Johanna Niemi - (original) (raw)
Papers by Johanna Niemi
International Law and Violence Against Women
Suomen Antropologi: Journal of the Finnish Anthropological Society
JANICE BODDY. Civilizing Women: British Crusades in Colonial Sudan. Princeton and Oxford: Princet... more JANICE BODDY. Civilizing Women: British Crusades in Colonial Sudan. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2007. Pp. 440, 1 map. ISBN13: 978-0-691-12304-2.
Helsingin yliopisto, oikeustieteellinen tiedekunta, 2013
Bergen Journal of Criminal Law & Criminal Justice, 2022
The ideology behind the Finnish criminal policy is described as humane and rational. In line with... more The ideology behind the Finnish criminal policy is described as humane and rational. In line with this policy, efforts are made to reduce the use of the criminal justice system to solve societal problems. One of the internationally celebrated landmarks of this policy is the success in keeping the imprisonment rate at a low level. In this article we argue, that while this policy has been sensitive towards the needs of the offenders, it has failed to recognize the needs of victims, especially the vulnerabilities related to the victimisation of violence and sexual violence. International critical analyses on the appraisal of the victim rights have raised fears among the criminal policy planners in Finland and prevented analytical discussion. Furthermore, the reluctance to involve the victim perspective in the criminal political discussions is based on mistaken ideas of what the victims really want. In the article, we will consider how to strengthen the position of the victim without m...
Yliopistosivistyksen merkitystä suomalaisten naisten tasa-arvoisen aseman kohentajana voi tuskin ... more Yliopistosivistyksen merkitystä suomalaisten naisten tasa-arvoisen aseman kohentajana voi tuskin liioitella. Minna Canth sopii hyvin edustamaan ensimmäisten koulutettujen naisten sukupolvea. Keskenjääneiden seminaariopintojen jälkeen hän kasvatti lapset, perusti yrityksen ja kohosi valtakunnalliseksi vaikuttajaksi. Meidän äitiemme sukupolvessa akateeminen ammatti yhdistettiin usein esimerkilliseen perheenhoitamiseen. Ja meidän sukupolvessamme naiset ovat ryhtyneet myös aktiivisiksi tieteentekijöiksi. Tätä taustaa vasten olisi luontevaa olettaa, että juuri yliopistolaki olisi niitä lainsäädäntöhankkeita, jotka hallitusohjelman mukai-sesti suvattaisiin eli sen sukupuolivaikutukset arvioitaisiin. Näin ei ole tapahtunut. Hallituksen esityksessä on toki pieni katsaus naisten ja miesten osuuksiin yliopiston eri henkilöstö-ja opis-kelijaryhmistä. Sukupuolivaikutukset pitäisi kuitenkin nähdä laajempana kokonaisuutena. Yliopistouudistus merkitsee syvällistä muutosta yliopistojen toiminnassa....
Rape Narratives in Motion, 2019
In discourses on sexual harassment, an abuse of power is usually present. Often the perpetrators ... more In discourses on sexual harassment, an abuse of power is usually present. Often the perpetrators are in positions of power and, if not, they benefit from a culture that protects the harassers against women and others in less powerful positions. However, these power relations are not always acknowledged. This chapter presents a law reform to criminalise sexual harassment that was presented and debated in the Finnish Parliament without discussion of the power relations inherent in harassment. The chapter discusses the consequences of this dismissal of the power dimension in the formulation of the new law, which is limited to touching, and in the implementation of the new law, in which more serious sexual violations are processed as sexual harassment.
International Law and Violence Against Women
Suomen Antropologi: Journal of the Finnish Anthropological Society
JANICE BODDY. Civilizing Women: British Crusades in Colonial Sudan. Princeton and Oxford: Princet... more JANICE BODDY. Civilizing Women: British Crusades in Colonial Sudan. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2007. Pp. 440, 1 map. ISBN13: 978-0-691-12304-2.
Helsingin yliopisto, oikeustieteellinen tiedekunta, 2013
Bergen Journal of Criminal Law & Criminal Justice, 2022
The ideology behind the Finnish criminal policy is described as humane and rational. In line with... more The ideology behind the Finnish criminal policy is described as humane and rational. In line with this policy, efforts are made to reduce the use of the criminal justice system to solve societal problems. One of the internationally celebrated landmarks of this policy is the success in keeping the imprisonment rate at a low level. In this article we argue, that while this policy has been sensitive towards the needs of the offenders, it has failed to recognize the needs of victims, especially the vulnerabilities related to the victimisation of violence and sexual violence. International critical analyses on the appraisal of the victim rights have raised fears among the criminal policy planners in Finland and prevented analytical discussion. Furthermore, the reluctance to involve the victim perspective in the criminal political discussions is based on mistaken ideas of what the victims really want. In the article, we will consider how to strengthen the position of the victim without m...
Yliopistosivistyksen merkitystä suomalaisten naisten tasa-arvoisen aseman kohentajana voi tuskin ... more Yliopistosivistyksen merkitystä suomalaisten naisten tasa-arvoisen aseman kohentajana voi tuskin liioitella. Minna Canth sopii hyvin edustamaan ensimmäisten koulutettujen naisten sukupolvea. Keskenjääneiden seminaariopintojen jälkeen hän kasvatti lapset, perusti yrityksen ja kohosi valtakunnalliseksi vaikuttajaksi. Meidän äitiemme sukupolvessa akateeminen ammatti yhdistettiin usein esimerkilliseen perheenhoitamiseen. Ja meidän sukupolvessamme naiset ovat ryhtyneet myös aktiivisiksi tieteentekijöiksi. Tätä taustaa vasten olisi luontevaa olettaa, että juuri yliopistolaki olisi niitä lainsäädäntöhankkeita, jotka hallitusohjelman mukai-sesti suvattaisiin eli sen sukupuolivaikutukset arvioitaisiin. Näin ei ole tapahtunut. Hallituksen esityksessä on toki pieni katsaus naisten ja miesten osuuksiin yliopiston eri henkilöstö-ja opis-kelijaryhmistä. Sukupuolivaikutukset pitäisi kuitenkin nähdä laajempana kokonaisuutena. Yliopistouudistus merkitsee syvällistä muutosta yliopistojen toiminnassa....
Rape Narratives in Motion, 2019
In discourses on sexual harassment, an abuse of power is usually present. Often the perpetrators ... more In discourses on sexual harassment, an abuse of power is usually present. Often the perpetrators are in positions of power and, if not, they benefit from a culture that protects the harassers against women and others in less powerful positions. However, these power relations are not always acknowledged. This chapter presents a law reform to criminalise sexual harassment that was presented and debated in the Finnish Parliament without discussion of the power relations inherent in harassment. The chapter discusses the consequences of this dismissal of the power dimension in the formulation of the new law, which is limited to touching, and in the implementation of the new law, in which more serious sexual violations are processed as sexual harassment.