Numan Çelebi - (original) (raw)

Papers by Numan Çelebi

Research paper thumbnail of Traffic congestion-aware graph-based vehicle rerouting framework from aerial imagery

Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence

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Research paper thumbnail of Combined GANs and Classical Methods for Surface Defect Detection

2022 30th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU)

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Research paper thumbnail of Similarity based person re-identification for multi-object tracking using deep Siamese network

Neural Computing and Applications

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Research paper thumbnail of Saliency detection based on hybrid artificial bee colony and firefly optimization

Pattern Analysis and Applications, 2022

Saliency detection is one of the challenging problems still tackled by image processing and compu... more Saliency detection is one of the challenging problems still tackled by image processing and computer vision research communities. Although not numerous, recent studies reveal that optimization-based methods provide relatively accurate and
fast solutions for such problems. This paper presents a novel unsupervised hybrid optimization method that proposes a reasonable solution to the saliency detection problem by combining the familiar artificial bee colony and firefly algorithms.
The proposed method, HABCFA, is based on creating hybrid-personality individuals behaving like bees and fireflies.
A superpixel-based method is used to obtain better background intensity values in the saliency detection process, providing better precision in extracting the salient regions. HABCFA algorithm is capable of achieving an optimum saliency map
without requiring any extra mask or training step. HABCFA has produced superior performance against its basis algorithms, artificial bee colony, and firefly on four known benchmark problems regarding convergence rate and iteration count. On
the other hand, the experimental results on four commonly used datasets, including MSRA-1000, ECSSD, ICOSEG, and DUTOMRON, demonstrate that HABCFA is adequately robust and effective in terms of accuracy, precision, and speed in
comparison with the eleven state-of-the-art methods.

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Research paper thumbnail of Finding the Optimal Features Reduct, a Hybrid Model of Rough Set and Polar Bear Optimization

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Adapazarı orta gerilim dağıtım şebeke (SCADA) sisteminin uygulanmasına ilişkin bilgisayar programının geliştirilmesi

Bu tezin, veri tabanı üzerinden yayınlanma izni bulunmamaktadır

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Research paper thumbnail of Parça ailesi oluşturmada endüktif-kaba kümeleme yaklaşımı

Bu tezin, veri tabanı üzerinden yayınlanma izni bulunmamaktadır.Poli(propilen), kırmızı çamur, po... more Bu tezin, veri tabanı üzerinden yayınlanma izni bulunmamaktadır.Poli(propilen), kırmızı çamur, polimer matriksli kompozit malzeme, çevre koruma, enjeksiyonla kalıplama, mekanik, termal ve fiziksel özellikler Bu çalışmada, termoplastik matriksli kompozit malzemeler ve özellikleri araştırılmıştır. Polimer matriksli kompozit malzeme üretiminde, matriks malzemesi olarak poli(propilen), dolgu malzemesi olarak ise kırmızı çamur kullanılmıştır. Araştırmada öncelikle, poli(propilen) ve kırmızı çamur farklı kompozisyonlarda kompozit malzeme üretmek için kanştınlmıştır. Enjeksiyonla kalıplama üretim prosesimiz olarak seçilmiştir. Farklı kırmızı çamur oram (% 10-20-30-40-50) içeren beş adet kompozit malzeme üretilmiştir. Daha sonra tane boyut dağılımı, çekme, eğme, sertlik, yoğunluk, su emme ve dona dayanım testleri uygulanmıştır. İlave olarak, bu malzemelerin; termal karakterizasyonu için TG (Termal Gravimetri), DTA (Diferansiyel Termal Analiz), DSC (Diferansiyel Taramalı Kalorimetre); fiziks...

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Research paper thumbnail of Intelligent Techniques for Data Analysis in Diverse Settings

Advances in Data Mining and Database Management, 2016

Facility location-allocation problems are one of the most important decision making areas in the ... more Facility location-allocation problems are one of the most important decision making areas in the supply chain management. Determining the location of the facilities and the assignment of customers to these facilities affect the cap of achievable profitability for most of the companies' supply chains. Geographical clustering of the customers, while considering their demands, has been proved to be an effective method for the facility location problem. Heuristic optimization algorithms employ an objective function that is provided by user, therefore when the total transportation cost is selected as the objective function, their performance on facility location problems is considered to be promising. The disadvantage of population based heuristic optimization algorithms on clustering analysis is their requirement of the increased number of dimensions to represent the complete solution in a single member of the population. Thus in two-dimensional geographical clustering, number of di...

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Research paper thumbnail of A Novel Hybrid Edge Detection Technique: Abc-Fa

Image processing is a vast research field with diversified set of practices utilized in so many a... more Image processing is a vast research field with diversified set of practices utilized in so many application areas such as military, security, medical imaging, machine learning and computer vision based on extracted useful information from any kind of image data. Edges within images are undoubtedly accepted as one of the most significant features providing substantial practical information for various applications working on top of miscellaneous optimization algorithms to achieve better results. Artificial Bee Colony and Firefly algorithms are recently developed optimization algorithms and are used to obtain better results for various problems. In this study, a novel hybrid optimization technique is proposed by combining those algorithms aiming better quality in edge detection on grayscale images. The performance of the proposed algorithm is compared with individual performances of Artificial Bee Colony algorithm and the fundamental edge detection methods . T he results are demonstra...

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Research paper thumbnail of A low-cost UAV framework towards ornamental plant detection and counting in the wild

ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2020

Abstract Object detection still keeps its role as one of the fundamental challenges within the co... more Abstract Object detection still keeps its role as one of the fundamental challenges within the computer vision territory. In particular, achieving satisfying results concerning object detection from outdoor images occupies a considerable space. In this study, in addition to comparing handcrafted feature detector/descriptor performance with deep learning methods over ornamental plant images at the outdoor, we propose a framework to improve the detection of these plants. Firstly, we take query images in the RGB format from the onboard UAV camera. Secondly, our model classifies the scene as a planting or an urban area. Thirdly, if the images are from planting area, thirdly, we filter the field according to the color and acquire only the green parts. Lastly, we feed the object detector model with the filtered area and obtain the category and localization of the plants as a result. In parallel, we also estimate the number of interested plants using the geometrical relations and predefined average plant size, then we verify the outputs of the object detector with this results. The conducted experiments show that deep learning based object detection methods overtake conventional feature detector/descriptor techniques in terms of accuracy, recall, precision, and sensitivity rates. The field classifier model, VGGNet, achieves a 98.17 % accuracy for this task, whilst YoloV3 achieves 91.6 % accuracy with 0.12 IOU for object detection as the best method. The proposed framework also improves the overall performance of these algorithms by 1.27 % for accuracy and 0.023 for IOU. By specifying the limits thoroughly and developing task-dependent approaches, we reveal the great potential of our framework plant detection and counting in the wild consisting of basic image preprocessing techniques, geometrical operations, and deep neural network.

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Research paper thumbnail of Prediction of Student Performance Using Rough Set Theory And Backpropagation Neural Networks

European Scientific Journal ESJ, 2021

With the rise of web-based education systems and the increased use of information systems in educ... more With the rise of web-based education systems and the increased use of information systems in education institutions, the amount of data recorded on student performance and behavior has increased exponentially. Thus, bringing about a large number of contributions to the field of educational research, which in itself contributed to the further evolution off the field in the last two decades alone, with terms such as Educational Data Mining (EDM), Learning Analytics, Data-driven Education, Teaching Analytics and others being added to the literature. In this paper, we evaluate the usefulness of a model using Rough Set Theory (RST) and Backpropagation Neural Network (BPNN) in effectively predicting the students’ overall performance. The dataset used consists of 10 different attributes and one decision factor belonging to 53 students collected from a language course which administers in-person education with the aid of an online platform for assignments. RST was implemented in order to re...

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Research paper thumbnail of Real-time Motion Tracking Enhancement via Data-Fusion based Particle Filter


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Research paper thumbnail of An integrated fuzzy-grey based approach to group decision making problem for a wagon company

Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 2014

Supplier Evaluation and Selection SES is one of the most crucial issues for many companies becaus... more Supplier Evaluation and Selection SES is one of the most crucial issues for many companies because of its strategic importance. Over the years a number of approaches have been presented to SES problems. SES problems are multi-criteria decision making problem involving both quantitative and qualitative criteria. Decision makers' DMs preferences on alternative supplier or on the criteria are often uncertain. So SES problems become more difficult. In order to overcome this difficulty, a Fuzzy-Grey based approach is suggested in this paper. We combined the favorable sides of Grey System Theory's GST power of mathematical analysis and Fuzzy Set's FS power of pointing out uncertainty for the sake of processing the uncertainty information. As the empirical study, a practical application proceeded for a leading wagon company in Turkey. A real numerical example is used to clarify the suggested approach and comparison results are presented with conclusion.

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Research paper thumbnail of An integrated fuzzy-grey based approach to group decision making problem for a wagon company

Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 2014

Supplier Evaluation and Selection SES is one of the most crucial issues for many companies becaus... more Supplier Evaluation and Selection SES is one of the most crucial issues for many companies because of its strategic importance. Over the years a number of approaches have been presented to SES problems. SES problems are multi-criteria decision making problem involving both quantitative and qualitative criteria. Decision makers' DMs preferences on alternative supplier or on the criteria are often uncertain. So SES problems become more difficult. In order to overcome this difficulty, a Fuzzy-Grey based approach is suggested in this paper. We combined the favorable sides of Grey System Theory's GST power of mathematical analysis and Fuzzy Set's FS power of pointing out uncertainty for the sake of processing the uncertainty information. As the empirical study, a practical application proceeded for a leading wagon company in Turkey. A real numerical example is used to clarify the suggested approach and comparison results are presented with conclusion.

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Research paper thumbnail of Pricing Based on Real-Time Analysis of Forklift Utilization Using RFID in Warehouse Management

Advanced Methodologies and Technologies in Business Operations and Management, 2019

Radio frequency identification is an automatic identification technology that is used in various ... more Radio frequency identification is an automatic identification technology that is used in various applications. Despite the many academic and theoretical studies that have been conducted about this technology, only a few of these studies have concentrated on application problems in real life. Therefore, many of these theoretical studies cannot be of help to practitioners directly. In this study, to realize such an objective, in order to price forklift operations used in handling operations in logistics warehouse management, a new approach that works with RFID technology is presented. The proposed model has been used in tracking of forklift movements at the warehouse of a firm active in the logistics sector and has been tested. The results obtained from the case study have shown that developed systems can be successfully used in price determination of forklift movements in warehouse management. Although the case was small, the proposed approach works well to follow real-time forklift ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Binary-Coded Tug of War Optimization Algorithm for Attribute Reduction Based on Rough Set

Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of A fuzzy approach method for supplier selection

Production Planning & Control, 2007

ABSTRACT Supplier categorisation, selection and performance evaluation are decisions of strategic... more ABSTRACT Supplier categorisation, selection and performance evaluation are decisions of strategic importance to companies. Global competition, mass customisation, high customer expectations, and harsh economic conditions are forcing companies to rely on external suppliers to contribute a larger portion of parts, materials, and assemblies to finished products and to manage a growing number of processes and functions that were once controlled internally. Thus supplier performance evaluation is very important to choose the right vendor for the right product. In this paper a fuzzy supplier selection algorithm (FSSA) is utilised to rank the technically efficient vendors according to both predetermined performance criteria and additional product-related performance criteria. The algorithm is based on calculating fuzzy suitability indices for the efficient vendor alternatives, and then, ranking the fuzzy indices to select the best supplier alternative. A comprehensive example is provided to illustrate the decision procedure.

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Research paper thumbnail of Optimum unit sizing of wind-PV-battery system components in a typical residential home

2016 International Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conference (IRSEC)

Optimal unit sizing of generation units in small off-grid systems is an important aspect to minim... more Optimal unit sizing of generation units in small off-grid systems is an important aspect to minimize total annual cost. This can be applied to wind, photovoltaic (PV), and hybrid wind-PV power generating systems to meet power demand for a residential home constructed at a specific site located in remote hilly areas in Turkey's northwest Black Sea coast where no grid extension is available. It is obvious that unit sizing of a standalone wind-PV system simply requires an optimization task to determine the optimal generation capacity and battery storage for a typical load profile. In optimization process, power demand, wind speed, and insolation rate are annually averaged hourly estimated values for the given site. The six combinations of PV alone, wind alone and hybrid wind-PV systems are optimally sized to both meet load demand and minimize total cost for 20-year lifetime projection using the real-coded genetic algorithms. The results indicated that a hybrid system with a 3 kW wind turbine and three 0.25 kW PV panel was the best configuration to reduce total annual cost to an affordable price for the specific example.

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Research paper thumbnail of Using an Agent-Based Behavior Modeling for Finding Humanitarian Relief Center Location in an Earthquake Zone

Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Segmented character recognition using curvature based global image feature


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Research paper thumbnail of Traffic congestion-aware graph-based vehicle rerouting framework from aerial imagery

Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence

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Research paper thumbnail of Combined GANs and Classical Methods for Surface Defect Detection

2022 30th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU)

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Research paper thumbnail of Similarity based person re-identification for multi-object tracking using deep Siamese network

Neural Computing and Applications

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Research paper thumbnail of Saliency detection based on hybrid artificial bee colony and firefly optimization

Pattern Analysis and Applications, 2022

Saliency detection is one of the challenging problems still tackled by image processing and compu... more Saliency detection is one of the challenging problems still tackled by image processing and computer vision research communities. Although not numerous, recent studies reveal that optimization-based methods provide relatively accurate and
fast solutions for such problems. This paper presents a novel unsupervised hybrid optimization method that proposes a reasonable solution to the saliency detection problem by combining the familiar artificial bee colony and firefly algorithms.
The proposed method, HABCFA, is based on creating hybrid-personality individuals behaving like bees and fireflies.
A superpixel-based method is used to obtain better background intensity values in the saliency detection process, providing better precision in extracting the salient regions. HABCFA algorithm is capable of achieving an optimum saliency map
without requiring any extra mask or training step. HABCFA has produced superior performance against its basis algorithms, artificial bee colony, and firefly on four known benchmark problems regarding convergence rate and iteration count. On
the other hand, the experimental results on four commonly used datasets, including MSRA-1000, ECSSD, ICOSEG, and DUTOMRON, demonstrate that HABCFA is adequately robust and effective in terms of accuracy, precision, and speed in
comparison with the eleven state-of-the-art methods.

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Research paper thumbnail of Finding the Optimal Features Reduct, a Hybrid Model of Rough Set and Polar Bear Optimization

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Adapazarı orta gerilim dağıtım şebeke (SCADA) sisteminin uygulanmasına ilişkin bilgisayar programının geliştirilmesi

Bu tezin, veri tabanı üzerinden yayınlanma izni bulunmamaktadır

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Research paper thumbnail of Parça ailesi oluşturmada endüktif-kaba kümeleme yaklaşımı

Bu tezin, veri tabanı üzerinden yayınlanma izni bulunmamaktadır.Poli(propilen), kırmızı çamur, po... more Bu tezin, veri tabanı üzerinden yayınlanma izni bulunmamaktadır.Poli(propilen), kırmızı çamur, polimer matriksli kompozit malzeme, çevre koruma, enjeksiyonla kalıplama, mekanik, termal ve fiziksel özellikler Bu çalışmada, termoplastik matriksli kompozit malzemeler ve özellikleri araştırılmıştır. Polimer matriksli kompozit malzeme üretiminde, matriks malzemesi olarak poli(propilen), dolgu malzemesi olarak ise kırmızı çamur kullanılmıştır. Araştırmada öncelikle, poli(propilen) ve kırmızı çamur farklı kompozisyonlarda kompozit malzeme üretmek için kanştınlmıştır. Enjeksiyonla kalıplama üretim prosesimiz olarak seçilmiştir. Farklı kırmızı çamur oram (% 10-20-30-40-50) içeren beş adet kompozit malzeme üretilmiştir. Daha sonra tane boyut dağılımı, çekme, eğme, sertlik, yoğunluk, su emme ve dona dayanım testleri uygulanmıştır. İlave olarak, bu malzemelerin; termal karakterizasyonu için TG (Termal Gravimetri), DTA (Diferansiyel Termal Analiz), DSC (Diferansiyel Taramalı Kalorimetre); fiziks...

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Research paper thumbnail of Intelligent Techniques for Data Analysis in Diverse Settings

Advances in Data Mining and Database Management, 2016

Facility location-allocation problems are one of the most important decision making areas in the ... more Facility location-allocation problems are one of the most important decision making areas in the supply chain management. Determining the location of the facilities and the assignment of customers to these facilities affect the cap of achievable profitability for most of the companies' supply chains. Geographical clustering of the customers, while considering their demands, has been proved to be an effective method for the facility location problem. Heuristic optimization algorithms employ an objective function that is provided by user, therefore when the total transportation cost is selected as the objective function, their performance on facility location problems is considered to be promising. The disadvantage of population based heuristic optimization algorithms on clustering analysis is their requirement of the increased number of dimensions to represent the complete solution in a single member of the population. Thus in two-dimensional geographical clustering, number of di...

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Research paper thumbnail of A Novel Hybrid Edge Detection Technique: Abc-Fa

Image processing is a vast research field with diversified set of practices utilized in so many a... more Image processing is a vast research field with diversified set of practices utilized in so many application areas such as military, security, medical imaging, machine learning and computer vision based on extracted useful information from any kind of image data. Edges within images are undoubtedly accepted as one of the most significant features providing substantial practical information for various applications working on top of miscellaneous optimization algorithms to achieve better results. Artificial Bee Colony and Firefly algorithms are recently developed optimization algorithms and are used to obtain better results for various problems. In this study, a novel hybrid optimization technique is proposed by combining those algorithms aiming better quality in edge detection on grayscale images. The performance of the proposed algorithm is compared with individual performances of Artificial Bee Colony algorithm and the fundamental edge detection methods . T he results are demonstra...

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Research paper thumbnail of A low-cost UAV framework towards ornamental plant detection and counting in the wild

ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2020

Abstract Object detection still keeps its role as one of the fundamental challenges within the co... more Abstract Object detection still keeps its role as one of the fundamental challenges within the computer vision territory. In particular, achieving satisfying results concerning object detection from outdoor images occupies a considerable space. In this study, in addition to comparing handcrafted feature detector/descriptor performance with deep learning methods over ornamental plant images at the outdoor, we propose a framework to improve the detection of these plants. Firstly, we take query images in the RGB format from the onboard UAV camera. Secondly, our model classifies the scene as a planting or an urban area. Thirdly, if the images are from planting area, thirdly, we filter the field according to the color and acquire only the green parts. Lastly, we feed the object detector model with the filtered area and obtain the category and localization of the plants as a result. In parallel, we also estimate the number of interested plants using the geometrical relations and predefined average plant size, then we verify the outputs of the object detector with this results. The conducted experiments show that deep learning based object detection methods overtake conventional feature detector/descriptor techniques in terms of accuracy, recall, precision, and sensitivity rates. The field classifier model, VGGNet, achieves a 98.17 % accuracy for this task, whilst YoloV3 achieves 91.6 % accuracy with 0.12 IOU for object detection as the best method. The proposed framework also improves the overall performance of these algorithms by 1.27 % for accuracy and 0.023 for IOU. By specifying the limits thoroughly and developing task-dependent approaches, we reveal the great potential of our framework plant detection and counting in the wild consisting of basic image preprocessing techniques, geometrical operations, and deep neural network.

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Research paper thumbnail of Prediction of Student Performance Using Rough Set Theory And Backpropagation Neural Networks

European Scientific Journal ESJ, 2021

With the rise of web-based education systems and the increased use of information systems in educ... more With the rise of web-based education systems and the increased use of information systems in education institutions, the amount of data recorded on student performance and behavior has increased exponentially. Thus, bringing about a large number of contributions to the field of educational research, which in itself contributed to the further evolution off the field in the last two decades alone, with terms such as Educational Data Mining (EDM), Learning Analytics, Data-driven Education, Teaching Analytics and others being added to the literature. In this paper, we evaluate the usefulness of a model using Rough Set Theory (RST) and Backpropagation Neural Network (BPNN) in effectively predicting the students’ overall performance. The dataset used consists of 10 different attributes and one decision factor belonging to 53 students collected from a language course which administers in-person education with the aid of an online platform for assignments. RST was implemented in order to re...

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Research paper thumbnail of Real-time Motion Tracking Enhancement via Data-Fusion based Particle Filter


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Research paper thumbnail of An integrated fuzzy-grey based approach to group decision making problem for a wagon company

Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 2014

Supplier Evaluation and Selection SES is one of the most crucial issues for many companies becaus... more Supplier Evaluation and Selection SES is one of the most crucial issues for many companies because of its strategic importance. Over the years a number of approaches have been presented to SES problems. SES problems are multi-criteria decision making problem involving both quantitative and qualitative criteria. Decision makers' DMs preferences on alternative supplier or on the criteria are often uncertain. So SES problems become more difficult. In order to overcome this difficulty, a Fuzzy-Grey based approach is suggested in this paper. We combined the favorable sides of Grey System Theory's GST power of mathematical analysis and Fuzzy Set's FS power of pointing out uncertainty for the sake of processing the uncertainty information. As the empirical study, a practical application proceeded for a leading wagon company in Turkey. A real numerical example is used to clarify the suggested approach and comparison results are presented with conclusion.

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Research paper thumbnail of An integrated fuzzy-grey based approach to group decision making problem for a wagon company

Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 2014

Supplier Evaluation and Selection SES is one of the most crucial issues for many companies becaus... more Supplier Evaluation and Selection SES is one of the most crucial issues for many companies because of its strategic importance. Over the years a number of approaches have been presented to SES problems. SES problems are multi-criteria decision making problem involving both quantitative and qualitative criteria. Decision makers' DMs preferences on alternative supplier or on the criteria are often uncertain. So SES problems become more difficult. In order to overcome this difficulty, a Fuzzy-Grey based approach is suggested in this paper. We combined the favorable sides of Grey System Theory's GST power of mathematical analysis and Fuzzy Set's FS power of pointing out uncertainty for the sake of processing the uncertainty information. As the empirical study, a practical application proceeded for a leading wagon company in Turkey. A real numerical example is used to clarify the suggested approach and comparison results are presented with conclusion.

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Research paper thumbnail of Pricing Based on Real-Time Analysis of Forklift Utilization Using RFID in Warehouse Management

Advanced Methodologies and Technologies in Business Operations and Management, 2019

Radio frequency identification is an automatic identification technology that is used in various ... more Radio frequency identification is an automatic identification technology that is used in various applications. Despite the many academic and theoretical studies that have been conducted about this technology, only a few of these studies have concentrated on application problems in real life. Therefore, many of these theoretical studies cannot be of help to practitioners directly. In this study, to realize such an objective, in order to price forklift operations used in handling operations in logistics warehouse management, a new approach that works with RFID technology is presented. The proposed model has been used in tracking of forklift movements at the warehouse of a firm active in the logistics sector and has been tested. The results obtained from the case study have shown that developed systems can be successfully used in price determination of forklift movements in warehouse management. Although the case was small, the proposed approach works well to follow real-time forklift ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Binary-Coded Tug of War Optimization Algorithm for Attribute Reduction Based on Rough Set

Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of A fuzzy approach method for supplier selection

Production Planning & Control, 2007

ABSTRACT Supplier categorisation, selection and performance evaluation are decisions of strategic... more ABSTRACT Supplier categorisation, selection and performance evaluation are decisions of strategic importance to companies. Global competition, mass customisation, high customer expectations, and harsh economic conditions are forcing companies to rely on external suppliers to contribute a larger portion of parts, materials, and assemblies to finished products and to manage a growing number of processes and functions that were once controlled internally. Thus supplier performance evaluation is very important to choose the right vendor for the right product. In this paper a fuzzy supplier selection algorithm (FSSA) is utilised to rank the technically efficient vendors according to both predetermined performance criteria and additional product-related performance criteria. The algorithm is based on calculating fuzzy suitability indices for the efficient vendor alternatives, and then, ranking the fuzzy indices to select the best supplier alternative. A comprehensive example is provided to illustrate the decision procedure.

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Research paper thumbnail of Optimum unit sizing of wind-PV-battery system components in a typical residential home

2016 International Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conference (IRSEC)

Optimal unit sizing of generation units in small off-grid systems is an important aspect to minim... more Optimal unit sizing of generation units in small off-grid systems is an important aspect to minimize total annual cost. This can be applied to wind, photovoltaic (PV), and hybrid wind-PV power generating systems to meet power demand for a residential home constructed at a specific site located in remote hilly areas in Turkey's northwest Black Sea coast where no grid extension is available. It is obvious that unit sizing of a standalone wind-PV system simply requires an optimization task to determine the optimal generation capacity and battery storage for a typical load profile. In optimization process, power demand, wind speed, and insolation rate are annually averaged hourly estimated values for the given site. The six combinations of PV alone, wind alone and hybrid wind-PV systems are optimally sized to both meet load demand and minimize total cost for 20-year lifetime projection using the real-coded genetic algorithms. The results indicated that a hybrid system with a 3 kW wind turbine and three 0.25 kW PV panel was the best configuration to reduce total annual cost to an affordable price for the specific example.

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Research paper thumbnail of Using an Agent-Based Behavior Modeling for Finding Humanitarian Relief Center Location in an Earthquake Zone

Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Segmented character recognition using curvature based global image feature


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