Olga Kyvliuk - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Olga Kyvliuk
Osvìtnìj diskurs, Nov 14, 2023
Вісник Національного університету оборони України
The article analyses how gender roles, including those related to military experience, affect emo... more The article analyses how gender roles, including those related to military experience, affect emotional intelligence and the restoration of the social environment after the war. The relationship between military experience and gender roles in everyday life is considered, and the impact of this relationship on the prospects for further post-war socialisation is determined.
Mìždisciplìnarnì doslìdžennâ skladnih sistem, Jun 24, 2024
Educational Discourse: collection of scientific papers
The statement of basic materials. The article is devoted to the study of conceptual aspects of th... more The statement of basic materials. The article is devoted to the study of conceptual aspects of the evolution from dynamic digitization to digital human attributes; analysis of digital human rights in the "decentralized" Internet environment/Metauniverse; elucidation of the essence and characteristics of digital human rights; formation of the concept of "digital human rights" and identification of its significance for modernity.
GS Publishing Services eBooks, Jun 20, 2023
Osvìtnìj diskurs, May 6, 2022
Studia Warmińskie, Dec 31, 2022
Streszczenie: Artykuł jest poświęcony problemowi dołączania ludzi do szeregów hikikomori w czasie... more Streszczenie: Artykuł jest poświęcony problemowi dołączania ludzi do szeregów hikikomori w czasie i po wprowadzeniu ścisłej kwarantanny podczas pandemii COVID-19. Przedstawiono styl życia hikikomori jako swoisty nurt subkulturowy, który skupia się na fizycznym dystansowaniu jednostki od przestrzeni komunikacji społecznej. Podczas pandemii COVID-19 styl życia hikikomori stał się powszechny dla wielu ludzi w kontekście przymusowej samoizolacji. Jednak nawet jeśli środki kwarantanny zostają złagodzone i dozwolony jest powrót do stosowanych niegdyś praktyk komunikacyjnych, nie wszyscy ludzie chcą wrócić do życia offline. W nawiązaniu do tego autorzy twierdzą, że postawy wobec czasowości zmieniają się również w warunkach pandemii i przymusowej samoizolacji, gdzie pojawiają się złożone dylematy etyczno-społeczne, przynoszące jednostce dyskomfort psychiczny na poziomie mikro i makro.
Prospective directions of scientific and practical activity
Interdisciplinary research of modern trends in science and its practical application
Studia Warmińskie
The article is devoted to the problem of humans joining the ranks of hikikomori at the time of an... more The article is devoted to the problem of humans joining the ranks of hikikomori at the time of and after the introduction of strict quarantine measures during the COVID-19 pandemic. The lifestyle of the hikikomori, as a specific subcultural trend that focuses on the physical distancing of the individual from the space of social communication, is emphasised. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the hikikomori lifestyle became common to many people under a regime of enforced self-isolation. However, even when quarantine measures are relaxed and a return to familiar communication practices is allowed, not all people are willing to return to offline life. Attitudes towards temporality also change under conditions of pandemic and enforced self-isolation, where complex ethico-social dilemmas arise, bringing psychological discomfort to the individual on micro-and macro levels.
Вид-во НПУ імені М. П. Драгоманова, 2018
Newsletter on the results of scholarly work in sociology, criminology, philosophy and political science
The relevance of this research lies in the fact that in the context of the development of the Fou... more The relevance of this research lies in the fact that in the context of the development of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, deep and systemic transformations are taking place, which act as the driving forces for changing paradigms (concepts, models, theories), which give rise to new megatrends of the digitized society, called digital. The fourth industrial revolution influenced the rapid development of the digital society, caused by deep transformation, fundamental technological changes and their social impact on culture, economy, politics, man, his consciousness and worldview. The formation and development of digital technologies, as a factor in the implementation of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, today include a set of theoretical knowledge and practical skills of sustainable digital development, which requires the development of strategies and the selection of priorities that embrace large-scale digital technologies as the basis of a breakthrough in the technological industry....
GS Publishing Services eBooks, Feb 20, 2023
The relevance of the research. Consideration of continuous professional education as a social ins... more The relevance of the research. Consideration of continuous professional education as a social institution determines the relevance of the integration approach, which involves the use of a complex of measures for the integration and interdisciplinary of modern scientific knowledge, the search for new contexts of education as a productive direction for the development of scientific research, where non-academic education acts as an activity paradigm requiring theoretical analysis and scientific justification. The purpose of the paper is to analyze the peculiarities of non-academic education as a modern paradigm that allows the formation of a creative specialist to be able of professional and personal self-development, for the theoretical justification of changing the educational field. Analysis of recent research and publications. The concept of continuing education as a modern educational paradigm was considered in works: V. Byashenko [1], V. Voronkova [3], T. Desiatova [4], О. Kyvliu...
Osvìtnìj diskurs, Nov 14, 2023
Вісник Національного університету оборони України
The article analyses how gender roles, including those related to military experience, affect emo... more The article analyses how gender roles, including those related to military experience, affect emotional intelligence and the restoration of the social environment after the war. The relationship between military experience and gender roles in everyday life is considered, and the impact of this relationship on the prospects for further post-war socialisation is determined.
Mìždisciplìnarnì doslìdžennâ skladnih sistem, Jun 24, 2024
Educational Discourse: collection of scientific papers
The statement of basic materials. The article is devoted to the study of conceptual aspects of th... more The statement of basic materials. The article is devoted to the study of conceptual aspects of the evolution from dynamic digitization to digital human attributes; analysis of digital human rights in the "decentralized" Internet environment/Metauniverse; elucidation of the essence and characteristics of digital human rights; formation of the concept of "digital human rights" and identification of its significance for modernity.
GS Publishing Services eBooks, Jun 20, 2023
Osvìtnìj diskurs, May 6, 2022
Studia Warmińskie, Dec 31, 2022
Streszczenie: Artykuł jest poświęcony problemowi dołączania ludzi do szeregów hikikomori w czasie... more Streszczenie: Artykuł jest poświęcony problemowi dołączania ludzi do szeregów hikikomori w czasie i po wprowadzeniu ścisłej kwarantanny podczas pandemii COVID-19. Przedstawiono styl życia hikikomori jako swoisty nurt subkulturowy, który skupia się na fizycznym dystansowaniu jednostki od przestrzeni komunikacji społecznej. Podczas pandemii COVID-19 styl życia hikikomori stał się powszechny dla wielu ludzi w kontekście przymusowej samoizolacji. Jednak nawet jeśli środki kwarantanny zostają złagodzone i dozwolony jest powrót do stosowanych niegdyś praktyk komunikacyjnych, nie wszyscy ludzie chcą wrócić do życia offline. W nawiązaniu do tego autorzy twierdzą, że postawy wobec czasowości zmieniają się również w warunkach pandemii i przymusowej samoizolacji, gdzie pojawiają się złożone dylematy etyczno-społeczne, przynoszące jednostce dyskomfort psychiczny na poziomie mikro i makro.
Prospective directions of scientific and practical activity
Interdisciplinary research of modern trends in science and its practical application
Studia Warmińskie
The article is devoted to the problem of humans joining the ranks of hikikomori at the time of an... more The article is devoted to the problem of humans joining the ranks of hikikomori at the time of and after the introduction of strict quarantine measures during the COVID-19 pandemic. The lifestyle of the hikikomori, as a specific subcultural trend that focuses on the physical distancing of the individual from the space of social communication, is emphasised. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the hikikomori lifestyle became common to many people under a regime of enforced self-isolation. However, even when quarantine measures are relaxed and a return to familiar communication practices is allowed, not all people are willing to return to offline life. Attitudes towards temporality also change under conditions of pandemic and enforced self-isolation, where complex ethico-social dilemmas arise, bringing psychological discomfort to the individual on micro-and macro levels.
Вид-во НПУ імені М. П. Драгоманова, 2018
Newsletter on the results of scholarly work in sociology, criminology, philosophy and political science
The relevance of this research lies in the fact that in the context of the development of the Fou... more The relevance of this research lies in the fact that in the context of the development of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, deep and systemic transformations are taking place, which act as the driving forces for changing paradigms (concepts, models, theories), which give rise to new megatrends of the digitized society, called digital. The fourth industrial revolution influenced the rapid development of the digital society, caused by deep transformation, fundamental technological changes and their social impact on culture, economy, politics, man, his consciousness and worldview. The formation and development of digital technologies, as a factor in the implementation of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, today include a set of theoretical knowledge and practical skills of sustainable digital development, which requires the development of strategies and the selection of priorities that embrace large-scale digital technologies as the basis of a breakthrough in the technological industry....
GS Publishing Services eBooks, Feb 20, 2023
The relevance of the research. Consideration of continuous professional education as a social ins... more The relevance of the research. Consideration of continuous professional education as a social institution determines the relevance of the integration approach, which involves the use of a complex of measures for the integration and interdisciplinary of modern scientific knowledge, the search for new contexts of education as a productive direction for the development of scientific research, where non-academic education acts as an activity paradigm requiring theoretical analysis and scientific justification. The purpose of the paper is to analyze the peculiarities of non-academic education as a modern paradigm that allows the formation of a creative specialist to be able of professional and personal self-development, for the theoretical justification of changing the educational field. Analysis of recent research and publications. The concept of continuing education as a modern educational paradigm was considered in works: V. Byashenko [1], V. Voronkova [3], T. Desiatova [4], О. Kyvliu...