Nenny Mahyuddin - (original) (raw)
Papers by Nenny Mahyuddin
Padamasa new normal seperti sekarang ini proses penilaian yang dilakukan guru berbeda dengan masa... more Padamasa new normal seperti sekarang ini proses penilaian yang dilakukan guru berbeda dengan masa sebelum pandemi, sehingga berdampak pada stimulasi perkembangan bahasa anak. Permasalahan dalam penilaian perkembangan bahasa anak pada masa new normal yaitu guru memberikan kesempatan kepada orang tua untuk membimbing anak melakukan kegiatan pembelajaran dirumah masing-masing, melalui kegiatan yang telah dirancang guru. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui proses penilaian perkembangan bahasa anak usia dini 5-6 tahun pada masa new normal di taman kanak-kanak ridhotullah padang. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif, dengan tujuan untuk mengungkapkan proses penilaian perkembangan bahasa anak usia dini umur 5-6 tahun pada masa new normal di Taman Kanak-Kanak Ridhotullah Padang. Penelitian dilaksanakan di pada bulan maret 2021. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan berupa observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Serta teknik analisi data penelitian ini yaitu: reduksi data, penyajian data, dan verifikasi. Sedangkan teknik keabsahan data yang digunakan berupa teknik tringulasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini secara umum pada masa new normal kegiatan penilaian yang dilakukan guru untuk menilai perkembangan bahasa anak di Taman Kanak-Kanak Ridhotullah guru telah melakukan rancangan penilaian sesuai dengan tema dan sub tema pembelajaran yang akan dilakukan. Kegiatan penilaian dilakukan guru sesuai dengan teknik penilaian dengan cara guru melakukan penilaian catatan anekdot, penilaian hasil karya, penilaian harian, penilaian bulanan, dan penilaian semester
Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Undiksha, 2021
Berbagai kondisi orangtua yang mempunyai anak usia dini terutama yang berumur 0-2 tahun yang beke... more Berbagai kondisi orangtua yang mempunyai anak usia dini terutama yang berumur 0-2 tahun yang bekerja di kantor dalam mengasuh, merawat begitu juga dengan pemberian ASI berdampak terhadap attachment (kelekatan). Tujuan dari pengembangan ini menghasilkan buku panduan daycare perkantoran berbasis attachment yang valid, praktis, dan efektif. Adapun partisipan adalah pegawai yang mempunyai anak usia dini (0 - 6 tahun) sebanyak 16 orang dan pejabat di lingkungan perkantoran sebanyak 4 orang. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian pengembangan yang menggunakan model 4-D terdiri dari 4 tahap yaitu pendefinisian, perancangan, pengembangan, dan penyebaran dengan metode pengumpulan data yaitu melalui observasi, wawancara, menyebarkan instrumen dan dokumentasi. Instrumen pengumpulan data berupa angket untuk uji validitas, praktikalitas, dan efektifitas. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan skala Likert dan rumus persen. Berdasarkan hasil uji validitas buku panduan model daycare di ...
The research aims to improve the fine motor skills of early childhood in kindergarten Aisyiyah Bu... more The research aims to improve the fine motor skills of early childhood in kindergarten Aisyiyah Bustanul Atfha 15 Padang. The type research conducted was classroom action research involving an observation on designed activities in the classroom. The tehnique of data analysis was qualitative which was condcted from the students result using percentage approach. In the first cycle of meeting theree, children's file motor skills reached thirty four percent and had yet attain the minimum completion criteria. Meanwhile, in the second cycle of meeting three, children's fine motor skills have significantly improved to eighty three percent and attained the minimum completion criteria. Finding showed that activity using crepe papaer has improved childrean's fine motor skills in kindergarten Aisyiyah Bustanul Atfhal 15 Padang.
This study aims to look at the description of the implementation of religious character values in... more This study aims to look at the description of the implementation of religious character values in children aged 4-6 years at TK Plus Marhamah Parupuk Tabing Padang. Researchers look at the implementation of religious character values from several aspects that exist (beliefs, worship, appreciation, and knowledge). Descriptive research, with a qualitative approach. To find out what the description of the implementation of religious character values in children aged 4-6 years in Kindergarten Plus Marhamah Parupuk Tabing Padang. Subjects in the study were children aged 4-6 years who were in class B1 TK Plus Marhamah Parupuk Tabing Padang. Informants from the study are Kindergarten Plus Marhamah Parupuk Tabing Padang teacher. The results showed that the implementation of religious character values in children aged 4-6 years developed well. Where the child is able to believe in the existence of God through His creation, the child can carry out daily worship, the child can fervently pray b...
This study aims to describe the implementation of learning the development of science at the cent... more This study aims to describe the implementation of learning the development of science at the center of science and natural materials of the Islamic Kindergarten Raudhatul Jannah, Payakumbuh City. Science is part of the scope of cognitive development that must be developed in kindergarten. Stimulating the development of science will enable children to process new information through concrete experiences, explore, classify, stimulate curiosity, find things, explain, elaborate, and evaluate, so children can learn about the world around them. The implementation of learning activities in science and natural materials starts from the planning, implementation and evaluation of learning. In planning, it looks material and activities that will be taught to children, then the media and learning tools as well as the arrangement of the playing environment that children will play. During the implementation, it was seen the learning process of the development of science in the center of science and natural materials as a whole. Finally, evaluation in the form of assessment is seen during the activity process and documentation of assessment results. The research method used is descriptive qualitative research, in which the researcher will describe in full the research results. This research was conducted at the Islamic Kindergarten Raudhatul Jannah City Payakumbuh City in 2019. Data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation carried out in the field in detail and clearly in order to get a picture related to the implementation of learning science development in science centers and natural materials Raudhatul Jannah Islamic Kindergarten. Based on the data analysis, the results of the study indicate that the planning, learning implementation and evaluation of learning outcomes have proceeded according to procedures and are well documented. It was concluded that learning in science and natural materials could develop children's scientific abilities in the Islamic kindergarten Raudhatul Jannah. The results of this study are also useful as insights and further research development studies to develop other children's intelligence.
One effective way of learing and teaching process is to maximize the use of media. Learning media... more One effective way of learing and teaching process is to maximize the use of media. Learning media in the form of visuals in the form of pictures, photos, audio in the form of sound recordings, certain sounds, as well as in the combined form of both such as video recordings that contain audio and video elements have changed the paradigm of learning outcomes. One of them is by applying audiovisual media based on Minangkabau folklore to develop children's speaking skills at TK Kartika 1-7 Padang. This is done because applying audiovisual media is one alternative that can be used to maximize children's understanding/children's ability in mastering the material provided by the teacher. It also makes children motivated to continue to learn and hone themselves. referring to these problems, the writing method used is a descriptive method that aims to describe the application of audiovisual media based on Minangkabau folklore to develop children's speaking skills at TK Kartika 1-7 Padang. The population in this study was children in TK Kartika 1-7 Padang who were registered in 2018/2019. The number of children enrolled in the school year is 44, spread in two classes. Based on the development of the children studied, it was concluded that the development of children is still classified as low, from 22 children, 7 of them are in the unfavorable range, including the undeveloped category. invited to speak. Then 8 people are in a fairly good range which is in the category of developing, meaning that the child only speaks two to three words and the child is still guided by the teacher. And 6 other people are in a good range meaning the child is able to speak. 1 child is in a very good range of values because the child is able to speak well and smoothly and the articulation is clear. So that the data shows that children's speaking ability in Kindergarten Kartika 1-7 Padang children need to be improved.
Abstract: The purpose of this research is to look at the influence of English vocabulary of child... more Abstract: The purpose of this research is to look at the influence of English vocabulary of children with Story Telling through Animated Films on children's language development in Kindergarten Fadhilah Amal 3 Tunggul Hitam Padang. the activity of introducing English with Story Telling through this Animated Film researchers wanted to see how the deve-lopment of children's language, especially in English at TK Fadhilah Amal 3 Tunggul Hitam Padang. Quantitative research methods used in the form of Quasi Experiments. The population consisted of all 43 Fadhilah Amal 3 Kindergarten students, namely groups B1, B2 and B3. B3 group was used as an experimental sample and B1 as a control class sample of 15 people each. The sampling technique used cluster sampling. The data collection techniques used by teachers' tests, such as statements of 4 statements as well as data collection in the form of statement widths in the form of an instrument lattice. The results of tests conducted u...
Tujuan penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lanjutan dari penelitian sebelumnya (Skim Penelitian P... more Tujuan penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lanjutan dari penelitian sebelumnya (Skim Penelitian Produk Terapan, 2017). Metode yang akan digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode Research and Development (RD (2) Melakukan perencanaan; (3) Mendesain produk awal; (4)Melakukan uji coba desain produk/uji ahli atau expert judgement; (5)Melakukan revisi terhadap desain produk; (6) Melakukan uji coba produk/ujicoba awal; (7) Melakukan revisi terhadap produk awal; (8) Melakukan ujicoba pemakaian; (9) Melakukan revisi terhadap produk akhir; (10)Mendesiminasikan dan mengimplementasikan produk. Model yang digunakan adalah pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran yang secara konten terintegrasi antara ilmu Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD) dan ilmu Teknologi Informatika Komputer (TI). Rencana di tahun ke dua ini, peneliti akan merevisi modul pembelajaran untuk guru dan mencetaknya, uji coba pada kelompok besar, evaluasi produk, pengolahan data hasil implementasi penuh, pengurusan presentasi d...
This study aims to look at the vocabulary of children at the age of 4-6 years at Kindergarten Fad... more This study aims to look at the vocabulary of children at the age of 4-6 years at Kindergarten Fadhilah Amal 3 Tunggul Hitam Padang by using Animated Films Story Telling. The researcher wants to see the the students language development through the activity of introducing the English Language by Animated Story Telling. This research is a descriptive study using a qualitative approach. The research subjects were children in B3 class 3 at Kindergarten Fadhilah Amal 3. Data collection techniques used in the form of observation, video, and documentation.
The purpose of writing is to explain the theory teaching of design and application of storyboard.... more The purpose of writing is to explain the theory teaching of design and application of storyboard. That has not been used in developing the character of children aged 6-8 years, during this time the media used in developing the character of the child is carried out through flannel board media in teaching Indonesian children. A Storyboard is teaching media to design a variety of images in the development of children's characters. Thus making the design a more enjoyable and interesting storyboard. Storyboard design can be used offline that facilitate face to face teaching. Storyboard makes teaching material the form of a slide on the computer. teaching that combines text, images, and multimedia. Which aims to develop character education in early childhood.
Parents and teacher have an important role in chlidrens development. Many childrens behavior are ... more Parents and teacher have an important role in chlidrens development. Many childrens behavior are misunderstood so that they give the child a naughty label. Actually the child only needs to get attention fron the teacher or parents. Because of this luck of awareness, the researchers were interested in conducting research on case study of attention deficit disorder in children aged 6 years at TK Aisyiyah 29 Padang. this study describes the behavior of children who experience impaired concentration and efforts of the teacher in dealing with it. This type of research is qualitative research with a case study approach. The research informan were clas teachers and parents of children at Aisyiyah 29 kindergarten in Padang. Data collection techniques in the form of grouping, direct interpretation, setting patterns and generalizations. While the technique of validating data is an extention of obsevation, increasing perseverance and triangulation. The results of study showed that the behavior...
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan gambaran menyeluruh tentang pelaksanaan penilaian y... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan gambaran menyeluruh tentang pelaksanaan penilaian yang dilakukan guru terhadap perkembangan kognitif anak usia 4-6 tahun di taman kanak-kanak pada era revolusi industri 4.0. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi literatur. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan dalam penelitian studi literatur yaitu dengan menelaah sumber data yang relevan yang diambil dari buku, artikel, jurnal, dan sebagainya. Baik dari sumber primer maupun sekunder menggunakan teknik analisis data berupa analisis isi (content analisis). Berdasarkan beberapa hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan penilaian perkembangan kognitif anak sangat penting untuk dilaksanakan agar mengetahui capaian perkembangan kognitif anak serta dapat mengembangakan kognitif anak lebih optimal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perkembangan kognitif anak usia 4-6 tahun di taman kanak-kanak dapat dilihat dari pelaksanaan penilaian yang di lakukan guru di sekolah.
This study aims to look at the effect of role playing with music activities on the development of... more This study aims to look at the effect of role playing with music activities on the development of children’s social care in kindergardeten. Role playing with music itself is a role playing activity using music so that the development of children’s social care. The method in this study uses quantitative with experimental quasy types. The test is used as a data collection technique, in the form of a 5-point statement, then the data is processed using a difference test (t-test). The results of the data analysis of the experimental group got on average using 79,25 role playing activities with music and 70,93 control groups with micro role playing activities. The results of this study can be concluded that the role playing with music activities affect the development of social care (social care) children in Islamic Kindergarten Khaira Ummah Padang.
Proceedings of the International Conference of Early Childhood Education (ICECE 2017), 2018
This research aimed to improve the quality of learning at kindergartens through observations by t... more This research aimed to improve the quality of learning at kindergartens through observations by the video camera in the classroom activities. The subjects of the research were the teacher candidates studying the major of early childhood education. The method used was qualitative with the data collection through observation, interviews and documentation. The results showed that there had been kindergartens using video camera in the classrooms and some had also been using the camera manually. The teachers observed the results of the classroom study as a means of evaluating themselves after teaching. It is expected that after applying this method, teachers would be more optimal in teaching early childhood students.
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Education and Technology (ICET 2019), 2019
The purpose of this study was to know about the development of practical life exercise, one of th... more The purpose of this study was to know about the development of practical life exercise, one of the Montessori curricula that researchers conducted at the Pioneer Montessori School Kindergarten. This study used a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The data analysis step used reduction, presentation and verification data from Miles and Huberman technique. The participants of this study were one principal and 2 teachers who taught in the toddler and nursery class. There were 7 toddlers, 4-5 years old. From this study, it can be concluded that in practical life activities, there are activities that can develop children's science, artistic and cognitive development. The process of practical life exercises was carried out by steps to show, to know, and to remember.
Jurnal Ecogen
Media is an important thing in supporting learning. Media is an intermediary/introduction of lear... more Media is an important thing in supporting learning. Media is an intermediary/introduction of learning messages to children so that there is a common perception given by the teacher and received by the child. Provision of media facilities requires the ability of creative teachers to create learning medium so that the material is distributed or delivered to children. Consider in designing the media not only in terms of children's interests but also the compatibility between the media and the material that will be conveyed so that it can be delivered fundamentally accepted by the child. In fact there are still many teachers who do not yet have the ability of creativity in designing educational learning media in learning in kindergarten. Most teachers only use mediocre and monotonous media so that children are not motivated in learning. This greatly affects the success of children's learning. The teacher's ability to design instructional media greatly influences the outcome ...
Padamasa new normal seperti sekarang ini proses penilaian yang dilakukan guru berbeda dengan masa... more Padamasa new normal seperti sekarang ini proses penilaian yang dilakukan guru berbeda dengan masa sebelum pandemi, sehingga berdampak pada stimulasi perkembangan bahasa anak. Permasalahan dalam penilaian perkembangan bahasa anak pada masa new normal yaitu guru memberikan kesempatan kepada orang tua untuk membimbing anak melakukan kegiatan pembelajaran dirumah masing-masing, melalui kegiatan yang telah dirancang guru. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui proses penilaian perkembangan bahasa anak usia dini 5-6 tahun pada masa new normal di taman kanak-kanak ridhotullah padang. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif, dengan tujuan untuk mengungkapkan proses penilaian perkembangan bahasa anak usia dini umur 5-6 tahun pada masa new normal di Taman Kanak-Kanak Ridhotullah Padang. Penelitian dilaksanakan di pada bulan maret 2021. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan berupa observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Serta teknik analisi data penelitian ini yaitu: reduksi data, penyajian data, dan verifikasi. Sedangkan teknik keabsahan data yang digunakan berupa teknik tringulasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini secara umum pada masa new normal kegiatan penilaian yang dilakukan guru untuk menilai perkembangan bahasa anak di Taman Kanak-Kanak Ridhotullah guru telah melakukan rancangan penilaian sesuai dengan tema dan sub tema pembelajaran yang akan dilakukan. Kegiatan penilaian dilakukan guru sesuai dengan teknik penilaian dengan cara guru melakukan penilaian catatan anekdot, penilaian hasil karya, penilaian harian, penilaian bulanan, dan penilaian semester
Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Undiksha, 2021
Berbagai kondisi orangtua yang mempunyai anak usia dini terutama yang berumur 0-2 tahun yang beke... more Berbagai kondisi orangtua yang mempunyai anak usia dini terutama yang berumur 0-2 tahun yang bekerja di kantor dalam mengasuh, merawat begitu juga dengan pemberian ASI berdampak terhadap attachment (kelekatan). Tujuan dari pengembangan ini menghasilkan buku panduan daycare perkantoran berbasis attachment yang valid, praktis, dan efektif. Adapun partisipan adalah pegawai yang mempunyai anak usia dini (0 - 6 tahun) sebanyak 16 orang dan pejabat di lingkungan perkantoran sebanyak 4 orang. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian pengembangan yang menggunakan model 4-D terdiri dari 4 tahap yaitu pendefinisian, perancangan, pengembangan, dan penyebaran dengan metode pengumpulan data yaitu melalui observasi, wawancara, menyebarkan instrumen dan dokumentasi. Instrumen pengumpulan data berupa angket untuk uji validitas, praktikalitas, dan efektifitas. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan skala Likert dan rumus persen. Berdasarkan hasil uji validitas buku panduan model daycare di ...
The research aims to improve the fine motor skills of early childhood in kindergarten Aisyiyah Bu... more The research aims to improve the fine motor skills of early childhood in kindergarten Aisyiyah Bustanul Atfha 15 Padang. The type research conducted was classroom action research involving an observation on designed activities in the classroom. The tehnique of data analysis was qualitative which was condcted from the students result using percentage approach. In the first cycle of meeting theree, children's file motor skills reached thirty four percent and had yet attain the minimum completion criteria. Meanwhile, in the second cycle of meeting three, children's fine motor skills have significantly improved to eighty three percent and attained the minimum completion criteria. Finding showed that activity using crepe papaer has improved childrean's fine motor skills in kindergarten Aisyiyah Bustanul Atfhal 15 Padang.
This study aims to look at the description of the implementation of religious character values in... more This study aims to look at the description of the implementation of religious character values in children aged 4-6 years at TK Plus Marhamah Parupuk Tabing Padang. Researchers look at the implementation of religious character values from several aspects that exist (beliefs, worship, appreciation, and knowledge). Descriptive research, with a qualitative approach. To find out what the description of the implementation of religious character values in children aged 4-6 years in Kindergarten Plus Marhamah Parupuk Tabing Padang. Subjects in the study were children aged 4-6 years who were in class B1 TK Plus Marhamah Parupuk Tabing Padang. Informants from the study are Kindergarten Plus Marhamah Parupuk Tabing Padang teacher. The results showed that the implementation of religious character values in children aged 4-6 years developed well. Where the child is able to believe in the existence of God through His creation, the child can carry out daily worship, the child can fervently pray b...
This study aims to describe the implementation of learning the development of science at the cent... more This study aims to describe the implementation of learning the development of science at the center of science and natural materials of the Islamic Kindergarten Raudhatul Jannah, Payakumbuh City. Science is part of the scope of cognitive development that must be developed in kindergarten. Stimulating the development of science will enable children to process new information through concrete experiences, explore, classify, stimulate curiosity, find things, explain, elaborate, and evaluate, so children can learn about the world around them. The implementation of learning activities in science and natural materials starts from the planning, implementation and evaluation of learning. In planning, it looks material and activities that will be taught to children, then the media and learning tools as well as the arrangement of the playing environment that children will play. During the implementation, it was seen the learning process of the development of science in the center of science and natural materials as a whole. Finally, evaluation in the form of assessment is seen during the activity process and documentation of assessment results. The research method used is descriptive qualitative research, in which the researcher will describe in full the research results. This research was conducted at the Islamic Kindergarten Raudhatul Jannah City Payakumbuh City in 2019. Data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation carried out in the field in detail and clearly in order to get a picture related to the implementation of learning science development in science centers and natural materials Raudhatul Jannah Islamic Kindergarten. Based on the data analysis, the results of the study indicate that the planning, learning implementation and evaluation of learning outcomes have proceeded according to procedures and are well documented. It was concluded that learning in science and natural materials could develop children's scientific abilities in the Islamic kindergarten Raudhatul Jannah. The results of this study are also useful as insights and further research development studies to develop other children's intelligence.
One effective way of learing and teaching process is to maximize the use of media. Learning media... more One effective way of learing and teaching process is to maximize the use of media. Learning media in the form of visuals in the form of pictures, photos, audio in the form of sound recordings, certain sounds, as well as in the combined form of both such as video recordings that contain audio and video elements have changed the paradigm of learning outcomes. One of them is by applying audiovisual media based on Minangkabau folklore to develop children's speaking skills at TK Kartika 1-7 Padang. This is done because applying audiovisual media is one alternative that can be used to maximize children's understanding/children's ability in mastering the material provided by the teacher. It also makes children motivated to continue to learn and hone themselves. referring to these problems, the writing method used is a descriptive method that aims to describe the application of audiovisual media based on Minangkabau folklore to develop children's speaking skills at TK Kartika 1-7 Padang. The population in this study was children in TK Kartika 1-7 Padang who were registered in 2018/2019. The number of children enrolled in the school year is 44, spread in two classes. Based on the development of the children studied, it was concluded that the development of children is still classified as low, from 22 children, 7 of them are in the unfavorable range, including the undeveloped category. invited to speak. Then 8 people are in a fairly good range which is in the category of developing, meaning that the child only speaks two to three words and the child is still guided by the teacher. And 6 other people are in a good range meaning the child is able to speak. 1 child is in a very good range of values because the child is able to speak well and smoothly and the articulation is clear. So that the data shows that children's speaking ability in Kindergarten Kartika 1-7 Padang children need to be improved.
Abstract: The purpose of this research is to look at the influence of English vocabulary of child... more Abstract: The purpose of this research is to look at the influence of English vocabulary of children with Story Telling through Animated Films on children's language development in Kindergarten Fadhilah Amal 3 Tunggul Hitam Padang. the activity of introducing English with Story Telling through this Animated Film researchers wanted to see how the deve-lopment of children's language, especially in English at TK Fadhilah Amal 3 Tunggul Hitam Padang. Quantitative research methods used in the form of Quasi Experiments. The population consisted of all 43 Fadhilah Amal 3 Kindergarten students, namely groups B1, B2 and B3. B3 group was used as an experimental sample and B1 as a control class sample of 15 people each. The sampling technique used cluster sampling. The data collection techniques used by teachers' tests, such as statements of 4 statements as well as data collection in the form of statement widths in the form of an instrument lattice. The results of tests conducted u...
Tujuan penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lanjutan dari penelitian sebelumnya (Skim Penelitian P... more Tujuan penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lanjutan dari penelitian sebelumnya (Skim Penelitian Produk Terapan, 2017). Metode yang akan digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode Research and Development (RD (2) Melakukan perencanaan; (3) Mendesain produk awal; (4)Melakukan uji coba desain produk/uji ahli atau expert judgement; (5)Melakukan revisi terhadap desain produk; (6) Melakukan uji coba produk/ujicoba awal; (7) Melakukan revisi terhadap produk awal; (8) Melakukan ujicoba pemakaian; (9) Melakukan revisi terhadap produk akhir; (10)Mendesiminasikan dan mengimplementasikan produk. Model yang digunakan adalah pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran yang secara konten terintegrasi antara ilmu Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD) dan ilmu Teknologi Informatika Komputer (TI). Rencana di tahun ke dua ini, peneliti akan merevisi modul pembelajaran untuk guru dan mencetaknya, uji coba pada kelompok besar, evaluasi produk, pengolahan data hasil implementasi penuh, pengurusan presentasi d...
This study aims to look at the vocabulary of children at the age of 4-6 years at Kindergarten Fad... more This study aims to look at the vocabulary of children at the age of 4-6 years at Kindergarten Fadhilah Amal 3 Tunggul Hitam Padang by using Animated Films Story Telling. The researcher wants to see the the students language development through the activity of introducing the English Language by Animated Story Telling. This research is a descriptive study using a qualitative approach. The research subjects were children in B3 class 3 at Kindergarten Fadhilah Amal 3. Data collection techniques used in the form of observation, video, and documentation.
The purpose of writing is to explain the theory teaching of design and application of storyboard.... more The purpose of writing is to explain the theory teaching of design and application of storyboard. That has not been used in developing the character of children aged 6-8 years, during this time the media used in developing the character of the child is carried out through flannel board media in teaching Indonesian children. A Storyboard is teaching media to design a variety of images in the development of children's characters. Thus making the design a more enjoyable and interesting storyboard. Storyboard design can be used offline that facilitate face to face teaching. Storyboard makes teaching material the form of a slide on the computer. teaching that combines text, images, and multimedia. Which aims to develop character education in early childhood.
Parents and teacher have an important role in chlidrens development. Many childrens behavior are ... more Parents and teacher have an important role in chlidrens development. Many childrens behavior are misunderstood so that they give the child a naughty label. Actually the child only needs to get attention fron the teacher or parents. Because of this luck of awareness, the researchers were interested in conducting research on case study of attention deficit disorder in children aged 6 years at TK Aisyiyah 29 Padang. this study describes the behavior of children who experience impaired concentration and efforts of the teacher in dealing with it. This type of research is qualitative research with a case study approach. The research informan were clas teachers and parents of children at Aisyiyah 29 kindergarten in Padang. Data collection techniques in the form of grouping, direct interpretation, setting patterns and generalizations. While the technique of validating data is an extention of obsevation, increasing perseverance and triangulation. The results of study showed that the behavior...
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan gambaran menyeluruh tentang pelaksanaan penilaian y... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan gambaran menyeluruh tentang pelaksanaan penilaian yang dilakukan guru terhadap perkembangan kognitif anak usia 4-6 tahun di taman kanak-kanak pada era revolusi industri 4.0. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi literatur. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan dalam penelitian studi literatur yaitu dengan menelaah sumber data yang relevan yang diambil dari buku, artikel, jurnal, dan sebagainya. Baik dari sumber primer maupun sekunder menggunakan teknik analisis data berupa analisis isi (content analisis). Berdasarkan beberapa hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan penilaian perkembangan kognitif anak sangat penting untuk dilaksanakan agar mengetahui capaian perkembangan kognitif anak serta dapat mengembangakan kognitif anak lebih optimal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perkembangan kognitif anak usia 4-6 tahun di taman kanak-kanak dapat dilihat dari pelaksanaan penilaian yang di lakukan guru di sekolah.
This study aims to look at the effect of role playing with music activities on the development of... more This study aims to look at the effect of role playing with music activities on the development of children’s social care in kindergardeten. Role playing with music itself is a role playing activity using music so that the development of children’s social care. The method in this study uses quantitative with experimental quasy types. The test is used as a data collection technique, in the form of a 5-point statement, then the data is processed using a difference test (t-test). The results of the data analysis of the experimental group got on average using 79,25 role playing activities with music and 70,93 control groups with micro role playing activities. The results of this study can be concluded that the role playing with music activities affect the development of social care (social care) children in Islamic Kindergarten Khaira Ummah Padang.
Proceedings of the International Conference of Early Childhood Education (ICECE 2017), 2018
This research aimed to improve the quality of learning at kindergartens through observations by t... more This research aimed to improve the quality of learning at kindergartens through observations by the video camera in the classroom activities. The subjects of the research were the teacher candidates studying the major of early childhood education. The method used was qualitative with the data collection through observation, interviews and documentation. The results showed that there had been kindergartens using video camera in the classrooms and some had also been using the camera manually. The teachers observed the results of the classroom study as a means of evaluating themselves after teaching. It is expected that after applying this method, teachers would be more optimal in teaching early childhood students.
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Education and Technology (ICET 2019), 2019
The purpose of this study was to know about the development of practical life exercise, one of th... more The purpose of this study was to know about the development of practical life exercise, one of the Montessori curricula that researchers conducted at the Pioneer Montessori School Kindergarten. This study used a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The data analysis step used reduction, presentation and verification data from Miles and Huberman technique. The participants of this study were one principal and 2 teachers who taught in the toddler and nursery class. There were 7 toddlers, 4-5 years old. From this study, it can be concluded that in practical life activities, there are activities that can develop children's science, artistic and cognitive development. The process of practical life exercises was carried out by steps to show, to know, and to remember.
Jurnal Ecogen
Media is an important thing in supporting learning. Media is an intermediary/introduction of lear... more Media is an important thing in supporting learning. Media is an intermediary/introduction of learning messages to children so that there is a common perception given by the teacher and received by the child. Provision of media facilities requires the ability of creative teachers to create learning medium so that the material is distributed or delivered to children. Consider in designing the media not only in terms of children's interests but also the compatibility between the media and the material that will be conveyed so that it can be delivered fundamentally accepted by the child. In fact there are still many teachers who do not yet have the ability of creativity in designing educational learning media in learning in kindergarten. Most teachers only use mediocre and monotonous media so that children are not motivated in learning. This greatly affects the success of children's learning. The teacher's ability to design instructional media greatly influences the outcome ...