Nicolas Lambert - (original) (raw)

Papers by Nicolas Lambert

Research paper thumbnail of Premiers pas vers une proposition de sémiologie graphique animée : un outil d'expérimentation

Les possibilités d'animation sont l'occasion d'un renouvellement des modes de conception cartogra... more Les possibilités d'animation sont l'occasion d'un renouvellement des modes de conception cartographique et, en particulier, de la représentation des changements spatio-temporels. Pour avancer dans la formalisation d'une sémiologie graphique animée, nous proposons ici une démarche pragmatique, qui vise à expérimenter différentes alternatives pour en apprécier l'efficacité visuelle. L'outil présenté est accessible sur le site Web de Cartomouv' 1 , groupe de recherche sur la « cartographie du changement, cartographie en mouvement ».

Research paper thumbnail of Magrit: a new thematic cartography tool

Proceedings of the ICA, 2018

The article provides an overview of the features of the Magrit web application: a free online the... more The article provides an overview of the features of the Magrit web application: a free online thematic mapping tool, presenting a strong pedagogical dimension and making possible to mobilize all the elements necessary for the realization of a thematic map. In this tool, several simple modes of representation are proposed such as proportional maps or choropleth maps. Other, more complex modes are also available such as smoothed maps and cartograms. Each map can be finalized thanks to layout and customization features (projection, scale, orientation, toponyms, etc.) and exported in vector format. Magrit is therefore a complete, light and versatile tool particularly adapted to cartography teaching at the university.

Research paper thumbnail of HyperAtlas, un outil scientifique au service du débat politique - Application à la politique de cohésion de l'Union Européenne

HyperAtlas est un outil de mesure et de cartographie des inegalites territoriales. De par les met... more HyperAtlas est un outil de mesure et de cartographie des inegalites territoriales. De par les methodes d'analyse qu'il integre et les usages qui peuvent en etre fait, HyperAtlas se situe a l'interface entre le scientifique et le politique. On se propose de questionner, dans le cadre du paradigme weberien, les usages politiques possibles d'un outil scientifique comme HyperAtlas, en prenant comme exemple la negociation de la politique regionale de cohesion de l'Union Europeenne apres 2013. D'un cote, HyperAtlas peut etre utilise comme un simulateur d'options politiques permettant a des acteurs de maximiser leur gain dans le cadre d'un jeu a somme nulle. D'un autre cote, il peut offrir la possibilite de developper des politiques articulant differents niveaux territoriaux et d'aboutir a une gouvernance multiscalaire plus efficace dans le cadre d'un jeu a somme non nulle.

Research paper thumbnail of Enhancing Spatial Patterns Representations by Functional Semantic Simplification

The framework of this paper is the development of an online application that display various maps... more The framework of this paper is the development of an online application that display various maps based on the concept of functional indicators. Target users are European stakeholders, not familiar with statistical procedures or spatial analysis. The proposed tool is conceived to fulfill three main needs: (1) producing a simplified and coherent representation of spatial patterns; (2) computing indicators in a context-aware approach; (3) embedding those functionalities in a user-friendly platform.

Research paper thumbnail of Recent Computer Technologies for an Innovative Cartographic Language

Review of the state of the art in recent computer technologies and related cartographic software ... more Review of the state of the art in recent computer technologies and related cartographic software in support of ensuring an innovative cartographic language. The service provider is asked to review the state of the art in recent computer technologies and related cartographic software development in support of ensuring an innovative cartographic language. The service provider shall, based on this review, present options for modernising the ESPON Cartographic Language. The fulfilment of this task should not be limited only to more “traditional” cartography, but explore new options for adding new cartographic concepts, types of illustrations and computer animated presentations, that could support the presentation of the geography of policy orientations and forward-looking territorial evidence to the European territorial policy arena. The review shall lead to recommendations of cartographic technologies and techniques to consider in a modernised ESPON Cartographic Language. It shall be u...

Research paper thumbnail of Options and recommandations related to further development of an Espon Cartographic Language

In this 5th part of Espon Cartographic Language Final Report, our aim is to identify good practic... more In this 5th part of Espon Cartographic Language Final Report, our aim is to identify good practices, as well in the development of interactive cartographic environments such as atlases, as in innovative cartographic constructions. Our proposals target several levels: - The level of applications themselves: which functionalities have to be use, for what applications and what objectives? -The level of cartographic representations, meaning the possibilities to introduce elements of animation and interactivity in maps, depending on data and objectives: what innovations for which representation? To achieve such aims, we use two types of resources: - a collection of interactive atlases, considered as the most representative of the diversity in european statistical atlases, which we have analyzed and compared. - the collection of maps presented in Task 4, that we propose to enrich with functions of interaction and animation. The first part of Task 5 deals with recommendations, coming from ...

Research paper thumbnail of Reproducible Workflow for Cartography – Migrants Deaths in the Mediterranean

Proceedings of the ICA, 2019

As any scientific production, maps must be disputed and debated. The implementation of reproducib... more As any scientific production, maps must be disputed and debated. The implementation of reproducible processes based on free software and open data is essential. In this paper, we demonstrate that this objective can be achieved in the R software ecosystem. In our demonstration, we propose a set of cartographic visualizations based on the example of dead and missing migrants in the Mediterranean over the period 2014-2018. Each representation focuses on one aspect of the phenomenon and the R code used is available. We argue that this multi-visualization contributes to bring new knowledge on the migration debate at European borders and aims at illustrating its geographical complexity.

Research paper thumbnail of Documenting the Diffusion of the 2016 French Nuit Debout

Research Data Journal for the Humanities and Social Sciences, 2019

In the spring of 2016, France saw a major social movement, with strikes and demonstrations, and a... more In the spring of 2016, France saw a major social movement, with strikes and demonstrations, and a new form of protest, the Nuit Debout. Following the Occupy Wall Street and Los Indignados models, open air assemblies started in Paris on March 31 and then spread throughout France and abroad. The dataset presented here provides the exhaustive list of Nuit Debout gatherings that took place in France in April 2016 and an estimation of their audience. The data was gathered by a small multidisciplinary team (geographers, historian and sociologist) who consulted three main sources: a wiki created by the Nuit Debout movement, Facebook pages and groups created by local assemblies, and the regional press. Combining these sources made it possible to identify 1300 assemblies that took place in 215 different locations. The dataset available online is provided with an R script that generates a dynamic map of the Nuit Debout diffusion.

Research paper thumbnail of Mapping the Migratory Movements

Revue européenne des migrations internationales, 2016

Mapping migratory movements, which means "immobilising" a complex spatial, temporal, social and p... more Mapping migratory movements, which means "immobilising" a complex spatial, temporal, social and political system, presents major challenges. Not only do individuals migrating or fleeing cross paths, they also "take breaks" of varying durations, settle temporarily in a country or a place for several days, weeks or years and sometimes move again. The geography and cartography of migration are subject to time as well as political developments, which may be very rapid. Thus, mapping always runs the risk of being outdated before the map is even finished. Furthermore, the measurement of "flows" requires migration to be analysed by aggregating data, which is both spatial and temporal and may be processed in very different ways. The general term "flows", used in the titles of numerous migration maps, is rarely explained. Thus, a migration flow may be measured on the basis of the number of crossings at a particular point during a given time period (for example, the number of people who crossed the border between Mexico and the United States at Ciudad Juarez in 2015); it can also be measured between two points (the number of people who departed from Chiapas in Mexico and arrived in California in 2015). In the first instance, it is a question of counting movements which are in the process of taking place and calculating them at a precise point; in the second case, movement is reconstructed a posteriori on the basis of absolute quantitative data (the "stock" of Mexican people from Chiapas identified in California since 2015). Maps also cover individual movements, which are no longer labelled "flows" but "routes" or "journeys", combining spatial data with social, political and/or temporal data 1. Presenting the complexity of temporal data through cartography, which is based on spatial analogy, is a broad area of research which has produced technical and epistemological innovations, in particular static choremes, followed by dynamic choremes, animated computerised maps, some of which are interactive (Kaddouri, 2008).

Research paper thumbnail of cartography: Create and Integrate Maps in your R Workflow

The Journal of Open Source Software, 2016

cartography is an R package (R Core Team (2016)) for thematic mapping. It allows various cartogra... more cartography is an R package (R Core Team (2016)) for thematic mapping. It allows various cartographic representations such as proportional symbols, chroropleth, typology, flows or discontinuities. In addition it also proposes some useful features like cartographic palettes, layout (scale, north arrow, title…), labels, legends or access to cartographic API to ease the graphic presentation of maps. The package relies mostly on sp (E. J. Pebesma and Bivand (2005), Bivand, Pebesma, and Gomez-Rubio (2013)) and rgeos (R. Bivand and Rundel (2016)) packages to handle and transform spatial data. The map below is a cartographic composition showing most of the representations enabled by the package.

Research paper thumbnail of L'HyperAtlas électoral parisien (2007-2012) Un outil pour l'analyse des dynamiques électorales intra-urbaines


Currently, voting geography is generally analysed at the municipal level; but intra-urban studies... more Currently, voting geography is generally analysed at the municipal level; but intra-urban studies are rare. This article presents an atlas that maps the results of Paris's most recent elections at the most detailed level available (polling station) while also taking into account the impact of the neighbourhood at multiple levels. A short study on abstention rates illustrates the potential of this atlas, which can be downloaded freely.

Research paper thumbnail of Comprendre le territoire européen. Deux outils cartographiques à l’appui de la réflexion en aménagement du territoire

L'Information géographique, 2015

Deux plateformes de cartographie interactive, HyperAtlas et AIRE, proposent, par le biais d'éclai... more Deux plateformes de cartographie interactive, HyperAtlas et AIRE, proposent, par le biais d'éclairages cartographiques originaux, une vision globale et opérationnelle de nombreux indicateurs caractérisant les régions européennes et intéressant l'aménagement du territoire européen.

Research paper thumbnail of A World of Interstices: A Fuzzy Logic Approach to the Analysis of Interpretative Maps

The Cartographic Journal, 2011

This paper experiments an analysis and cartography method based on the fuzzy logic theory to deal... more This paper experiments an analysis and cartography method based on the fuzzy logic theory to deal with mental maps at world scale. It is applied to a particular type of mental map-that we called interpretative maps. The realization of those maps is characterized by the instructions given to the respondents. Here they were asked to divide the world in regions (up to 15) from a polar projection map and to name each of them. That allows interpreting how people define a phenomenon in space from their own spatial representations. The knowledge level of respondents is then less important than their interpretation of space. Mental maps at all scales and especially at world scale raise specific issues. The first one is related to the imprecision of the drawing. The morphology of the regions obtained is likely to be quite deformed. The second and most important one is the uncertainty linked to the object drawn. Setting the border of regions it is by itself an exercice that implies vagueness (Montello, 2003). The reasons are related to capabilities of the respondent to manage with various information according to its education, its character, its culture, its history. The uncertainty is also related to the doubts or hesitations when doing the exercise. The interpretative dimension when building regions reinforce both the uncertainty and imprecision. Thus, the synthetic interpretative mental map of a group of people can be characterised as a fuzzy geographical space (Rolland-May, 2000). The fuzzy set theory (Zadeh, 1965) is therefore a good base to analyze interpretative maps. It formalizes the imprecision and the uncertainty. Moreover, it introduces gradual transitions between regions. Although fuzzy logic could help us to analyze building world regions, we focus on the world regions limits. The choice among the regions to study was made by a toponymy approach based on the most frequently quoted names. Some fuzzy logic operators were used, as the Zadeh T-norm or the probabilistic T-norm, to obtain world maps where the interstice areas-the areas belonging to two or more regions-appears. It allows providing cartography of the vagueness of regions borders. This method seems really promising, in particular to identify "soft" and "hard" continents (Grataloup, 2010) and to localize indetermination areas. It is also usefull to compare the world regions built with other regional patterns.

Research paper thumbnail of ESPON 3.4. 3: The Modifiable Areas Unit Problem: Final Report

Research paper thumbnail of Shrinking Regions: A Paradigm Shift In Demography and Territorial Development

Grasland, Claude (författare) Ysebaert, Ronan (författare) Corminboeuf, Bernard (författare) visa... more Grasland, Claude (författare) Ysebaert, Ronan (författare) Corminboeuf, Bernard (författare) visa fler... Gaubert, Nicolas (författare) Lambert, Nicolas (författare) Salmon, Isabelle (författare) Baro, Myriam (författare) Baudet-Michel, Sophie (författare) Ducom, Estelle (författare) ...

Research paper thumbnail of Cartographier la covid-19 : quelles narrations ?

Revue francophone sur la santé et les territoires, 2021

Ce document a été généré automatiquement le 6 avril 2021. La Revue francophone sur la santé et le... more Ce document a été généré automatiquement le 6 avril 2021. La Revue francophone sur la santé et les territoires est mise à disposition selon les termes de la Licence Creative Commons Attribution-Pas d'Utilisation Commerciale-Partage dans les Mêmes Conditions 4.0 International.

[Research paper thumbnail of [ARTICLE] Un monde d'interstices - Apport de la logique floue pour l’analyse des cartes interprétatives](

Cet article propose une methodologie basee sur la theorie des sous-ensembles flous afin d’analyse... more Cet article propose une methodologie basee sur la theorie des sous-ensembles flous afin d’analyser des cartes mentales d’un type particulier et realisees a l’echelle mondiale. A toutes les echelles, et en particulier a l’echelle mondiale, les cartes mentales soulevent des problemes particuliers dans leur analyse du fait de l’imprecision des traces et de l’incertitude liee aux objets dessines. Ici, nous avons demande aux personnes interrogees de diviser le monde en regions. La dimension interp...

Research paper thumbnail of Practical Handbook of Thematic Cartography

Research paper thumbnail of Mapping Covid-19: what narrations?

Revue francophone sur la santé et les territoires, 2021

La Revue francophone sur la santé et les territoires est mise à disposition selon les termes de l... more La Revue francophone sur la santé et les territoires est mise à disposition selon les termes de la Licence Creative Commons Attribution-Pas d'Utilisation Commerciale-Partage dans les Mêmes Conditions 4.0 International.

Research paper thumbnail of Other Cartographic Presentations

Practical Handbook of Thematic Cartography, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Premiers pas vers une proposition de sémiologie graphique animée : un outil d'expérimentation

Les possibilités d'animation sont l'occasion d'un renouvellement des modes de conception cartogra... more Les possibilités d'animation sont l'occasion d'un renouvellement des modes de conception cartographique et, en particulier, de la représentation des changements spatio-temporels. Pour avancer dans la formalisation d'une sémiologie graphique animée, nous proposons ici une démarche pragmatique, qui vise à expérimenter différentes alternatives pour en apprécier l'efficacité visuelle. L'outil présenté est accessible sur le site Web de Cartomouv' 1 , groupe de recherche sur la « cartographie du changement, cartographie en mouvement ».

Research paper thumbnail of Magrit: a new thematic cartography tool

Proceedings of the ICA, 2018

The article provides an overview of the features of the Magrit web application: a free online the... more The article provides an overview of the features of the Magrit web application: a free online thematic mapping tool, presenting a strong pedagogical dimension and making possible to mobilize all the elements necessary for the realization of a thematic map. In this tool, several simple modes of representation are proposed such as proportional maps or choropleth maps. Other, more complex modes are also available such as smoothed maps and cartograms. Each map can be finalized thanks to layout and customization features (projection, scale, orientation, toponyms, etc.) and exported in vector format. Magrit is therefore a complete, light and versatile tool particularly adapted to cartography teaching at the university.

Research paper thumbnail of HyperAtlas, un outil scientifique au service du débat politique - Application à la politique de cohésion de l'Union Européenne

HyperAtlas est un outil de mesure et de cartographie des inegalites territoriales. De par les met... more HyperAtlas est un outil de mesure et de cartographie des inegalites territoriales. De par les methodes d'analyse qu'il integre et les usages qui peuvent en etre fait, HyperAtlas se situe a l'interface entre le scientifique et le politique. On se propose de questionner, dans le cadre du paradigme weberien, les usages politiques possibles d'un outil scientifique comme HyperAtlas, en prenant comme exemple la negociation de la politique regionale de cohesion de l'Union Europeenne apres 2013. D'un cote, HyperAtlas peut etre utilise comme un simulateur d'options politiques permettant a des acteurs de maximiser leur gain dans le cadre d'un jeu a somme nulle. D'un autre cote, il peut offrir la possibilite de developper des politiques articulant differents niveaux territoriaux et d'aboutir a une gouvernance multiscalaire plus efficace dans le cadre d'un jeu a somme non nulle.

Research paper thumbnail of Enhancing Spatial Patterns Representations by Functional Semantic Simplification

The framework of this paper is the development of an online application that display various maps... more The framework of this paper is the development of an online application that display various maps based on the concept of functional indicators. Target users are European stakeholders, not familiar with statistical procedures or spatial analysis. The proposed tool is conceived to fulfill three main needs: (1) producing a simplified and coherent representation of spatial patterns; (2) computing indicators in a context-aware approach; (3) embedding those functionalities in a user-friendly platform.

Research paper thumbnail of Recent Computer Technologies for an Innovative Cartographic Language

Review of the state of the art in recent computer technologies and related cartographic software ... more Review of the state of the art in recent computer technologies and related cartographic software in support of ensuring an innovative cartographic language. The service provider is asked to review the state of the art in recent computer technologies and related cartographic software development in support of ensuring an innovative cartographic language. The service provider shall, based on this review, present options for modernising the ESPON Cartographic Language. The fulfilment of this task should not be limited only to more “traditional” cartography, but explore new options for adding new cartographic concepts, types of illustrations and computer animated presentations, that could support the presentation of the geography of policy orientations and forward-looking territorial evidence to the European territorial policy arena. The review shall lead to recommendations of cartographic technologies and techniques to consider in a modernised ESPON Cartographic Language. It shall be u...

Research paper thumbnail of Options and recommandations related to further development of an Espon Cartographic Language

In this 5th part of Espon Cartographic Language Final Report, our aim is to identify good practic... more In this 5th part of Espon Cartographic Language Final Report, our aim is to identify good practices, as well in the development of interactive cartographic environments such as atlases, as in innovative cartographic constructions. Our proposals target several levels: - The level of applications themselves: which functionalities have to be use, for what applications and what objectives? -The level of cartographic representations, meaning the possibilities to introduce elements of animation and interactivity in maps, depending on data and objectives: what innovations for which representation? To achieve such aims, we use two types of resources: - a collection of interactive atlases, considered as the most representative of the diversity in european statistical atlases, which we have analyzed and compared. - the collection of maps presented in Task 4, that we propose to enrich with functions of interaction and animation. The first part of Task 5 deals with recommendations, coming from ...

Research paper thumbnail of Reproducible Workflow for Cartography – Migrants Deaths in the Mediterranean

Proceedings of the ICA, 2019

As any scientific production, maps must be disputed and debated. The implementation of reproducib... more As any scientific production, maps must be disputed and debated. The implementation of reproducible processes based on free software and open data is essential. In this paper, we demonstrate that this objective can be achieved in the R software ecosystem. In our demonstration, we propose a set of cartographic visualizations based on the example of dead and missing migrants in the Mediterranean over the period 2014-2018. Each representation focuses on one aspect of the phenomenon and the R code used is available. We argue that this multi-visualization contributes to bring new knowledge on the migration debate at European borders and aims at illustrating its geographical complexity.

Research paper thumbnail of Documenting the Diffusion of the 2016 French Nuit Debout

Research Data Journal for the Humanities and Social Sciences, 2019

In the spring of 2016, France saw a major social movement, with strikes and demonstrations, and a... more In the spring of 2016, France saw a major social movement, with strikes and demonstrations, and a new form of protest, the Nuit Debout. Following the Occupy Wall Street and Los Indignados models, open air assemblies started in Paris on March 31 and then spread throughout France and abroad. The dataset presented here provides the exhaustive list of Nuit Debout gatherings that took place in France in April 2016 and an estimation of their audience. The data was gathered by a small multidisciplinary team (geographers, historian and sociologist) who consulted three main sources: a wiki created by the Nuit Debout movement, Facebook pages and groups created by local assemblies, and the regional press. Combining these sources made it possible to identify 1300 assemblies that took place in 215 different locations. The dataset available online is provided with an R script that generates a dynamic map of the Nuit Debout diffusion.

Research paper thumbnail of Mapping the Migratory Movements

Revue européenne des migrations internationales, 2016

Mapping migratory movements, which means "immobilising" a complex spatial, temporal, social and p... more Mapping migratory movements, which means "immobilising" a complex spatial, temporal, social and political system, presents major challenges. Not only do individuals migrating or fleeing cross paths, they also "take breaks" of varying durations, settle temporarily in a country or a place for several days, weeks or years and sometimes move again. The geography and cartography of migration are subject to time as well as political developments, which may be very rapid. Thus, mapping always runs the risk of being outdated before the map is even finished. Furthermore, the measurement of "flows" requires migration to be analysed by aggregating data, which is both spatial and temporal and may be processed in very different ways. The general term "flows", used in the titles of numerous migration maps, is rarely explained. Thus, a migration flow may be measured on the basis of the number of crossings at a particular point during a given time period (for example, the number of people who crossed the border between Mexico and the United States at Ciudad Juarez in 2015); it can also be measured between two points (the number of people who departed from Chiapas in Mexico and arrived in California in 2015). In the first instance, it is a question of counting movements which are in the process of taking place and calculating them at a precise point; in the second case, movement is reconstructed a posteriori on the basis of absolute quantitative data (the "stock" of Mexican people from Chiapas identified in California since 2015). Maps also cover individual movements, which are no longer labelled "flows" but "routes" or "journeys", combining spatial data with social, political and/or temporal data 1. Presenting the complexity of temporal data through cartography, which is based on spatial analogy, is a broad area of research which has produced technical and epistemological innovations, in particular static choremes, followed by dynamic choremes, animated computerised maps, some of which are interactive (Kaddouri, 2008).

Research paper thumbnail of cartography: Create and Integrate Maps in your R Workflow

The Journal of Open Source Software, 2016

cartography is an R package (R Core Team (2016)) for thematic mapping. It allows various cartogra... more cartography is an R package (R Core Team (2016)) for thematic mapping. It allows various cartographic representations such as proportional symbols, chroropleth, typology, flows or discontinuities. In addition it also proposes some useful features like cartographic palettes, layout (scale, north arrow, title…), labels, legends or access to cartographic API to ease the graphic presentation of maps. The package relies mostly on sp (E. J. Pebesma and Bivand (2005), Bivand, Pebesma, and Gomez-Rubio (2013)) and rgeos (R. Bivand and Rundel (2016)) packages to handle and transform spatial data. The map below is a cartographic composition showing most of the representations enabled by the package.

Research paper thumbnail of L'HyperAtlas électoral parisien (2007-2012) Un outil pour l'analyse des dynamiques électorales intra-urbaines


Currently, voting geography is generally analysed at the municipal level; but intra-urban studies... more Currently, voting geography is generally analysed at the municipal level; but intra-urban studies are rare. This article presents an atlas that maps the results of Paris's most recent elections at the most detailed level available (polling station) while also taking into account the impact of the neighbourhood at multiple levels. A short study on abstention rates illustrates the potential of this atlas, which can be downloaded freely.

Research paper thumbnail of Comprendre le territoire européen. Deux outils cartographiques à l’appui de la réflexion en aménagement du territoire

L'Information géographique, 2015

Deux plateformes de cartographie interactive, HyperAtlas et AIRE, proposent, par le biais d'éclai... more Deux plateformes de cartographie interactive, HyperAtlas et AIRE, proposent, par le biais d'éclairages cartographiques originaux, une vision globale et opérationnelle de nombreux indicateurs caractérisant les régions européennes et intéressant l'aménagement du territoire européen.

Research paper thumbnail of A World of Interstices: A Fuzzy Logic Approach to the Analysis of Interpretative Maps

The Cartographic Journal, 2011

This paper experiments an analysis and cartography method based on the fuzzy logic theory to deal... more This paper experiments an analysis and cartography method based on the fuzzy logic theory to deal with mental maps at world scale. It is applied to a particular type of mental map-that we called interpretative maps. The realization of those maps is characterized by the instructions given to the respondents. Here they were asked to divide the world in regions (up to 15) from a polar projection map and to name each of them. That allows interpreting how people define a phenomenon in space from their own spatial representations. The knowledge level of respondents is then less important than their interpretation of space. Mental maps at all scales and especially at world scale raise specific issues. The first one is related to the imprecision of the drawing. The morphology of the regions obtained is likely to be quite deformed. The second and most important one is the uncertainty linked to the object drawn. Setting the border of regions it is by itself an exercice that implies vagueness (Montello, 2003). The reasons are related to capabilities of the respondent to manage with various information according to its education, its character, its culture, its history. The uncertainty is also related to the doubts or hesitations when doing the exercise. The interpretative dimension when building regions reinforce both the uncertainty and imprecision. Thus, the synthetic interpretative mental map of a group of people can be characterised as a fuzzy geographical space (Rolland-May, 2000). The fuzzy set theory (Zadeh, 1965) is therefore a good base to analyze interpretative maps. It formalizes the imprecision and the uncertainty. Moreover, it introduces gradual transitions between regions. Although fuzzy logic could help us to analyze building world regions, we focus on the world regions limits. The choice among the regions to study was made by a toponymy approach based on the most frequently quoted names. Some fuzzy logic operators were used, as the Zadeh T-norm or the probabilistic T-norm, to obtain world maps where the interstice areas-the areas belonging to two or more regions-appears. It allows providing cartography of the vagueness of regions borders. This method seems really promising, in particular to identify "soft" and "hard" continents (Grataloup, 2010) and to localize indetermination areas. It is also usefull to compare the world regions built with other regional patterns.

Research paper thumbnail of ESPON 3.4. 3: The Modifiable Areas Unit Problem: Final Report

Research paper thumbnail of Shrinking Regions: A Paradigm Shift In Demography and Territorial Development

Grasland, Claude (författare) Ysebaert, Ronan (författare) Corminboeuf, Bernard (författare) visa... more Grasland, Claude (författare) Ysebaert, Ronan (författare) Corminboeuf, Bernard (författare) visa fler... Gaubert, Nicolas (författare) Lambert, Nicolas (författare) Salmon, Isabelle (författare) Baro, Myriam (författare) Baudet-Michel, Sophie (författare) Ducom, Estelle (författare) ...

Research paper thumbnail of Cartographier la covid-19 : quelles narrations ?

Revue francophone sur la santé et les territoires, 2021

Ce document a été généré automatiquement le 6 avril 2021. La Revue francophone sur la santé et le... more Ce document a été généré automatiquement le 6 avril 2021. La Revue francophone sur la santé et les territoires est mise à disposition selon les termes de la Licence Creative Commons Attribution-Pas d'Utilisation Commerciale-Partage dans les Mêmes Conditions 4.0 International.

[Research paper thumbnail of [ARTICLE] Un monde d'interstices - Apport de la logique floue pour l’analyse des cartes interprétatives](

Cet article propose une methodologie basee sur la theorie des sous-ensembles flous afin d’analyse... more Cet article propose une methodologie basee sur la theorie des sous-ensembles flous afin d’analyser des cartes mentales d’un type particulier et realisees a l’echelle mondiale. A toutes les echelles, et en particulier a l’echelle mondiale, les cartes mentales soulevent des problemes particuliers dans leur analyse du fait de l’imprecision des traces et de l’incertitude liee aux objets dessines. Ici, nous avons demande aux personnes interrogees de diviser le monde en regions. La dimension interp...

Research paper thumbnail of Practical Handbook of Thematic Cartography

Research paper thumbnail of Mapping Covid-19: what narrations?

Revue francophone sur la santé et les territoires, 2021

La Revue francophone sur la santé et les territoires est mise à disposition selon les termes de l... more La Revue francophone sur la santé et les territoires est mise à disposition selon les termes de la Licence Creative Commons Attribution-Pas d'Utilisation Commerciale-Partage dans les Mêmes Conditions 4.0 International.

Research paper thumbnail of Other Cartographic Presentations

Practical Handbook of Thematic Cartography, 2020