Nur Qudus - (original) (raw)

Papers by Nur Qudus

Research paper thumbnail of Oline Learning Model to Improve Student's Practical Skills in Batik Course

Journal of Vocational and Career Education, Jul 31, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Learning Evaluation Concept for Environmental Engineering Subjects in the Building Engineering Education Study Program, Semarang State University

Proceedings of the 1st Vocational Education International Conference (VEIC 2019), 2019

The concept of learning at Semarang State University is directed towards conservation-based learn... more The concept of learning at Semarang State University is directed towards conservation-based learning. This concept is in line with the tagline of the Semarang State University as a conservation campus. The consequence of this implementation is that the concept of learning held at UNNES must strive for conservation. Environmental engineering courses, as one of the compulsory courses at UNNES, are spearheading to provide a comprehensive understanding of conservation concepts. This course learning method must be directed to be a student-cantered learning method. The consequence of this implementation is that a blueprint needs to be made about the method of teaching environmental engineering courses. The general concept of learning, which consists of planning, implementation and evaluation, becomes broader which gives orientation to conservation understanding. Learning evaluation methods must be directed towards a comprehensive evaluation concept, and become a model for other subjects at UNNES.

Research paper thumbnail of Penerapan Sistem Resapan Air Hujan DI Kawasan Permukiman Kota Semarang

Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Characterisation Study of Taylor-Couette Flow in Fluid Mixture of Used Cooking Oil and Water

A study was done to investigate effect of volume ratio of water and used cooking oil to the chara... more A study was done to investigate effect of volume ratio of water and used cooking oil to the characteristic of Taylor-Couette flow in terms of shear stress and energy loss distribution within Taylor-Couette column. The characterisation study was carried out by applying water and waste cooking oil at volume ratio of 1:1, 1:3, 1:5, and 1:6. The inner cylinder was rotated at 300 rpm while the outer cylinder was kept static. It was found that optimal volume ratio for wastewater treatment was 1:1, shown by the phenomenon of Modulated Wavy Vortices flow regime. The highest Taylor number of 1.01x107 was also achieved in the volume ratio, while the shear stress was -1.99.

Research paper thumbnail of Aplikasi Geoelektrical Tomography Methode Untuk Pemodelan Sistem Konservasi Air Tanah

Sumberdaya air tanah bersifat dapat diperbaharui atau re-newable secara alami, karena air tanah m... more Sumberdaya air tanah bersifat dapat diperbaharui atau re-newable secara alami, karena air tanah merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dalam siklus hidrologi. Namun demikian pada kenyataannya terdapat berbagai faktor pembatas yang dapat mempengaruhi pemanfaatannya, baik ditinjau dari segi kualitas maupun kuantitasnya.Analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kuantitatif yaitu dengan melakukan analisis perhitungan dari data yang diperoleh pada pengujian laboratorium, pengujian lapangan.Penentuan zona konservasi airtanah dilaksanakan untuk mengetahui tingkat perubahan kondisi dan lingkungan airtanah yang disebabkan oleh proses alami dan atau akibat kegiatan manusia. Pembagian zona konservasi airtanah pada suatu daerah dibedakan dalam kategori aman, rawan, kritis, dan rusak. Zona Kritis berkaitan dengan pengambilan airtanah pada akuifer, terdapat pada kedalaman antara 30 -150 m.

Research paper thumbnail of Penerapan Teknologi Pengolahan Limbah Minyak Goreng Bekas Menjadi Sabun Cuci Piring Untuk Pengendalian Pencemaran Dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat

Desa Sekaran memiliki Pertumbuhan penduduk, perkembangan industry, restoran dan usaha kuliner pes... more Desa Sekaran memiliki Pertumbuhan penduduk, perkembangan industry, restoran dan usaha kuliner pesat karena terdapat universitas yang setiap tahunnya mengalami peningkatan mahasiswa. Hal ini memberikan banyak dampak positif bagi masyarakat, namun di sisi lain juga menimbulkan dampak yang kurang menguntungkan dari sisi lingkungan. Salah satu dampak negatif dari keberadaan usaha kuliner di wilayah Gunungpati adalah volume limbah minyak goreng tinggi. Ini terjadi karena kebanyakan masyarakat, dalam ha1 ini adalah para pedagang membuang limbah minyak goreng begitu saja. limbah minyak goreng tersebut apabila tidak dikelola dengan baik akan menimbulkan masalah bagi lingkungan, yaitu menjadikan lingkungan kotor dan dapat menemari air serta tanah. Untuk mengatasi masalah itu, perlu adanya inovasi dalam pengelolaan limbah minyak goreng dengan melibatkan masyarakat luas sehingga limbah minyak goreng dapat dimanfaatkan menjadi produk yang bernilai ekonomis. Salah satu potensi limbah minyak gor...

Research paper thumbnail of The Effectiveness of Co-Op Co-Op & Make a Match Combination Models in Online Learning

Combining Cooperation-Cooperative (Co-op Co-op) and Make a Match model can stimulate students to ... more Combining Cooperation-Cooperative (Co-op Co-op) and Make a Match model can stimulate students to be active in online learning. Students were able to construct their knowledge independently by using the Co-op Co-op model. Learning atmosphere became attractive with finding the partner games during the class used the Make a Match model. This combination model made students more active and did not quickly feel bored. This research aimed to know the effectiveness of the Co-op Co-op and Make a Match model in online learning for based competency in operating survey tools and mapping to improve students’ achievement. The current research used quasi-experiment research. The experiment class consists of 35 ten grade students of Building Information Modeling (DPIB) one, while the control class consists of 36 ten grade students of Building Information Modeling (DPIB) two. Pre-test and post-test were given by using Google form to both groups. The average score of N-Gain achieved 75,9%, which mea...

Research paper thumbnail of ‘Direct Training’ Practical Learning Model on the Teaching Material Diesel Fuel Injection System

This research and development study developed a direct training of practical learning model on th... more This research and development study developed a direct training of practical learning model on the teaching material diesel fuel injection system. It aims to determine the validity, practicity and effectiveness of the practical learning model on the teaching material diesel fuel injection system. The study employed research and development (R & D) method with before after without pretest and posttest control design. This study adopted three stages: planning, implementation, and evaluation. The results showed that the direct training of practical learning model was valid. The validity was shown by the average score of the 1 st expert on the second cycle of 3.77 and the 2 nd expert on the second cycle of 3.46 with a highly valid category and highly feasible to use. The results of the practicity questionnaire given to 20 students and 2 teachers shown as very practice with the final score 86.60. In addition, the assessment of learning effectiveness was performed using T- Test with a sig...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Penurunan Muka Air Tanah DI Sekaran Dan Sekitarnya Berdasarkan Data Anomali Gaya Berat Mikro Antar Waktu Periode 2013

Telah dilakukan penelitian gaya berat di Sekaran dan sekitarmya dengan menerapkan metode gaya ber... more Telah dilakukan penelitian gaya berat di Sekaran dan sekitarmya dengan menerapkan metode gaya berat mikro antar waktu. Alat utama yang digunakan adalah gravimeter tipe Sintrex Autograv CG-5. Pengukuran dilakukan pada bulan Mei dan Oktober 2013. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perubahan kedalaman muka air tanah yang diidentifikasi berdasarkan nilai gaya berat mikro antar waktu yang merupakan selisih antara gaya berat periode Oktober dengan Mei. Hasil penelitian secara umum menujukkan bahwa nilai anomali gaya berat mikro antar waktu terdapat tiga kemungkinan, yaitu (+) berhubungan dengan amblesan atau kenaikan muka air tanah, (-) berhubungan dengan penurunan muka air tanah, dan nol (0) tidak terjadi perubahan. Nilai (-) yang terjadi di beberapa tempat disebabkan oleh pengambilan air yang berlebihan untuk berbagai keperluan sehari-hari. Kondisi ini akan mengakibatkan penurunan muka air tanah. Curah hujan yang terjadi selama rentang waktu pengukuran gaya berat tidak menyebabka...

Research paper thumbnail of Model Spasial Ketersediaan Airtanah Dan Intrusi Air Laut Untuk Penentuan Zone Konservasi Airtanah

Airtanah merupakan sumberdaya air yang paling baik untuk air bersih danair minum. Kebutuhan airta... more Airtanah merupakan sumberdaya air yang paling baik untuk air bersih danair minum. Kebutuhan airtanah selalu meningkat sesuai dengan pertambahanpenduduk. Peningkatan pengambilan airtanah pada kawasan pantai memacuterjadinya intrusi air laut, atau masuknya air laut ke air tawar. Tujuan umumpenelitian membuat model spasial ketersediaan airtanah dan intrusi air laut padakawasan pantai. Penelitian dilakukan di kawasan pantai Kota Semarang. Datameliputi: data fisik lahan, data hasil booring, karakteristik fisik airtanah, kedalamanmuka freatik, fluktuasi airtanah, sifat fisik airtanah, dan karakteristik akifer. Peralatanpenelitian berupa satu set alat geolistrik, GPS, EC-meter, dan Notebook. Pemilihandan pengukuran sampel sumur dan pendugaan geolistrik dengan teknik stratifiedpurposive sampling. Analisis meliputi uji kualitas air, analisis geolistrik dengansclumberger, sebaran intrusi, kedalaman dan arah aliran airtanah. Kondisi air sumurdi Pantai Semarang sebagian besar berasa payau sampa...

Research paper thumbnail of The Evaluation of Teaching Factory in SMK Negeri 2 Adiwerna Using CIPPO Model

Teaching factory implementation is expected to be link and match between school and industrial wo... more Teaching factory implementation is expected to be link and match between school and industrial world to produce competent graduates who can meet the demand of industry. In its implementation, teaching factory requires teachers to understand its concepts, technicality, and implementation. Evaluation is necessary to be conducted to obtain an overview of the success and benefits of teaching factory. However, recent evaluations have only focused on the aspects of results and constraints, yet the whole evaluation is the one that is significant to carry out. Therefore, this research attempted to evaluate teaching factory using CIPPO (Context, Input, Process, Product, Outcome) model. It analyzed the implementation of Teaching Factory in Adiwerna 2 Public Vocational High School or SMK Negeri 2 Adiwerna, the success and benefit levels of teaching factory viewed from the aspects of context, input, process, product, and outcome in SMK Negeri 2 Adiwerna, and factors constraining the implementat...

Research paper thumbnail of Rainwater Catchment System As Groundwater Recharge In Semarang City Residential Area

International Journal of Ecology & Development, 2016

Environmental damage which leads to the deterioration of groundwater supply potential is caused b... more Environmental damage which leads to the deterioration of groundwater supply potential is caused by changes in land use especially in the area of groundwater recharge. The aim of this present study is to create a model of the mapping of the local housing distribution which is suitable as rainwater catchment system as groundwater recharge. Spatial approach method was used in this study. The measurement of the soil permeability coefficient, soil layer structure, the surface depth of the groundwater with the number of locations as many as 88 residential areas were conducted as measurements in this study. The results of this study in 88 residential areas within 16 districts located in Semarang showed that 30 locations are eligible for the establishment of vertical groundwater catchment system with infiltration wells and 3 locations are eligible for the establishment of horizontal catchment system with infiltration trenches.

Research paper thumbnail of The Portrayal of Transactional Distance Theory in Online Learning Model during Learn from Home Period at Engineering Faculty, Unnes

Proceedings of the 2nd Vocational Education International Conference, VEIC 2020, 27th August 2020, Semarang, Indonesia, 2021

The outbreak of COVID-19 has severe impacts in various sectors including education. All schools a... more The outbreak of COVID-19 has severe impacts in various sectors including education. All schools and campuses must be cleared from any activities. However, learning process must still run for the students. Distance learning which was previously an option has now become a compulsory means of education. Engineering Faculty, Universitas Negeri Semarang also uses distance learning process. Therefore, this study is aimed at describing the implementation of distance learning. This study employed Moore's transactional distance theory in online learning model as its theoretical framework. The data were collected from the documents and a website used for distance learning in Unnes. Then, the data were analysed qualitatively and quantitatively by using descriptive statistics. The results showed that the percentage of transactional distance between students and teacher is 83,48%, the percentage of transactional distance between students and content is 90,12%, the percentage of transactional distance between students and student is 95,492%. All of those constructs are categorized as very high.

Research paper thumbnail of Vinasse-Based Slow-Release Organo-Mineral Fertilizer with Chitosan-Bentonite Matrix

Jurnal Bahan Alam Terbarukan, 2021

Controlling the release rate of the nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium (NPK) for the soil fertilized c... more Controlling the release rate of the nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium (NPK) for the soil fertilized can enhance the fertilizer efficiency and reduce the drawback for the environmental. In this work, a novel slow-release organo-mineral fertilizer was produced from the vinasse, which was blended with the NPK and the chitosan-bentonite matrix. The NPK used as additional nutrients source and the chitosan-bentonite matrix was performed as a barrier to prevent the nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium from a rapid dissolving. The NPK release rate was measured and analyzed after 3, 6, 9, and 12 days using the incubation method and leaching test. The most efficient release rate was obtained when a dry vinasse mixed with 9% NPK and 5% chitosan-bentonite matrix with the ratio of 8:2. The vinasse-based slow-release of organo-mineral fertilizer (SR-OMF) was compared to the vinasse organo-mineral fertilizer (OMF). The result indicated that the NPK release rate in the vinasse-based SR-OMF was lower com...

Research paper thumbnail of Implementation of the Ahp Method to Determine the Priority of Recharge Areas in the Semarang City


Research paper thumbnail of Tar Removal from Gasification/Pyrolysis by Emulsion Liquid Membrane: A Short Overview

Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, 2020

Tar is among undesirable by-products of producer gas generated from gasification/pyrolysis of bio... more Tar is among undesirable by-products of producer gas generated from gasification/pyrolysis of biomass. Due to the erosive and corrosive characteristics of tar, a number of tar removal studies have been done. However, considering tar availability in deficient concentration, a highly selective and energy economics method is of importance. Emulsion liquid membrane is a choice of selective and economics method. Some studies on tar removal using emulsion liquid membrane were reported. Information about definition and transport mechanism of emulsion liquid membrane was given. Effects of emulsion formulation on tar removal were described. Effects of some operating conditions in permeation process on tar removal were also presented. The study found that types and concentration of surfactant and diluent as well as emulsification methods need to be properly considered for better result. Whereas permeation speed, volume ratio, and equipment used greatly affect the emulsion breaking and tar rem...

Research paper thumbnail of Study on the Improvement of Communication Ability of Rehabilitation Technology Major Students in Higher Vocational Colleges by Experiential Group Counseling*

Proceedings of the 1st Vocational Education International Conference (VEIC 2019), 2019

Computer Aided Design (CAD) drawing learning, especially 2-dimensional modelling, continues to be... more Computer Aided Design (CAD) drawing learning, especially 2-dimensional modelling, continues to be developed so that learning outcomes follow the standards accepted by the business world / the construction service industry. CAD learning methods are directed at improving aspects of CAD understanding and skills. The development of learning models in this research focuses on developing learning methods, which focus on aspects of CAD knowledge and skills. This study used the research and development using the Dick and Carrey design. The research sample was 34 students who took Computer Graphic course. The results showed that in three aspects studied, namely the understanding of image construction, understanding of computer software operations and CAD skills in good and very good qualifications. The CAD learning method was very suitable to be developed through conceptual learning methods, direct practice learning and case study learning. The use of this method was based on the needs faced in the classroom (situational). This means that the use of this method could be used at once, or varied according to the condition in the class. The use of learning equipment is one of the keys for successful learning development. The learning equipment developed in this study included the use of handouts , modules and supplements. The use of all three was very successful to support optimal learning outcomes. The use of all three was also aimed to facilitate the diverse learning needs of students. The development of evaluation techniques in learning included three domains: cognitive, psychomotor and affective domain. The cognitive domain was divided into two aspects: construction knowledge and the use of software. The development of evaluation techniques showed that the ability of students in each domain was in the excellent and very excellent category.

Research paper thumbnail of Treatment of Electrical and Electronic Waste to Reduce Environmental Issue

Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, 2020

Electrical and electronic wastes (e-waste) are harmful to the environment and human life due to i... more Electrical and electronic wastes (e-waste) are harmful to the environment and human life due to it contain non degradable and hazardous components. Treatment of ewaste is important in order to reduce the environmental issues. Conversion of e-waste into valuable products including liquid oil is believed as one of the good ways to solve the problem. For this purpose, application of microwave technology for e-waste pyrolysis and liquid oil product distillation is very interesting because of the rapid heating processes of materials. This study reported on e-waste processing techniques and specifically highlights the use of microwave technology to convert laptop computer case into liquid oil. The treatment of laptop computer case in this work included microwave pyrolysis of the sample and microwave distillation of the liquid oil product. The result showed that the average yield of liquid oil from pyrolysis of laptop computer case was about 37 % by mass. After liquid oil distillation process, the average yields of each fuels fraction were 67.

Research paper thumbnail of Emulsion Liquid Membrane for Cadmium Removal: Determination of Liquid Membrane Components

Journal of Physical Science, 2018

Removal of cadmium is very important as it is one of several harmful heavy metals commonly found ... more Removal of cadmium is very important as it is one of several harmful heavy metals commonly found in textile wastewater. This study focused on determination of emulsion liquid membrane (ELM) components for cadmium removal. Carrier, diluent and stripping selection was done by contacting feed phase (150 ppm cadmium) with organic solution at ratio of 1:1. Both solutions were mixed at 500 rpm for 24 h using magnetic stirrer, then the samples were allowed to settle and separate. The results of the study showed that in comparison with acid solution, basic solution containing trioctylamine (TOA), kerosene and NH 3 as the carrier, diluent and stripping agent, respectively provided the best performance for cadmium removal using ELM. In addition, the ordering of the extraction in terms of magnitude for the diluents was highly correlated with the polarity, solubility and viscosity. Low polarity and viscosity, and high solubility of the diluent are preferred.

Research paper thumbnail of Implementation of PHPMailer with SMTP protocol in the development of web-based e-learning prototype

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019

The usage of information technology has developed rapidly. At present, the information system has... more The usage of information technology has developed rapidly. At present, the information system has been widely used in various fields, including the education sector, through various web-based learning systems. Information system becomes an important factor in the process of decision making system, data management, document management, and performance efficiency. In the education sector, the development of information systems can be applied to the teaching and learning process. One of them is an e-learning as a new innovation in the learning process. The development of e-learning become a solution of learning to become more interactive and productive. This prototype use PHPMailer Library on the SMTP protocol which is an alternative tools in the e-learning development. The PHPMailer Library become an intermediary of e-learning in sending emails automatically. PHPMailer can provide information to users about the activities carried out. Teachers, students and parents can monitor the tea...

Research paper thumbnail of Oline Learning Model to Improve Student's Practical Skills in Batik Course

Journal of Vocational and Career Education, Jul 31, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Learning Evaluation Concept for Environmental Engineering Subjects in the Building Engineering Education Study Program, Semarang State University

Proceedings of the 1st Vocational Education International Conference (VEIC 2019), 2019

The concept of learning at Semarang State University is directed towards conservation-based learn... more The concept of learning at Semarang State University is directed towards conservation-based learning. This concept is in line with the tagline of the Semarang State University as a conservation campus. The consequence of this implementation is that the concept of learning held at UNNES must strive for conservation. Environmental engineering courses, as one of the compulsory courses at UNNES, are spearheading to provide a comprehensive understanding of conservation concepts. This course learning method must be directed to be a student-cantered learning method. The consequence of this implementation is that a blueprint needs to be made about the method of teaching environmental engineering courses. The general concept of learning, which consists of planning, implementation and evaluation, becomes broader which gives orientation to conservation understanding. Learning evaluation methods must be directed towards a comprehensive evaluation concept, and become a model for other subjects at UNNES.

Research paper thumbnail of Penerapan Sistem Resapan Air Hujan DI Kawasan Permukiman Kota Semarang

Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Characterisation Study of Taylor-Couette Flow in Fluid Mixture of Used Cooking Oil and Water

A study was done to investigate effect of volume ratio of water and used cooking oil to the chara... more A study was done to investigate effect of volume ratio of water and used cooking oil to the characteristic of Taylor-Couette flow in terms of shear stress and energy loss distribution within Taylor-Couette column. The characterisation study was carried out by applying water and waste cooking oil at volume ratio of 1:1, 1:3, 1:5, and 1:6. The inner cylinder was rotated at 300 rpm while the outer cylinder was kept static. It was found that optimal volume ratio for wastewater treatment was 1:1, shown by the phenomenon of Modulated Wavy Vortices flow regime. The highest Taylor number of 1.01x107 was also achieved in the volume ratio, while the shear stress was -1.99.

Research paper thumbnail of Aplikasi Geoelektrical Tomography Methode Untuk Pemodelan Sistem Konservasi Air Tanah

Sumberdaya air tanah bersifat dapat diperbaharui atau re-newable secara alami, karena air tanah m... more Sumberdaya air tanah bersifat dapat diperbaharui atau re-newable secara alami, karena air tanah merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dalam siklus hidrologi. Namun demikian pada kenyataannya terdapat berbagai faktor pembatas yang dapat mempengaruhi pemanfaatannya, baik ditinjau dari segi kualitas maupun kuantitasnya.Analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kuantitatif yaitu dengan melakukan analisis perhitungan dari data yang diperoleh pada pengujian laboratorium, pengujian lapangan.Penentuan zona konservasi airtanah dilaksanakan untuk mengetahui tingkat perubahan kondisi dan lingkungan airtanah yang disebabkan oleh proses alami dan atau akibat kegiatan manusia. Pembagian zona konservasi airtanah pada suatu daerah dibedakan dalam kategori aman, rawan, kritis, dan rusak. Zona Kritis berkaitan dengan pengambilan airtanah pada akuifer, terdapat pada kedalaman antara 30 -150 m.

Research paper thumbnail of Penerapan Teknologi Pengolahan Limbah Minyak Goreng Bekas Menjadi Sabun Cuci Piring Untuk Pengendalian Pencemaran Dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat

Desa Sekaran memiliki Pertumbuhan penduduk, perkembangan industry, restoran dan usaha kuliner pes... more Desa Sekaran memiliki Pertumbuhan penduduk, perkembangan industry, restoran dan usaha kuliner pesat karena terdapat universitas yang setiap tahunnya mengalami peningkatan mahasiswa. Hal ini memberikan banyak dampak positif bagi masyarakat, namun di sisi lain juga menimbulkan dampak yang kurang menguntungkan dari sisi lingkungan. Salah satu dampak negatif dari keberadaan usaha kuliner di wilayah Gunungpati adalah volume limbah minyak goreng tinggi. Ini terjadi karena kebanyakan masyarakat, dalam ha1 ini adalah para pedagang membuang limbah minyak goreng begitu saja. limbah minyak goreng tersebut apabila tidak dikelola dengan baik akan menimbulkan masalah bagi lingkungan, yaitu menjadikan lingkungan kotor dan dapat menemari air serta tanah. Untuk mengatasi masalah itu, perlu adanya inovasi dalam pengelolaan limbah minyak goreng dengan melibatkan masyarakat luas sehingga limbah minyak goreng dapat dimanfaatkan menjadi produk yang bernilai ekonomis. Salah satu potensi limbah minyak gor...

Research paper thumbnail of The Effectiveness of Co-Op Co-Op & Make a Match Combination Models in Online Learning

Combining Cooperation-Cooperative (Co-op Co-op) and Make a Match model can stimulate students to ... more Combining Cooperation-Cooperative (Co-op Co-op) and Make a Match model can stimulate students to be active in online learning. Students were able to construct their knowledge independently by using the Co-op Co-op model. Learning atmosphere became attractive with finding the partner games during the class used the Make a Match model. This combination model made students more active and did not quickly feel bored. This research aimed to know the effectiveness of the Co-op Co-op and Make a Match model in online learning for based competency in operating survey tools and mapping to improve students’ achievement. The current research used quasi-experiment research. The experiment class consists of 35 ten grade students of Building Information Modeling (DPIB) one, while the control class consists of 36 ten grade students of Building Information Modeling (DPIB) two. Pre-test and post-test were given by using Google form to both groups. The average score of N-Gain achieved 75,9%, which mea...

Research paper thumbnail of ‘Direct Training’ Practical Learning Model on the Teaching Material Diesel Fuel Injection System

This research and development study developed a direct training of practical learning model on th... more This research and development study developed a direct training of practical learning model on the teaching material diesel fuel injection system. It aims to determine the validity, practicity and effectiveness of the practical learning model on the teaching material diesel fuel injection system. The study employed research and development (R & D) method with before after without pretest and posttest control design. This study adopted three stages: planning, implementation, and evaluation. The results showed that the direct training of practical learning model was valid. The validity was shown by the average score of the 1 st expert on the second cycle of 3.77 and the 2 nd expert on the second cycle of 3.46 with a highly valid category and highly feasible to use. The results of the practicity questionnaire given to 20 students and 2 teachers shown as very practice with the final score 86.60. In addition, the assessment of learning effectiveness was performed using T- Test with a sig...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Penurunan Muka Air Tanah DI Sekaran Dan Sekitarnya Berdasarkan Data Anomali Gaya Berat Mikro Antar Waktu Periode 2013

Telah dilakukan penelitian gaya berat di Sekaran dan sekitarmya dengan menerapkan metode gaya ber... more Telah dilakukan penelitian gaya berat di Sekaran dan sekitarmya dengan menerapkan metode gaya berat mikro antar waktu. Alat utama yang digunakan adalah gravimeter tipe Sintrex Autograv CG-5. Pengukuran dilakukan pada bulan Mei dan Oktober 2013. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perubahan kedalaman muka air tanah yang diidentifikasi berdasarkan nilai gaya berat mikro antar waktu yang merupakan selisih antara gaya berat periode Oktober dengan Mei. Hasil penelitian secara umum menujukkan bahwa nilai anomali gaya berat mikro antar waktu terdapat tiga kemungkinan, yaitu (+) berhubungan dengan amblesan atau kenaikan muka air tanah, (-) berhubungan dengan penurunan muka air tanah, dan nol (0) tidak terjadi perubahan. Nilai (-) yang terjadi di beberapa tempat disebabkan oleh pengambilan air yang berlebihan untuk berbagai keperluan sehari-hari. Kondisi ini akan mengakibatkan penurunan muka air tanah. Curah hujan yang terjadi selama rentang waktu pengukuran gaya berat tidak menyebabka...

Research paper thumbnail of Model Spasial Ketersediaan Airtanah Dan Intrusi Air Laut Untuk Penentuan Zone Konservasi Airtanah

Airtanah merupakan sumberdaya air yang paling baik untuk air bersih danair minum. Kebutuhan airta... more Airtanah merupakan sumberdaya air yang paling baik untuk air bersih danair minum. Kebutuhan airtanah selalu meningkat sesuai dengan pertambahanpenduduk. Peningkatan pengambilan airtanah pada kawasan pantai memacuterjadinya intrusi air laut, atau masuknya air laut ke air tawar. Tujuan umumpenelitian membuat model spasial ketersediaan airtanah dan intrusi air laut padakawasan pantai. Penelitian dilakukan di kawasan pantai Kota Semarang. Datameliputi: data fisik lahan, data hasil booring, karakteristik fisik airtanah, kedalamanmuka freatik, fluktuasi airtanah, sifat fisik airtanah, dan karakteristik akifer. Peralatanpenelitian berupa satu set alat geolistrik, GPS, EC-meter, dan Notebook. Pemilihandan pengukuran sampel sumur dan pendugaan geolistrik dengan teknik stratifiedpurposive sampling. Analisis meliputi uji kualitas air, analisis geolistrik dengansclumberger, sebaran intrusi, kedalaman dan arah aliran airtanah. Kondisi air sumurdi Pantai Semarang sebagian besar berasa payau sampa...

Research paper thumbnail of The Evaluation of Teaching Factory in SMK Negeri 2 Adiwerna Using CIPPO Model

Teaching factory implementation is expected to be link and match between school and industrial wo... more Teaching factory implementation is expected to be link and match between school and industrial world to produce competent graduates who can meet the demand of industry. In its implementation, teaching factory requires teachers to understand its concepts, technicality, and implementation. Evaluation is necessary to be conducted to obtain an overview of the success and benefits of teaching factory. However, recent evaluations have only focused on the aspects of results and constraints, yet the whole evaluation is the one that is significant to carry out. Therefore, this research attempted to evaluate teaching factory using CIPPO (Context, Input, Process, Product, Outcome) model. It analyzed the implementation of Teaching Factory in Adiwerna 2 Public Vocational High School or SMK Negeri 2 Adiwerna, the success and benefit levels of teaching factory viewed from the aspects of context, input, process, product, and outcome in SMK Negeri 2 Adiwerna, and factors constraining the implementat...

Research paper thumbnail of Rainwater Catchment System As Groundwater Recharge In Semarang City Residential Area

International Journal of Ecology & Development, 2016

Environmental damage which leads to the deterioration of groundwater supply potential is caused b... more Environmental damage which leads to the deterioration of groundwater supply potential is caused by changes in land use especially in the area of groundwater recharge. The aim of this present study is to create a model of the mapping of the local housing distribution which is suitable as rainwater catchment system as groundwater recharge. Spatial approach method was used in this study. The measurement of the soil permeability coefficient, soil layer structure, the surface depth of the groundwater with the number of locations as many as 88 residential areas were conducted as measurements in this study. The results of this study in 88 residential areas within 16 districts located in Semarang showed that 30 locations are eligible for the establishment of vertical groundwater catchment system with infiltration wells and 3 locations are eligible for the establishment of horizontal catchment system with infiltration trenches.

Research paper thumbnail of The Portrayal of Transactional Distance Theory in Online Learning Model during Learn from Home Period at Engineering Faculty, Unnes

Proceedings of the 2nd Vocational Education International Conference, VEIC 2020, 27th August 2020, Semarang, Indonesia, 2021

The outbreak of COVID-19 has severe impacts in various sectors including education. All schools a... more The outbreak of COVID-19 has severe impacts in various sectors including education. All schools and campuses must be cleared from any activities. However, learning process must still run for the students. Distance learning which was previously an option has now become a compulsory means of education. Engineering Faculty, Universitas Negeri Semarang also uses distance learning process. Therefore, this study is aimed at describing the implementation of distance learning. This study employed Moore's transactional distance theory in online learning model as its theoretical framework. The data were collected from the documents and a website used for distance learning in Unnes. Then, the data were analysed qualitatively and quantitatively by using descriptive statistics. The results showed that the percentage of transactional distance between students and teacher is 83,48%, the percentage of transactional distance between students and content is 90,12%, the percentage of transactional distance between students and student is 95,492%. All of those constructs are categorized as very high.

Research paper thumbnail of Vinasse-Based Slow-Release Organo-Mineral Fertilizer with Chitosan-Bentonite Matrix

Jurnal Bahan Alam Terbarukan, 2021

Controlling the release rate of the nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium (NPK) for the soil fertilized c... more Controlling the release rate of the nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium (NPK) for the soil fertilized can enhance the fertilizer efficiency and reduce the drawback for the environmental. In this work, a novel slow-release organo-mineral fertilizer was produced from the vinasse, which was blended with the NPK and the chitosan-bentonite matrix. The NPK used as additional nutrients source and the chitosan-bentonite matrix was performed as a barrier to prevent the nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium from a rapid dissolving. The NPK release rate was measured and analyzed after 3, 6, 9, and 12 days using the incubation method and leaching test. The most efficient release rate was obtained when a dry vinasse mixed with 9% NPK and 5% chitosan-bentonite matrix with the ratio of 8:2. The vinasse-based slow-release of organo-mineral fertilizer (SR-OMF) was compared to the vinasse organo-mineral fertilizer (OMF). The result indicated that the NPK release rate in the vinasse-based SR-OMF was lower com...

Research paper thumbnail of Implementation of the Ahp Method to Determine the Priority of Recharge Areas in the Semarang City


Research paper thumbnail of Tar Removal from Gasification/Pyrolysis by Emulsion Liquid Membrane: A Short Overview

Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, 2020

Tar is among undesirable by-products of producer gas generated from gasification/pyrolysis of bio... more Tar is among undesirable by-products of producer gas generated from gasification/pyrolysis of biomass. Due to the erosive and corrosive characteristics of tar, a number of tar removal studies have been done. However, considering tar availability in deficient concentration, a highly selective and energy economics method is of importance. Emulsion liquid membrane is a choice of selective and economics method. Some studies on tar removal using emulsion liquid membrane were reported. Information about definition and transport mechanism of emulsion liquid membrane was given. Effects of emulsion formulation on tar removal were described. Effects of some operating conditions in permeation process on tar removal were also presented. The study found that types and concentration of surfactant and diluent as well as emulsification methods need to be properly considered for better result. Whereas permeation speed, volume ratio, and equipment used greatly affect the emulsion breaking and tar rem...

Research paper thumbnail of Study on the Improvement of Communication Ability of Rehabilitation Technology Major Students in Higher Vocational Colleges by Experiential Group Counseling*

Proceedings of the 1st Vocational Education International Conference (VEIC 2019), 2019

Computer Aided Design (CAD) drawing learning, especially 2-dimensional modelling, continues to be... more Computer Aided Design (CAD) drawing learning, especially 2-dimensional modelling, continues to be developed so that learning outcomes follow the standards accepted by the business world / the construction service industry. CAD learning methods are directed at improving aspects of CAD understanding and skills. The development of learning models in this research focuses on developing learning methods, which focus on aspects of CAD knowledge and skills. This study used the research and development using the Dick and Carrey design. The research sample was 34 students who took Computer Graphic course. The results showed that in three aspects studied, namely the understanding of image construction, understanding of computer software operations and CAD skills in good and very good qualifications. The CAD learning method was very suitable to be developed through conceptual learning methods, direct practice learning and case study learning. The use of this method was based on the needs faced in the classroom (situational). This means that the use of this method could be used at once, or varied according to the condition in the class. The use of learning equipment is one of the keys for successful learning development. The learning equipment developed in this study included the use of handouts , modules and supplements. The use of all three was very successful to support optimal learning outcomes. The use of all three was also aimed to facilitate the diverse learning needs of students. The development of evaluation techniques in learning included three domains: cognitive, psychomotor and affective domain. The cognitive domain was divided into two aspects: construction knowledge and the use of software. The development of evaluation techniques showed that the ability of students in each domain was in the excellent and very excellent category.

Research paper thumbnail of Treatment of Electrical and Electronic Waste to Reduce Environmental Issue

Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, 2020

Electrical and electronic wastes (e-waste) are harmful to the environment and human life due to i... more Electrical and electronic wastes (e-waste) are harmful to the environment and human life due to it contain non degradable and hazardous components. Treatment of ewaste is important in order to reduce the environmental issues. Conversion of e-waste into valuable products including liquid oil is believed as one of the good ways to solve the problem. For this purpose, application of microwave technology for e-waste pyrolysis and liquid oil product distillation is very interesting because of the rapid heating processes of materials. This study reported on e-waste processing techniques and specifically highlights the use of microwave technology to convert laptop computer case into liquid oil. The treatment of laptop computer case in this work included microwave pyrolysis of the sample and microwave distillation of the liquid oil product. The result showed that the average yield of liquid oil from pyrolysis of laptop computer case was about 37 % by mass. After liquid oil distillation process, the average yields of each fuels fraction were 67.

Research paper thumbnail of Emulsion Liquid Membrane for Cadmium Removal: Determination of Liquid Membrane Components

Journal of Physical Science, 2018

Removal of cadmium is very important as it is one of several harmful heavy metals commonly found ... more Removal of cadmium is very important as it is one of several harmful heavy metals commonly found in textile wastewater. This study focused on determination of emulsion liquid membrane (ELM) components for cadmium removal. Carrier, diluent and stripping selection was done by contacting feed phase (150 ppm cadmium) with organic solution at ratio of 1:1. Both solutions were mixed at 500 rpm for 24 h using magnetic stirrer, then the samples were allowed to settle and separate. The results of the study showed that in comparison with acid solution, basic solution containing trioctylamine (TOA), kerosene and NH 3 as the carrier, diluent and stripping agent, respectively provided the best performance for cadmium removal using ELM. In addition, the ordering of the extraction in terms of magnitude for the diluents was highly correlated with the polarity, solubility and viscosity. Low polarity and viscosity, and high solubility of the diluent are preferred.

Research paper thumbnail of Implementation of PHPMailer with SMTP protocol in the development of web-based e-learning prototype

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019

The usage of information technology has developed rapidly. At present, the information system has... more The usage of information technology has developed rapidly. At present, the information system has been widely used in various fields, including the education sector, through various web-based learning systems. Information system becomes an important factor in the process of decision making system, data management, document management, and performance efficiency. In the education sector, the development of information systems can be applied to the teaching and learning process. One of them is an e-learning as a new innovation in the learning process. The development of e-learning become a solution of learning to become more interactive and productive. This prototype use PHPMailer Library on the SMTP protocol which is an alternative tools in the e-learning development. The PHPMailer Library become an intermediary of e-learning in sending emails automatically. PHPMailer can provide information to users about the activities carried out. Teachers, students and parents can monitor the tea...