Nur Habib - (original) (raw)
Papers by Nur Habib
Merancang mobil listrik untuk berkompetisi pada KMHE harus berpedoman pada regulasi teknis KMHE d... more Merancang mobil listrik untuk berkompetisi pada KMHE harus berpedoman pada regulasi teknis KMHE dan konstruksi stabilitas kendaraan. Salah satu bagian yang perlu diperhatikan ketika merancang kendaraan adalah Sistem Mekanis Roda (Rotational Mechanical System). Sistem ini meliputi, roda, transmisi (gear connection / roda gigi), rotor motor listrik dan poros. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh manajemen energi kendaraan terhadap strategi berkendara pengemudi selama kompetisi KMHE berlangsung. Hal ini berbasis pemodelan Sistem Mekanis Roda, Analisa Sistem Dinamik dan Free Body Diagramnya. Metode yang digunakan adalah berbasis Pemodelan Simulasi Numerik menggunakan software MATLAB. Parameter data yang digunakan adalah berdasarkan variabel bebas dan variabel kontrol penelitian. Variabel bebas penelitian ini adalah kecepatan sudut (Vω), kecepatan linear (v) kendaraan, nilai koefisien gesek (B), kekakuan poros (K), diameter roda, diameter roda gigi, massa roda dan momen iners...
Mechanical technology is important in the agricultural sector. Agriculture is an important part o... more Mechanical technology is important in the agricultural sector. Agriculture is an important part of Indonesian people's lives, but there are not many studies related to the welfare of farming communities. This research is located in Telang Karya Village, Muara Telang District, Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra. This type of research is a qualitative field research using an R&D (Research & Development) approach. Data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis used the Miles and Huberman flow method, and to test the validity of the data using source triangulation. The results showed that land management technology, rice treatment technology and rice harvesting technology experienced significant developments. This technology greatly contributes to the efficiency and effectiveness of the work of rice farmers so that they experience an increase in welfare. This welfare includes solving social problems, meeting the needs, and the ability of th...
Revista do Instituto Adolfo Lutz (Impresso), 2006
Brazilian Journal of Microbiology, Jun 1, 2012
The media claims for the consumption of natural resource-based food have gradually increased in b... more The media claims for the consumption of natural resource-based food have gradually increased in both developing and developed countries. The interest in the safety of these products is partially due to the possible presence of toxigenic fungi acting as mycotoxin producers, such as aflatoxins produced during the secondary metabolism of Aspergillus flavus, A. parasiticus and A. nomius. Aflatoxins, mainly aflatoxin B 1 , are directly associated with liver cancer in human beings. This paper is aimed at evaluating the presence of aflatoxin B 1 in a few vegetable drugs, dried plant extracts and industrialized products traded in 2010 in the city of Belo Horizonte, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The method used for the quantification of aflatoxin B 1 was based on extraction through acetone:water (85:15), immunoaffinity column purification followed by separation and detection in high efficiency liquid chromatography. Under the conditions of analysis, the Limits of Detection and Quantification were 0.6 µg kg-1 and 1.0 µg kg-1 respectively. The complete sets of analyses were carried out in duplicate. Aflatoxin B 1 was noticed in a single sample (< 1.0 µg kg-1). The results revealed low aflatoxin B 1 contamination in the products under analysis. However, it is required to establish a broad monitoring program in order to obtain additional data and check up on the actual extension of contamination.
Revista do Instituto Adolfo Lutz (Impresso), Dec 1, 2008
... Silva de Oliveira I ; Mabel Caldeira de Andrade I ; Ignácio José de Godoy II ; Carlos Augusto... more ... Silva de Oliveira I ; Mabel Caldeira de Andrade I ; Ignácio José de Godoy II ; Carlos Augusto Rosa III ; Ary Corrêa Jr III ; Joenes Mucci Peluzio IV ; Raphael Sanzio Pimenta IV. I Laboratório de Micologia e Micotoxinas, Serviço de Ciências Bioquímicas, Fundação Ezequiel Dias. ...
Revista do Instituto Adolfo Lutz (Impresso), 2005
Influência da irradiação gama na produção de aflatoxina B 1 e no crescimento de cepa toxigênica d... more Influência da irradiação gama na produção de aflatoxina B 1 e no crescimento de cepa toxigênica de Aspergillus flavus em amendoim (Arachis hypogaea L.) Gamma-irradiation effect on aflatoxin B 1 production and growth of toxigenic strain of Aspergillus flavus in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.).
2021 3rd International Conference on Research and Academic Community Services (ICRACOS), 2021
The East Java region is a red zone area for COVID-19 cases. The number of patients being treated ... more The East Java region is a red zone area for COVID-19 cases. The number of patients being treated has an impact on the performance of medical personnel. Medical personnel gets tired easily and many of them die. To overcome this problem, a Paramedic Assistant Robot was designed. The methods used in designing this paramedical assistant robot are as follows: 1) Model design stage, 2) Determine electrical unit, 3) Determine communication unit and robot network, 4) Determine robot mechanical unit, 5) overall manufacturing process unit, 5) assembly process, 6) Robot function test. The result of each generation of feature development from 1.0 to 3.0 improved significantly. For maneuvering, from remote control and joystick to an autonomous system. This means that artificial intelligence is also increasing. The 3.0 generation robot is divided into two robots, namely robots for service and robots for monitoring. The 1.0 generation robots do not have to measure instruments, while the 2.0 and 3.0 generation robots have both integrated and separate measuring instruments.
: All the languages in the world are always undergoing a process of mutual influence between one ... more : All the languages in the world are always undergoing a process of mutual influence between one language to another. That influence appears with the discovery of the absorption of foreign language into specific language. But absorption that does not happen perfectly, because it found a matching between the two languages is very difficult that sometimes happens absorption language meaning it have expansion, narrowing of meaning even far away from the native language. This study will try to research some Arabic term that is absorbed into the Indonesian language, how the process and what have been changed. This study is a literature study with reference data in the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) as a representative dictionary to compile a Indonesian vocabulary. The result of this study indicate that there are some Arabic terms absorbed into Indonesian through the advent of Islam, sometimes the absorption process it does not change phonemes and semantics, also too many phonemes and ...
Latar belakang masalah penelitian ini muncul berangkat dari kenyataan anak asuh berasal dari kelu... more Latar belakang masalah penelitian ini muncul berangkat dari kenyataan anak asuh berasal dari keluarga bermasalah sosial yang memerlukan sekali penanganan pembinaan akhlak yang terbaik dari pihak PAY An-Nur. Oleh karena itu perlu diadakan penelitian tentang pembinaan akhlak yang selama ini dilakukan oleh PAY An-Nur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan pembinaan akhlak PAY An-Nur bagi anak asuhnya, hasil yang telah dicapai dari pembinaan tersebut, faktor-faktor pendukung dan penghambat, serta solusi pemecahan masalah tersebut. Harapannya kedepan peran PAY An-Nur sesuai peruntukan dan fungsinya, pola pengasuhan yang baik serta hal penting lainnya seperti adanya perlindungan hukum bagi anak asuh menjadi hal yang lebih diperhatikan dalam pembinaan akhlak. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif, dengan mengambil lokasi di Panti Asuhan Yatim Putra Islam An-Nur. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Analisis dat...
Instrumen pembiayaan dengan jaminan resi gudang merupakan hal yang baru diterapkan di bank syaria... more Instrumen pembiayaan dengan jaminan resi gudang merupakan hal yang baru diterapkan di bank syariah ( khususnya di Bank Syariah Mandiri). Pada pembiayaan tersebut, bank syariah menggunakan akad mudharabah, musyarakah, atau murabaha_h karena akad tersebut merupakan akad yang sudah umum diterapkan oleh bank syariah, tetapi pada perkembangannya bisa menggunakan akad lain, jadi akad pembiayaan tersebut disesuaikan dengan skema usaha nasabah debitur. Sebagai lembaga intermediasi, bank syariah memerlukan kepercayaan untuk memperoleh keyakinan bahwa nasabah debitur punya itikad baik, punya kemampuan serta sanggup untuk melunasi utangnya atau mengembalikan pembiayaan yang telah dipedanjikan. Namun tak jarang meskipun prinsip kehati-hatian telah dilakukan, pembiayaan bermasalah dapat tedadi, yaitu salah satunya terjadi wanprestasi dari nasabah debitur. Oleh karena itu, sebagai perlindungan hukum bagi bank syariah maka upaya- upaya yang dapat dilakukan sebelum menempuh jalur Litigasi, Melalui ...
ABSTRAK Salah satu faktor yang mendukung kualitas dan kuantitas hasil budidaya tambak udang adala... more ABSTRAK Salah satu faktor yang mendukung kualitas dan kuantitas hasil budidaya tambak udang adalah kadar oksigen terlarut pada air. Konsentrasi oksigen terlarut bagi kehidupan udang yang sesuai yaitu lebih besar dari 5 mg/L. Agar petani tambak tidak perlu bersusah payah untuk mengukur dan meneyesuaikan oksigen terlarut secara manual, maka perlu adanya alat yang bisa mengukur kadar oksigen terlarut dengan mengaturnya secara otomatis. Rancangan alat tersebut menggunakan sistem monitoring oksigen terlarut berbasis PLC dengan tampilan HMI. Sistem ini terdiri atas bagian monitoring yang meliputi rangkaian kontrol berbasis PLC dan sensor DO serta HMI. Untuk sistem kerja otomatisasi oksigen terlarutnya adalah apabila nilai kadar <5 mg/L maka motor dan aerator akan berputar sampai kadar oksigen terlarutnya ≥ 5 mg/L. Apabila telah mencapai nilai tersebut maka motor dan aerator akan berhenti. Tampilan nilai oksigen terlarut dan kondisi motor dan aerator dapat dilihat melalui HMI yang terhu...
The article discusses the vague normative regulation of the concept of the head of the body of in... more The article discusses the vague normative regulation of the concept of the head of the body of inquiry. This vagueness results in difficulties in classifying deputy heads of police that exercise the powers of the head of the inquiry body as subjects of departmental control over the procedural activities of the inquiry body of the internal affairs agencies. The authors focus on a number of issues that require attention from the legislator: the need to make a specific list of officials who are heads of inquiry bodies in the internal affairs agencies; the need to take into account the scope of activities of deputies when giving them the powers of the head of the inquiry body. The deputy head of police exercising the powers of the head of the body of inquiry is subject to departmental control only if they are acting as the head of police or the head of an internal affairs agency due to the head’s temporary absence.
Private vehicles such as motorcycle and car are very popular in our society. Besides used for tra... more Private vehicles such as motorcycle and car are very popular in our society. Besides used for transportation, they become a lifestyle too. Some of our people cannot have them. This difference has bad effects that gave birth to the chaos and crimes. This is caused by the jealousy factor. Based on that problems we are planning to make an equipment with ASCII code that can control and secure them from the distance, by SMS (Sort Message Send) through mobile phone. We expect to minimize the problems by using this equipment.
Journal of World Conference (JWC), 2019
Designing an electric car to compete with ESCC should be guided by Vehicle Construction and Stabi... more Designing an electric car to compete with ESCC should be guided by Vehicle Construction and Stability. One of the areas to consider when designing at the research and development stage is the Mechanical Mechanical System (Rotational Mechanical System). These systems include, wheels, transmissions (gear connections), electric motor rotors and shafts. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of vehicle energy management on driver driving strategies during the ESCC competition. This is based on Wheel Mechanical System modeling, Dynamic System Analysis and Free Body Diagram. The method used is based on Numerical Simulation. The data parameters used are based on independent variables and control variables. The independent variable of this study is the angular velocity (Vω), linear velocity (v) of the vehicle, friction coefficient value (B), shaft stiffness (K), wheel diameter, gear diameter, wheel mass and moment inertia of the wheel. Control variables is technical regulatio...
Asian Business Review, 2018
This study conducted to focus the women entrepreneurs' perception of how socioeconomic factors in... more This study conducted to focus the women entrepreneurs' perception of how socioeconomic factors influence at the time of taking a bank loan, whereas perception is the process by which an individual selects, organizes, and interprets stimuli into a meaningful and coherent picture of the world. The findings highlighted some socioeconomic factors that influence women in taking a bank loan. Data collected from women entrepreneurs' residing in some major areas of the northern part of Bangladesh. A convenient sampling method was applied to collect response from 112 women entrepreneurs' of which 105 found free from errors; those respondents used for the final study. Our study regarding the perception of the women reveals that religious view of our country, gender discrimination, and low educational qualification, lack of family support hinder their opportunity of taking a bank loan. Besides this research identify that advantageous living area & high social status help women at the time of taking a bank loan. Furthermore, the findings have established that financial solvency, bank's rules & regulations, mortgage criteria and the nature of business carry significant influences on women entrepreneur in taking loan. The foremost contribution of the current study is that it focuses women's observation and suggestion to break the barrier of getting the loan and find out a way to establish a positive attitude of the family as well as the society towards women entrepreneurs.
Halaqa: Islamic Education Journal, 2018
Memorizing Alqur'an is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand, there are many obstacles ... more Memorizing Alqur'an is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand, there are many obstacles or small difficulties faced by the memorizers of the Koran. Preferred pronunciation and makhroj, because errors in pronunciation will be fatal, because it can change the meaning and meaning. In this study discuss the benefits and advantages of memorizing the Qur'an, the problems faced by the students of the Tahfidzul Qur'an program Ma'had Darul Hikmah IAIN Kediri, the tips of santri to overcome the problems encountered during the Tahfidz al-Qur'an program in Ma'had Darul Hikmah IAIN Kediri, and also specific tips for the Qur'anic followers. In this study, researchers used a qualitative approach that was descriptive qualitative because the data obtained in this study were in the form of words and was a study aimed at describing and analyzing symptoms or phenomena, events, social activities, attitudes, beliefs, perceptions, people's thoughts individually or in g...
Solar dryer is an energy conversion device that absorbs solar radiation, then the heat generated ... more Solar dryer is an energy conversion device that absorbs solar radiation, then the heat generated is distributed to the drying chamber by the working fluid. One of passive solar dryer type utilizes chimney to optimize air flow rate through the drying chamber. Moreover, it has a function to keep the heat flows from the environment through the drying chamber in order to the temperature and humidity get better and more efficient in the process of drying materials. One way to improve solar dryer performance is modify the chimney. This study aimed to determine the performance of passive type solar dryer. The method used in this study is an experimental research with quantitative descriptive analysis. Modification included the height (1 m and 1.5 m), the angle slope variation (450 and 900) and transparency wall of chimney. Based on the result of drying material (0.32 kg sand and 0.8 kg water) starting from 11.00-14.00 with the composition variation of chimney, got average value of temperature 50.20 C-51.10 C, humidity 19.1%-2.4% and air flow out 0.32 m/s-0.55 m/s. From the overall data, dryer with chimney variations 1 m inclined 450 (eastern-western transparent wall) is the best with efficiency value 3.93%, mass flow rate 1.66E-03 kg/s. It was proved that chimney 1 m inclined 45° (eastern-western transparent wall) to the north, cause the dark southern wall absorbs more radiation, meanwhile eastern-western transparent wall forward radiation then absorbed by the dark northern wall. The temperature difference between the chimney and the environment 15.440 C increased the bouyancy force. Chimney 1 m height result in pressure drop caused by the altitude, temperature difference and friction between air and wall get greater, increasing bouyancy force and optimizes the air flow rate out of 0.51 m / s. The conclusion is chimney 1 m inclined 450 (eastern-western transparent wall) give possitive effect to improve efficiency and mass flow rate in the dryer.
ALE Proceeding
Ketinting boat in operation using propeller with engine located on deck. This position resulted i... more Ketinting boat in operation using propeller with engine located on deck. This position resulted in the propeller dipping by making a certain angle, in addition the depth of the propeller also overlapped the speed of the ship.This phenomenon is something very important to be examined with the aim of obtaining maximum speed in relation to the angle of tilt of the propeller and the amount of maximum thrust required.The method used is an experimental method in which the model of the ship and propeller are made according to the desired scale, and so conduct testing on the towing tank.The test result obtained is a slope that creates the optimal speed of the ketinting boat is at a slope of 18° with a speed of V = 5.05 knots and a maximum thrust of PT = 13.15 kW.
Merancang mobil listrik untuk berkompetisi pada KMHE harus berpedoman pada regulasi teknis KMHE d... more Merancang mobil listrik untuk berkompetisi pada KMHE harus berpedoman pada regulasi teknis KMHE dan konstruksi stabilitas kendaraan. Salah satu bagian yang perlu diperhatikan ketika merancang kendaraan adalah Sistem Mekanis Roda (Rotational Mechanical System). Sistem ini meliputi, roda, transmisi (gear connection / roda gigi), rotor motor listrik dan poros. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh manajemen energi kendaraan terhadap strategi berkendara pengemudi selama kompetisi KMHE berlangsung. Hal ini berbasis pemodelan Sistem Mekanis Roda, Analisa Sistem Dinamik dan Free Body Diagramnya. Metode yang digunakan adalah berbasis Pemodelan Simulasi Numerik menggunakan software MATLAB. Parameter data yang digunakan adalah berdasarkan variabel bebas dan variabel kontrol penelitian. Variabel bebas penelitian ini adalah kecepatan sudut (Vω), kecepatan linear (v) kendaraan, nilai koefisien gesek (B), kekakuan poros (K), diameter roda, diameter roda gigi, massa roda dan momen iners...
Mechanical technology is important in the agricultural sector. Agriculture is an important part o... more Mechanical technology is important in the agricultural sector. Agriculture is an important part of Indonesian people's lives, but there are not many studies related to the welfare of farming communities. This research is located in Telang Karya Village, Muara Telang District, Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra. This type of research is a qualitative field research using an R&D (Research & Development) approach. Data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis used the Miles and Huberman flow method, and to test the validity of the data using source triangulation. The results showed that land management technology, rice treatment technology and rice harvesting technology experienced significant developments. This technology greatly contributes to the efficiency and effectiveness of the work of rice farmers so that they experience an increase in welfare. This welfare includes solving social problems, meeting the needs, and the ability of th...
Revista do Instituto Adolfo Lutz (Impresso), 2006
Brazilian Journal of Microbiology, Jun 1, 2012
The media claims for the consumption of natural resource-based food have gradually increased in b... more The media claims for the consumption of natural resource-based food have gradually increased in both developing and developed countries. The interest in the safety of these products is partially due to the possible presence of toxigenic fungi acting as mycotoxin producers, such as aflatoxins produced during the secondary metabolism of Aspergillus flavus, A. parasiticus and A. nomius. Aflatoxins, mainly aflatoxin B 1 , are directly associated with liver cancer in human beings. This paper is aimed at evaluating the presence of aflatoxin B 1 in a few vegetable drugs, dried plant extracts and industrialized products traded in 2010 in the city of Belo Horizonte, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The method used for the quantification of aflatoxin B 1 was based on extraction through acetone:water (85:15), immunoaffinity column purification followed by separation and detection in high efficiency liquid chromatography. Under the conditions of analysis, the Limits of Detection and Quantification were 0.6 µg kg-1 and 1.0 µg kg-1 respectively. The complete sets of analyses were carried out in duplicate. Aflatoxin B 1 was noticed in a single sample (< 1.0 µg kg-1). The results revealed low aflatoxin B 1 contamination in the products under analysis. However, it is required to establish a broad monitoring program in order to obtain additional data and check up on the actual extension of contamination.
Revista do Instituto Adolfo Lutz (Impresso), Dec 1, 2008
... Silva de Oliveira I ; Mabel Caldeira de Andrade I ; Ignácio José de Godoy II ; Carlos Augusto... more ... Silva de Oliveira I ; Mabel Caldeira de Andrade I ; Ignácio José de Godoy II ; Carlos Augusto Rosa III ; Ary Corrêa Jr III ; Joenes Mucci Peluzio IV ; Raphael Sanzio Pimenta IV. I Laboratório de Micologia e Micotoxinas, Serviço de Ciências Bioquímicas, Fundação Ezequiel Dias. ...
Revista do Instituto Adolfo Lutz (Impresso), 2005
Influência da irradiação gama na produção de aflatoxina B 1 e no crescimento de cepa toxigênica d... more Influência da irradiação gama na produção de aflatoxina B 1 e no crescimento de cepa toxigênica de Aspergillus flavus em amendoim (Arachis hypogaea L.) Gamma-irradiation effect on aflatoxin B 1 production and growth of toxigenic strain of Aspergillus flavus in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.).
2021 3rd International Conference on Research and Academic Community Services (ICRACOS), 2021
The East Java region is a red zone area for COVID-19 cases. The number of patients being treated ... more The East Java region is a red zone area for COVID-19 cases. The number of patients being treated has an impact on the performance of medical personnel. Medical personnel gets tired easily and many of them die. To overcome this problem, a Paramedic Assistant Robot was designed. The methods used in designing this paramedical assistant robot are as follows: 1) Model design stage, 2) Determine electrical unit, 3) Determine communication unit and robot network, 4) Determine robot mechanical unit, 5) overall manufacturing process unit, 5) assembly process, 6) Robot function test. The result of each generation of feature development from 1.0 to 3.0 improved significantly. For maneuvering, from remote control and joystick to an autonomous system. This means that artificial intelligence is also increasing. The 3.0 generation robot is divided into two robots, namely robots for service and robots for monitoring. The 1.0 generation robots do not have to measure instruments, while the 2.0 and 3.0 generation robots have both integrated and separate measuring instruments.
: All the languages in the world are always undergoing a process of mutual influence between one ... more : All the languages in the world are always undergoing a process of mutual influence between one language to another. That influence appears with the discovery of the absorption of foreign language into specific language. But absorption that does not happen perfectly, because it found a matching between the two languages is very difficult that sometimes happens absorption language meaning it have expansion, narrowing of meaning even far away from the native language. This study will try to research some Arabic term that is absorbed into the Indonesian language, how the process and what have been changed. This study is a literature study with reference data in the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) as a representative dictionary to compile a Indonesian vocabulary. The result of this study indicate that there are some Arabic terms absorbed into Indonesian through the advent of Islam, sometimes the absorption process it does not change phonemes and semantics, also too many phonemes and ...
Latar belakang masalah penelitian ini muncul berangkat dari kenyataan anak asuh berasal dari kelu... more Latar belakang masalah penelitian ini muncul berangkat dari kenyataan anak asuh berasal dari keluarga bermasalah sosial yang memerlukan sekali penanganan pembinaan akhlak yang terbaik dari pihak PAY An-Nur. Oleh karena itu perlu diadakan penelitian tentang pembinaan akhlak yang selama ini dilakukan oleh PAY An-Nur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan pembinaan akhlak PAY An-Nur bagi anak asuhnya, hasil yang telah dicapai dari pembinaan tersebut, faktor-faktor pendukung dan penghambat, serta solusi pemecahan masalah tersebut. Harapannya kedepan peran PAY An-Nur sesuai peruntukan dan fungsinya, pola pengasuhan yang baik serta hal penting lainnya seperti adanya perlindungan hukum bagi anak asuh menjadi hal yang lebih diperhatikan dalam pembinaan akhlak. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif, dengan mengambil lokasi di Panti Asuhan Yatim Putra Islam An-Nur. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Analisis dat...
Instrumen pembiayaan dengan jaminan resi gudang merupakan hal yang baru diterapkan di bank syaria... more Instrumen pembiayaan dengan jaminan resi gudang merupakan hal yang baru diterapkan di bank syariah ( khususnya di Bank Syariah Mandiri). Pada pembiayaan tersebut, bank syariah menggunakan akad mudharabah, musyarakah, atau murabaha_h karena akad tersebut merupakan akad yang sudah umum diterapkan oleh bank syariah, tetapi pada perkembangannya bisa menggunakan akad lain, jadi akad pembiayaan tersebut disesuaikan dengan skema usaha nasabah debitur. Sebagai lembaga intermediasi, bank syariah memerlukan kepercayaan untuk memperoleh keyakinan bahwa nasabah debitur punya itikad baik, punya kemampuan serta sanggup untuk melunasi utangnya atau mengembalikan pembiayaan yang telah dipedanjikan. Namun tak jarang meskipun prinsip kehati-hatian telah dilakukan, pembiayaan bermasalah dapat tedadi, yaitu salah satunya terjadi wanprestasi dari nasabah debitur. Oleh karena itu, sebagai perlindungan hukum bagi bank syariah maka upaya- upaya yang dapat dilakukan sebelum menempuh jalur Litigasi, Melalui ...
ABSTRAK Salah satu faktor yang mendukung kualitas dan kuantitas hasil budidaya tambak udang adala... more ABSTRAK Salah satu faktor yang mendukung kualitas dan kuantitas hasil budidaya tambak udang adalah kadar oksigen terlarut pada air. Konsentrasi oksigen terlarut bagi kehidupan udang yang sesuai yaitu lebih besar dari 5 mg/L. Agar petani tambak tidak perlu bersusah payah untuk mengukur dan meneyesuaikan oksigen terlarut secara manual, maka perlu adanya alat yang bisa mengukur kadar oksigen terlarut dengan mengaturnya secara otomatis. Rancangan alat tersebut menggunakan sistem monitoring oksigen terlarut berbasis PLC dengan tampilan HMI. Sistem ini terdiri atas bagian monitoring yang meliputi rangkaian kontrol berbasis PLC dan sensor DO serta HMI. Untuk sistem kerja otomatisasi oksigen terlarutnya adalah apabila nilai kadar <5 mg/L maka motor dan aerator akan berputar sampai kadar oksigen terlarutnya ≥ 5 mg/L. Apabila telah mencapai nilai tersebut maka motor dan aerator akan berhenti. Tampilan nilai oksigen terlarut dan kondisi motor dan aerator dapat dilihat melalui HMI yang terhu...
The article discusses the vague normative regulation of the concept of the head of the body of in... more The article discusses the vague normative regulation of the concept of the head of the body of inquiry. This vagueness results in difficulties in classifying deputy heads of police that exercise the powers of the head of the inquiry body as subjects of departmental control over the procedural activities of the inquiry body of the internal affairs agencies. The authors focus on a number of issues that require attention from the legislator: the need to make a specific list of officials who are heads of inquiry bodies in the internal affairs agencies; the need to take into account the scope of activities of deputies when giving them the powers of the head of the inquiry body. The deputy head of police exercising the powers of the head of the body of inquiry is subject to departmental control only if they are acting as the head of police or the head of an internal affairs agency due to the head’s temporary absence.
Private vehicles such as motorcycle and car are very popular in our society. Besides used for tra... more Private vehicles such as motorcycle and car are very popular in our society. Besides used for transportation, they become a lifestyle too. Some of our people cannot have them. This difference has bad effects that gave birth to the chaos and crimes. This is caused by the jealousy factor. Based on that problems we are planning to make an equipment with ASCII code that can control and secure them from the distance, by SMS (Sort Message Send) through mobile phone. We expect to minimize the problems by using this equipment.
Journal of World Conference (JWC), 2019
Designing an electric car to compete with ESCC should be guided by Vehicle Construction and Stabi... more Designing an electric car to compete with ESCC should be guided by Vehicle Construction and Stability. One of the areas to consider when designing at the research and development stage is the Mechanical Mechanical System (Rotational Mechanical System). These systems include, wheels, transmissions (gear connections), electric motor rotors and shafts. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of vehicle energy management on driver driving strategies during the ESCC competition. This is based on Wheel Mechanical System modeling, Dynamic System Analysis and Free Body Diagram. The method used is based on Numerical Simulation. The data parameters used are based on independent variables and control variables. The independent variable of this study is the angular velocity (Vω), linear velocity (v) of the vehicle, friction coefficient value (B), shaft stiffness (K), wheel diameter, gear diameter, wheel mass and moment inertia of the wheel. Control variables is technical regulatio...
Asian Business Review, 2018
This study conducted to focus the women entrepreneurs' perception of how socioeconomic factors in... more This study conducted to focus the women entrepreneurs' perception of how socioeconomic factors influence at the time of taking a bank loan, whereas perception is the process by which an individual selects, organizes, and interprets stimuli into a meaningful and coherent picture of the world. The findings highlighted some socioeconomic factors that influence women in taking a bank loan. Data collected from women entrepreneurs' residing in some major areas of the northern part of Bangladesh. A convenient sampling method was applied to collect response from 112 women entrepreneurs' of which 105 found free from errors; those respondents used for the final study. Our study regarding the perception of the women reveals that religious view of our country, gender discrimination, and low educational qualification, lack of family support hinder their opportunity of taking a bank loan. Besides this research identify that advantageous living area & high social status help women at the time of taking a bank loan. Furthermore, the findings have established that financial solvency, bank's rules & regulations, mortgage criteria and the nature of business carry significant influences on women entrepreneur in taking loan. The foremost contribution of the current study is that it focuses women's observation and suggestion to break the barrier of getting the loan and find out a way to establish a positive attitude of the family as well as the society towards women entrepreneurs.
Halaqa: Islamic Education Journal, 2018
Memorizing Alqur'an is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand, there are many obstacles ... more Memorizing Alqur'an is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand, there are many obstacles or small difficulties faced by the memorizers of the Koran. Preferred pronunciation and makhroj, because errors in pronunciation will be fatal, because it can change the meaning and meaning. In this study discuss the benefits and advantages of memorizing the Qur'an, the problems faced by the students of the Tahfidzul Qur'an program Ma'had Darul Hikmah IAIN Kediri, the tips of santri to overcome the problems encountered during the Tahfidz al-Qur'an program in Ma'had Darul Hikmah IAIN Kediri, and also specific tips for the Qur'anic followers. In this study, researchers used a qualitative approach that was descriptive qualitative because the data obtained in this study were in the form of words and was a study aimed at describing and analyzing symptoms or phenomena, events, social activities, attitudes, beliefs, perceptions, people's thoughts individually or in g...
Solar dryer is an energy conversion device that absorbs solar radiation, then the heat generated ... more Solar dryer is an energy conversion device that absorbs solar radiation, then the heat generated is distributed to the drying chamber by the working fluid. One of passive solar dryer type utilizes chimney to optimize air flow rate through the drying chamber. Moreover, it has a function to keep the heat flows from the environment through the drying chamber in order to the temperature and humidity get better and more efficient in the process of drying materials. One way to improve solar dryer performance is modify the chimney. This study aimed to determine the performance of passive type solar dryer. The method used in this study is an experimental research with quantitative descriptive analysis. Modification included the height (1 m and 1.5 m), the angle slope variation (450 and 900) and transparency wall of chimney. Based on the result of drying material (0.32 kg sand and 0.8 kg water) starting from 11.00-14.00 with the composition variation of chimney, got average value of temperature 50.20 C-51.10 C, humidity 19.1%-2.4% and air flow out 0.32 m/s-0.55 m/s. From the overall data, dryer with chimney variations 1 m inclined 450 (eastern-western transparent wall) is the best with efficiency value 3.93%, mass flow rate 1.66E-03 kg/s. It was proved that chimney 1 m inclined 45° (eastern-western transparent wall) to the north, cause the dark southern wall absorbs more radiation, meanwhile eastern-western transparent wall forward radiation then absorbed by the dark northern wall. The temperature difference between the chimney and the environment 15.440 C increased the bouyancy force. Chimney 1 m height result in pressure drop caused by the altitude, temperature difference and friction between air and wall get greater, increasing bouyancy force and optimizes the air flow rate out of 0.51 m / s. The conclusion is chimney 1 m inclined 450 (eastern-western transparent wall) give possitive effect to improve efficiency and mass flow rate in the dryer.
ALE Proceeding
Ketinting boat in operation using propeller with engine located on deck. This position resulted i... more Ketinting boat in operation using propeller with engine located on deck. This position resulted in the propeller dipping by making a certain angle, in addition the depth of the propeller also overlapped the speed of the ship.This phenomenon is something very important to be examined with the aim of obtaining maximum speed in relation to the angle of tilt of the propeller and the amount of maximum thrust required.The method used is an experimental method in which the model of the ship and propeller are made according to the desired scale, and so conduct testing on the towing tank.The test result obtained is a slope that creates the optimal speed of the ketinting boat is at a slope of 18° with a speed of V = 5.05 knots and a maximum thrust of PT = 13.15 kW.