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Papers by Ofer Bahat

Research paper thumbnail of © 2005 FFI, Oryx, 39(4), 429–434 doi:10.1017/S0030605305001122 Printed in the United Kingdom 429 Estimating the economic value of viewing griffon vultures Gyps fulvus: a Travel Cost Model study at Gamla Nature Reserve, Israel

economic value of Gamla to the visiting public is approximately five times higher than the curren... more economic value of Gamla to the visiting public is approximately five times higher than the current reve-nue, and 85 % of the visitors to Gamla came to view vultures. This information can be used to estimate the benefits of further investment in Gamla Nature Reserve, to price this site according to demand if there are budget limits, and in particular to invest in the protection of vultures and other threatened species.

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Research paper thumbnail of Tools for Birds' Ecological Carrying Capacity Management at Airports

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Research paper thumbnail of 11 Combining TCM and CVM of endangered species conservation programme: estimation of the marginal value of vultures (Gyps fulvus) in the presence of species–visitors interaction1

Using different valuation techniques in order to estimate the value of endangered species is well... more Using different valuation techniques in order to estimate the value of endangered species is well documented in the literature. Those benefits can be contrasted against the protection cost or against alternative uses of the habitat that might risk their existence. However, performing a costbenefit analysis (CBA) should take into account issues such as the value of the marginal individual, tradeoff analysis among competing goals and a feedback interaction between the size of a species’ population versus number of visitors allowed in a particular wildlife park. The central aim of this chapter is to examine how employing the travel cost method (TCM) in conjunction with the contingent valuation method (CVM) can provide insights as to whether the protecting measures and associated allocated budget for the conservation of a particular wildlife species are in accordance with public priorities. This question is examined in a case study assessing the values associated with the protection of ...

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Research paper thumbnail of The Long-term Effect of Precipitation on the Breeding Success of Golden Eagles Aquila chrysaetos homeyeri in the Judean and Negev Deserts , Israel

Raptor nesting success is dependent on different factors including food availability, weather, pr... more Raptor nesting success is dependent on different factors including food availability, weather, prédation, human disturbance, diseases and others (Newton 1979). Food quantity and availability play a major role in raptor breeding success, which is in certain cases correlated to the fluctuations in the prey populations (Newton 1979). Fluctuations in prey populations may be generated by weather changes, which might til so have an impact on the breeding success of raptors, as extreme cold or heat may cause starvation of adult birds, direct mortality of young, or have an indirect effect due to their impact on prey availability (Gargett 1977; Kochert 1972; Newton 1979; Newton & Marquiss 1986). In Israel, a total population of 41 breeding pairs of Golden Eagles was investigated between 1985-1990. This population is located mostly in the semi-arid and arid parts of Israel, in the Judean and Negev Deserts (Bahat 1989). In the present study, the effect of weather on their breeding success in t...

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Research paper thumbnail of Tools for Birds’ Ecological Carrying Capacity Management at Airports

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Research paper thumbnail of Method and System for Detection and Deterrence of Flying Animals and Prevention of Collisions with Wind Turbines

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Research paper thumbnail of Method and System for Detecting and Deterring Animal Intruders

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Research paper thumbnail of Habitat loss and vultures: a case study of Israel

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Research paper thumbnail of Male-biased investment during chick rearing in the Griffon Vulture Gyps fulvus

Bird Study

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Research paper thumbnail of Nest-Site Fidelity in Griffon Vultures: A Case of Win–Stay/Lose–Shift?

Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution

We studied the use of nest-sites by Griffon Vultures (Gyps fulvus) and the breeding success in th... more We studied the use of nest-sites by Griffon Vultures (Gyps fulvus) and the breeding success in these sites during 1998–2002 in Gamla Nature Reserve (Israel). Nest-sites in which a breeding attempt succeeded in fledging a young, were more likely to be occupied by nesting vultures in the following breeding season, than nest-sites that experienced a failure. This suggests that Griffon Vultures in Gamla used a Win–Stay/Lose–Shift strategy regarding nest-site fidelity.

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Research paper thumbnail of Breeding Success and its Correlation with Nest-Site Characteristics: A Study of a Griffon Vulture Colony in Gamla, Israel

Journal of Raptor Research

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Research paper thumbnail of Combining TCM and CVM of endangered species conservation programme: estimation of the marginal value of vultures ( Gyps fulvus ) in the presence of species–visitors interaction

Biodiversity Economics, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of Nocturnal Variation in Body Temperature of Griffon Vultures

The Condor, 1998

... was weighed daily without handling, using a wooden perch which covered a portable, battery po... more ... was weighed daily without handling, using a wooden perch which covered a portable, battery powered weighing device (model B50-P, Shekel Inc ... wild; even in captivity, when provided with food every day, Griffon Vultures will voluntarily avoid food for several days (Bahat, unpubl ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Nest-Site Fidelity in Griffon Vultures: A Case of Win–Stay/Lose–Shift?

Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution

We studied the use of nest-sites by Griffon Vultures (Gyps fulvus) and the breeding success in th... more We studied the use of nest-sites by Griffon Vultures (Gyps fulvus) and the breeding success in these sites during 1998–2002 in Gamla Nature Reserve (Israel). Nest-sites in which a breeding attempt succeeded in fledging a young, were more likely to be occupied by nesting vultures in the following breeding season, than nest-sites that experienced a failure. This suggests that Griffon Vultures in Gamla used a Win–Stay/Lose–Shift strategy regarding nest-site fidelity.

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Research paper thumbnail of Estimating the economic value of viewing griffon vultures Gyps fulvus : a Travel Cost Model study at Gamla Nature Reserve, Israel

Oryx, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Estimating the economic value of viewing griffon vultures Gyps fulvus : a Travel Cost Model study at Gamla Nature Reserve, Israel

Oryx, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Cost benefit analysis of conservation efforts to preserve an endangered species: The Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus) in Israel

Journal of Bioeconomics, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Nocturnal Variation in Body Temperature of Griffon Vultures

The Condor, 1998

... was weighed daily without handling, using a wooden perch which covered a portable, battery po... more ... was weighed daily without handling, using a wooden perch which covered a portable, battery powered weighing device (model B50-P, Shekel Inc ... wild; even in captivity, when provided with food every day, Griffon Vultures will voluntarily avoid food for several days (Bahat, unpubl ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Economic analysis of feeding stations as a means to preserve an endangered species: The case of Griffon Vulture ( Gyps fulvus) in Israel

Journal for Nature Conservation, 2009

In this study we used the Travel Cost (TCM) and Contingent Valuation Methods (CVM) to estimate th... more In this study we used the Travel Cost (TCM) and Contingent Valuation Methods (CVM) to estimate the value of an endangered species. We also determined the break even point in the allocation of funds targeted at protection at the regional level and performed a cost benefit analysis of conservation efforts on a national level. The Griffon Vulture, Gyps fulvus, was the animal tested in our case study in Israel. The Griffon Vulture is an endangered species whose protection is crucial in maintaining the natural ecosystem but whose protection is quite costly. We used TCM at two nature reserves in Israel: Gamla Nature Reserve in the Golan Heights; and Hai-Bar Nature Reserve on Mount Carmel. CVM was implemented at both sites and within a sample of the general population. TCM results showed an economic benefit of 2.4 M. USD per year at Hai-Bar and of 2.94 M. USD per year at Gamla. CVM results showed a willingness to pay (WTP) for protecting vultures of 2.70 M. USD at Gamla and 0.98 M. USD at Hai-Bar. The value of the marginal vulture was found to be approximately 8500 USD at Gamla and 79,000 USD at Hai-Bar. The cost of protecting vultures was taken from the financial reports of the Israel Nature Reserves and Parks Authority and was found to be 19,000 USD per year. The economic efficiency of feeding stations was examined from two aspects: Break-even point: It was found that in order to be economically efficient, the feeding station should help increase the vulture population by an average of at least 0.24 individuals per year at Hai-Bar and by at least 2.20 individuals per year at Gamla.“Porsim Kanaf” project1: The cost of protecting one vulture according to the budget of the National project was calculated to be 6500 USD per year. It was shown that the project passes a Cost-Benefit test based on the valuation results.

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Research paper thumbnail of © 2005 FFI, Oryx, 39(4), 429–434 doi:10.1017/S0030605305001122 Printed in the United Kingdom 429 Estimating the economic value of viewing griffon vultures Gyps fulvus: a Travel Cost Model study at Gamla Nature Reserve, Israel

economic value of Gamla to the visiting public is approximately five times higher than the curren... more economic value of Gamla to the visiting public is approximately five times higher than the current reve-nue, and 85 % of the visitors to Gamla came to view vultures. This information can be used to estimate the benefits of further investment in Gamla Nature Reserve, to price this site according to demand if there are budget limits, and in particular to invest in the protection of vultures and other threatened species.

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Research paper thumbnail of Tools for Birds' Ecological Carrying Capacity Management at Airports

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Research paper thumbnail of 11 Combining TCM and CVM of endangered species conservation programme: estimation of the marginal value of vultures (Gyps fulvus) in the presence of species–visitors interaction1

Using different valuation techniques in order to estimate the value of endangered species is well... more Using different valuation techniques in order to estimate the value of endangered species is well documented in the literature. Those benefits can be contrasted against the protection cost or against alternative uses of the habitat that might risk their existence. However, performing a costbenefit analysis (CBA) should take into account issues such as the value of the marginal individual, tradeoff analysis among competing goals and a feedback interaction between the size of a species’ population versus number of visitors allowed in a particular wildlife park. The central aim of this chapter is to examine how employing the travel cost method (TCM) in conjunction with the contingent valuation method (CVM) can provide insights as to whether the protecting measures and associated allocated budget for the conservation of a particular wildlife species are in accordance with public priorities. This question is examined in a case study assessing the values associated with the protection of ...

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Research paper thumbnail of The Long-term Effect of Precipitation on the Breeding Success of Golden Eagles Aquila chrysaetos homeyeri in the Judean and Negev Deserts , Israel

Raptor nesting success is dependent on different factors including food availability, weather, pr... more Raptor nesting success is dependent on different factors including food availability, weather, prédation, human disturbance, diseases and others (Newton 1979). Food quantity and availability play a major role in raptor breeding success, which is in certain cases correlated to the fluctuations in the prey populations (Newton 1979). Fluctuations in prey populations may be generated by weather changes, which might til so have an impact on the breeding success of raptors, as extreme cold or heat may cause starvation of adult birds, direct mortality of young, or have an indirect effect due to their impact on prey availability (Gargett 1977; Kochert 1972; Newton 1979; Newton & Marquiss 1986). In Israel, a total population of 41 breeding pairs of Golden Eagles was investigated between 1985-1990. This population is located mostly in the semi-arid and arid parts of Israel, in the Judean and Negev Deserts (Bahat 1989). In the present study, the effect of weather on their breeding success in t...

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Research paper thumbnail of Tools for Birds’ Ecological Carrying Capacity Management at Airports

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Research paper thumbnail of Method and System for Detection and Deterrence of Flying Animals and Prevention of Collisions with Wind Turbines

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Research paper thumbnail of Method and System for Detecting and Deterring Animal Intruders

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Research paper thumbnail of Habitat loss and vultures: a case study of Israel

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Research paper thumbnail of Male-biased investment during chick rearing in the Griffon Vulture Gyps fulvus

Bird Study

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Research paper thumbnail of Nest-Site Fidelity in Griffon Vultures: A Case of Win–Stay/Lose–Shift?

Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution

We studied the use of nest-sites by Griffon Vultures (Gyps fulvus) and the breeding success in th... more We studied the use of nest-sites by Griffon Vultures (Gyps fulvus) and the breeding success in these sites during 1998–2002 in Gamla Nature Reserve (Israel). Nest-sites in which a breeding attempt succeeded in fledging a young, were more likely to be occupied by nesting vultures in the following breeding season, than nest-sites that experienced a failure. This suggests that Griffon Vultures in Gamla used a Win–Stay/Lose–Shift strategy regarding nest-site fidelity.

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Research paper thumbnail of Breeding Success and its Correlation with Nest-Site Characteristics: A Study of a Griffon Vulture Colony in Gamla, Israel

Journal of Raptor Research

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Research paper thumbnail of Combining TCM and CVM of endangered species conservation programme: estimation of the marginal value of vultures ( Gyps fulvus ) in the presence of species–visitors interaction

Biodiversity Economics, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of Nocturnal Variation in Body Temperature of Griffon Vultures

The Condor, 1998

... was weighed daily without handling, using a wooden perch which covered a portable, battery po... more ... was weighed daily without handling, using a wooden perch which covered a portable, battery powered weighing device (model B50-P, Shekel Inc ... wild; even in captivity, when provided with food every day, Griffon Vultures will voluntarily avoid food for several days (Bahat, unpubl ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Nest-Site Fidelity in Griffon Vultures: A Case of Win–Stay/Lose–Shift?

Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution

We studied the use of nest-sites by Griffon Vultures (Gyps fulvus) and the breeding success in th... more We studied the use of nest-sites by Griffon Vultures (Gyps fulvus) and the breeding success in these sites during 1998–2002 in Gamla Nature Reserve (Israel). Nest-sites in which a breeding attempt succeeded in fledging a young, were more likely to be occupied by nesting vultures in the following breeding season, than nest-sites that experienced a failure. This suggests that Griffon Vultures in Gamla used a Win–Stay/Lose–Shift strategy regarding nest-site fidelity.

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Research paper thumbnail of Estimating the economic value of viewing griffon vultures Gyps fulvus : a Travel Cost Model study at Gamla Nature Reserve, Israel

Oryx, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Estimating the economic value of viewing griffon vultures Gyps fulvus : a Travel Cost Model study at Gamla Nature Reserve, Israel

Oryx, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Cost benefit analysis of conservation efforts to preserve an endangered species: The Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus) in Israel

Journal of Bioeconomics, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Nocturnal Variation in Body Temperature of Griffon Vultures

The Condor, 1998

... was weighed daily without handling, using a wooden perch which covered a portable, battery po... more ... was weighed daily without handling, using a wooden perch which covered a portable, battery powered weighing device (model B50-P, Shekel Inc ... wild; even in captivity, when provided with food every day, Griffon Vultures will voluntarily avoid food for several days (Bahat, unpubl ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Economic analysis of feeding stations as a means to preserve an endangered species: The case of Griffon Vulture ( Gyps fulvus) in Israel

Journal for Nature Conservation, 2009

In this study we used the Travel Cost (TCM) and Contingent Valuation Methods (CVM) to estimate th... more In this study we used the Travel Cost (TCM) and Contingent Valuation Methods (CVM) to estimate the value of an endangered species. We also determined the break even point in the allocation of funds targeted at protection at the regional level and performed a cost benefit analysis of conservation efforts on a national level. The Griffon Vulture, Gyps fulvus, was the animal tested in our case study in Israel. The Griffon Vulture is an endangered species whose protection is crucial in maintaining the natural ecosystem but whose protection is quite costly. We used TCM at two nature reserves in Israel: Gamla Nature Reserve in the Golan Heights; and Hai-Bar Nature Reserve on Mount Carmel. CVM was implemented at both sites and within a sample of the general population. TCM results showed an economic benefit of 2.4 M. USD per year at Hai-Bar and of 2.94 M. USD per year at Gamla. CVM results showed a willingness to pay (WTP) for protecting vultures of 2.70 M. USD at Gamla and 0.98 M. USD at Hai-Bar. The value of the marginal vulture was found to be approximately 8500 USD at Gamla and 79,000 USD at Hai-Bar. The cost of protecting vultures was taken from the financial reports of the Israel Nature Reserves and Parks Authority and was found to be 19,000 USD per year. The economic efficiency of feeding stations was examined from two aspects: Break-even point: It was found that in order to be economically efficient, the feeding station should help increase the vulture population by an average of at least 0.24 individuals per year at Hai-Bar and by at least 2.20 individuals per year at Gamla.“Porsim Kanaf” project1: The cost of protecting one vulture according to the budget of the National project was calculated to be 6500 USD per year. It was shown that the project passes a Cost-Benefit test based on the valuation results.

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