Nurmala Hendrawaty - (original) (raw)
Papers by Nurmala Hendrawaty
Abstrak: Pengembangan materi ajar berbasis kompetensi untuk mata kuliah Writing 1 bertujuan untuk... more Abstrak: Pengembangan materi ajar berbasis kompetensi untuk mata kuliah Writing 1 bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis kebutuhan dosen dan mahasiswa dengan cara menambahkan, mengurangi, menghilangkan, dan memodifikasi materi bahan ajar agar tercapainya kesesuaian antara indikator dengan kompetensi mahasiswa dalam materi ajar (modul) ?Writing 1 from Sentence to Paragraph.? Perbaikan dan pengembangan modul di mulai dari keterampilan mikro dalam menulis, orientasi, pendekatan, materi, teknik pengajaran, bentuk latihan dan penilaian. Salah satu bentuk dari perbaikan dan pengembangan modul selanjutnya yaitu dengan adanya penjelasan materi yang lebih spesifik dan mudah dipahami oleh mahasiswa serta pemberian contoh dan latihan soal yang harus diperbanyak dan bervariasi. Instrumen penelitian ini berasal kuesioner yang diberikan kepada mahasiswa semester III Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris dan dosen pengampu mata kuliah Writing 1 di Universitas Indraprasta PGRI dengan analisi...
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pengajaran
Along with the development of educational technology, the online Computer-Based Test (CBT) applic... more Along with the development of educational technology, the online Computer-Based Test (CBT) application is one of the innovations in taking an online test. This study intended to analyze undergraduate students’ perceptions of online EPT. The samples were taken with purposive sampling, and they were 68 participants from English Education Program. The research instrument was an online questionnaire with sixteen closed-ended questions using a Likert scale of four items and two open-ended questions. The data analysis employed a qualitative descriptive method to analyze six topics: perspectives on online EPT implementation, online EPT preparation, attitude during the online EPT, point of view on e-application, the expectation of test results, and difficulty level of online EPT. The findings revealed that most undergraduate students positively perceived the online EPT. Apart from the technical issues, is a practical online test application. This research implies that institutio...
Scope : Journal of English Language Teaching
The research aims to describe the personality and the personality development of Theodore Decker ... more The research aims to describe the personality and the personality development of Theodore Decker through psychosocial development perspectives in the main character of The Goldfinch novel. His personality becomes an example of how family and social environment contribute to the development of one’s personality. The research method used in understanding and in analysing the novel was descriptive qualitative. The research results are: According to Erik Erikson’s eight stages in psychosocial development theory, Theo has passed four major stages they are the stages of initiative vs guilt (14%), industry vs inferiority (14%), identity vs role confusion (46%), and intimacy vs isolation (29%). Theo struggles to pass the stage of identity vs role confusion. It has led him to the situation where he faces difficulties on understanding his identity and role within society. Theo is grown up as a person with less empathy for others, struggles with his drug addiction, and has trouble making commi...
Metaphor as one of the figurative languages supposition that the more frequently used, both as a ... more Metaphor as one of the figurative languages supposition that the more frequently used, both as a sweetener and to get people interested in reading. Not easy to determine the exact word or phrase to be compared as if the word or phrase does not fit will obscure even be able to eliminate its meaning. The purpose of this research is to explain the specificity in the use of metaphor, especially concerning the types of gender. This research uses the qualitative method to analyze the data based on the context of meaning that enveloped it. In this research, it was found metaphors that have a particular use, especially concerning gender such as You, The Girl from the Coast, The Girl, The Flower of the Town, Village Kembang, Night Butterfly, the moon, Spanish Guitar, which are the images that have the specific use to describe the topic of women. While, Governor, Daendels, The Village Chief, An Owl, The Servant, Sea Lizards, Blackguard, the Old Man, Garong Cat are the uses of imaging have the...
Proceedings of the Borneo International Conference on Education and Social Sciences, 2018
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pengajaran, 2021
Covid-19 has affected the educational system worldwide, and it makes the teaching and learning pr... more Covid-19 has affected the educational system worldwide, and it makes the teaching and learning process done through online learning. This study aims to investigate EFL undergraduate students’ perceptions of utilising online learning applications during the Covid-19. There were 200 participants chosen with simple random sampling. The research instrument was an online questionnaire using a Likert scale of four items. Then data analysis employed a qualitative descriptive method to analyse two indicators: experience and comfort. The findings showed that these indicators were in the same category (positive). It indicated that mostly EFL undergraduate students had positive experiences and felt convenient in operating 4 out of 10 popular online learning applications. They preferred using WhatsApp Group, Email, Google Classroom, and YouTube channel during online learning. The recommendation is that lecturers use the most favourable online learning applications and design online engaging cou...
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memotivasi peserta didik tingkat SMP di lingkungan RT 003... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memotivasi peserta didik tingkat SMP di lingkungan RT 003 RW 08 Jati Jajar II Kelurahan Jati Jajar, Kecamatan Tapos, Kota Depok, akan pentingnya keterampilan berbicara Inggris. Keterbatasan biaya dan kurangnya kesadaran akan pentingnya penguasaan bahasa asing (Inggris) merupakan faktor yang menyebabkan sebagian besar peserta didik memiliki pengetahuan dan penguasaan bahasa Inggris yang rendah. Oleh sebab itu, kami memberikan materi dalam bentuk penggalan film Frozen ditambah dengan ice breaking dan games. Pemelajaran disampaikan melalui tiga tahapan, yaitu pre viewing, film viewing, dan post viewing. Peserta didik SMP berpartisipasi aktif dalam proses pemelajaran dan diharapkan mampu mempraktikkan percakapan secara berpasangan sesuai dengan tema penggalan film yang telah dipersiapkan. Tiga penggalan film Frozen antara lain: Act of True Love, Happy Ending, dan Anything You Can Do. Di akhir pengajaran, kami melakukan penilaian, evaluasi, serta m...
The purposes of the research are to investigate and find out how English community in Pare Kediri... more The purposes of the research are to investigate and find out how English community in Pare Kediri is built, what the techniques used to make the community speak English without any reluctance, and how the community in Pare Kediri acquires English. The research was conducted from January 22nd to 25th 2013 in Pare Kediri, East Java which is famous as “Kampung Inggris”. There are approximately134 English courses in Pare sub district, this research focused on observing and distributing questionnaire in Pelem village. This study employed a case study method, and the data were collected by ways of observations, questionnaires, and interviews. Based on the research findings, English community in Pare Kediri is built because there are more than 100 English courses in that sub district only. In addition, mostly English courses implement some techniques as drilling, singing, debating, and playing games and also outing class as one of their learning programs. These teaching techniques make lea...
The purposes of this training implementation include: 1) gives the techniques of writing in the f... more The purposes of this training implementation include: 1) gives the techniques of writing in the form of application letter and curriculum vitae in English for teachers of SMK Muhammadiyah 04 Slipi; and 2) provide teachers with tips and tricks to teach their students in preparation for entering the workforce which is writing application letter and curriculum vitae well. The resulting outcome is a module in the form of technical writing of application letter and curriculum vitae in English that can be applied by teachers of SMK Muhammadiyah 04, Slipi. This module is a collection of material techniques of writing application letter and curriculum vitae in English as well as an example, so that the teachers of SMK Muhammadiyah 04 Slipi can always read it, study it and try to practice it to teach students later. Therefore, the results of the implementation of the training follow the formula designed by Tonfeb (2015) are the writing techniques in English application letter and curriculum ...
Loquen: English Studies Journal, 2021
The aim of this study is to discover diverse vocabulary learning strategies among undergraduate s... more The aim of this study is to discover diverse vocabulary learning strategies among undergraduate students in three different competence levels (basic, intermediate, and advanced) who are enrolled in the Vocabulary course at Universitas Indraprasta PGRI in semester III. In this study, determination, social, memory, cognitive, and metacognitive methods were used to learn the language. Schmitt's Vocabulary Learning Strategies Questionnaire was used to collect data (VLSQ). Thirty undergraduate students were chosen on the basis of their competence levels. The results of descriptive statistics revealed that most undergraduate students used a medium strategy. The basic level had a mean score of 2.91, the intermediate level of 3.10, and the advanced level of 3.44. It was evident that the more vocabulary acquisition strategies a student used, the greater his or her competency level became. When it came to the most and least frequently utilized strategies by undergraduate students, metacog...
Cendekia : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, 2020
The purpose of this community service is how to implement the bottom-up approach is used as a bas... more The purpose of this community service is how to implement the bottom-up approach is used as a basis for Indonesian-English or English-Indonesian translation learning for teenagers of Jami Baiturrahman Mosque in West Jakarta Even Semester 2018/2019. It focuses on: (1) translation theory must be mastered by students so that learning objectives are achieved and must be adapted to the cultural context of the source language; (2) various basic translation strategies; (3) translation teaching materials are arranged from an easy level to a difficult level in accordance with the school level; (4) learning material is developed with learning media that can motivate students; (5) community service team and youth work together to create conducive learning situations; (6) the use of infrastructure and learning media is sufficiently adjusted to the place of learning; (7) evaluation of translations is based on the accuracy, fairness, and clarity of the text. Based on the evaluation, there are sti...
International Journal of Advanced Research, 2018
English Review: Journal of English Education, 2019
The research aims at describing the development of PROTADROID, an Android Table Program, to assis... more The research aims at describing the development of PROTADROID, an Android Table Program, to assist learners� pronunciation practice by using non-native English speakers and investigating the affective aspects of using the PROTADROID. The method used was Research and Development (R&D) which has been chosen to produce a product and test the affective aspects of the product. In order to find out the affective aspect, a questionnaire was applied as an instrument in the data collection. Thirty participants were randomly selected from two Pronunciation Practice classes at Universitas Indraprasta PGRI Jakarta. Based on the development phases, PROTADROID is valid and practical. Further, the four affective aspects indicate that satisfaction is 88.2% (very satisfied), interest is 93% (very interested), attention is 76% (positive), and involvement is 85% (positive). Hence, it can be concluded that students generally understand and are capable of operating PROTADROID application with high inter...
JPP IPTEK (Jurnal Pengabdian dan Penerapan IPTEK), 2019
Tujuan dilaksanakannya pengabdian masyarakat ini yaitu untuk menjelaskan bagaimana strategi penge... more Tujuan dilaksanakannya pengabdian masyarakat ini yaitu untuk menjelaskan bagaimana strategi pengenalan membaca kosakata bahasa Inggris melalui metode phonics bagi Guru di wilayah Jagakarsa Jakarta Selatan semester Gasal 2018/2019 dan menjelaskan produk luaran yang dihasilkan melalui strategi phonics dalam kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini. Metode phonics merupakan salah satu metode membaca yakni “Para guru mengajarkan siswa bagaimana bunyi-bunyi huruf itu maupun mencampur bunyi-bunyi secara bersama-sama untuk membentuk kata dan metode bunyi (phonics method) merupakan suatu teknik belajar membaca yang menekankan pada bunyi (lafal pengucapan) yang dihasilkan oleh huruf-huruf yang terdapat di dalam kata (bunyi semacam itu dapat berbeda dari nama-nama huruf ini, seperti dalam bahasa Inggris ketika bunyi huruf c [si] tidak sesuai dengan pengucapan kata [cat].” Selain itu, kelebihan metode ini adalah memudahkan siswa membuat hubungan otomatis antara kata dan bunyi, siswa dapat membuny...
Jurnal PkM Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 2018
Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini merupakan salah satu cara menghadapi persaingan terutama dalam... more Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini merupakan salah satu cara menghadapi persaingan terutama dalam bidang pendidikan dengan adanya Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA) di awal tahun 2016. Salah satu lembaga pendidikan yang memiliki visi untuk menyiapkan tenaga kerja dan wirausaha yang dibutuhkan dunia usaha dan industri yaitu Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK). Keaktifan pendidik dalam menggunakan bahasa Inggris menjadi tolak ukur motivasi peserta didik. Oleh karena itu, tujuan kegiatan ini untuk memberikan pelatihan bagi para guru yang mengajar mata pelajaran non Bahasa Inggris dan staff SMK Ibu Pertiwi I Jakarta Barat akan pentingnya pengetahuan dan kemampuan berbicara bahasa Inggris berkenaan dengan percakapan sehari-hari dan istilah-istilah dalam bidang Tata Boga. Dengan menggunakan metode bermain peran (role play) dengan tema "Daily Conversation at School" disertai dengan terjemahannya dan juga materi percakapan mengenai Tata Boga yang difokuskan kepada makanan khas dari Indonesia, Asia dan Barat serta peralatan dapur yang dilakukan dalam 3 x pertemuan (1 x 2 jam), diharapkan para guru SMK mata pelajaran non bahasa Inggris dan staff SMK Ibu Pertiwi I berperan aktif menggunakan bahasa Inggris setidaknya untuk percakapan sehari-hari (daily conversation) di lingkungan sekolah.
Abstrak: Pengembangan materi ajar berbasis kompetensi untuk mata kuliah Writing 1 bertujuan untuk... more Abstrak: Pengembangan materi ajar berbasis kompetensi untuk mata kuliah Writing 1 bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis kebutuhan dosen dan mahasiswa dengan cara menambahkan, mengurangi, menghilangkan, dan memodifikasi materi bahan ajar agar tercapainya kesesuaian antara indikator dengan kompetensi mahasiswa dalam materi ajar (modul) ?Writing 1 from Sentence to Paragraph.? Perbaikan dan pengembangan modul di mulai dari keterampilan mikro dalam menulis, orientasi, pendekatan, materi, teknik pengajaran, bentuk latihan dan penilaian. Salah satu bentuk dari perbaikan dan pengembangan modul selanjutnya yaitu dengan adanya penjelasan materi yang lebih spesifik dan mudah dipahami oleh mahasiswa serta pemberian contoh dan latihan soal yang harus diperbanyak dan bervariasi. Instrumen penelitian ini berasal kuesioner yang diberikan kepada mahasiswa semester III Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris dan dosen pengampu mata kuliah Writing 1 di Universitas Indraprasta PGRI dengan analisi...
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pengajaran
Along with the development of educational technology, the online Computer-Based Test (CBT) applic... more Along with the development of educational technology, the online Computer-Based Test (CBT) application is one of the innovations in taking an online test. This study intended to analyze undergraduate students’ perceptions of online EPT. The samples were taken with purposive sampling, and they were 68 participants from English Education Program. The research instrument was an online questionnaire with sixteen closed-ended questions using a Likert scale of four items and two open-ended questions. The data analysis employed a qualitative descriptive method to analyze six topics: perspectives on online EPT implementation, online EPT preparation, attitude during the online EPT, point of view on e-application, the expectation of test results, and difficulty level of online EPT. The findings revealed that most undergraduate students positively perceived the online EPT. Apart from the technical issues, is a practical online test application. This research implies that institutio...
Scope : Journal of English Language Teaching
The research aims to describe the personality and the personality development of Theodore Decker ... more The research aims to describe the personality and the personality development of Theodore Decker through psychosocial development perspectives in the main character of The Goldfinch novel. His personality becomes an example of how family and social environment contribute to the development of one’s personality. The research method used in understanding and in analysing the novel was descriptive qualitative. The research results are: According to Erik Erikson’s eight stages in psychosocial development theory, Theo has passed four major stages they are the stages of initiative vs guilt (14%), industry vs inferiority (14%), identity vs role confusion (46%), and intimacy vs isolation (29%). Theo struggles to pass the stage of identity vs role confusion. It has led him to the situation where he faces difficulties on understanding his identity and role within society. Theo is grown up as a person with less empathy for others, struggles with his drug addiction, and has trouble making commi...
Metaphor as one of the figurative languages supposition that the more frequently used, both as a ... more Metaphor as one of the figurative languages supposition that the more frequently used, both as a sweetener and to get people interested in reading. Not easy to determine the exact word or phrase to be compared as if the word or phrase does not fit will obscure even be able to eliminate its meaning. The purpose of this research is to explain the specificity in the use of metaphor, especially concerning the types of gender. This research uses the qualitative method to analyze the data based on the context of meaning that enveloped it. In this research, it was found metaphors that have a particular use, especially concerning gender such as You, The Girl from the Coast, The Girl, The Flower of the Town, Village Kembang, Night Butterfly, the moon, Spanish Guitar, which are the images that have the specific use to describe the topic of women. While, Governor, Daendels, The Village Chief, An Owl, The Servant, Sea Lizards, Blackguard, the Old Man, Garong Cat are the uses of imaging have the...
Proceedings of the Borneo International Conference on Education and Social Sciences, 2018
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pengajaran, 2021
Covid-19 has affected the educational system worldwide, and it makes the teaching and learning pr... more Covid-19 has affected the educational system worldwide, and it makes the teaching and learning process done through online learning. This study aims to investigate EFL undergraduate students’ perceptions of utilising online learning applications during the Covid-19. There were 200 participants chosen with simple random sampling. The research instrument was an online questionnaire using a Likert scale of four items. Then data analysis employed a qualitative descriptive method to analyse two indicators: experience and comfort. The findings showed that these indicators were in the same category (positive). It indicated that mostly EFL undergraduate students had positive experiences and felt convenient in operating 4 out of 10 popular online learning applications. They preferred using WhatsApp Group, Email, Google Classroom, and YouTube channel during online learning. The recommendation is that lecturers use the most favourable online learning applications and design online engaging cou...
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memotivasi peserta didik tingkat SMP di lingkungan RT 003... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memotivasi peserta didik tingkat SMP di lingkungan RT 003 RW 08 Jati Jajar II Kelurahan Jati Jajar, Kecamatan Tapos, Kota Depok, akan pentingnya keterampilan berbicara Inggris. Keterbatasan biaya dan kurangnya kesadaran akan pentingnya penguasaan bahasa asing (Inggris) merupakan faktor yang menyebabkan sebagian besar peserta didik memiliki pengetahuan dan penguasaan bahasa Inggris yang rendah. Oleh sebab itu, kami memberikan materi dalam bentuk penggalan film Frozen ditambah dengan ice breaking dan games. Pemelajaran disampaikan melalui tiga tahapan, yaitu pre viewing, film viewing, dan post viewing. Peserta didik SMP berpartisipasi aktif dalam proses pemelajaran dan diharapkan mampu mempraktikkan percakapan secara berpasangan sesuai dengan tema penggalan film yang telah dipersiapkan. Tiga penggalan film Frozen antara lain: Act of True Love, Happy Ending, dan Anything You Can Do. Di akhir pengajaran, kami melakukan penilaian, evaluasi, serta m...
The purposes of the research are to investigate and find out how English community in Pare Kediri... more The purposes of the research are to investigate and find out how English community in Pare Kediri is built, what the techniques used to make the community speak English without any reluctance, and how the community in Pare Kediri acquires English. The research was conducted from January 22nd to 25th 2013 in Pare Kediri, East Java which is famous as “Kampung Inggris”. There are approximately134 English courses in Pare sub district, this research focused on observing and distributing questionnaire in Pelem village. This study employed a case study method, and the data were collected by ways of observations, questionnaires, and interviews. Based on the research findings, English community in Pare Kediri is built because there are more than 100 English courses in that sub district only. In addition, mostly English courses implement some techniques as drilling, singing, debating, and playing games and also outing class as one of their learning programs. These teaching techniques make lea...
The purposes of this training implementation include: 1) gives the techniques of writing in the f... more The purposes of this training implementation include: 1) gives the techniques of writing in the form of application letter and curriculum vitae in English for teachers of SMK Muhammadiyah 04 Slipi; and 2) provide teachers with tips and tricks to teach their students in preparation for entering the workforce which is writing application letter and curriculum vitae well. The resulting outcome is a module in the form of technical writing of application letter and curriculum vitae in English that can be applied by teachers of SMK Muhammadiyah 04, Slipi. This module is a collection of material techniques of writing application letter and curriculum vitae in English as well as an example, so that the teachers of SMK Muhammadiyah 04 Slipi can always read it, study it and try to practice it to teach students later. Therefore, the results of the implementation of the training follow the formula designed by Tonfeb (2015) are the writing techniques in English application letter and curriculum ...
Loquen: English Studies Journal, 2021
The aim of this study is to discover diverse vocabulary learning strategies among undergraduate s... more The aim of this study is to discover diverse vocabulary learning strategies among undergraduate students in three different competence levels (basic, intermediate, and advanced) who are enrolled in the Vocabulary course at Universitas Indraprasta PGRI in semester III. In this study, determination, social, memory, cognitive, and metacognitive methods were used to learn the language. Schmitt's Vocabulary Learning Strategies Questionnaire was used to collect data (VLSQ). Thirty undergraduate students were chosen on the basis of their competence levels. The results of descriptive statistics revealed that most undergraduate students used a medium strategy. The basic level had a mean score of 2.91, the intermediate level of 3.10, and the advanced level of 3.44. It was evident that the more vocabulary acquisition strategies a student used, the greater his or her competency level became. When it came to the most and least frequently utilized strategies by undergraduate students, metacog...
Cendekia : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, 2020
The purpose of this community service is how to implement the bottom-up approach is used as a bas... more The purpose of this community service is how to implement the bottom-up approach is used as a basis for Indonesian-English or English-Indonesian translation learning for teenagers of Jami Baiturrahman Mosque in West Jakarta Even Semester 2018/2019. It focuses on: (1) translation theory must be mastered by students so that learning objectives are achieved and must be adapted to the cultural context of the source language; (2) various basic translation strategies; (3) translation teaching materials are arranged from an easy level to a difficult level in accordance with the school level; (4) learning material is developed with learning media that can motivate students; (5) community service team and youth work together to create conducive learning situations; (6) the use of infrastructure and learning media is sufficiently adjusted to the place of learning; (7) evaluation of translations is based on the accuracy, fairness, and clarity of the text. Based on the evaluation, there are sti...
International Journal of Advanced Research, 2018
English Review: Journal of English Education, 2019
The research aims at describing the development of PROTADROID, an Android Table Program, to assis... more The research aims at describing the development of PROTADROID, an Android Table Program, to assist learners� pronunciation practice by using non-native English speakers and investigating the affective aspects of using the PROTADROID. The method used was Research and Development (R&D) which has been chosen to produce a product and test the affective aspects of the product. In order to find out the affective aspect, a questionnaire was applied as an instrument in the data collection. Thirty participants were randomly selected from two Pronunciation Practice classes at Universitas Indraprasta PGRI Jakarta. Based on the development phases, PROTADROID is valid and practical. Further, the four affective aspects indicate that satisfaction is 88.2% (very satisfied), interest is 93% (very interested), attention is 76% (positive), and involvement is 85% (positive). Hence, it can be concluded that students generally understand and are capable of operating PROTADROID application with high inter...
JPP IPTEK (Jurnal Pengabdian dan Penerapan IPTEK), 2019
Tujuan dilaksanakannya pengabdian masyarakat ini yaitu untuk menjelaskan bagaimana strategi penge... more Tujuan dilaksanakannya pengabdian masyarakat ini yaitu untuk menjelaskan bagaimana strategi pengenalan membaca kosakata bahasa Inggris melalui metode phonics bagi Guru di wilayah Jagakarsa Jakarta Selatan semester Gasal 2018/2019 dan menjelaskan produk luaran yang dihasilkan melalui strategi phonics dalam kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini. Metode phonics merupakan salah satu metode membaca yakni “Para guru mengajarkan siswa bagaimana bunyi-bunyi huruf itu maupun mencampur bunyi-bunyi secara bersama-sama untuk membentuk kata dan metode bunyi (phonics method) merupakan suatu teknik belajar membaca yang menekankan pada bunyi (lafal pengucapan) yang dihasilkan oleh huruf-huruf yang terdapat di dalam kata (bunyi semacam itu dapat berbeda dari nama-nama huruf ini, seperti dalam bahasa Inggris ketika bunyi huruf c [si] tidak sesuai dengan pengucapan kata [cat].” Selain itu, kelebihan metode ini adalah memudahkan siswa membuat hubungan otomatis antara kata dan bunyi, siswa dapat membuny...
Jurnal PkM Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 2018
Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini merupakan salah satu cara menghadapi persaingan terutama dalam... more Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini merupakan salah satu cara menghadapi persaingan terutama dalam bidang pendidikan dengan adanya Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA) di awal tahun 2016. Salah satu lembaga pendidikan yang memiliki visi untuk menyiapkan tenaga kerja dan wirausaha yang dibutuhkan dunia usaha dan industri yaitu Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK). Keaktifan pendidik dalam menggunakan bahasa Inggris menjadi tolak ukur motivasi peserta didik. Oleh karena itu, tujuan kegiatan ini untuk memberikan pelatihan bagi para guru yang mengajar mata pelajaran non Bahasa Inggris dan staff SMK Ibu Pertiwi I Jakarta Barat akan pentingnya pengetahuan dan kemampuan berbicara bahasa Inggris berkenaan dengan percakapan sehari-hari dan istilah-istilah dalam bidang Tata Boga. Dengan menggunakan metode bermain peran (role play) dengan tema "Daily Conversation at School" disertai dengan terjemahannya dan juga materi percakapan mengenai Tata Boga yang difokuskan kepada makanan khas dari Indonesia, Asia dan Barat serta peralatan dapur yang dilakukan dalam 3 x pertemuan (1 x 2 jam), diharapkan para guru SMK mata pelajaran non bahasa Inggris dan staff SMK Ibu Pertiwi I berperan aktif menggunakan bahasa Inggris setidaknya untuk percakapan sehari-hari (daily conversation) di lingkungan sekolah.