Niccolò Casiddu - (original) (raw)

Papers by Niccolò Casiddu

Research paper thumbnail of Co-designed Social Robotic System in Si-Robotics Project

Lecture notes in electrical engineering, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of HCD methodologies and simulation for visual rehabilitator’s education in oMERO project

Human Interaction and Emerging Technologies (IHIET-AI 2023): Artificial Intelligence and Future Applications

The work presented originates in the context of designing for individuals with visual impairment,... more The work presented originates in the context of designing for individuals with visual impairment, in the specific target refers to children from two to seven years of age. The study was conducted with the contribution of the UniGe DAD (Department of Archite- cture and Design) research group as part of the oMERO project, an Erasmus+ project funded by the European Community (2020–2023), with the aim of creating a curricu- lum for training the profession of visual rehabilitator for children. The article illustrates a case study carried out using the simulation technique at the University of Genoa’s Center for Simulation and Advanced Training. The approach intended to be applied to this course is innovative, involving the immersive and experiential participation of students and the adoption of the most advanced training technologies in the field of simulation. Expert designers, physicians, ophthalmologists, psychologists and visual rehabilitators were involved to proceed with the implem...

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Research paper thumbnail of La variabile e la sua misura. Ragione, sostanza e tema per l’oggetto immaterialmente materiale

Design su misura, 2018

Il contributo, all\u2019interno della curatela, tratta della \uabvolont\ue0 \ue8 di proseguire se... more Il contributo, all\u2019interno della curatela, tratta della \uabvolont\ue0 \ue8 di proseguire secondo una linea di ricerca che connetta l\u2019oggetto di merchandising religioso alla sapienza artigianale che i territori hanno da esprimere, in linea con l\u2019approccio design ruled e in accordo metodologico con la sperimentazione esposta, includendo pertanto nei processi realizzativi quegli approcci della contemporaneit\ue0 che possano apportare nuova linfa al progetto dell\u2019oggetto artigianale

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Research paper thumbnail of Humanoid Robotics Design for active ageing / Humanoid Robotics Design per l’invecchiamento attivo

LIStLab, 2019

In the years, the evolution of the design practise went along with the greatest social, cultural ... more In the years, the evolution of the design practise went along with the greatest social, cultural and economic challenges. The European Union estimates that a significant growth of the population of senior citizens will be observed in the coming years. Such increase will rise social costs for the active population, which will decrease in the meanwhile. Is a priority to relieve the burden which weighs heavily on the health system by developing design project strategies and innovative tools for active ageing. In this way, the senior population could become a resource rather than a matter of concern. Physical activity represents a decisive prevention strategy against physical aging and cognitive decline. Robotic technology represents one of the more efficient tools to take on such task, as it facilitates the replicability of human-centered trials aimed to improve psycho-physical health. Humanoid robots have shown to be excellent to achieve such purposes, thanks to a high level of engagement from vulnerable users. \\u201cWearaBot\\u201d is a system developed by a multidisciplinary team of engineers, designers and doctors, aiming to increase the potential of humanoid robots by enabling interaction with a wearable device. Such robotic system is being tested in a pilot study for the prevention of sarcopenia carried out by using facilities at the E.O. Ospedali Galliera of Genoa. Such pilot study in the field of human robot interaction (HRI) aims to explore innovative methods to connect technology and the human body and to integrate humanoid robots with wearable technology. This research proposes some design-driven scenarios, suggesting ways to facilitate active ageing thanks to replicable technologic trials led in healthcare facilities and at home

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Research paper thumbnail of Capacitating technologies for adaptive environments: the Living Hub case study

TECHNE - Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment

The paper describes the development of Living Hub: a laboratory for research, experimentation and... more The paper describes the development of Living Hub: a laboratory for research, experimentation and training based on the Living Lab model, integrated with the use of the Simulation technique, to optimise the study of the interaction between people, environments, and technology. The lab aims to support the design of capacitating technologies and responsive environments that can adapt to the needs of their users, with reference to the home context. Located in Liguria, a region with the highest rate of ageing in the world, Living Hub focuses experimentation on innovative models for the care of the frail through different levels of scalar/modular integration of enabling technologies in the built environment.

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Research paper thumbnail of Si–Robotics: an assistive experimental robot

Intelligent Human Systems Integration (IHSI 2022) Integrating People and Intelligent Systems

SiRobotics is a European-funded project that involves 17 partners among companies and universitie... more SiRobotics is a European-funded project that involves 17 partners among companies and universities, which worked together to design and develop novel solutions of collaborative assistive ICT robotics with advanced capabilities to support caregivers, users and families in healthcare services, while acting with a socially acceptable behavior. The aim of the project is to support weak users in their daily activities, whether they live in home environments or elder care facilities; assessing the progress of their physical and cognitive decline, i.e. cognitive frailty, dementia, mild cognitive impairment, etc., will enable early diagnosis, objective assessment, therapy control and rehabilitation. Si-Robotics system will be used within the context of elder care facilities or home environments, characterized by the presence of frail people requiring gentle and dedicated attention and interaction, assisted by professional and/or in-formal caregivers and medical operators, working with very ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Ambient assisted living: Italian forum 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Moving Through. The Issue of Accessibility and Archaeological Sites

An Integrated Approach for an Archaeological and Environmental Park in South-Eastern Turkey, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Designing the Intangible

Advances in Utopian Studies and Sacred Architecture, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Environment Design Sustaining Users: Lifelong Housing Design

The attention to Design environments and new technologies inside houses are some of the main them... more The attention to Design environments and new technologies inside houses are some of the main themes of many European research projects, in particular in the Horizon 2020 context, like the JPI (Joint Programming Initiative \u2013 More Years, Better Lives) and the AAL (Ambient Assisted Living). The initial hypothesis of the research has been prepared referring to demographic data analyzed, to the social and generational context investigated and the way older people are used to live in their homes. The research question is the following: "Is it possible to live longer for the aging people, within their own homes? If so, how? Thanks which methods, tools, media, supports, scenarios?

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Research paper thumbnail of The Mo.Di.Pro Experimental Project at the Galliera Hospital: I.C.T., Robots and Care of the Environment for the Rehabilitation of Patients Before Discharge

Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2017

The project Mo.Di.Pro, which stands for “Assisted Discharge modal” is a pilot study to test and v... more The project Mo.Di.Pro, which stands for “Assisted Discharge modal” is a pilot study to test and validate an innovative form of hospitalisation which provides domestic assistance following treatment in the acute stage, during which, for a vast number of patients (mainly elderly) their discharge is delayed due to reasons independent from purely sanitary needs. The model proposes a domestic environment with sanitary assistance and monitoring with a discreet staff presence, in order to gradually prepare patients to return to their household after being discharged. This goal was pursued by designing and realising hi-tech, semi-hospital accommodation prototypes with domestic characteristics. They integrate the domestic environment with current technology in monitoring, telepresence, and teleassistance, thus reducing the need for continuous assistance from the medical staff. This contributed to increased safety and autonomy for patients.

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Research paper thumbnail of Visual Elements for the Design of a Robotic Head in Si-Robotics Project

For a human user it is fundamental to recognize the synthetic emotion being presented as feedback... more For a human user it is fundamental to recognize the synthetic emotion being presented as feedback on a robotic head, that can appear spontaneous or activated in reaction to the user’s action or request. The design of such feedbacks can greatly lower the learning curve of users who need to interact with automated systems, reducing the time and effort that they need to put into learning how to use the system. The paper will present our findings regarding the design of facial expressions and empathic aspects of a robotic head and the resulting interface that will be implemented on the robotic system that is being developed for the European-funded Si-Robotics project.

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Research paper thumbnail of Sinergie per il design inclusivo. BATH: il caso studio Exposanità 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of The Innovation of Design and the Project of new Tools for Employment Activities, supports for active Life: Case Study of integrated Research Project Caresystem

If we accept to point out design as an evident mean revealing the dynamic evolution of the actual... more If we accept to point out design as an evident mean revealing the dynamic evolution of the actual scenario, we will verify what the recent and quick changes, from a quantity and a quality point of view of the social context, and in particular, for the western world, the increase of life expectancy and the subsequent increase of the elderly population, have highlighted the approach to the planning, which nowadays is aware not only of the functional and aesthetical sides of the product but also of the social and economical aspects, aiming at providing with the correct answers according to the social needs. Within the therapeutic options available in the dementia scientific field, design can and must play a conclusive role, interacting and collaborating with the specific competence of the medicine in the research and development of unconventional treatments and non pharmacological therapies. Currently, particularly in home nursing, but also in a large number of structures, specific too...

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Research paper thumbnail of Adaptive environments for enabling senior citizens: An holistic assessment tool for housing design and IoT-based technologies

2016 IEEE 3rd World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT), 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Material in design and resilience

Techne. Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Capable design: assistive devices, simulation and collaborative models for home care

Through the use of simulation in medicine it is possible to intervene in the ongoing training of ... more Through the use of simulation in medicine it is possible to intervene in the ongoing training of care staff, enabling them to improve techniques and treatments for domiciliary care of dependent persons and help improve the quality of home care. Fostering interdisciplinary work among health professionals, architects and designers, bioengineers and computer scientists, the creation of spaces that offer a better quality of life to chronically ill patients and their families and easier home care by health personnel (assistive technologies, home automation and ambient assisted living) are some of the realised aims of the project

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Research paper thumbnail of Il progetto della casa sensibile - Designing the Sense-Able Home

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Research paper thumbnail of Lifelong Housing Design

Proceedings of the 9th ACM International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Designing Synthetic Emotions of a Robotic System

Human Systems Engineering and Design III, 2020

As massive changes in our lifestyle and society structure are coming, due to the contemporary pan... more As massive changes in our lifestyle and society structure are coming, due to the contemporary pandemic situation, we face more than ever the challenge of employing non-human and teleassistance devices in many areas, especially those that require assisting and caring for weak users. Humanoid robots are proven to be a valuable asset in these situations but require to be carefully designed in their interaction features, in order to be accepted and valuably used by their users. In particular, this study is focused on robots that have a certain degree of human-likeness that allows to define them \u201chumanoids\u201d; for this kind of robots we can say that the area devoted to replicate human facial features is the most important interface for human\u2013robot interaction. Actually, more than 60% of human\u2013human interaction is conducted non-verbally, by using facial expressions and gestures. For a robot to be able to engage in this kind of interaction with a human and provide understandable feedbacks is a massive step towards acceptance and development of an affectional relationship by users. Being meant to reproduce human emotions, visual feedbacks are mostly developed referring to eminent researches in the psychological field: as Paul Ekman already observed in 1998, human faces have a universal coding for six basic expressions that represent as many basic emotions: fear, anger, disgust, happiness, sadness and surprise. Our research focuses on the design of an expression system to be implemented in a European-funded project for an assistive robot that will support weak users at home or in assistance facilities and their caregivers. Our main concern regarding this project are to design a dynamic, human-friendly system that is scalable and visually recalls real facial expressions without being too much human-like, in order to avoid the well-known uncanny effect described by Masairo Mori

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Research paper thumbnail of Co-designed Social Robotic System in Si-Robotics Project

Lecture notes in electrical engineering, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of HCD methodologies and simulation for visual rehabilitator’s education in oMERO project

Human Interaction and Emerging Technologies (IHIET-AI 2023): Artificial Intelligence and Future Applications

The work presented originates in the context of designing for individuals with visual impairment,... more The work presented originates in the context of designing for individuals with visual impairment, in the specific target refers to children from two to seven years of age. The study was conducted with the contribution of the UniGe DAD (Department of Archite- cture and Design) research group as part of the oMERO project, an Erasmus+ project funded by the European Community (2020–2023), with the aim of creating a curricu- lum for training the profession of visual rehabilitator for children. The article illustrates a case study carried out using the simulation technique at the University of Genoa’s Center for Simulation and Advanced Training. The approach intended to be applied to this course is innovative, involving the immersive and experiential participation of students and the adoption of the most advanced training technologies in the field of simulation. Expert designers, physicians, ophthalmologists, psychologists and visual rehabilitators were involved to proceed with the implem...

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Research paper thumbnail of La variabile e la sua misura. Ragione, sostanza e tema per l’oggetto immaterialmente materiale

Design su misura, 2018

Il contributo, all\u2019interno della curatela, tratta della \uabvolont\ue0 \ue8 di proseguire se... more Il contributo, all\u2019interno della curatela, tratta della \uabvolont\ue0 \ue8 di proseguire secondo una linea di ricerca che connetta l\u2019oggetto di merchandising religioso alla sapienza artigianale che i territori hanno da esprimere, in linea con l\u2019approccio design ruled e in accordo metodologico con la sperimentazione esposta, includendo pertanto nei processi realizzativi quegli approcci della contemporaneit\ue0 che possano apportare nuova linfa al progetto dell\u2019oggetto artigianale

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Research paper thumbnail of Humanoid Robotics Design for active ageing / Humanoid Robotics Design per l’invecchiamento attivo

LIStLab, 2019

In the years, the evolution of the design practise went along with the greatest social, cultural ... more In the years, the evolution of the design practise went along with the greatest social, cultural and economic challenges. The European Union estimates that a significant growth of the population of senior citizens will be observed in the coming years. Such increase will rise social costs for the active population, which will decrease in the meanwhile. Is a priority to relieve the burden which weighs heavily on the health system by developing design project strategies and innovative tools for active ageing. In this way, the senior population could become a resource rather than a matter of concern. Physical activity represents a decisive prevention strategy against physical aging and cognitive decline. Robotic technology represents one of the more efficient tools to take on such task, as it facilitates the replicability of human-centered trials aimed to improve psycho-physical health. Humanoid robots have shown to be excellent to achieve such purposes, thanks to a high level of engagement from vulnerable users. \\u201cWearaBot\\u201d is a system developed by a multidisciplinary team of engineers, designers and doctors, aiming to increase the potential of humanoid robots by enabling interaction with a wearable device. Such robotic system is being tested in a pilot study for the prevention of sarcopenia carried out by using facilities at the E.O. Ospedali Galliera of Genoa. Such pilot study in the field of human robot interaction (HRI) aims to explore innovative methods to connect technology and the human body and to integrate humanoid robots with wearable technology. This research proposes some design-driven scenarios, suggesting ways to facilitate active ageing thanks to replicable technologic trials led in healthcare facilities and at home

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Research paper thumbnail of Capacitating technologies for adaptive environments: the Living Hub case study

TECHNE - Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment

The paper describes the development of Living Hub: a laboratory for research, experimentation and... more The paper describes the development of Living Hub: a laboratory for research, experimentation and training based on the Living Lab model, integrated with the use of the Simulation technique, to optimise the study of the interaction between people, environments, and technology. The lab aims to support the design of capacitating technologies and responsive environments that can adapt to the needs of their users, with reference to the home context. Located in Liguria, a region with the highest rate of ageing in the world, Living Hub focuses experimentation on innovative models for the care of the frail through different levels of scalar/modular integration of enabling technologies in the built environment.

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Research paper thumbnail of Si–Robotics: an assistive experimental robot

Intelligent Human Systems Integration (IHSI 2022) Integrating People and Intelligent Systems

SiRobotics is a European-funded project that involves 17 partners among companies and universitie... more SiRobotics is a European-funded project that involves 17 partners among companies and universities, which worked together to design and develop novel solutions of collaborative assistive ICT robotics with advanced capabilities to support caregivers, users and families in healthcare services, while acting with a socially acceptable behavior. The aim of the project is to support weak users in their daily activities, whether they live in home environments or elder care facilities; assessing the progress of their physical and cognitive decline, i.e. cognitive frailty, dementia, mild cognitive impairment, etc., will enable early diagnosis, objective assessment, therapy control and rehabilitation. Si-Robotics system will be used within the context of elder care facilities or home environments, characterized by the presence of frail people requiring gentle and dedicated attention and interaction, assisted by professional and/or in-formal caregivers and medical operators, working with very ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Ambient assisted living: Italian forum 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Moving Through. The Issue of Accessibility and Archaeological Sites

An Integrated Approach for an Archaeological and Environmental Park in South-Eastern Turkey, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Designing the Intangible

Advances in Utopian Studies and Sacred Architecture, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Environment Design Sustaining Users: Lifelong Housing Design

The attention to Design environments and new technologies inside houses are some of the main them... more The attention to Design environments and new technologies inside houses are some of the main themes of many European research projects, in particular in the Horizon 2020 context, like the JPI (Joint Programming Initiative \u2013 More Years, Better Lives) and the AAL (Ambient Assisted Living). The initial hypothesis of the research has been prepared referring to demographic data analyzed, to the social and generational context investigated and the way older people are used to live in their homes. The research question is the following: "Is it possible to live longer for the aging people, within their own homes? If so, how? Thanks which methods, tools, media, supports, scenarios?

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Research paper thumbnail of The Mo.Di.Pro Experimental Project at the Galliera Hospital: I.C.T., Robots and Care of the Environment for the Rehabilitation of Patients Before Discharge

Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2017

The project Mo.Di.Pro, which stands for “Assisted Discharge modal” is a pilot study to test and v... more The project Mo.Di.Pro, which stands for “Assisted Discharge modal” is a pilot study to test and validate an innovative form of hospitalisation which provides domestic assistance following treatment in the acute stage, during which, for a vast number of patients (mainly elderly) their discharge is delayed due to reasons independent from purely sanitary needs. The model proposes a domestic environment with sanitary assistance and monitoring with a discreet staff presence, in order to gradually prepare patients to return to their household after being discharged. This goal was pursued by designing and realising hi-tech, semi-hospital accommodation prototypes with domestic characteristics. They integrate the domestic environment with current technology in monitoring, telepresence, and teleassistance, thus reducing the need for continuous assistance from the medical staff. This contributed to increased safety and autonomy for patients.

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Research paper thumbnail of Visual Elements for the Design of a Robotic Head in Si-Robotics Project

For a human user it is fundamental to recognize the synthetic emotion being presented as feedback... more For a human user it is fundamental to recognize the synthetic emotion being presented as feedback on a robotic head, that can appear spontaneous or activated in reaction to the user’s action or request. The design of such feedbacks can greatly lower the learning curve of users who need to interact with automated systems, reducing the time and effort that they need to put into learning how to use the system. The paper will present our findings regarding the design of facial expressions and empathic aspects of a robotic head and the resulting interface that will be implemented on the robotic system that is being developed for the European-funded Si-Robotics project.

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Research paper thumbnail of Sinergie per il design inclusivo. BATH: il caso studio Exposanità 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of The Innovation of Design and the Project of new Tools for Employment Activities, supports for active Life: Case Study of integrated Research Project Caresystem

If we accept to point out design as an evident mean revealing the dynamic evolution of the actual... more If we accept to point out design as an evident mean revealing the dynamic evolution of the actual scenario, we will verify what the recent and quick changes, from a quantity and a quality point of view of the social context, and in particular, for the western world, the increase of life expectancy and the subsequent increase of the elderly population, have highlighted the approach to the planning, which nowadays is aware not only of the functional and aesthetical sides of the product but also of the social and economical aspects, aiming at providing with the correct answers according to the social needs. Within the therapeutic options available in the dementia scientific field, design can and must play a conclusive role, interacting and collaborating with the specific competence of the medicine in the research and development of unconventional treatments and non pharmacological therapies. Currently, particularly in home nursing, but also in a large number of structures, specific too...

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Research paper thumbnail of Adaptive environments for enabling senior citizens: An holistic assessment tool for housing design and IoT-based technologies

2016 IEEE 3rd World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT), 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Material in design and resilience

Techne. Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Capable design: assistive devices, simulation and collaborative models for home care

Through the use of simulation in medicine it is possible to intervene in the ongoing training of ... more Through the use of simulation in medicine it is possible to intervene in the ongoing training of care staff, enabling them to improve techniques and treatments for domiciliary care of dependent persons and help improve the quality of home care. Fostering interdisciplinary work among health professionals, architects and designers, bioengineers and computer scientists, the creation of spaces that offer a better quality of life to chronically ill patients and their families and easier home care by health personnel (assistive technologies, home automation and ambient assisted living) are some of the realised aims of the project

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Research paper thumbnail of Il progetto della casa sensibile - Designing the Sense-Able Home

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Research paper thumbnail of Lifelong Housing Design

Proceedings of the 9th ACM International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Designing Synthetic Emotions of a Robotic System

Human Systems Engineering and Design III, 2020

As massive changes in our lifestyle and society structure are coming, due to the contemporary pan... more As massive changes in our lifestyle and society structure are coming, due to the contemporary pandemic situation, we face more than ever the challenge of employing non-human and teleassistance devices in many areas, especially those that require assisting and caring for weak users. Humanoid robots are proven to be a valuable asset in these situations but require to be carefully designed in their interaction features, in order to be accepted and valuably used by their users. In particular, this study is focused on robots that have a certain degree of human-likeness that allows to define them \u201chumanoids\u201d; for this kind of robots we can say that the area devoted to replicate human facial features is the most important interface for human\u2013robot interaction. Actually, more than 60% of human\u2013human interaction is conducted non-verbally, by using facial expressions and gestures. For a robot to be able to engage in this kind of interaction with a human and provide understandable feedbacks is a massive step towards acceptance and development of an affectional relationship by users. Being meant to reproduce human emotions, visual feedbacks are mostly developed referring to eminent researches in the psychological field: as Paul Ekman already observed in 1998, human faces have a universal coding for six basic expressions that represent as many basic emotions: fear, anger, disgust, happiness, sadness and surprise. Our research focuses on the design of an expression system to be implemented in a European-funded project for an assistive robot that will support weak users at home or in assistance facilities and their caregivers. Our main concern regarding this project are to design a dynamic, human-friendly system that is scalable and visually recalls real facial expressions without being too much human-like, in order to avoid the well-known uncanny effect described by Masairo Mori

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