Nur Chayati - (original) (raw)

Papers by Nur Chayati

Research paper thumbnail of Muhammadiyah Journal of Nursing

General appearance of weakness, skinny, high blood pressure, anemia, itches, darkness skin color ... more General appearance of weakness, skinny, high blood pressure, anemia, itches, darkness skin color and nausea showing inadequate hemodialysis clinically. Based on literature review there are some factors directly infl uencing on adequate hemodialysis, one of them is dialyzer surface area. The research aimed to study the eff ect of dialyzer surface area on dialysis adequacy on hemodialysis patient in PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital Yogyakarta from May until June 2013. Cross sectional study was done involving 90 respondents through purposive sampling method. The hemodialysis adequacy counted by Kt/V formula. Data was taken during the second session of hemodialysis. The data were examined with Kruskal Wallis. Mean dialysis adequacy was 1,36±0,377. The statistic test result revealed no signifi cant correlation on dialyzer surface area with dialysis adequacy (p=0.880).

Research paper thumbnail of Validity and reliability testing of home care stroke quality indicators

International Journal of Public Health Science (IJPHS)

It is disconcerting that until today there are no agencies or research to recommend the appropria... more It is disconcerting that until today there are no agencies or research to recommend the appropriate indicators of home nursing care of stroke patients according to Indonesian conditions. Hence, this research aimed to verify the validity and reliability of quality indicators of home nursing care for stroke patient that resulted from Delphy process. Confirmatory factor analysis was carried out for validity and reliability testing with data collected from 350 respondents. Based on the value of loading factors, 62 indicators were declared valid and five indicators were invalid. This study successfully proved the validity of 62 indicators of quality home care for stroke patients. Further research is needed to pilot project this indicator in a larger area.

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect Of Progressive Muscle Relaxation On Pain and Sleep Quality In Hemodialysis Clients Hospital In Yogyakarta

Jurnal Keperawatan

CKD patients must undergo regular therapy, one of them is hemodialysis. Side effects of hemodialy... more CKD patients must undergo regular therapy, one of them is hemodialysis. Side effects of hemodialysis therapy that are often encountered are pain and sleep quality disorders. PMR is one of the non-pharmacological therapies that can be applied to CKD patients who experience nausea and pain and impaired sleep quality. The design of this study was quasy-experimental time series design with a pre-test and post-test design with control group design. Sampling with simple random sampling technique consisted of 50 respondents in the intervention group and 50 respondents in the control group with bivariate analysis using chi square. PMR is given every day for 4 weeks. Research instruments use BPI and PSQI. The results of the study there were differences in the level of pain and sleep quality between the control group and the intervention group with a value of p <0.05. Non-pharmacological therapy for PMR can be applied to hemodialysis patients who experience pain and impaired sleep quality,...

Research paper thumbnail of The Effectiveness of Home-Based Care Interventions for Stroke Survivors: A Systematic Review of Physical and Psychological Outcomes

Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine

Many people with neurological impairment following stroke prefer home-based care instead of long-... more Many people with neurological impairment following stroke prefer home-based care instead of long-term hospitalization. This study aims to identify the physical and psychological outcomes of home-based care after a stroke. The studies were identified by searching the following electronic databases, PubMed, ProQuest, Web of Science, PsyARTICLES, MedLINE, CINAHL, and EBSCO. Twenty-seven articles analyzed and reviewed using the content analysis method. Most physical interventions resulted in increased upper body motor function. The most common equipment were treadmill and computer games. The studies we reviewed highlighted the muscle limb pain and falling as the adverse events that occur during home-based care, but most studies did not systematically document those adverse events. Home-based interventions are particularly effective to improve motor function and reduce anxiety and depression.

Research paper thumbnail of Quality Indicators for Stroke Patients at Home-Based Care Setting: A Review

Jurnal Kesehatan Komunitas

Background: One method to identify the level of performance is using quality of care indicators. ... more Background: One method to identify the level of performance is using quality of care indicators. Even though many quality indicators of health care have been announced, those which specify in home care services are limited in that none of them describe the stroke patients’ condition. The purposes of this study are to determine through systematic literature review what methods can be used to assess the quality of home care that patients received and to identify what components can be used as a determinant of the quality of home care services. Method: Google Scholar, EBSCO, ProQuest and PubMed database websites were searched for articles and information. Results: The method that was used is a qualitative study using a literature review with quantitative analysis of a previously accepted research instrument with a questionnaire that has been widely available and considered reliable. The researchers identified thematic differentiation in grouping the quality indicators used by those art...

Research paper thumbnail of Progressive muscle relaxation to reduces chronic pain in hemodialysis patient


Background: Hemodialysis is a kidney replacement therapy, but it has many complications identifie... more Background: Hemodialysis is a kidney replacement therapy, but it has many complications identified, one of them is pain. Thus, we need non-pharmacological interventions that can be done by nurses, among them is progressive muscle relaxation (PMR), which is economically-efficient and no side effects.Objective: To determine the effect of progressive muscle relaxation on pain in hemodialysis patients.Methods: This is a quasi experimental design of time series design. The number of samples was 100 patients taken by simple random sampling. Progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) was given every day for 4 weeks. Research instrument applied was Brief Pain Inventory. The data analysis employed independent t-test.Results: There was a decrease in pain level from week to week after the intervention, from the scale of 6 (moderate pain) to scale 3 (mild pain). There was a difference in the level of pain between the intervention group and the control group p <0.001.Conclusion: The therapy of non-...

Research paper thumbnail of Hypertension in Adult Age and Related Risk Factors

J. of Health Science

Background: Hypertension is one of the signficant risk factors for further severe cardiovascular ... more Background: Hypertension is one of the signficant risk factors for further severe cardiovascular diseases. Furthermore, the insidence of hypertension in adult age population has increased gradually. Thus, assessment of hypertension insidence and their risk factors in adult age people has given the beneficience for treating dan preventing program earlier. Aim: To analyze hypertension insidence in adult age and their risk factors that dominanly effect the occurance of hypertension. Method: This study was correlational with survey method. Accidental sampling was conducted to 120 respondents who live around Malioboro district. Hypertension was detected from systole and diastole value, while the risk factors of hypertension were age, gender, family disease history, type of activity, the number of cigarette each day, the length of smoking, random blood glucose, and body mass index. Analyzing the data used Pearson correlation if data were normal, or used Spearman correlation if data were not normal. Findings: From 120 participants, mean of systolic pressure was 120.7 mmHg and mean of diastolic pressure was 78.5 mmHg. Age mean was 39 years old, dominantly was woman amount 83 (69.2%), and without family disease history as 66 (55%). Mostly they had moderate physical activity amount 71 (59%). Mean of cigarette consumtion was 11 pieces/day, for 23 years. Random blood glucose mean was 131 mg/dL and mean of body mass index was 26 kg/m 2. Correlation analysis mentioned that body mass index had correlate with systolic and diastolic value significantly (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Systolic and diastolic pressure value in adult age were still normal. Risk factor that correlated significantly with adult age blood pressure was body mass index. Another risk factors such as cholesterol level, blood glucose in fasting condition and two hour post meal, also food consumtion were considered that should be included in next study.

Research paper thumbnail of Pencegahan infeksi saluran kemih pada pemasangan kateter dengan teknik bundle catheter education

Jurnal Kebidanan dan Keperawatan Aisyiyah

Tujuan penelitian mengetahui efektivitas bundle catheter education terhadap pengetahuan, sikap da... more Tujuan penelitian mengetahui efektivitas bundle catheter education terhadap pengetahuan, sikap dan keterampilan perawat dalam pencegahan infeksi saluran kemih. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain quasi experimental pretest and posttest with control group. Populasi penelitian adalah perawat RSUD yang bekerja di ruang rawat inap dewasa. Teknik sampling mengunakan simple ramdom sampling dengan 48 responden. Hasil penelitian dengan uji Mann Whitney menunjukkan hasil p value pengetahuan sebesar 0,001 sedangkan sikap dan keterampilan dengan p value 0,000. Hasil analisis bivariate menunjukkan bundle catheter education efektif untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan, sikap dan keterampilan perawat dalam pencegahan infeksi saluran kemih terkait pemasangan kateter urin.

Research paper thumbnail of Implementasi Perawat dalam Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Aktivitas Sehari-hari Pasien Stroke di RS PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta dan RS PKU Muhammadiyah Gamping

Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pelayanan Kesehatan

Abstrak Penderita stroke di Indonesia meningkat setiap tahun. Salah satu dampak stroke adalah ter... more Abstrak Penderita stroke di Indonesia meningkat setiap tahun. Salah satu dampak stroke adalah terjadinya gangguan fungsi motorik yang mengakibatkan pasien stroke memerlukan bantuan dalam melakukan aktivitas sehari-hari serta waktu perawatan yang cukup lama. Perawat berperan penting untuk meningkatkan kemandirian pasien, seperti mengkaji, membantu, dan mengajarkan aktivitas sehari-hari kepada keluarga dan pasien stroke sehingga pasien mampu memenuhi kebutuhannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi perawat dalam pemenuhan aktivitas sehari-hari pasien stroke di Rumah Sakit PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta dan Rumah Sakit PKU Muhammadiyah Gamping. Desain penelitian adalah penelitian potong lintang. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan accidental sampling dengan besar sampel 42 responden. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan kuesioner bentuk-bentuk implementasi perawat dengan skala Likert. Analisis data dengan statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan implementasi perawat d...

Research paper thumbnail of The Influence of Self Management Dietary Counseling on The Value of Sodium and Edema in Hemodialysis Patients

Media Keperawatan Indonesia

Background: Reducing salt care & reducing fluid intake is one of the efforts to prevent fluid imb... more Background: Reducing salt care & reducing fluid intake is one of the efforts to prevent fluid imbalance in patients. The increase in the prevalence of events that occur in hemodialysis patients is caused by various factors, one of which is inaccuracy in doing therapy. Self Management Dietary Counseling (SMDC) aims to increase patient knowledge and participate in health decision making to improve patient compliance and clinic outcome.Purposes : Knowing the effect of Self Management Dietary Counseling (SMDC) on the value of sodium in hemodialysis patients.Methode : Quasy Experiment, prestest - post test design, 60 samples consisted of 3 groups. Sampling using random sampling technique.Result : the group treated with SMDC has a p value <0.050, while the non-treated group has a p value> 0, 050.Conclusion : Self Management Dietary Counseling has an effect on the value of sodium in hemodialysis patients. This study recommends that nurses apply SMDC to each hemodialysis patient to i...

Research paper thumbnail of Perkembangan dan Faktor-faktor yang Memengaruhi Tingkat Kemandirian Pasien Strok Selama Rawat Inap di Yogyakarta berdasar atas Skor Modifikasi Indeks Barthel

Majalah Kedokteran Bandung

Strok adalah gangguan fungsional otak fokal maupun global, bersifat akut, terjadi lebih dari 24 j... more Strok adalah gangguan fungsional otak fokal maupun global, bersifat akut, terjadi lebih dari 24 jam, berasal dari gangguan aliran darah otak dan bukan disebabkan oleh gangguan peredaran darah otak. Salah satu dampak dari strok adalah kelemahan anggota gerak baik hemiplegia atau hemiparesis sehingga mengganggu kemandirian pasien dalam aktivitas kehidupan sehari-hari (AKS). Tujuan penelitian ini mengetahui perkembangan tingkat kemandirian pasien strok berdasar atas skor Modifikasi Indeks Barthel serta faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi tingkat kemandirian pasien. Penelitian dilakukan di rumah sakit PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta dan Rumah Sakit PKU Muhammadiyah Gamping pada bulan Mei hingga Juni 2016. Penelitian dilakukan dengan desain prospective longitudinal. Sejumlah 42 responden dipilih melalui accidental sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah kuesioner Modifikasi Indeks Barthel. Data dianalisis dengan regresi logistik berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan untuk pasien strok perdarahan, pada saat masuk rumah sakit mayoritas dengan kondisi tingkat ketergantungan total (44%) dan pada saat keluar sakit sebagian besar menjadi tingkat ketergantungan parah (44%). Untuk pasien dengan strok iskemik, saat masuk rumah sakit mayoritas juga berada pada tingkat ketergantungan total (49%) dan terjadi perbaikan kondisi menjadi tingkat ketergantungan parah (42%) pada saat keluar rumah sakit. Variabel lama rawat inap berhubungan secara signifikan terhadap skor Modifikasi Indeks Barthel (p<0,05). Tidak ada faktor yang paling dominan berpengaruh terhadap skor Modifikasi Indeks Barthel pasien strok.

Research paper thumbnail of Prediktor Adekuasi Dialisis pada Pasien Haemodialisis di Rumah Sakit PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Majalah Kedokteran Bandung, 2015

Keadaan umum lemah, badan kurus, tekanan darah tinggi, anemia, gatal di kulit, warna kulit menjad... more Keadaan umum lemah, badan kurus, tekanan darah tinggi, anemia, gatal di kulit, warna kulit menjadi lebih gelap, mual adalah tanda tidak adekuatnya hemodialisis secara klinis. Berdasarkan telaah literatur didapatkan sembilan faktor yang berpengaruh langsung terhadap adekuasi dialisis yaitu body mass index (BMI), jenis akses vaskular, lama hemodialisis, frekuensi hemodialisis, kecepatan aliran darah, ultrafiltrasi rata-rata, luas permukaan dializer, jenis heparinisasi, dan hematokrit. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui prediktor dominan terhadap adekuasi dialisis pada pasien hemodialisis di Rumah Sakit PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta berlangsung dari bulan Mei-Juni 2013. Studi potong lintang dilakukan pada 90 responden secara purposive sampling. Adekuasi dialisis dihitung dengan rumus Kt/V. Semua data diambil pada sesi kedua hemodialisis. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji regresi linier ganda. Diperoleh adekuasi dialisis rata-rata 1,36±0,377. Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna adekuasi dialisis dengan BMI dan jenis heparinisasi. Tidak terdapat hubungan yang bermakna jenis akses vaskular, kecepatan aliran darah, ultrafiltrasi rata-rata, hematokrit, lama hemodialisis, frekuensi hemodialisis, dan luas permukaan dializer dengan adekuasi dialisis. Simpulan, faktor dominan yang memengaruhi adekuasi dialisis pada pasien hemodialisis adalah BMI dan jenis heparinisasi. [MKB. 2015;47(1):29-34] Kata kunci: Adekuasi, body mass index, hemodialisis, prediktor

Research paper thumbnail of Modified Delphi Consensus on Developing Home Care Service Quality Indicator for Stroke Survivor in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, May 30, 2019

BACKGROUND: Assessing the quality of health services provided at home (home care) is a challenge.... more BACKGROUND: Assessing the quality of health services provided at home (home care) is a challenge. The formulation of indicators requires open-minded people, who able to formulate several purposes objectively, and play an active role in decision making. AIM: To test the face validity of the home care quality indicator in stroke patients with the modified Delphi method. METHODS: Eighty-one indicators generated from previous studies were assessed using 3 processes to get the final results: 1) conducted modified Delphi in two rounds, namely rating or scoring by experts (using median scores); 2) reviewing qualitative suggestions from experts during the Delphi process (using comments from both Delphi rounds); 3) sorting out and correcting the grammar of the appropriate indicator (based on the median score > 7, and no disagreement). RESULTS: Eighty-seven experts were involved in the first round Delphi and 34 experts in the second round. The experts were home care team selected from health care institutions in Yogyakarta with various professional backgrounds. Delphi process resulted in 67 indicators from 81 indicators which were divided into 10 domains: 1) Personal (2 indicators), 2) Documents (13 indicators), 3) Professionalism development (3 indicators), 4) Supporting facilities (8 indicators), 5) Administrative activities (4 indicators), 6) Health workers interaction with patients and families (15 indicators), 7) Physical conditions (2 indicators), 8) Self-actualization (1 indicator), 9) Psychological condition (5 indicators), 10) Family independent and coping (14 indicators). Selected indicators got to score more than 7 and no disagreement at all. CONCLUSION: Sixty-seven indicators of the quality of home care, which were generated from modified Delphi consensus, were face validated. Further research could be conducted particularly on the trial process of these indicators at the actual home dwelling service setting.

Research paper thumbnail of Muhammadiyah Journal of Nursing

General appearance of weakness, skinny, high blood pressure, anemia, itches, darkness skin color ... more General appearance of weakness, skinny, high blood pressure, anemia, itches, darkness skin color and nausea showing inadequate hemodialysis clinically. Based on literature review there are some factors directly infl uencing on adequate hemodialysis, one of them is dialyzer surface area. The research aimed to study the eff ect of dialyzer surface area on dialysis adequacy on hemodialysis patient in PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital Yogyakarta from May until June 2013. Cross sectional study was done involving 90 respondents through purposive sampling method. The hemodialysis adequacy counted by Kt/V formula. Data was taken during the second session of hemodialysis. The data were examined with Kruskal Wallis. Mean dialysis adequacy was 1,36±0,377. The statistic test result revealed no signifi cant correlation on dialyzer surface area with dialysis adequacy (p=0.880).

Research paper thumbnail of Validity and reliability testing of home care stroke quality indicators

International Journal of Public Health Science (IJPHS)

It is disconcerting that until today there are no agencies or research to recommend the appropria... more It is disconcerting that until today there are no agencies or research to recommend the appropriate indicators of home nursing care of stroke patients according to Indonesian conditions. Hence, this research aimed to verify the validity and reliability of quality indicators of home nursing care for stroke patient that resulted from Delphy process. Confirmatory factor analysis was carried out for validity and reliability testing with data collected from 350 respondents. Based on the value of loading factors, 62 indicators were declared valid and five indicators were invalid. This study successfully proved the validity of 62 indicators of quality home care for stroke patients. Further research is needed to pilot project this indicator in a larger area.

Research paper thumbnail of The Effect Of Progressive Muscle Relaxation On Pain and Sleep Quality In Hemodialysis Clients Hospital In Yogyakarta

Jurnal Keperawatan

CKD patients must undergo regular therapy, one of them is hemodialysis. Side effects of hemodialy... more CKD patients must undergo regular therapy, one of them is hemodialysis. Side effects of hemodialysis therapy that are often encountered are pain and sleep quality disorders. PMR is one of the non-pharmacological therapies that can be applied to CKD patients who experience nausea and pain and impaired sleep quality. The design of this study was quasy-experimental time series design with a pre-test and post-test design with control group design. Sampling with simple random sampling technique consisted of 50 respondents in the intervention group and 50 respondents in the control group with bivariate analysis using chi square. PMR is given every day for 4 weeks. Research instruments use BPI and PSQI. The results of the study there were differences in the level of pain and sleep quality between the control group and the intervention group with a value of p <0.05. Non-pharmacological therapy for PMR can be applied to hemodialysis patients who experience pain and impaired sleep quality,...

Research paper thumbnail of The Effectiveness of Home-Based Care Interventions for Stroke Survivors: A Systematic Review of Physical and Psychological Outcomes

Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine

Many people with neurological impairment following stroke prefer home-based care instead of long-... more Many people with neurological impairment following stroke prefer home-based care instead of long-term hospitalization. This study aims to identify the physical and psychological outcomes of home-based care after a stroke. The studies were identified by searching the following electronic databases, PubMed, ProQuest, Web of Science, PsyARTICLES, MedLINE, CINAHL, and EBSCO. Twenty-seven articles analyzed and reviewed using the content analysis method. Most physical interventions resulted in increased upper body motor function. The most common equipment were treadmill and computer games. The studies we reviewed highlighted the muscle limb pain and falling as the adverse events that occur during home-based care, but most studies did not systematically document those adverse events. Home-based interventions are particularly effective to improve motor function and reduce anxiety and depression.

Research paper thumbnail of Quality Indicators for Stroke Patients at Home-Based Care Setting: A Review

Jurnal Kesehatan Komunitas

Background: One method to identify the level of performance is using quality of care indicators. ... more Background: One method to identify the level of performance is using quality of care indicators. Even though many quality indicators of health care have been announced, those which specify in home care services are limited in that none of them describe the stroke patients’ condition. The purposes of this study are to determine through systematic literature review what methods can be used to assess the quality of home care that patients received and to identify what components can be used as a determinant of the quality of home care services. Method: Google Scholar, EBSCO, ProQuest and PubMed database websites were searched for articles and information. Results: The method that was used is a qualitative study using a literature review with quantitative analysis of a previously accepted research instrument with a questionnaire that has been widely available and considered reliable. The researchers identified thematic differentiation in grouping the quality indicators used by those art...

Research paper thumbnail of Progressive muscle relaxation to reduces chronic pain in hemodialysis patient


Background: Hemodialysis is a kidney replacement therapy, but it has many complications identifie... more Background: Hemodialysis is a kidney replacement therapy, but it has many complications identified, one of them is pain. Thus, we need non-pharmacological interventions that can be done by nurses, among them is progressive muscle relaxation (PMR), which is economically-efficient and no side effects.Objective: To determine the effect of progressive muscle relaxation on pain in hemodialysis patients.Methods: This is a quasi experimental design of time series design. The number of samples was 100 patients taken by simple random sampling. Progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) was given every day for 4 weeks. Research instrument applied was Brief Pain Inventory. The data analysis employed independent t-test.Results: There was a decrease in pain level from week to week after the intervention, from the scale of 6 (moderate pain) to scale 3 (mild pain). There was a difference in the level of pain between the intervention group and the control group p <0.001.Conclusion: The therapy of non-...

Research paper thumbnail of Hypertension in Adult Age and Related Risk Factors

J. of Health Science

Background: Hypertension is one of the signficant risk factors for further severe cardiovascular ... more Background: Hypertension is one of the signficant risk factors for further severe cardiovascular diseases. Furthermore, the insidence of hypertension in adult age population has increased gradually. Thus, assessment of hypertension insidence and their risk factors in adult age people has given the beneficience for treating dan preventing program earlier. Aim: To analyze hypertension insidence in adult age and their risk factors that dominanly effect the occurance of hypertension. Method: This study was correlational with survey method. Accidental sampling was conducted to 120 respondents who live around Malioboro district. Hypertension was detected from systole and diastole value, while the risk factors of hypertension were age, gender, family disease history, type of activity, the number of cigarette each day, the length of smoking, random blood glucose, and body mass index. Analyzing the data used Pearson correlation if data were normal, or used Spearman correlation if data were not normal. Findings: From 120 participants, mean of systolic pressure was 120.7 mmHg and mean of diastolic pressure was 78.5 mmHg. Age mean was 39 years old, dominantly was woman amount 83 (69.2%), and without family disease history as 66 (55%). Mostly they had moderate physical activity amount 71 (59%). Mean of cigarette consumtion was 11 pieces/day, for 23 years. Random blood glucose mean was 131 mg/dL and mean of body mass index was 26 kg/m 2. Correlation analysis mentioned that body mass index had correlate with systolic and diastolic value significantly (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Systolic and diastolic pressure value in adult age were still normal. Risk factor that correlated significantly with adult age blood pressure was body mass index. Another risk factors such as cholesterol level, blood glucose in fasting condition and two hour post meal, also food consumtion were considered that should be included in next study.

Research paper thumbnail of Pencegahan infeksi saluran kemih pada pemasangan kateter dengan teknik bundle catheter education

Jurnal Kebidanan dan Keperawatan Aisyiyah

Tujuan penelitian mengetahui efektivitas bundle catheter education terhadap pengetahuan, sikap da... more Tujuan penelitian mengetahui efektivitas bundle catheter education terhadap pengetahuan, sikap dan keterampilan perawat dalam pencegahan infeksi saluran kemih. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain quasi experimental pretest and posttest with control group. Populasi penelitian adalah perawat RSUD yang bekerja di ruang rawat inap dewasa. Teknik sampling mengunakan simple ramdom sampling dengan 48 responden. Hasil penelitian dengan uji Mann Whitney menunjukkan hasil p value pengetahuan sebesar 0,001 sedangkan sikap dan keterampilan dengan p value 0,000. Hasil analisis bivariate menunjukkan bundle catheter education efektif untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan, sikap dan keterampilan perawat dalam pencegahan infeksi saluran kemih terkait pemasangan kateter urin.

Research paper thumbnail of Implementasi Perawat dalam Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Aktivitas Sehari-hari Pasien Stroke di RS PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta dan RS PKU Muhammadiyah Gamping

Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pelayanan Kesehatan

Abstrak Penderita stroke di Indonesia meningkat setiap tahun. Salah satu dampak stroke adalah ter... more Abstrak Penderita stroke di Indonesia meningkat setiap tahun. Salah satu dampak stroke adalah terjadinya gangguan fungsi motorik yang mengakibatkan pasien stroke memerlukan bantuan dalam melakukan aktivitas sehari-hari serta waktu perawatan yang cukup lama. Perawat berperan penting untuk meningkatkan kemandirian pasien, seperti mengkaji, membantu, dan mengajarkan aktivitas sehari-hari kepada keluarga dan pasien stroke sehingga pasien mampu memenuhi kebutuhannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi perawat dalam pemenuhan aktivitas sehari-hari pasien stroke di Rumah Sakit PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta dan Rumah Sakit PKU Muhammadiyah Gamping. Desain penelitian adalah penelitian potong lintang. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan accidental sampling dengan besar sampel 42 responden. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan kuesioner bentuk-bentuk implementasi perawat dengan skala Likert. Analisis data dengan statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan implementasi perawat d...

Research paper thumbnail of The Influence of Self Management Dietary Counseling on The Value of Sodium and Edema in Hemodialysis Patients

Media Keperawatan Indonesia

Background: Reducing salt care & reducing fluid intake is one of the efforts to prevent fluid imb... more Background: Reducing salt care & reducing fluid intake is one of the efforts to prevent fluid imbalance in patients. The increase in the prevalence of events that occur in hemodialysis patients is caused by various factors, one of which is inaccuracy in doing therapy. Self Management Dietary Counseling (SMDC) aims to increase patient knowledge and participate in health decision making to improve patient compliance and clinic outcome.Purposes : Knowing the effect of Self Management Dietary Counseling (SMDC) on the value of sodium in hemodialysis patients.Methode : Quasy Experiment, prestest - post test design, 60 samples consisted of 3 groups. Sampling using random sampling technique.Result : the group treated with SMDC has a p value <0.050, while the non-treated group has a p value> 0, 050.Conclusion : Self Management Dietary Counseling has an effect on the value of sodium in hemodialysis patients. This study recommends that nurses apply SMDC to each hemodialysis patient to i...

Research paper thumbnail of Perkembangan dan Faktor-faktor yang Memengaruhi Tingkat Kemandirian Pasien Strok Selama Rawat Inap di Yogyakarta berdasar atas Skor Modifikasi Indeks Barthel

Majalah Kedokteran Bandung

Strok adalah gangguan fungsional otak fokal maupun global, bersifat akut, terjadi lebih dari 24 j... more Strok adalah gangguan fungsional otak fokal maupun global, bersifat akut, terjadi lebih dari 24 jam, berasal dari gangguan aliran darah otak dan bukan disebabkan oleh gangguan peredaran darah otak. Salah satu dampak dari strok adalah kelemahan anggota gerak baik hemiplegia atau hemiparesis sehingga mengganggu kemandirian pasien dalam aktivitas kehidupan sehari-hari (AKS). Tujuan penelitian ini mengetahui perkembangan tingkat kemandirian pasien strok berdasar atas skor Modifikasi Indeks Barthel serta faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi tingkat kemandirian pasien. Penelitian dilakukan di rumah sakit PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta dan Rumah Sakit PKU Muhammadiyah Gamping pada bulan Mei hingga Juni 2016. Penelitian dilakukan dengan desain prospective longitudinal. Sejumlah 42 responden dipilih melalui accidental sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah kuesioner Modifikasi Indeks Barthel. Data dianalisis dengan regresi logistik berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan untuk pasien strok perdarahan, pada saat masuk rumah sakit mayoritas dengan kondisi tingkat ketergantungan total (44%) dan pada saat keluar sakit sebagian besar menjadi tingkat ketergantungan parah (44%). Untuk pasien dengan strok iskemik, saat masuk rumah sakit mayoritas juga berada pada tingkat ketergantungan total (49%) dan terjadi perbaikan kondisi menjadi tingkat ketergantungan parah (42%) pada saat keluar rumah sakit. Variabel lama rawat inap berhubungan secara signifikan terhadap skor Modifikasi Indeks Barthel (p<0,05). Tidak ada faktor yang paling dominan berpengaruh terhadap skor Modifikasi Indeks Barthel pasien strok.

Research paper thumbnail of Prediktor Adekuasi Dialisis pada Pasien Haemodialisis di Rumah Sakit PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Majalah Kedokteran Bandung, 2015

Keadaan umum lemah, badan kurus, tekanan darah tinggi, anemia, gatal di kulit, warna kulit menjad... more Keadaan umum lemah, badan kurus, tekanan darah tinggi, anemia, gatal di kulit, warna kulit menjadi lebih gelap, mual adalah tanda tidak adekuatnya hemodialisis secara klinis. Berdasarkan telaah literatur didapatkan sembilan faktor yang berpengaruh langsung terhadap adekuasi dialisis yaitu body mass index (BMI), jenis akses vaskular, lama hemodialisis, frekuensi hemodialisis, kecepatan aliran darah, ultrafiltrasi rata-rata, luas permukaan dializer, jenis heparinisasi, dan hematokrit. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui prediktor dominan terhadap adekuasi dialisis pada pasien hemodialisis di Rumah Sakit PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta berlangsung dari bulan Mei-Juni 2013. Studi potong lintang dilakukan pada 90 responden secara purposive sampling. Adekuasi dialisis dihitung dengan rumus Kt/V. Semua data diambil pada sesi kedua hemodialisis. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji regresi linier ganda. Diperoleh adekuasi dialisis rata-rata 1,36±0,377. Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna adekuasi dialisis dengan BMI dan jenis heparinisasi. Tidak terdapat hubungan yang bermakna jenis akses vaskular, kecepatan aliran darah, ultrafiltrasi rata-rata, hematokrit, lama hemodialisis, frekuensi hemodialisis, dan luas permukaan dializer dengan adekuasi dialisis. Simpulan, faktor dominan yang memengaruhi adekuasi dialisis pada pasien hemodialisis adalah BMI dan jenis heparinisasi. [MKB. 2015;47(1):29-34] Kata kunci: Adekuasi, body mass index, hemodialisis, prediktor

Research paper thumbnail of Modified Delphi Consensus on Developing Home Care Service Quality Indicator for Stroke Survivor in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, May 30, 2019

BACKGROUND: Assessing the quality of health services provided at home (home care) is a challenge.... more BACKGROUND: Assessing the quality of health services provided at home (home care) is a challenge. The formulation of indicators requires open-minded people, who able to formulate several purposes objectively, and play an active role in decision making. AIM: To test the face validity of the home care quality indicator in stroke patients with the modified Delphi method. METHODS: Eighty-one indicators generated from previous studies were assessed using 3 processes to get the final results: 1) conducted modified Delphi in two rounds, namely rating or scoring by experts (using median scores); 2) reviewing qualitative suggestions from experts during the Delphi process (using comments from both Delphi rounds); 3) sorting out and correcting the grammar of the appropriate indicator (based on the median score > 7, and no disagreement). RESULTS: Eighty-seven experts were involved in the first round Delphi and 34 experts in the second round. The experts were home care team selected from health care institutions in Yogyakarta with various professional backgrounds. Delphi process resulted in 67 indicators from 81 indicators which were divided into 10 domains: 1) Personal (2 indicators), 2) Documents (13 indicators), 3) Professionalism development (3 indicators), 4) Supporting facilities (8 indicators), 5) Administrative activities (4 indicators), 6) Health workers interaction with patients and families (15 indicators), 7) Physical conditions (2 indicators), 8) Self-actualization (1 indicator), 9) Psychological condition (5 indicators), 10) Family independent and coping (14 indicators). Selected indicators got to score more than 7 and no disagreement at all. CONCLUSION: Sixty-seven indicators of the quality of home care, which were generated from modified Delphi consensus, were face validated. Further research could be conducted particularly on the trial process of these indicators at the actual home dwelling service setting.