of proteins is higher by14.6-23.5%, meanwhile, the amount of cellulose is lower by 17-19% in comparison with legs. This shows the substantial nutritional advantage of hats, and it must be taken into consideration in the industrial procession of mushrooms: hats should be separated from legs, following the optimal parameters of the process for each anatomic part. The champignon proteins contain all the indispensable amino acids and, therefore, can be the important source of lysine (4.95 mg%), phenylalanine (7.04 mg%), leucine (9 mg%), and threonine (7.6 mg%). About 7.6% of amino acids are in free form, half of which are essential. This would help the human body effectively use the amino acids to synthesize its own proteins. The amount of proteins in fresh champignons is 6-9% of their mass, in oyster mushrooms it is 4-5%, in wild mushrooms, it is 6-8.5%, which outlines the priority of champignons particularly by their protein component. Easy-soluble factions (albumins and globulins) at 70.3% present the champignon proteins; this index is slightly lower for oyster mushroom proteins (65%) and for brown-cap boletus, it decreased to 53.2%. Therefore, proteins of the cultivated mushrooms need the minimal amounts of energy to be dissociated to amino acids in the human body, and otherwise show the high grade of proteolysis (almost as milk proteins) under the influence of gut enzymes. These characteristics were achieved due to scientifically proven selection of raw materials, regarding their sensory characteristics that were estimated with the excellent grade. There were proposed criteria to select the cultivated mushrooms for culinary and industrial processing: the amount of proteins no less than 6-9%; cellulose 2-3.5%; carbohydrates 1-1.5%. Conclusions. The cultivated mushrooms and the products of their procession with high content of proteins and other valuable components should become the essential constituent of diets in order to overcome the protein deficiency.

Research paper thumbnail of The writer’s work through the prism of science and creativity (based on mikhail veller’s essay “technology of a short story”)

Research paper thumbnail of Convergence of Literary Continents

This article represents an analysis of the specifications of elucidating Ukrainian literary proce... more This article represents an analysis of the specifications of elucidating Ukrainian literary process in the first and second thirds of the 20th century, as shown by Professor Yuriy Kovaliv in his “History of Ukrainian Literature. The end of the 19th — the beginning of the 21st century” (sixth and seventh volumes out of 10 volumes planned). The significant textual material in Yu. Kovaliv’s interpretation may become not only a subject to diversely study at philological high schools, but also a powerful factor of scientific enquiries. Since being examined under nontrivial angle and thereinafter described by precise academic language without any overusing of terms, it can serve a base to further researches of Ukrainian literature in the trend of fulfillment of so-called “whitespots” that were so peculiar for the period chosen.

Research paper thumbnail of Інновації у харчових технологіях: від наукової ідеї до реалізації готової продукції

Research paper thumbnail of The Conceits of a Poet’s Life and Biography in the Sonnet Stanza Pattern

Pitannâ lìteraturoznavstva, 2014

Анотація. Розглянуто твори сонетного жанру української та російської літератури ХХ століття (архі... more Анотація. Розглянуто твори сонетного жанру української та російської літератури ХХ століття (архітвори М. Зерова, В. Бородаєвського, Ігоря-Сєверянина та сучасних поетів), які є виявами художньої інтерпретації фактів із життя письменника. Показано, що, моделюючи в ключі "теза-антитеза-синтез" секвенцію подій життєвого та творчого шляху літератора, залучаючи до біографічної парадигми чинники змістові (тема, ідея, проблема) та формальні (композиція, мова, тропіка, жанрово-стильові концепти), сонет стає взірцем інтелектуальної поезії. Завдяки формальній стійкості та стрункості сонета поет може реалізувати в ньому своє прагнення до досконалості, естетичної викінченості. Саме тому цей поетичний жанр якнайповніше передає драматичне обдарування не лише поета-автора, а й поета-адресата, які перебувають у постійному напруженому полі діалогічності життя. Ключові слова: сонет, українська та російська поезія ХХ століття, жанр, біографія, інтерпретація. Беручи до уваги положення М. Бахтіна, що діалогічність кожного явища культури виникає з поліфонії читацьких поглядів, слід аналізувати художній твір у своєрідній полілогічній парадигмі "автор-реципієнт-ліричний оповідач" із залученням постаті митця, що залишив поетичні спогади чи роздуми про свого співбрата по перу. Такі спогади, а також твори інших жанрів, у яких відбито головні концепти життя та творчості певного письменника, сучасний вінницький педагог Ольга Куцевол зараховує до "поетичної критики" [5, с. 7]. Окремим жанром поетичної критики в її розвідці визнано сонети та сонетоїди-вірші-послання М. Зерова і М. Рильського своїм сучасникам [5, с. 12].

Research paper thumbnail of Parody as a Phenomenon of Literary Criticism

Pitannâ lìteraturoznavstva, 2017

Анотація. Визначено особливості пародії не лише як художнього твору, а й як різновиду літературно... more Анотація. Визначено особливості пародії не лише як художнього твору, а й як різновиду літературно-критичної розвідки. Зроблено висновок, що пародія, котра, за задумом її автора, має на меті показати й висміяти певні вади творуоригіналу, насправді при уважному прочитанні установлює критичну парадигму, в якій, по-перше, виявлені вади постають як спосіб "творчої профілактики" майбутньому поетові, а по-друге, дозволяють читачеві увиразнити й позитиви пародійованого тексту, зокрема й через звертання до першотвору, а також створити в уяві образ автора (і оригіналу, і пародії), відкритий до подальших інтерпретацій. Предметом дослідження у даній статті стали літературні пародії, оприлюднені впродовж ХХ-на початку ХХІ століть, а також твори, які апріорі не є пародіями, але виступають такими щодо деяких реалій сьогодення їхніх авторів. Ключові слова: пародія, образ, жанр, система віршування, поезія, літературна критика, індивідуальний стиль. Сучасні вчені визначають пародію як "інтертекстуальний жанр фольклору та художньої літератури, гумористичний чи сатиричний твір, у якому в формі жарту, шаржу імітують творчу манеру, стилістику, образний лад, композиційну структуру, іноді кон"юнктурні акценти чи словесні недоладності текстів будь-якого письменника чи літературного напряму задля досягнення сатирикокомічного ефекту" [12, с. 186]. Визначення пародії в дослідника цього різновиду літературної

Research paper thumbnail of Abstract Oral Monday 27 th May Section Natural Bioactive Compounds, Functional and Traditional Food Products PROVING THE CHOICE OF CURATIVE PLANTS FOR OBTAINING ANTIOXIDANT COMPLEXES

This paper represents an analysis of wide range for curative plants, and also the technology of d... more This paper represents an analysis of wide range for curative plants, and also the technology of dry and condensed concentrates with maximal content of bioflavonoids, which are prescribed to both direct consumption and enrichment of traditional food environments. Searching for the new plant sources of bioflavonoids and establishing the technologies of their extraction from plant raw (with a purpose to use them furthermore in obtaining of the wide range of antioxidant foodstuff) is the topical work, aimed at the protection of human organism from malignant external factors. It has thereby become the purpose of our researches. The objects researched in this paper are the following plant raw materials: nettle leaves; red beet leaves; syzygium buds; oregano flowers; melissa flowers; peppermint leaves; pepper fruit; thyme leaves; salvia leaves; elder berries and leaves; black currant leaves; hypericum herb; birch buds; chamomile flowers; oak bark; immortelle flowers; calendula flowers; egl...

Research paper thumbnail of Biological value of aronia berries

Ukrainian Food Journal, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Touring the chocolate museums in Europe

Міністерство освіти і науки України Національний університет харчових технологій 80 МІЖНАРОДНА НА... more Міністерство освіти і науки України Національний університет харчових технологій 80 МІЖНАРОДНА НАУКОВА КОНФЕРЕНЦІЯ МОЛОДИХ УЧЕНИХ, АСПІРАНТІВ І СТУДЕНТІВ "Наукові здобутки молодівирішенню проблем харчування людства у XXI столітті" Частина 4 10-11 квітня 2014 р.

Research paper thumbnail of Onomatopoeias of Contemporary Ukrainian Poetry in the Aspect of Artistic Synthesis

International Humanitarian University Herald. Philology, 2020

The associative conceits, evoked by a concrete image in an author, a reader, or a speaker of a fr... more The associative conceits, evoked by a concrete image in an author, a reader, or a speaker of a free-verse lyrical work, often get divergent, bearing a resemblance to the complicated system of concentric circles. However, they would converge on the certain level of perception, owing to the fact that the coincidences of associative fields are able to reveal the archetypal content of initial images. Establishment and development of the problematic circle in Ukrainian free verses of the 20 th-the beginning of the 21 st century can be described by combinations of urban and rural elements, setting up and solving the existential binary oppositions, reflections over the national renaissance of the homeland, and personification of nature. This was what has conditioned the openness of free verse form to artistic synthesis. There is impossible not to notice the echo of impressionistic arts in the up-to-date interpretations of landscape lyrics in freeverse works of the period analyzed (written by M. Semenko, V. Polischuk, R. Kudlyk, and I. Andrusiak). Particularly, it is expedient to talk about the combination of painting (showing an object under various angles and lighting), poetry (operating with a large array of tropes and figures to fix the impression and to suggest it to a reader), and music. Therefore, the artistic imagery of a poetic work synthesizes the visual and audible component in its intonation dimension. This will significantly enlarge the volume of esthetic information, together with the speaker's emotional attitude which is able to suggest an image expressed in a poem to a reader. To reach the proper acoustic effect, poets use the ideophones (or onomatopoeias) and puns connected with them to create either overt or latent metaphors, constructing the image of a sounding thing or entity. Sometimes onomatopoeias get substantiated in poetry, taking even the role of subjects or predicates. This can not only create the audible artistic conceit, but also give it a sense-making function. This way the poet can concentrate any audible element to 'a point within an idiom,' activating the imagination and artistic thinking of a poem's addressee.

Research paper thumbnail of Qualitative indicators of grain flakes of functional purpose

Ukrainian Food Journal, 2019

Introduction. Cereal raw materials are an important basis for the food industry. The research was... more Introduction. Cereal raw materials are an important basis for the food industry. The research was carried out on the possibility of using a whole biologically activated grain of cereals to create functional food products. Materials and methods. Compoundings of grain mixes of flakes and ready-made products on their basis is investigated. Protein was determined by Biuret method, starch content by polarimetric method. Fat was determined by the method of exhaustive extraction with chemically pure hexane. Vitamin E and substances with P-vitamin activity are determined colorimetrically. Vitamin C was carried out using a titrimetric method. The microbiological indices of the studied samples were determined by sowing them surface on agarized nutrient media. Results and discussion. The influence of temperature regime and duration of cold conditioning of grain on its biological value is determined. With change of temperature regime to 12-18 ºС and the duration of conditioning of 24-30 h, the content in the grain of all water-soluble vitamins increases by 2-2,5 times, the amount of tocopherol grows by 5-7 times, the amount of substances with Pvitamin activity increases in 2,5 times. The dependence of basic physical and technological parameters of grain flakes and organoleptic properties of finished products from their component composition is investigated. Increase in a mass fraction of oats to 50% leads to increased viscosity of porridge, due to an increase in the content of hemicellulose, decreases crumbility. Increasing the mass fraction of wheat grain to 35% leads to a more rigid structure of porridge, which is explained by the higher density of shell parts of wheat grain, compared with other components. The degree of maintenance of the daily needs of the adult population in the macronutrients, at the expense of consumption of 100 grams of flakes, is: proteins-18-22%, fats-5-7%, carbohydrates-13-16%, food fibers-13,5%. Taking into account the daily requirement of adult population in vitamins, 100 g of flakes mix allows you to meet the need for vitamin E by 67-76%; Р by 17,4%. The total number of colony-forming units of mesophilic aerobic and facultative-anaerobic microorganisms in fresh samples of mixes of flakes and after their storage does not exceed 2•10 3 per g product, mold mushrooms and pathogenic microorganisms are absent. Conclusions. Biologically activated grain of cereal cultures of wheat, bare grain oats and triticale is a source of valuable nutrients, for creation of mixes of flakes of functional purpose.

Research paper thumbnail of Stylistic Diversity in Creation of the Poetics of a Literary Work for Children (Based on T.S. Eliot’s Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats)

The Advanced Science Journal, 2016

The article represents the results of stylistic and literary critical analysis of T.S. Eliot's po... more The article represents the results of stylistic and literary critical analysis of T.S. Eliot's poems selected from Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats (1939). There was shown that the alternation of speech elements had conditioned the special generic palette of the verses, the variety of heir perception by different aged readers, and thus the book could evoke the new wave of interest to animalism in literature. Keywords: stylistic diversity, poetics, literary work for children, eliot, old possum book of practical cats, creation of poetics. According to Tamara Denysova, T.S. Eliot was usually considered a 'serious' poet because of uncovering the important philosophical problems in his verse works-either epic or lyro-epic. This is why the 'unexpectedly eccentric' mood of a poetic collection entitled Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats had conditioned the less attention of researchers. Otherwise, the capacious and hardly perceptible works like The Waste Land, The Hollow Men, Ash Wednesday, Murder in the Cathedral and others had been studied thoroughly, even in a shape of separate monographs like T.S. Eliot and the Ideology of Four Quartets by J.C. Cooper (See Cooper, 1995). Old Possum's Book, just as well as the significant amount of T.S. Eliot's writings, is marked by a dialogue between various realia, cultures, mythologies, and plots. If to look at these poems more attentively, we can see not only their thematic similarity to 'adult literature,' but also some common ways in poetics, stylistics, and versification. This would be one more evidence of integrate nature of the poet's artistic individuality. The objectives of this article is to confirm the specifications of functioning of diverse linguostylistic elements and elucidate their role in establishing the compositional, generic, and problematic uniqueness of T.S. Eliot's verse works with obvious modernistic style paradigm, which are gathered in Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats. Method We used the traditional methods of linguistic, firstly stylistic, analysis to examine the transformation of animal images into self-dependent semantic conceits and their functions as specific poetic imagery. The method of close reading was used to study the esthetical functions of different stylistic means (colloquial, scientific, artistic, confessional, public et al.) in creating the special picture of the world in poems by T.S. Eliot, related to children's poetry. Results and Discussions Cats' theme had occupied the special place in world animalistics. The authors of the outstanding philosophical or art works dedicated to cats (or creators of the most brilliant images of the latter) are Ch. Perrot and Ch.

Research paper thumbnail of An Endeavor of Freedom: Modern Anthologies of Ukrainian Free Verse

Pitannâ lìteraturoznavstva, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Inter-Linguistic Homonymy in the Individual Research Work of the Student Majoring in Technology

Research Bulletin Series Philological Sciences, 2021

The author of this article based her work on the materials of integrate scientific researches in ... more The author of this article based her work on the materials of integrate scientific researches in the field of professional communication lexicology, accomplished by teachers and students of the department offoreign languages for specific purposes at National University of Food Technologies (Kyiv). What was taken into consideration for these studies was the specific terminology of technological, technical, and economical specialties majored at NUFT. Firstly, the inter-linguistic homonymy was affirmed as the lexical massif requiring the special attention in translation ofprofessionally oriented texts (whenever the words from different languages are spelt or pronounced approximately the same way) in order not to allow confusing the homonymic terms and, furthermore, distorting the content of the initial text. Secondly, the main rules of using the indicated words in communication were displayed (for instance, referring to different dictionaries; combining the dubious lexemes in a logical...

Research paper thumbnail of Традиционная украинская кухня в системе оздоровительного питания

технологии функциональных пищевых продуктов Светлана ХАЛАПСИНА Наталия НАУМЕНКО Национальный унив... more технологии функциональных пищевых продуктов Светлана ХАЛАПСИНА Наталия НАУМЕНКО Национальный университет пищевых технологий Начало третьего тысячелетия характеризуется постоянно возрастающим интересом потребителей к натуральным пищевым продуктам, мировой рынок которых неуклонно развивается. Этому способствует ряд

Research paper thumbnail of THE ORNITHOLOGICAL CONCEIT SPHERE IN ETHNOGRAPHY AND LITERATURE (based on the work “The Worldview of Ukrainian People” by I. Nechyi-Levyts’ky and poems by Vasyl’ Holoborod’ko)

Literary Studies

The author of this article analyses the lyric poems by Vasyl Holoborod’ko published in 1999 and 2... more The author of this article analyses the lyric poems by Vasyl Holoborod’ko published in 1999 and 2013 as the artistic principles to actualize the theoretical statements of Ivan Nechyi-Levyts’ky, displayed in the work The Worldview of Ukrainian People. The relevance of this article is conditioned by the need to thoroughly study the ethnographical treatises scrutinized to contemporary literary works, in order to widen the paradigm of novel literary analysis, particularly comparative. Therefore, the objectives of this article are to show the ways of the writers to reveal the interaction between man and nature, particularly using the animalistic (ornithological first of all) imagery. The base for this research is I. Nechui-Levyts’ky’s work The Worldview of Ukrainian People as well as lyrical cycles Ukrainian Birds in Ukrainian Landscape (excerpted from The Words in Needle-pointed Shirts, 1999) and White Indoor Plants (2013). The studies of Holoborod’ko’s verses with a bird for the standi...