Open Darnius TBA - (original) (raw)

Papers by Open Darnius TBA

Research paper thumbnail of Goal Programming Model for Tutor Scheduling

Journal of Research in Mathematics Trends and Technology, Sep 30, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Path Analysis Model in Determining the Crime Rate During the Covid 19 Pandemic in North Sumatera

Research paper thumbnail of Modelling of Subject Scheduling Systems Using Hybrid Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm

Sinkron, Jul 2, 2023

A common schedule problem found in colleges is the positioning of courses in a certain space and ... more A common schedule problem found in colleges is the positioning of courses in a certain space and time. This placement process often encounters barriers that must be met so that there is no imbalance in the school schedule. One of the problems that often arise is the placement of class capacity that does not match the course requirements. In this study, the researchers used the Artificial Bee Colony Hybrid Algorithm (HABC) to construct course schedules efficiently at the college. The objective of the research was to develop a course scheduling system using the HABC algorithm by combining the Engineering of Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) and genetic algoritms, especially on the crossover process to better address the schedule problems. The research procedure used is to design and implement a course scheduling system using the Hybrid ABC algorithm. The results of the research demonstrate that the Hybrid ABC algorithm is effective in generating optimal course schedule schedules, in line with time limits, room needs, and lecturer requirements and can automate course schedule processes, saving time and resources, while ensuring optimal schedules.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Statistik Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Rendahnya Minat Masyarakat dalam Menggunakan Layanan PT Pos Indonesia (PERSERO)

FARABI Jurnal Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika, May 11, 2023

Analisis faktor adalah salah satu metode multivariat yang digunakan untuk menemukan faktor-faktor... more Analisis faktor adalah salah satu metode multivariat yang digunakan untuk menemukan faktor-faktor yang menjelaskan hubungan atau korelasi antara berbagai indikator independen dengan menganalisis variabelvariabel yang diduga memiliki keterkaitan satu sama lain. Pada penelitian ini, analisis faktor digunakan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi rendahnya minat masyarakat Kota Gunungsitoli dalam menggunakan layanan PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) berdasarkan konsep Service Marketing Mix (Bauran Pemasaran Jasa) 7P. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh 6 faktor yang mempengaruhi rendahnya minat masyarakat dalam menggunakan layanan PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) yaitu Faktor Promosi (19,935%), Faktor Harga (13,544%), Faktor Produk (11,493%), Faktor Kurlog (8,214%), Faktor Lokasi (7,102%) dan Faktor Proses (6,410%). Keenam faktor tersebut memberikan proporsi keragaman kumulatif sebesar 66,968% artinya keenam faktor tersebut dapat mempengaruhi minat masyarakat Kota Guunungsitoli sebesar 66,968% dan sisanya dapat dipengaruhi faktor-faktor lainnya yang tidak teridentifikasi dalam model ini.

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Internal Community Factors in Participating in the Family Planning Program in Medan Johor District Using the Logistic Regression Method

Journal of Research in Mathematics Trends and Technology, Mar 30, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Regional income inequality model based on theil index decomposition and weighted variance coeficient

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2018

Regional income inequality is an important issue in the study on economic development of a certai... more Regional income inequality is an important issue in the study on economic development of a certain region. Rapid economic development may not in accordance with people's per capita income. The method of measuring the regional income inequality has been suggested by many experts. This research used Theil index and weighted variance coefficient in order to measure the regional income inequality. Regional income decomposition which becomes the productivity of work force and their participation in regional income inequality, based on Theil index, can be presented in linear relation. When the economic assumption in j sector, sectoral income value, and the rate of work force are used, the work force productivity imbalance can be decomposed to become the component in sectors and in intra-sectors. Next, weighted variation coefficient is defined in the revenue and productivity of the work force. From the quadrate of the weighted variation coefficient result, it was found that decomposition of regional revenue imbalance could be analyzed by finding out how far each component contribute to regional imbalance which, in this research, was analyzed in nine sectors of economic business.

Research paper thumbnail of Optimization of Parameters to Improve SVM Accuracy Using Harmony Seacrh Algorithm

This paper discusses the problem of classification of data by using the Support Vector Machine (S... more This paper discusses the problem of classification of data by using the Support Vector Machine (SVM) classification method. For classification of data with SVM required parameters capable of producing optimal performance for a classification model so as to obtain better accuracy. For selection of parameter values that can produce good SVM performance. The proposed algorithm for parameter optimization in this paper is Harmony Search Algorithm (HSA).

Research paper thumbnail of Perbandingan Keakuratan Dari Model Tabel Distribusi Frekuensi Berkelompok Antara Metode Sturges Dan Metode Scott

Talenta Conference Series. Science and Technology, Oct 17, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Pemakaian Peluang Dalam Membuat Keputusan: Suatu Tinjauan Dalam Masalah Grosir

Research paper thumbnail of Modelling of risk factors that influence malaria infection using Binary Logistic Regression

Journal of physics, 2023

Malaria is a parasitic disease that is currently endemic in many countries, including in Indonesi... more Malaria is a parasitic disease that is currently endemic in many countries, including in Indonesia. Batubara District in North Sumatera is one of the malaria-endemic areas. This study was conducted to make a mathematical model based on risk factors that influence malaria infection. The data used is secondary data from other researchers. The method used to model risk factors that influence malaria infection is the binary logistic regression with a categorical response variable, namely diagnosis by microscopic examination. There are 10 variable predictors; mosquito nets (X 1), quality use of mosquito nets (X 2), condition of the livingenvironment (X 3), knowledge (X 4), attitudes (X 5), actions (X 6), quality of health workers (X 7), use of mosquito coils (X8), use of topical insect repellent (X 9), and access of health workers (X 10). Maximum likelihood estimation is used to findout the parameter estimates. From the 10 predictor variables studied, it was found that only 8 variables had a significant effect on the model. Based on the odds ratio, the most significant variable is the quality of health workers with 16,5. The ability of predictor variables in explaining the response variable in the model is 87, 8%. The classification function in this study is 96, 3%.

Research paper thumbnail of Spatial regression model of poverty in the province of North Sumatera on 2017

Journal of physics, 2023

The research is done to determine the model of poverty in the Province of North Sumatera with spa... more The research is done to determine the model of poverty in the Province of North Sumatera with spatial regression, to analyze the factors that affect it and to definite the effective spatial regression in analyzing it. Spatial regression used is Spatial Autoregressive Model (SAR). The data used is secondary data from Statistics Indonesia of Province of North Sumatra. The result shows that predictor variables which affect the response variable are The Index of Human Development (X 3) and The Percentage of Population Destiny (X 4). The value of (R 2) is 72,78%.

Research paper thumbnail of A simulation based teaching method to explain the concept of probability theory; an alternative learning method

Journal of physics, Oct 1, 2019

lim , assumed the limit exists. This paper proves the existence of limit for the relative frequen... more lim , assumed the limit exists. This paper proves the existence of limit for the relative frequency as the number of trials goes infinitely through simulation. This simulation can finally be used as an alternative learning method in understanding the concept of probability.

Research paper thumbnail of Model selection in regression linear: a simulation based on akaike’s information criterion

Journal of physics, Oct 1, 2019

Akaike's Information Criterion (AIC) was firstly annunced by Akaike in 1971. In linear regression... more Akaike's Information Criterion (AIC) was firstly annunced by Akaike in 1971. In linear regression modelling, AIC is proposed as a model selection criterion since it estimates the quality of each model relative to other models. In this paper we domonstrate the use of AIC criterion to estimate p, the number of selected varibles in regression linear model through a simulation study. We simulate two particular cases, namely orthogonal and non-orthogonal cases. The orthogonal case is run where there is totally no correlation between any independent variable and one dependent variable, whereas for the the orthogonal case is run where there is a correlation between some independent variables and one dependent variable. The simulation results are used to investigate of the overestimate number of independent variables selected in the model for two cases. Although the two cases produce the oversetimate number ofindependent variables, most of the time the orthogonal case still provide less overestimate of independent variables than the non orthogonal case.

Research paper thumbnail of An Approach Based on Active Constraint Strategy for Solving The Portfolio Optimization Problem

Journal of physics, Aug 1, 2019

The mathematical model of portfolio optimization has been largely written in terms of minimizing ... more The mathematical model of portfolio optimization has been largely written in terms of minimizing the risk, given the return.The difficulty of this model is to deal with the quadratic programming model due to Markowitz. This situation has been overcome by the recent progress in algorithmic research, and the introduction of linear risk function. This paper deals with the portfolio selection problem with minimum transaction lots. A neighbourhood search algorithm based on active constrained strategy is proposed to solve the mixed integer programming model. The algorithm starts from the solution of the relaxed problem to find a solution which is close to the continuous solution.

Research paper thumbnail of Simulation method of model selection based on Mallows’ Cp Criteria in linier regression

Journal of physics, Dec 1, 2018

The selection of models involving many independent variables is one of the studies on linear regr... more The selection of models involving many independent variables is one of the studies on linear regression modeling. If there are k independent variables, then there are as many as 2 k the number of models to be observed and selected as good as the final model. The increasing number of all models to be studied with the increase of independent variables is the fundamental issue that needs to be determined in selection criteria. This paper reviews the Mallow's Cp Criteria that is often overestimate the number of independent variables selected in the model. The number of selected variables in the model using Mallow's Cp criteria is performed by simulation. The simulation is run in two cases, one for the case where there is a correlation between some independent variables and one dependent variable, whereas the second case is the absence of correlation between some independent variables and one dependent variable. The simulation results are used to investigate the overestimate number of independent variables selected in the model.

Research paper thumbnail of A framework of nonparametric regression to predict natural gas demand

Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Regresi Data Panel Dengan Pendekatan Common Effect Model (CEM), Fixed Effect Model (FEM) dan Random Effect Model (REM) (Studi Kasus : IPM Sumatera Utara Periode 2014 – 2020)

FARABI Jurnal Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika, Dec 29, 2022

Analisis regresi data panel merupakan perpaduan diantara informasi cross section serta time serie... more Analisis regresi data panel merupakan perpaduan diantara informasi cross section serta time series. Pemanfaatan data panel dapat memaknai dua macam data, yaitu data antar unit dan antar waktu. IPM merupakan penanda yang terpenting adalah menetapkan hasil pada usaha menciptakan hakikat kehidupan manusia, IPM pun mampu menetapkan posisi dan tingkat kemajuan sebuah negara. Studi ini berencana untuk memutuskan model regresi data panel terbaik dan elemen-elemen yang pada dasarnya mempengaruhi IPM di Sumatera Utara. Dalam regresi data panel, ada tiga model penilaian, khususnya CEM, FEM dan REM. Strategi CEM merupakan teknik yang mengharapkan jika intercept dan slope setiap subjek dan setiap kali adalah sesuatu yang serupa, teknik FEM menerima bahwa blok berbeda di antara subjek dan kemiringan adalah sesuatu yang sangat mirip di antara subjek, sedangkan strategi REM menerima bahwa faktor pengganggu mempunyai korelasi antar waktu dan antar subjek. Dari analisis yang telah dilakukan, model regresi data panel terbaik adalah dengan menggunakan Common Effect Model (CEM). Angka harapan hidup, Harapan Lama Sekolah, Rata-rata Lama Sekolah, konsumsi per kapita, dan Persentase penduduk miskin mempengaruhi IPM di Sumatera Utara sebesar 92,71% dan model kondisi penilaian sebagai berikut: ̂i t = 12,

Research paper thumbnail of Aplikasi Software Dalam Analisis Regressi

Research paper thumbnail of Perencanaan Jumlah Produksi Mie Instan Dengan Penegasan (Defuzzifikasi)Centroid Fuzzy Mamdani

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Estimasi Perubahan Minat Mahasiswa Universitas Sumatera Utara Terhadap Tujuh Operator GSM

Abstrak. Rantai Markov adalah rangkaian proses kejadian di mana peluang bersyarat kejadian yang a... more Abstrak. Rantai Markov adalah rangkaian proses kejadian di mana peluang bersyarat kejadian yang akan datang hanya tergantung pada kejadian yang sekarang dan tidak tergantung pada kejadian lalu. Secara Matematika dapat dituliskan sebagai berikut : P (X n+1 = j | Xn = in, X n−1 = i n−1 ,. .. , X 0 = i 0) = P (X n+1 = j | Xn = in) = p ij untuk semua state i 0 , i 1 , i 2 ,. .. , i n−1 , i, j, dan semua n ≥ 0. Dalam penelitian ini Rantai Markov digunakan untuk memperkirakan peluang perpindahan dari satu operator GSM ke operator GSM lain serta memperkirakan pangsa pasar dari masing-masing operator.Di mana diperoleh bahwa peluang seorang responden dalam memilih GSM akan berubah dalam periode waktu tertentu sampai akhirnya mencapai titik setimbang pada periode n atau lebih mendekati vektor Steady state.Dan hasil perkiraan pangsa pasar diperoleh bahwa operator GSM AS, Simpati dan XL akan lebih dominan menguasai pasar, sementara GSM Mentari, Tri, dan AXIS tidak terlalu diminati dimana proporsi dari ketiga GSM tersebut menguasai pasar hanya dibawah 5%.

Research paper thumbnail of Goal Programming Model for Tutor Scheduling

Journal of Research in Mathematics Trends and Technology, Sep 30, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Path Analysis Model in Determining the Crime Rate During the Covid 19 Pandemic in North Sumatera

Research paper thumbnail of Modelling of Subject Scheduling Systems Using Hybrid Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm

Sinkron, Jul 2, 2023

A common schedule problem found in colleges is the positioning of courses in a certain space and ... more A common schedule problem found in colleges is the positioning of courses in a certain space and time. This placement process often encounters barriers that must be met so that there is no imbalance in the school schedule. One of the problems that often arise is the placement of class capacity that does not match the course requirements. In this study, the researchers used the Artificial Bee Colony Hybrid Algorithm (HABC) to construct course schedules efficiently at the college. The objective of the research was to develop a course scheduling system using the HABC algorithm by combining the Engineering of Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) and genetic algoritms, especially on the crossover process to better address the schedule problems. The research procedure used is to design and implement a course scheduling system using the Hybrid ABC algorithm. The results of the research demonstrate that the Hybrid ABC algorithm is effective in generating optimal course schedule schedules, in line with time limits, room needs, and lecturer requirements and can automate course schedule processes, saving time and resources, while ensuring optimal schedules.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Statistik Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Rendahnya Minat Masyarakat dalam Menggunakan Layanan PT Pos Indonesia (PERSERO)

FARABI Jurnal Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika, May 11, 2023

Analisis faktor adalah salah satu metode multivariat yang digunakan untuk menemukan faktor-faktor... more Analisis faktor adalah salah satu metode multivariat yang digunakan untuk menemukan faktor-faktor yang menjelaskan hubungan atau korelasi antara berbagai indikator independen dengan menganalisis variabelvariabel yang diduga memiliki keterkaitan satu sama lain. Pada penelitian ini, analisis faktor digunakan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi rendahnya minat masyarakat Kota Gunungsitoli dalam menggunakan layanan PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) berdasarkan konsep Service Marketing Mix (Bauran Pemasaran Jasa) 7P. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh 6 faktor yang mempengaruhi rendahnya minat masyarakat dalam menggunakan layanan PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) yaitu Faktor Promosi (19,935%), Faktor Harga (13,544%), Faktor Produk (11,493%), Faktor Kurlog (8,214%), Faktor Lokasi (7,102%) dan Faktor Proses (6,410%). Keenam faktor tersebut memberikan proporsi keragaman kumulatif sebesar 66,968% artinya keenam faktor tersebut dapat mempengaruhi minat masyarakat Kota Guunungsitoli sebesar 66,968% dan sisanya dapat dipengaruhi faktor-faktor lainnya yang tidak teridentifikasi dalam model ini.

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Internal Community Factors in Participating in the Family Planning Program in Medan Johor District Using the Logistic Regression Method

Journal of Research in Mathematics Trends and Technology, Mar 30, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Regional income inequality model based on theil index decomposition and weighted variance coeficient

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2018

Regional income inequality is an important issue in the study on economic development of a certai... more Regional income inequality is an important issue in the study on economic development of a certain region. Rapid economic development may not in accordance with people's per capita income. The method of measuring the regional income inequality has been suggested by many experts. This research used Theil index and weighted variance coefficient in order to measure the regional income inequality. Regional income decomposition which becomes the productivity of work force and their participation in regional income inequality, based on Theil index, can be presented in linear relation. When the economic assumption in j sector, sectoral income value, and the rate of work force are used, the work force productivity imbalance can be decomposed to become the component in sectors and in intra-sectors. Next, weighted variation coefficient is defined in the revenue and productivity of the work force. From the quadrate of the weighted variation coefficient result, it was found that decomposition of regional revenue imbalance could be analyzed by finding out how far each component contribute to regional imbalance which, in this research, was analyzed in nine sectors of economic business.

Research paper thumbnail of Optimization of Parameters to Improve SVM Accuracy Using Harmony Seacrh Algorithm

This paper discusses the problem of classification of data by using the Support Vector Machine (S... more This paper discusses the problem of classification of data by using the Support Vector Machine (SVM) classification method. For classification of data with SVM required parameters capable of producing optimal performance for a classification model so as to obtain better accuracy. For selection of parameter values that can produce good SVM performance. The proposed algorithm for parameter optimization in this paper is Harmony Search Algorithm (HSA).

Research paper thumbnail of Perbandingan Keakuratan Dari Model Tabel Distribusi Frekuensi Berkelompok Antara Metode Sturges Dan Metode Scott

Talenta Conference Series. Science and Technology, Oct 17, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Pemakaian Peluang Dalam Membuat Keputusan: Suatu Tinjauan Dalam Masalah Grosir

Research paper thumbnail of Modelling of risk factors that influence malaria infection using Binary Logistic Regression

Journal of physics, 2023

Malaria is a parasitic disease that is currently endemic in many countries, including in Indonesi... more Malaria is a parasitic disease that is currently endemic in many countries, including in Indonesia. Batubara District in North Sumatera is one of the malaria-endemic areas. This study was conducted to make a mathematical model based on risk factors that influence malaria infection. The data used is secondary data from other researchers. The method used to model risk factors that influence malaria infection is the binary logistic regression with a categorical response variable, namely diagnosis by microscopic examination. There are 10 variable predictors; mosquito nets (X 1), quality use of mosquito nets (X 2), condition of the livingenvironment (X 3), knowledge (X 4), attitudes (X 5), actions (X 6), quality of health workers (X 7), use of mosquito coils (X8), use of topical insect repellent (X 9), and access of health workers (X 10). Maximum likelihood estimation is used to findout the parameter estimates. From the 10 predictor variables studied, it was found that only 8 variables had a significant effect on the model. Based on the odds ratio, the most significant variable is the quality of health workers with 16,5. The ability of predictor variables in explaining the response variable in the model is 87, 8%. The classification function in this study is 96, 3%.

Research paper thumbnail of Spatial regression model of poverty in the province of North Sumatera on 2017

Journal of physics, 2023

The research is done to determine the model of poverty in the Province of North Sumatera with spa... more The research is done to determine the model of poverty in the Province of North Sumatera with spatial regression, to analyze the factors that affect it and to definite the effective spatial regression in analyzing it. Spatial regression used is Spatial Autoregressive Model (SAR). The data used is secondary data from Statistics Indonesia of Province of North Sumatra. The result shows that predictor variables which affect the response variable are The Index of Human Development (X 3) and The Percentage of Population Destiny (X 4). The value of (R 2) is 72,78%.

Research paper thumbnail of A simulation based teaching method to explain the concept of probability theory; an alternative learning method

Journal of physics, Oct 1, 2019

lim , assumed the limit exists. This paper proves the existence of limit for the relative frequen... more lim , assumed the limit exists. This paper proves the existence of limit for the relative frequency as the number of trials goes infinitely through simulation. This simulation can finally be used as an alternative learning method in understanding the concept of probability.

Research paper thumbnail of Model selection in regression linear: a simulation based on akaike’s information criterion

Journal of physics, Oct 1, 2019

Akaike's Information Criterion (AIC) was firstly annunced by Akaike in 1971. In linear regression... more Akaike's Information Criterion (AIC) was firstly annunced by Akaike in 1971. In linear regression modelling, AIC is proposed as a model selection criterion since it estimates the quality of each model relative to other models. In this paper we domonstrate the use of AIC criterion to estimate p, the number of selected varibles in regression linear model through a simulation study. We simulate two particular cases, namely orthogonal and non-orthogonal cases. The orthogonal case is run where there is totally no correlation between any independent variable and one dependent variable, whereas for the the orthogonal case is run where there is a correlation between some independent variables and one dependent variable. The simulation results are used to investigate of the overestimate number of independent variables selected in the model for two cases. Although the two cases produce the oversetimate number ofindependent variables, most of the time the orthogonal case still provide less overestimate of independent variables than the non orthogonal case.

Research paper thumbnail of An Approach Based on Active Constraint Strategy for Solving The Portfolio Optimization Problem

Journal of physics, Aug 1, 2019

The mathematical model of portfolio optimization has been largely written in terms of minimizing ... more The mathematical model of portfolio optimization has been largely written in terms of minimizing the risk, given the return.The difficulty of this model is to deal with the quadratic programming model due to Markowitz. This situation has been overcome by the recent progress in algorithmic research, and the introduction of linear risk function. This paper deals with the portfolio selection problem with minimum transaction lots. A neighbourhood search algorithm based on active constrained strategy is proposed to solve the mixed integer programming model. The algorithm starts from the solution of the relaxed problem to find a solution which is close to the continuous solution.

Research paper thumbnail of Simulation method of model selection based on Mallows’ Cp Criteria in linier regression

Journal of physics, Dec 1, 2018

The selection of models involving many independent variables is one of the studies on linear regr... more The selection of models involving many independent variables is one of the studies on linear regression modeling. If there are k independent variables, then there are as many as 2 k the number of models to be observed and selected as good as the final model. The increasing number of all models to be studied with the increase of independent variables is the fundamental issue that needs to be determined in selection criteria. This paper reviews the Mallow's Cp Criteria that is often overestimate the number of independent variables selected in the model. The number of selected variables in the model using Mallow's Cp criteria is performed by simulation. The simulation is run in two cases, one for the case where there is a correlation between some independent variables and one dependent variable, whereas the second case is the absence of correlation between some independent variables and one dependent variable. The simulation results are used to investigate the overestimate number of independent variables selected in the model.

Research paper thumbnail of A framework of nonparametric regression to predict natural gas demand

Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Regresi Data Panel Dengan Pendekatan Common Effect Model (CEM), Fixed Effect Model (FEM) dan Random Effect Model (REM) (Studi Kasus : IPM Sumatera Utara Periode 2014 – 2020)

FARABI Jurnal Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika, Dec 29, 2022

Analisis regresi data panel merupakan perpaduan diantara informasi cross section serta time serie... more Analisis regresi data panel merupakan perpaduan diantara informasi cross section serta time series. Pemanfaatan data panel dapat memaknai dua macam data, yaitu data antar unit dan antar waktu. IPM merupakan penanda yang terpenting adalah menetapkan hasil pada usaha menciptakan hakikat kehidupan manusia, IPM pun mampu menetapkan posisi dan tingkat kemajuan sebuah negara. Studi ini berencana untuk memutuskan model regresi data panel terbaik dan elemen-elemen yang pada dasarnya mempengaruhi IPM di Sumatera Utara. Dalam regresi data panel, ada tiga model penilaian, khususnya CEM, FEM dan REM. Strategi CEM merupakan teknik yang mengharapkan jika intercept dan slope setiap subjek dan setiap kali adalah sesuatu yang serupa, teknik FEM menerima bahwa blok berbeda di antara subjek dan kemiringan adalah sesuatu yang sangat mirip di antara subjek, sedangkan strategi REM menerima bahwa faktor pengganggu mempunyai korelasi antar waktu dan antar subjek. Dari analisis yang telah dilakukan, model regresi data panel terbaik adalah dengan menggunakan Common Effect Model (CEM). Angka harapan hidup, Harapan Lama Sekolah, Rata-rata Lama Sekolah, konsumsi per kapita, dan Persentase penduduk miskin mempengaruhi IPM di Sumatera Utara sebesar 92,71% dan model kondisi penilaian sebagai berikut: ̂i t = 12,

Research paper thumbnail of Aplikasi Software Dalam Analisis Regressi

Research paper thumbnail of Perencanaan Jumlah Produksi Mie Instan Dengan Penegasan (Defuzzifikasi)Centroid Fuzzy Mamdani

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Estimasi Perubahan Minat Mahasiswa Universitas Sumatera Utara Terhadap Tujuh Operator GSM

Abstrak. Rantai Markov adalah rangkaian proses kejadian di mana peluang bersyarat kejadian yang a... more Abstrak. Rantai Markov adalah rangkaian proses kejadian di mana peluang bersyarat kejadian yang akan datang hanya tergantung pada kejadian yang sekarang dan tidak tergantung pada kejadian lalu. Secara Matematika dapat dituliskan sebagai berikut : P (X n+1 = j | Xn = in, X n−1 = i n−1 ,. .. , X 0 = i 0) = P (X n+1 = j | Xn = in) = p ij untuk semua state i 0 , i 1 , i 2 ,. .. , i n−1 , i, j, dan semua n ≥ 0. Dalam penelitian ini Rantai Markov digunakan untuk memperkirakan peluang perpindahan dari satu operator GSM ke operator GSM lain serta memperkirakan pangsa pasar dari masing-masing operator.Di mana diperoleh bahwa peluang seorang responden dalam memilih GSM akan berubah dalam periode waktu tertentu sampai akhirnya mencapai titik setimbang pada periode n atau lebih mendekati vektor Steady state.Dan hasil perkiraan pangsa pasar diperoleh bahwa operator GSM AS, Simpati dan XL akan lebih dominan menguasai pasar, sementara GSM Mentari, Tri, dan AXIS tidak terlalu diminati dimana proporsi dari ketiga GSM tersebut menguasai pasar hanya dibawah 5%.