Novi Diah Wulandari - (original) (raw)
Papers by Novi Diah Wulandari
Deleted Journal, Jul 31, 2023
This community service program focuses on overcoming the challenges of inorganic waste through th... more This community service program focuses on overcoming the challenges of inorganic waste through the production of blocks. The program aims to provide sustainable solutions for waste management while encouraging community engagement and development. By collecting, processing, and utilizing inorganic waste. This program produces innovative and environmentally friendly blocks known as waste blocks. These blocks serve as a viable alternative to traditional construction materials, contributing to a circular economy. Active community participation in waste management is a core aspect of the program, where residents sort and donate inorganic waste materials for block production. This reduces waste and diverts materials from landfills, promoting sustainable waste management practices and circular economy principles. Moreover, the utilization of waste blocks in construction projects promotes sustainable building practices, leading to the reduced environmental impact associated with conventional construction materials. By working together, communities can achieve positive environmental and socio-economic impacts, including waste reduction, skills development, market opportunities, and the promotion of sustainable construction practices. Ultimately, this community service program empowers communities to contribute to a cleaner environment while enhancing their development and resilience.
Deleted Journal, Jul 31, 2023
JEM17: Jurnal Ekonomi Manajemen
The purpose of this study is to analyze the status of state-owned banks in Indonesia and find out... more The purpose of this study is to analyze the status of state-owned banks in Indonesia and find out which state-owned bank shares are suitable for investment by the younger generation. In addition, it aims to increase knowledge and information about investment and become one of the considerations for the younger generation in choosing a place to invest in state-owned banks. The research method used is descriptive-quantitative, using secondary data as the main material for statistical analysis. The results showed that all state-owned banks were in good condition, the lowest share price was Bank BTN, the highest share price was Bank Mandiri, and the highest profits were Bank Mandiri and Bank BNI. The bank that pays the highest dividend is Bank BRI. The younger generation who are risk averse, want to try investing, and have small capital, are suitable for investing in Bank BTN. If you dare and want big profits, it's better to invest in Bank Mandiri or Bank BNI. But if you want to foc...
Economics, Business, Accounting & Society Review
Digital companies are companies that are growing very rapidly, but face many problems that can le... more Digital companies are companies that are growing very rapidly, but face many problems that can lead to bankruptcy. Therefore, bankruptcy prediction is an important topic that must be considered. If a company wants to survive and develop, it must pay attention to financial and market aspects. Therefore, in this survey, we selected six digital companies listed on the IDX between 2018 and 2021 as samples using the observation method. The analytical method used is Springate and Grover because it is considered good for knowing the financial distress of a company. This study aims to determine the condition of the company for the progress and sustainability of the company and help investors to determine investment. In addition, this study also aims to find out what method is right for predicting the financial distress of digital companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Financial findings using the Springate approach show 3 companies in the bankrupt category, 1 potentially bankrupt...
Jurnal Manajemen Universitas Bung Hatta, Jan 17, 2023
This research was conducted to determine the relationship between discounts, free shipping and im... more This research was conducted to determine the relationship between discounts, free shipping and impulse purchases moderated by the seller's service. The population in this study were all Generation-Z users of the Shopee marketplace in Yogyakarta using the Smart PLS 3 application. The research sample uses a non-probability sampling technique with purposive sampling method. This study shows a relationship between discounts and free shipping on impulse purchases. In addition, the seller's service is pure moderation between discounts, free shipping against impulse purchases. The reseacrh has limitations that it is to be on a discount, free shipping, seller service, impulse purchases and focus on a Generation-Z that's avaliable in Yogyakarta. This study will give insight to readers especialy in the field of marketing about the impulsive buying behavior of Generation-Z in the Shopee marketplace with discounts and free shipping as the independent variables, as well as the involvement of seller services as a moderating variable. The difference in this research is to use the seller's service as a moderating variable to find out a deeper relationship between the independent and dependent variables. Using Generation-Z in Yogyakarta which has never been done by previous researchers.
PengabdianMu: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Based Village Law No. 6 of 2014 states legitimacy for village apparatus to organize a government ... more Based Village Law No. 6 of 2014 states legitimacy for village apparatus to organize a government in the village. The quality and quantity of human resources (HR) determine the success rate of government management and programs. The condition of village apparatus that show a low level of professionalism both in creativity, innovation, institutional management becomes a serious problem. The quality of village apparatus human resources that are currently reflected in the services produced in the pandemic era is quite declining, especially the entry of technology systems that require village apparatus to change the service system from manual to system with technology (computer). Such as simple bookkeeping that becomes the main point of recording and reporting every village activity. This community service program aims to provide training and assistance in upgrading simple bookkeeping skills and application use (Ms. Office) in Gembol village. The method of the community service program i...
E-Amal: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Kegiatan pengabdian ini melibatkan mitra dari Desa Guwosari dimana desa ini merupakan desa yang s... more Kegiatan pengabdian ini melibatkan mitra dari Desa Guwosari dimana desa ini merupakan desa yang sadar dan memberikan perhatian khusus terhadap sampah. Sebagai bentuk pelaksanaan kewajiban pemerintah desa terhadap pengelolaan sampah, BUMDes membentuk Unit Layanan Kebersihan Lingkungan Desa Guwosari yang disebut dengan Go-Sari. Dengan adanya kegiatan ini diharapkan akan membatu pengelola Go-Sari untuk dapat mensukseskan program Bantul Bersama (Bantul Bersih Sampah 2025). Salah satu alternatif pengolahan sampah organic adalah dengan menjadikannya maggot dan juga kasgot sehingga memiliki nilai tambah. Pengolahan sampah organic melalui media maggot ini menjawab pertanyaan masyarakat cara pemanfaatan sampah bernilai tinggi. Hasil dari pengolahan sampah melalui media maggot yaitu pupuk kompos kasgot, dan budidaya maggot dengan modal pakan sampah sangatlah murah dengan nilai jual maggot yang sangat tinggi.
Pondok pesantren lintang songo adalah salah satu Pondok pesantren yang memiliki beberapa kegiatan... more Pondok pesantren lintang songo adalah salah satu Pondok pesantren yang memiliki beberapa kegiatan usaha yang salah satunya adalah budidaya ternak ayam. Masalah yang timbul dari usaha budidaya ternak ayam ini adalah mahalnya biaya pakan dan masalah kebersihan kendang yang mengganggu masyarakat sekitar. Dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan santri Pondok pesantren lintang songi dalam membudidayakan maggot BSF sebagai slah satu solusi dalam mengurangi pakan pabrikan sehingga budidaya ternak ayam yang dijalankan akan lebih efisien dan menghasilkan ternak ayam yang jauh lebih sehat serta mengurangi limbah kotoran ayam agar tidak menganggu lingkungan sekitar. Hal ini sesuai dengan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan oleh Ramadani (2021), bahwa Maggot dapat menjadi salah satu peluang usaha baru, karena jika dibudidaya dengan baik, maka dapat menghasilkan nilai ekonomis tinggi. Budidaya Maggot yang dilakukan Ponpes Lintang Songo merupakan ...
Dalam penentuan struktur modal perlu mempertimbangkan sifat serta biaya yang harus ditanggung unt... more Dalam penentuan struktur modal perlu mempertimbangkan sifat serta biaya yang harus ditanggung untuk setiap sumber dana yang akan dipilihnya. Pada dasarnya struktur modal terdiri dari hutang, saham biasa, saham preferen, dan laba ditahan. Adapun perusahaan tambang dipilih dalam penelitian ini karena perusahaan-perusahaan pertambangan di Indonesia memiliki keunggulan kompetitif untuk memanfaatkan peluang pertumbuhan yang relative tinggi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh struktur aktiva profitability, pertumbuhan perusahaan (growth) dan ukuran perusahaan (size) terhadap struktur modal pada perusahaan tambang yang go public di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2010-2012. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode purposive sampling dan menggunakan data dalam bentuk pooled cross sectional. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data pada tahun 2010 - 2012 dengan sampel sebanyak 26 emiten, maka secara pooled cross sectional diperoleh 78 data. Penelitian ini menggun...
Proceedings of the 1st UMGESHIC International Seminar on Health, Social Science and Humanities (UMGESHIC-ISHSSH 2020), 2021
The rapid development of internet use today shows a shift in technology that is increasingly lead... more The rapid development of internet use today shows a shift in technology that is increasingly leading to online-based media. Consumers tend to browse the completeness of product and service information via the internet by making purchases online because of limited time and perceived convenience. We analysed some of the features that hotel customers need using customer reviews. This study uses hotel customer reviews on the Traveloka website. The purpose of this study was to determine the important factors that influence tourists in choosing hotels based on hotel customer reviews. We use HBDScan algorithm and machine learning approaches to identify hotel customer segments. We found that the segmentation of tourist preferences and satisfaction is an important stage in behavioural analysis to improve the quality of hotel products and services. This analysis can improve the understanding of hotel managers about different market segments according to the level of customer preference and satisfaction. The findings of this study will help managers to set priority instructions for enhancing appropriate hotel features and use online customer reviews to improve customer satisfaction and hotel performance.
ABSTRAK ANALISIS FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI STRUKTUR MODAL PADA PERUSAHAAN TAMBANG YANG GO PUBLIC D... more ABSTRAK ANALISIS FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI STRUKTUR MODAL PADA PERUSAHAAN TAMBANG YANG GO PUBLIC DI BURSA EFEK INDONESIA Novi Diah Wulandari S4110043 Dalam penentuan struktur modal perlu mempertimbangkan sifat serta biaya yang harus ditanggung untuk setiap sumber dana yang akan dipilihnya. Pada dasarnya struktur modal terdiri dari hutang, saham biasa, saham preferen, dan laba ditahan. Adapun perusahaan tambang dipilih dalam penelitian ini karena perusahaan-perusahaan pertambangan di Indonesia memiliki keunggulan kompetitif untuk memanfaatkan peluang pertumbuhan yang relative tinggi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh struktur aktiva profitability, pertumbuhan perusahaan (growth) dan ukuran perusahaan (size) terhadap struktur modal pada perusahaan tambang yang go public di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2010-2012. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode purposive sampling dan menggunakan data dalam bentuk pooled cross sectional. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ...
Rahmatan Lil 'Alamin Journal of Community Services
Koperasi Siti Rejeki adalah koperasi produksi yang anggotanya merupakan pengrajin keramik yang ad... more Koperasi Siti Rejeki adalah koperasi produksi yang anggotanya merupakan pengrajin keramik yang ada di Dusun Jetis. Koperasi ini terbentuk atas prakarsa para pengrajin sebagai upaya memecahkan persoalan ekonomi usahanya. Namun, walaupun sebagai koperasi serba usaha usahanya masih terfokus pada simpan pinjam. Permasalahan yang muncul di Koperasi Siti Rejeki adalah laporan keuangan yang disusun belum sesuai dengan standar. Persoalan tersebut berkaitan dengan metode, format, dan substansi dalam penyusunan laporan keuangan. Pemecahan masalah yang timbul dilakukan dengan menerapkan metode, format, dan substansi yang dengan penyusunan laporan keuangan, yang meliputi laporan arus kas, neraca, dan laba rugi sesuai dengan standar dan menggunakan Ms. Excel untuk mempermudah prosesnya. Metode pendampingan dilakukan secara informal dan fleksibel dengan metode, format, dan substansi yang seharusnya dilaporkan, serta memberikan pemahaman tentang hakekat dan pentingnya fungsi pengelolaan informasi ...
Deleted Journal, Jul 31, 2023
This community service program focuses on overcoming the challenges of inorganic waste through th... more This community service program focuses on overcoming the challenges of inorganic waste through the production of blocks. The program aims to provide sustainable solutions for waste management while encouraging community engagement and development. By collecting, processing, and utilizing inorganic waste. This program produces innovative and environmentally friendly blocks known as waste blocks. These blocks serve as a viable alternative to traditional construction materials, contributing to a circular economy. Active community participation in waste management is a core aspect of the program, where residents sort and donate inorganic waste materials for block production. This reduces waste and diverts materials from landfills, promoting sustainable waste management practices and circular economy principles. Moreover, the utilization of waste blocks in construction projects promotes sustainable building practices, leading to the reduced environmental impact associated with conventional construction materials. By working together, communities can achieve positive environmental and socio-economic impacts, including waste reduction, skills development, market opportunities, and the promotion of sustainable construction practices. Ultimately, this community service program empowers communities to contribute to a cleaner environment while enhancing their development and resilience.
Deleted Journal, Jul 31, 2023
JEM17: Jurnal Ekonomi Manajemen
The purpose of this study is to analyze the status of state-owned banks in Indonesia and find out... more The purpose of this study is to analyze the status of state-owned banks in Indonesia and find out which state-owned bank shares are suitable for investment by the younger generation. In addition, it aims to increase knowledge and information about investment and become one of the considerations for the younger generation in choosing a place to invest in state-owned banks. The research method used is descriptive-quantitative, using secondary data as the main material for statistical analysis. The results showed that all state-owned banks were in good condition, the lowest share price was Bank BTN, the highest share price was Bank Mandiri, and the highest profits were Bank Mandiri and Bank BNI. The bank that pays the highest dividend is Bank BRI. The younger generation who are risk averse, want to try investing, and have small capital, are suitable for investing in Bank BTN. If you dare and want big profits, it's better to invest in Bank Mandiri or Bank BNI. But if you want to foc...
Economics, Business, Accounting & Society Review
Digital companies are companies that are growing very rapidly, but face many problems that can le... more Digital companies are companies that are growing very rapidly, but face many problems that can lead to bankruptcy. Therefore, bankruptcy prediction is an important topic that must be considered. If a company wants to survive and develop, it must pay attention to financial and market aspects. Therefore, in this survey, we selected six digital companies listed on the IDX between 2018 and 2021 as samples using the observation method. The analytical method used is Springate and Grover because it is considered good for knowing the financial distress of a company. This study aims to determine the condition of the company for the progress and sustainability of the company and help investors to determine investment. In addition, this study also aims to find out what method is right for predicting the financial distress of digital companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Financial findings using the Springate approach show 3 companies in the bankrupt category, 1 potentially bankrupt...
Jurnal Manajemen Universitas Bung Hatta, Jan 17, 2023
This research was conducted to determine the relationship between discounts, free shipping and im... more This research was conducted to determine the relationship between discounts, free shipping and impulse purchases moderated by the seller's service. The population in this study were all Generation-Z users of the Shopee marketplace in Yogyakarta using the Smart PLS 3 application. The research sample uses a non-probability sampling technique with purposive sampling method. This study shows a relationship between discounts and free shipping on impulse purchases. In addition, the seller's service is pure moderation between discounts, free shipping against impulse purchases. The reseacrh has limitations that it is to be on a discount, free shipping, seller service, impulse purchases and focus on a Generation-Z that's avaliable in Yogyakarta. This study will give insight to readers especialy in the field of marketing about the impulsive buying behavior of Generation-Z in the Shopee marketplace with discounts and free shipping as the independent variables, as well as the involvement of seller services as a moderating variable. The difference in this research is to use the seller's service as a moderating variable to find out a deeper relationship between the independent and dependent variables. Using Generation-Z in Yogyakarta which has never been done by previous researchers.
PengabdianMu: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Based Village Law No. 6 of 2014 states legitimacy for village apparatus to organize a government ... more Based Village Law No. 6 of 2014 states legitimacy for village apparatus to organize a government in the village. The quality and quantity of human resources (HR) determine the success rate of government management and programs. The condition of village apparatus that show a low level of professionalism both in creativity, innovation, institutional management becomes a serious problem. The quality of village apparatus human resources that are currently reflected in the services produced in the pandemic era is quite declining, especially the entry of technology systems that require village apparatus to change the service system from manual to system with technology (computer). Such as simple bookkeeping that becomes the main point of recording and reporting every village activity. This community service program aims to provide training and assistance in upgrading simple bookkeeping skills and application use (Ms. Office) in Gembol village. The method of the community service program i...
E-Amal: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Kegiatan pengabdian ini melibatkan mitra dari Desa Guwosari dimana desa ini merupakan desa yang s... more Kegiatan pengabdian ini melibatkan mitra dari Desa Guwosari dimana desa ini merupakan desa yang sadar dan memberikan perhatian khusus terhadap sampah. Sebagai bentuk pelaksanaan kewajiban pemerintah desa terhadap pengelolaan sampah, BUMDes membentuk Unit Layanan Kebersihan Lingkungan Desa Guwosari yang disebut dengan Go-Sari. Dengan adanya kegiatan ini diharapkan akan membatu pengelola Go-Sari untuk dapat mensukseskan program Bantul Bersama (Bantul Bersih Sampah 2025). Salah satu alternatif pengolahan sampah organic adalah dengan menjadikannya maggot dan juga kasgot sehingga memiliki nilai tambah. Pengolahan sampah organic melalui media maggot ini menjawab pertanyaan masyarakat cara pemanfaatan sampah bernilai tinggi. Hasil dari pengolahan sampah melalui media maggot yaitu pupuk kompos kasgot, dan budidaya maggot dengan modal pakan sampah sangatlah murah dengan nilai jual maggot yang sangat tinggi.
Pondok pesantren lintang songo adalah salah satu Pondok pesantren yang memiliki beberapa kegiatan... more Pondok pesantren lintang songo adalah salah satu Pondok pesantren yang memiliki beberapa kegiatan usaha yang salah satunya adalah budidaya ternak ayam. Masalah yang timbul dari usaha budidaya ternak ayam ini adalah mahalnya biaya pakan dan masalah kebersihan kendang yang mengganggu masyarakat sekitar. Dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan santri Pondok pesantren lintang songi dalam membudidayakan maggot BSF sebagai slah satu solusi dalam mengurangi pakan pabrikan sehingga budidaya ternak ayam yang dijalankan akan lebih efisien dan menghasilkan ternak ayam yang jauh lebih sehat serta mengurangi limbah kotoran ayam agar tidak menganggu lingkungan sekitar. Hal ini sesuai dengan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan oleh Ramadani (2021), bahwa Maggot dapat menjadi salah satu peluang usaha baru, karena jika dibudidaya dengan baik, maka dapat menghasilkan nilai ekonomis tinggi. Budidaya Maggot yang dilakukan Ponpes Lintang Songo merupakan ...
Dalam penentuan struktur modal perlu mempertimbangkan sifat serta biaya yang harus ditanggung unt... more Dalam penentuan struktur modal perlu mempertimbangkan sifat serta biaya yang harus ditanggung untuk setiap sumber dana yang akan dipilihnya. Pada dasarnya struktur modal terdiri dari hutang, saham biasa, saham preferen, dan laba ditahan. Adapun perusahaan tambang dipilih dalam penelitian ini karena perusahaan-perusahaan pertambangan di Indonesia memiliki keunggulan kompetitif untuk memanfaatkan peluang pertumbuhan yang relative tinggi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh struktur aktiva profitability, pertumbuhan perusahaan (growth) dan ukuran perusahaan (size) terhadap struktur modal pada perusahaan tambang yang go public di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2010-2012. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode purposive sampling dan menggunakan data dalam bentuk pooled cross sectional. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data pada tahun 2010 - 2012 dengan sampel sebanyak 26 emiten, maka secara pooled cross sectional diperoleh 78 data. Penelitian ini menggun...
Proceedings of the 1st UMGESHIC International Seminar on Health, Social Science and Humanities (UMGESHIC-ISHSSH 2020), 2021
The rapid development of internet use today shows a shift in technology that is increasingly lead... more The rapid development of internet use today shows a shift in technology that is increasingly leading to online-based media. Consumers tend to browse the completeness of product and service information via the internet by making purchases online because of limited time and perceived convenience. We analysed some of the features that hotel customers need using customer reviews. This study uses hotel customer reviews on the Traveloka website. The purpose of this study was to determine the important factors that influence tourists in choosing hotels based on hotel customer reviews. We use HBDScan algorithm and machine learning approaches to identify hotel customer segments. We found that the segmentation of tourist preferences and satisfaction is an important stage in behavioural analysis to improve the quality of hotel products and services. This analysis can improve the understanding of hotel managers about different market segments according to the level of customer preference and satisfaction. The findings of this study will help managers to set priority instructions for enhancing appropriate hotel features and use online customer reviews to improve customer satisfaction and hotel performance.
ABSTRAK ANALISIS FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI STRUKTUR MODAL PADA PERUSAHAAN TAMBANG YANG GO PUBLIC D... more ABSTRAK ANALISIS FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI STRUKTUR MODAL PADA PERUSAHAAN TAMBANG YANG GO PUBLIC DI BURSA EFEK INDONESIA Novi Diah Wulandari S4110043 Dalam penentuan struktur modal perlu mempertimbangkan sifat serta biaya yang harus ditanggung untuk setiap sumber dana yang akan dipilihnya. Pada dasarnya struktur modal terdiri dari hutang, saham biasa, saham preferen, dan laba ditahan. Adapun perusahaan tambang dipilih dalam penelitian ini karena perusahaan-perusahaan pertambangan di Indonesia memiliki keunggulan kompetitif untuk memanfaatkan peluang pertumbuhan yang relative tinggi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh struktur aktiva profitability, pertumbuhan perusahaan (growth) dan ukuran perusahaan (size) terhadap struktur modal pada perusahaan tambang yang go public di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2010-2012. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode purposive sampling dan menggunakan data dalam bentuk pooled cross sectional. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ...
Rahmatan Lil 'Alamin Journal of Community Services
Koperasi Siti Rejeki adalah koperasi produksi yang anggotanya merupakan pengrajin keramik yang ad... more Koperasi Siti Rejeki adalah koperasi produksi yang anggotanya merupakan pengrajin keramik yang ada di Dusun Jetis. Koperasi ini terbentuk atas prakarsa para pengrajin sebagai upaya memecahkan persoalan ekonomi usahanya. Namun, walaupun sebagai koperasi serba usaha usahanya masih terfokus pada simpan pinjam. Permasalahan yang muncul di Koperasi Siti Rejeki adalah laporan keuangan yang disusun belum sesuai dengan standar. Persoalan tersebut berkaitan dengan metode, format, dan substansi dalam penyusunan laporan keuangan. Pemecahan masalah yang timbul dilakukan dengan menerapkan metode, format, dan substansi yang dengan penyusunan laporan keuangan, yang meliputi laporan arus kas, neraca, dan laba rugi sesuai dengan standar dan menggunakan Ms. Excel untuk mempermudah prosesnya. Metode pendampingan dilakukan secara informal dan fleksibel dengan metode, format, dan substansi yang seharusnya dilaporkan, serta memberikan pemahaman tentang hakekat dan pentingnya fungsi pengelolaan informasi ...