Paola Manzari - (original) (raw)

Papers by Paola Manzari

Research paper thumbnail of Exploiting Prisma Hypespectral Data to Support CRISM Measurements on Paleo-Hydrological Environments on Mars

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Research paper thumbnail of Automated Research of 3.3 um Absorption in Some CRISM IR Data: Acidalia Mounds, Alba Patera, and Orcus Patera

Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Mar 1, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Hyper-spectral measurements of Howardites with the SPIM facility

European Planetary Science Congress, Apr 1, 2014

We report visible and infrared measurements on powdered samples (&lt;75μm) of three howardite... more We report visible and infrared measurements on powdered samples (&lt;75μm) of three howardite meteorites. These preliminary measurements are part of a set of spectroscopic measurements performed on 33 HED samples with different laboratory setups in use at INAF-IAPS. Here we describe reflectance spectra measured with the SPIM facility on three meteorites: CRE-01400, EET-87509 and EET-87513. <P /

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Research paper thumbnail of Identification of a Ca-Phosphate Grain in North West Africa 8657 Martian Meteorite by VIS-IR Micro-Imaging Spectroscopy

LPI, Mar 1, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Visible and Infrared Spectroscopy of Grosvenor Mountains 95535, howardite

EPSC, Oct 1, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Aerial surveys of landslide bodies through light UAVs: peculiarities and advantages

EGUGA, Apr 1, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of A Fuzzy Logic Algorithm for Analyzing Handheld LIBS Spectra of Meteorites

LPI, Mar 1, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Ma_Miss for ExoMars mission: miniaturized imaging spectrometer for subsurface studies

EPSC, Apr 1, 2014

The study of the Martian subsurface will provide important constraints on the nature, timing and ... more The study of the Martian subsurface will provide important constraints on the nature, timing and duration of alteration and sedimentation processes on Mars, as well as on the complex interactions between the surface and the atmosphere. A Drilling system, coupled with an in situ analysis package, is installed on the ExoMars Rover to perform in situ investigations up to 2m in the Mars soil. Ma_Miss (Mars Multispectral Imager for Subsurface Studies) is a spectrometer devoted to observe the lateral wall of the borehole generated by the Drilling system [1,2]. The instrument is fully integrated with the Drill and shares its structure and electronics

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Research paper thumbnail of Microimaging VIS-IR spectroscopy comparison between two shergottites

European Planetary Science Congress, Sep 1, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Application of spectral linear mixing to rock slabs analyses at various scales using Ma_Miss BreadBoard instrument

Planetary and Space Science, Sep 1, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of VIS-IR study of brucite–clay–carbonate mixtures: Implications for Ceres surface composition

Icarus, Dec 1, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of New Insights on the Porosity and Grain Features of Al Haggounia 001, an Impact-Melt Meteorite

Social Science Research Network, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Anomalous Na contents in EET90299 chondrules mesostasis

GeCAS, Jun 1, 2009

ABSTRACT Genetic relationship among E-chondrites are still poorly understood. So, firstly, we beg... more ABSTRACT Genetic relationship among E-chondrites are still poorly understood. So, firstly, we began to investigate the geochemical relationship between mesostasis and crystalline phases in chondrules of different E-chondrite types. EET90299 is an unequilibrated enstatite chondrite (EL3) [1]. A thin section of EET90299 showed the occurrence of several chondrules in a range of 400 to 2000 µm in size. Five chondrules were selected from this section, on the base of microstructural features [2]. As it can be seen in fig.1, EET90299 chondrules showed a strong albitic-normative mesostasis. Those results were plotted with other analyses on chondrule mesostasis that occurred in EL3 chondrites, (ALH85119, PCA91020, MAC88180) Schneider et al (2002) [3]. Figure 1. Na 2 O vs. CaO in EL3 chondrule mesostasis: this work (open symbol) and Schneider et al., 2002 (closed symbol). We find Na-plagioclase composition for all the chondrule mesostasis except for one that shows a more anorthitic composition. These features stand between EH3 and EL3 type chondrule mesostasis, following Schneider et alii scenario. It could means that the difference in chemical compositions could reflect local variations in the nebular environment, or that EET90299 underwent a more rapid cooling. However, other investigations are in progress on other chondrules from this thin section to compare them with EH3 chondrules. [1] Grossman J.N.(1994), Meteoritics, 29, 1, 100-143; [2] Manzari et al. (2008), 33rd Geological Congress,Oslo; [3] Schneider et al. (2002), M&amp;PS, 37, 1401-1416.

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Research paper thumbnail of North West Africa 8657 Shergottite Micro-Investigation by Imaging Techniques

LPICo, Aug 1, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Combined micro X-ray fluorescence and micro computed tomography for the study of extraterrestrial volcanic rocks. The case of North West Africa (NWA) 8657: A shergottite martian meteorite

Talanta, Sep 1, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Studying the fossil meteorite Al Haggounia by X-ray Micro-CT

&amp;amp;lt;p&amp;amp;gt;Among the cutting-edge techniques that are being using in the me... more &amp;amp;lt;p&amp;amp;gt;Among the cutting-edge techniques that are being using in the meteoritics discipline to explore potential new properties, the micro-CT is useful in its potential of showing phase distribution in a 3D reconstruction and analyses of a small meteorite volume and in showing microstructures, crystal habits or grains, occurrences of vesicles or voids, melt veins and fractures. In this view, we studied a sample of Al Haggounia, a meteorite significantly porous with pore sizes from several cm to hundreds of microns. This meteorite after a complex history of classification results to be an EL-impact melt. The fragments show very different looking, from the point of view of microstructure of impact shock:&amp;amp;amp;#160; melt veins, fractures and pores and, consequently, this meteorite is particularly suitable for investigations by micro-CT coupling with SEM-EDS analyses to fit the chemical data to the textural ones. All the data obtained help us in the genetic interpretation allowing to verify the hypothesis about the origin of this meteorite developed until now.&amp;amp;lt;/p&amp;amp;gt;

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Research paper thumbnail of The SPectral Imaging (SPIM) facility in support of hyperspectral observations of solar system bodies: Preliminary characterization

The SPectral IMaging (SPIM) facility is a laboratory imaging VIS-IR spectrometer, operative in th... more The SPectral IMaging (SPIM) facility is a laboratory imaging VIS-IR spectrometer, operative in the INAF/IAPS laboratory in Rome. The facility is used as a laboratory support for the DAWN mission (to the asteroids Vesta and Ceres) and for the 2018 ExoMars mission (to Mars). This imaging spectrometer, which is the spare of the VIR spectrometer [1,2] on-board the DAWN spacecraft, is operative in the 0.22–5.05 μm spectral range. It is characterized by high spatial (38 μm) and spectral (2 nm in the VIS channel, 12 nm in the IR channel) resolution. The high spectral performances, combined with the high spatial resolution imaging capability of this instrument allow a very accurate laboratory investigation and characterization of numerous types of mineral and rock samples, both in powder and in slab form, and also of extra-terrestrial samples, down to a few tens of micrometers in size.

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Research paper thumbnail of Identification and classification of meteorites using a handheld LIBS instrument coupled with a fuzzy logic-based method

Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 2018

A handheld laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) instrument associated to a fuzzy logic-bas... more A handheld laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) instrument associated to a fuzzy logic-based method is proposed as a novel tool that is able to provide information on the nature of meteorites and discriminate among iron, stone, stony-iron meteorites and meteorwrongs.

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Research paper thumbnail of Challenges in searching for hydrocarbons in CRISM-IR data

&amp;amp;lt;p&amp;amp;gt;After having observed&amp;amp;amp;#160; some absorptions aro... more &amp;amp;lt;p&amp;amp;gt;After having observed&amp;amp;amp;#160; some absorptions around 3.3 &amp;amp;amp;#956;m band in some CRISM spectra, we begun a study in the range between 3.2 and 3.4 &amp;amp;amp;#956;m to exploit the high spatial resolution of CRISM spectrometer (~18 m/pixel) to look for methane or other C-H absorptions on Mars surface. Concerning methane, we were searching for high concentrations, comparable to the &amp;amp;amp;#8220;methane spikes&amp;amp;amp;#8221; concentrations detected by Curiosity on Mars surface and the methane plumes detected in Mars atmosphere from ground telescopes. The search for absorptions around 3.3 &amp;amp;amp;#956;m was carried out fitting the spectra of selected CRISM datasets with the MGM function in the 3.2-3.4 &amp;amp;amp;#956;m range. &amp;amp;amp;#160;From the MGM fit we obtained a map of the absorption depths. By this depth map, aside rare, suspected, absorptions, a spectral artifact was highlighted.&amp;amp;amp;#160; Therefore, we chose to consider spectra with absorptions around 3.3 &amp;amp;amp;#956;m not clearly related to known and unknown artifacts, and band depth values greater than 4*standard deviation of the depth map. We used the Planetary Spectrum Generator tool to find the relation between the absorption depths at 3.3 &amp;amp;amp;#956;m and methane concentration. We finally discuss the rare interesting spectra both as potentially true absorptions and as a still unknown artifact.&amp;amp;lt;/p&amp;amp;gt;

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Research paper thumbnail of VNIR spectral analyses of powdered mixtures with ExoMars-Ma_Miss instrument

European Planetary Science Congress, Oct 1, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Exploiting Prisma Hypespectral Data to Support CRISM Measurements on Paleo-Hydrological Environments on Mars

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Research paper thumbnail of Automated Research of 3.3 um Absorption in Some CRISM IR Data: Acidalia Mounds, Alba Patera, and Orcus Patera

Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Mar 1, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Hyper-spectral measurements of Howardites with the SPIM facility

European Planetary Science Congress, Apr 1, 2014

We report visible and infrared measurements on powdered samples (&lt;75μm) of three howardite... more We report visible and infrared measurements on powdered samples (&lt;75μm) of three howardite meteorites. These preliminary measurements are part of a set of spectroscopic measurements performed on 33 HED samples with different laboratory setups in use at INAF-IAPS. Here we describe reflectance spectra measured with the SPIM facility on three meteorites: CRE-01400, EET-87509 and EET-87513. <P /

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Research paper thumbnail of Identification of a Ca-Phosphate Grain in North West Africa 8657 Martian Meteorite by VIS-IR Micro-Imaging Spectroscopy

LPI, Mar 1, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Visible and Infrared Spectroscopy of Grosvenor Mountains 95535, howardite

EPSC, Oct 1, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Aerial surveys of landslide bodies through light UAVs: peculiarities and advantages

EGUGA, Apr 1, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of A Fuzzy Logic Algorithm for Analyzing Handheld LIBS Spectra of Meteorites

LPI, Mar 1, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Ma_Miss for ExoMars mission: miniaturized imaging spectrometer for subsurface studies

EPSC, Apr 1, 2014

The study of the Martian subsurface will provide important constraints on the nature, timing and ... more The study of the Martian subsurface will provide important constraints on the nature, timing and duration of alteration and sedimentation processes on Mars, as well as on the complex interactions between the surface and the atmosphere. A Drilling system, coupled with an in situ analysis package, is installed on the ExoMars Rover to perform in situ investigations up to 2m in the Mars soil. Ma_Miss (Mars Multispectral Imager for Subsurface Studies) is a spectrometer devoted to observe the lateral wall of the borehole generated by the Drilling system [1,2]. The instrument is fully integrated with the Drill and shares its structure and electronics

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Research paper thumbnail of Microimaging VIS-IR spectroscopy comparison between two shergottites

European Planetary Science Congress, Sep 1, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Application of spectral linear mixing to rock slabs analyses at various scales using Ma_Miss BreadBoard instrument

Planetary and Space Science, Sep 1, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of VIS-IR study of brucite–clay–carbonate mixtures: Implications for Ceres surface composition

Icarus, Dec 1, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of New Insights on the Porosity and Grain Features of Al Haggounia 001, an Impact-Melt Meteorite

Social Science Research Network, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Anomalous Na contents in EET90299 chondrules mesostasis

GeCAS, Jun 1, 2009

ABSTRACT Genetic relationship among E-chondrites are still poorly understood. So, firstly, we beg... more ABSTRACT Genetic relationship among E-chondrites are still poorly understood. So, firstly, we began to investigate the geochemical relationship between mesostasis and crystalline phases in chondrules of different E-chondrite types. EET90299 is an unequilibrated enstatite chondrite (EL3) [1]. A thin section of EET90299 showed the occurrence of several chondrules in a range of 400 to 2000 µm in size. Five chondrules were selected from this section, on the base of microstructural features [2]. As it can be seen in fig.1, EET90299 chondrules showed a strong albitic-normative mesostasis. Those results were plotted with other analyses on chondrule mesostasis that occurred in EL3 chondrites, (ALH85119, PCA91020, MAC88180) Schneider et al (2002) [3]. Figure 1. Na 2 O vs. CaO in EL3 chondrule mesostasis: this work (open symbol) and Schneider et al., 2002 (closed symbol). We find Na-plagioclase composition for all the chondrule mesostasis except for one that shows a more anorthitic composition. These features stand between EH3 and EL3 type chondrule mesostasis, following Schneider et alii scenario. It could means that the difference in chemical compositions could reflect local variations in the nebular environment, or that EET90299 underwent a more rapid cooling. However, other investigations are in progress on other chondrules from this thin section to compare them with EH3 chondrules. [1] Grossman J.N.(1994), Meteoritics, 29, 1, 100-143; [2] Manzari et al. (2008), 33rd Geological Congress,Oslo; [3] Schneider et al. (2002), M&amp;PS, 37, 1401-1416.

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Research paper thumbnail of North West Africa 8657 Shergottite Micro-Investigation by Imaging Techniques

LPICo, Aug 1, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Combined micro X-ray fluorescence and micro computed tomography for the study of extraterrestrial volcanic rocks. The case of North West Africa (NWA) 8657: A shergottite martian meteorite

Talanta, Sep 1, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Studying the fossil meteorite Al Haggounia by X-ray Micro-CT

&amp;amp;lt;p&amp;amp;gt;Among the cutting-edge techniques that are being using in the me... more &amp;amp;lt;p&amp;amp;gt;Among the cutting-edge techniques that are being using in the meteoritics discipline to explore potential new properties, the micro-CT is useful in its potential of showing phase distribution in a 3D reconstruction and analyses of a small meteorite volume and in showing microstructures, crystal habits or grains, occurrences of vesicles or voids, melt veins and fractures. In this view, we studied a sample of Al Haggounia, a meteorite significantly porous with pore sizes from several cm to hundreds of microns. This meteorite after a complex history of classification results to be an EL-impact melt. The fragments show very different looking, from the point of view of microstructure of impact shock:&amp;amp;amp;#160; melt veins, fractures and pores and, consequently, this meteorite is particularly suitable for investigations by micro-CT coupling with SEM-EDS analyses to fit the chemical data to the textural ones. All the data obtained help us in the genetic interpretation allowing to verify the hypothesis about the origin of this meteorite developed until now.&amp;amp;lt;/p&amp;amp;gt;

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Research paper thumbnail of The SPectral Imaging (SPIM) facility in support of hyperspectral observations of solar system bodies: Preliminary characterization

The SPectral IMaging (SPIM) facility is a laboratory imaging VIS-IR spectrometer, operative in th... more The SPectral IMaging (SPIM) facility is a laboratory imaging VIS-IR spectrometer, operative in the INAF/IAPS laboratory in Rome. The facility is used as a laboratory support for the DAWN mission (to the asteroids Vesta and Ceres) and for the 2018 ExoMars mission (to Mars). This imaging spectrometer, which is the spare of the VIR spectrometer [1,2] on-board the DAWN spacecraft, is operative in the 0.22–5.05 μm spectral range. It is characterized by high spatial (38 μm) and spectral (2 nm in the VIS channel, 12 nm in the IR channel) resolution. The high spectral performances, combined with the high spatial resolution imaging capability of this instrument allow a very accurate laboratory investigation and characterization of numerous types of mineral and rock samples, both in powder and in slab form, and also of extra-terrestrial samples, down to a few tens of micrometers in size.

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Research paper thumbnail of Identification and classification of meteorites using a handheld LIBS instrument coupled with a fuzzy logic-based method

Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 2018

A handheld laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) instrument associated to a fuzzy logic-bas... more A handheld laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) instrument associated to a fuzzy logic-based method is proposed as a novel tool that is able to provide information on the nature of meteorites and discriminate among iron, stone, stony-iron meteorites and meteorwrongs.

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Research paper thumbnail of Challenges in searching for hydrocarbons in CRISM-IR data

&amp;amp;lt;p&amp;amp;gt;After having observed&amp;amp;amp;#160; some absorptions aro... more &amp;amp;lt;p&amp;amp;gt;After having observed&amp;amp;amp;#160; some absorptions around 3.3 &amp;amp;amp;#956;m band in some CRISM spectra, we begun a study in the range between 3.2 and 3.4 &amp;amp;amp;#956;m to exploit the high spatial resolution of CRISM spectrometer (~18 m/pixel) to look for methane or other C-H absorptions on Mars surface. Concerning methane, we were searching for high concentrations, comparable to the &amp;amp;amp;#8220;methane spikes&amp;amp;amp;#8221; concentrations detected by Curiosity on Mars surface and the methane plumes detected in Mars atmosphere from ground telescopes. The search for absorptions around 3.3 &amp;amp;amp;#956;m was carried out fitting the spectra of selected CRISM datasets with the MGM function in the 3.2-3.4 &amp;amp;amp;#956;m range. &amp;amp;amp;#160;From the MGM fit we obtained a map of the absorption depths. By this depth map, aside rare, suspected, absorptions, a spectral artifact was highlighted.&amp;amp;amp;#160; Therefore, we chose to consider spectra with absorptions around 3.3 &amp;amp;amp;#956;m not clearly related to known and unknown artifacts, and band depth values greater than 4*standard deviation of the depth map. We used the Planetary Spectrum Generator tool to find the relation between the absorption depths at 3.3 &amp;amp;amp;#956;m and methane concentration. We finally discuss the rare interesting spectra both as potentially true absorptions and as a still unknown artifact.&amp;amp;lt;/p&amp;amp;gt;

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Research paper thumbnail of VNIR spectral analyses of powdered mixtures with ExoMars-Ma_Miss instrument

European Planetary Science Congress, Oct 1, 2015

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