Natalija Vrecer - (original) (raw)

Papers by Natalija Vrecer

Research paper thumbnail of Razumevanje beguncev v Sloveniji

Research paper thumbnail of Knjižna ocena - Milan Mesić, Dragan Bagić, Minority Return to Croatia – Study of an Open Process, UNHCR, Zagreb, 2011, 226 str

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Vključenost vsebin večkulturnega izobraževanja v učne načrte in učbenike za predmet geografi ja

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Health literacy in the empowerment of communities

Las personas profesionales de la salud utilizan un lenguaje técnico, lo cual dificulta el entendi... more Las personas profesionales de la salud utilizan un lenguaje técnico, lo cual dificulta el entendimiento con determinados colectivos. En algunos barrios desfavorecidos existen programas de salud que incluyen formación dirigida a que las comunidades de bajos niveles académicos puedan entender el lenguaje especializado de la medicina. Sin embargo, la alfabetización en salud no es sólo ni principalmente eso, sino un aprendizaje orientado a la transformación de las relaciones de poder entre las propias comunidades y los servicios de salud, tal y como se indica en algunas de las orientaciones realizadas por la comunidad científica internacional. Los resultados de la investigación INCLUD-ED indican propuestas para facilitar el empoderamiento de la comunidad de grupos vulnerables en los programas de alfabetización en salud. La base de estas orientaciones es garantizar el diálogo igualitario entre los profesionales de este sector y los usuarios para obtener un mayor éxito en dichos programas...

Research paper thumbnail of Human Costs of Temporary Refugee

Readers may redistribute this article to other individuals for noncommercial use, provided that t... more Readers may redistribute this article to other individuals for noncommercial use, provided that the text and this note remain intact. This article may not be reprinted or redistributed for commercial use without prior written permission from the author. If you have any questions about permissions, please contact Klaus Nellen at

Research paper thumbnail of Priznavanje neformalnega in priložnostnega učenja : aktivnost OECD 2006-2007

Research paper thumbnail of Vocational Education and Training, Employment-Related Mobility and Migration

This article is the result of the analysis of literature on Vocational Education and Training (he... more This article is the result of the analysis of literature on Vocational Education and Training (hereinafter VET) and employment-related mobility and migration in Slovenia. Books and research papers published in Slovenia from 2004 to 2010, and with a special focus on those written by Slovenian researchers, were the primary area of interest. The topic of VET and employment-related mobility and migration is under-researched In Slovenia. The results of the literature review indicate that, due to the ageing population, Slovenia needs migrants. However, they are usually employed in low-esteem and low-paid jobs. The results also showed that mobility in Slovenia is still very low. However, in order to achieve development, geographical and occupational mobility should be encouraged in contemporary societies, including Slovenia. It will be argued in the article that because Slovenia is a multicultural society, VET should be developed as multicultural education.

Research paper thumbnail of Step In! Building inclusive societies through active citizenship

Research paper thumbnail of La alfabetización en salud y el empoderamiento de las comunidades

Scripta Nova Revista Electronica De Geografia Y Ciencias Sociales, 2013

La alfabetización en salud y el empoderamiento de las comunidades (Resumen) Las personas profesio... more La alfabetización en salud y el empoderamiento de las comunidades (Resumen) Las personas profesionales de la salud utilizan un lenguaje técnico, lo cual dificulta el entendimiento con determinados colectivos. En algunos barrios desfavorecidos existen programas de salud que incluyen formación dirigida a que las comunidades de bajos niveles académicos puedan entender el lenguaje especializado de la medicina. Sin embargo, la alfabetización en salud no es sólo ni principalmente eso, sino un aprendizaje orientado a la transformación de las relaciones de poder entre las propias comunidades y los servicios de salud, tal y como se indica en algunas de las orientaciones realizadas por la comunidad científica internacional. Los resultados de la investigación INCLUDED indican propuestas para facilitar el empoderamiento de la comunidad de grupos vulnerables en los programas de alfabetización en salud. La base de estas orientaciones es garantizar el diálogo igualitario entre los profesionales de este sector y los usuarios para obtener un mayor éxito en dichos programas. Palabras clave: alfabetización en salud, empoderamiento, grupos vulnerables, profesionales de la salud.

Research paper thumbnail of Medkulturnost v izobraževanju odraslih

Andragoška spoznanja, 2015

V času, ko smo pripravljali to številko Andragoških spoznanj, se je okrepil vojni konflikt v Siri... more V času, ko smo pripravljali to številko Andragoških spoznanj, se je okrepil vojni konflikt v Siriji, nekatere druge države sveta, kot so Afganistan, Irak, Sudan, Sierra Leone…, pa prav tako pretresajo vojni konflikti in kršitve človekovih pravic, zaradi katerih so bili ljudje prisiljeni prebegniti v druge države in si na ta način rešiti življenje. (Beri naprej...)

Research paper thumbnail of Kelava, Polona (ur.): Neformalno učenje? Kaj pa je to? (Pedagoški inštitut, 2013)

Andragoška spoznanja, 2014

Publikacija Neformalno učenje? Kaj pa je to? je znanstvena monografija, ki predstavlja neformalno... more Publikacija Neformalno učenje? Kaj pa je to? je znanstvena monografija, ki predstavlja neformalno učenje z vidika več znanstvenih disciplin. Avtorji prispevkov Polona Kelava, Tadej Vidmar, Janez Kolenc Gregorič, Taja Kramberger, Bojan Žalec, Drago B. Rotar, Petra Javrh, Helena Žnidarič, Barbara Kunčič Krapež in Marko Radovan tako področje obravnavajo z vidika antropologije, sociologije, pedagogike in andragogike ter filozofije. Monografija o neformalnem učenju je sicer eden izmed rezultatov temeljnega raziskovalnega projekta Pedagoškega inštituta z naslovom Antropološki vidiki neformalnega pridobivanja znanj (2011–2014), ki ga je vodil žal danes pokojni dr. Janez Kolenc Gregorič, po njegovi smrti pa je vodstvo projekta prevzel dr. Igor Ž. Žagar.

Research paper thumbnail of Impacto de la exclusión educativa en ámbitos sociales

Revista Educación y …, 2010

Información del artículo Impacto de la exclusión educativa en ámbitos sociales.

Research paper thumbnail of Integracija kot človekova pravica

Research paper thumbnail of Invest for the Long Term or Attend to Immediate Needs? Schools and the Employment of Less Educated Youths and Adults

European Journal of Education, 2011

Introduction In Europe, tracking has been defined as the separation of students into different cu... more Introduction In Europe, tracking has been defined as the separation of students into different curricular paths by appointment or self-selection (European Commission, 2006). Often, one path is professionally-oriented and the other is academic, and students are educated in different, specialised schools (Brunello & Checchi, 2007). During the 1970s, this practice was expanded to promote the inclusion of socially disadvantaged groups through vocational training programmes which were seen as a way to increase productivity and reduce unemployment, poverty and crime (Wallenborn, 2010; Fretwell, 2003). However, instead of working to include the most vulnerable members of society, tracking has been shown to reproduce socioeconomic and cultural inequalities. This is due, on the one hand, to the criteria underlying students' choice or assignment to each track and, on the other, to the quality of the education provided. Hence, tracking socially stratifies education into two paths: the more advantaged pursue an academic path leading to higher education and the more vulnerable pursue a path leading to the labour market. This process of reproducing social inequality was already visible at the beginning of the 20 th century. Dewey (1930) wrote that 'To split the system, and give to others, less fortunately situated, an education conceived mainly as specific trade preparation, is to treat the schools as an agency for transferring the older division of labor and leisure, culture and service, mind and body, directed and directive class' (p. 372). Likewise, Gramsci (1971) stated that 'the fundamental division into classical and vocational (professional) schools was a rational formula: the vocational school for the instrumental classes, the classical school for the dominant classes and the intellectuals' (p. 26). Many researchers have found that students from vulnerable groups, such as immigrants, cultural minorities, and disabled students, are overrepresented in the lower tracks (Myklebust, 2006; Oakes, 1985) where instruction is usually of poorer quality, contents are less academic, and teachers expect less of their students. Hence, students achieve less than their peers in academic tracks (Flores-Gonzalez, 2002). Overall, early tracking has increased social and cultural differences instead of balancing them out (Flecha, 1990;

Research paper thumbnail of Empathy in Adult Education

Andragoška spoznanja, 2015

Empathy is an important part of emotional intelligence and the latter is crucial for human relati... more Empathy is an important part of emotional intelligence and the latter is crucial for human relations, whether they be interpersonal relations, relations among people at work, or in a wider community. Therefore, empathy is important for adult education, for guidance counsellors, and for other adult educators. Adult educators must be empathic in order to understand the perspectives and needs of the participants in the educational process and empathy is a precondition for understanding. The development of empathy as a competence is a lifelong learning process. Namely, despite some biological predispositions for empathy, the latter can be learnt. It is the contention of the article that empathy is one of the most important intercultural competencies, because if a person is not empathic, other intercultural competencies vary rarely cannot develop to their full extent. Thus empathy is a precondition for successful intercultural dialogue.

Research paper thumbnail of Living in Limbo: Integration of Forced Migrants from Bosnia and Herzegovina in Slovenia

Journal of Refugee Studies, 2010

... NGOs and I filed a complaint with the Constitutional Court, requesting constitutional review ... more ... NGOs and I filed a complaint with the Constitutional Court, requesting constitutional review of the ... Slovenia must still resolve this problem as the people affected cannot obtain employment due ... Although they would usually experience many losses in a short period of time (Malkki ...

Research paper thumbnail of Druženje, vedoželjnost, širina …", učinki neformalnega izobraževanja odraslih v projektu Bell

Andragoška spoznanja, 2014

V članku so predstavljeni rezultati kvalitativne raziskave, ki je bila opravljena v Sloveniji v o... more V članku so predstavljeni rezultati kvalitativne raziskave, ki je bila opravljena v Sloveniji v okviru projekta Bell. V tem projektu smo raziskovali učinke neformalnega izobraževanja, pri čemer smo izhajali iz predpostavke, da ima neformalno izobraževanje številne pozitivne učinke. Predpostavka se je v raziskavi potrdila. Vsi intervjuvanci so omenjali številne pozitivne učinke kot posledico njihove udeležbe v neformalnem izobraževanju. Rezultati intervjujev potrjujejo rezultate statistične analize, saj so bili tako pri kvalitativni kot pri kvantitativni analizi najpogostejši učinki razširjena socialna mreža, osebna učinkovitost (zlasti okrepitev samozavesti), duševno zdravje, kompetence (zlasti kompetence IKT in splošno znanje) in sprememba izobraževalne izkušnje (zlasti večja motivacija za učenje). Prav tako rezultati intervjujev potrjujejo rezultate analize literature, intervjuvanci so omenjali skoraj vse pozitivne učinke neformalnega izobraževanja, ki so bili ugotovljeni v navede...

Research paper thumbnail of Human Costs of Temporary Refugee Protection: The Case of Slovenia

…to show how 'gender' is constructed in our multinational world, feminist research has demonstrat... more …to show how 'gender' is constructed in our multinational world, feminist research has demonstrated that we also need to deconstruct the concept; that is, to show how identities and experiences are simultaneously structured by class, culture, race, nationality, religion, age, sexuality, individual experience, as well as by 'gender.'" Warren B. Kay and Bourque C.

Research paper thumbnail of Transit and Receiving Countries: Refugee Protection Policies in Belgium, Slovenia, Greece, and Turkey

Research paper thumbnail of Razumevanje beguncev v Sloveniji

Research paper thumbnail of Knjižna ocena - Milan Mesić, Dragan Bagić, Minority Return to Croatia – Study of an Open Process, UNHCR, Zagreb, 2011, 226 str

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Vključenost vsebin večkulturnega izobraževanja v učne načrte in učbenike za predmet geografi ja

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Health literacy in the empowerment of communities

Las personas profesionales de la salud utilizan un lenguaje técnico, lo cual dificulta el entendi... more Las personas profesionales de la salud utilizan un lenguaje técnico, lo cual dificulta el entendimiento con determinados colectivos. En algunos barrios desfavorecidos existen programas de salud que incluyen formación dirigida a que las comunidades de bajos niveles académicos puedan entender el lenguaje especializado de la medicina. Sin embargo, la alfabetización en salud no es sólo ni principalmente eso, sino un aprendizaje orientado a la transformación de las relaciones de poder entre las propias comunidades y los servicios de salud, tal y como se indica en algunas de las orientaciones realizadas por la comunidad científica internacional. Los resultados de la investigación INCLUD-ED indican propuestas para facilitar el empoderamiento de la comunidad de grupos vulnerables en los programas de alfabetización en salud. La base de estas orientaciones es garantizar el diálogo igualitario entre los profesionales de este sector y los usuarios para obtener un mayor éxito en dichos programas...

Research paper thumbnail of Human Costs of Temporary Refugee

Readers may redistribute this article to other individuals for noncommercial use, provided that t... more Readers may redistribute this article to other individuals for noncommercial use, provided that the text and this note remain intact. This article may not be reprinted or redistributed for commercial use without prior written permission from the author. If you have any questions about permissions, please contact Klaus Nellen at

Research paper thumbnail of Priznavanje neformalnega in priložnostnega učenja : aktivnost OECD 2006-2007

Research paper thumbnail of Vocational Education and Training, Employment-Related Mobility and Migration

This article is the result of the analysis of literature on Vocational Education and Training (he... more This article is the result of the analysis of literature on Vocational Education and Training (hereinafter VET) and employment-related mobility and migration in Slovenia. Books and research papers published in Slovenia from 2004 to 2010, and with a special focus on those written by Slovenian researchers, were the primary area of interest. The topic of VET and employment-related mobility and migration is under-researched In Slovenia. The results of the literature review indicate that, due to the ageing population, Slovenia needs migrants. However, they are usually employed in low-esteem and low-paid jobs. The results also showed that mobility in Slovenia is still very low. However, in order to achieve development, geographical and occupational mobility should be encouraged in contemporary societies, including Slovenia. It will be argued in the article that because Slovenia is a multicultural society, VET should be developed as multicultural education.

Research paper thumbnail of Step In! Building inclusive societies through active citizenship

Research paper thumbnail of La alfabetización en salud y el empoderamiento de las comunidades

Scripta Nova Revista Electronica De Geografia Y Ciencias Sociales, 2013

La alfabetización en salud y el empoderamiento de las comunidades (Resumen) Las personas profesio... more La alfabetización en salud y el empoderamiento de las comunidades (Resumen) Las personas profesionales de la salud utilizan un lenguaje técnico, lo cual dificulta el entendimiento con determinados colectivos. En algunos barrios desfavorecidos existen programas de salud que incluyen formación dirigida a que las comunidades de bajos niveles académicos puedan entender el lenguaje especializado de la medicina. Sin embargo, la alfabetización en salud no es sólo ni principalmente eso, sino un aprendizaje orientado a la transformación de las relaciones de poder entre las propias comunidades y los servicios de salud, tal y como se indica en algunas de las orientaciones realizadas por la comunidad científica internacional. Los resultados de la investigación INCLUDED indican propuestas para facilitar el empoderamiento de la comunidad de grupos vulnerables en los programas de alfabetización en salud. La base de estas orientaciones es garantizar el diálogo igualitario entre los profesionales de este sector y los usuarios para obtener un mayor éxito en dichos programas. Palabras clave: alfabetización en salud, empoderamiento, grupos vulnerables, profesionales de la salud.

Research paper thumbnail of Medkulturnost v izobraževanju odraslih

Andragoška spoznanja, 2015

V času, ko smo pripravljali to številko Andragoških spoznanj, se je okrepil vojni konflikt v Siri... more V času, ko smo pripravljali to številko Andragoških spoznanj, se je okrepil vojni konflikt v Siriji, nekatere druge države sveta, kot so Afganistan, Irak, Sudan, Sierra Leone…, pa prav tako pretresajo vojni konflikti in kršitve človekovih pravic, zaradi katerih so bili ljudje prisiljeni prebegniti v druge države in si na ta način rešiti življenje. (Beri naprej...)

Research paper thumbnail of Kelava, Polona (ur.): Neformalno učenje? Kaj pa je to? (Pedagoški inštitut, 2013)

Andragoška spoznanja, 2014

Publikacija Neformalno učenje? Kaj pa je to? je znanstvena monografija, ki predstavlja neformalno... more Publikacija Neformalno učenje? Kaj pa je to? je znanstvena monografija, ki predstavlja neformalno učenje z vidika več znanstvenih disciplin. Avtorji prispevkov Polona Kelava, Tadej Vidmar, Janez Kolenc Gregorič, Taja Kramberger, Bojan Žalec, Drago B. Rotar, Petra Javrh, Helena Žnidarič, Barbara Kunčič Krapež in Marko Radovan tako področje obravnavajo z vidika antropologije, sociologije, pedagogike in andragogike ter filozofije. Monografija o neformalnem učenju je sicer eden izmed rezultatov temeljnega raziskovalnega projekta Pedagoškega inštituta z naslovom Antropološki vidiki neformalnega pridobivanja znanj (2011–2014), ki ga je vodil žal danes pokojni dr. Janez Kolenc Gregorič, po njegovi smrti pa je vodstvo projekta prevzel dr. Igor Ž. Žagar.

Research paper thumbnail of Impacto de la exclusión educativa en ámbitos sociales

Revista Educación y …, 2010

Información del artículo Impacto de la exclusión educativa en ámbitos sociales.

Research paper thumbnail of Integracija kot človekova pravica

Research paper thumbnail of Invest for the Long Term or Attend to Immediate Needs? Schools and the Employment of Less Educated Youths and Adults

European Journal of Education, 2011

Introduction In Europe, tracking has been defined as the separation of students into different cu... more Introduction In Europe, tracking has been defined as the separation of students into different curricular paths by appointment or self-selection (European Commission, 2006). Often, one path is professionally-oriented and the other is academic, and students are educated in different, specialised schools (Brunello & Checchi, 2007). During the 1970s, this practice was expanded to promote the inclusion of socially disadvantaged groups through vocational training programmes which were seen as a way to increase productivity and reduce unemployment, poverty and crime (Wallenborn, 2010; Fretwell, 2003). However, instead of working to include the most vulnerable members of society, tracking has been shown to reproduce socioeconomic and cultural inequalities. This is due, on the one hand, to the criteria underlying students' choice or assignment to each track and, on the other, to the quality of the education provided. Hence, tracking socially stratifies education into two paths: the more advantaged pursue an academic path leading to higher education and the more vulnerable pursue a path leading to the labour market. This process of reproducing social inequality was already visible at the beginning of the 20 th century. Dewey (1930) wrote that 'To split the system, and give to others, less fortunately situated, an education conceived mainly as specific trade preparation, is to treat the schools as an agency for transferring the older division of labor and leisure, culture and service, mind and body, directed and directive class' (p. 372). Likewise, Gramsci (1971) stated that 'the fundamental division into classical and vocational (professional) schools was a rational formula: the vocational school for the instrumental classes, the classical school for the dominant classes and the intellectuals' (p. 26). Many researchers have found that students from vulnerable groups, such as immigrants, cultural minorities, and disabled students, are overrepresented in the lower tracks (Myklebust, 2006; Oakes, 1985) where instruction is usually of poorer quality, contents are less academic, and teachers expect less of their students. Hence, students achieve less than their peers in academic tracks (Flores-Gonzalez, 2002). Overall, early tracking has increased social and cultural differences instead of balancing them out (Flecha, 1990;

Research paper thumbnail of Empathy in Adult Education

Andragoška spoznanja, 2015

Empathy is an important part of emotional intelligence and the latter is crucial for human relati... more Empathy is an important part of emotional intelligence and the latter is crucial for human relations, whether they be interpersonal relations, relations among people at work, or in a wider community. Therefore, empathy is important for adult education, for guidance counsellors, and for other adult educators. Adult educators must be empathic in order to understand the perspectives and needs of the participants in the educational process and empathy is a precondition for understanding. The development of empathy as a competence is a lifelong learning process. Namely, despite some biological predispositions for empathy, the latter can be learnt. It is the contention of the article that empathy is one of the most important intercultural competencies, because if a person is not empathic, other intercultural competencies vary rarely cannot develop to their full extent. Thus empathy is a precondition for successful intercultural dialogue.

Research paper thumbnail of Living in Limbo: Integration of Forced Migrants from Bosnia and Herzegovina in Slovenia

Journal of Refugee Studies, 2010

... NGOs and I filed a complaint with the Constitutional Court, requesting constitutional review ... more ... NGOs and I filed a complaint with the Constitutional Court, requesting constitutional review of the ... Slovenia must still resolve this problem as the people affected cannot obtain employment due ... Although they would usually experience many losses in a short period of time (Malkki ...

Research paper thumbnail of Druženje, vedoželjnost, širina …", učinki neformalnega izobraževanja odraslih v projektu Bell

Andragoška spoznanja, 2014

V članku so predstavljeni rezultati kvalitativne raziskave, ki je bila opravljena v Sloveniji v o... more V članku so predstavljeni rezultati kvalitativne raziskave, ki je bila opravljena v Sloveniji v okviru projekta Bell. V tem projektu smo raziskovali učinke neformalnega izobraževanja, pri čemer smo izhajali iz predpostavke, da ima neformalno izobraževanje številne pozitivne učinke. Predpostavka se je v raziskavi potrdila. Vsi intervjuvanci so omenjali številne pozitivne učinke kot posledico njihove udeležbe v neformalnem izobraževanju. Rezultati intervjujev potrjujejo rezultate statistične analize, saj so bili tako pri kvalitativni kot pri kvantitativni analizi najpogostejši učinki razširjena socialna mreža, osebna učinkovitost (zlasti okrepitev samozavesti), duševno zdravje, kompetence (zlasti kompetence IKT in splošno znanje) in sprememba izobraževalne izkušnje (zlasti večja motivacija za učenje). Prav tako rezultati intervjujev potrjujejo rezultate analize literature, intervjuvanci so omenjali skoraj vse pozitivne učinke neformalnega izobraževanja, ki so bili ugotovljeni v navede...

Research paper thumbnail of Human Costs of Temporary Refugee Protection: The Case of Slovenia

…to show how 'gender' is constructed in our multinational world, feminist research has demonstrat... more …to show how 'gender' is constructed in our multinational world, feminist research has demonstrated that we also need to deconstruct the concept; that is, to show how identities and experiences are simultaneously structured by class, culture, race, nationality, religion, age, sexuality, individual experience, as well as by 'gender.'" Warren B. Kay and Bourque C.

Research paper thumbnail of Transit and Receiving Countries: Refugee Protection Policies in Belgium, Slovenia, Greece, and Turkey