Ninuk Purnaningsih - (original) (raw)

Papers by Ninuk Purnaningsih

Research paper thumbnail of Partisipasi Petani Dalam Peningkatan Produksi Padi DI Kecamatan Tabir Kabupaten Merangin Provinsi Jambi

Jurnal Kommunity Online

Rice is the most important food source and the government is obliged to realize its availability ... more Rice is the most important food source and the government is obliged to realize its availability and fulfillment. This study aims to: (1) analyze the level of farmer participation in increasing rice production; and (2) analyzing factors that influence the level of farmers' participation in increasing rice production. This study used a survey method and was conducted in March to May 2017 in Tabir District, Merangin Regency, Jambi Province. The number of samples of this study was 92 people. The analytical method used is descriptive statistics and inferential statistics (Path Analysis) which are equipped with qualitative data. The results of the study show that: (1) The level of participation of farmers in increasing rice production is quite good, meaning that farmers have sufficiently participated in efforts to increase rice production through the Upsus Pajale program; and (2) Factors that directly influence the level of farmer participation in increasing rice production are the i...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Keberlanjutan Usahatani Sawah Bukaan Baru di Kabupaten Bangka

Jurnal Penyuluhan

New rice fields are one of the solutions to increase food availability in Bangka Regency. This st... more New rice fields are one of the solutions to increase food availability in Bangka Regency. This study aims to analyze the effect of individual characteristics, characteristics of innovation, external support, and motivation on the sustainability of new open rice farming. This research was conducted by in-depth interviews with 121 respondents of newly opened rice fields in Kemuja and Balunijuk villages in March – June 2022. The number of research samples was determined by the simple cluster sampling method. The research instrument used was a questionnaire with direct interviews with respondent farmers. Data were analyzed using Partial Least Square (PLS)-SEM analysis. The results showed that the sustainability of farming in farming profits was in a low category, while the aspects of production and marketing were in the medium category. Base on result of the SmartPLS-SEM test, it is known that the sustainability of farming in newly opened rice fields is influenced by external support, i...

Research paper thumbnail of Diseminasi Instalasi Fertigasi (Irigasi Tetes) Guna Menghemat Penggunaan Air untuk Pertanian di Kelurahan Beji

Jurnal Pusat Inovasi Masyarakat (PIM)

Fertigasi atau lazim disebut irigasi tetes merupakan salah satu inovasi dalam bidang pertanian ya... more Fertigasi atau lazim disebut irigasi tetes merupakan salah satu inovasi dalam bidang pertanian yang memiliki keunggulan dapat menghemat penggunaan air. Pupuk yang digunakan adalah AB mix dan POC (pupuk organik cair) dan dicampurkan dengan media air sekaligus untuk irigasi, yang selanjutnya dialirkan langsung ke tanaman melalui selang-selang kecil. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah mengintroduksikan teknologi fertigasi untuk mengatasi masalah keterbatasan air irigasi di lokasi mitra kegiatan. Pembuatan instalasi dimulai dari tanggal 17 Juli hingga 23 Juli 2019 di Dusun Pudak, Kelurahan Beji, Kecamatan Nguntoronadi, Kabupaten Wonogiri. Sasaran dari program ini adalah Gabungan Kelompok Tani (Gapoktan) Beji, Kelompok Wanita Tani (KWT) Pelangi dan warga Kelurahan Beji. Kegiatan yang dilakukan pada tanggal 23 juli 2019 ini dihadiri oleh 42 orang. Respon dari warga dan KWT Pelangi sangat antusias dengan program ini. Instalasi fertigasi sangat cocok diterapkan di Kelurahan Beji agar penggunaan ...

Research paper thumbnail of Demonstrasi Pengolahan Abon Ikan Lele Sebagai Ide Wirausaha di Kelurahan Ulak Karang Utara

Catfish is a fish that is widely consumed by Indonesian people. However, some people are still re... more Catfish is a fish that is widely consumed by Indonesian people. However, some people are still reluctant to consume them. One of them is because it smells fishy. The creativity of food producers to cover this deficiency is needed in this fish processing method. One of the catfish processing that can be done is shredded catfish. Shredded catfish is one of the processed fishery products made from fish meat, or fish processed with seasonings. Shredded catfish is processed by boiling, frying, pressing or separating the oil. The resulting product has a good taste and relatively long durability. Processing catfish into shredded catfish will increase the quality value of the food product. Shredded catfish can be an alternative food product for people who want to consume catfish without fishy smell with an attractive appearance. In addition, shredded catfish can also be a profitable entrepreneurial field for the community. Keywords: Catfish, creativity, demonstration, entrepreneur, shredde

Research paper thumbnail of Hubungan Peran Kelompok Tani Dengan Kapasitas Petani Penangkar Benih Padi Sawah (Oriza Sativa L) Di Kabupaten Lampung Timur

Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Oct 9, 2016

The aim of this research are to: (1) analyze the role of the seed farmers in East Lampung regency... more The aim of this research are to: (1) analyze the role of the seed farmers in East Lampung regency; (2) analyze the capacity ofseed farmers in East Lampung regency; (3) analyzing role of farmer groups'relation with the capacity of seed farmers for paddy rice sources in East Lampung regency. The study was conducted in East Lampung district seed farmers group with total sample of 59 farmers seed breeders. The method of analysis was used Pearson's correlation matrix. The results showed that: (1) the role of the seed farmers group as partnership forum and marketing units is the most important with the higher category results than group's role as learning forum and production units with the medium category; (2) the capacity of farmers in the seed production preparation and sustainability efforts was in the high category, while in the mastery of innovation, the application of technology components, and marketing orientation was in the medium category; (3) generally there is a significant corelation between the role of farmer groups with the capacity of breeder farmers with the exception relation of partnership forum, unit production and marketing unit with the application of technology components, and marketing unit with the marketing orientation and a partnership.

Research paper thumbnail of Diseminasi Budidaya Ikan Dalam Ember Sebagai Solusi Kegiatan Budidaya di Lahan Sempit

Jurnal Pusat Inovasi Masyarakat (PIM), Dec 1, 2020

Ikan menjadi salah satu sumber pangan yang bermanfaat karena memiliki protein, lemak, vitamin dan... more Ikan menjadi salah satu sumber pangan yang bermanfaat karena memiliki protein, lemak, vitamin dan mineral. Terdapat permasalahan yang terjadi di dalam perairan laut, yaitu pencemaran dan kerusakan ekosistem. Oleh sebab itu, para ahli budidaya mulai mencari solusi kepada masyarakat agar tetap dapat mengonsumsi ikan kaya akan gizi, yaitu budidaya di darat, yang dikenal dengan budikdamber. Budikdamber disosialisasikan di Kelurahan Ulak Karang Utara, yang dilengkapi dengan pre-test dan post-test dengan masing-masing nilai memiliki rata-rata 76,67 dan 86,67 yang menunjukkan sosialisasi berjalan lancar. Namun, pada praktiknya, benih ikan mati hingga mencapai 90% setelah kurang lebih seminggu pemeliharaan. Penyebab kematian adalah serangan amonia dan kurangnya kandungan oksigen terlarut dalam air. Penjelasan lainnya akan lebih baik jika diuji secara laboratoris. Kata kunci: amonia, budikdamber, ikan, oksigen terlarut.

Research paper thumbnail of Adoption of Innovation of Sapta Pesona Program: Case Hotel in East Jakarta

International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research, Jan 3, 2021

Sapta Pesona is a program to increase community awareness, responsibility, and action for support... more Sapta Pesona is a program to increase community awareness, responsibility, and action for supporting tourism activity to its development. Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia and as one of the tourism destinations with all the potentials they have, include of a hotel. The participation of hotel leaders and employment to the Sapta Pesona program then becomes an important point to be analyzed due to its adoption to develop the tourism sector, especially in East Jakarta. The study could be summarized as follows: Their knowledge, perception, and adoption are sufficiently state level. The increase of knowledge, perception, and adoption can be conducted by improving training, and activities such as workshops related to hotel and tourism.

Research paper thumbnail of Kampanye Publik Tentang Manfaat Mengonsumsi Ikan pada Ibu-Ibu PKK Kelurahan Ulak Karang Utara, Kota Padang

Jurnal Pusat Inovasi Masyarakat (PIM), Dec 1, 2020

Ikan merupakan salah satu sumber protein yang bermutu tinggi. Mengonsumsi ikan dapat memberikan m... more Ikan merupakan salah satu sumber protein yang bermutu tinggi. Mengonsumsi ikan dapat memberikan manfaat kesehatan karena memiliki kandungan nutrisi yang tinggi, terutama kandungan Eikosanpentaenoat (EPA) dan Asam Dokosaheksaetanoat (DHA). Angka konsumsi ikan (AKI) oleh masyarakat Indonesia masih terbilang rendah, termasuk AKI Kota Padang yang masih tergolong rendah. Kegiatan kampanye publik mengenai manfaat mengonsumsi ikan dilakukan di Kota Padang, terutama pada Ibu-ibu anggota PKK Ulak Karang Utara, Padang, Sumatera Barat. Kegiatan ini memiliki sesi pemaparan materi, sesi tanya jawab dan diskusi, serta pengisian pretest dan posttest. Hasil kegiatan yang telah dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa terjadi peningkatan pemahaman masyarakat mengenai manfaat konsumsi ikan.

Research paper thumbnail of Adoption of Organic Agriculture Application in Subang Regency, West Java Province of Indonesia

Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences, 2021

Indonesia is one of the countries that has started to develop organic agriculture. The appeal of ... more Indonesia is one of the countries that has started to develop organic agriculture. The appeal of organic farming, both farmers and ordinary people, is also triggered by consumer awareness of choosing food that is safe for health. This research is a survey research, namely explanatory/confirmatory research. The research was conducted using interview methods and questionnaire instruments. The side method uses purposive sampling. Hypothesis testing showed that the nature of innovation (t-statistic 2.741) and extension support (t-statistical 8.530) had a significant effect on the level of interest of farmers while the nature of prospective users (t-statistical 3.174) and extension support (t-statistical 2.274) had a significant effect on the level of farmer adoption. The conclusion of this research is; (1) Farmers already know and try organic farming, however, the adoption process is still affected by market access which makes farmers still reluctant to start implementing organic farming; (2) the nature of innovation and extension support are factors that affect the level of interest of farmers; The nature of the candidate (characteristics) and counseling are factors that influence adoption; (3) P4S Agrospora in this case becomes a forum for farmers to learn about the application of organic agriculture but needs to be empowered again for independent extension workers who are able to play the same role as P4S.

Research paper thumbnail of Strategi Komunikasi untuk Penyuluhan Kasus Flu Burung

Pamator Journal, Apr 16, 2010

Flu burung telah menyebar dan menjadi ancaman di Indonesia, banyak orang meninggal karena itu. Pe... more Flu burung telah menyebar dan menjadi ancaman di Indonesia, banyak orang meninggal karena itu. Penyakit ini menjadi risiko bagi kehidupan masyarakat. Bagaimanapun, peran informasi, komunikasi dan pengetahuan sangat penting untuk memberikan kondisi yang lebih baik untuk menghadapinya. Komunikasi risiko adalah sarana untuk berkomunikasi dengan orang yang mengalami keadaan ini. Karenanya, jenis komunikasi risiko ini dapat menjadi solusi untuk pencegahan penyakit flu burung agar tidak menyebar lebih luas.

Research paper thumbnail of Activities of Farmer Women Groups in Utilizing Digital Communication Media in Urban Farming Activities in Bogor City

Urban farming is a characteristic of land use that is narrow and intensively limited to annual cr... more Urban farming is a characteristic of land use that is narrow and intensively limited to annual crops, polyculture and business oriented. This activity was initiated as an effort to maintain food supply and improve family nutrition. Therefore, the importance of increasing and developing the knowledge of women farmers by finding information related to urban farming through the use of digital communication media. The objective of this research was to describe the activities of women farmers in urban farming activities, describe the use of digital communication media and its effects. The research method used was a case study method by conducting an indepth analysis of five farmer women groups in Bogor city. The results showed that the activities of farmer women's groups in group activities on urban farming namely routine meetings, group garden activities, product processing, marketing, ecobrick manufacturing and training. Utilization of digital communication media by farmer women so...

Research paper thumbnail of The determinant factors of creative economi craftsmen sustainability in south sSulawesi province (Riviewer)

Research paper thumbnail of Stakeholders Communication Effectiveness on Development Planning Consultation Forum in Banjar City West Java Province of Indonesia

Research on humanities and social sciences, 2015

Demands and challenges in the era of democratization and decentralization have made changes in th... more Demands and challenges in the era of democratization and decentralization have made changes in the development paradigm from centralized development (top down) into participatory development (bottom up) which is more extensive and provides more open opportunities toward society’s involvement as well as the aspirations at the local level (grassroots). It is realized through a forum for communication between stakeholders in the development planning consultation forum to formulate the plan, implementation and evaluation development. This study is aimed to analyze stakeholders communication effectiveness in the process and the results of development planning consultation forum in village and urban village. This study used quantitative explanative survey methods with path analysis. Data was collected through questionnaires with sampling gradually began by cluster sampling, Slovin formula and then stratified sampling. The location of study were in sub-district of Banjar and sub-district o...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Kawasan Wisata Agro DI Kecamatan Nguntoronadi Kabupaten Wonogiri Jawa Tengah

Rural areas have the potential of areas that can be developed based on the condition of natural r... more Rural areas have the potential of areas that can be developed based on the condition of natural resources. However, in developing the region, it is necessary to pay attention to the sustainability of being able to meet the welfare of the community. Nguntoronadi District, Wonogiri Regency has the potential of natural resources based on the agricultural sector which can be developed in the development of agro tourism areas. This study uses a quantitative data approach obtained through questionnaires based on interviews and direct observation based on analysis of village independence and supported by qualitative data in the form of in-depth interviews, FGD (Focus Group Discussion) and literature studies. In addition, the SWOT analysis is used as a formulation of tourism development strategies in Nguntoronadi District. The results showed an analysis of the independence of the villages in the four agro tourism development areas in Nguntoronadi Subdistrict included in the Pre Mandiri 4 ca...

Research paper thumbnail of Political Communication in Decision Making : Model of Prima Tani Into Program and Agricultural Development Policy in Bali Province , Indonesia

Political communication plays an important part in decision-making processes and to encourage com... more Political communication plays an important part in decision-making processes and to encourage commitments of local government leaders and organizers of agricultural sector development of the concerned regions. The policy transformation process of "Prima Tani" model by the provincial government of Bali Province to be the "Simantri" program and regional agricultural development policy. Some important findings indicate that policy formulation process is carried out through vertical and horizontal communications, in relation to institutional and program integration, as well as technical managerial and strategic decision making. Community’s participation was mobilized more as program approaches. Technocratic approach in relation to programs and policies guidance in terms of technological and institutional innovations must be a part of political communication strategy, so that its implementation would not merely be dominated by bureaucratic and administrative purposes ...

Research paper thumbnail of Communication Behavior Based on Gender Reponsive in Primary School

In addition to poor communication, the teacher is still differentiate between male and female st... more In addition to poor communication, the teacher is still differentiate between male and female students. If the communication behavior of the teacher in the learning process is not gender responsive, it will affect the successful of the learning process. Gender responsive teacher communication behavior will improve the quality of learning. The objective of this research were to analyze the communication behavior of male and female teacher in urban and rural areas. The research was conducted in the city of Padang and Padang Pariaman District began in August to December 2013. Total sample of 200 people consisting of 100 male and 100 female were scattered in cities and in villages.Data analysis using Spearman rank, Chi Sguare correlation. The research results showed that verbal communication behaviors that include snarl words, purr words, degrading words, confirmation, taboos and euphemisms including the high category is spoken by male and female the teacher in both urban and rur...

Research paper thumbnail of Hubungan Waktu Berkualitas Bersama Keluarga Dan Kepedulian Pembina Ekstrakurikuler Dengan Karakter Siswa

Jurnal Pendidikan Karakter, 2021

abstrak: Keluarga dan lingkungan sekolah memiliki peran penting dalam membentuk kepribadian remaj... more abstrak: Keluarga dan lingkungan sekolah memiliki peran penting dalam membentuk kepribadian remaja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggunakan konsep Positive Youth Development (PYD) yang belum populer di Indonesia. Konsep PYD meyakini bahwa potensi kebaikan dalam diri remaja akan tumbuh sebagai hasil interaksi antara karakteristik internal dan eksternal. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Pengambilan data menggunakan kuesioner dengan format pernyataan menggunakan skala Likert 1-4 terhadap 316 siswa dari 15 SMA di Kota Bogor yang dipilih secara sengaja berdasarkan keikutsertaan mereka di dalam program ekstrakurikuler di sekolah. Analisis data dilakukan secara kuantitatif. Hasilnya bahwa waktu berkualitas remaja putri lebih tinggi daripada remaja laki-laki, sedangkan kompetensi remaja laki-laki lebih tinggi daripada remaja perempuan. Selain itu, terdapat hubungan positif dan signifikan antara empat komponen PYD yaitu kepercayaan diri, karakter, kepedulian, dan koneksi...

Research paper thumbnail of Faktor-faktor yang Memengaruhi Keberdayaan Anggota UPPKS DKI Jakarta menuju Kemandirian Usaha

Jurnal Penyuluhan, 2019

Poverty is a major and complex problem, various efforts are made to alleviate poverty, but povert... more Poverty is a major and complex problem, various efforts are made to alleviate poverty, but poverty rates do not decrease significantly, due to the low quality of human resources, which causes limited ability to improve welfare. Improving family welfare through UPPKS is a real contribution, and as a driving force for micro businesses in the community. So it needs to be maintained and developed, because it is a place of creativity to be independent and able to work creatively. The study aims to analyze the factors that influence the empowerment of UPPKS members. Data collection was conducted through interviews with 192 UPPKS members. Data analysis in this study included: (1) descriptive analysis in the form of frequency distribution with the help of SPSS and (2) PLS-SEM. The results showed that this hypothesis was tested by comparing tcount values and t-tables for each variable. The t-count value is greater than t-table (1.96) at the 0.05 level. The results of testing the hypothesis i...

Research paper thumbnail of Persepsi Kepala Desa tentang Kompetensi Pendamping Desa dalam Memfasilitasi Pembangunan Desa


Kementerian Desa mengalokasikan dana khusus desa untuk pembangunan desa, yang difasilitasi oleh p... more Kementerian Desa mengalokasikan dana khusus desa untuk pembangunan desa, yang difasilitasi oleh pendamping desa dengan bersinergi bersama kepala desa. Pendamping desa dituntut memiliki berbagai kompetensi dasar sesuai dengan peraturan kementerian desa, sehingga menjadi tolak ukur keberhasilan kegiatan pendampingan. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh karakteristik kepala desa, interaksi kepala desa dengan pendamping desa, dan pengetahuan kepala desa tentang kompetensi pendamping desa terhadap persepsi kepala desa tentang kompetensi pendamping desa di Kabupaten Nagan Raya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan masa kerja kepala desa akan mempengaruhi persepsinya terhadap kompetensi pendamping desa, hal ini disebabkan tingginya peluang interaksi antar kepala desa dengan pendamping desa, maka persepsi kepala desa tentang kompetensi pendamping desa semakin positif.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Penggunaan Media Komunikasi Terhadap Keberdayaan Nelayan Di Pulau Pasaran Bandar Lampung

MIMBAR, Jurnal Sosial dan Pembangunan, Jun 25, 2016

People's empowerment could be done in several ways in all elements of society. One of the ways is... more People's empowerment could be done in several ways in all elements of society. One of the ways is by taking advantage of media for the Fishermen. Fishermen have a lot to fix in terms of their business system. On the other hand, in order to have an appropriate competence and to take advantage of business opportunities, the use of media to get the information and to gain new knowledge is highly needed. This research is conducted in Pasaran Island since it is the center of fish processing in Kota Bandar Lampung. The sample of this research is the whole group members of fishermen as many as 125 people. The research data collected consist of primary and secondary data, and then these data are tested with rank Spearman and path analysis correlation statistics. The result of this research shows that based on the rank Spearman correlation analysis, the factors related to the use of communication media result age and education level have high correlations with the use of media. The number of family dependents, the length of work as a fisherman and also the income do not have high correlations with the use of communication media. From the path analysis, it is revealed that fishermen's characteristics have direct influences on fishermen's empowerment but they also have indirect influences as well by the use of media means. Those refer to age and education level.

Research paper thumbnail of Partisipasi Petani Dalam Peningkatan Produksi Padi DI Kecamatan Tabir Kabupaten Merangin Provinsi Jambi

Jurnal Kommunity Online

Rice is the most important food source and the government is obliged to realize its availability ... more Rice is the most important food source and the government is obliged to realize its availability and fulfillment. This study aims to: (1) analyze the level of farmer participation in increasing rice production; and (2) analyzing factors that influence the level of farmers' participation in increasing rice production. This study used a survey method and was conducted in March to May 2017 in Tabir District, Merangin Regency, Jambi Province. The number of samples of this study was 92 people. The analytical method used is descriptive statistics and inferential statistics (Path Analysis) which are equipped with qualitative data. The results of the study show that: (1) The level of participation of farmers in increasing rice production is quite good, meaning that farmers have sufficiently participated in efforts to increase rice production through the Upsus Pajale program; and (2) Factors that directly influence the level of farmer participation in increasing rice production are the i...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Keberlanjutan Usahatani Sawah Bukaan Baru di Kabupaten Bangka

Jurnal Penyuluhan

New rice fields are one of the solutions to increase food availability in Bangka Regency. This st... more New rice fields are one of the solutions to increase food availability in Bangka Regency. This study aims to analyze the effect of individual characteristics, characteristics of innovation, external support, and motivation on the sustainability of new open rice farming. This research was conducted by in-depth interviews with 121 respondents of newly opened rice fields in Kemuja and Balunijuk villages in March – June 2022. The number of research samples was determined by the simple cluster sampling method. The research instrument used was a questionnaire with direct interviews with respondent farmers. Data were analyzed using Partial Least Square (PLS)-SEM analysis. The results showed that the sustainability of farming in farming profits was in a low category, while the aspects of production and marketing were in the medium category. Base on result of the SmartPLS-SEM test, it is known that the sustainability of farming in newly opened rice fields is influenced by external support, i...

Research paper thumbnail of Diseminasi Instalasi Fertigasi (Irigasi Tetes) Guna Menghemat Penggunaan Air untuk Pertanian di Kelurahan Beji

Jurnal Pusat Inovasi Masyarakat (PIM)

Fertigasi atau lazim disebut irigasi tetes merupakan salah satu inovasi dalam bidang pertanian ya... more Fertigasi atau lazim disebut irigasi tetes merupakan salah satu inovasi dalam bidang pertanian yang memiliki keunggulan dapat menghemat penggunaan air. Pupuk yang digunakan adalah AB mix dan POC (pupuk organik cair) dan dicampurkan dengan media air sekaligus untuk irigasi, yang selanjutnya dialirkan langsung ke tanaman melalui selang-selang kecil. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah mengintroduksikan teknologi fertigasi untuk mengatasi masalah keterbatasan air irigasi di lokasi mitra kegiatan. Pembuatan instalasi dimulai dari tanggal 17 Juli hingga 23 Juli 2019 di Dusun Pudak, Kelurahan Beji, Kecamatan Nguntoronadi, Kabupaten Wonogiri. Sasaran dari program ini adalah Gabungan Kelompok Tani (Gapoktan) Beji, Kelompok Wanita Tani (KWT) Pelangi dan warga Kelurahan Beji. Kegiatan yang dilakukan pada tanggal 23 juli 2019 ini dihadiri oleh 42 orang. Respon dari warga dan KWT Pelangi sangat antusias dengan program ini. Instalasi fertigasi sangat cocok diterapkan di Kelurahan Beji agar penggunaan ...

Research paper thumbnail of Demonstrasi Pengolahan Abon Ikan Lele Sebagai Ide Wirausaha di Kelurahan Ulak Karang Utara

Catfish is a fish that is widely consumed by Indonesian people. However, some people are still re... more Catfish is a fish that is widely consumed by Indonesian people. However, some people are still reluctant to consume them. One of them is because it smells fishy. The creativity of food producers to cover this deficiency is needed in this fish processing method. One of the catfish processing that can be done is shredded catfish. Shredded catfish is one of the processed fishery products made from fish meat, or fish processed with seasonings. Shredded catfish is processed by boiling, frying, pressing or separating the oil. The resulting product has a good taste and relatively long durability. Processing catfish into shredded catfish will increase the quality value of the food product. Shredded catfish can be an alternative food product for people who want to consume catfish without fishy smell with an attractive appearance. In addition, shredded catfish can also be a profitable entrepreneurial field for the community. Keywords: Catfish, creativity, demonstration, entrepreneur, shredde

Research paper thumbnail of Hubungan Peran Kelompok Tani Dengan Kapasitas Petani Penangkar Benih Padi Sawah (Oriza Sativa L) Di Kabupaten Lampung Timur

Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, Oct 9, 2016

The aim of this research are to: (1) analyze the role of the seed farmers in East Lampung regency... more The aim of this research are to: (1) analyze the role of the seed farmers in East Lampung regency; (2) analyze the capacity ofseed farmers in East Lampung regency; (3) analyzing role of farmer groups'relation with the capacity of seed farmers for paddy rice sources in East Lampung regency. The study was conducted in East Lampung district seed farmers group with total sample of 59 farmers seed breeders. The method of analysis was used Pearson's correlation matrix. The results showed that: (1) the role of the seed farmers group as partnership forum and marketing units is the most important with the higher category results than group's role as learning forum and production units with the medium category; (2) the capacity of farmers in the seed production preparation and sustainability efforts was in the high category, while in the mastery of innovation, the application of technology components, and marketing orientation was in the medium category; (3) generally there is a significant corelation between the role of farmer groups with the capacity of breeder farmers with the exception relation of partnership forum, unit production and marketing unit with the application of technology components, and marketing unit with the marketing orientation and a partnership.

Research paper thumbnail of Diseminasi Budidaya Ikan Dalam Ember Sebagai Solusi Kegiatan Budidaya di Lahan Sempit

Jurnal Pusat Inovasi Masyarakat (PIM), Dec 1, 2020

Ikan menjadi salah satu sumber pangan yang bermanfaat karena memiliki protein, lemak, vitamin dan... more Ikan menjadi salah satu sumber pangan yang bermanfaat karena memiliki protein, lemak, vitamin dan mineral. Terdapat permasalahan yang terjadi di dalam perairan laut, yaitu pencemaran dan kerusakan ekosistem. Oleh sebab itu, para ahli budidaya mulai mencari solusi kepada masyarakat agar tetap dapat mengonsumsi ikan kaya akan gizi, yaitu budidaya di darat, yang dikenal dengan budikdamber. Budikdamber disosialisasikan di Kelurahan Ulak Karang Utara, yang dilengkapi dengan pre-test dan post-test dengan masing-masing nilai memiliki rata-rata 76,67 dan 86,67 yang menunjukkan sosialisasi berjalan lancar. Namun, pada praktiknya, benih ikan mati hingga mencapai 90% setelah kurang lebih seminggu pemeliharaan. Penyebab kematian adalah serangan amonia dan kurangnya kandungan oksigen terlarut dalam air. Penjelasan lainnya akan lebih baik jika diuji secara laboratoris. Kata kunci: amonia, budikdamber, ikan, oksigen terlarut.

Research paper thumbnail of Adoption of Innovation of Sapta Pesona Program: Case Hotel in East Jakarta

International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research, Jan 3, 2021

Sapta Pesona is a program to increase community awareness, responsibility, and action for support... more Sapta Pesona is a program to increase community awareness, responsibility, and action for supporting tourism activity to its development. Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia and as one of the tourism destinations with all the potentials they have, include of a hotel. The participation of hotel leaders and employment to the Sapta Pesona program then becomes an important point to be analyzed due to its adoption to develop the tourism sector, especially in East Jakarta. The study could be summarized as follows: Their knowledge, perception, and adoption are sufficiently state level. The increase of knowledge, perception, and adoption can be conducted by improving training, and activities such as workshops related to hotel and tourism.

Research paper thumbnail of Kampanye Publik Tentang Manfaat Mengonsumsi Ikan pada Ibu-Ibu PKK Kelurahan Ulak Karang Utara, Kota Padang

Jurnal Pusat Inovasi Masyarakat (PIM), Dec 1, 2020

Ikan merupakan salah satu sumber protein yang bermutu tinggi. Mengonsumsi ikan dapat memberikan m... more Ikan merupakan salah satu sumber protein yang bermutu tinggi. Mengonsumsi ikan dapat memberikan manfaat kesehatan karena memiliki kandungan nutrisi yang tinggi, terutama kandungan Eikosanpentaenoat (EPA) dan Asam Dokosaheksaetanoat (DHA). Angka konsumsi ikan (AKI) oleh masyarakat Indonesia masih terbilang rendah, termasuk AKI Kota Padang yang masih tergolong rendah. Kegiatan kampanye publik mengenai manfaat mengonsumsi ikan dilakukan di Kota Padang, terutama pada Ibu-ibu anggota PKK Ulak Karang Utara, Padang, Sumatera Barat. Kegiatan ini memiliki sesi pemaparan materi, sesi tanya jawab dan diskusi, serta pengisian pretest dan posttest. Hasil kegiatan yang telah dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa terjadi peningkatan pemahaman masyarakat mengenai manfaat konsumsi ikan.

Research paper thumbnail of Adoption of Organic Agriculture Application in Subang Regency, West Java Province of Indonesia

Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences, 2021

Indonesia is one of the countries that has started to develop organic agriculture. The appeal of ... more Indonesia is one of the countries that has started to develop organic agriculture. The appeal of organic farming, both farmers and ordinary people, is also triggered by consumer awareness of choosing food that is safe for health. This research is a survey research, namely explanatory/confirmatory research. The research was conducted using interview methods and questionnaire instruments. The side method uses purposive sampling. Hypothesis testing showed that the nature of innovation (t-statistic 2.741) and extension support (t-statistical 8.530) had a significant effect on the level of interest of farmers while the nature of prospective users (t-statistical 3.174) and extension support (t-statistical 2.274) had a significant effect on the level of farmer adoption. The conclusion of this research is; (1) Farmers already know and try organic farming, however, the adoption process is still affected by market access which makes farmers still reluctant to start implementing organic farming; (2) the nature of innovation and extension support are factors that affect the level of interest of farmers; The nature of the candidate (characteristics) and counseling are factors that influence adoption; (3) P4S Agrospora in this case becomes a forum for farmers to learn about the application of organic agriculture but needs to be empowered again for independent extension workers who are able to play the same role as P4S.

Research paper thumbnail of Strategi Komunikasi untuk Penyuluhan Kasus Flu Burung

Pamator Journal, Apr 16, 2010

Flu burung telah menyebar dan menjadi ancaman di Indonesia, banyak orang meninggal karena itu. Pe... more Flu burung telah menyebar dan menjadi ancaman di Indonesia, banyak orang meninggal karena itu. Penyakit ini menjadi risiko bagi kehidupan masyarakat. Bagaimanapun, peran informasi, komunikasi dan pengetahuan sangat penting untuk memberikan kondisi yang lebih baik untuk menghadapinya. Komunikasi risiko adalah sarana untuk berkomunikasi dengan orang yang mengalami keadaan ini. Karenanya, jenis komunikasi risiko ini dapat menjadi solusi untuk pencegahan penyakit flu burung agar tidak menyebar lebih luas.

Research paper thumbnail of Activities of Farmer Women Groups in Utilizing Digital Communication Media in Urban Farming Activities in Bogor City

Urban farming is a characteristic of land use that is narrow and intensively limited to annual cr... more Urban farming is a characteristic of land use that is narrow and intensively limited to annual crops, polyculture and business oriented. This activity was initiated as an effort to maintain food supply and improve family nutrition. Therefore, the importance of increasing and developing the knowledge of women farmers by finding information related to urban farming through the use of digital communication media. The objective of this research was to describe the activities of women farmers in urban farming activities, describe the use of digital communication media and its effects. The research method used was a case study method by conducting an indepth analysis of five farmer women groups in Bogor city. The results showed that the activities of farmer women's groups in group activities on urban farming namely routine meetings, group garden activities, product processing, marketing, ecobrick manufacturing and training. Utilization of digital communication media by farmer women so...

Research paper thumbnail of The determinant factors of creative economi craftsmen sustainability in south sSulawesi province (Riviewer)

Research paper thumbnail of Stakeholders Communication Effectiveness on Development Planning Consultation Forum in Banjar City West Java Province of Indonesia

Research on humanities and social sciences, 2015

Demands and challenges in the era of democratization and decentralization have made changes in th... more Demands and challenges in the era of democratization and decentralization have made changes in the development paradigm from centralized development (top down) into participatory development (bottom up) which is more extensive and provides more open opportunities toward society’s involvement as well as the aspirations at the local level (grassroots). It is realized through a forum for communication between stakeholders in the development planning consultation forum to formulate the plan, implementation and evaluation development. This study is aimed to analyze stakeholders communication effectiveness in the process and the results of development planning consultation forum in village and urban village. This study used quantitative explanative survey methods with path analysis. Data was collected through questionnaires with sampling gradually began by cluster sampling, Slovin formula and then stratified sampling. The location of study were in sub-district of Banjar and sub-district o...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Kawasan Wisata Agro DI Kecamatan Nguntoronadi Kabupaten Wonogiri Jawa Tengah

Rural areas have the potential of areas that can be developed based on the condition of natural r... more Rural areas have the potential of areas that can be developed based on the condition of natural resources. However, in developing the region, it is necessary to pay attention to the sustainability of being able to meet the welfare of the community. Nguntoronadi District, Wonogiri Regency has the potential of natural resources based on the agricultural sector which can be developed in the development of agro tourism areas. This study uses a quantitative data approach obtained through questionnaires based on interviews and direct observation based on analysis of village independence and supported by qualitative data in the form of in-depth interviews, FGD (Focus Group Discussion) and literature studies. In addition, the SWOT analysis is used as a formulation of tourism development strategies in Nguntoronadi District. The results showed an analysis of the independence of the villages in the four agro tourism development areas in Nguntoronadi Subdistrict included in the Pre Mandiri 4 ca...

Research paper thumbnail of Political Communication in Decision Making : Model of Prima Tani Into Program and Agricultural Development Policy in Bali Province , Indonesia

Political communication plays an important part in decision-making processes and to encourage com... more Political communication plays an important part in decision-making processes and to encourage commitments of local government leaders and organizers of agricultural sector development of the concerned regions. The policy transformation process of "Prima Tani" model by the provincial government of Bali Province to be the "Simantri" program and regional agricultural development policy. Some important findings indicate that policy formulation process is carried out through vertical and horizontal communications, in relation to institutional and program integration, as well as technical managerial and strategic decision making. Community’s participation was mobilized more as program approaches. Technocratic approach in relation to programs and policies guidance in terms of technological and institutional innovations must be a part of political communication strategy, so that its implementation would not merely be dominated by bureaucratic and administrative purposes ...

Research paper thumbnail of Communication Behavior Based on Gender Reponsive in Primary School

In addition to poor communication, the teacher is still differentiate between male and female st... more In addition to poor communication, the teacher is still differentiate between male and female students. If the communication behavior of the teacher in the learning process is not gender responsive, it will affect the successful of the learning process. Gender responsive teacher communication behavior will improve the quality of learning. The objective of this research were to analyze the communication behavior of male and female teacher in urban and rural areas. The research was conducted in the city of Padang and Padang Pariaman District began in August to December 2013. Total sample of 200 people consisting of 100 male and 100 female were scattered in cities and in villages.Data analysis using Spearman rank, Chi Sguare correlation. The research results showed that verbal communication behaviors that include snarl words, purr words, degrading words, confirmation, taboos and euphemisms including the high category is spoken by male and female the teacher in both urban and rur...

Research paper thumbnail of Hubungan Waktu Berkualitas Bersama Keluarga Dan Kepedulian Pembina Ekstrakurikuler Dengan Karakter Siswa

Jurnal Pendidikan Karakter, 2021

abstrak: Keluarga dan lingkungan sekolah memiliki peran penting dalam membentuk kepribadian remaj... more abstrak: Keluarga dan lingkungan sekolah memiliki peran penting dalam membentuk kepribadian remaja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggunakan konsep Positive Youth Development (PYD) yang belum populer di Indonesia. Konsep PYD meyakini bahwa potensi kebaikan dalam diri remaja akan tumbuh sebagai hasil interaksi antara karakteristik internal dan eksternal. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Pengambilan data menggunakan kuesioner dengan format pernyataan menggunakan skala Likert 1-4 terhadap 316 siswa dari 15 SMA di Kota Bogor yang dipilih secara sengaja berdasarkan keikutsertaan mereka di dalam program ekstrakurikuler di sekolah. Analisis data dilakukan secara kuantitatif. Hasilnya bahwa waktu berkualitas remaja putri lebih tinggi daripada remaja laki-laki, sedangkan kompetensi remaja laki-laki lebih tinggi daripada remaja perempuan. Selain itu, terdapat hubungan positif dan signifikan antara empat komponen PYD yaitu kepercayaan diri, karakter, kepedulian, dan koneksi...

Research paper thumbnail of Faktor-faktor yang Memengaruhi Keberdayaan Anggota UPPKS DKI Jakarta menuju Kemandirian Usaha

Jurnal Penyuluhan, 2019

Poverty is a major and complex problem, various efforts are made to alleviate poverty, but povert... more Poverty is a major and complex problem, various efforts are made to alleviate poverty, but poverty rates do not decrease significantly, due to the low quality of human resources, which causes limited ability to improve welfare. Improving family welfare through UPPKS is a real contribution, and as a driving force for micro businesses in the community. So it needs to be maintained and developed, because it is a place of creativity to be independent and able to work creatively. The study aims to analyze the factors that influence the empowerment of UPPKS members. Data collection was conducted through interviews with 192 UPPKS members. Data analysis in this study included: (1) descriptive analysis in the form of frequency distribution with the help of SPSS and (2) PLS-SEM. The results showed that this hypothesis was tested by comparing tcount values and t-tables for each variable. The t-count value is greater than t-table (1.96) at the 0.05 level. The results of testing the hypothesis i...

Research paper thumbnail of Persepsi Kepala Desa tentang Kompetensi Pendamping Desa dalam Memfasilitasi Pembangunan Desa


Kementerian Desa mengalokasikan dana khusus desa untuk pembangunan desa, yang difasilitasi oleh p... more Kementerian Desa mengalokasikan dana khusus desa untuk pembangunan desa, yang difasilitasi oleh pendamping desa dengan bersinergi bersama kepala desa. Pendamping desa dituntut memiliki berbagai kompetensi dasar sesuai dengan peraturan kementerian desa, sehingga menjadi tolak ukur keberhasilan kegiatan pendampingan. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh karakteristik kepala desa, interaksi kepala desa dengan pendamping desa, dan pengetahuan kepala desa tentang kompetensi pendamping desa terhadap persepsi kepala desa tentang kompetensi pendamping desa di Kabupaten Nagan Raya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan masa kerja kepala desa akan mempengaruhi persepsinya terhadap kompetensi pendamping desa, hal ini disebabkan tingginya peluang interaksi antar kepala desa dengan pendamping desa, maka persepsi kepala desa tentang kompetensi pendamping desa semakin positif.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Penggunaan Media Komunikasi Terhadap Keberdayaan Nelayan Di Pulau Pasaran Bandar Lampung

MIMBAR, Jurnal Sosial dan Pembangunan, Jun 25, 2016

People's empowerment could be done in several ways in all elements of society. One of the ways is... more People's empowerment could be done in several ways in all elements of society. One of the ways is by taking advantage of media for the Fishermen. Fishermen have a lot to fix in terms of their business system. On the other hand, in order to have an appropriate competence and to take advantage of business opportunities, the use of media to get the information and to gain new knowledge is highly needed. This research is conducted in Pasaran Island since it is the center of fish processing in Kota Bandar Lampung. The sample of this research is the whole group members of fishermen as many as 125 people. The research data collected consist of primary and secondary data, and then these data are tested with rank Spearman and path analysis correlation statistics. The result of this research shows that based on the rank Spearman correlation analysis, the factors related to the use of communication media result age and education level have high correlations with the use of media. The number of family dependents, the length of work as a fisherman and also the income do not have high correlations with the use of communication media. From the path analysis, it is revealed that fishermen's characteristics have direct influences on fishermen's empowerment but they also have indirect influences as well by the use of media means. Those refer to age and education level.