Nina Konnova - (original) (raw)

Papers by Nina Konnova

Research paper thumbnail of Corruption Models of Behaviour in the Structure of the Political System of Society

Dialogue and Universalism, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Inefficiency of Management Decisions as a Consequence of a Conflict of Values and Norms

Epìstemologìčnì doslìdžennâ u fìlosofìï, socìalʹnih ì polìtičnih naukah, Jul 29, 2023

Дмитро Сергійович КОРОТКОВ Кандидат політичних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри міжнародних відносин,... more Дмитро Сергійович КОРОТКОВ Кандидат політичних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри міжнародних відносин, політичних наук і практичної філософії, Харківський національний економічний університет імені Семена Кузнеця,

Research paper thumbnail of Information Warfare as an Instrument of Geopolitical Influence on Ukraine: Main Aspects and The State's Response

International journal of religion, Feb 14, 2024

The purpose of the article is to study information warfare as an instrument of geopolitical influ... more The purpose of the article is to study information warfare as an instrument of geopolitical influence on Ukraine, the main aspects of this problem and certain elements of the Ukrainian side's response to the Kremlin regime's information attacks. To achieve this goal, the methods of comparison, analysis, synthesis and content analysis were used. The results indicate that the Russian side in the information warfare uses both traditional tools, such as the media, troll factories, bot factories, and fakes, and new technologies, such as deepfake. This arsenal is constantly evolving and adapting to technological advances. The Kremlin's main goal in the information warfare is to "undermine" Ukraine from within, creating the impression of close ties between Ukraine and Russia as a Eurasian state. Russian activities go beyond Ukraine, influencing public opinion in European countries, the United States and beyond. "Influence operations use social media platforms to spread individual narratives and sow hostility. To counter Russian influence, a program is being implemented to increase media literacy among the Ukrainian public. Ukrainian television companies are responding to the invasion by creating joint telethons that expand communication channels and counter disinformation. Individual tools, such as podcasts, are becoming important in countering disinformation. Ukrainian radio plays a key role in providing information in the occupied regions, and media literacy projects help to verify information and increase information literacy. Initiatives to develop media literacy and counter disinformation in Ukraine are widespread and effective. Results show that the level of resistance to propaganda has increased, and more than 70% of the population can recognize manipulative tactics. Government and civil society initiatives are working together to combat disinformation. Institutions such as the Center for Countering Disinformation and the Center for Strategic Communications are making an important contribution to the resilience of Ukrainian society.


Fìlosofìâ ta polìtologìâ v kontekstì sučasnoï kulʹturi, Dec 30, 2022

Олег Миколайович Кузь Доктор філософських наук, професор, завідувач кафедри міжнародних відносин,... more Олег Миколайович Кузь Доктор філософських наук, професор, завідувач кафедри міжнародних відносин, політичних наук і практичної філософії, Харківський національний економічний університету імені Семена Кузнеця,


Epìstemologìčnì doslìdžennâ u fìlosofìï, socìalʹnih ì polìtičnih naukah, Dec 30, 2022

Олег Миколайович Кузь Доктор філософських наук, професор, завідувач кафедри міжнародних відносин,... more Олег Миколайович Кузь Доктор філософських наук, професор, завідувач кафедри міжнародних відносин, політичних наук і практичної філософії, Харківський національний економічний університету імені Семена Кузнеця,

Research paper thumbnail of Form and Material of Money: Philosophic Anthropologic Nature

Evropský filozofický a historický diskurz, 2020

The article is dedicated to the question of the nature of money, and it suggests to consider this... more The article is dedicated to the question of the nature of money, and it suggests to consider this problem through the prism of Aristotelian dichotomy of form and material or, in other words, through the prism of the McLuhan's conception that "the medium is a message". Extrapolating this thesis, we get that "the form of money is their material". It's shown that the key changes in culture are caused with the changes in the techniques of communication: from oral forms of communication to the hieroglyphic and phonetic writing, from handwritten texts to the bookprinting and further to electronic means of communication and the Internet as well as from money-subjects to coins, banknotes and virtual money and cryptocurrencies. It is demonstrated that the declared approach promises great perspectives. Money changed its forms many times during the human history and passed a long way from the simplest money-subjects to modern cryptocurrencies. Founders of modern economic theory considered money merely as an equivalent of exchange of one goods for others, but modern specialists define money as an abstract measure of debt. The thesis is proposed that human life and action are manifested as energy, and this means the transition of one forms of energy into others. As a result, such phenomena as material values and property appear, and money may be considered as the means of social measuring of quantity of this energy. Phenomenon of money has obvious informational and energetical aspects. Human thinking develops in the direction from the concrete sensual to the abstract mental one. It is demonstrated that dominating type of money is appropriate to different stages in the development of human society, that cryptocurrencies are a new stage in the process of development and virtualization of money. The final influence of the cryptocurrencies on the existing national currencies is not evident. The only evident moment is that cryptocurrencies lead to decentralization of economic life, and that the states loose some parts of their mechanisms of control.

Research paper thumbnail of Economics of values and philosophy of economics

Granì, Mar 2, 2020

The article is dedicated to the analysis of axiological ideas lying in the foundation of the mode... more The article is dedicated to the analysis of axiological ideas lying in the foundation of the modern economic science in general and theory of finances in particular. The concept of homo economicus and its origins are considered. Concept of the "homo economicus" is used in the modern philosophic and methodologic literature on methodologic questions of economical science is used in two meanings. The first considers homo economicus only as a technical construct or model created in the form of certain hypotheses and suppositions set taken in their limit form as an idealization. The second takes it as a certain anthropologic type characterized with according values and behavior. It was demonstrated that the concept of homo economicus has a long before-history consisting in gradual break-up between economical theory and ethics. The homo economicus is a person who build his behavior through calculation of his profit. The latter is a form of his self-discipline that forms a new system of norms free from moral and other similar things. The new system of norms suppose no stable tenets and axioms as it takes place in ethics but remains rational and is based on probabilities calculations. The evolution of economical science is regarded as well as its division into political philosophy and proper economic theory in the end of the XIX century, the role of the growth principle, the growth in spite of anything that stood to the first place in the time of the Great Depression and goes on occupying this place till now. It is demonstrated that the essence of money consists in being a symbol and sign of debt obligations, that the


Філософія та політологія в контексті сучасної культури

Постановка проблеми. Процес глобальної еволюції досяг епохи антропоцену. Цей факт практично одноч... more Постановка проблеми. Процес глобальної еволюції досяг епохи антропоцену. Цей факт практично одночасно породив одразу два кардинальні, нерозривно пов’язані між собою імперативи в ідеолого-світоглядному базисі сучасної цивілізації: по-перше, відчуття того, що нова геологічна епоха вимагає і принципово нових алгоритмів, що спрямовують практичну діяльність та її теоретичне осмислення, обґрунтування у всіх сферах політичної реальності, з неминучим виходом на рівень міжнародних відносин та геополітики; по-друге, зміст категорій АНТРОПОЦЕН і (ГЛОБАЛЬНА) КРИЗА перетинається настільки різноманітно і широко, що утворює практично нероздільну логічно і ментально амальгаму. Метою цієї публікації є виявлення власне політичних аспектів інтеграції нової біополітичної проблематики у життя сучасного соціуму. Зміст терміну біополітика нині не формалізовано остаточно. У нашій концепції біополітика визначається як процеси реалізації біовлади, тобто здатність (пряма чи опосередкована) владних структур со...


Epistemological Studies in Philosophy Social and Political Sciences

Постановка проблеми. У сучасних умовах актуалізується реконструкція соціо-техно-екологічних систе... more Постановка проблеми. У сучасних умовах актуалізується реконструкція соціо-техно-екологічних систем, що саморозвиваються і включають людину як свій елемент. Підсумком такого конструювання буде управління величиною техногенного ризику у його біологічній, соціальній та цивілізаційній формах. І очевидним наслідком буде перехід розвитку самої біополітичної проблематики на новий, вже не міжнародний, а глобально-еволюційний рівень. Теорію та практику такої реконструкції можна позначити категорією «Трансбіополітика», що має на увазі політичну інституалізацію «екологічної рефлексії». Стаття є логічним продовженням нашої попередньої публікації, присвяченої аналізу перетворення політичного процесу на основний фактор глобальної еволюції та біополітичної трансформації геополітичного ландшафту. Метою розвідки є створення загального ескізу конфігурації основних трендів коеволюційної взаємодії біологічного, соціокультурного і техно-раціоналістичного модулів стабільної еволюційної стратегії техноген...

Research paper thumbnail of Economics of values and philosophy of economics

Grani, 2020

The article is dedicated to the analysis of axiological ideas lying in the foundation of the mode... more The article is dedicated to the analysis of axiological ideas lying in the foundation of the modern economic science in general and theory of finances in particular. The concept of homo economicus and its origins are considered. Concept of the "homo economicus" is used in the modern philosophic and methodologic literature on methodologic questions of economical science is used in two meanings. The first considers homo economicus only as a technical construct or model created in the form of certain hypotheses and suppositions set taken in their limit form as an idealization. The second takes it as a certain anthropologic type characterized with according values and behavior. It was demonstrated that the concept of homo economicus has a long before-history consisting in gradual break-up between economical theory and ethics. The homo economicus is a person who build his behavior through calculation of his profit. The latter is a form of his self-discipline that forms a new sy...

Research paper thumbnail of Form and Material of Money: Philosophic Anthropologic Nature

The European philosophical and historical discourse, 2020

The article is dedicated to the question of the nature of money, and it suggests to consider this... more The article is dedicated to the question of the nature of money, and it suggests to consider this problem through the prism of Aristotelian dichotomy of form and material or, in other words, through the prism of the McLuhan's conception that "the medium is a message". Extrapolating this thesis, we get that "the form of money is their material". It's shown that the key changes in culture are caused with the changes in the techniques of communication: from oral forms of communication to the hieroglyphic and phonetic writing, from handwritten texts to the bookprinting and further to electronic means of communication and the Internet as well as from money-subjects to coins, banknotes and virtual money and cryptocurrencies. It is demonstrated that the declared approach promises great perspectives. Money changed its forms many times during the human history and passed a long way from the simplest money-subjects to modern cryptocurrencies. Founders of modern economic theory considered money merely as an equivalent of exchange of one goods for others, but modern specialists define money as an abstract measure of debt. The thesis is proposed that human life and action are manifested as energy, and this means the transition of one forms of energy into others. As a result, such phenomena as material values and property appear, and money may be considered as the means of social measuring of quantity of this energy. Phenomenon of money has obvious informational and energetical aspects. Human thinking develops in the direction from the concrete sensual to the abstract mental one. It is demonstrated that dominating type of money is appropriate to different stages in the development of human society, that cryptocurrencies are a new stage in the process of development and virtualization of money. The final influence of the cryptocurrencies on the existing national currencies is not evident. The only evident moment is that cryptocurrencies lead to decentralization of economic life, and that the states loose some parts of their mechanisms of control.

Research paper thumbnail of Corruption Models of Behaviour in the Structure of the Political System of Society

Dialogue and Universalism, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Inefficiency of Management Decisions as a Consequence of a Conflict of Values and Norms

Epìstemologìčnì doslìdžennâ u fìlosofìï, socìalʹnih ì polìtičnih naukah, Jul 29, 2023

Дмитро Сергійович КОРОТКОВ Кандидат політичних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри міжнародних відносин,... more Дмитро Сергійович КОРОТКОВ Кандидат політичних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри міжнародних відносин, політичних наук і практичної філософії, Харківський національний економічний університет імені Семена Кузнеця,

Research paper thumbnail of Information Warfare as an Instrument of Geopolitical Influence on Ukraine: Main Aspects and The State's Response

International journal of religion, Feb 14, 2024

The purpose of the article is to study information warfare as an instrument of geopolitical influ... more The purpose of the article is to study information warfare as an instrument of geopolitical influence on Ukraine, the main aspects of this problem and certain elements of the Ukrainian side's response to the Kremlin regime's information attacks. To achieve this goal, the methods of comparison, analysis, synthesis and content analysis were used. The results indicate that the Russian side in the information warfare uses both traditional tools, such as the media, troll factories, bot factories, and fakes, and new technologies, such as deepfake. This arsenal is constantly evolving and adapting to technological advances. The Kremlin's main goal in the information warfare is to "undermine" Ukraine from within, creating the impression of close ties between Ukraine and Russia as a Eurasian state. Russian activities go beyond Ukraine, influencing public opinion in European countries, the United States and beyond. "Influence operations use social media platforms to spread individual narratives and sow hostility. To counter Russian influence, a program is being implemented to increase media literacy among the Ukrainian public. Ukrainian television companies are responding to the invasion by creating joint telethons that expand communication channels and counter disinformation. Individual tools, such as podcasts, are becoming important in countering disinformation. Ukrainian radio plays a key role in providing information in the occupied regions, and media literacy projects help to verify information and increase information literacy. Initiatives to develop media literacy and counter disinformation in Ukraine are widespread and effective. Results show that the level of resistance to propaganda has increased, and more than 70% of the population can recognize manipulative tactics. Government and civil society initiatives are working together to combat disinformation. Institutions such as the Center for Countering Disinformation and the Center for Strategic Communications are making an important contribution to the resilience of Ukrainian society.


Fìlosofìâ ta polìtologìâ v kontekstì sučasnoï kulʹturi, Dec 30, 2022

Олег Миколайович Кузь Доктор філософських наук, професор, завідувач кафедри міжнародних відносин,... more Олег Миколайович Кузь Доктор філософських наук, професор, завідувач кафедри міжнародних відносин, політичних наук і практичної філософії, Харківський національний економічний університету імені Семена Кузнеця,


Epìstemologìčnì doslìdžennâ u fìlosofìï, socìalʹnih ì polìtičnih naukah, Dec 30, 2022

Олег Миколайович Кузь Доктор філософських наук, професор, завідувач кафедри міжнародних відносин,... more Олег Миколайович Кузь Доктор філософських наук, професор, завідувач кафедри міжнародних відносин, політичних наук і практичної філософії, Харківський національний економічний університету імені Семена Кузнеця,

Research paper thumbnail of Form and Material of Money: Philosophic Anthropologic Nature

Evropský filozofický a historický diskurz, 2020

The article is dedicated to the question of the nature of money, and it suggests to consider this... more The article is dedicated to the question of the nature of money, and it suggests to consider this problem through the prism of Aristotelian dichotomy of form and material or, in other words, through the prism of the McLuhan's conception that "the medium is a message". Extrapolating this thesis, we get that "the form of money is their material". It's shown that the key changes in culture are caused with the changes in the techniques of communication: from oral forms of communication to the hieroglyphic and phonetic writing, from handwritten texts to the bookprinting and further to electronic means of communication and the Internet as well as from money-subjects to coins, banknotes and virtual money and cryptocurrencies. It is demonstrated that the declared approach promises great perspectives. Money changed its forms many times during the human history and passed a long way from the simplest money-subjects to modern cryptocurrencies. Founders of modern economic theory considered money merely as an equivalent of exchange of one goods for others, but modern specialists define money as an abstract measure of debt. The thesis is proposed that human life and action are manifested as energy, and this means the transition of one forms of energy into others. As a result, such phenomena as material values and property appear, and money may be considered as the means of social measuring of quantity of this energy. Phenomenon of money has obvious informational and energetical aspects. Human thinking develops in the direction from the concrete sensual to the abstract mental one. It is demonstrated that dominating type of money is appropriate to different stages in the development of human society, that cryptocurrencies are a new stage in the process of development and virtualization of money. The final influence of the cryptocurrencies on the existing national currencies is not evident. The only evident moment is that cryptocurrencies lead to decentralization of economic life, and that the states loose some parts of their mechanisms of control.

Research paper thumbnail of Economics of values and philosophy of economics

Granì, Mar 2, 2020

The article is dedicated to the analysis of axiological ideas lying in the foundation of the mode... more The article is dedicated to the analysis of axiological ideas lying in the foundation of the modern economic science in general and theory of finances in particular. The concept of homo economicus and its origins are considered. Concept of the "homo economicus" is used in the modern philosophic and methodologic literature on methodologic questions of economical science is used in two meanings. The first considers homo economicus only as a technical construct or model created in the form of certain hypotheses and suppositions set taken in their limit form as an idealization. The second takes it as a certain anthropologic type characterized with according values and behavior. It was demonstrated that the concept of homo economicus has a long before-history consisting in gradual break-up between economical theory and ethics. The homo economicus is a person who build his behavior through calculation of his profit. The latter is a form of his self-discipline that forms a new system of norms free from moral and other similar things. The new system of norms suppose no stable tenets and axioms as it takes place in ethics but remains rational and is based on probabilities calculations. The evolution of economical science is regarded as well as its division into political philosophy and proper economic theory in the end of the XIX century, the role of the growth principle, the growth in spite of anything that stood to the first place in the time of the Great Depression and goes on occupying this place till now. It is demonstrated that the essence of money consists in being a symbol and sign of debt obligations, that the


Філософія та політологія в контексті сучасної культури

Постановка проблеми. Процес глобальної еволюції досяг епохи антропоцену. Цей факт практично одноч... more Постановка проблеми. Процес глобальної еволюції досяг епохи антропоцену. Цей факт практично одночасно породив одразу два кардинальні, нерозривно пов’язані між собою імперативи в ідеолого-світоглядному базисі сучасної цивілізації: по-перше, відчуття того, що нова геологічна епоха вимагає і принципово нових алгоритмів, що спрямовують практичну діяльність та її теоретичне осмислення, обґрунтування у всіх сферах політичної реальності, з неминучим виходом на рівень міжнародних відносин та геополітики; по-друге, зміст категорій АНТРОПОЦЕН і (ГЛОБАЛЬНА) КРИЗА перетинається настільки різноманітно і широко, що утворює практично нероздільну логічно і ментально амальгаму. Метою цієї публікації є виявлення власне політичних аспектів інтеграції нової біополітичної проблематики у життя сучасного соціуму. Зміст терміну біополітика нині не формалізовано остаточно. У нашій концепції біополітика визначається як процеси реалізації біовлади, тобто здатність (пряма чи опосередкована) владних структур со...


Epistemological Studies in Philosophy Social and Political Sciences

Постановка проблеми. У сучасних умовах актуалізується реконструкція соціо-техно-екологічних систе... more Постановка проблеми. У сучасних умовах актуалізується реконструкція соціо-техно-екологічних систем, що саморозвиваються і включають людину як свій елемент. Підсумком такого конструювання буде управління величиною техногенного ризику у його біологічній, соціальній та цивілізаційній формах. І очевидним наслідком буде перехід розвитку самої біополітичної проблематики на новий, вже не міжнародний, а глобально-еволюційний рівень. Теорію та практику такої реконструкції можна позначити категорією «Трансбіополітика», що має на увазі політичну інституалізацію «екологічної рефлексії». Стаття є логічним продовженням нашої попередньої публікації, присвяченої аналізу перетворення політичного процесу на основний фактор глобальної еволюції та біополітичної трансформації геополітичного ландшафту. Метою розвідки є створення загального ескізу конфігурації основних трендів коеволюційної взаємодії біологічного, соціокультурного і техно-раціоналістичного модулів стабільної еволюційної стратегії техноген...

Research paper thumbnail of Economics of values and philosophy of economics

Grani, 2020

The article is dedicated to the analysis of axiological ideas lying in the foundation of the mode... more The article is dedicated to the analysis of axiological ideas lying in the foundation of the modern economic science in general and theory of finances in particular. The concept of homo economicus and its origins are considered. Concept of the "homo economicus" is used in the modern philosophic and methodologic literature on methodologic questions of economical science is used in two meanings. The first considers homo economicus only as a technical construct or model created in the form of certain hypotheses and suppositions set taken in their limit form as an idealization. The second takes it as a certain anthropologic type characterized with according values and behavior. It was demonstrated that the concept of homo economicus has a long before-history consisting in gradual break-up between economical theory and ethics. The homo economicus is a person who build his behavior through calculation of his profit. The latter is a form of his self-discipline that forms a new sy...

Research paper thumbnail of Form and Material of Money: Philosophic Anthropologic Nature

The European philosophical and historical discourse, 2020

The article is dedicated to the question of the nature of money, and it suggests to consider this... more The article is dedicated to the question of the nature of money, and it suggests to consider this problem through the prism of Aristotelian dichotomy of form and material or, in other words, through the prism of the McLuhan's conception that "the medium is a message". Extrapolating this thesis, we get that "the form of money is their material". It's shown that the key changes in culture are caused with the changes in the techniques of communication: from oral forms of communication to the hieroglyphic and phonetic writing, from handwritten texts to the bookprinting and further to electronic means of communication and the Internet as well as from money-subjects to coins, banknotes and virtual money and cryptocurrencies. It is demonstrated that the declared approach promises great perspectives. Money changed its forms many times during the human history and passed a long way from the simplest money-subjects to modern cryptocurrencies. Founders of modern economic theory considered money merely as an equivalent of exchange of one goods for others, but modern specialists define money as an abstract measure of debt. The thesis is proposed that human life and action are manifested as energy, and this means the transition of one forms of energy into others. As a result, such phenomena as material values and property appear, and money may be considered as the means of social measuring of quantity of this energy. Phenomenon of money has obvious informational and energetical aspects. Human thinking develops in the direction from the concrete sensual to the abstract mental one. It is demonstrated that dominating type of money is appropriate to different stages in the development of human society, that cryptocurrencies are a new stage in the process of development and virtualization of money. The final influence of the cryptocurrencies on the existing national currencies is not evident. The only evident moment is that cryptocurrencies lead to decentralization of economic life, and that the states loose some parts of their mechanisms of control.