Olga Lovtskaya - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Olga Lovtskaya
Sovremennye problemy distancionnogo zondirovaniâ Zemli iz kosmosa, 2024
Eurasian journal of mathematical and computer applications, Nov 30, 2023
Izvestiâ Tomskogo politehničeskogo universiteta. Inžiniring georesursov, Feb 28, 2024
Аннотация. Актуальность работы обусловлена необходимостью обеспечения недостающей информацией о с... more Аннотация. Актуальность работы обусловлена необходимостью обеспечения недостающей информацией о стокоформирующих факторах при прогнозировании половодья в малоизученных и неизученных водосборах. Для этой цели в практике гидрологических расчетов и прогнозов может использоваться метод гидрологической аналогии. Цель: исследование возможности применения метода гидрологической аналогии для расчетов объема весеннего половодья горной реки. Анализ выполнен на примере бассейнов реки Тубы и ее притоков (Амыл, Казыр и Кизир), а также соседних бассейнов (р. Абакан и р. Сыда). Методы: комплексный географо-гидрометеорологический анализ, корреляционный и регрессионный анализ, метод гидрологической аналогии. Результаты. Выполнены расчеты сумм зимних осадков в бассейне р. Амыл при помощи традиционно используемых в гидрологии высотных зависимостей, а также экспертная оценка среднемноголетних осадков в бассейне р. Тубы с использованием данных о современном оледенении. Построена стохастическая прогнозная модель объема стока половодья на р. Амыл в створе с. Качулька на основе связи с осадками за предшествующий зимний период и период половодья. Проанализировано влияние жидких осадков во время половодья на качество прогноза. Выполнен сравнительный анализ других притоков р. Тубы (Казыр, Кизир), а также соседних бассейнов (р. Абакан, р. Сыда) с точки зрения использования их в качестве бассейнов-аналогов. Проанализирована возможность использования бассейна р. Амыл как аналога для прогноза слоя стока половодья на р. Тубе в створе пос. Бугуртак. Выводы. Корреляционный анализ объема половодья р. Тубы, ее основных притоков и соседних рек показал, что в качестве аналога предпочтительно использовать бассейны со схожими условиями формирования осадков (ориентация склона относительно направления преобладающих влагонесущих воздушных масс) и близкой средней высотой водосбора. Использование бассейна р. Амыл как аналога р. Тубы целесообразно для среднесрочного прогноза объема талого стока (без учета жидких осадков в период половодья). Ключевые слова: бассейн реки Амыл, бассейн реки Тубы, бассейн реки Абакан, объем весеннего половодья, бассейн-аналог, метод гидрологической аналогии Благодарности: Работа выполнена в рамках государственного задания Института водных и экологических проблем СО РАН (проект «Изучение механизмов природных и антропогенных изменений количества и качества водных ресурсов Сибири с использованием гидрологических моделей и информационных технологий»). Для цитирования: Бассейны-аналоги как способ расчетов объема весеннего половодья в условиях недостатка метеорологической информации (на примере реки Тубы) / В.П.
Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University Geo Assets Engineering
Ссылка для цитирования: Анализ факторов формирования максимального стока реки Чумыш (Западная Сиб... more Ссылка для цитирования: Анализ факторов формирования максимального стока реки Чумыш (Западная Сибирь) / С.Ю. Самойлова, О.В. Ловцкая, А.В. Кудишин, Д.В. Арнаут // Известия Томского политехнического университета. Инжиниринг георесурсов. – 2023. – Т. 334. – № 5. – С.116-128. Актуальность работы связана с необходимостью совершенствования методик среднесрочных прогнозов половодья в условиях недостаточности гидрометеорологической информации. Цель: оценка возможности использования пространственно распределенных моделей атмосферных осадков для прогнозирования объема стока половодья; разработка стохастических моделей для прогноза объема и максимальных расходов половодья с использованием данных наблюдений сети Росгидромета и распределенных атмосферных осадков по данным реанализа и данных дистанционного зондирования земли высокого пространственного разрешения. Методы: геоинформационный, комплексный географо-гидрометеорологический анализ, статистические методы (корреляционный и регрессионный а...
Russian Geology and Geophysics, Sep 1, 2016
We studied the upper 0-1000 mm of the bottom sediment core from the underwater Sofia Lepneva Ridg... more We studied the upper 0-1000 mm of the bottom sediment core from the underwater Sofia Lepneva Ridge of Lake Teletskoye. The core sediments accumulated with a rate of 0.3 mm/year (with regard to their humidity, with a rate of 0.45 mm/year) and have an age of about 2000 years. A total of 194 species (212 varieties and forms) of diatoms have been revealed. Analysis of diatom composition in tanatocoenoses showed prevalence of species inhabiting the bottom and periphyton, widely distributed geographically, indifferent to salinity, and preferring a weakly alkaline environment, as well as beta-mesosaprobionts. The number of diatom valves ranged from 0.86 to 64.4 mln valves/g, with an average of 22.90 ± 0.78 mln valves/g. Over the last millennium, the peaks of the abundance of diatoms, especially representatives of the cold-water assemblage, including the main dominant Aulacoseira subarctica (O. Müll.) Haw., are referred to the periods with low water temperature. The pH value for the period from 172 BC to 2006 AD has been reconstructed from the proportion of the numbers of valves of pH-indicating diatom species, which varied from 7.51 to 7.69, with an average of 7.580 ± 0.003. The pH value predicted up to 2259 AD was estimated by spectral (Fourier) analysis at 7.53-7.63, with a similar average of 7.580 ± 0.001. Analysis of reconstructed and predicted pH values showed their insignificant changes and correspondence to a weakly alkaline environment (7.0-8.5). These pH values suggest stability of the lake environment both in the past periods and in the nearest future.
Environmental Earth Sciences, Oct 1, 2021
This paper presents the results of a study of the Novosibirsk Tin Plant influence on the level of... more This paper presents the results of a study of the Novosibirsk Tin Plant influence on the level of tin content in the environment in the southern Western Siberia. Based on the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data and the tin content in the atmospheric precipitation that falls in 2014–2018 at the radius of 200 km from the emission source, it has been found that 90% of the precipitation events with an increased tin content and 75% and 82% of all Sn fluxes fallen, respectively, in warm and cold seasons were brought to the study area by air masses previously passed over the territory of the Novosibirsk Tin Plant. During the period of observation (from April 2014 to October 2018), the mean, median and weighted mean values of tin concentrations in atmospheric precipitation in the Southern Western Siberia were 0.25; 0.11 and 0.17 μg L−1, respectively. A significantly higher volume-weighted mean concentration of Sn was in cold period due to high sorption activity of snowflakes, but atmospheric deposition fluxes of tin were slightly higher in the warm period due to the more abundant precipitation and the larger number of events. The contamination factor calculated relative to the background territory (Valdai National Park, European part of Russia) showed that atmospheric precipitation collected at the southern Western Siberia is moderately contaminated with Sn. The main factors controlling the fluxes of Sn (emitted from the Novosibirsk Tin Plant) on the territory of the south of Western Siberia are the direction of the surface air masses movement, the frequency and abundance of precipitation, as well as the seasonal features of tin distribution in the system air–precipitation.
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, May 1, 2014
Eurasian journal of mathematical and computer applications, 2019
Eurasian journal of mathematical and computer applications, Sep 25, 2021
Eurasian journal of mathematical and computer applications, 2016
In this study fusion of optical (Sentinel-2) and radar (Sentinel-1) imagery is presented for vege... more In this study fusion of optical (Sentinel-2) and radar (Sentinel-1) imagery is presented for vegetation cover classification in polar Arctic environment of the Western Siberia. Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 images were analyzed using parametric rule classification. Results showed significantly improved land cover classification results based on contextual analysis. Synergy of Sentinel-2 bands 4 and 3 and Sentinel-1 dual polarization VV and VH images increased the classification accuracy significantly. Specifically, classification accuracy increased for two classes-Erect dwarf-shrub tundra with 6% and Fresh Water with 10%. The classification accuracy as well test sites were analyzed using in situ data collected during three fieldwork campaigns in August-September (2016-2018) in the surrounding of Bovanenkovo settlement.
Eurasian journal of mathematical and computer applications, 2016
Географический вестник, 2018
Eurasian journal of mathematical and computer applications, 2018
Eurasian journal of mathematical and computer applications, 2018
Arctic and Antarctic Research
Sea ice age is a proxy for thickness, which can be obtained through the use of satellite data. Th... more Sea ice age is a proxy for thickness, which can be obtained through the use of satellite data. The paper presents the results of comparison of CryoSat-2, SMOS and CryoSat-2 & SMOS fusion data with detailed ice charts (October–April, 2010–2018). The AARI ice charts were chosen as references for comparison because they integrate knowledge and data from various sources, including expert analysis of operational satellite information, in-situ measurements at coastal stations, data on ice conditions from ships of the Northern Sea Route (NSR). The division of satellite data elements into classes (stages of development) was performed according to the maximum likelihood classifier. The recognition result for each stage of development was evaluated by means of three criteria, in accordance with the class value of Mode, Median and Mean. The effectiveness of satellite data in determining the Kara Sea ice thickness varies depending on the sea ice stage of development and winter season time. Four...
Hydrobiologia, Sep 1, 2006
Photosynthetic phytoplankton pigments were investigated in the surface layer of the pelagic zone ... more Photosynthetic phytoplankton pigments were investigated in the surface layer of the pelagic zone of Lake Teletskoye during ice-free periods in 1998-2000. Pigment characteristics were also monitored at the lake outflow, the Biya River, from July 1998 till September 2001. Processes of lake phytoplankton development and functioning are closely represented at the river site, as are changes of pigment composition that follow dynamic regularities. On the basis of seasonal fluctuations of pigment concentrations, five phases in planctonic algal development were revealed. Comparisons of phytoplankton seasonal dynamics in this deep oligotrophic lake with those of different lake types of the temperate zone were considered. The trophic status of the pelagic zone and outflow at the Biya River indicated by chlorophyll a content corresponds to ultraoligotrophic-oligotrophic conditions. The relationship between green and yellow pigments classifies Lake Teletskoye with water bodies of ''carotene'' type. The low values of pigment index indicate an active physiological state of microalgae over the whole year. A weak linear relationship between chlorophyll a content and temperature, as well as lack of correlation with mineral nitrogen and silicon, testify to a complex interdependence resulting from synchronous effects of abiotic and biotic factors. The development of phytoplankton in the lake is limited by extremely low concentrations of dissolved reactive phosphorus and silicon.
Spatial Data Processing for Monitoring of Natural and Anthropogenic Processes 2021, 2021
In this study fusion of optical (Sentinel-2) and radar (Sentinel-1) imagery is presented for vege... more In this study fusion of optical (Sentinel-2) and radar (Sentinel-1) imagery is presented for vegetation cover classification in polar Arctic environment of the Western Siberia. Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 images were analyzed using parametric rule classification. Results showed significantly improved land cover classification results based on contextual analysis. Synergy of Sentinel-2 bands 4 and 3 and Sentinel-1 dual polarization VV and VH images increased the classification accuracy significantly. Specifically, classification accuracy increased for two classes — Erect dwarf-shrub tundra with 6% and Fresh Water with 10%. The classification accuracy as well test sites were analyzed using in situ data collected during three fieldwork campaigns in August-September (2016–2018) in the surrounding of Bovanenkovo settlement.
Sovremennye problemy distancionnogo zondirovaniâ Zemli iz kosmosa, 2024
Eurasian journal of mathematical and computer applications, Nov 30, 2023
Izvestiâ Tomskogo politehničeskogo universiteta. Inžiniring georesursov, Feb 28, 2024
Аннотация. Актуальность работы обусловлена необходимостью обеспечения недостающей информацией о с... more Аннотация. Актуальность работы обусловлена необходимостью обеспечения недостающей информацией о стокоформирующих факторах при прогнозировании половодья в малоизученных и неизученных водосборах. Для этой цели в практике гидрологических расчетов и прогнозов может использоваться метод гидрологической аналогии. Цель: исследование возможности применения метода гидрологической аналогии для расчетов объема весеннего половодья горной реки. Анализ выполнен на примере бассейнов реки Тубы и ее притоков (Амыл, Казыр и Кизир), а также соседних бассейнов (р. Абакан и р. Сыда). Методы: комплексный географо-гидрометеорологический анализ, корреляционный и регрессионный анализ, метод гидрологической аналогии. Результаты. Выполнены расчеты сумм зимних осадков в бассейне р. Амыл при помощи традиционно используемых в гидрологии высотных зависимостей, а также экспертная оценка среднемноголетних осадков в бассейне р. Тубы с использованием данных о современном оледенении. Построена стохастическая прогнозная модель объема стока половодья на р. Амыл в створе с. Качулька на основе связи с осадками за предшествующий зимний период и период половодья. Проанализировано влияние жидких осадков во время половодья на качество прогноза. Выполнен сравнительный анализ других притоков р. Тубы (Казыр, Кизир), а также соседних бассейнов (р. Абакан, р. Сыда) с точки зрения использования их в качестве бассейнов-аналогов. Проанализирована возможность использования бассейна р. Амыл как аналога для прогноза слоя стока половодья на р. Тубе в створе пос. Бугуртак. Выводы. Корреляционный анализ объема половодья р. Тубы, ее основных притоков и соседних рек показал, что в качестве аналога предпочтительно использовать бассейны со схожими условиями формирования осадков (ориентация склона относительно направления преобладающих влагонесущих воздушных масс) и близкой средней высотой водосбора. Использование бассейна р. Амыл как аналога р. Тубы целесообразно для среднесрочного прогноза объема талого стока (без учета жидких осадков в период половодья). Ключевые слова: бассейн реки Амыл, бассейн реки Тубы, бассейн реки Абакан, объем весеннего половодья, бассейн-аналог, метод гидрологической аналогии Благодарности: Работа выполнена в рамках государственного задания Института водных и экологических проблем СО РАН (проект «Изучение механизмов природных и антропогенных изменений количества и качества водных ресурсов Сибири с использованием гидрологических моделей и информационных технологий»). Для цитирования: Бассейны-аналоги как способ расчетов объема весеннего половодья в условиях недостатка метеорологической информации (на примере реки Тубы) / В.П.
Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University Geo Assets Engineering
Ссылка для цитирования: Анализ факторов формирования максимального стока реки Чумыш (Западная Сиб... more Ссылка для цитирования: Анализ факторов формирования максимального стока реки Чумыш (Западная Сибирь) / С.Ю. Самойлова, О.В. Ловцкая, А.В. Кудишин, Д.В. Арнаут // Известия Томского политехнического университета. Инжиниринг георесурсов. – 2023. – Т. 334. – № 5. – С.116-128. Актуальность работы связана с необходимостью совершенствования методик среднесрочных прогнозов половодья в условиях недостаточности гидрометеорологической информации. Цель: оценка возможности использования пространственно распределенных моделей атмосферных осадков для прогнозирования объема стока половодья; разработка стохастических моделей для прогноза объема и максимальных расходов половодья с использованием данных наблюдений сети Росгидромета и распределенных атмосферных осадков по данным реанализа и данных дистанционного зондирования земли высокого пространственного разрешения. Методы: геоинформационный, комплексный географо-гидрометеорологический анализ, статистические методы (корреляционный и регрессионный а...
Russian Geology and Geophysics, Sep 1, 2016
We studied the upper 0-1000 mm of the bottom sediment core from the underwater Sofia Lepneva Ridg... more We studied the upper 0-1000 mm of the bottom sediment core from the underwater Sofia Lepneva Ridge of Lake Teletskoye. The core sediments accumulated with a rate of 0.3 mm/year (with regard to their humidity, with a rate of 0.45 mm/year) and have an age of about 2000 years. A total of 194 species (212 varieties and forms) of diatoms have been revealed. Analysis of diatom composition in tanatocoenoses showed prevalence of species inhabiting the bottom and periphyton, widely distributed geographically, indifferent to salinity, and preferring a weakly alkaline environment, as well as beta-mesosaprobionts. The number of diatom valves ranged from 0.86 to 64.4 mln valves/g, with an average of 22.90 ± 0.78 mln valves/g. Over the last millennium, the peaks of the abundance of diatoms, especially representatives of the cold-water assemblage, including the main dominant Aulacoseira subarctica (O. Müll.) Haw., are referred to the periods with low water temperature. The pH value for the period from 172 BC to 2006 AD has been reconstructed from the proportion of the numbers of valves of pH-indicating diatom species, which varied from 7.51 to 7.69, with an average of 7.580 ± 0.003. The pH value predicted up to 2259 AD was estimated by spectral (Fourier) analysis at 7.53-7.63, with a similar average of 7.580 ± 0.001. Analysis of reconstructed and predicted pH values showed their insignificant changes and correspondence to a weakly alkaline environment (7.0-8.5). These pH values suggest stability of the lake environment both in the past periods and in the nearest future.
Environmental Earth Sciences, Oct 1, 2021
This paper presents the results of a study of the Novosibirsk Tin Plant influence on the level of... more This paper presents the results of a study of the Novosibirsk Tin Plant influence on the level of tin content in the environment in the southern Western Siberia. Based on the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data and the tin content in the atmospheric precipitation that falls in 2014–2018 at the radius of 200 km from the emission source, it has been found that 90% of the precipitation events with an increased tin content and 75% and 82% of all Sn fluxes fallen, respectively, in warm and cold seasons were brought to the study area by air masses previously passed over the territory of the Novosibirsk Tin Plant. During the period of observation (from April 2014 to October 2018), the mean, median and weighted mean values of tin concentrations in atmospheric precipitation in the Southern Western Siberia were 0.25; 0.11 and 0.17 μg L−1, respectively. A significantly higher volume-weighted mean concentration of Sn was in cold period due to high sorption activity of snowflakes, but atmospheric deposition fluxes of tin were slightly higher in the warm period due to the more abundant precipitation and the larger number of events. The contamination factor calculated relative to the background territory (Valdai National Park, European part of Russia) showed that atmospheric precipitation collected at the southern Western Siberia is moderately contaminated with Sn. The main factors controlling the fluxes of Sn (emitted from the Novosibirsk Tin Plant) on the territory of the south of Western Siberia are the direction of the surface air masses movement, the frequency and abundance of precipitation, as well as the seasonal features of tin distribution in the system air–precipitation.
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, May 1, 2014
Eurasian journal of mathematical and computer applications, 2019
Eurasian journal of mathematical and computer applications, Sep 25, 2021
Eurasian journal of mathematical and computer applications, 2016
In this study fusion of optical (Sentinel-2) and radar (Sentinel-1) imagery is presented for vege... more In this study fusion of optical (Sentinel-2) and radar (Sentinel-1) imagery is presented for vegetation cover classification in polar Arctic environment of the Western Siberia. Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 images were analyzed using parametric rule classification. Results showed significantly improved land cover classification results based on contextual analysis. Synergy of Sentinel-2 bands 4 and 3 and Sentinel-1 dual polarization VV and VH images increased the classification accuracy significantly. Specifically, classification accuracy increased for two classes-Erect dwarf-shrub tundra with 6% and Fresh Water with 10%. The classification accuracy as well test sites were analyzed using in situ data collected during three fieldwork campaigns in August-September (2016-2018) in the surrounding of Bovanenkovo settlement.
Eurasian journal of mathematical and computer applications, 2016
Географический вестник, 2018
Eurasian journal of mathematical and computer applications, 2018
Eurasian journal of mathematical and computer applications, 2018
Arctic and Antarctic Research
Sea ice age is a proxy for thickness, which can be obtained through the use of satellite data. Th... more Sea ice age is a proxy for thickness, which can be obtained through the use of satellite data. The paper presents the results of comparison of CryoSat-2, SMOS and CryoSat-2 & SMOS fusion data with detailed ice charts (October–April, 2010–2018). The AARI ice charts were chosen as references for comparison because they integrate knowledge and data from various sources, including expert analysis of operational satellite information, in-situ measurements at coastal stations, data on ice conditions from ships of the Northern Sea Route (NSR). The division of satellite data elements into classes (stages of development) was performed according to the maximum likelihood classifier. The recognition result for each stage of development was evaluated by means of three criteria, in accordance with the class value of Mode, Median and Mean. The effectiveness of satellite data in determining the Kara Sea ice thickness varies depending on the sea ice stage of development and winter season time. Four...
Hydrobiologia, Sep 1, 2006
Photosynthetic phytoplankton pigments were investigated in the surface layer of the pelagic zone ... more Photosynthetic phytoplankton pigments were investigated in the surface layer of the pelagic zone of Lake Teletskoye during ice-free periods in 1998-2000. Pigment characteristics were also monitored at the lake outflow, the Biya River, from July 1998 till September 2001. Processes of lake phytoplankton development and functioning are closely represented at the river site, as are changes of pigment composition that follow dynamic regularities. On the basis of seasonal fluctuations of pigment concentrations, five phases in planctonic algal development were revealed. Comparisons of phytoplankton seasonal dynamics in this deep oligotrophic lake with those of different lake types of the temperate zone were considered. The trophic status of the pelagic zone and outflow at the Biya River indicated by chlorophyll a content corresponds to ultraoligotrophic-oligotrophic conditions. The relationship between green and yellow pigments classifies Lake Teletskoye with water bodies of ''carotene'' type. The low values of pigment index indicate an active physiological state of microalgae over the whole year. A weak linear relationship between chlorophyll a content and temperature, as well as lack of correlation with mineral nitrogen and silicon, testify to a complex interdependence resulting from synchronous effects of abiotic and biotic factors. The development of phytoplankton in the lake is limited by extremely low concentrations of dissolved reactive phosphorus and silicon.
Spatial Data Processing for Monitoring of Natural and Anthropogenic Processes 2021, 2021
In this study fusion of optical (Sentinel-2) and radar (Sentinel-1) imagery is presented for vege... more In this study fusion of optical (Sentinel-2) and radar (Sentinel-1) imagery is presented for vegetation cover classification in polar Arctic environment of the Western Siberia. Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 images were analyzed using parametric rule classification. Results showed significantly improved land cover classification results based on contextual analysis. Synergy of Sentinel-2 bands 4 and 3 and Sentinel-1 dual polarization VV and VH images increased the classification accuracy significantly. Specifically, classification accuracy increased for two classes — Erect dwarf-shrub tundra with 6% and Fresh Water with 10%. The classification accuracy as well test sites were analyzed using in situ data collected during three fieldwork campaigns in August-September (2016–2018) in the surrounding of Bovanenkovo settlement.