Nataliia Pervaia - (original) (raw)
Papers by Nataliia Pervaia
Vìsnik Hmelʹnicʹkogo nacìonalʹnogo unìversitetu, Jul 2, 2021
У роботі наведено результати дослідження властивостей, особливостей структури і технологічних мож... more У роботі наведено результати дослідження властивостей, особливостей структури і технологічних можливостей нових промислових полімерних матеріалів у вигляді меламінформальдегідного синтану (продукт Syntan LF187) та поліакрилатного синтану (продукт Syntan RS3). При визначенні впливу виду та витрати матеріалів на перебіг процесу наповнювання-додублювання та показники якості шкіри хромового дублення для верху взуття з сировини великої рогатої худоби встановлено, що за органолептичною оцінкою та показником узагальненої цільової функції, який характеризує сукупність властивостей шкіри, більш доцільним є використання поліакрилатного продукту Syntan RS3 при витраті 2,0 % від маси струганого напівфабрикату.
Vìsnik Kiïvsʹkogo nacìonalʹnogo unìversitetu tehnologìj ta dizajnu, Jun 5, 2019
Київський національний університет технологій та дизайну ДОСЛІДЖЕННЯ ВПЛИВУ ПРОЦЕСІВ РІДИННОГО ОЗ... more Київський національний університет технологій та дизайну ДОСЛІДЖЕННЯ ВПЛИВУ ПРОЦЕСІВ РІДИННОГО ОЗДОБЛЕННЯ НА ВЛАСТИВОСТІ НАТУРАЛЬНОЇ ШКІРИ Мета. Для покращення якості натуральної шкіри для верху взуття дослідити вплив процесів рідинного оздоблення (нейтралізації, додублювання-наповнювання), проведених з використанням низки сучасних хімічних матеріалів, на її властивості. Методика. Для реалізації поставленої мети в роботі використано: типову методику виробництва хромової шкіри для верху взуття з козлини з коригуванням виду та витрати хімічних матеріалів; методи органолептичної оцінки, хімічного та фізико-механічного аналізу шкіри, а також статистичної обробки експериментальних даних. Результати. В лабораторних умовах вивчено вплив процесів нейтралізації й додублюваннянаповнювання на властивості натуральної шкіри для верху взуття з козлини. Встановлено, що кращі показники міцності шкіри в цілому та її лицьового шару, об'ємного виходу та виходу по площі забезпечуються при використанні препарату Politan BN на основі ароматичних сполук під час нейтралізації та синтетичних дубителів (особливо синтану Retanal LMV на основі меламіну) під час додублювання-наповнювання. Після нейтралізації солями натрію підвищуються відносне видовження при розриві та вихід по товщині у разі додублювання-наповнювання синтанами Retanal LMV та Retanal RCN-40 на основі акрилового полімеру, а також час всмоктування краплі води при додублюванні-наповнюванні танідами квебрахо та Retanal LMV. Методом багатокритеріальної оптимізації встановлено найбільш раціональні умови оброблення. Наукова новизна. Встановлено взаємозв'язок між умовами процесів нейтралізації, додублювання-наповнювання та найважливішими показниками шкіри: міцністю, видовженням, виходом по товщині та площі, об'ємним виходом, часом всмоктування краплі води. Практична значимість. На підставі результатів проведеного дослідження виявлена можливість покращення якості хромової шкіри для верху взуття з козлини за рахунок удосконалення процесів рідинного оздоблення шляхом використання сучасних хімічних матеріалів у вигляді синтану Politan BNпід час нейтралізації, синтану Retanal LMVпід час додублювання-наповнювання. Ключові слова: рідинне оздоблення, хімічні матеріали для нейтралізації, додублюваннянаповнювання, шкіряний напівфабрикат, шкіра
Journal of The Society of Leather Technologists and Chemists, 2020
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Systems, Nov 15, 2022
Today, the use of laser finishing of leather products is becoming more popular than traditional m... more Today, the use of laser finishing of leather products is becoming more popular than traditional methods. However, there is not much information on the effect of laser energy on the leather structure during finishing, so additional research is need. Crust leather produced by a new unified resource-saving technology with the use of polymer compounds at the stage of tanning and liquid finishing was used for research. The different leather samples were taken for research the laser effect. Leather samples with a thickness of 1.40-1.45 mm were subjected to laser engraving at a depth of laser ablation from 0.1 mm to 0.7 mm in steps of 0.1 mm. It was found that the structure of the dermis under the action of laser radiation has not undergone morphological changes: the samples preserved the natural histological structure, collagen bundles are not deformed, the layers are evenly spaced without increasing the density of the structure. There is some increase in the distances between the structural elements of the dermis. It was found in the area of direct action of the laser beam there are signs of welding of collagen fibers, but on the surface of the sample of leather were no found chemicals substance. The influence of laser finishing on the structure and physical-mechanical properties of leather for footwear and leather goods was determined. It was found that increasing the depth of ablation to 50-52% of the thickness of the leather adversely affects it`s physical and mechanical properties, thereby deteriorating the performance of footwear and leather goods. The results of complex research of the effect of laser radiation on the physical and mechanical properties of the leather for the shoes uppers and leather goods allowed to establish rational technological parameters of the laser finish. Such information expands the possibilities of introducing laser equipment into serial production in order to create a modern range of finished products due to the creative design of models and unification of products.
Leather and Footwear Journal
In the work, anthropometric studies of the feet were performed by means of 3D scanning. The resul... more In the work, anthropometric studies of the feet were performed by means of 3D scanning. The results of scanning have been used for two main purposes. Firstly, the features and morphological structure of the feet of young men aged 20-30 were studied, who are the representatives of the Ukrainian population that are subject to mobilization into the ranks of the Armed Forces. Apart from this, the quantitative distribution of the main morphological features of the feet of the sample population was analyzed. During measurements, it was noticed that a large number of men had hypertrophy of the heads of the 1st and 5th metatarsal bones. In order to rationalize the range of lasts with different sizes and fullness, while trying to fully satisfy the requirements of compliance with the anthropometric parameters of the feet of consumers, the parameters of the feet with the hypertrophy of the heads of the 1st and 5th metatarsal bones must be taken into account in the lasts with increased width. F...
Leather and Footwear Journal
There has been developed resource-saving environmentally friendly technology for producing chrome... more There has been developed resource-saving environmentally friendly technology for producing chrome-tanned goatskin for shoe upper using new synthetic materials, which involves neutralization in the presence of Politan BN – syntan-neutralizer based on naphthalene sulfonic acid (Codyeco S.p.a., Italy) in the amount of 3.6% (in terms of dry residue), fatliquoring with a mixture of drugs Sulphirol C – a fatliquoring drug based on sulfonated fish oil, resistant to electrolytes (Smit & Zoon, Netherlands) and SMX 473 – a semi-synthetic composition based on sulfonated and sulphated fats (Shebekinsky industrial chemistry, Russia) in the ratio of 70:30 with a total fat consumption of 5.0% (in terms of 100% fat), retanning-filling Retanal LMV 100 – retanning agent based on melamine (Cromogenia Units, Spain) in the amount of 4.5% (in terms of dry residue). This allows to expand the range of chemical materials for liquid finishing and increase production efficiency (conditional economic benefit i...
This paper has considered the possibility of using new finishing formulations to finish the Crust... more This paper has considered the possibility of using new finishing formulations to finish the Crust leather, manufactured from cattle raw materials aimed to finish shoes and leather garments.The quality indicators of finishing formulations and their elementary chemical composition have been investigated. It was found that the finishing formulations possess a high covering capacity due to the presence of mineral pigments in their composition. X-ray fluorescent analysis has proven that the presence of chromium pigments and copper compounds renders the green color to the composition; the compounds of cobalt, copper, iron, chromium ‒ blue color; cobalt compounds ‒ reddish-brown color.It has been established that the finishing formulations are resistant to the effect of electrolytes of different nature over a wide pH interval, from 2 to 11.When determining the uniformity of the composition by using a chromatography method involving fan-shaped paper, it was found that the composition of blu...
Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2021
57 perforation, etc. The nature of the surface of genuine leather, produced at an enterprise, als... more 57 perforation, etc. The nature of the surface of genuine leather, produced at an enterprise, also predetermines fashion trends for every season. At the same time, to achieve the desired effect, the plant can use a variety of units for the application of finishing formulations, dryers of different types, ironing machines, and hydraulic presses, laser installations, and engravers [6]. Despite the set of production equipment, a leather-making enterprise cannot fulfill small individual or special orders in a short time due to the long duration of the manufacturing cycle of leather production and its resource intensity. In today’s world of high technology and fashion, the issue of purchasing primary necessity goods, such as shoes, to meet the utilitarian needs of the consumer is not relevant. Each person that buys goods of this segment group aims to emphasize his/her individuality, so it is a relevant task to
The paper presents the results of research of two new industrial polymer materials in the form of... more The paper presents the results of research of two new industrial polymer materials in the form of the Syntan RS3L product and the Syntan F187 product. It has been experimentally established that these materials differ in appearance, structure, and physicochemical properties. So, the first product is a solution of polyacrylates and is well compatible with water, while the second product is a synthetic composition of melamine-formaldehyde resins and inorganic compounds based on aluminium, iron, potassium, sulfur, silicon in the form of a powder, which is partially soluble in water. Using the method of infrared spectroscopy, the features of the structure of polymeric materials are determined – the presence of various groups and bonds, which indicates the polyfunctional nature of both reagents. It was found that after treatment of a chrome tanned collagen preparation with Syntan LF187, the optical density in the IR spectrum of collagen changes to the greatest extent at a frequency of 87...
Bulletin of the Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design. Technical Science Series, 2020
Study of physicochemical properties, chemical nature, and interaction with collagen of new fatliq... more Study of physicochemical properties, chemical nature, and interaction with collagen of new fatliquoring preparations of various origins to identify among them effective reagents for resource-saving technologies focused on the production of leather products with predictable properties to reducing the harmful load on the environment. To determine the basic physicochemical properties and chemical nature of fats, traditional and modern physicochemical methods of analysis (titrimetric, viscometric, infrared spectroscopy) were used, as well as visual assessment. The paper presents the results of determining the chemical nature and physicochemical properties of new fatliquoring preparations - industrial products of natural and synthetic origin: Synthol EW321, synthesized based on emulsified synthetic fats; Synthol MC derived from phosphated synthetic fats; Sulphirol C, based on sulfitated fish oil, is resistant to electrolytes; semi-synthetic composition CMX-473, obtained on the basis of s...
Leather and Footwear Journal, 2019
A UNIFIED TECHNOLOGY OF CRUST LEATHER PRODUCTION USING POLYMERIC COMPOUNDS DEVELOPMENT ABSTRACT. ... more A UNIFIED TECHNOLOGY OF CRUST LEATHER PRODUCTION USING POLYMERIC COMPOUNDS DEVELOPMENT ABSTRACT. Nowadays there is a considerable deficit of extractive, material and energy resources. Thus, there is a topical issue of creating, developing and application of ecologically friendly, resource-saving technologies of natural leather development, using modern materials, which are able both to replace toxic reactive chemicals, fully or partially, and maintain the high quality of products. We have developed a standardized technology of crust leather production regarding the tanning and crusting processes, using ecologically friendly polymeric compounds of the new generation. This technology provides a more sustainable use of leather raw materials and chemicals, decreasing the processing length and environmental harm. KEY WORDS: crust leather, standardized technology, tanning, crusting processes, polymeric compounds O TEHNOLOGIE UNIFICATĂ DE FABRICARE A PIELII CRUST UTILIZÂND DEZVOLTAREA COMPUŞILOR POLIMERICI REZUMAT. În prezent, există un deficit considerabil de resurse extractive, materiale şi energetice. Astfel, există o problemă de actualitate privind crearea, dezvoltarea şi aplicarea tehnologiilor ecologice, care să ducă la economisirea resurselor pentru fabricarea pielii naturale, folosind materiale moderne, care sunt capabile să înlocuiască integral sau parţial substanţele chimice reactive toxice şi să menţină calitatea ridicată a produselor. S-a dezvoltat o tehnologie standardizată de producţie a pielii crust cu privire la procesele de tăbăcire şi prelucrare a pielii în stadiul crust, folosind compuşi polimeri ecologici din noua generaţie. Această tehnologie oferă o utilizare mai durabilă a materiilor prime şi a substanţelor chimice în prelucrarea pielii, reducând durata prelucrării şi prejudiciul adus mediului. CUVINTE CHEIE: piele crust, tehnologie standardizată, tăbăcire, procese de prelucrare a pielii crust, compuşi polimerici LE DÉVELOPPEMENT DE LA TECHNOLOGIE UNIFIÉE DE LA PRODUCTION DU CUIR EN CROÛTE EN UTILISANT DES COMPOSÉS POLYMÈRES RÉSUMÉ. Il existe actuellement un déficit considérable de ressources extractives, matérielles et énergétiques. Ainsi, il y a un problème actuel concernant la création, le développement et l'application de technologies de développement du cuir naturel respectueuses de l'environnement et de l'économie, utilisant des matériaux modernes et capables de remplacer totalement ou partiellement les produits chimiques toxiques et réactifs, et de maintenir la haute qualité des produits. Nous avons développé une technologie standardisée de production de cuir en croûte en ce qui concerne les étapes de tannage et de finissage liquide, en utilisant des composés polymères écologiques de la nouvelle génération. Cette technologie permet une utilisation plus durable des matières premières et des produits chimiques pour le cuir, réduisant ainsi la durée de traitement et les dommages environnementaux. MOTS CLÉS : cuir en croûte, technologie unifiée, tannage, finissage liquide, composés polymères
Bulletin of the Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design. Technical Science Series, 2019
Determine the optimal parameters of liquid finishing of natural leather for uppers shoes using a... more Determine the optimal parameters of liquid finishing of natural leather for uppers shoes using advanced chemical materials: organic syntan Politan BN based on the aromatic compounds for neutralization, synthetic retanning syntan Retanal LMV based on the melamine for retanning-filling and anionic fatliquor preparations – СМХ-473 and Sulphirol C for fatliquoring. Methodology. To achieve this purpose, the methods of a full factorial experiment, computer modeling, organoleptic assessment, and chemical and physical-mechanical analysis of the leather were used.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2019
In this paper, we have studied the modern natural polymeric materials which are used for producin... more In this paper, we have studied the modern natural polymeric materials which are used for producing component parts and the uppers of shoes. Having taken into account functional, economical, production and customer requirements for purpose-made shoes, we have identified a range of characteristics of leather qualities. They make it possible to provide rationalization for technological solutions, aimed at decreasing the risk of raw materials culling at all stages of a manufacturing procedure, decreasing resources and energy consumption when making products of a desired quality: tensile strength, tensile strength of surface, extension at tensile strength, water resistance of flexible leather, hygroscopicity.
Journal of The Society of Leather Technologists and Chemists, 2020
Vìsnik Hmelʹnicʹkogo nacìonalʹnogo unìversitetu, Jul 2, 2021
У роботі наведено результати дослідження властивостей, особливостей структури і технологічних мож... more У роботі наведено результати дослідження властивостей, особливостей структури і технологічних можливостей нових промислових полімерних матеріалів у вигляді меламінформальдегідного синтану (продукт Syntan LF187) та поліакрилатного синтану (продукт Syntan RS3). При визначенні впливу виду та витрати матеріалів на перебіг процесу наповнювання-додублювання та показники якості шкіри хромового дублення для верху взуття з сировини великої рогатої худоби встановлено, що за органолептичною оцінкою та показником узагальненої цільової функції, який характеризує сукупність властивостей шкіри, більш доцільним є використання поліакрилатного продукту Syntan RS3 при витраті 2,0 % від маси струганого напівфабрикату.
Vìsnik Kiïvsʹkogo nacìonalʹnogo unìversitetu tehnologìj ta dizajnu, Jun 5, 2019
Київський національний університет технологій та дизайну ДОСЛІДЖЕННЯ ВПЛИВУ ПРОЦЕСІВ РІДИННОГО ОЗ... more Київський національний університет технологій та дизайну ДОСЛІДЖЕННЯ ВПЛИВУ ПРОЦЕСІВ РІДИННОГО ОЗДОБЛЕННЯ НА ВЛАСТИВОСТІ НАТУРАЛЬНОЇ ШКІРИ Мета. Для покращення якості натуральної шкіри для верху взуття дослідити вплив процесів рідинного оздоблення (нейтралізації, додублювання-наповнювання), проведених з використанням низки сучасних хімічних матеріалів, на її властивості. Методика. Для реалізації поставленої мети в роботі використано: типову методику виробництва хромової шкіри для верху взуття з козлини з коригуванням виду та витрати хімічних матеріалів; методи органолептичної оцінки, хімічного та фізико-механічного аналізу шкіри, а також статистичної обробки експериментальних даних. Результати. В лабораторних умовах вивчено вплив процесів нейтралізації й додублюваннянаповнювання на властивості натуральної шкіри для верху взуття з козлини. Встановлено, що кращі показники міцності шкіри в цілому та її лицьового шару, об'ємного виходу та виходу по площі забезпечуються при використанні препарату Politan BN на основі ароматичних сполук під час нейтралізації та синтетичних дубителів (особливо синтану Retanal LMV на основі меламіну) під час додублювання-наповнювання. Після нейтралізації солями натрію підвищуються відносне видовження при розриві та вихід по товщині у разі додублювання-наповнювання синтанами Retanal LMV та Retanal RCN-40 на основі акрилового полімеру, а також час всмоктування краплі води при додублюванні-наповнюванні танідами квебрахо та Retanal LMV. Методом багатокритеріальної оптимізації встановлено найбільш раціональні умови оброблення. Наукова новизна. Встановлено взаємозв'язок між умовами процесів нейтралізації, додублювання-наповнювання та найважливішими показниками шкіри: міцністю, видовженням, виходом по товщині та площі, об'ємним виходом, часом всмоктування краплі води. Практична значимість. На підставі результатів проведеного дослідження виявлена можливість покращення якості хромової шкіри для верху взуття з козлини за рахунок удосконалення процесів рідинного оздоблення шляхом використання сучасних хімічних матеріалів у вигляді синтану Politan BNпід час нейтралізації, синтану Retanal LMVпід час додублювання-наповнювання. Ключові слова: рідинне оздоблення, хімічні матеріали для нейтралізації, додублюваннянаповнювання, шкіряний напівфабрикат, шкіра
Journal of The Society of Leather Technologists and Chemists, 2020
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Systems, Nov 15, 2022
Today, the use of laser finishing of leather products is becoming more popular than traditional m... more Today, the use of laser finishing of leather products is becoming more popular than traditional methods. However, there is not much information on the effect of laser energy on the leather structure during finishing, so additional research is need. Crust leather produced by a new unified resource-saving technology with the use of polymer compounds at the stage of tanning and liquid finishing was used for research. The different leather samples were taken for research the laser effect. Leather samples with a thickness of 1.40-1.45 mm were subjected to laser engraving at a depth of laser ablation from 0.1 mm to 0.7 mm in steps of 0.1 mm. It was found that the structure of the dermis under the action of laser radiation has not undergone morphological changes: the samples preserved the natural histological structure, collagen bundles are not deformed, the layers are evenly spaced without increasing the density of the structure. There is some increase in the distances between the structural elements of the dermis. It was found in the area of direct action of the laser beam there are signs of welding of collagen fibers, but on the surface of the sample of leather were no found chemicals substance. The influence of laser finishing on the structure and physical-mechanical properties of leather for footwear and leather goods was determined. It was found that increasing the depth of ablation to 50-52% of the thickness of the leather adversely affects it`s physical and mechanical properties, thereby deteriorating the performance of footwear and leather goods. The results of complex research of the effect of laser radiation on the physical and mechanical properties of the leather for the shoes uppers and leather goods allowed to establish rational technological parameters of the laser finish. Such information expands the possibilities of introducing laser equipment into serial production in order to create a modern range of finished products due to the creative design of models and unification of products.
Leather and Footwear Journal
In the work, anthropometric studies of the feet were performed by means of 3D scanning. The resul... more In the work, anthropometric studies of the feet were performed by means of 3D scanning. The results of scanning have been used for two main purposes. Firstly, the features and morphological structure of the feet of young men aged 20-30 were studied, who are the representatives of the Ukrainian population that are subject to mobilization into the ranks of the Armed Forces. Apart from this, the quantitative distribution of the main morphological features of the feet of the sample population was analyzed. During measurements, it was noticed that a large number of men had hypertrophy of the heads of the 1st and 5th metatarsal bones. In order to rationalize the range of lasts with different sizes and fullness, while trying to fully satisfy the requirements of compliance with the anthropometric parameters of the feet of consumers, the parameters of the feet with the hypertrophy of the heads of the 1st and 5th metatarsal bones must be taken into account in the lasts with increased width. F...
Leather and Footwear Journal
There has been developed resource-saving environmentally friendly technology for producing chrome... more There has been developed resource-saving environmentally friendly technology for producing chrome-tanned goatskin for shoe upper using new synthetic materials, which involves neutralization in the presence of Politan BN – syntan-neutralizer based on naphthalene sulfonic acid (Codyeco S.p.a., Italy) in the amount of 3.6% (in terms of dry residue), fatliquoring with a mixture of drugs Sulphirol C – a fatliquoring drug based on sulfonated fish oil, resistant to electrolytes (Smit & Zoon, Netherlands) and SMX 473 – a semi-synthetic composition based on sulfonated and sulphated fats (Shebekinsky industrial chemistry, Russia) in the ratio of 70:30 with a total fat consumption of 5.0% (in terms of 100% fat), retanning-filling Retanal LMV 100 – retanning agent based on melamine (Cromogenia Units, Spain) in the amount of 4.5% (in terms of dry residue). This allows to expand the range of chemical materials for liquid finishing and increase production efficiency (conditional economic benefit i...
This paper has considered the possibility of using new finishing formulations to finish the Crust... more This paper has considered the possibility of using new finishing formulations to finish the Crust leather, manufactured from cattle raw materials aimed to finish shoes and leather garments.The quality indicators of finishing formulations and their elementary chemical composition have been investigated. It was found that the finishing formulations possess a high covering capacity due to the presence of mineral pigments in their composition. X-ray fluorescent analysis has proven that the presence of chromium pigments and copper compounds renders the green color to the composition; the compounds of cobalt, copper, iron, chromium ‒ blue color; cobalt compounds ‒ reddish-brown color.It has been established that the finishing formulations are resistant to the effect of electrolytes of different nature over a wide pH interval, from 2 to 11.When determining the uniformity of the composition by using a chromatography method involving fan-shaped paper, it was found that the composition of blu...
Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2021
57 perforation, etc. The nature of the surface of genuine leather, produced at an enterprise, als... more 57 perforation, etc. The nature of the surface of genuine leather, produced at an enterprise, also predetermines fashion trends for every season. At the same time, to achieve the desired effect, the plant can use a variety of units for the application of finishing formulations, dryers of different types, ironing machines, and hydraulic presses, laser installations, and engravers [6]. Despite the set of production equipment, a leather-making enterprise cannot fulfill small individual or special orders in a short time due to the long duration of the manufacturing cycle of leather production and its resource intensity. In today’s world of high technology and fashion, the issue of purchasing primary necessity goods, such as shoes, to meet the utilitarian needs of the consumer is not relevant. Each person that buys goods of this segment group aims to emphasize his/her individuality, so it is a relevant task to
The paper presents the results of research of two new industrial polymer materials in the form of... more The paper presents the results of research of two new industrial polymer materials in the form of the Syntan RS3L product and the Syntan F187 product. It has been experimentally established that these materials differ in appearance, structure, and physicochemical properties. So, the first product is a solution of polyacrylates and is well compatible with water, while the second product is a synthetic composition of melamine-formaldehyde resins and inorganic compounds based on aluminium, iron, potassium, sulfur, silicon in the form of a powder, which is partially soluble in water. Using the method of infrared spectroscopy, the features of the structure of polymeric materials are determined – the presence of various groups and bonds, which indicates the polyfunctional nature of both reagents. It was found that after treatment of a chrome tanned collagen preparation with Syntan LF187, the optical density in the IR spectrum of collagen changes to the greatest extent at a frequency of 87...
Bulletin of the Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design. Technical Science Series, 2020
Study of physicochemical properties, chemical nature, and interaction with collagen of new fatliq... more Study of physicochemical properties, chemical nature, and interaction with collagen of new fatliquoring preparations of various origins to identify among them effective reagents for resource-saving technologies focused on the production of leather products with predictable properties to reducing the harmful load on the environment. To determine the basic physicochemical properties and chemical nature of fats, traditional and modern physicochemical methods of analysis (titrimetric, viscometric, infrared spectroscopy) were used, as well as visual assessment. The paper presents the results of determining the chemical nature and physicochemical properties of new fatliquoring preparations - industrial products of natural and synthetic origin: Synthol EW321, synthesized based on emulsified synthetic fats; Synthol MC derived from phosphated synthetic fats; Sulphirol C, based on sulfitated fish oil, is resistant to electrolytes; semi-synthetic composition CMX-473, obtained on the basis of s...
Leather and Footwear Journal, 2019
A UNIFIED TECHNOLOGY OF CRUST LEATHER PRODUCTION USING POLYMERIC COMPOUNDS DEVELOPMENT ABSTRACT. ... more A UNIFIED TECHNOLOGY OF CRUST LEATHER PRODUCTION USING POLYMERIC COMPOUNDS DEVELOPMENT ABSTRACT. Nowadays there is a considerable deficit of extractive, material and energy resources. Thus, there is a topical issue of creating, developing and application of ecologically friendly, resource-saving technologies of natural leather development, using modern materials, which are able both to replace toxic reactive chemicals, fully or partially, and maintain the high quality of products. We have developed a standardized technology of crust leather production regarding the tanning and crusting processes, using ecologically friendly polymeric compounds of the new generation. This technology provides a more sustainable use of leather raw materials and chemicals, decreasing the processing length and environmental harm. KEY WORDS: crust leather, standardized technology, tanning, crusting processes, polymeric compounds O TEHNOLOGIE UNIFICATĂ DE FABRICARE A PIELII CRUST UTILIZÂND DEZVOLTAREA COMPUŞILOR POLIMERICI REZUMAT. În prezent, există un deficit considerabil de resurse extractive, materiale şi energetice. Astfel, există o problemă de actualitate privind crearea, dezvoltarea şi aplicarea tehnologiilor ecologice, care să ducă la economisirea resurselor pentru fabricarea pielii naturale, folosind materiale moderne, care sunt capabile să înlocuiască integral sau parţial substanţele chimice reactive toxice şi să menţină calitatea ridicată a produselor. S-a dezvoltat o tehnologie standardizată de producţie a pielii crust cu privire la procesele de tăbăcire şi prelucrare a pielii în stadiul crust, folosind compuşi polimeri ecologici din noua generaţie. Această tehnologie oferă o utilizare mai durabilă a materiilor prime şi a substanţelor chimice în prelucrarea pielii, reducând durata prelucrării şi prejudiciul adus mediului. CUVINTE CHEIE: piele crust, tehnologie standardizată, tăbăcire, procese de prelucrare a pielii crust, compuşi polimerici LE DÉVELOPPEMENT DE LA TECHNOLOGIE UNIFIÉE DE LA PRODUCTION DU CUIR EN CROÛTE EN UTILISANT DES COMPOSÉS POLYMÈRES RÉSUMÉ. Il existe actuellement un déficit considérable de ressources extractives, matérielles et énergétiques. Ainsi, il y a un problème actuel concernant la création, le développement et l'application de technologies de développement du cuir naturel respectueuses de l'environnement et de l'économie, utilisant des matériaux modernes et capables de remplacer totalement ou partiellement les produits chimiques toxiques et réactifs, et de maintenir la haute qualité des produits. Nous avons développé une technologie standardisée de production de cuir en croûte en ce qui concerne les étapes de tannage et de finissage liquide, en utilisant des composés polymères écologiques de la nouvelle génération. Cette technologie permet une utilisation plus durable des matières premières et des produits chimiques pour le cuir, réduisant ainsi la durée de traitement et les dommages environnementaux. MOTS CLÉS : cuir en croûte, technologie unifiée, tannage, finissage liquide, composés polymères
Bulletin of the Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design. Technical Science Series, 2019
Determine the optimal parameters of liquid finishing of natural leather for uppers shoes using a... more Determine the optimal parameters of liquid finishing of natural leather for uppers shoes using advanced chemical materials: organic syntan Politan BN based on the aromatic compounds for neutralization, synthetic retanning syntan Retanal LMV based on the melamine for retanning-filling and anionic fatliquor preparations – СМХ-473 and Sulphirol C for fatliquoring. Methodology. To achieve this purpose, the methods of a full factorial experiment, computer modeling, organoleptic assessment, and chemical and physical-mechanical analysis of the leather were used.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2019
In this paper, we have studied the modern natural polymeric materials which are used for producin... more In this paper, we have studied the modern natural polymeric materials which are used for producing component parts and the uppers of shoes. Having taken into account functional, economical, production and customer requirements for purpose-made shoes, we have identified a range of characteristics of leather qualities. They make it possible to provide rationalization for technological solutions, aimed at decreasing the risk of raw materials culling at all stages of a manufacturing procedure, decreasing resources and energy consumption when making products of a desired quality: tensile strength, tensile strength of surface, extension at tensile strength, water resistance of flexible leather, hygroscopicity.
Journal of The Society of Leather Technologists and Chemists, 2020