Oleg Kalugin - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Oleg Kalugin


Evropský filozofický a historický diskurz., 2021

Тhe article considers the church attitude to the teaching of archeology and the history of primit... more Тhe article considers the church attitude to the teaching of archeology and the history of primitive
society in the universities of the Russian Empire in the XIX – early XX century. The author illustrates
the relationship of church history dogmatic provisions with progressive scientific doctrines, using
the example of Kharkiv University.
The author points out that the church version of history and biblical teachings remained dominant
in the first half of the XIX century. The deviations from this version were not allowed at that time.
Significant attention was paid to students’ religious and moral education in Kharkiv, where (likewise
in other educational institutions) a completely providential view of history was prevalent. Historical
writings made by students and graduates of Kharkiv University, prove the statement above.
The researcher emphasizes that there was no confrontation between archeology and church history
or theology in the first half of the XIX century, because archeology and “history of primitive society”
as university courses in the present day meaning, were just about to develop or were absent.
However, "church archeology" appears in theological schools, and it was considered as a part of the
liturgy, while the term "archeology" was referred to ancient times. The second half of the XIX ct. and
the beginning of the XX centuries were marked by the rapid development and formation
of archeological doctrine, meanwhile the Russian Empire began to hold archeological congresses,
where the issue was discussed regarding the relationship between the church and archeology. There
was no uniformity and consistency in the relationship between the church and the scientific
community. The author reports, that the church was ready to accept the existence of the Stone Age
in human history. However, they unequivocally objected the Theory of Evolution, which asserts the
descent of man from ape. The clergy tried to use archaeological evidences to prove their biblical
dogmas. The universities gradually introduced archeology or archaeological related disciplines.
However, in the Kharkiv University it faced some difficulties, because there was a lack of lecturers
and specialists who could provide competent level of education in this area. Scientific researches
continued to be conducted on the field of archeology and history of primitive society. Nevertheless,
teaching lagged behind science, despite the reduction influence from church side

Research paper thumbnail of Зародження і становлення викладання археології та історії первісного суспільства у Харківському імператорському університеті (1805-1920 рр

кові праці історичного факультету Запорізького національного університету. Вип. 52. Том 1, 2019

Стаття присвячена дослідженню зародження і становлення викладання елементів археології та історії... more Стаття присвячена дослідженню зародження і становлення викладання елементів археології та історії первісного суспільства в навчальних курсах одного із провідних навчальних закладів сучасної України-Харківського університету з 1805 по 1920 роки. Відмічено, що в ХІХ столітті спеціалізованої кафедри для викладання археології та історії первісного суспільства створено не було. І таких окремих навчальних курсів не викладали. Зазначено, що яскраві зміни стосовно викладання археології прослідковуються у 80-х роках ХІХ століття, що було пов'язано з якісними нововведеннями у самій археологічній науці. Але ці зміни загальмував університетський статут 1884 року, який наклав деякі обмеженні у вивченні і дослідженні старожитностей в російських університетах. Особливо постраждала первісна археологія, тому що була заборонена кафедра антропології. Доведено, що в цей період спеціалізованих курсів з археології та первісної історії викладати так і не почали. Кардинальні зміни у викладання археології та первісного суспільства у Харківському університеті привносить XII археологічний з'їзд, який був проведений у Харкові. Тільки на початку XX століття в навчальних планах університету з'являється окремий курс археології, але і його не викладали належним чином, бо бракувало спеціалістів.


Вісник Харківського національного університету імені В. Н. Каразіна, Серія «Історія України. Українознавство: історичні та філософські науки», Вип. 28 , 2019

The article is devoted to study the autobiographical heritage of archeology teachers at Kharkiv U... more The article is devoted to study the autobiographical heritage of archeology teachers at
Kharkiv University during the second half of the XXth century. Different aspects of teaching this
discipline on a historical faculty were characterized basically with the help of sources of a
particular origin. The author notes that the second half of the XXth century was the new wave of
teaching archeology at Kharkiv University. The teaching system of this science was formed and new
teaching staff was gradually appeared. The evaluation of this work was marked by many people:
from students to the relatives and was reflected in many memoirs. But the teachers’ self-evaluation
of their work was rather important. Autobiographic articles, memories, diaries could be the sources
for the investigation. It was mentioned that during the investigation the author faced with the
selection of facts in memories and teachers’ ultra subjectivity of their self-evaluation. The article
focuses special attention on the fact that teaching archeology in 50-60ss of the XXth century based
on Marxist-Leninist ideology and the high ideological and theoretical level. It was done to support
the image among university society which was inspired by those ideas. If the teacher hadn’t paid
attention to “youth education in the spirit of communism” and hadn’t taken part in cultural and
public life of university, that would have been an obstacle for him to climb the “carrier ladder”.The
author comes to the conclusion that teachers exaggerated their role in teaching for creating more
positive self-image among university society. This fact gives an opportunity not to take their
autobiographical materials as objective sources of information.


Вісник ХНУ імені В. Н. Каразіна. Серія «Історія », 2019

The article is devoted to the formation of historical education at Kharkiv Сlassic University esp... more The article is devoted to the formation of historical education at Kharkiv Сlassic
University especially such academic discipline as «Archeology». The author aims to
discover the terminology of educational courses and the development of its concept for
tracing the process of beginning teaching the elements of archeology and its formation as
a separate discipline in the educational courses of the University. It is mentioned that from
the first half of the ХІХ century the term «Archeology» was only appeared in scientific
turnover and rarely appeared in the names of an educational courses. The term «antiquity»
was used for the academic disciplines which were connected with the distant past. In this
period the courses with the similar names had literary-philological and historical character
and nearly connected with the archeology in its modern meaning. From the second half of
the ХІХ century the situation changed. The question about the development of archeology
was sharply rose in the Russian Empire, Archeological Congresses were conducted. Systematic archaeological excavations began, so qualified specialists were needed. But
there were not such separate academic discipline as «Archeology» because of the lack of
the specialists and teaching staff. The basis for archeology knowledge was the teaching of
the disciplines of philological profile. Particular attention to the ancient languages oriented
students to the acquisition of ancient social and cultural values. In the second half of the
ХІХ century, there were qualitative changes in the archeological science itself. The first
generalizations appear, but teaching has fallen short of scientific achievements. The author
points that professor M. Aristov (1834–1882) was the first who taught the courses which
had archeological specialization, but there were no term «archeology» in its name

Research paper thumbnail of Початки викладання археології та історії первісного суспільства у Харківському імператорському університеті (1805 – 1920 рр.)

Наукові записки Тернопільського національного педагогічного університету імені Володимира Гнатюка. Серія: Історія., 2019

У статті автор простежує процес зародження викладання елементів археології та історії первісного ... more У статті автор простежує процес зародження викладання елементів
археології та історії первісного суспільства та їх становлення як
окремих дисципліни в університетських навчальних курсах з 1805 по
1920 роки.

Research paper thumbnail of Розвиток та викладання археології у Харківському університеті в контексті еволюції радянської археологічної думки (друга половина 40-х - середина 60-х років XX ст.)

Актуальні проблеми вітчизняної та всесвітньої історії, 2017

The article investigates teaching and research activities archaeologists Kharkov University in th... more The article investigates teaching and research
activities archaeologists Kharkov University in the context of archaeological
thought in the Soviet Union in the postwar period and the mid-60s of XX century. By trying to follow the main trends in teaching and level of influence on
his scientific achievements.


Evropský filozofický a historický diskurz., 2021

Тhe article considers the church attitude to the teaching of archeology and the history of primit... more Тhe article considers the church attitude to the teaching of archeology and the history of primitive
society in the universities of the Russian Empire in the XIX – early XX century. The author illustrates
the relationship of church history dogmatic provisions with progressive scientific doctrines, using
the example of Kharkiv University.
The author points out that the church version of history and biblical teachings remained dominant
in the first half of the XIX century. The deviations from this version were not allowed at that time.
Significant attention was paid to students’ religious and moral education in Kharkiv, where (likewise
in other educational institutions) a completely providential view of history was prevalent. Historical
writings made by students and graduates of Kharkiv University, prove the statement above.
The researcher emphasizes that there was no confrontation between archeology and church history
or theology in the first half of the XIX century, because archeology and “history of primitive society”
as university courses in the present day meaning, were just about to develop or were absent.
However, "church archeology" appears in theological schools, and it was considered as a part of the
liturgy, while the term "archeology" was referred to ancient times. The second half of the XIX ct. and
the beginning of the XX centuries were marked by the rapid development and formation
of archeological doctrine, meanwhile the Russian Empire began to hold archeological congresses,
where the issue was discussed regarding the relationship between the church and archeology. There
was no uniformity and consistency in the relationship between the church and the scientific
community. The author reports, that the church was ready to accept the existence of the Stone Age
in human history. However, they unequivocally objected the Theory of Evolution, which asserts the
descent of man from ape. The clergy tried to use archaeological evidences to prove their biblical
dogmas. The universities gradually introduced archeology or archaeological related disciplines.
However, in the Kharkiv University it faced some difficulties, because there was a lack of lecturers
and specialists who could provide competent level of education in this area. Scientific researches
continued to be conducted on the field of archeology and history of primitive society. Nevertheless,
teaching lagged behind science, despite the reduction influence from church side

Research paper thumbnail of Зародження і становлення викладання археології та історії первісного суспільства у Харківському імператорському університеті (1805-1920 рр

кові праці історичного факультету Запорізького національного університету. Вип. 52. Том 1, 2019

Стаття присвячена дослідженню зародження і становлення викладання елементів археології та історії... more Стаття присвячена дослідженню зародження і становлення викладання елементів археології та історії первісного суспільства в навчальних курсах одного із провідних навчальних закладів сучасної України-Харківського університету з 1805 по 1920 роки. Відмічено, що в ХІХ столітті спеціалізованої кафедри для викладання археології та історії первісного суспільства створено не було. І таких окремих навчальних курсів не викладали. Зазначено, що яскраві зміни стосовно викладання археології прослідковуються у 80-х роках ХІХ століття, що було пов'язано з якісними нововведеннями у самій археологічній науці. Але ці зміни загальмував університетський статут 1884 року, який наклав деякі обмеженні у вивченні і дослідженні старожитностей в російських університетах. Особливо постраждала первісна археологія, тому що була заборонена кафедра антропології. Доведено, що в цей період спеціалізованих курсів з археології та первісної історії викладати так і не почали. Кардинальні зміни у викладання археології та первісного суспільства у Харківському університеті привносить XII археологічний з'їзд, який був проведений у Харкові. Тільки на початку XX століття в навчальних планах університету з'являється окремий курс археології, але і його не викладали належним чином, бо бракувало спеціалістів.


Вісник Харківського національного університету імені В. Н. Каразіна, Серія «Історія України. Українознавство: історичні та філософські науки», Вип. 28 , 2019

The article is devoted to study the autobiographical heritage of archeology teachers at Kharkiv U... more The article is devoted to study the autobiographical heritage of archeology teachers at
Kharkiv University during the second half of the XXth century. Different aspects of teaching this
discipline on a historical faculty were characterized basically with the help of sources of a
particular origin. The author notes that the second half of the XXth century was the new wave of
teaching archeology at Kharkiv University. The teaching system of this science was formed and new
teaching staff was gradually appeared. The evaluation of this work was marked by many people:
from students to the relatives and was reflected in many memoirs. But the teachers’ self-evaluation
of their work was rather important. Autobiographic articles, memories, diaries could be the sources
for the investigation. It was mentioned that during the investigation the author faced with the
selection of facts in memories and teachers’ ultra subjectivity of their self-evaluation. The article
focuses special attention on the fact that teaching archeology in 50-60ss of the XXth century based
on Marxist-Leninist ideology and the high ideological and theoretical level. It was done to support
the image among university society which was inspired by those ideas. If the teacher hadn’t paid
attention to “youth education in the spirit of communism” and hadn’t taken part in cultural and
public life of university, that would have been an obstacle for him to climb the “carrier ladder”.The
author comes to the conclusion that teachers exaggerated their role in teaching for creating more
positive self-image among university society. This fact gives an opportunity not to take their
autobiographical materials as objective sources of information.


Вісник ХНУ імені В. Н. Каразіна. Серія «Історія », 2019

The article is devoted to the formation of historical education at Kharkiv Сlassic University esp... more The article is devoted to the formation of historical education at Kharkiv Сlassic
University especially such academic discipline as «Archeology». The author aims to
discover the terminology of educational courses and the development of its concept for
tracing the process of beginning teaching the elements of archeology and its formation as
a separate discipline in the educational courses of the University. It is mentioned that from
the first half of the ХІХ century the term «Archeology» was only appeared in scientific
turnover and rarely appeared in the names of an educational courses. The term «antiquity»
was used for the academic disciplines which were connected with the distant past. In this
period the courses with the similar names had literary-philological and historical character
and nearly connected with the archeology in its modern meaning. From the second half of
the ХІХ century the situation changed. The question about the development of archeology
was sharply rose in the Russian Empire, Archeological Congresses were conducted. Systematic archaeological excavations began, so qualified specialists were needed. But
there were not such separate academic discipline as «Archeology» because of the lack of
the specialists and teaching staff. The basis for archeology knowledge was the teaching of
the disciplines of philological profile. Particular attention to the ancient languages oriented
students to the acquisition of ancient social and cultural values. In the second half of the
ХІХ century, there were qualitative changes in the archeological science itself. The first
generalizations appear, but teaching has fallen short of scientific achievements. The author
points that professor M. Aristov (1834–1882) was the first who taught the courses which
had archeological specialization, but there were no term «archeology» in its name

Research paper thumbnail of Початки викладання археології та історії первісного суспільства у Харківському імператорському університеті (1805 – 1920 рр.)

Наукові записки Тернопільського національного педагогічного університету імені Володимира Гнатюка. Серія: Історія., 2019

У статті автор простежує процес зародження викладання елементів археології та історії первісного ... more У статті автор простежує процес зародження викладання елементів
археології та історії первісного суспільства та їх становлення як
окремих дисципліни в університетських навчальних курсах з 1805 по
1920 роки.

Research paper thumbnail of Розвиток та викладання археології у Харківському університеті в контексті еволюції радянської археологічної думки (друга половина 40-х - середина 60-х років XX ст.)

Актуальні проблеми вітчизняної та всесвітньої історії, 2017

The article investigates teaching and research activities archaeologists Kharkov University in th... more The article investigates teaching and research
activities archaeologists Kharkov University in the context of archaeological
thought in the Soviet Union in the postwar period and the mid-60s of XX century. By trying to follow the main trends in teaching and level of influence on
his scientific achievements.