Paco Noriega - (original) (raw)
Papers by Paco Noriega
Ethnobotany research and applications, Mar 14, 2024
Background: Quito, the largest city in Ecuador, has a population of over two million. Despite sig... more Background: Quito, the largest city in Ecuador, has a population of over two million. Despite significant growth in the last 50 years, remnants of native flora can still be found within the city's metropolitan park system. These parks contain large areas of both native and introduced ethnobotanical resources. This study aimed to collect and catalog species based on their medicinal, nutritional, ritual, and cosmetic properties. The opinions of informants with extensive knowledge of traditional medicine were considered, and many scientific documents were analyzed to obtain more information on each identified species. Methods: Under the guidance of Andean sage Tayta Alberto Taxo Taco Chicaiza and accompanied by six informants, we visited five metropolitan parks in Quito known for their significant biodiversity. Between March and July 2017, we collected and identified medicinal species over several working days. To confirm the traditional knowledge, we then complemented our findings by evaluating approximately one hundred scientific documents. Results: Ninety-two species were identified as valuable plants, highlighting their medicinal, food, cosmetic, and ritual uses. The highest percentage corresponded to native Andean species, 68%, and endemism reached 3.3%. Forty-nine botanical families were identified, with Fabaceae, Asteraceae, and Solanaceae standing out. The use of a significant number of plants is related to magical-religious practices. Conclusion: This study reveals that even in large urban areas, pockets of plant biodiversity exist as small refuges that maintain a connection to life. These refuges can be utilized to enhance the health and well-being of city dwellers.
Molecules, Apr 25, 2019
The chemical composition and biological activity of essential oils isolated from the leaves of Si... more The chemical composition and biological activity of essential oils isolated from the leaves of Siparuna aspera, Siparuna macrotepala, Piper leticianum, Piper augustum and the rhizome of Hedychium coronarium were evaluated. These species are used medicinally in different ways by the Amazonian communities that live near the Kutukú mountain range. Chemical studies revealed that the main components for the two Siparuna species were germacrene D, bicyclogermacrene, α-pinene, δ-cadinene, δ-elemene, α-copaene and β-caryophyllene; for the two Piper species β-caryophyllene, germacrene D, α-(E,E)-farnesene, β-elemene, bicyclogermacrene, δ-cadinene and for H. coronarium 1,8-cineole, β-pinene, α-pinene and α-terpineol. The antioxidant activity of all essential oils was evaluated by 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), 2,2-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) diammonium salt (ABTS), photochemiluminescence (PCL) quantitative assays, and DPPH and ABTS bioautographic profiles, with different results for each of them. Antimicrobial activity studies were carried out on three yeasts, six Gram positive and four Gram negative bacteria, by means of the disc diffusion method. The essential oil of H. coronarium showed the most relevant results on L. grayi, K. oxytoca and S. mutans, P. augustum and P. leticianum on S. mutans. An antibacterial bioautographic test for H. coronarium was also carried out and highlighted the potential activity of terpinen-4-ol and 1,8-cineole.
Revista Cubana de Plantas Medicinales, Mar 20, 2017
Introduccion : Renealmia thyrsoidea (Ruiz & Pav) Poepp. & Eddl, conocida popularmente com... more Introduccion : Renealmia thyrsoidea (Ruiz & Pav) Poepp. & Eddl, conocida popularmente como shiwanku muyu, es una planta medicinal utilizada por varios pueblos indigenas amazonicos ecuatorianos por sus propiedades analgesicas, antigripales, antiofidicas y antipaludicas. Sus rizomas contienen aceite esencial como es caracteristico de varias especies de la familia Zingiberaceae. Objetivo : Identificar los componentes del aceite esencial del rizoma de R. thyrsoidea, y evaluar su actividad biologica antimicrobiana y captadora de radicales libres. Metodos : Se identificaron las moleculas del aceite esencial mediante la tecnica de cromatografia gaseosa acoplada a espectrometria de masas (GC/MS) usando dos columnas de polaridad diferente, una DB1-MS (apolar) y una DBWax-MS (polaridad intermedia). La actividad antioxidante se evaluo mediante los metodos captadores de radicales libres DPPH y ABTS y la antimicrobiana, con el metodo de difusion de discos. Posteriormente se calculo su concentracion inhibitoria minima. Resultados: Las moleculas mas abundantes en el aceite fueron β-pineno (40,56 %), α-pineno (8,97 %), sabineno (6,54 %) y trans-nerolidol (4,86 %). Los resultados de la actividad biologica mas significativos estan relacionados con la actividad inhibitoria de las dos levaduras empleadas en este ensayo: Candida albicans y Candida tropicalis , cuya potencia es superior a la del referente natural, el aceite de T. vulgaris . Los estudios de la actividad captadora de radicales libres muestran baja actividad en el aceite esencial. Conclusiones: Los usos tradicionales de R. thyrsoidea como analgesico y antigripal pudieran estar relacionados con la elevada concentracion de α- y β-pinenos en el aceite. Debido a la actividad contra la candidiasis, el aceite esencial podria recomendarse como tratamiento para las enfermedades causadas por las levaduras estudiadas. La evaluacion de la actividad captadora de radicales muestra valores bajos comparados con el control natural y el butilhidroxianisol (BHA). Palabras clave: Renealmia thyrsoidea ; aceite esencial; actividad antioxidante; actividad antimicrobiana; composicion quimica; GC/MS.
Pharmacognosy Journal, Dec 1, 2019
Background: Oreopanax ecuadorensis Seem. is a plant from Ecuador, that is found in the Andean reg... more Background: Oreopanax ecuadorensis Seem. is a plant from Ecuador, that is found in the Andean region of the country. The plant is commonly used in protective rituals, and as an antiflu, analgesic and disinfectant medicine. Aim: The research aims to extract and analyze the chemical composition and evaluation of its antifungal potential of the essential oil extracted from its leaves. Methods: steam distillation was used for the extraction of essential oil, the evaluation of its components was performed by GC/MS, and the antifungal evaluation by the disc diffusion method. Results: The essential oil was obtained with a yield of 0.05%. 33 compounds were detected of which 30 were identified, corresponding to 99.28%; the most abundant molecules were: thujene <α-> (36.63%), followed by bicyclogermacrene with (8.76%), pinene <β-> with (8.32%) and limonene with 5.15%. Three of the four strains evaluated were affected by the oil at concentrations of 1.25%, inhibiting its growth. The strains were: Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Trichophyton rubrum and Microsporum canis. Conclusion: The essential oil shows good antifungal activity, which could be less than 1.25%. In this way, this medicinal plant is valued by verifying ancestral knowledge in the use of medicinal plants by the Andean people of Ecuador.
Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, Jan 31, 2023
Ilex guayusa Loes. is a medicinal plant used by people of the Ecuadorian Amazon for treating vari... more Ilex guayusa Loes. is a medicinal plant used by people of the Ecuadorian Amazon for treating various diseases and for its stimulating properties. In recent years, several studies have shown this plant to possess a high concentration of phenolic compounds and a high antioxidant potential, allowing it to be used as an ingredient for cosmetic formulations. This research confirms the presence of phenolic compounds between 20.18 and 22.44 mg gallic acid equivalents/mL of total phenols and between 7.50 and 3.80 mg hyperoxide equivalents/Ml of total flavonoids, depending on the solvent used (hydroalcoholic or hydroglyceric) to prepare the extract. The evaluation by GC/MS after silylation reveals the presence of 3-hydroxyflavone, techtochrysin, kaempferol and quercetin. The spectrophotometric method of DPPH (2.2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) verifies high antioxidant activity in the extracts evaluated and in two cosmetic formulations: Hydrophilic (gel) and lipophilic (cream), with activities similar to ascorbic acid and the natural extract of reference from Camellia sinensis. Clinical evaluation of the lipophilic form shows positive results in increasing skin elasticity and firmness in all volunteers. This study verifies the cosmetic potential of I. guayusa, as well as the abundant concentration of phenolic compounds and its influence on antioxidant activity, with an industrial use in cosmetics, which could become a source of income for the communities where this plant is grown.
Los desechos agroindustriales producidos en diversos procesos extractivos traen como consecuencia... more Los desechos agroindustriales producidos en diversos procesos extractivos traen como consecuencia la generación de problemas ambientales; uno de los procesos que generan miles de toneladas de biomasa anualmente es la destilación de aceites esenciales, mismo del que se obtiene pequeñas cantidades del aceite y elevadas cantidades de desechos. El aceite esencial de cúrcuma se comercializa en todo el planeta, produciendo un pastel residual que en la mayoría de los casos se desecha, sin considerar los metabolitos secundarios que aún pueden ser reutilizados. En la presente investigación se cuantifica por métodos espectrofotométricos los remanentes de curcuminoides y polifenoles de este pastel residual, así como su capacidad antioxidante. En lo que respecta a la presencia de metabolitos secundarios es destacable laconcentración que aún se conserva de curcuminoides en el residuo, los cuales se ven poco afectados en el proceso de destilación, manteniendo una concentración de 51,750 ± 0,060 m...
La Granja: Revista de Ciencias de la Vida, Dec 14, 2022
Dos productos naturales, aceites esenciales de Cannabis sativa (cannabis) y Baccharis latifolia (... more Dos productos naturales, aceites esenciales de Cannabis sativa (cannabis) y Baccharis latifolia (chilca), fueron empleados como ingredientes antinflamatorios en un ungüento de aplicación tópica. Para medir la eficacia, las diversas fórmulas diseñadas a base de estos dos aceites esenciales fueron evaluadas in vivo, mediante el método de inducción del edema subplantar en ratas, como control positivo se empleó una formulación de venta libre con ingrediente activo diclofenaco al 1%. La evaluación química de los dos aceites presentó para el aceite de chilca los siguientes componentes principales: ligulóxido 14.02%, andro encecalinol 9.84%, kesano 7.53%, limoneno 5.6% y Z-cadin-4-en-7-ol con el 5.03%; mientras que en el aceite esencial de cannabis las moléculas más abundantes fueron: E-cariofileno 27.91%, mirceno 21,19%, a-pineno 8.05%, a-humuleno 8.03%, limoneno 7.18%, terpinoleno 7.12% y b-pineno 4.68%. Los resultados de la investigación señalan que aquellas fórmulas con mezclas de los dos aceites esenciales en la formulación al 1%, son las que poseen la mayor actividad antiinflamatoria, desde el punto de vista estadístico la significancia es alta en relación al control positivo en aquellas cuya composición de aceites es la siguiente: aceite esencial de cannabis 75% y aceite de chilca 25%, y aceite esencial de cannabis 50% y aceite de chilca 50%. El resto de las formulaciones presentan actividad, pero esta es similar a la de la fórmula comercial usada como control. De los resultados encontrados se puede proponer a ambos productos naturales como antinflamatorios, y prever el diseño y comercialización de medicamentos farmacéuticos tópicos usando a estos dos aceites esenciales.
VII congreso latinoamericano de plantas medicinales "Plutarco Naranjo", Mar 10, 2020
Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 2017
Investigations have proved the presence of components such as cinamaldehyde, cinamyl acetate and ... more Investigations have proved the presence of components such as cinamaldehyde, cinamyl acetate and phenolic compounds in Ocotea quixos, these components have been attributed to antimicrobial disinfectants, antifungal and healing activities. It is important to point out that, to evaluate any biological activity, it is necessary to have standardized extracts to obtain reliable and reproducible results. The present investigation consist of standardizer hydroalcoholic extracts of ishpingo, O. quixos, evaluating the influence of three experimental variables: vegetal material (fresh and dry), solvent (ethanol and cane ethanol) and solvent concentration (90, 70 and 50%) v/v through an experimental factorial design, from which 12 different extracts with 3 repetitions of each were obtained. The extracts were obtained through a percolation process considering the variables of the experimental design. A phytochemical screening showed the presence of polyphenols, tannins, catechins, saponins, quinones, coumarins, lactones and alkaloids in the 36 extracts; the Folin-Ciocalteu method was used in order to quantitatively determine the total phenol concentration and, by statistical analysis ANOVA (Tukey 95%), it was proved that there is a significant difference between the 12 established treatments where the extracts with the highest quantity of polyphenols are AMF50:50 (alcohol, fresh material, concentration 50% v/v) and CMF90:10 (cane alcohol, fresh material, concentration 90% v/v) with 12,538 and 13, 298 mg of gallic acid / mL of extract, respectively; concluding that, this last combination obtain greater quantity of total polyphenols following the established standardized protocol.
Revista de la Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y de Zootecnia, 2021
La leche de vaca es un componente importante en la dieta humana y uno de sus aportes nutricionale... more La leche de vaca es un componente importante en la dieta humana y uno de sus aportes nutricionales es la fracción lipídica formada por diversos ácidos grasos, entre ellos, el ácido linoleico (AL) de familia omega-6 y el ácido alfa-linolénico (AAL) de familia omega-3, ambos constituyentes estructurales de membranas de tejidos celulares y reguladores metabólicos. Por su importancia, el objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar la concentración de ácidos grasos omega-3 (alfa-linolénico) y omega-6 (linoleico) mediante cromatografía de gases acoplada a espectrometría de masas (GC-MS), en relación con la influencia de los factores región (Costa, Sierra y Amazonía) y época (lluviosa y seca) sobre la concentración de dichos ácidos. Se trabajó con 30 centros de acopio y se recolectó según el protocolo LCL-INS-01. El análisis composicional se realizó bajo el método ISO 9622-IDF 141/2013 /LCL-PE-01 y el análisis del perfil lipídico mediante GC-MS. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron concent...
All the contents of this work, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons... more All the contents of this work, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Todo o conteúdo deste trabalho, exceto quando houver ressalva, é publicado sob a licença Creative Commons Atribição 4.0. Todo el contenido de esta obra, excepto donde se indique lo contrario, está bajo licencia de la licencia Creative Commons Reconocimento 4.0.
TMR Modern Herbal Medicine
Paco Noriega responsible for the direction of the investigation. Edison Díaz analytical and instr... more Paco Noriega responsible for the direction of the investigation. Edison Díaz analytical and instrumental support. Ivana Villegas data processing support. Karla Pozo, Priscila Guerrero and Pablo Guerra responsible for experimental trials. Christian Larenas support in the treatment and statistics of the results. Competing interests Paco Noriega responsible for the direction of the investigation. Edison Díaz analytical and instrumental support. Ivana Villegas data processing support. Karla Pozo, Priscila Guerrero and Pablo Guerra responsible for experimental trials. Christian Larenas support in the treatment and statistics of the results.
La Granja, 2009
La presente revisión muestra de manera integral, los aspectos de mayor relevancia de uno de los m... more La presente revisión muestra de manera integral, los aspectos de mayor relevancia de uno de los metabolitos secundarios más importantes en el campo de los productos naturales, los aceites esenciales. El estudio abarca desde los procesos de extracción más difundidos, sus características físicas, químicas y biológicas; finalizando con un análisis de su potencial comercial, el presente artículo tiene como objetivo el servir de material de consulta para todo aquel que desee profundizar en el tema. De manera particular, se toman como referencia estudios realizados entre la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana del Ecuador y las Universidades de Estudios de Ferrara y Pavia.
Molecules, Feb 11, 2023
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
La Granja, 2011
From the exocarp of the edible fruit Renealmia Alpinia, a natural species from the southern Ecuad... more From the exocarp of the edible fruit Renealmia Alpinia, a natural species from the southern Ecuador Amazonia, we extract a purple dye. After an alcoholic extraction and subsequent evaporation of the solvent, we obtained a dye with a yield of 2.13%. The dye was subject of various tests to analyze their stability to different conditions such as pH, temperature and their behavior to solvents of different polarity. For preliminary chemical characterization ultraviolet, visible and infrared spectra were taken, as well as quantification of total anthocyanins and HPLC chromatographic profiles at 520 nanometers. Additionally we assessed the toxicity of the species.
La Granja, 2006
En un café de la ciudad de Quito-Ecuador, con un amigo y profesor de una de las más renombradas u... more En un café de la ciudad de Quito-Ecuador, con un amigo y profesor de una de las más renombradas universidades de la ciudad, discutíamos acerca de ¿cuál debería ser el papel del profesor universitario?, sobre todo, en lo que al área científica se refiere. Con tristeza rememorábamos nuestras viejas experiencias estudiantiles, y la casi omnipotente última palabra y posesión de la verdad, que nuestros profesores de antaño parecía tener.
Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality
Six Amazonian petitgrain samples from C. nobilis Lour., C. auran- tium L., C. limon L. and mixtur... more Six Amazonian petitgrain samples from C. nobilis Lour., C. auran- tium L., C. limon L. and mixture of Citrus spp. (Rutaceae), named CN, CA, CL1, CL2, C1 and C2, were chemically characterized by GC-MS and 13C NMR and evaluated for antioxidant acitivity (DPPH and β-carotene bleaching tests), for antimicrobial properties (disk diffusion method) and for antifungal capacity (agar vapour assay). CN, C1, C2 samples evidenced the most interesting results: CN (γ- terpinene/linalool chemotype: 14.3 %/41.6 %, with a considerable amount of thymol: 9.0 %), and C1 (linalool, 18.3 %; sabinene, 11.6 %; thymol, 5.5 %), showed relevant antioxidant activity with both DPPH (IC50 = 3.52 and 5.48 mg/ml, respectively) and β-carotene (IC50 = 0.387 and 0.491 mg/ml, respectively). Antibacterial proper- ties of CN and C1 against P. mirabilis (MIC = 0.61 mg/ml for both) and B. subtilis (MIC = 0.61 and 0.44 mg/ml, respectively) were most probably due to thymol. C2 (geranial: 34.7 %, neral: 33.1 %) evidenced a v...
Ethnobotany research and applications, Mar 14, 2024
Background: Quito, the largest city in Ecuador, has a population of over two million. Despite sig... more Background: Quito, the largest city in Ecuador, has a population of over two million. Despite significant growth in the last 50 years, remnants of native flora can still be found within the city's metropolitan park system. These parks contain large areas of both native and introduced ethnobotanical resources. This study aimed to collect and catalog species based on their medicinal, nutritional, ritual, and cosmetic properties. The opinions of informants with extensive knowledge of traditional medicine were considered, and many scientific documents were analyzed to obtain more information on each identified species. Methods: Under the guidance of Andean sage Tayta Alberto Taxo Taco Chicaiza and accompanied by six informants, we visited five metropolitan parks in Quito known for their significant biodiversity. Between March and July 2017, we collected and identified medicinal species over several working days. To confirm the traditional knowledge, we then complemented our findings by evaluating approximately one hundred scientific documents. Results: Ninety-two species were identified as valuable plants, highlighting their medicinal, food, cosmetic, and ritual uses. The highest percentage corresponded to native Andean species, 68%, and endemism reached 3.3%. Forty-nine botanical families were identified, with Fabaceae, Asteraceae, and Solanaceae standing out. The use of a significant number of plants is related to magical-religious practices. Conclusion: This study reveals that even in large urban areas, pockets of plant biodiversity exist as small refuges that maintain a connection to life. These refuges can be utilized to enhance the health and well-being of city dwellers.
Molecules, Apr 25, 2019
The chemical composition and biological activity of essential oils isolated from the leaves of Si... more The chemical composition and biological activity of essential oils isolated from the leaves of Siparuna aspera, Siparuna macrotepala, Piper leticianum, Piper augustum and the rhizome of Hedychium coronarium were evaluated. These species are used medicinally in different ways by the Amazonian communities that live near the Kutukú mountain range. Chemical studies revealed that the main components for the two Siparuna species were germacrene D, bicyclogermacrene, α-pinene, δ-cadinene, δ-elemene, α-copaene and β-caryophyllene; for the two Piper species β-caryophyllene, germacrene D, α-(E,E)-farnesene, β-elemene, bicyclogermacrene, δ-cadinene and for H. coronarium 1,8-cineole, β-pinene, α-pinene and α-terpineol. The antioxidant activity of all essential oils was evaluated by 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), 2,2-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) diammonium salt (ABTS), photochemiluminescence (PCL) quantitative assays, and DPPH and ABTS bioautographic profiles, with different results for each of them. Antimicrobial activity studies were carried out on three yeasts, six Gram positive and four Gram negative bacteria, by means of the disc diffusion method. The essential oil of H. coronarium showed the most relevant results on L. grayi, K. oxytoca and S. mutans, P. augustum and P. leticianum on S. mutans. An antibacterial bioautographic test for H. coronarium was also carried out and highlighted the potential activity of terpinen-4-ol and 1,8-cineole.
Revista Cubana de Plantas Medicinales, Mar 20, 2017
Introduccion : Renealmia thyrsoidea (Ruiz & Pav) Poepp. & Eddl, conocida popularmente com... more Introduccion : Renealmia thyrsoidea (Ruiz & Pav) Poepp. & Eddl, conocida popularmente como shiwanku muyu, es una planta medicinal utilizada por varios pueblos indigenas amazonicos ecuatorianos por sus propiedades analgesicas, antigripales, antiofidicas y antipaludicas. Sus rizomas contienen aceite esencial como es caracteristico de varias especies de la familia Zingiberaceae. Objetivo : Identificar los componentes del aceite esencial del rizoma de R. thyrsoidea, y evaluar su actividad biologica antimicrobiana y captadora de radicales libres. Metodos : Se identificaron las moleculas del aceite esencial mediante la tecnica de cromatografia gaseosa acoplada a espectrometria de masas (GC/MS) usando dos columnas de polaridad diferente, una DB1-MS (apolar) y una DBWax-MS (polaridad intermedia). La actividad antioxidante se evaluo mediante los metodos captadores de radicales libres DPPH y ABTS y la antimicrobiana, con el metodo de difusion de discos. Posteriormente se calculo su concentracion inhibitoria minima. Resultados: Las moleculas mas abundantes en el aceite fueron β-pineno (40,56 %), α-pineno (8,97 %), sabineno (6,54 %) y trans-nerolidol (4,86 %). Los resultados de la actividad biologica mas significativos estan relacionados con la actividad inhibitoria de las dos levaduras empleadas en este ensayo: Candida albicans y Candida tropicalis , cuya potencia es superior a la del referente natural, el aceite de T. vulgaris . Los estudios de la actividad captadora de radicales libres muestran baja actividad en el aceite esencial. Conclusiones: Los usos tradicionales de R. thyrsoidea como analgesico y antigripal pudieran estar relacionados con la elevada concentracion de α- y β-pinenos en el aceite. Debido a la actividad contra la candidiasis, el aceite esencial podria recomendarse como tratamiento para las enfermedades causadas por las levaduras estudiadas. La evaluacion de la actividad captadora de radicales muestra valores bajos comparados con el control natural y el butilhidroxianisol (BHA). Palabras clave: Renealmia thyrsoidea ; aceite esencial; actividad antioxidante; actividad antimicrobiana; composicion quimica; GC/MS.
Pharmacognosy Journal, Dec 1, 2019
Background: Oreopanax ecuadorensis Seem. is a plant from Ecuador, that is found in the Andean reg... more Background: Oreopanax ecuadorensis Seem. is a plant from Ecuador, that is found in the Andean region of the country. The plant is commonly used in protective rituals, and as an antiflu, analgesic and disinfectant medicine. Aim: The research aims to extract and analyze the chemical composition and evaluation of its antifungal potential of the essential oil extracted from its leaves. Methods: steam distillation was used for the extraction of essential oil, the evaluation of its components was performed by GC/MS, and the antifungal evaluation by the disc diffusion method. Results: The essential oil was obtained with a yield of 0.05%. 33 compounds were detected of which 30 were identified, corresponding to 99.28%; the most abundant molecules were: thujene <α-> (36.63%), followed by bicyclogermacrene with (8.76%), pinene <β-> with (8.32%) and limonene with 5.15%. Three of the four strains evaluated were affected by the oil at concentrations of 1.25%, inhibiting its growth. The strains were: Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Trichophyton rubrum and Microsporum canis. Conclusion: The essential oil shows good antifungal activity, which could be less than 1.25%. In this way, this medicinal plant is valued by verifying ancestral knowledge in the use of medicinal plants by the Andean people of Ecuador.
Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, Jan 31, 2023
Ilex guayusa Loes. is a medicinal plant used by people of the Ecuadorian Amazon for treating vari... more Ilex guayusa Loes. is a medicinal plant used by people of the Ecuadorian Amazon for treating various diseases and for its stimulating properties. In recent years, several studies have shown this plant to possess a high concentration of phenolic compounds and a high antioxidant potential, allowing it to be used as an ingredient for cosmetic formulations. This research confirms the presence of phenolic compounds between 20.18 and 22.44 mg gallic acid equivalents/mL of total phenols and between 7.50 and 3.80 mg hyperoxide equivalents/Ml of total flavonoids, depending on the solvent used (hydroalcoholic or hydroglyceric) to prepare the extract. The evaluation by GC/MS after silylation reveals the presence of 3-hydroxyflavone, techtochrysin, kaempferol and quercetin. The spectrophotometric method of DPPH (2.2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) verifies high antioxidant activity in the extracts evaluated and in two cosmetic formulations: Hydrophilic (gel) and lipophilic (cream), with activities similar to ascorbic acid and the natural extract of reference from Camellia sinensis. Clinical evaluation of the lipophilic form shows positive results in increasing skin elasticity and firmness in all volunteers. This study verifies the cosmetic potential of I. guayusa, as well as the abundant concentration of phenolic compounds and its influence on antioxidant activity, with an industrial use in cosmetics, which could become a source of income for the communities where this plant is grown.
Los desechos agroindustriales producidos en diversos procesos extractivos traen como consecuencia... more Los desechos agroindustriales producidos en diversos procesos extractivos traen como consecuencia la generación de problemas ambientales; uno de los procesos que generan miles de toneladas de biomasa anualmente es la destilación de aceites esenciales, mismo del que se obtiene pequeñas cantidades del aceite y elevadas cantidades de desechos. El aceite esencial de cúrcuma se comercializa en todo el planeta, produciendo un pastel residual que en la mayoría de los casos se desecha, sin considerar los metabolitos secundarios que aún pueden ser reutilizados. En la presente investigación se cuantifica por métodos espectrofotométricos los remanentes de curcuminoides y polifenoles de este pastel residual, así como su capacidad antioxidante. En lo que respecta a la presencia de metabolitos secundarios es destacable laconcentración que aún se conserva de curcuminoides en el residuo, los cuales se ven poco afectados en el proceso de destilación, manteniendo una concentración de 51,750 ± 0,060 m...
La Granja: Revista de Ciencias de la Vida, Dec 14, 2022
Dos productos naturales, aceites esenciales de Cannabis sativa (cannabis) y Baccharis latifolia (... more Dos productos naturales, aceites esenciales de Cannabis sativa (cannabis) y Baccharis latifolia (chilca), fueron empleados como ingredientes antinflamatorios en un ungüento de aplicación tópica. Para medir la eficacia, las diversas fórmulas diseñadas a base de estos dos aceites esenciales fueron evaluadas in vivo, mediante el método de inducción del edema subplantar en ratas, como control positivo se empleó una formulación de venta libre con ingrediente activo diclofenaco al 1%. La evaluación química de los dos aceites presentó para el aceite de chilca los siguientes componentes principales: ligulóxido 14.02%, andro encecalinol 9.84%, kesano 7.53%, limoneno 5.6% y Z-cadin-4-en-7-ol con el 5.03%; mientras que en el aceite esencial de cannabis las moléculas más abundantes fueron: E-cariofileno 27.91%, mirceno 21,19%, a-pineno 8.05%, a-humuleno 8.03%, limoneno 7.18%, terpinoleno 7.12% y b-pineno 4.68%. Los resultados de la investigación señalan que aquellas fórmulas con mezclas de los dos aceites esenciales en la formulación al 1%, son las que poseen la mayor actividad antiinflamatoria, desde el punto de vista estadístico la significancia es alta en relación al control positivo en aquellas cuya composición de aceites es la siguiente: aceite esencial de cannabis 75% y aceite de chilca 25%, y aceite esencial de cannabis 50% y aceite de chilca 50%. El resto de las formulaciones presentan actividad, pero esta es similar a la de la fórmula comercial usada como control. De los resultados encontrados se puede proponer a ambos productos naturales como antinflamatorios, y prever el diseño y comercialización de medicamentos farmacéuticos tópicos usando a estos dos aceites esenciales.
VII congreso latinoamericano de plantas medicinales "Plutarco Naranjo", Mar 10, 2020
Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 2017
Investigations have proved the presence of components such as cinamaldehyde, cinamyl acetate and ... more Investigations have proved the presence of components such as cinamaldehyde, cinamyl acetate and phenolic compounds in Ocotea quixos, these components have been attributed to antimicrobial disinfectants, antifungal and healing activities. It is important to point out that, to evaluate any biological activity, it is necessary to have standardized extracts to obtain reliable and reproducible results. The present investigation consist of standardizer hydroalcoholic extracts of ishpingo, O. quixos, evaluating the influence of three experimental variables: vegetal material (fresh and dry), solvent (ethanol and cane ethanol) and solvent concentration (90, 70 and 50%) v/v through an experimental factorial design, from which 12 different extracts with 3 repetitions of each were obtained. The extracts were obtained through a percolation process considering the variables of the experimental design. A phytochemical screening showed the presence of polyphenols, tannins, catechins, saponins, quinones, coumarins, lactones and alkaloids in the 36 extracts; the Folin-Ciocalteu method was used in order to quantitatively determine the total phenol concentration and, by statistical analysis ANOVA (Tukey 95%), it was proved that there is a significant difference between the 12 established treatments where the extracts with the highest quantity of polyphenols are AMF50:50 (alcohol, fresh material, concentration 50% v/v) and CMF90:10 (cane alcohol, fresh material, concentration 90% v/v) with 12,538 and 13, 298 mg of gallic acid / mL of extract, respectively; concluding that, this last combination obtain greater quantity of total polyphenols following the established standardized protocol.
Revista de la Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y de Zootecnia, 2021
La leche de vaca es un componente importante en la dieta humana y uno de sus aportes nutricionale... more La leche de vaca es un componente importante en la dieta humana y uno de sus aportes nutricionales es la fracción lipídica formada por diversos ácidos grasos, entre ellos, el ácido linoleico (AL) de familia omega-6 y el ácido alfa-linolénico (AAL) de familia omega-3, ambos constituyentes estructurales de membranas de tejidos celulares y reguladores metabólicos. Por su importancia, el objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar la concentración de ácidos grasos omega-3 (alfa-linolénico) y omega-6 (linoleico) mediante cromatografía de gases acoplada a espectrometría de masas (GC-MS), en relación con la influencia de los factores región (Costa, Sierra y Amazonía) y época (lluviosa y seca) sobre la concentración de dichos ácidos. Se trabajó con 30 centros de acopio y se recolectó según el protocolo LCL-INS-01. El análisis composicional se realizó bajo el método ISO 9622-IDF 141/2013 /LCL-PE-01 y el análisis del perfil lipídico mediante GC-MS. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron concent...
All the contents of this work, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons... more All the contents of this work, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Todo o conteúdo deste trabalho, exceto quando houver ressalva, é publicado sob a licença Creative Commons Atribição 4.0. Todo el contenido de esta obra, excepto donde se indique lo contrario, está bajo licencia de la licencia Creative Commons Reconocimento 4.0.
TMR Modern Herbal Medicine
Paco Noriega responsible for the direction of the investigation. Edison Díaz analytical and instr... more Paco Noriega responsible for the direction of the investigation. Edison Díaz analytical and instrumental support. Ivana Villegas data processing support. Karla Pozo, Priscila Guerrero and Pablo Guerra responsible for experimental trials. Christian Larenas support in the treatment and statistics of the results. Competing interests Paco Noriega responsible for the direction of the investigation. Edison Díaz analytical and instrumental support. Ivana Villegas data processing support. Karla Pozo, Priscila Guerrero and Pablo Guerra responsible for experimental trials. Christian Larenas support in the treatment and statistics of the results.
La Granja, 2009
La presente revisión muestra de manera integral, los aspectos de mayor relevancia de uno de los m... more La presente revisión muestra de manera integral, los aspectos de mayor relevancia de uno de los metabolitos secundarios más importantes en el campo de los productos naturales, los aceites esenciales. El estudio abarca desde los procesos de extracción más difundidos, sus características físicas, químicas y biológicas; finalizando con un análisis de su potencial comercial, el presente artículo tiene como objetivo el servir de material de consulta para todo aquel que desee profundizar en el tema. De manera particular, se toman como referencia estudios realizados entre la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana del Ecuador y las Universidades de Estudios de Ferrara y Pavia.
Molecules, Feb 11, 2023
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
La Granja, 2011
From the exocarp of the edible fruit Renealmia Alpinia, a natural species from the southern Ecuad... more From the exocarp of the edible fruit Renealmia Alpinia, a natural species from the southern Ecuador Amazonia, we extract a purple dye. After an alcoholic extraction and subsequent evaporation of the solvent, we obtained a dye with a yield of 2.13%. The dye was subject of various tests to analyze their stability to different conditions such as pH, temperature and their behavior to solvents of different polarity. For preliminary chemical characterization ultraviolet, visible and infrared spectra were taken, as well as quantification of total anthocyanins and HPLC chromatographic profiles at 520 nanometers. Additionally we assessed the toxicity of the species.
La Granja, 2006
En un café de la ciudad de Quito-Ecuador, con un amigo y profesor de una de las más renombradas u... more En un café de la ciudad de Quito-Ecuador, con un amigo y profesor de una de las más renombradas universidades de la ciudad, discutíamos acerca de ¿cuál debería ser el papel del profesor universitario?, sobre todo, en lo que al área científica se refiere. Con tristeza rememorábamos nuestras viejas experiencias estudiantiles, y la casi omnipotente última palabra y posesión de la verdad, que nuestros profesores de antaño parecía tener.
Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality
Six Amazonian petitgrain samples from C. nobilis Lour., C. auran- tium L., C. limon L. and mixtur... more Six Amazonian petitgrain samples from C. nobilis Lour., C. auran- tium L., C. limon L. and mixture of Citrus spp. (Rutaceae), named CN, CA, CL1, CL2, C1 and C2, were chemically characterized by GC-MS and 13C NMR and evaluated for antioxidant acitivity (DPPH and β-carotene bleaching tests), for antimicrobial properties (disk diffusion method) and for antifungal capacity (agar vapour assay). CN, C1, C2 samples evidenced the most interesting results: CN (γ- terpinene/linalool chemotype: 14.3 %/41.6 %, with a considerable amount of thymol: 9.0 %), and C1 (linalool, 18.3 %; sabinene, 11.6 %; thymol, 5.5 %), showed relevant antioxidant activity with both DPPH (IC50 = 3.52 and 5.48 mg/ml, respectively) and β-carotene (IC50 = 0.387 and 0.491 mg/ml, respectively). Antibacterial proper- ties of CN and C1 against P. mirabilis (MIC = 0.61 mg/ml for both) and B. subtilis (MIC = 0.61 and 0.44 mg/ml, respectively) were most probably due to thymol. C2 (geranial: 34.7 %, neral: 33.1 %) evidenced a v...